Man Linux: Main Page or Section #1 (Posix)

Section #1 (List of General Commands)

0alias - create quick scripts to run 0launch
0desktop - add programs to the desktop environment
0launch - download and run programs by URL
0store - manage the implementation cache
0store-secure-add - add an implementation to the system cache
xml2 - convert xml documents in a flat format
2d-slam-demo - A didactical GUI application to learn how 2D SLAM works
xml2 - convert xml documents in a flat format
nash - find nash equilibria of two person noncooperative games
2vcard - convert addressbooks to VCARD format
xml2 - convert xml documents in a flat format
3depict - 3D point + scalar data visualisation
3dgf - 3-D Graphing Functions
3ds2lev-1.4 - Crystalspace tool
3ds2lev - Crystalspace tool
3ds2mgf - Autodesk 3D Studio to Raytracer file Translator
3dsdump - Displays information about the internal structure of a 3DS
3dtopos - produce a .pos file from a .3d file
404main - check if all build dependencies of a package are in main
411toppm - convert Sony Mavica .411 image to ppm
4g8 - Packet Capture and Interception for Switched Networks
4xml - command-line tool for working with XML documents
4xpath - command-line tool for performing XPath queries on XML
4xslt - command-line tool for performing XSLT transformations on XML
4xupdate - command-line tool for performing XUpdates on XML documents
6tunnel - tunnelling for application that don’t speak IPv6
7za - A file archiver with highest compression ratio
7z - A file archiver with highest compression ratio
7zr - A file archiver with highest compression ratio
9mount, 9bind, 9umount - mount/unmount 9p filesystems
9menu - create a menu to run commands
9mount, 9bind, 9umount - mount/unmount 9p filesystems
9mount, 9bind, 9umount - mount/unmount 9p filesystems
9wm - 8-1/2-like Window Manager for X
a2crd - attempts the conversion of lyrics file into chordii input
a2j_control - utility to control a2jmidid daemon
a2jmidi_bridge - static bridge with one ALSA playback port and one JACK
a2jmidid - JACK MIDI daemon for ALSA MIDI
a2mp3 - program to optimize your music for your mp3 player
a2p - Awk to Perl translator -- convert between PS, EPS and PDF and other page description
a2ps - format files for printing on a PostScript printer
a2psj - perl version of Miguel Santana’s a2ps (support KANJI)
a2ps-lpr-wrapper - lp/lpr wrapper script for GNU a2ps on Debian
a2x - A toolchain manager for AsciiDoc (converts Asciidoc text files to
a52dec - decode ATSC A/52 audio streams
a5booklet - copy two A5 pages from a .dvi file to one A4 page in
aa3d - An ASCII art stereogram generator
aafigure - convert ASCII art to an image
aafire, aainfo, aasavefont, aatest - aalib example programs
aaflip - An ASCII art video player
aa - astronomical almanac
aafire, aainfo, aasavefont, aatest - aalib example programs
aajm - ascii art jugglemaster
aalib-config - script to get information about the installed version of
aaphoto - automatic color correction of photos
aap, a powerful build tool
aafire, aainfo, aasavefont, aatest - aalib example programs
aafire, aainfo, aasavefont, aatest - aalib example programs
aatv - a program to watch TV in a text-based console
aaxine - an ASCII art video player
abakus - A simple keyboard-driven calculator
abby - front-end for cclive and clive
abc2abc - a simple abc checker/re-formatter/transposer
abc2ly - manual page for abc2ly (LilyPond) 2.12.3
abc2midi - converts abc file to MIDI file(s)
abcde - Grab an entire CD and compress it to Ogg/Vorbis, MP3, FLAC,
abcm2ps - translate ABC music notation to PostScript
abcmatch - search sequences of notes in an ABC file
YAPS - converts an abc file to a PostScript file
ab - Apache HTTP server benchmarking tool
abicheck - check application binaries for calls to private or evolving
abi-compliance-checker - Compare ABI/binary compatibility for C/C++
abinis - Sequential version of ABINIT
abiword - flexible cross-platform word processor
abook - text-based address book program
abr2gbr - Converts PhotoShop and Paint Shop Pro brushes to GIMP
abraca - XMMS2 client for the GNOME desktop
ac3dec - AC-3 stream decoder
atool - A script for managing file archives of various types
accept_check -
ACCERCISER - an interactive accessibility explorer.
vadm - manipulate and administer version object base
acetoneiso - feature-rich graphical application to mount and manage
acgvision-agent - acgvision-agent monitoring client.
acheck - Check common localization mistakes
achilles - OpenGL simulation of artificial life and evolution
ac - print statistics about users' connect time
ack - Kanji code converter
acl2 - A Computational Logic
rsbac-admin - Rule Set Based Access Control
rsbac-admin - Rule Set Based Access Control
rsbac-admin - Rule Set Based Access Control
acl_mask - View or set an object’s mask for right inheritance
aclocal - automatically generate aclocal.m4 from
aclocal - manual page for aclocal 1.11.1
aclocal - automatically generate aclocal.m4 from
aclocal - automatically generate aclocal.m4 from
aclocal - automatically generate aclocal.m4 from
AClock - Analog dockapp clock for GNUstep
acl.php - manages Access Control Lists (ACLs) for CakePHP applications
rsbac-admin - Rule Set Based Access Control
acl_rm_user - remove all groups and memberships of a user
rsbac-admin - Rule Set Based Access Control
aconnectgui — FLTK based frontend for aconnect -
aconnect - ALSA sequencer connection manager
acpi_available - test whether ACPI subsystem is available
acpidump - dump a system’s ACPI tables to an ASCII file
acpi_fakekey - acpi event wrapper
acpi - Shows battery status and other ACPI information
acpitail - Show ACPI information in a tail-like style
acpitool - a Linux ACPI client, allowing you to query or set ACPI
acpidump - dump a system’s ACPI tables to an ASCII file
acyclic - make directed graph acyclic
ad2oLschema - Converts AC-like LDAP schemas to OpenLDAP compatible
ada2wsdl - Generate a WDSL document from an Ada package specification
adabrowse - Generate fully cross-referenced HTML rendering of Ada 95
generic_count - count physical lines of code, given a comment marker
adactl - Ada rules controller
adasockets-config - script to get information about the installed
adb2mhc - Convert ADB DB of HP200LX into MHC format
ctn_manpage - Generic CTN manual page
add-apt-repository - Adds a repository into the /etc/apt/sources.list
addcr - inserts a CR (yyyyy15) before each LF (yyyyy12)
adddebug - Modifies Makefile(s) to add debug info - program to add datasources to an existing RRD
addedgeg - For each edge e, output G-e
addftinfo - add information to troff font files for use with groff
addld - Lexicon yyyyyamp; Dictionary module creation tool for SWORD Project
addr2line - convert addresses into file names and line numbers.
addr2name, name2addr - perform DNS lookups from scripts
AddressManager - Personal address manager for GNUstep
ADDRESSTOOL - Command-line utility for the Addresses framework
addrinfo - Resolve network services
add_txrx - add two new Data Sources called ’tx’ and ’rx’ to an RRD file
addwords - Adding words to specified dictionary collectively
adesklets_checkin - manual page for adesklets_checkin 0.6.1
adesklets - manual page for adesklets 0.6.1
adesklets_installer - manual page for adesklets_installer 0.5.1
adesklets_submit - manual page for adesklets_submit 0.6.1
ADGNUMAILCONVERTER - Convert GNUMail addresses to Addresses format
ad - Netatalk compatible UNIX file utility suite.
atool - A script for managing file archives of various types
adinrec -
adintool -
admesh - Processing triangulated solid meshes
adp - afnix documentation processor
adplay - AdPlay/UNIX console-based OPL2 audio player
adplugdb - AdPlug database maintenance utility
ADSERVERR - Simple address book server
adtool - Active Directory administration tool
adt-run - test an installed binary package using the package’s tests
adt-testreport-onepackage - choose one package and test it with adt-run
adt-testreport-runloop - repeatedly choose and test packages
adt-virt-chroot - autopkgtest virtualisation server using a chroot
adt-virt-null - autopkgtest null virtualisation server
adt-virt-xenlvm - autopkgtest virtualisation server using Xen and LVM
AdunCore - core module of the Adun molecular simulator
AdunServer - server for the Adun molecular simulator
advdef ‐ AdvanceCOMP Deflate Compression Utility -
create_compressed_fs, extract_compressed_fs - convert and extract a
advi -- a DVI previewer and presenter ( with -
advmng ‐ AdvanceCOMP MNG Compression Utility -
advpng ‐ AdvanceCOMP PNG Compression Utility -
advzip ‐ AdvanceCOMP ZIP Compression Utility -
adzapper2ab - adzapper to Mozilla AdBlock generation utility
adzapper2konq - adzapper to Konqueror AdBlocK generation utility
adzapper - squid_redirect advertisement zapper
adzapper.wrapper - squid_redirect advertisement zapper wrapper
aeannotate - annotated source file listing
aegis build - build a change
aebuffy - watch for changes
aegis change attributes - modify the attributes of a change
aecat - display an aewan document
aegis change directory - change directory
aecho - send AppleTalk Echo Protocol packets to network hosts
aegis change owner - set change owner
ae_c - set change number
aegis clEan - clean files from development directory
aegis clone - make an exact copy of a change
aecomp - compare two changes
aecomplete - command completion
aegis copy file - copy a file into a change
aegis copy file undo - reverse action of aecp
ae-cvs-ci - checkin a change set to CVS
aecvsserver - serve CVS client protocol against Aegis projects
aegis develop begin - begin development of a change
aegis develop begin undo - undo the effects of aedb
aegis develop end - complete development of a change
aede-policy - check change set is ready for aede
aegis develop end undo - recall a change for further development
aegis difference - find differences between a change and the baseline
ae_diff2htm - wraps the diff2html command
aediff - file differences between deltas
aedist - remotely distribute a change
aegis delta name - assign a symbolic name to a project delta
aeedit - edit a change’s files
aee - another (easy) editor
aegis file attributes - modify the attributes of a file
aefind - search for files in directory hierarchy
aefinish - finish a change
aefp - calculate file fingerprint
aeget - Aegis CGI file access
aegis - project change supervisor
aegis integrate begin - begin integrating a change
aegis integrate begin undo - reverse the aeib command
aegis integrate fail - fail a change integration
aeimport - import foreign repository into Aegis
aeintegratq - integrate changes into projects
aegis integrate pass - pass a change integration
aelcf - list change files
aegis list - list (possibly) interesting things
aelock - take a lock while a command runs
aelpf - list project files
aels - annotated directory listing
aemakeflic - produce an animation from an aewan document
aemeasure - simple file metrics
aegis make transparent - make branch file transparent
aegis make transparent undo - no longer make branch file transparent
aegis move file - rename one or more files as part of a change
aegis move file undo - undo the rename a file as part of a change
aegis new administrator - add a new administrator to a project
aegis new branch - create a new branch
aegis new branch undo - remove a branch
aegis new change - add a new change to a project
aegis new change undo - remove a new change from a project
aegis new developer - add new developers to a project
aegis new file - add new files to be created by a change
aegis new file undo - remove new files from a change
aegis new integrator - add new integrators to a project
aegis new project alias - create a new project alias
aegis new project - create a new project
aegis new release - create a new project from an old-style project.
aegis new reviewer - add new reviewers to a project
aegis new test - add a new test to a change
aegis new test undo - remove new tests from a change
aegis project attributes - modify the attributes of a project
aepatch - send and receive changes as patches
ae_p - set project name
aepromptcmd - change prompt color by change state
aegis remove administrator - remove administrators from a project
aegis review begin - begin a change review
aegis review begin undo - stop reviewing a change
aegis remove developer - remove developers from a project
aerect - draw a rectangle
ae-repo-ci - redundant repository checkin
aegis report - report generator
aerevml - send and receive RevML change sets
aegis review fail - fail a change review
aegis report - report generator
aegis remove integrator - remove integrators from a project
aegis remove file - add files to be deleted to a change
aegis remove project - remove project
aegis remove file undo - remove files to be deleted from a change
aegis remove project alias - remove a project alias
aegis review pass - pass a change review
aegis review pass undo - rescind a change review pass
aegis remove reviewer - remove reviewers from a project
aes2501 — program to acquire fingerprints from aes2501 scanner -
ae-sccs-put - put sccs version
aesfix - Correct bit errors in an AES key schedules
aeskulap - OpenSource DICOM Viewer
aespipe - AES encrypting or decrypting pipe
aesub - substitute and echo strings
aesubunit - run SubUnit tests
aesvt - simple version tool
aetar - remotely distribute a change via tar
aegis test - run tests
aegis version - give version information
aewan - An ascii-art editor
aexml - Aegis database to XML
aexver - graphical file history
afcat - Output contents of an image file to stdout.
afclient - active port forwarder client
afetch - retrieve an alignment from an alignment database
Affiche - an application to "stick" little notes on the desktop
afio - manipulate archives and files
afm2afm - reencode an afm file
afm2pl - convert AFM font metrics to TeX pl font metrics
afm2tfm - convert Adobe font metrics to TeX font metrics
afmtodit - create font files for use with groff -Tps
afserver - active port forwarder server
afs - Introduction to AFS commands
afslog - obtain AFS tokens
afsmonitor - Monitors File Servers and Cache Managers
afs-up - Recursively copy directories, preserving AFS metadata
afterimage-config - script to get information about the installed
afterimage-libs - script to get information about the installed version
aft - "free form" document preparation system
AFUSE - automounting file system implemented in user-space using FUSE
Agave - colorscheme designer for the gnome desktop
agedu - correlate disk usage with last-access times to identify large
aggregate - optimise a list of route prefixes to help make nice short
aggregate-ios - optimise a concatenated set of cisco/IOS prefix filters
rancid - Cisco configuration filter
agrep - search a file for a string or regular expression, with
agsync — mediates a AvantGo session between an AvantGo server and an -
agtl - tool for paperless geocaching
AICCU - Automatic IPv6 Connectivity Configuration Utility
aide-attributes - decode and compare hex-encoded attribute numbers
aide - Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment
lid - Query ID database and report results
Aiksaurus - English-language thesaurus
aimage - tool to create forensic copy of a device in aff format.
ainsl - AppendIfNoSuchLine
airbase-ng - multi-purpose tool aimed at attacking clients as opposed
aircrack-ng - a 802.11 WEP / WPA-PSK key cracker
airdecap-ng - decrypt a WEP/WPA crypted pcap file
airuncloak-ng - Removes wep cloaked framed from a pcap file.
airdriver-ng - automatically install/uninstall and patch drivers and
aireplay-ng - inject packets into a wireless network to generate
airmon-ng - bash script designed to turn wireless cards into monitor
airodump-ng - a wireless packet capture tool for aircrack-ng
airolib-ng - manage and create a WPA/WPA2 pre-computed hashes tables
airport2-config - Configurator for the Apple AirPort Extreme Base
airport2-ipinspector - WAN monitoring utility for the Apple AirPort
airport2-portinspector - Port maps inspector for the Apple AirPort
airport-config - Configurator for the original Apple AirPort Base
airport-hostmon - Host monitor for the original Apple AirPort Base
airport-linkmon - Wireless link quality monitor for the original Apple
airport-modem - Modem monitoring and hangup utility for the original
airserv-ng - a wireless card server
airtun-ng - a virtual tunnel interface creator for aircrack-ng
aj, aj5 — command-line launchers for load-time weaving -
ajaxterm - Web based terminal written in python
ajbrowser — GUI to compile programs with ajc and navigate crosscutting -
ajc — compiler and bytecode weaver for the AspectJ and Java languages -
ajdoc — generate HTML API documentation, including crosscutting -
aj, aj5 — command-line launchers for load-time weaving -
ajlatex - latex command with japanese support of ASCII version
ajtex - tex command with japanese support of ASCII version
aklog - Obtain tokens for authentication to AFS
al, al2 - Mono Assembly Linker
al, al2 - Mono Assembly Linker
alacarte - edit menus
alarm-clock-applet - Alarm Clock for your notification area
alarmclock - Alarm Clock for GTK+ Environments
alarm - set the alarm power time and or date of a Toshiba laptop
album - Make a web photo album
albumshaper - a drag-n-drop photo album manager
albumshaper - a drag-n-drop photo album manager
alcc - text based ED2K links calculator for aMule
aLinkCreator - the aMule ED2k link creator
aldo - A fully console morse code trainer written in ISO C++.
ale - a synthetic capture engine and renderer
ale - a synthetic capture engine and renderer
aleph - extended unicode TeX
alevt-cap - simple capture of teletext pages
alevt-date - display/set time received via Teletext
alevtd - webserver for videotext pages
alexandria - a book collection manager
alex - the lexical analyser generator for Haskell
alfilldb - Add/update information of music files in the AudioLink
al, al2 - Mono Assembly Linker
ali2gff - Module to translate a MUMmer output files into gff formatted
mollist - get identifiers list
aliascheck - check for existence of mail alias
alien_hunter - Interpolated Variable Order Motifs for identification of
align_image_stack - Align overlapping images for HDR or focus stack
ali - list mail aliases
alistat - show statistics for a multiple alignment file
allcm - force the most important Computer-Modern-fonts to be calculated
allcm - force the most important Computer-Modern-fonts to be calculated
allegro-config - script to get information about the installed version
allegro-dev-tools - collection of useful tools for Allegro developers
allegro-examples - small example programs to demonstrate the power of
allegro-makedoc - script to generate Allegro documentation
alleyoop - Valgrind memory checker front-end for GNOME
allneeded - force the calculation of all fonts now needed
AllTray - Dock any program into the system tray.
almanah - small GTK+ diary application
alogg-config — script to get information about the installed -
clogin - Cisco/Foundry login script
alpine - an Alternatively Licensed Program for Internet News and Email
alpine - an Alternatively Licensed Program for Internet News and Email
alsactl - advanced controls for ALSA soundcard driver
alsamixergui — FLTK based frontend for alsamixer -
alsamixer - soundcard mixer for ALSA soundcard driver, with ncurses
alsaplayer - plays various sound files
alsearch - Search the AudioLink database for music
atool - A script for managing file archives of various types
alsoft-conf - OpenAL-Soft configuration utility
altair - simulate an altair computer
altairz80 - simulate an Altair Z80 computer
Alt-Ergo - An automatic theorem prover dedicated to program
altermime - MIME encoded email pack alteration tool
nvidia-settings - configure the NVIDIA graphics driver
nvidia-xconfig - manipulate X configuration files for the NVIDIA driver
nvidia-settings - configure the NVIDIA graphics driver
nvidia-xconfig - manipulate X configuration files for the NVIDIA driver
nvidia-settings - configure the NVIDIA graphics driver
nvidia-smi - NVIDIA System Management Interface program
nvidia-xconfig - manipulate X configuration files for the NVIDIA driver
amap - Protein multiple alignment by sequence annealing
amap - Protein multiple alignment by sequence annealing
amarokcollectionscanner - Collection Scanner for Amarok
amarok - The audio player for KDE
amarokmp3tunesharmonydaemon - Handles AutoSync for the MP3Tunes service
amavis-stats - generate e-mail statistics from amavisd-new (sys)log
ambdec - Ambisonic decoder for first and second order
ambdec - Ambisonic decoder for first and second order
addr2line - convert addresses into file names and line numbers.
ar - create, modify, and extract from archives
AS - the portable GNU assembler.
dlltool - Create files needed to build and use DLLs.
gprof - display call graph profile data
ld - The GNU linker
nlmconv - converts object code into an NLM.
nm - list symbols from object files
objcopy - copy and translate object files
objdump - display information from object files.
ranlib - generate index to archive.
readelf - Displays information about ELF files.
size - list section sizes and total size.
strings - print the strings of printable characters in files.
strip - Discard symbols from object files.
windmc - generates Windows message resources.
windres - manipulate Windows resources.
amd - afnix media dumper
amf-adm - perform an AMF admin operation
amf-find - find AMF objects
amf-state - configure attribute(s) for an IMM object
amideco - Decompress flashfiles equipped with an AMI BIOS
amide - AMIDE’s a Medical Image Data Examiner
amidi - read from and write to ALSA RawMIDI ports
amin - notify writers that you are busy
amispammer - The way to know if your MX IPs are blacklisted
amiwm - Amiga Workbench-like X Window Manager
amixer - command-line mixer for ALSA soundcard driver
amoeba - Fast-paced, polished OpenGL demonstration by Excess
Ampache - is a Web-based Audio file manager.
ample - Ample MP3 server
ams - A software synthesizer modeled after modular patching
amsn - An MSN messenger client written in Tcl
amsn-remote-CLI - program to connect to amsn remotely.
amsn-remote - sever to connect to amsn remotely.
amstex - structured text formatting and typesetting
amsynth -- program included in the DeMuDi distribution -
amtog - Read graphs in matrix format.
amtterm - Intel AMT serial-over-lan (sol) client.
amttool - remotely control Intel AMT managed machines.
amulecmd - Console-based program to control aMule
amuled - the all-platform eMule p2p client
amule-emc - list links inside emulecollection files
amulegui - aMule control program with GUI
amule - the all-platform eMule p2p client
amuleweb - aMule web server
anadock - cluster structures from Autodock runs
anadock - cluster structures from Autodock runs
analog - web server logfile analyser
analyseplugin - analyse plugin syntax
analyzer - program to analyze the music file(s) and put the data into
lipsia - Leipzig Image Processing and Statistical Inference Algorithms
andump - ACR/NEMA DICOM PS3 ... Describe ACR-NEMA file content
anjuta - GNOME Integrated Development Environment - GNOME Integrated Development Environment
anjuta-launcher - GNOME Integrated Development Environment
anki - flashcard program for language learning
anldp - implementation of Davis-Putnam propositional satisfiability
ann2fig - Dump ANN tree structure in Fig format
anno - annotate messages
libgd-tools - programs to convert between gd and other graphics formats
annotate-output - annotate program output with time and stream
annotationViewer - tool for viewing analysis results that have been
ann_sample - Sample program for the ANN library
ann_test - A test and evaluation program for the ANN library
anteater — a log analyser for MTA logfiles -
antennavis - Antenna Radiation Pattern Visualization Software
ant - a Java based make tool.
antiword - show the text and images of MS Word documents
antlr - ANother Tool for Language Recognition
ant-phone - an interactive ISDN telephone application
ANTS - part of ANTS registration suite
ANTSIntegrateVectorField - part of ANTS registration suite
ANTSJacobian - part of ANTS registration suite
ANTSUseDeformationFieldToGetAffineTransform - part of ANTS registration
ANTSUseLandmarkImagesToGetAffineTransform - part of ANTS registration
anubisadm ‐ interface for GNU Anubis database administration -
anubis -- an SMTP message submission daemon. -
anubisusr ‐ synchronize local and remote copies of the user’s RC file -
any2djvu - Convert .ps/.ps.gz/.pdf to .djvu
anycompress - use any CompLearn module data compressor to compress a
anydecompress - use any CompLearn module data compressor to decompress
anymeal - recipe database application
anypaper - front-end for wallpapersetter
anyremote2html - web interface for anyRemote acting as HTTP server
anyremote - control PC with Bluetooth cell phone
anytopnm - attempt to convert an unknown type of image file to a
aoeui - a lightweight visual editor optimized for the Dvorak keyboard
aoss - Wrapper script to facilitate use of the ALSA OSS compatibility
apache2nwconf - converts apache’s configuration to nanoweb format
apachetop - display real-time web server statistics
atool - A script for managing file archives of various types
abps - Adaptive Poisson Boltzmann Solver
apertium-deshtml - This application is part of ( apertium )
apertium-desodt - This application is part of ( apertium )
apertium-despptx - This application is part of ( apertium )
apertium-desrtf - This application is part of ( apertium )
apertium-destxt - This application is part of ( apertium )
apertium-deswxml - This application is part of ( apertium )
apertium-desxlsx - This application is part of ( apertium )
apertium-filter-ambiguity - This application is part of ( apertium )
apertium-gen-deformat - This application is part of ( apertium )
apertium-gen-lextorbil - This application is part of ( apertium )
apertium-gen-lextormono - This application is part of ( apertium )
apertium-gen-modes - This application is part of ( apertium )
apertium-gen-reformat - This application is part of ( apertium )
apertium-gen-stopwords-lextor - This application is part of ( apertium
apertium-gen-wlist-lextor - This application is part of ( apertium )
apertium-gen-wlist-lextor-translation - This application is part of (
apertium - This application is part of ( apertium )
apertium-interchunk - This application is part of ( apertium )
apertium-lextor - This application is part of ( apertium )
apertium-multiple-translations - This application is part of ( apertium
apertium-postchunk - This application is part of ( apertium )
apertium-preprocess-corpus-lextor - This application is part of (
apertium-preprocess-transfer - This application is part of ( apertium )
apertium-pretransfer - This application is part of ( apertium )
apertium-rehtml - This application is part of ( apertium )
apertium-reodt - This application is part of ( apertium )
apertium-repptx - This application is part of ( apertium )
apertium-rertf - This application is part of ( apertium )
apertium-retxt - This application is part of ( apertium )
apertium-rewxml - This application is part of ( apertium )
apertium-rexlsx - This application is part of ( apertium )
apertium-tagger-apply-new-rules - This application is part of (
apertium-tagger - This application is part of ( apertium )
apertium-tolk - This application is part of ( apertium )
apertium-transfer - This application is part of ( apertium )
apertium-unformat - This application is part of ( apertium )
apertium-validate-acx - This application is part of ( apertium )
apertium-validate-dictionary - This application is part of ( apertium )
apertium-validate-interchunk - This application is part of ( apertium )
apertium-validate-modes - This application is part of ( apertium )
apertium-validate-postchunk - This application is part of ( apertium )
apertium-validate-tagger - This application is part of ( apertium )
apertium-validate-transfer - This application is part of ( apertium )
apf - easy iptables based firewall system
apgbfm - APG Bloom filter management program
apgdiff - Another PostgreSQL Diff Tool
apg - generates several random passwords
arecord, aplay - command-line sound recorder and player for ALSA
aplaymidi - play Standard MIDI Files
apm_available - test whether APM subsystem is available
apm - interface with the APM subsystem
apmsleep - go into suspend or standby mode and wake-up later
apol - SELinux policy analysis tool
achfile - change type and/or creator of Apple Macintosh files (netatalk
apple_cp - Do an apple copy, copying file metadata and the resource
apple_dump - Dump AppleSingle/AppleDouble format file
afile - display type and creator of Apple Macintosh files (netatalk
apple_mv - Do an apple move, moving metadata and the resource fork as
apple_rm - Do an apple remove, remove metadata and resource fork as
Coherence - Is a Python UPnP framework which enabling your application
applyplugin - apply LADSPA plugin to an audio file
appmake - The z88dk application generator
apport-bug, apport-collect - file a bug report using Apport, or update
apport-chroot - Create and use chroots for apport retracing
apport-cli, apport-gtk, apport-kde - Apport user interfaces for
apport-bug, apport-collect - file a bug report using Apport, or update
apport-retrace - regenerate a crash report's stack trace
apport-unpack - extract the fields of a problem report to separate
appres - list X application resource database
apr-1-config - Return metainformation about apr library
apr-1-config - Return metainformation about apr library
apropos - search the manual page names and descriptions
aps2file - printing to a file via apsfilter
apsfilter-bug - create a half-automatic bug report for apsfilter
apsfilter - magic print filter with auto file type recognition
apspreview - preview PostScript file(s) as generated by apsfilter
apt-build - Fetch sources and build packages optimized for your
apt-cacher - caching proxy for Debian packages
apt-cross - apt support for cross compiling libraries
apt-dater-host - a network system supporting team.
aptdcon - command line client for aptdaemon
aptd - package managing daemon proving a D-Bus interface
apt-extracttemplates - Utility to extract DebConf config and templates
apt-file - APT package searching utility -- command-line interface
apt-ftparchive - Utility to generate index files
apt-get-build-depends - apt-get install build depends
apt-grip - extend Emdebian Grip to add Debian packages on-the-fly
apticron - Generate a mail listing packages which are pending an
aptitude-create-state-bundle - bundle the current aptitude state
aptitude-run-state-bundle - unpack an aptitude state bundle and invoke
apt-listchanges — Show new changelog entries from Debian package -
apt-mirror - apt sources mirroring tool
aptoncd - CD/DVD-based repository creator for debian packages
Aptsh - interactive APT shell
apt-show-source - Lists source-packages.
apt-sortpkgs - Utility to sort package index files
apt-transport-debtorrent -- an APT transport for communicating with -
apvlv - PDF viewer with vim-like behaviour
apwal - powerful application launcher
aqbanking-config - A little program to output installation paths
aqemu - Qt4 front-end to QEMU and KVM emulators
aqhbci-tool4 - Command line tools for setup, modification and debugging
aqsis - 3D renderer adhering to the RenderMan standard
aqsl - aqsis shader compiler
aqsltell - aqsis shader inspector
aqualung - Music player for GNU/Linux
ar86 - Create, modify, and extract from archive file
ara - a utility for doing boolean regexp queries on the the Debian
rancid - Cisco configuration filter
arandr - visual front end for XRandR 1.2
ARAnyM - Atari Running on Any Machine
ARAnyM - Atari Running on Any Machine
ARAnyM - Atari Running on Any Machine with 68040 MMU enabled
ARanyM - Atari Running on Any Machine
arbtt-capture - collect data samples for arbtt
arbtt-dump - dumps arbtt data samples
arbtt-import - imports dumped arbtt data samples
arbtt-recover - tries to recover a broken arbtt data log
arbtt-stats - generate statistics from the arbtt data samples
arccat - ARC Catenate
arcclean - ARC Clean
arccp - copy files
arcdecision - ARC client to PDP service
arcecho - ARC echo client
arcget - ARC Get
arch2rad - convert Architrion text file to RADIANCE description
archfs - filesystem for rdiff-backup repositories
arch - print machine hardware name (same as uname -m)
ctn_manpage - Generic CTN manual page
ctn_manpage - Generic CTN manual page
archivemail - archive and compress your old email
ctn_manpage - Generic CTN manual page
archmage - CHM(Compiled HTML) Decompressor.
archmbox - a simple email archiver
archpath - output arch (tla/Bazaar) archive names, with support for
arcinfo - ARC Info
arckill - ARC Kill
arcls - list files or directories
arcmigrate - ARC Migration
arcplugin - ARC plugin management utility
arcproxy - ARC Credentials Proxy generation utility
arcrenew - ARC Proxy Renewal
arcresub - ARC Resubmission
arcresume - ARC Resume
arcrm - delete files
arcslcs - ARC Credentials short-lived credential generation utility
arcsrmping - SRM ping client
arcstat - ARC Status
arcsub - ARC Submission
arcsync - ARC Synchronize
arcwsrf - run WSRF query against service
arduino - an IDE and uploader for Arduino development boards.
arecord, aplay - command-line sound recorder and player for ALSA
arecordmidi - record Standard MIDI Files
arename - automatically rename audio files by tagging information
atool - A script for managing file archives of various types
argomail2dlf - converts ArGoSoft Mail Server log files to the email DLF
argv0 - runs a program with a specified 0th argument.
ar - create, modify, and extract from archives
aria2c - The ultra fast download utility
aribas - Multiprecision Arithmetic Interpreter
ario - Graphical client for Music Player Daemon
arista-gtk - graphical interface for Arista Transcoder
arista-transcode - multimedia transcoding tool for the GNOME Desktop
arjdisp - ARJ simple graphical interface
arj - Archiver for .arj files
arj-register - Register the ARJ archiver
ark - KDE archiving tool
arm2hpdl - Add HP download header/trailer to an ARM ELF binary.
armada-backlight - Adjust Compaq Armada backlight
arno-fwfilter - a filter script to make firewall log more readable for
arora-cacheinfo - a tool for extracting files and metadata out of Arora
Arora - Lightweight web browser based on Qt and WebKit
arora-placesimport - a tool for importing browser history from Firefox
arpaname - translate IP addresses to the corresponding ARPA names
arp-fingerprint - Fingerprint a system using ARP
arp-scan - The ARP scanner
rancid - Cisco configuration filter
array-info - check the status of a HP (Compaq) SmartArray controller
arrayprobe - command line HP (Compaq) SmartArray status checker
Artemis - interactive EXAFS data analysis
Artha - An cross-platform thesaurus based on WordNet
artsmessage — Utility to display aRts error messages -
as10k1 - assembler for the emu10k1(emu10k2) DSP
as31 - An Intel 8031/8051 assembler
as86 - Assembler for 8086..80386 processors
asc2xml - convert yyyyyamp;#nnn; entities to UTF-8
ascdc - AfterStep CD changer
ascd - An AfterStep and WindowMaker CD player
ascii2binary - Convert ASCII numbers to binary
ascii2uni - convert 7-bit ASCII representations to UTF-8 Unicode
asciidoc - converts an AsciiDoc text file to HTML or DocBook
ascii - report character aliases
asciitopgm - convert ASCII graphics into a portable graymap
aview - A high quality ASCII art image viewer
ascii-xfr - upload/download files using the ASCII protocol
asdfg - a lightweight visual editor optimized for the QWERTY keyboard
aseqdump - show the events received at an ALSA sequencer port
aseqnet - ALSA sequencer connectors over network
sfxload, asfxload - load a SoundFont file on the Emux WaveTable
ASxxxx - Series of microprocessor cross assemblers for SDCC.
ASxxxx - Series of microprocessor cross assemblers for SDCC.
dash - command interpreter (shell)
AS - the portable GNU assembler. - Queries AFP servers for their capabilities
asistant - interactive command-line ASIS tool
askmara - do simple dns queries
ASLINK - companion linker for the ASxxxx assemblers.
asmail - the AfterStep e-mail monitor
*_count - count physical lines of code, in each input file
asmixer - the AfterStep Mixer
asmix - the AfterStep volume control knob
asmon - A system resource monitor dockapp for Afterstep and WindowMaker
asmping - check if you can receive IPv4/IPv6 multicast data from an
asn1c - ASN.1 Compiler
asn1Coding - ASN.1 DER encoder
asn1Decoding - ASN.1 DER decoder
asn1Parser - ASN.1 syntax tree generator for libtasn1
asn2all - generate reports from ASN.1 biological data
asn2asn - convert NCBI data between text and binary ASN.1
asn2deb - create a Debian package for BER monitoring from ASN.1
asn2ff - convert ASN.1 biological data to a flat format (old version)
asn2fsa - convert biological sequence data from ASN.1 to FASTA
asn2gb - convert ASN.1 biological data to a GenBank-style flat format
asn2idx - index ASN.1 Bioseq-sets for fast access to individual
asn2xml - translate biological data from ASN.1 to XML
asndhuff - decompress compressed ASN.1 (CASN) files
asntool - process ASN.1 module specifications
asnval - validate ASN.1 biological sequence records
aspell - interactive spell checker
aspell-import - import old personal dictionaries into GNU Aspell
asp - find an host IP address by its name
aspline - Akima spline interpolation
XSP - Mono ASP.NET Session State Server
XSP - Mono ASP.NET Session State Server
XSP - Mono ASP.NET Session State Server
as_run - as_run command
assa-genesis - generates skeleton files for RAD development with ASSA
ass - autonomous system scanner
sgbdemos - Examples of the use of The Stanford GraphBase
assistant-qt4 - on-line documentation browser for Qt4
assoGiate - modify the detection and display of file types
astk - launch the astk GUI
astman -- a client to asterisk’s manager interface -
astyle - indentation and reformatting filters for C, C++, C#, Java
asunder - graphical audio CD ripper and encoder
aswiki_setup - aswiki setup utility for Debian
ASxxxx - Series of microprocessor cross assemblers for SDCC.
ASxxxx - Series of microprocessor cross assemblers for SDCC.
asy - Asymptote: a script-based vector graphics language
ASxxxx - Series of microprocessor cross assemblers for SDCC.
ataglist - print audio file metadata in an easily parsable format
atari800 - Atari 800 Emulator, Version 2.1.0
atari-hd-image - tool for creating a harddisk image for use with Hatari
aterm - a VT102 emulator for the X window system
aterm - a VT102 emulator for the X window system
aterm - a VT102 emulator for the X window system
atfsit - A program to prepare files for version control
atfsrepair - repair corrupted AtFS repository, or convert old
atftp - TFTP client (RFC1350).
atheist - a general prupose test framework.
athena - interactive XAS data processing
jot - print sequential or random data
at, batch, atq, atrm - queue, examine or delete jobs for later
atisplit - conversion utility from the GATOS package.
atitogif - YUV conversion program from the GATOS package.
atitojpg - YUV conversion program from the GATOS package.
atitoppm - YUV conversion program from the GATOS package.
atitv - Simple text-mode program from the GATOS package.
atitvout - ATI Rage/Radeon TV Out configuration program
atktopbm - convert Andrew Toolkit raster object to portable bitmap
atlaslabeler - query stereotaxic atlases
atlasquery - commandline tool to query brain atlases about stereotaxic
atlc - an Arbitrary Transmission Line Calculator
AtomicParsley - command line MPEG-4 files tool
atoms - make lists of atomic coordinates from crystallographic data
atool - A script for managing file archives of various types
atop - AT Computing’s System yyyyyamp; Process Monitor
atopsar - AT Computing’s System Activity Report (atop related)
atp - Convert an ASCII or a text file to PostScript format for printing
at, batch, atq, atrm - queue, examine or delete jobs for later
atris - Tetris-like game with a twist for Unix
at, batch, atq, atrm - queue, examine or delete jobs for later
Atropos - part of ANTS registration suite
atsa - Performs ATS analysis on a soundfile. .
atsar — system activity report -
atscc - ATS compiler frontend
atslex - Lexer generator for ATS
atsopt - ATS to C compiler
detachtty, attachtty - run an interactive program with io to a unix-
ladr4-apps - undocumented LADR4 applications
rsbac-admin - Rule Set Based Access Control
attr_back_fd - Backup RSBAC attributes from filesystem objects
rsbac-admin - Rule Set Based Access Control
rsbac-admin - Rule Set Based Access Control
attr_back_user - Backup RSBAC attributes for users
attr_get_fd - fetch RSBAC attributes from files or directories
attr_get_file_dir - fetch RSBAC attribute values for filesystem objects
rsbac-admin - Rule Set Based Access Control
rsbac-admin - Rule Set Based Access Control
rsbac-admin - Rule Set Based Access Control
attr_get_process - get RSBAC attributes on the selected process
attr_get_up - get RSBAC attributes on the selected user or process
attr_get_user - get RSBAC attributes of the selected user
attr - extended attributes on XFS filesystem objects
attr_rm_fd - remove (reset into default values) all RSBAC attributes of
attr_rm_file_dir - remove (reset into default values) all RSBAC
attr_rm_user - remove all attributes of a user
attr_set_fd - set RSBAC attributes on the selected file or directory
rsbac-admin - Rule Set Based Access Control
rsbac-admin - Rule Set Based Access Control
rsbac-admin - Rule Set Based Access Control
rsbac-admin - Rule Set Based Access Control
attr_set_process - set RSBAC attributes on the selected process
rsbac-admin - Rule Set Based Access Control
attr_set_user - set RSBAC attributes on the selected user
au2raw - converts au to raw
aubconf — Configuration file for aub -
aub — Assembles binary files from USENET -
aubiocut — a command line tool to extract onsets and tempo from sound -
aubionotes — a command line tool for real time extraction of musical -
aubioonset — a command line tool for real time onset extraction -
aubiopitch — a command line tool to extract pitch candidates from sound -
aubiotrack — a command line tool for real time beat tracking -
audacious2 - an advanced audio player.
audacious2 - an advanced audio player.
audacity - Graphical cross-platform audio editor
audex - Audio grabber tool for KDE4
audiere-config - Return metainformation about audiere libraries
audiofile-config - script to get information about libaudiofile
audiolink - Create AudioLink config file, databases and tables
audiopreview - play previews of your audio and video files, and also
audiotool - manipulate audio data files.
audit2allow - generate SELinux policy allow/dontaudit rules from logs
audtool2 - a small tool to modify behavior of a running audacious2
audtool2 - a small tool to modify behavior of a running audacious2
audtty - Control Audacious from the command line with a friendly
augparse - execute an Augeas module
augtool - inspect and modify configuration files
aumix - adjust audio mixer
atool - A script for managing file archives of various types
aurora - communicate with an Aurora Magnetek Photovoltaic (solar) Power
rsbac-admin - Rule Set Based Access Control
authbind - bind sockets to privileged ports without root
authpasswd - Generate login passwords
auth-relaytest - attempt to use authenticated SMTP to relay to a DSBL-
rsbac-admin - Rule Set Based Access Control
authtest - Test the Courier Authentication Library
auto-apt - on demand package installation tool
autobk - automatic XAFS background removal
autoclass - automatically discover classes in data
autoconf2.13 - creates scripts to configure source code packages using
autoconf - Generate configuration scripts
autoconf - Generate configuration scripts
autoheader - Create a template header for configure
autocutsel - keep the X clipboard and the cutbuffer in sync
autodns-dhcp_cron - a cron script to check for changes to the
autodns-dhcp_ddns - the script that updates the dns and settles the
autodock - docking of chemical ligands to protein receptors
autoexpect - generate an Expect script from watching a session
autofsd-probe - probe AutoFS mount/unmount daemon
autogen - The Automated Program Generator
autogrid - preparing protein and ligand for AutoDock analysis
autogsdoc - GNUstep API documentation generator and XML-yyyyygt;HTML converter
autoheader2.13 - creates a template file of C #define’s for use by
autoheader - Create a template header for configure
autoheader - Create a template header for configure
autoheader - Create a template header for configure
autoinst - wrapper script around the LCDF TypeTools, for installing
autokey-gtk - keyboard automation utility for GNOME and GTK
autokey-qt - keyboard automation utility for KDE and QT
autom4te - Generate files and scripts thanks to M4
autom4te - Generate files and scripts thanks to M4
autom4te - Generate files and scripts thanks to M4
automake - automatically create’s from’s
automake - manual page for automake 1.11.1
automake - automatically create’s from’s
automake - automatically create’s from’s
automake - automatically create’s from’s
autooptimiser - Optimize image positions
autoopts-config - script to get information about installed version of
autopano-complete - Generate panorama project file from images.
autopano-complete.old - Generate panorama project file from images
autopanog - Autopano GUI frontend to create a panorama project.
autopano - Generate panorama project from SIFT keypoint files.
autopoint - copies standard gettext infrastructure
autoproject - create a skeleton source package for a new program
autopsy - Autopsy Forensic Browser
pvf tools - utilities to convert various sound formats
autoreconf2.13 - update configure scripts
autoreconf - Update generated configuration files
autoheader - Create a template header for configure
autoscan2.13 - help to create a file for a software
autoscan - Generate a preliminary
autoscan - Generate a preliminary
autoscan - Generate a preliminary
ladr4-apps - undocumented LADR4 applications
ssh-argv0 - replaces the old ssh command-name as hostname handling
autossh - monitor and restart ssh sessions
autotrace - converts bitmap image data into vector graphics
autotrash -- program to automatically purge old files from the -
autoupdate2.13 - updates an old file to version 2
autoupdate - Update a to a newer Autoconf
autoupdate - Update a to a newer Autoconf
autoupdate - Update a to a newer Autoconf
autovbox - ISDN voice box (sound converter)
AUX2BIB - Extracts a BibTeX database according to an aux file.
avahi-browse - Browse for mDNS/DNS-SD services using the Avahi daemon
avahi-browse - Browse for mDNS/DNS-SD services using the Avahi daemon
avahi-discover - Browse for mDNS/DNS-SD services using the Avahi daemon
avahi-publish-service - Register an mDNS/DNS-SD service or host name or
avahi-publish-service - Register an mDNS/DNS-SD service or host name or
avahi-publish-service - Register an mDNS/DNS-SD service or host name or
avahi-resolve - Resolve one or more mDNS/DNS host name(s) to IP
avahi-resolve - Resolve one or more mDNS/DNS host name(s) to IP
avahi-resolve - Resolve one or more mDNS/DNS host name(s) to IP
avahi-set-host-name - Change mDNS host name
ava - Algebraical Virtual Assembler for Atmel’s AVR MCUs
avant-window-navigator - A MacOS X like panel for GNOME
avarice - Provides an interface from avr-gdb to Atmel’s JTAGICE box.
avenger - Mail Avenger
aven — sophisticated cave viewer for Unix and MS Windows -
AverageImages - part of ANTS registration suite
AverageTensorImages - part of ANTS registration suite
avibench - benchmarking tool
avibox - merge multimedia files into an AVI file
avicap - v4l capturing and PVR tool
avicat - cat tool for joining files
avida - Auto-adaptive genetic system for Artificial Life research
avida - Auto-adaptive genetic system for Artificial Life research
avida - Auto-adaptive genetic system for Artificial Life research
avida - Auto-adaptive genetic system for Artificial Life research
Avidemux -- a free video editor -
Avidemux -- a free video editor -
Avidemux -- a free video editor -
Avidemux -- a free video editor -
avi_encoder - Video encoder as part of LiVES
aview - A high quality ASCII art image viewer
avifile-config - script to get information about the installed version
avifix - fix header of AVI-file
aviindex - Write and read text files describing the index of an AVI
avimake - making tool
avimerge - merge several AVI-files into one
AVInfo - Audio/Video file information automatic extractor
aviplay - QT-based movie player
avirec - video recording tool
avirecompress - video recompression tool
avisplit - split AVI-files into chunks of a maximum size
avisync - adjust audio synchronisation
avitype - show video info
avogadro - Advanced molecular editor
clogin - Cisco/Foundry login script
avopkg - Avogadro Package Manager
rancid - Cisco configuration filter
addr2line - convert addresses into file names and line numbers.
avra - Assembler for the Atmel AVR microcontroller family
ar - create, modify, and extract from archives
AS - the portable GNU assembler.
dlltool - Create files needed to build and use DLLs.
avrdude - driver program for ‘‘simple’’ Atmel AVR MCU programmer
gasp - a preprocessor for assembly programs
gdb - The GNU Debugger
gdb - The GNU Debugger
gprof - display call graph profile data
ld - The GNU linker
nlmconv - converts object code into an NLM.
nm - list symbols from object files
objcopy - copy and translate object files
objdump - display information from object files.
avrp - Atmel AVR programming software to use with Atmel’s serial-port
avrprog - Programmer for Atmel AVR microcontrolers
ranlib - generate index to archive.
readelf - Displays information about ELF files.
size - list section sizes and total size.
strings - print the strings of printable characters in files.
strip - Discard symbols from object files.
windmc - generates Windows message resources.
windres - manipulate Windows resources.
avs2ps - convert AVS image input on stdin to monochrome PostScript on
awardeco - Decompress flashfiles equipped with an AWARD BIOS
away - terminal locking program
awesome-client - awesome window manager remote execution
awesome - awesome window manager
awffull_history_regen - awffull_history_regen
AWFFull - A Webalizer Fork, Full o’ features
generic_count - count physical lines of code, given a comment marker
awn-applet - A tool for launching applets of avant-window-navigator
awn-settings - A manager for the preferences of avant-window-navigator
awsetbg - awesome wrapper tool to set background
awsres - build resource files for Ada Web Server applications
aws_shell - program proposing WEB Services to control Narval sub
ax25spy - replacement for listen(8) and demo client for the ax25spyd(8)
axcall - make an AX.25, NET/ROM or Rose connection.
axc - afnix cross compiler
axd - afnix cross debugger
Axel - A light download accelerator for Linux.
axel-kapt - Axel front-end
axgetlist - read the message list from the BBS
axgetmail - automaticaly download messages from the F6FBB BBS
axgetmsg - download selected messages from F6FBB BBS
axi-cache - manual page for axi-cache 0.38
axi - afnix cross interpreter
axiomatic - command-line tool for creating, configuring, and inspecting
axiom - A general purpose computer algebra system
axiom - A general purpose computer algebra system
axiom-test - run the Axiom regression testsuite
axl - afnix cross librarian
axlisten - monitor AX.25 traffic
axs - afnix cross spreadsheet
aylet, xaylet - play Spectrum ‘.ay’ music files
aylet, xaylet - play Spectrum ‘.ay’ music files
Ayttm - Universal Instant Messaging client
Ayttm - Universal Instant Messaging client
azureus - a BitTorrent client
b2m - convert old Emacs Rmail Babyl format to mbox format
b2m - This program converts a babyl mailbox to a standard unix mailbox.
b43-fwcutter - manual page for b43-fwcutter
b5i2iso - convert a BlindWrite image file into standard ISO image file
babel-config - print babel configuration information
babel - a converter for chemistry and molecular modeling data files
babiloo - dictionary viewer with multi-languages support
backintime-gnome - a simple backup tool for Gnome.
backintime - a simple backup tool for Linux.
backintime - a simple backup tool for Linux.
backstep - Backstep is a program that draws icons for minimized windows
rsbac-admin - Rule Set Based Access Control
rsbac-admin - Rule Set Based Access Control
backup-checkallused - check chiark-backup configuration
gnome-pilot - GNOME applet to manipulate a Palm PDA
backup-driver - entry point for cron or inittab to start backups
backup-labeltape - display or change tape label
backup-loaded - tell the chiark-backup system what to do with a new
BACKUPNINJA - A lightweight, extensible meta-backup system
backup-takedown - Bring some system services down for backups
backup-whatsthis - read an id off a tape and display it
bacula-tray-monitor - Bacula’s ’System Tray’ monitor
bake - yet another Make replacement
bake.php - generates skeleton CakePHP applications
balance 3.42 - A simple TCP proxy with load balancing and failover
balls - preprocessor for space-filling models in Raster3D molecular
BALLView - A free molecular modeling and molecular graphics tool
BALLView - A free molecular modeling and molecular graphics tool
Balsa - the GNOME email client.
Balsa - the GNOME email client.
bam - A fast and flexible build system
bandwidthcalc - file transfer time calculator
bangarang — A KDE Media Player -
bangarangnepomukwriter - Manages Bangarang’s media metadata in the
banner - print large banner
Banshee - Media Management and Playback application
Banshee - Media Management and Playback application
pygmy - MPD client
Baobab - A graphical tool to analyse disk usage
barcode - a stand alone program to run the barcode library
bardecode - barcode recognition tool of the ExactImage toolkit
bareftp - graphical file transfer client
bargraph - compile bar graphs into pic input
barrybackup - Barry Project’s backup program for the BlackBerry
base64 - base64 encode/decode data and print to standard output
basemapgen-1.4 — Crystalspace tool -
basemapgen — Crystalspace tool -
basename - strip directory and suffix from filenames
bashbug - report a bug in bash
mybashburn - it can burn data cds/dvds and create mp3/ogg/flac.
bashdb - bash debugger script
bash - GNU Bourne-Again SHell
bash - GNU Bourne-Again SHell
BASIC256 - Educational BASIC programming environment for children
basic_consumer - program that consume dummy data to test Narval data
Basic_Logging_Service — TAO Basic Telecom Log Service -
basic_producer - program that produce dummy data to test Narval data
pvf tools - utilities to convert various sound formats
Basket Note Pads: - manual page for Basket Note Pads: pre 2.0
bat2gts - takes a bathymetry file (three columns: longitude, latitude
batch_crop - crop a set of images
at, batch, atq, atrm - queue, examine or delete jobs for later
batch_image_convert - use VIPS to convert a set of images to a new
batch_rubber_sheet - warp a set of images with a rubber-sheet
bat - Bacula Administration Tool Console
batmon - Battery monitor for GNUstep
battery-graph - Show a graph of the battery charge
battery-log - Extract battery statistics
bauble-admin - create bauble’s database and change some of its
bauble - software application to manage a collection of botanical
bayesol - a Bayes solution calculator for use with dbacl.
bayonne - GNU Telephony telephony server.
bb-ack.cgi - Xymon CGI script to acknowledge alerts
bbcmd - Run a Xymon command with environment set
bbcombotest - Xymon combination test tool
bb-csvinfo.cgi - CGI program to show host information from a CSV file
bbdate - display the current date in a Blackbox style window
bb-datepage.cgi - Xymon CGI script to view pre-built reports by date
bbdb-areacode-split - Looks for phone numbers in your .bbdb
bbdb-cid - Caller-ID-logger
bbdb-srv - Converts Mail-Headers to an Emacs-Lisp String.
bbdb--unlazy-lock - Removes crap from lazy-lock from your .bbdb
bbdigest - calculate message digests
bbe - binary block editor
bb-eventlog.cgi - CGI program to report the Xymon eventlog
bb-findhost.cgi - Xymon CGI script to find hosts
bbgen - Xymon webpage generator
bb-hist.cgi - CGI program to display service history
bbhostgrep - pick out lines in bb-hosts
bbhostshow - output the full bb-hosts file
bb - an ASCII-art demo
bbimage - tool to create filesystem images for BitBake
bbkeys - a general XWindow keygrabber
bbmail - mailbox flag for X
bbox - prints out the bounding box of a rawppm or rawpbm image
bboxx - The program outputs the page number and the Bounding Box
bbpager - pager for the Blackbox window manager
bb-rep.cgi - CGI front-end to bbgen reporting
bb-replog.cgi - CGI program to report service availability log - Xymon network re-test tool
bbrun - An elegant tool for the Blackbox window manager that runs
bbsload - system load tool for Blackbox
bb-snapshot.cgi - CGI program to rebuild the Xymon webpages for a
bbtest-net - Xymon network test tool
bbtime - Display the time in a small blackbox style window
bb-webpage - Utility to show a webpage using header and footer
speech-tools - Programs for audio and speech manipulation
bcc - Bruce’s C compiler
bcfg2 - reconfigure machine based on settings in BCFG2
bcharge - program to set BlackBerry handhelds to 500mA
bc - An arbitrary precision calculator language
bchunk - CD image format conversion from bin/cue to iso/cdr
bcomps - biconnected components filter for graphs
bcp - extract subsets of Boost
bcpp - make C++ beautifier
bcrontab - Manage users crontab files
bcrypt - blowfish file encryption
bdf2psf - convert a BDF font to PSF format for the Linux console
bdfimplode - Convert a BDF font into GNU Unifont .hex format.
bdfresize - Resize BDF Format Font
bdftobogl - bogl/bterm font convertor
libgd-tools - programs to convert between gd and other graphics formats
bdftopcf - convert X font from Bitmap Distribution Format to Portable
bdftruncate - generate truncated BDF font from ISO 10646-1-encoded BDF
beastalkd - A simple, fast work queue.
beast - Music composition and modular synthesis application.
beast - Music composition and modular synthesis application.
beav - binary file editor and viewer
beef - flexible Brainfuck interpreter
beep - beep the pc speaker any number of ways
beer - Graphical frontend to SAFT
be — distributed bug tracker -
beid-pkcs11-tool - generic smart card utility
beid-tool - generic smart card utility
bel - open a shell or execute a command on a remote computer through
bench-packets - run packets bench with NUMBER packets
bench-simulator - run simulator bench
berdecode - decode BER encoded data
berkeley_db4.6_svc - Berkeley DB RPC server
berkeley_db4.7_svc - Berkeley DB RPC server
berkeley_db4.8_svc - Berkeley DB RPC server
BermudanSwaption - Example of using QuantLib
bespin - the Bespin style configurator
bf-animation-editor — The animation editor for the Bear Engine. -
bfbtester - Brute Force Binary Tester
bf_compact - shell script to compact a bogofilter directory
bf_compact - shell script to compact a bogofilter directory
bf_copy - shell script to copy a bogofilter working directory
bf_copy - shell script to copy a bogofilter working directory
bf - yet another Brainfuck interpreter
bf-level-editor — The level editor for the Bear Engine. -
bf-model-editor — The model editor for the Bear Engine. -
bf_tar - shell script to write a tar file of a bogofilter directory to
bf_tar - shell script to write a tar file of a bogofilter directory to
bft-config - Script to get information about the installed version of
bfuse - Create a FUSE filesystem out of BlackBerry databases.
bg5conv - convert a TeX document in Big 5 encoding into ‘preprocessed’
bgoffice-dict-download - download dictionaries for bgoffice
bgraph - do a set of batch graphs to a metafile
biabam - biabam is a bash attachment mailer
BibX2bib - Filter BibTeX data bases
bib2pdf - script to convert BibTeX format files to PDF format files
bibutils - bibliography conversion utilities
bibclean - prettyprint and syntax check BibTeX and Scribe bibliography
bibcursed - manipulate BibTeX files
bibhva - A BibTeX wrapper for use with HeVeA
bibindex - create a bibliography index file for biblook(1)
bibledit-bibletime - internal command for bibledit, a Bible editor
bibledit-bin - internal command for bibledit, a Bible editor
bibledit-git - internal command for bibledit, a Bible editor
bibledit - a Bible editor
bibledit-help - internal command for bibledit, a Bible editor
bibledit - a Bible editor
bibledit-one - internal command for bibledit, a Bible editor
bibledit-shutdown - internal command for bibledit, a Bible editor
bible - Lookup words and verses in the Bible (King James version)
biblememorizer - Bible memorizer program
bibletime - Bible study tool for KDE
biblook - lookup entries in a bibliography file
BibTeX2HTML - A translator of bibliography databases into HTML
bibtex8 - 8-bit Big BibTeX version 0.99c
bibtex - make a bibliography for (La)TeX
pybtex - use bibliographic databases in LaTex files
pybtex - BibTeX-compatible bibliography processor in Python
BibTool - BibTeX file manipulation tool
bibus - Bibus is a bibliographic database
bibutils - bibliography conversion utilities
bidentify - Barry Project’s program to identify BlackBerry handhelds
bidiv - bidirectional text filter
biff - be notified if mail arrives and who it is from
bin2obj - The Free Pascal binary to pascal include file converter.
binary2ascii - Convert binary numbers to textual representation
bincimapd - IMAP4rev1 server
bincimap-up - Authentication stub for Binc IMAP
prints time in binary format - - convert zone files from BIND to MaraDNS compatible
bind8_named2dlf - convert BIND8 named logs into dlf format
bind8_query2dlf - convert BIND8 querylogs to dlf
bind9_query2dlf - convert BIND9 querylogs to dlf
bin_dec_hex - How to use binary, decimal, and hexadecimal notation.
bindfs ‐ mount --bind in user-space -
im_binfile - convert raw binary files to VIPS format
binfmtasm-interpreter - binfmt_misc Assembly handler
binfmtc-interpreter - binfmt_misc C handler
binfmtcxx-interpreter - binfmt_misc C++ handler
binfmtf-interpreter - binfmt_misc fortran handler
binfmtf-interpreter - binfmt_misc fortran handler
binfmtgcj-interpreter - binfmt_misc gcj handler
binfmtp-interpreter - binfmt_misc pascal handler
binhex - Hexifies a series of files
binobj - manual page for binobj for GPC
bins_cleanupgallery - remove any unused file in your HTML galleries
bins_edit — Set fields in XML picture description files for BINS -
bins — Generate a static HTML photo albums using XML and EXIF tags -
binstats - display statistics about programs and libraries
bio2jack-config - bio2jack build information script
BioCocoa - Sequence file format conversion
biof - rotating stack of quads.
bioradtopgm - convert a Biorad confocal file into a portable graymap
bip - BIP IRC Proxy
biplabg - Label bipartite graphs so that the colour classes are
bipmkpw - Password hasher for BIP
birthday - warn about upcoming birthdays and other events
bisho — program to set the account information for Moblin web services -
bison - GNU Project parser generator (yacc replacement)
yacc - GNU Project parser generator
bist - a chemical drawing tool.
BitBake - simple tool for the execution of tasks
bitfling - secure remote access to BitFling
bitmap, bmtoa, atobm - bitmap editor and converter utilities for the X
bitpim - utility to communicate with many CDMA phones
bitstormlite - BitTorrent Client based on C++/Gtk+2.0
bitten-slave - Performs a build and sends result to the Bitten master.
bittorrent-downloader — download files using a scatter-gather network -
bittorrent-downloader - download files using a scatter-gather network
bittorrent-multi-downloader — download multiple files using a scatter- -
bittorrent-multi-downloader - multiple file clients for bittorrent
bittwistb -- pcap based ethernet bridge -
bittwiste -- pcap capture file editor -
bittwist -- pcap based ethernet packet generator -
bitxoscope - configuration tool for xoscope
BJam/MR — Make(1) Redux -
bjavaloader - Barry Project’s program to manage BlackBerry applications
bkchem - a free chemical drawing program
bkhive -- dumps the syskey bootkey from a Windows NT/2K/XP/Vista system -
bkl-client-test — program to test bickley as clients -
bkl-orbiter — daemon to watching sources that need to be indexed -
bkl-rename-user — program to replace the initial username in a Bickley -
bkl-source-test — program to test bickley as sources -
bl2seq, blast2, blastall, blastall_old, blastcl3, blastpgp, impala, -
blackbox - a window manager for X11
blahtexml - Converts TeX equations into MathML
blame - annotate RCS files
blam - A nice RSS aggregator for GNOME
bl2seq, blast2, blastall, blastall_old, blastcl3, blastpgp, impala, -
bl2seq, blast2, blastall, blastall_old, blastcl3, blastpgp, impala, -
bl2seq, blast2, blastall, blastall_old, blastcl3, blastpgp, impala, -
bl2seq, blast2, blastall, blastall_old, blastcl3, blastpgp, impala, -
blastclust - BLAST score-based single-linkage clustering
bl2seq, blast2, blastall, blastall_old, blastcl3, blastpgp, impala, -
bl2seq, blast2, blastall, blastall_old, blastcl3, blastpgp, impala, -
blat2gff - Converts BLAT output files to GFF formatted files
blaze-add - add a blog post or a page to the BlazeBlogger repository
blaze-config - display or set the BlazeBlogger repository options
blaze-edit - edit a blog post or a page in the BlazeBlogger repository
blaze - Simple to use CMS for the command line
blaze-init - create or recover a BlazeBlogger repository
blaze-list - browse the content of the BlazeBlogger repository
blaze-log - display the BlazeBlogger repository log
blaze-make - generate static content from the BlazeBlogger repository
blaze-remove - remove a post/page from the BlazeBlogger repository
bleachbit_cli - Delete unnecessary files from the system (CLI)
bleachbit - Delete unnecessary files from the system
blender - a 3D modelling and rendering package
blender - a 3D modelling and rendering package
blender - a 3D modelling and rendering package
bless - graphical hexadecimal Gtk# editor
bley - intelligent greylisting daemon for Postfix
bl - Adjust the backlight of the embedded device running GPE under the
blindtty - Run command in a detached terminal
blitztest - program to test blitz imaging filter library
blkcalc - Converts between unallocated disk unit numbers and regular
blkcat - Display the contents of file system data unit in a disk image.
blkls - List or output file system data units.
blkparse - produce formatted output of event streams of block devices
blkrawverify - verifies an output file produced by blkparse
blkstat - Display details of a file system data unit (i.e. block or
blm - manipulate line oriented files using boolean set operations and,
clogin - Cisco/Foundry login script
blogtk - graphical weblog client
blogtk - graphical weblog client
bluefish - editor for experienced web designers and programmers
blueman-adapters - an utility to set adapter properties
blueman-applet - a tray applet for managing bluetooth
blueman-assistant - application for configuring and pairing bluetooth
blueman-browse - Helper application for launching an obex browser
blueman-manager - bluetooth device manager
blueman-sendto - application for sending files to bluetooth devices
blueman-services - Configure local bluetooth services
bluemindo - simple yet powerful audio player
bluemon-client — Activate or deactivate programs based on bluetooth -
bluemon — Activate or deactivate programs based on bluetooth link -
bluemon-query — Query the state of and send commands to bluemon(1) -
blueproximity - locks/unlocks your desktop tracking a bluetooth device
bluetile - full-featured tiling for the GNOME desktop environment
bluetooth-applet - GNOME applet for prompting the user for a Bluetooth
bluetooth-properties - GTK dialog for managing properties of the Linux
bluetooth-sendto - GTK application for transfering files over Bluetooth
bluetooth-wizard - GTK wizard for setting up devices with the Linux
BlueWho - Information and notification of new discovered bluetooth
bmfconv - Database converter for bmf
bmf - efficient Bayesian mail filter
bmon - Portable bandwidth monitor and rate estimator
bmore - browse through a binary file
bmp2tiff - create a TIFF file from a Microsoft Windows Device
bmptopnm - convert a BMP file into a portable anymap
bmptopnm - convert a BMP file into a portable anymap
BMPtoRGB - converts BMP files to RGB to stdout
bnbot - text-based chat bot client
bncdb — pvpgn Constant DataBase (CDB) tool -
bnchat - text-based chat client
bnd - Create and diagnose OSGi R4 bundles.
bnetd - Unix daemon
bnftp - file transfer client
bni2tga - convert a icon file to a Targa file
bnibuild - build a icon file from a directory of Targa icon
bniextract - extract a directory of Targa icon files from a
bnilist - list contents of a icon file
bno_plot - generate interactive 3D plot of IO blocks and sizes
bnpass - bnetd password utility
bnstat - statisics client
bnproxy - bnetd tracking daemon
boa-constructor - RAD tool for Python and WxWindows
boats - a race scenario drawing tool
bobcatlcgen - Generator for the FBB::LC template class
bob - Utility script for the Sponge Web Framework
bochs - Portable x86 Emulator.
bochs - Portable x86 Emulator.
body-searching - search bugs with a particular text
bogofilter - fast Bayesian spam filter
bogofilter - fast Bayesian spam filter
bogolexer - Utility program for separating email messages into tokens
bogolexer - Utility program for separating email messages into tokens
bogosec - source-code security quality metric using established static
bogosec_wrapper - Wrapper script for BogoSec source-code security
bogotune - find optimum parameter settings for bogofilter
bogotune - find optimum parameter settings for bogofilter
bogoupgrade - upgrades bogofilter database to current version
bogoupgrade - upgrades bogofilter database to current version
bogoutil - Dumps, loads, and maintains bogofilter database files
bogoutil - Dumps, loads, and maintains bogofilter database files
boinccmd - command line interface to the BOINC core client
boinc - The BOINC core client program.
boincmgr - The graphical BOINC manager for the core client.
bombardment - Run Siege with an ever-increasing number of users
bombono-dvd - DVD authoring program with nice and clean GUI
bomstrip, bomstrip-files - strip the BOM sequence from UTF-8 files
bomstrip, bomstrip-files - strip the BOM sequence from UTF-8 files
bon_csv2html program to convert CSV format Bonnie++ data to a HTML form -
bon_csv2html program to convert CSV format Bonnie++ data to a HTML form -
Bonds - Example of bond pricing
bones-info - display information about a Nethack bones file
bonobo-activation-server - GNOME component tracker
booc - BOO compiler
booi - BOO interpreter
booish - BOO interactive shell
sgbdemos - Examples of the use of The Stanford GraphBase
bookman - Generate a book from man pages
bookmarkbridge - A tool to synchronize bookmarks between browsers
bookview - NDTP (Network Dictionary Transfer Protocol) client written
booldnf - converts a boolean expression to the DNF
boolector - SMT solver for bit-vectors and arrays
boostpythongenerator - Boost.Python code generator plug-in.
bootcd2disk - copy a system running from bootcd to a disk
bootcdbackup - create a bootable offline backup of a unix system
bootcdflopcp - copy changes made after booting from bootcd to floppy
bootcd2disk.html bootcdbackup.html bootcdflopcp.html bootcd.html bootcdwrite.html - utils to run diskless systems from cd
bootcdwrite - build a bootcd image from a running system
BOPM - Blitzed Open Proxy Monitor
borda - Command line interface to borda in mlpy (version 2.1.0)
bosh - Browsable Output SHell
botan-config - Botan Configuration Query program
botti — Run an irssi module, such as a bot, without a UI -
bouml — UML2 tool box -
boxes - text mode box and comment drawing filter
boxshade - Pretty-printing of multiple sequence alignments
bplay, brec - buffered sound recording/playing
bpython - a fancy curses interface to the Python interactive
brag - Grab multipart binaries from news server
rancid - Cisco configuration filter
brandy - a portable BBC BASIC V interpreter
brasero - Simple and easy to use CD/DVD burning application for the
br_biofetch.rb — biofetch client -
br_bioflat.rb — OBDA flat file indexer -
br_biogetseq — ODBA Sequence Retrieval -
sloccount - count source lines of code (SLOC)
breakpoint_client - a tool to connect to a Ruby/Breakpoint service
bplay, brec - buffered sound recording/playing
brecsum - Generate SHA1 sums of raw Blackberry database records.
breset - Reset Blackberry devices via software.
br - utility to interact with Firecracker device
bristol - a synthesiser emulation package.
bristol - a synthesiser emulation package.
bristol - a synthesiser emulation package.
bristoljackstats - ancillary program for bristol
brltty - refreshable braille display driver for Linux/Unix
browser-history - external history of web browsers, such as netscape
br_pmfetch — PubMed Client -
brushtopbm - convert a doodle brush file into a portable bitmap
brutefir — program included in the DeMuDi distribution -
lipsia - Leipzig Image Processing and Statistical Inference Algorithms
lipsia - Leipzig Image Processing and Statistical Inference Algorithms
bsc - (BeeSoft Commander) graphical file manager with two panels
cpio - copy files to and from archives
csh - a shell (command interpreter) with C-like syntax
from - print names of those who have sent mail
bsdiff - generate a patch between two binary files
bsdl2jtag - UrJTAG declaration file conversion
mail, mailx, Mail - send and receive mail
tar - manipulate tape archives
write - send a message to another user
bsescm - A Guile based scheme shell for BEAST and BSE.
bsescm - A Guile based scheme shell for BEAST and BSE.
bsetbg - utility to manipulate the appearance of the X11 desktop’s root
bsetroot - blackbox utility to change root window appearance
bsf - bsf command
bsfilter — bayesian spam filter -
bsh - BeanShell: A Java scripting environment (command-line version).
bsign - embed and verify secure hashes and digital signatures
ski, xski, bskinc - An IA-64 Instruction Set Simulator
ski, xski, bskinc - An IA-64 Instruction Set Simulator
bskk - Bayesian estimation for SKK
bsmtp - Bacula’s SMTP client (mail submission program)
bspatch - apply a patch built with bsdiff(1)
bsqldb - batch SQL script processor using db-lib
bsqlodbc - batch SQL script processor using ODBC
bssh/bvnc/bshell - Browse for SSH/VNC servers on the local network
bstyleconvert - a Blackbox style conversion utility
btcli - command line interface to btpd
btcompletedir — creates torrent meta-info files for all -
btcompletedir - makes a .torrent file for every specified file
btcompletedirgui — GUI interface to create torrent meta-info files for -
btcompletedirgui - GUI tool for creating .torrent files
btcond - Bluetooth Connection Daemon
btcopyannounce — copy torrent announce information to other torrents -
btdownloadcurses — curses bittornado download interface -
bittorrent-downloader - download files using a scatter-gather network
btdownloadgui — GUI bittorrent download interface -
bittorrent-downloader - download files using a scatter-gather network
btdownloadheadless — headless bittorrent download interface -
bittorrent-downloader - download files using a scatter-gather network
btedit - Direct editing of BTREE records
bterm - framebuffer terminal emulator
bti - send a tweet to or from the command line
btinfo - BitTorrent Protocol Daemon information
bti-shrink-urls - convert URLs to a shorter form using a web service
btlaunchmany — launch multiple torrent downloads, using a text -
bittorrent-multi-downloader - multiple file clients for bittorrent
btlaunchmanycurses — launch multiple torrent downloads, using a curses -
bittorrent-multi-downloader - multiple file clients for bittorrent
btmakemetafile — generates torrent meta-info files for use with -
btmakemetafile - program to generate torrent info files for bittorrent
btmakemetafile.torrentflux — a modified bittornado python file for use -
btmaketorrentgui — GUI program to generate torrent meta-info files for -
btool - Barry Project’s program to interface with BlackBerry handheld
btpd - BitTorrent Protocol Daemon
btphptornado.torrentflux — a modified bittornado python file for use -
btraceback - wrapper script around gdb and bsmtp
btreannounce — change the announce address of a torrent file -
btreannounce - change the announce address of a torrent file.
btrename — change the suggested filename inside a bittorrent file -
btrename - change the suggested filename inside a bittorrent file
btscanner - ncurses-based scanner for Bluetooth devices
btsdp - Bluetooth SDP application
btsearch - Bluetooth Inquiry application
btsethttpseeds — sets http-seeds information in torrents -
btshowmetainfo — display the meta-information in bittorrent files -
btshowmetainfo - display information in bittorrent files
btshowmetainfo.torrentflux — a modified bittornado python file for use -
bts - developers' command line interface to the BTS
btt - analyse block i/o traces produces by blktrace
bttrack — bittorrent tracker -
bttrack - tracker for bittorrent
btyacc — an LALR(1) parser generator with support for backtracking -
bubblefishymon - system load meter with ducks and fish
bubblemon-gnome2 - Displays the system load as a bubbling liquid
buddy-ng - a tool to work with easside-ng
buffer - very fast reblocking program
buffy - Mail folder monitor. Monitor new and unread messages in a
bug-buddy - graphical bug reporting tool
bugpoint - automatic test case reduction tool
bugpoint - automatic test case reduction tool
bugpoint - automatic test case reduction tool
buici-clock - attractive X11 clock
Buildbot - manual page for Buildbot version: 0.7.11p3
buildd - package autobuilder daemon
buildd-mail - mail answer processor for buildd
buildd-mail - mail answer processor for buildd
buildd-uploader - upload built packages for buildd
buildd-vlog - view current build log
buildd-watcher - watch buildd activity
builder-cc - gcc wrapper to facilitate pentium-optimizations
ispell, buildhash, munchlist, findaffix, tryaffix, icombine, ijoin - -
build-lives-rfx-plugin - builds rendered effects for LiVES
build-lives-rfx-plugin-multi - builds rendered effects for LiVES
build-pysnmp-mib - build PySNMP MIB definitions from MIB text files
build-qmailanalog - Builds the qmailanalog debian package
build-qmail - build binary qmail package
build-rdeps - find packages that depend on a specific package to build
simple-cdd - create custom debian-installer CDs
buildtorrent - a torrent file creation program.
bulk_loader - PgQ consumer that loads urlencoded records to slow
bulletin-expire - remove bulletins created by maildir-bulletin
bzip2, bunzip2 - a block-sorting file compressor, v1.0.4
bup-damage - randomly destroy blocks of a file
bup-drecurse - recursively list files in your filesystem
bup-fsck - verify or repair a bup repository
bup-ftp - ftp-like client for navigating bup repositories
bup-fuse - mount a bup repository as a filesystem
bup-help - open the documentation for a given bup command
bup - Backup program using rolling checksums and git file formats
bup-index - print and/or update the bup filesystem index
bup-init - initialize a bup repository
bup-join - concatenate files from a bup repository
bup-ls - list the contents of a bup repository
bup-margin - figure out your deduplication safety margin
bup-memtest - test bup memory usage statistics
bup-midx - create a multi-index (.midx) file from several .idx files
bup-newliner - make sure progress messages don’t overlap with output
bup-random - generate a stream of random output
bup-save - create a new bup backup set
bup-server - the server side of the bup client-server relationship
bup-split - save individual files to bup backup sets
bup-tick - wait for up to one second
cpuburn, burnBX, burnK6, burnK7, burnMMX, burnP5, burnP6 - a collection
burn-configure - create a configuration file for burn(1)
burn - record from various sources to optical media (CD, DVD)
cpuburn, burnBX, burnK6, burnK7, burnMMX, burnP5, burnP6 - a collection
cpuburn, burnBX, burnK6, burnK7, burnMMX, burnP5, burnP6 - a collection
cpuburn, burnBX, burnK6, burnK7, burnMMX, burnP5, burnP6 - a collection
cpuburn, burnBX, burnK6, burnK7, burnMMX, burnP5, burnP6 - a collection
cpuburn, burnBX, burnK6, burnK7, burnMMX, burnP5, burnP6 - a collection
burst - explode digests into messages
bustle-count - Post-processing tool for Bustle D-Bus logs
bustle-dbus-monitor - Generates D-Bus dump for Bustle D-Bus visualiser
bustle-dot - Post-processing tool for Bustle D-Bus logs
bustle - D-Bus visualiser
bustle-time - Post-processing tool for Bustle D-Bus logs
BusyBox - The Swiss Army Knife of Embedded Linux
busyspheres - particle spheres.
buthead - copies all but the first few lines
buxon - RDF sioc:Forum browser
bvi, bview - visual editor for binary files
bvi, bview - visual editor for binary files
bvi, bview - visual editor for binary files
bssh/bvnc/bshell - Browse for SSH/VNC servers on the local network
bwa - Burrows-Wheeler Alignment Tool
bwbasic - Bywater BASIC interpreter/shell
bwm-ng - Bandwidth Monitor NG (Next Generation), a live bandwidth
bxcommit - Interactive Tool to Commit Redologs into flat Disk Images
bximage - Interactive Disk Image Creator for Bochs
Yacc - an LALR(1) parser generator
Yacc - an LALR(1) parser generator for Java
byobu-config - Configuration utility for byobu
byobu-export - DEPRECATED
byobu - wrapper script for seeding a user's byobu configuration and
byobu-launcher - Byobu Launcher
byobu-reconnect-sockets - Sourcable script that updates GPG_AGENT_INFO
byobu-select-profile - select your Byobu foreground and background
byobu-select-session - select and connect to a byobu session
byobu-status-detail - Wrapper that uses a sensible pager
byobu-status - Common starting point for running byobu status commands
byzanz-playback - Process a byzanz debug recording
byzanz-record - record your desktop session to an animated GIF
bzip2, bunzip2 - a block-sorting file compressor, v1.0.4
bzcmp, bzdiff - compare bzip2 compressed files
bzgrep, bzfgrep, bzegrep - search possibly bzip2 compressed files for a
bzexe - compress executable files in place
bzgrep, bzfgrep, bzegrep - search possibly bzip2 compressed files for a
bzgrep, bzfgrep, bzegrep - search possibly bzip2 compressed files for a
bzip2, bunzip2 - a block-sorting file compressor, v1.0.4
bzip2, bunzip2 - a block-sorting file compressor, v1.0.4
bzmore, bzless - file perusal filter for crt viewing of bzip2
bzmore, bzless - file perusal filter for crt viewing of bzip2
bzr-buildpackage - build a debian package from a bazaar branch
bzr - Bazaar next-generation distributed version control
bzz - DjVu general purpose compression utility.
c1541 - a stand alone disk image maintenance program
c2050 - Ghostscript bitcymk to Lexmark 2050 Series protocol translator
cb2bib - software to extract bibliographic references from various
cb2bib - software to extract bibliographic references from various
c2faxrecv - receive fax using hylafax to ISDN using CAPI
c2faxsend - send fax using hylafax to ISDN using CAPI
c2hs - C-yyyyygt;Haskell Interface Generator
c2html - generates highlighted html-files from C source
c2ph, pstruct - Dump C structures as generated from "cc -g -S" stabs
c3270 - curses-based IBM host access tool
c44 - DjVuPhoto encode.
c89 - ANSI (1989) C compiler
c99 - ANSI (1999) C compiler
cabal-debian - create Debian package meta data from a Haskell cabal
cabber — Easy and basic jabber console client -
cabextract - program to extract files from Microsoft cabinet (.cab)
cableidx - generate index files from gccxml xml files.
caca-config - script to get information about the installed version of
cacademo, cacafire - libcaca’s demonstration applications
cacademo, cacafire - libcaca’s demonstration applications
cacao - a Java just-in-time compiler
cacaplay - play libcaca files
cacaserver - telnet server for libcaca
cacaview - ASCII image browser
cacheadm - administer and configure AtFS derived object cache
cache-clean - Administration tool for the A-REX cache.
cache-list - List contents of the Grid Manager cache.
cadabra - field-theory motivated computer algebra system
cadaver - A command-line WebDAV client for Unix.
cadubi - Creative ASCII Drawing Utility By Ian
why - A multi-language multi-prover verification tool
caff -- CA - Fire and Forget
cairo-clock - an analog clock drawn with vector-graphics
cairo-dock - A dock to launch your programs easily.
cake - CakePHP application shell.
cakephp-instaweb - lightweight HTTP server for developing CakePHP
cal3d_converter - convert cal3d files from / to binary and XML (version
calamaris - generate text and graphical statistics out of log files
calc - arbitrary precision calculator
Calcoo - scientific calculator (GTK+).
allegro-examples - small example programs to demonstrate the power of
gnustep-examples - various example GNUstep tools/applications
calculus - algebraic type system tool
Calcurse - text-based organizer
calendar - reminder service
calfjackhost - JACK wrapper for Calf plugins
cal, ncal - displays a calendar and the date of Easter
calibrate_lens - Lens calibration from straight lines
calibre-debug - run an embedded python interpreter for debug purposes
calibre-fontconfig - font configuration tool for calibre
calibre - launch Calibre Graphical User Interface
calibre-parallel - parallel tool for calibre
calife - becomes root (or another user) legally.
CallableBonds - Example of callable-bond pricing
callgrind_annotate - post-processing tool for the Callgrind
callgrind_control - observe and control programs being run by Callgrind
cam-config2.byte - Configuration values for cameleon2
camE - Rewrite of the xawtv webcam app using imlib2
cameleon2.byte - IDE for OCaml
camera-calib - GUI for calibrating a monocular camera using a
Camera - downloads files from your digital camera
cameramonitor - Webcam monitoring in system tray
cam - CPU’S AUDIO MIXER for Linux
caminfo - Small tool to dump information about your video devices
camlidl - A stub code generator for OCaml
CamlP4 - Pre-Processor-Pretty-Printer for Objective Caml
CamlP4 - Pre-Processor-Pretty-Printer for Objective Caml
CamlP4 - Pre-Processor-Pretty-Printer for Objective Caml
CamlP4 - Pre-Processor-Pretty-Printer for Objective Caml
CamlP4 - Pre-Processor-Pretty-Printer for Objective Caml
CamlP4 - Pre-Processor-Pretty-Printer for Objective Caml
CamlP4 - Pre-Processor-Pretty-Printer for Objective Caml
CamlP4 - Pre-Processor-Pretty-Printer for Objective Caml
CamlP4 - Pre-Processor-Pretty-Printer for Objective Caml
CamlP4 - Pre-Processor-Pretty-Printer for Objective Caml
CamlP4 - Pre-Processor-Pretty-Printer for Objective Caml
CamlP4 - Pre-Processor-Pretty-Printer for Objective Caml
CamlP4 - Pre-Processor-Pretty-Printer for Objective Caml
CamlP4 - Pre-Processor-Pretty-Printer for Objective Caml
CamlP4 - Pre-Processor-Pretty-Printer for Objective Caml
camlp5 - Pre-Precessor-Pretty-Printer for OCaml
camlp5 - Pre-Precessor-Pretty-Printer for OCaml
camlp5 - Pre-Precessor-Pretty-Printer for OCaml
camlp5 - Pre-Precessor-Pretty-Printer for OCaml
camlp5 - Pre-Precessor-Pretty-Printer for OCaml
camlp5 - Pre-Precessor-Pretty-Printer for OCaml
cam-mktop2 - Building custom toplevel systems base on topcameleon.
camomilecharmap - a charmap database translators for camomile.
camomilecharmap - a charmap database translators for camomile.
camomilecharmap - a charmap database translators for camomile.
camomilelocaledef - a localedef database translators for camomile.
camomilelocaledef - a localedef database translators for camomile.
camomilelocaledef - a localedef database translators for camomile.
Camorama - GNOME2 Video4Linux viewer
camping - small Ruby web framework for MVC type applications
camserv - program to start a the camserv webcam server
camserv-relay - program to start a camserv relay host
camstream - Webcamming tool
canberra - Command line interface to canberra in mlpy (version 2.1.0)
canberraq - Command line interface to canberraq in mlpy (version 2.1.0)
cancel - cancel jobs
cancelmsg - Cancel an E-mail message
canlisp - parse canlisp commands
cannacheck - Display information about Japanese input system Canna
cannakill - Terminate operation of the Kana-Kanji conversion server
cannaserver - Kana-Kanji conversion server
cannastat - Display information about the Kana-Kanji conversion server
Canonicalise, CanonicaliseLazy - ‘cat’ filters for XML documents
Canonicalise, CanonicaliseLazy - ‘cat’ filters for XML documents
canorus - a graphical music score editor
cant - CAnonicalize N-Triples
ANTLR - ANother Tool for Language Recognition
Canto-fetch - A quiet feed fetcher.
Canto - An ncurses RSS reader
cap — cap is an utlity to invoke capistrano tasks. -
capi4hylafaxconfig - generate a configuration for capi4hylafax.
capifax - a FAX send application for CAPI
capify — Stub out the files ’config/deploy.rb’ and ’Capifile’ on rails -
capinfos - Prints information about capture files
capisuitefax - sending faxes with the CapiSuite default scripts
capitalize - change case of text
cappuccino - a small utility to let your boss think that you’re working
captoinfo - convert a termcap description into a terminfo description
card - print reference card of program options
cardos-tool - displays information about Card OS-based security tokens
caret - interactive viewing, manipulation and analysis of surface
caret - interactive viewing, manipulation and analysis of surface
caret - interactive viewing, manipulation and analysis of surface
carmetal — dynamic geometry software -
VICE - Versatile Commodore Emulator and Virtual Commodore Environment
cas - c aMule statistics
casper-snapshot - a simple script to ease persistence usage.
undocumented - No manpage for this program.
cassbeam — Cassbeam is a Cassegrain antenna ray tracer -
cassette - data cassette image manipulator for xtrs TRS-80 emulator
rancid - Cisco configuration filter
catchsegv - Catch segmentation faults in programs
catcodec - An open source tool to decode/encode the sample catalogue for
catdic - Download a dictionary
catdoc - reads MS-Word file and puts its content as plain text on
catdvi - a DVI to plain text converter
aterm - a VT102 emulator for the X window system
catfish - A gtk2 file search front-end with support for several engines
catg - Copy files to stdout with all but the first header removed.
cat - concatenate files and print on the standard output
catior - Utility for viewing components of a stringified IOR
catod - To convert the text format of a dictionary to binary
catof - To convert the text format of grammatical rules into
catppt - reads MS-PowerPoint file and puts its content on standard
cattach - attach encrypted directory to CFS
cavern — process raw survey data -
cb2bib - software to extract bibliographic references from various
cback - Local and remote backups to CD-R/CD-RW media
cback-span - Span staged data among multiple discs
cbc - Cbc mixed integer programming solver
cbcodec - popular encoders and decoders
cb_console_runner - The Code::Blocks IDE console programs launcher
cbm - display the current traffic on all network devices
cbrpager - viewer for CBR and CBZ (comic book archive) files
cb_share_config - Import/export parts of Code::Blocks configuration
cbtest - test cases for QDBM Cabin
ccache2shishi - Shishi user ticket conversion tool
ccache - a fast compiler cache
ccache-swig - a fast compiler cache
ccal - display a colored calendar
ccrypt - encrypt and decrypt files and streams
ccbuild — Strict C++ developer’s build utility -
cccc - C and C++ Code Counter, a software metrics tool
cccd - yet another CD player with CDDB support
ccd2iso - convert IMG format to ISO format
ccrypt - encrypt and decrypt files and streams
ccrypt - encrypt and decrypt files and streams
ccgnu2-config - script to get information about the installed version
hercules — System/370, ESA/390 and z/Architecture Emulator -
hercules — System/370, ESA/390 and z/Architecture Emulator -
hercules — System/370, ESA/390 and z/Architecture Emulator -
cckddiag - Hercules CCKD DASD diagnostic tool
hercules — System/370, ESA/390 and z/Architecture Emulator -
cclive - command line video download tool
ccmakedep - create dependencies in makefiles using a C compiler
ccmake - Curses Interface for CMake.
ccmtcnvt - convert C++ comments to C comments
ccomps - connected components filter for graphs
ccontrol - wrapper to control distcc, ccache and more
ccontrol-init - initialize ccontrol setup
cconv - A iconv based simplified-traditional chinese conversion tool
*_count - count physical lines of code, in each input file
ccrypt - encrypt and decrypt files and streams
ccscript-config - script to get information about ccscript library
ccss-stylesheet-to-gtkrc — program to dump css files to gtkrc format -
ccze-cssdump - Dump CCZE color setup into CSS format
ccze - A robust log colorizer
CD5 - Compute checksum of individual track on CD-ROMS
cdadd - add information for a new CD to .cdtooldb
cda - Compact disc digital audio player utility
cdargs - bookmarks and browser for cd shell built-in
cdbackup - Streaming backup to CD-R(W)/DVR-R(W)
cdbdump - dump the contents of a constant database
cdbget - search for a record in a constant database
cdb - Constant DataBase manipulation tool
cdbmake - create a constant database
cdbs-edit-patch - create or edit a CDBS patch
cdbstats - print constant database statistics
cdcat - media catalog program
cdcd - Command Driven CD player
cd-circleprint - create a round label for a CD
cdck - simple CD/DVD check program
cdtool - play and catalog audio CDROMs on CDROM drive(s)
cdcover - Creating Data-CD Covers
cdctrl - command line CDROM control
cddbcmd - Connect to a CDDB server site and execute a simple CDDB
cddbget - gets CDDB info of a CD
cddb-tool - Get CDDB information
cdde - Compact Disc Detect yyyyyamp; Execute
cd-discid - read CD and get CDDB discid information.
cd-drive - manual page for cd-drive version 0.81 i686-pc-linux-gnu
cdebootstrap - Bootstrap a Debian system
cdebootstrap - Bootstrap a Debian system
cdecl - decode C type declarations
cdecl - decode C type declarations
cdeftutorial - Alex van den Bogaerdt's CDEF tutorial
cdtool - play and catalog audio CDROMs on CDROM drive(s)
cdetach - detach encrypted directory from CFS
cdi2iso - convert a DiscJuggler image file into standard ISO image file
cdicsort - To sort the text format dictionary.
cdiff - a wrapper tool for colordiff
cd-info - manual page for cd-info version 0.81 i686-pc-linux-gnu
cdtool - play and catalog audio CDROMs on CDROM drive(s)
cdtool - play and catalog audio CDROMs on CDROM drive(s)
cdlabelgen - CD/DVD labels, jewel case inserts, and envelopes creator.
cdloop - Restart a CD when it ceases playing
cdown - query cddb database for info on a disc
cd-paranoia 9.8 (Paranoia release III via libcdio) - an audio CD
cdparanoia - an audio CD reading utility which includes extra data
cdtool - play and catalog audio CDROMs on CDROM drive(s)
cdp - cdp packet generator
cdpinger -- notifier for cd insertion and removal events -
cdtool - play and catalog audio CDROMs on CDROM drive(s)
cdrbq - CD burning frontend
cdrdao - reads and writes CDs in disc-at-once mode
cd-read - manual page for cd-read version 0.81
cdtool - play and catalog audio CDROMs on CDROM drive(s)
cdrestore - Streaming restore from CD-R(W)/DVD-R(W)
cdda2ogg, cdda2mp3 -- extract audio CD audio tracks and encode them -
cdda2ogg, cdda2mp3 -- extract audio CD audio tracks and encode them -
cdrskin - burns preformatted data to CD, DVD, and BD via libburn.
cdrtoaster - replaced by cdrbq (Debian dummy package)
cdrwtool - perform various actions on a CD-R, CD-RW, and DVD-R
CDS - Example of Credit-Default Swap pricing
cdtool - play and catalog audio CDROMs on CDROM drive(s)
cdtool - play and catalog audio CDROMs on CDROM drive(s)
cd-tkdesk - change directory of TkDesk’s current file browser or list
cdtoa - To convert the binary format of a dictionary back to
cdtool2cddb - convert .cdtooldb file to set of CDDB files
cdtool - play and catalog audio CDROMs on CDROM drive(s)
cduce — The CDuce compiler/interpreter/toplevel -
cduce_mktop — Produce a customized CDuce toplevel/compiler. -
cdv-agent - codeville authentication agent
cdvdcontrol - Tool to get full control on your Plextor optical device
cdv - codeville command line client tool
cdtool - play and catalog audio CDROMs on CDROM drive(s)
cdvpasswd - adds, removes, or sets passwords for users of a cdv server.
cdvserver - server for the codeville distributed revision system.
cdvupgrade - upgrades codeville repositories and server directories
cdw - ncurses interface for various cd/dvd tools
cdxa2mpeg - manual page for cdxa2mpeg 0.7.23
Cecilia - A GUI and programming environment for Csound
cedilla - a best-effort text printer
cef5conv - convert a TeX document in Big 5 encoding containing CEF
cefconv - convert a TeX document containing CEF macros into
cefsconv - convert a TeX document in SJIS encoding containing CEF
celeste_standalone - Cloud identification
celestia - A real-time visual space simulation
celestia - A real-time visual space simulation
celestia - A real-time visual space simulation
cellwriter - grid-entry handwriting recognition input panel
Cenon - vector graphics software for GNUstep
centerim - a text mode based IM client for Linux, *BSD, Sun Solaris,
centerim - a text mode based IM client for Linux, *BSD, Sun Solaris,
centerim - a text mode based IM client for Linux, *BSD, Sun Solaris,
centerim - a text mode based IM client for Linux, *BSD, Sun Solaris,
centerim - a text mode based IM client for Linux, *BSD, Sun Solaris,
centerim - a text mode based IM client for Linux, *BSD, Sun Solaris,
central_log - program collecting all logs from narval sub systems
cereal - client program to attach to cereal session
cernlib - print CERN library dependencies
cert2spc - Transform multiple X.509 certificates to a Software
certmgr - Mono Certificate Manager (CLI version)
certtool - Manipulate certificates and keys.
Cervisia - Graphical CVS frontend
ceve - parse package metadata
cfba2fba -
cfdg - image generator based on context-free grammars
cfftot1 - convert PostScript font from CFF to Type 1
cfget - get values from a config file
cfgmaker - Creates mrtg.cfg files (for mrtg-2.16.3)
cfgstoragemaker - MRTG config generator for storage monitoring via SNMP
fityk - non-linear curve fitting and data analysis
cflow - analyze control flow in C source files
cfourcc - tool for changing FourCC in Microsoft RIFF AVI files
cfssh - (somewhat) secure CFS shell
cfte - Compiles fte config files
cfv - Verify file consistency with .sfv, .csv, .crc, .md5, md5sum,
cgal_create_cmake_script - create a cmake script for applications using
cg_annotate - post-processing tool for Cachegrind
cgcc - Compiler wrapper to run Sparse after compiling
cgclassify - move running task(s) to given cgroups
cgclear - unload the cgroup filesystem
cgcreate - create new cgroup(s)
CGDB - curses frontend to GDB
cgdelete - remove control group(s)
cget - Cherokee web downloader
cgexec - run the task in given control groups
cgget - print parameter(s) of given group(s)
cg - Recursively grep for a pattern and store it.
cgicc-config - script to get information about the installed version of
cgiemail, cgiecho, cgifile - CGI Form-to-Mail conversion tools
cgiemail, cgiecho, cgifile - CGI Form-to-Mail conversion tools
cgi-fcgi - bridge from CGI to FastCGI
cgiemail, cgiecho, cgifile - CGI Form-to-Mail conversion tools
glame — A versatile audio editor -
gps, xgps, xgpsspeed, cgps, lcdgps - test clients for gpsd
gps, xgps, xgpsspeed, cgps, lcdgps - test clients for gpsd
cgset - set the parameters of given cgroup(s)
chacl - change the access control list of a file or directory
chage - change user password expiry information
chamo.byte - OCaml code editor.
change-po-charset - change the charset value in content-type header of
changestool - verify, dump, modify, create or fix Debian .changes files
changetrack - track changes to files
chaosreader - trace network sessions and export it to html format
chardet - universal character encoding detector
gucharmap - Unicode character picker and font browser
Charmap - a character map
charm - Client for LiveJournal-based blogging sites
charset - Set an ACM for use in one of the G0/G1 charset slots.
chase - chase symbolic links
chasen‐config - Japanese Morphological Analysis System
chasen ‐ Japanese Morphological Analysis System -
chatplus_client - a simple LAN chat program (client)
chatplus_server - a simple LAN chat program (server)
chattr - change file attributes on a Linux file system
chcon - change file security context
chdist - script to easily play with several distributions
chdman - MAME Compressed Hunks of Data (CHD) manager
cheatmake - fool make into not rebuilding certain files
checkbashisms - check for bashisms in /bin/sh scripts
check-bios-nx - determine if this system’s CPU has NX capabilities
checkbox, checkbox-cli, checkbox-urwid, checkbox-gtk - Application for
checkbox, checkbox-cli, checkbox-urwid, checkbox-gtk - Application for
checkbox, checkbox-cli, checkbox-urwid, checkbox-gtk - Application for
checkbox, checkbox-cli, checkbox-urwid, checkbox-gtk - Application for
check_driver - Linux 2.6(.16+) userspace device rebinding helper.
CheckGmail - system tray applet to check a Gmail account for new mail
loki - Reversible jump MCMC linkage analysis in general pedigrees
update-ifupdown-scripts-zg2.d-symlinks - preliminary manpage
checkint - Show active network interfaces
checkisomd5 — check an MD5 checksum implanted by implantisomd5 -
check-language-support - returns the list of missing packages in order
check-module - program to check gnulib modules.
checkmp3 - identify MP3s that do not follow the MP3 format
check-needs-packaging - checks for bugs that require new packaging
check-regexp - test regular expressions from the command line
checkrestart - check which processes need to be restarted after an
checksctp - check if kernel supports SCTP
check-sendfile - Check if some files have arrived
checkservice - checks the status of services on (remote) hosts
checksub - a validator for NCBI ASN.1 Seq-submit data
check-symbols - verify symbols exported by a new library version
checkXML - An XML lint tool for KDE DocBook XML documents.
cheese - A tool to take pictures and videos from your webcam
cheesetracker - sound-module tracking program
cheetah - Python template command-line tool
cheetah - Python template command-line tool
chef-server - Start the Chef Server merb application slice.
chef-server-webui - Start the Chef Server merb application slice
chef-solr: - manual page for chef-solr
chef-solr-indexer: - manual page for chef-solr-indexer
chef-solr-rebuild: - manual page for chef-solr-rebuild
chelonia - Client for the Chelonia storage system
Chemeq - Chemical Equation Analyzer
chem - groff preprocessor for producing chemical structure diagrams
chemtool - chemical structures editor
cherokee-admin - Runs Cherokee’s administrative interface
cherokee-config - script to get information about the installed version
cherokee - Cherokee Web Server
cherokee-tweak - Command-line interface to the Cherokee administrative
cherokee-worker - Cherokee Web Server internal worker
chewmail - mail archiver
chfn - change real user name and information
chgrp - change group ownership
chi2mcrl2 - convert a Chi (v1.0) model to an mCRL2 specification
chicken-bug - generates a Chicken Scheme bug report from user input
chicken - A Scheme-to-C compiler
chicken-install - download and install extension libraries for Chicken
chicken-profile - generate a report from Chicken Scheme profiled
chicken-status - list installed extension libraries
chicken-uninstall - uninstall extension library
chilight - highlight a C source file
chimera2 - X/Athena World-Wide Web Client
chipcard-tool - a commandline client to access smart cards via
chkconc - list concatenation for hinshi
chkdupexe - find duplicate executables
chkhelp - check performance metrics help text files
chklastlog - check lastlog-file for deleted entries
chkrootkit - Determine whether the system is infected with a rootkit
chktex - finds typographic errors in LaTeX.
chktri - check for trigraphs in C source code
chktrust - Check the trust of a PE executable.
chkweb - runs the LaTeX parts of a CWEB file through chktex
chkwtmp - check wtmp-file for deleted entries
ch_lab - change/copy label files
chm2pdf - A tool convert chm to pdf format
chmcmd - The FPC Pascal unit dependency tracking program.
chm_http - Simplistic web server to allow browsing of chm files without
chmls - The FPC Pascal unit dependency tracking program.
chmoddic - change access rights for a directory
chmod - change file mode bits
chmsee — A chm file viewer written in GTK -
choosewm - Select a window manager to be used.
choqok - Blogging client for KDE4
chordii - Produce a professional looking PostScript sheet-music from an
chown - change file owner and group
chprop - change file properties on the Rio Karma
chromium-browser - the web browser from Google
chronicle-entry-filter - Convert blog files to HTML, if required.
chronicle - A simple blog compiler.
chronicle-rss-importer - Import entries from an RSS feed to chronicle
chronicle-spooler - Automatically post pre-written entries.
chronyc - command-line interface for chronyd
chrony - programs for keeping computer clocks accurate
chrootuid - run command in restricted environment
chrpath - change the rpath or runpath in binaries
chrt - manipulate real-time attributes of a process
chsh - change login shell
cht - chemtool drawings analyzer
ch_track - change/copy track file
chts - Cahn-Hilliard Timestepping Demo
chuck — audio programming language for real-time synthesis, -
chuck — audio programming language for real-time synthesis, -
chuck — audio programming language for real-time synthesis, -
chui - Cahn-Hilliard User Interface
ch_utt - change/copy utterance file
chvt - change foreground virtual terminal
ch_wave - change/copy/combine waveform files
cif2cbf - convert a CIF to a CBF file
cifer-dict - turn files containing lists of words into a dictionary for
cifer - multipurpose classical cryptanalysis and code‐breaking tool
ci - check in RCS revisions
cilc - Mono CIL-to-C binding generator
cil - the command-line issue list
cimconv - tool to convert contact lists and history from other IM
c_incl - determine dependencies
cint - C/C++ interpreter
ciptool - Bluetooth Common ISDN Access Profile (CIP)
circlepack - manipulate and display circle packings
dot - filter for drawing directed graphs
cisco_ios2dlf - convert cisco logs to dlf format
Usage: - manual page for Usage: ciso level infile outfile
sendmail - sendmail emulator interface for nullmailer
cjb2 - Simple DjVuBitonal encoder.
cjet - converts HP PCL to Canon CaPSL format
bg5latex - Use LaTeX directly on a Big5 encoded .tex file
cjpeg - compress an image file to a JPEG file
ckbcomp - compile a XKB keyboard description to a console font.
hercules — System/370, ESA/390 and z/Architecture Emulator -
ckeygen - connect to SSH servers
cksfv - tests and creates simple file verification (SFV) listings
cksum - checksum and count the bytes in a file
clamassassin - email virus filter wrapper for ClamAV for use in
clamav-config - script to get information about libclamav6
clambc - Bytecode Testing Tool
clamconf - Clam AntiVirus configuration utility
clamdscan - scan files and directories for viruses using Clam AntiVirus
clamdtop - monitor the Clam AntiVirus Daemon
clamfs - an anti-virus protected file system
clamscan - scan files and directories for viruses
ClamTk - Graphical user interface (gui) for Clam AntiVirus
clamz - download MP3 music files from
clang - the Clang C and Objective-C compiler
classmate-screen-switch - program to switch to a virtual screen on a
clausefilter - filter formulas with models
clausetester - check formulas in models
claw-config — show information about installed libclaw libraries -
Clawsker - A Claws Mail Tweaker
claws-mail-acpi-notifier — Mail notification using laptop’s mail LED -
claws-mail-archiver-plugin — Archiver plugin for Claws Mail -
claws-mail-attach-remover — Attachments remover from mails -
claws-mail-attach-warner — Missing attachments warning before sending -
claws-mail-bogofilter - Scanning mails for spam with Bogofilter.
claws-mail-bsfilter-plugin — Spam filtering using the bsfilter program. -
claws-mail-cache-saver — Saves cache periodically to disk. -
claws-mail-extra-plugins — Claws Mail extra plugins meta package. -
claws-mail-fancy-plugin — HTML rendering of mails using WebKit library. -
claws-mail-feeds-reader — Feeds (RSS/Atom) reader plugin for Claws Mail -
claws-mail-fetchinfo-plugin — Inserts headers containing some download -
claws-mail-geolocation-plugin — Geographic location plugin. -
claws-mail - a GTK+ based fast email and news client
claws-mail-html2-viewer — Renders HTML mail using the gtkhtml2 -
claws-mail-mailmbox-plugin — mbox handling plugin for Claws Mail mailer -
claws-mail-multi-notifier — Multiple notification modules for new mail. -
claws-mail-newmail-plugin — Message header summary to a log file. -
cm_perl -- A Perl Plugin for Claws Mail -
claws-mail-pgpinline - Handling of PGP/Inline signed and/or encrypted
claws-mail-pgpmime - Handling of PGP/MIME signed and/or encrypted
claws-mail-python-plugin — Python scripting and console plugin. -
claws-mail-smime-plugin - Handling of S/MIME signed and/or encrypted
claws-mail-spamassassin - Filtering messages through SpamAssassin.
claws-mail-spam-report — Mail notification using laptop’s mail LED -
claws-mail-synce-plugin — Windows CE device synchronization plugin. -
claws-mail-tnef-parser — TNEF parser plugin for Claws Mail -
claws-mail-trayicon - Icon on system tray to display mail status.
claws-mail-vcalendar-plugin — vCalendar plugin for Claws Mail -
clc-clbuild - clc enabled clbuild wrapper
clc-clbuild - invoke lisp with clbuild active
clc-(un)register-user-package - registers a user asdf system
clc-clbuild - invoke lisp with clbuild active
cldump - Clarion database extractor
cleanasn - clean up irregularities in NCBI ASN.1 objects
cleanlinks - remove dangling symbolic links and empty directories
clean_narval - shell script to clean a narval sub system in error
cleanup_digikamdb - Cleanup the digiKam databases to reduce their sizes
clear_console - clear the console
clear - clear the terminal screen
clex - file manager
clfdomainsplit - split Common-Log Format web logs based on domain name
clfmerge - merge Common-Log Format web logs based on time-stamps
clfsplit - split Common-Log Format web logs based on IP address
clgui - perform 3D interactive Quartet Tree Reconstruction on a
CL-Launch - Common Lisp program launcher and shell script generator
clientupdate - Xymon client update utility
clif - C-like Interpreter Framework (v0.92)
cli-generate - Generate source and documentation from CLI descriptions
clipf - Personal finance manager with command line interface
clipper-config - print compiler and linker flags of the clipper
clips - an expert system programming language
clisp - ANSI Common Lisp compiler, interpreter and debugger.
clisp-link - CLISP facility for adding external modules
clit - program to manipulate Microsoft Reader .LIT files
clivefeed - the feed parsing utility for clive
clivepass - the login password utility for clive
clivescan - the video link scanning utility for clive
cliwhitebaord - Console Wiimote Whiteboard
undocumented - No manpage for this program.
CL-Launch - Common Lisp program launcher and shell script generator
clmake - color wrapper for make(1) and less(1)
cloc - statistics utility to count lines of code
clock - display the time in an icon or window
clocktest - Xenomai Clock Test
clogin - Cisco/Foundry login script
clojurec - Clojure compiler
clojure - a JVM-based dynamic programming language
clojure-repl - Clojure read-eval-print loop
ctn_manpage - Generic CTN manual page
cloudservers - Command-line interface to the Cloud Servers API.
clp - linear program solver
cl_status - Check status of the High-Availability Linux (Linux-HA)
mollist - get identifiers list
clustalw - Multiple alignment of nucleic acid and protein sequences
ClustalW-MPI - MPI distributed ClustalW
clustalw - a multiple sequence alignment program
clusterdb - cluster a PostgreSQL database
ClusterImageStatistics - part of ANTS registration suite
clutter-scan-immodules — program to scan immodules and generate -
cm2hmm - build a rigorous HMM-based filter from an existing covariance
cmsearch - search a sequence database for RNAs homologous to a CM,
cm2rem.tcl - Convert Sun’s "cm" input file to Remind format
cmafihe - Lojban word glosser
cmakecommands - Reference of available CMake commands.
cmakecompat - Reference of CMake compatibility commands.
cmake-gui - CMake GUI.
cmake - Cross-Platform Makefile Generator.
cmakemodules - Reference of available CMake modules.
cmakepolicies - Reference of CMake policies.
cmakeprops - Reference of CMake properties.
cmakevars - Reference of CMake variables.
cmalign - use a CM to make a structured RNA multiple alignment
cmap2enc - convert glyph indices in a TrueType-flavored OpenType font
CMatrix - simulates the display from "The Matrix"
cmbuild - construct a CM from an RNA multiple sequence alignment
cmcalibrate - fit exponential tails for E-values and determine HMM
cmddump - simulated TRS-80 CMD file loader
cmdebug - Reports the status of a host Cache Manager
cmdtool - run a shell (or other program) in an OpenWindows enhanced
cmemit - generate sequences from a covariance model
cmew - create Mew’s database file
cm — Work with configs. -
cmigrep - search in ocaml compiled interface files
cmkdir - create encrypted directory for CFS
cmkkey - create secondary copy of CFS directory key
cmph - minimum perfect hashing tool
cmp - compare two files byte by byte
cmscore - align and score one or more sequences to a CM
cmsearch - search a sequence database for RNAs homologous to a CM
cmstat - display summary statistics for a CM
cmus - Calculator.html CallableBonds.html Camera.html Canonicalise.html CanonicaliseLazy.html CDS.html Cenon.html Charmap.html ClusterImageStatistics.html Cn3D-3.0.html ComposeMultiTransform.html ConvertibleBonds.html ConvertImagePixelType.html ConvertScalarImageToRGB.html ConvertToJpg.html CopyImageHeaderInformation.html CreateInterface.html CreateWarpedGridImage.html Cryptonit.html CtrlClnt.html CurrencyConverter.html Cynthiune.html Music Player
cmus-remote - control cmus
cmuwmtopbm - convert a CMU window manager bitmap into a portable bitmap
Cn3D - a 3-dimensional viewer for biological molecules
cnee record, replays or distributes X11 data -
cnetworkmanager - Command-line client for NetworkManager.
cnt - index counter
cntlm - authenticating HTTP(S) proxy with TCP/IP tunneling and
tesseract - command line OCR tool
coax - determine impedance of a coaxial structure, where the inner may
open-cobol - COBOL compiler
open-cobol - COBOL compiler
cobertura-check — show which classes do not have adequate test coverage -
cobertura-instrument — add coverage instrumentation to existing classes -
cobertura-merge — merge multiple data files into a single data file -
cobertura-report — generate coverage reports -
cobex_get - Gets a file from a device
cobex_ls - Lists the directory on remote device
cobex_put - Upload a file to a device
cobex_rm - Deletes a file on the remote device
cobfusc - make a C source file unreadable but compilable
*_count - count physical lines of code, in each input file
cococpp - Coco/R Compiler Generator (C++ Version)
cococs - Coco/R Compiler Generator (C-Sharp Version)
cocoj - Coco/R Compiler Generator (Java Version)
code2html - Converts a program source code to HTML
Code::Blocks - The open-source, cross-platform IDE
codechanges - computes the amount of code changes between two code
codeEditor - A Python-aware code editor written using the PythonCard
codegroup - encode / decode binary file as five letter codegroups
codelite_fix_files - Convert a CodeLite project and workspace from the
codelite - A lightweight and powerful C/C++ IDE
codepage - extract a codepage from an MSDOS codepage file
coderay - scans a file and generates syntax-highlighted html output
coderay_stylesheet - output the default cascading stylesheet used by
codesnippets - Stand-alone app for the codesnippets Code::Blocks
CoffeeScript - interpreter and compiler for the CoffeeScript language
Coherence - Is a Python UPnP framework which enabling your application
co - check out RCS revisions
coin-config - Display Coin Library Configuration
git-cola - A highly caffeinated git GUI
colcrt - filter nroff output for CRT previewing
coldfire — A Freescale Coldfire 5206 Emulator -
col - filter reverse line feeds from input
collada2cs-1.4 — Crystalspace tool -
collada2cs — Crystalspace tool - - generate DocBook index files
collatinus - programma ad latinam morphologiam et lemmata extrahenda
collectd - System statistics collection daemon
collectdmon - Monitoring daemon for collectd
collectd-nagios - Nagios plugin for querying collectd
colordiff - a tool to colorize diff output
colorfire - Color-fire-explosion-thing-effect.
colorgcc - colorization wrapper for gcc
colorit - a script for markuping the text input
colormake - color wrapper for make(1)
colormake - color wrapper for make(1)
allegro-dev-tools - collection of useful tools for Allegro developers
colorname - utility to associate a name to a color
colortail - log colorizer that makes log checking easier
colortest-16b - Display ASCII color test graph
colortest-16 - Display ASCII color test graph
colortest-256 - Display ASCII color test graph
colortest-8 - Display ASCII color test graph
colortest-python - Display color test chart and convert between color
colrconv - hamradio convers client with sound and ncurses color support
colrdx - hamradio dx-cluster client with ncurses color support
colrm - remove columns from a file
column - columnate lists
columns - Columnize Input Text
combined2dlf - convert combined log file to DLF
combinediff - create a cumulative unified patch from two incremental
combine - combine sets of lines from two files using boolean operations
mummer - package for sequence alignment of multiple genomes
comdraw - drawtool with distributed command interpreter
comgt - Option GlobeTrotter GPRS/EDGE/3G/HSDPA and Vodafone 3G/GPRS
comicthumb - Thumbnailer for cbz, cbr and cbt archives.
Comix - Comic Book Viewer
comm - compare two sorted files line by line
ctn_manpage - Generic CTN manual page
common2dlf - convert Common Log Format web server log files to www DLF
compalign - compare two multiple alignments
compamb - compute good ambient value for a rad input file
compare - mathematically and visually annotate the difference between
compartment - secure program/service wrapper
compface, uncompface - compress and expand 48x48x1 face image files
comp - compose a message
compile_encoding - compile XML encmap into a binary encoded file for
compile_et - error table compiler
compiz - OpenGL window and compositing manager
complearn-config - script to get information about the installed
ladr4-apps - undocumented LADR4 applications
complg - Take the complements of a file of graphs.
composeglyphs - generate an encoding vector or new font for postscript
run-mailcap, view, see, edit, compose, print - execute programs via
ComposeMultiTransform - part of ANTS registration suite
composite_sampler - audio sampler/synth plugin (LV2)
compress-dummy - replacement script for uncompressing legacy shar files
compress, uncompress.real - compress and expand data (version 4.2)
comprez - safely (un)tar and (de)feather files and directories
compstruct - calculate accuracy of RNA secondary structure predictions
sloccount - count source lines of code (SLOC)
sloccount - count source lines of code (SLOC)
comterp - distributed command interpreter demonstrator
con2fbmap - shows and sets mapping between consoles and framebuffer
concalc - console calculator
cftp - Conch command-line SFTP client
conch - Conch SSH client
concordance - for programming your Logitech Harmony remote control
condor_advertise - Send a ClassAd to the condor_collector daemon
condor_checkpoint - send a checkpoint command to jobs running on
condor_check_userlogs - Check user log files for errors
condor_chirp - Access files or job ClassAd from an executing job
condor_cod - manage COD machines and jobs
condor_cold_start - install and start Condor on this machine
condor_cold_stop - reliably shut down and uninstall a running Condor
condor_compile - create a relinked executable for submission to the
condor_config_bind - bind together a set of configuration files
condor_configure - Configure or install Condor
condor_config_val - Query or set a given Condor configuration variable
condor_dagman - meta scheduler of the jobs submitted as the nodes of a
condor_fetchlog - Retrieve a daemon’s log file that is located on
condor_findhost - find machine(s) in the pool that can be used with
condor_glidein - add a remote grid resource to a local Condor pool
condor_history - View log of Condor jobs completed to date
condor_hold - put jobs in the queue into the hold state
condor_master - The master Condor Daemon
condor_master_off - Shutdown Condor and the condor_master
condor_off - Shutdown Condor daemons
condor_on - Start up Condor daemons
condor_preen - remove extraneous files from Condor directories
condor_prio - change priority of jobs in the condor queue
condor_qedit - modify job attributes
condor_q - Display information about jobs in queue
condor_reconfig - Reconfigure Condor daemons
condor_reconfig_schedd - Reconfigure condor schedd
condor_release - release held jobs in the Condor queue
condor_reschedule - Update scheduling information to the central
condor_restart - Restart the a set of Condor daemons
condor_rm - remove jobs from the Condor queue
condor_run - Submit a shell command-line as a Condor job
condor_stats - Display historical information about the Condor pool
condor_status - Display status of the Condor pool
condor_store_cred - securely stash user’s password
condor_submit_dag - Manage and queue jobs within a specified DAG for
condor_submit - Queue jobs for execution under Condor
condor_transfer_data - transfer spooled data
condor_updates_stats - Display output from condor_status
condor_userlog - Display and summarize job statistics from job log
condor_userprio - Manage user priorities
condor_vacate - Vacate jobs that are running on the specified hosts
condor_vacate_job - vacate jobs in the Condor queue from the hosts
condor_version - print Condor version and platform information
condor_wait - Wait for jobs to finish
cone - Read and send E-mail messages
confget - read a variable from a configuration file
config11 - calculate the floating address space layout of a PDP-11 or
config_data - Query or change configuration of Perl modules
config.guess - guess the build system triplet
config.guess - guess the build system triplet
config.guess - guess the build system triplet
config.sub - validate and canonicalize a configuration triplet
config.sub - validate and canonicalize a configuration triplet
config.sub - validate and canonicalize a configuration triplet
conglomerate - an XML editor
congruity - A simple GUI to program Logitech(R) Harmony(R) remotes
conjugue - conjugador de verbos da língua portuguesa
conjugue - conjugador de verbos da língua portuguesa
conjugue - conjugador de verbos da língua portuguesa
conjunct - find dates of equinox or new or full moon
conkeror - a web browser modeled after Emacs
conky - A system monitor for X originally based on the torsmo code, but
connectagram - word unscrambling game
connect-proxy — connect over SOCKS4/5 proxy -
connect-proxy — connect over SOCKS4/5 proxy -
consang - Computer Genealogical Consanguinities
Cons - A Software Construction System
console - console server client program
conspy - virtual console spy tool
contacts - a light-weight address-book
controlaula — ControlAula wrapper to start the student or the teacher -
control_rancid - run rancid for devices of a group
convcal - convert dates to different formats
convcard - converts a vCard version 2.1 in a vCard version 3.0 and vice
convdate - Convert to/from RFC 5322 dates and seconds since epoch
convert2gpx - converts a tangoGPS logfile to GPX
convert2osm - converts tangoGPS logfiles into .osm files
ConvertibleBonds - Example of using QuantLib to value convertible bonds
convert_image - convert images to CBF format using a template
ConvertImagePixelType - part of ANTS registration suite
convertior - Utility for creating a new IOR from existing. changing
convert-ly - manual page for convert-ly 2.12.3
convert-presets - convert-presets
ConvertScalarImageToRGB - part of ANTS registration suite
convertTextPickle - Convert Mozart pickles from version 1.0.1
ConvertToJpg - part of ANTS registration suite
convert_to_shoulda_syntax - converts a regular Test::Unit Ruby source
convert-waypoints - Convert old gpsdrive waypoints
convickt - convert INTERCAL files between formats
convmvfs - utility that mirrors a whole filesystem tree from one
convmv - converts filenames from one encoding to another
cooc, cooc_features - calculate the co-occurrence matrix and features
cooc, cooc_features - calculate the co-occurrence matrix and features
cook_bom - bill of materials
cookfp - calculate file fingerprint
cook - a file construction tool
cook - load balancing rsh
cooktime - set file times
coolmail - 3D animated mail notificaion utility
bibutils - bibliography conversion utilities
copher - automatically create and upload a SourceForge release
copt - peephole optimizer
copydatabase - Perform a document-by-document copy of one or more
copyfs-daemon - CopyFS daemon
copyfs-fversion - manage file revisions
CopyFS - Versioning File System for FUSE
copyfs-mount - mounts a versioned file system
copyg - Copy a file of graphs with possible format conversion.
CopyImageHeaderInformation - part of ANTS registration suite
copymat - convert ASCII matrices into a database suitable for quick
copyright-update - Update Copyright information in files
coqc - The Coq Proof Assistant compiler
coqdep - Compute inter-module dependencies for Coq and Caml programs
coqdoc - A documentation tool for the Coq proof assistant
coqide - The Coq Proof Assistant graphical interface
coqide - The Coq Proof Assistant graphical interface
coqide - The Coq Proof Assistant graphical interface
coq-interface - Customized Coq toplevel to make user interfaces
coq-interface - Customized Coq toplevel to make user interfaces
coq_makefile - The Coq Proof Assistant makefile generator
coqmktop - The Coq Proof Assistant user-tactics linker
coq-parser - Coq parser
coq-parser - Coq parser
coqtags - creates Proof General tags for coq theories.
coq-tex - Process Coq phrases embedded in LaTeX files
coqtop.byte - The bytecode Coq toplevel
coqtop - The Coq Proof Assistant toplevel system
coqtop.opt - The native-code Coq toplevel
coqwc - print the number of specification, proof and comment lines in
corelist - a commandline frontend to Module::CoreList
coriander - control and display dc1394 camera images
corkscrew - Tunnel TCP connections through HTTP proxies
couchdb-dump - a CouchDB dump utility
couchdb - Apache CouchDB database server
couchdb-load - a CouchDB load utility
couchjs - Apache CouchDB JavaScript interpreter
couchpy - a CouchDB Python view server
sloccount - count source lines of code (SLOC)
countg - countg : Count graphs according to their properties.
iso3166 - an ISO 3166 country code finder.
count-senders - quantity of messages sent by individuals to the bug
sloccount - count source lines of code (SLOC)
courier-config - displays build configuration of the Courier Mail
courierlogger - Courier syslog wrapper
couriermlm - The Courier mailing list manager
couriertcpd - the Courier mail server TCP server daemon
couriertls - the Courier mail server TLS/SSL protocol wrapper
cournol - a program for analyzing absolute supply monopolies and
coveb-config - script to get information about the installed version of
Covered - Verilog Code Coverage Analyzer
make.coverpg - create a fax coverpg on stdout
cowbell - An easy-to-use tag editor for your music files
pbuilder-dist, cowbuilder-dist - multi-distribution pbuilder/cowbuilder
cowdancer-ilistcreate - create .ilist file for use with cowdancer.
cowdancer-ilistdump - Dump contents of ilist file.
cowpoke - Build a Debian source package in a remote cowbuilder instance
cow-shell - Start a copy-on-write session and invoke a shell.
cp2foss - load one or more files or archives into the FOSSology
cpack - Packaging driver provided by CMake.
cpaldjvu - DjVuDocument encoder for low-color images.
cpan2dist - The CPANPLUS distribution creator
cpan - easily interact with CPAN from the command line
cpanp - The CPANPLUS launcher
cpasswd - change passphrase on cfs directory
cpclean - Remove wrong control points by statistical methods
cpdic - User Dictionary Copy Tool
cpeGui - graphical tool that allows you to assemble and run CPE
cphist - copy an AtFS history to another directory
cp - copy files and directories
cpif - selectively update files
cpio - copy files to and from archives
cpipe - copy stdin to stdout while counting bytes and reporting
cplay - a front-end for various audio players
cpmchattr - change file attributes on CP/M files
cpmchmod - change file mode on CP/M files
cpmcp - copy files from and to CP/M disks
cpmls - list sorted contents of directory
cpmrm - remove files on CP/M disks
cpp - The C Preprocessor
cpp - The C Preprocessor
cpp - The C Preprocessor
cpp - The C Preprocessor
cppcheck - Simple syntax checking of C/C++.
cpphs - liberalised cpp-a-like preprocessor for Haskell
cpphs - liberalised cpp-a-like preprocessor for Haskell
cpp - The C Preprocessor
cppunit-config - script to get information about the installed version
cproto - generate C function prototypes and convert function
cpuburn, burnBX, burnK6, burnK7, burnMMX, burnP5, burnP6 - a collection
cpufreq-aperf - Calculates the average frequency over a time period
cpufreqd-get - Issues "get" commands to cpufreqd.
cpufreqd-set - Issues "set" commands to cpufreqd.
cpufreq-info - Utility to retrieve cpufreq kernel information
cpufreq-selector — tool to set CPU frequency -
cpufreq-set - A small tool which allows to modify cpufreq settings.
cpuid - program to find the CPUID of Intel and AMD x86 processors
cpulimit -- limits the CPU usage of a process -
cramfsswap - swap endianess of a cram filesystem (cramfs)
crashexport - Export CrashMail configuration
crashgetnode - Lookup node in CrashMail nodelist
crashlist - Compile a CrashMail nodelist
crashmail - A Fidonet *.JAM and MSG tosser
crashmaint - Do maintanence on CrashMail message bases
crashme - test operating environment software robustness
crashstats - Display CrashMail statistics
crashwrite - Creates PKT file from text file
crasm - Cross assembler for 6800/6801/6803/6502/65C02/Z80
crc32 - compute CRC-32 checksums for the given files
cr_checkpoint - checkpoints a process, process group, or session.
cream - a set of macros that makes the VIM easier to use for beginners
create_bmp_for_circ_in_circ - bitmap generator for circular conductor
create_bmp_for_circ_in_rect - bitmap generator for a circular conductor
create_bmp_for_microstrip_coupler - bitmap generator for microstrip
sorry_no_written_yet - part of atlc
create_bmp_for_rect_cen_in_rect - bitmap generator for rectangular
sorry_no_written_yet - part of atlc
create_bmp_for_rect_in_rect - bitmap generator for rectangular
create_bmp_for_stripline_coupler - bitmap generator for coupler with
create_bmp_for_symmetrical_stripline - bitmap generator for thin
ctn_manpage - Generic CTN manual page
create_compressed_fs, extract_compressed_fs - convert and extract a
create_cvsignore - Create preliminary .cvsignore in the current
createcw - custom widget description creater for Qt Designer
createdb - create a new PostgreSQL database
ctn_manpage - Generic CTN manual page
ctn_manpage - Generic CTN manual page
ctn_manpage - Generic CTN manual page
ctn_manpage - Generic CTN manual page
CreateInterface — Create a Java Interface definition from DBus -
createlang - define a new PostgreSQL procedural language
create_makefile - Creates and Makefile from a
create_makefiles - Recreates all Makefiles beneath a directory
create-native-map - C/C# Mapping Creator
ctn_manpage - Generic CTN manual page
create_tpm_key - generate a TSS key blob
createuser - define a new PostgreSQL user account
CreateWarpedGridImage - part of ANTS registration suite
cr - converts text files between nix EOL and dos EOL
cricket - A program to manage the collection and display of time-series
cricket - A program to manage the collection and display of time-series
crip - a terminal-based ripper/encoder/tagger tool
crittering - Evolving Artificial Life
crmgr - administration utility for QDBM Curia
crontab - maintain crontab files for individual users (Vixie Cron)
crosshurd - Cross-install a Debian GNU/Hurd system
CrossVC - A graphical CVS frontend
cr_restart - restarts a process, process group, or session from a
cr_run - runs a subprocess with checkpoint library loaded.
crtest - test cases for QDBM Curia
crtsv - mutual converter between TSV and QDBM Curia database
krxvt, crxvt, grxvt - a multi-lingual VT102 emulator for the X window
krxvt, crxvt, grxvt - a multi-lingual VT102 emulator for the X window
krxvt, crxvt, grxvt - a multi-lingual VT102 emulator for the X window
cryptcat - twofish encryption enabled version of nc(1)
cryptdir - encrypt/decrypt all files in a directory
cryptest - Test Driver for Crypto++, a C++ Class Library of
crypt, mcrypt, mdecrypt - encrypt or decrypt files
cryptkeeper - EncFS system tray applet for GNOME
cryptoflex-tool - utility for manipulating Schlumberger Cryptoflex data
Cryptonit - A simple GUI program for encryption and signature
Cryptonit - A simple GUI program for encryption and signature
cs2cs - cartographic coordinate system filter
csb64enc - Converts a binary file to a Base64 encoded text file. .
csbench-1.4 — Crystalspace tool -
csbench — Crystalspace tool -
csc - driver program for the Chicken Scheme compiler
csClient - -
cs-config-1.4 — Crystalspace tool -
cs-config — Crystalspace tool -
cscope - interactively examine a C program
cscope-indexer - Script to index files for cscope
csdemo-1.4 — Crystalspace tool -
csdemo — Crystalspace tool -
csdp - semidefinite program solver
csdp - semidefinite program solver
csdp - semidefinite program solver
csdp - semidefinite program solver
csdp - semidefinite program solver
csepdjvu - DjVu encoder for separated data files.
csfgen-1.4 — Crystalspace tool -
csfgen — Crystalspace tool -
csharp, gsharp - Interactive C# Shell
generic_count - count physical lines of code, given a comment marker
cshost - Server access control program for canna
cs - Starts Csound with a set of options that can be controlled by
csi - The Chicken Scheme Interpreter
csimagetool-1.4 — Crystalspace tool -
csimagetool — Crystalspace tool -
cs_io_dump - Dump headers and optionally content of a Code_Saturne
pdftex, pdfinitex, pdfvirtex - PDF output from TeX
cslight-1.4 — Crystalspace tool -
cslight — Crystalspace tool -
csound - Csound command.
cs_partition - Compute domain partition(s) of Code_Saturne preprocessor
cspctl - Sound Blaster 16 ASP/CSP control program
pdftex, pdfinitex, pdfvirtex - PDF output from TeX
csplit - split a file into sections determined by context lines
ecs-config - Script to get information about the installed version of
cs_preprocess - Code_Saturne preprocessor
css2sass - Transforms a CSS file into corresponding Sass code
cssclean - rebuild a hash database, omitting hapaxes
csscompress - Compress a hash database’s extents
cssconvert - convert a dspam v3.6.0 hash database to v3.6.1
cssed - A tiny GTK2 CSS editor and validator.
csServer - -
rancid - Cisco configuration filter
cssstat - Print hash file statistics
csstartme — Crystalspace tool -
csstidy - CSS parser and optimiser
cstest - render a clearsilver template combined with a dataset
cstream - direct data streams, with bandwidth limiting, FIFO, audio,
cstr - print out string literals in C source code
xml2 - convert xml documents in a flat format
csv2latex — convert a csv file into a LaTeX document - - Generates MIPE file based on 3 tab-delimited files
csv2po - convert Comma-Separated Value (.csv) files to Gettext PO
csv2tbx - convert Comma-Separated Value (.csv) files to a TermBase
csv2vcard - Convert a CSV-formatted list of contacts to vCards
csv2yapet - convert CSV file to YAPET file
csvtool - tool for performing manipulations on CSV files from shell
cswig - generate Python and Tcl wrappers from C++ code.
csync2 - cluster synchronization tool, 2nd generation
ctable - a small interface to SciYAG’s Backend system
ctags - Generate tag files for source code
ctangle, cweave - translate CWEB to C and/or TeX
ctanglex, cweavex - translate CWEB(x) to C (or C++) and/or TeX
ctcs - parse and run test control files
ctcs-newburn-generator - Examine the running system and print a tcf
ctdbd - The CTDB cluster daemon
ctdb - clustered tdb database management utility
ctest - Testing driver provided by CMake.
cthumb - a themable web picture album generator
ctie - merge or apply CWEB change files
ctioga - a command-line front-end for the Tioga plotting library
ctlportslave - terminal server control and monitor program.
ctn_manpage - Generic CTN manual page
ctn_manpage - Generic CTN manual page
ctn_manpage - Generic CTN manual page
ctn_manpage - Generic CTN manual page
styx — A combined parser and scanner generator -
ctorrent - Download bittorrent files from command line
ctow - Convert Canna text-form dictionary into Wnn text-form dictionary
ctpl - CTPL command-line template parsing tool
CtrlClnt - XMail remote control client
ctsim - A Graphical Computed Tomography Simulator
ctsimtext - A Text-Based Computed Tomography Simulator
ctxtools - clean up temporary ConTeXt files, install latest ConTeXt
h2xml - convert header files to XML intermediates
cube_dispatcher - PgQ consumer that is used to write source records
cubeview - view 3D FITS files
cue2toc - convert CUE to TOC format
cuebreakpoints - report track breakpoints from a CUE or TOC file
cueconvert - convert files between CUE and TOC formats
cueprint - report disc and track infomation from a CUE or TOC file
cuetag - tag files based on cue/toc file information
cu - Call up another system
cundecl - encode C type declarations
cuneiform - multi-language OCR system
cunloop - unloop C loops
cup - LALR parser generator for Java(tm)
cups-config - get cups api, compiler, directory, and link information.
cupsdconf — A CUPS configuration tool -
cupsdoprint - KDE command line tool to print files via CUPS
cupstestdsc - test conformance of postscript files
cupstestppd - test conformance of ppd files
cupt - console package management tool
c_urg-config - compiler, linker flags for liburg
curl-config - Get information about a libcurl installation
curlftpfs - mount a ftp host as a local directory
curl - transfer a URL
gnustep-examples - various example GNUstep tools/applications
curves - console UI to CVS source control
customdeb - Customizes a binary debian package
cut-diff - show difference between 2 files with color
cutecom - graphical serial terminal.
cut - remove sections from each line of files
cutmp3 - a fast and leightweight mp3 editor
cutsel - show information about the X clipboard and the cutbuffer in
cutter - xUnit family unit testing framework for C and C++
cuum - To start the front-end processor.
cvanal - Converts a soundfile into a single Fourier transform frame. .
cvc3 - automatic SMT theorem prover
Cver - Verilog Simulator
cv - convert between metafile formats
vlc, qvlc, svlc, nvlc, rvlc, cvlc - the VLC media player
cvpcb - assign components to a netlist.
cvs2bzr - convert a cvs repository into a bazaar repository
cvs2cl - convert cvs log messages to changelogs
cvs2git - convert a cvs repository into a git repository
cvs2html - render a CVS commit log in HTML
cvs2svn - convert a cvs repository into a subversion repository
cvsaskpass - prompt for a password for the CVS DCOP service
cvs-autoreleasedeb - Automatic Release of debian packages from CVS
cvsbackport - backport the last change in HEAD to a branch
cvs-buildpackage - build Debian packages from a CVS repository.
cvschangelogbuilder — build cvs ChangeLogs and cvs html reports -
cvscheck - Offline status report for files in a checked-out CVS module.
cvsutils - CVS utilities for use in working directories
cvs-clean - delete all files and directories not registered with CVS
cvsutils - CVS utilities for use in working directories
cvsconnect - CVS connection minimizer
cvs-debc - view contents of a cvs-buildpackage/cvs-debuild generated
cvs-debi - install cvs-buildpackage/cvs-debuild generated package
cvs-debrelease - upload a cvs-buildpackage/cvs-debuild generated
cvs-debuild - build a Debian package using cvs-buildpackage and debuild
cvsdelta - Manage and summarize the differences between a CVS project
cvsutils - CVS utilities for use in working directories
cvsutils - CVS utilities for use in working directories
cvsforwardport - forwardport the last change in a branch to HEAD
cvsgraph - A CVS/RCS repository grapher
cvs - Concurrent Versions System
cvs-inject - inject a debian source package into a CVS repository
cvslastchange - Display the last change committed to CVS for a file
cvslastlog - Prints the log entry for the last commit for a file.
cvslockd - CVSNT Lock Server
cvs-mailcommit - Send CVS commitments via mail
cvsmgdiff - uses mgdiff to display differences between any two cvs
cvsutils - CVS utilities for use in working directories
cvs - Concurrent Versions System
CVSps - create patchset information from CVS
cvsutils - CVS utilities for use in working directories
cvsrevertlast - Revert files in CVS by one version
cvsscript - Runs a script against the audit database
cvsservice - a DCOP service for accessing CVS repositories
cvssh — CVS shell for @FORGENAME@ / General execution wRAPper LITE! -
cvssuck - inefficient cvs repository grabber using cvs command
cvstrac - Low-ceremony bug tracker for projects under CVS
cvsutils - CVS utilities for use in working directories
cvsutils - CVS utilities for use in working directories
cvs-upgrade - upgrade a debian source package kept in a CVS repository
cvsutils - CVS utilities for use in working directories
cvsweb - a CGI interface to your CVS repository
cvtenc - file encoding converter
cvt - calculate VESA CVT mode lines
cwcp - curses-based Morse tutor program
cwddel - To delete characters/words from the binary format
cwdreg - To register characters/words into the binary format
ctangle, cweave - translate CWEB to C and/or TeX
ctanglex, cweavex - translate CWEB(x) to C (or C++) and/or TeX
ctangle, cweave - translate CWEB to C and/or TeX
cweb-sty - LaTeX support for CWEB
ctanglex, cweavex - translate CWEB(x) to C (or C++) and/or TeX
cwgen - generate groups of random characters for Morse code practice
cw - sound characters as Morse code on the soundcard or console speaker - Closed World Machine, an RDF/N3 semantic web data
cwnnstat - To show the current status of cserver.
cwnntouch - To rewrite the header of the dictionary.
cwterm - lightweight terminal emulator with Chinese character support
cxfreeze - create standalone executables from Python scripts
cxpm - Check an XPM (X PixMap) file
cxref-cc - compile and document/cross-reference a C source file
cxref-cpp-configure - A program to generate the cxref-cpp.defines file
cxref-cpp - A modified C preprocessor to use with cxref.
cxref-cpp - A modified C preprocessor to use with cxref.
cxref - C Cross Referencing yyyyyamp; Documenting tool.
cxref-query - A program to query the cross reference database from
cxxmetric - Simple source metrics for C and C++
cxxtools-config - output compiler flags for cxxflags usage
cyconfig, cyconvertrules, cydumprules, cyloadrules, cypasswd - cyphesis
cycle - a calendar for women
cyclictest - Xenomai high resolution timer test
cyclient - cyphesis world building client
cyclone - tornado screen saver.
cycmd - cycmd game server process
cyconfig, cyconvertrules, cydumprules, cyloadrules, cypasswd - cyphesis
cyconfig, cyconvertrules, cydumprules, cyloadrules, cypasswd - cyphesis
cygnal - streaming media server
Cynthiune - music player for GNUstep
cyphesis - cyphesis game server process
cyconfig, cyconvertrules, cydumprules, cyloadrules, cypasswd - cyphesis
cyr - setup Cyrillic on Linux console
cython - compile python-like .pyx file to C for use as python module
d2asc - a program
nt - A download manager for X
daa2iso - converts daa and gbi files to iso format.
dact - compress or expand a file or stream
dadadodo - exterminate all rational thought
daemon - turns other processes into daemons
daemonlogger - simple network logger and soft tap daemon
dailystrips-clean - remove old downloaded dailystrips
dailystrips - view web comic strips more conveniently
dailystrips-update - download updated dailystrips definitions
dans-gdal-scripts - A GDAL add-on set of utilities
dapltest - test for the Direct Access Programming Library (DAPL)
dar_cp - disk archive copy
darcs-buildpackage - Build Debian packages from a Darcs archive
darcs - an advanced revision control system
darcs_load_dirs - Import upstream archives into tla, hg, darcs, or git
darcs-monitor - Darcs add-on that sends mail about newly pushed changes
dares - rescue files from damaged CDs and DVDs
dares - rescue files from damaged CDs and DVDs
dar - disk archive
darkice - an icecast / shoutcast live audio streamer
darkroom - An image manipulation tool
darksnow - A simple frontend to DarkIce
dar_manager - disk archive manager
dar_slave - disk archive slave
dar - disk archive
darts - program to do common prefix search interactively
dar_xform - disk archive "re-slicer"
dasdcopy -
dasdlist -
hercules — System/370, ESA/390 and z/Architecture Emulator -
hercules — System/370, ESA/390 and z/Architecture Emulator -
hercules — System/370, ESA/390 and z/Architecture Emulator -
hercules — System/370, ESA/390 and z/Architecture Emulator -
dasdseq - Hercules DSORG=PS retrieval command
dasher - graphical predictive text entry system
dash - command interpreter (shell)
dash-search - match arguments against cruft filter patterns
allegro-dev-tools - collection of useful tools for Allegro developers
allegro-dev-tools - collection of useful tools for Allegro developers
data2inc - Free Pascal binary to pascal include file converter.
datacopy - move table data between two servers
datapacker - Tool to pack files into the minimum number of bins
data_rate_consumer - program that consume and measure the data rate
data_rate_producer - program that produce dummy data at hight rate to
datefudge - pretend the system time is different
date - print or set the system date and time
date@ - prints the date on a remote host.
dates - a light-weight, zooming calendar
allegro-dev-tools - collection of useful tools for Allegro developers
Dav - A minimalist ncurses-based text editor.
davserver -WebDAV server implementation in Python -
dayfact - compute illuminance and daylight factor on workplane
rsbac-admin - Rule Set Based Access Control
jw, docbook2dvi, docbook2html, docbook2man, docbook2pdf, docbook2ps, -
jw, docbook2dvi, docbook2html, docbook2man, docbook2pdf, docbook2ps, -
jw, docbook2dvi, docbook2html, docbook2man, docbook2pdf, docbook2ps, -
jw, docbook2dvi, docbook2html, docbook2man, docbook2pdf, docbook2ps, -
jw, docbook2dvi, docbook2html, docbook2man, docbook2pdf, docbook2ps, -
db2x_manxml - Make man pages from Man-XML
db2x_texixml - Make Texinfo files from Texi-XML
db2x_xsltproc - XSLT processor invocation wrapper
db4.6_archive - Find unused log files for archiving purposes
db4.6_checkpoint - Periodically checkpoint transactions
db4.6_deadlock - Detect and abort deadlocks
db4.6_dump - Write database to flat-text format
db4.6_hotbackup - Create "hot backup" or "hot failover" snapshots
db4.6_load - Load data from standard in
db4.6_printlog - Dumps Berkeley DB log files in a human-readable format
db4.6_recover - Restore the database to a consistent state
db4.6_stat - Display statistics for Berkeley DB environments
db4.6_upgrade - Upgrade the Berkeley DB version to the current release
db4.6_verify - Verifies the structure databases
db4.7_archive - Find unused log files for archiving purposes
db4.7_checkpoint - Periodically checkpoint transactions
db4.7_deadlock - Detect and abort deadlocks
db4.7_dump - Write database to flat-text format
db4.7_hotbackup - Create "hot backup" or "hot failover" snapshots
db4.7_load - Load data from standard in
db4.7_printlog - Dumps Berkeley DB log files in a human-readable format
db4.7_recover - Restore the database to a consistent state
db4.7_stat - Display statistics for Berkeley DB environments
db4.7_upgrade - Upgrade the Berkeley DB version to the current release
db4.7_verify - Verifies the structure databases
db4.8_archive - Find unused log files for archiving purposes
db4.8_checkpoint - Periodically checkpoint transactions
db4.8_deadlock - Detect and abort deadlocks
db4.8_dump - Write database to flat-text format
db4.8_hotbackup - Create "hot backup" or "hot failover" snapshots
db4.8_load - Load data from standard input
db4.8_printlog - Dumps Berkeley DB log files in a human-readable format
db4.8_recover - Restore the database to a consistent state
db4.8_stat - Display statistics for Berkeley DB environments
db4.8_upgrade - Upgrade the Berkeley DB version to the current release
db4.8_verify - Verifies the structure databases
dbacl - a digramic Bayesian classifier for text recognition.
dbadb - Manage the DB-ALLe database
dba — characterising shared regulatory regions of genomic DNA -
dbamsg - Work with encoded meteorological data
dbar - ASCII progresbar
dbatbl - Manage on-disk reference tables for DB-ALLe
dbclient - lightweight SSH2 client
dbconfig-generate-include - generate custom format db include files
dbconfig-load-include - parse custom format db config files
dbd - CNID database maintanance
db_dump185 - dump DB 1.85 legacy database files
dbeacon - Distributed IPv4/IPv6 multicast beacon
dbench - Measure disk throughput for simulated netbench run
dbf2mysql, mysql2dbf - convert between xBase and MySQL databases
dbfadd - add a row to an xBase DBF file
dbfcreate - Create an empty xBase DBF file
dbfdump - dump xBase DBF files as text
dbforge2.byte - Transform a XML file conforming to db DTD into SQL
dbforge2.gui.byte - GUI to write XML file conforming to db DTD.
dblatex - convert DocBook to LaTeX, DVI, PostScript, and PDF
dbmail2dlf - convert DBMAIL IMAP or POP log files to Lire msgstore DLF
dbmail - the Database Mailer, is a suite of mail storage and retrieval
dbmail-smtp - inserts messages into the DBMail mailsystem.
dbmmanage - Manage user authentication files in DBM format
DBModeler - graphical management of relational database elements in
dbounce-simple-safecat - store double-bounced email messages into a
dbp-get - Check out a Debian package from a Darcs repository
dbp-importdsc - Import a Debian source package into darcs-buildpackage
dbp-importorig - Import an upstream source into a darcs-buildpackage
dbp-markdeb - Mark the Debian version of the working directory in
dbpmda - debugger for Performance Co-Pilot PMDAs - database response time and availability information
dbs-edit-patch - Edit a DBS patch
dbsessmgr - session state database manager
dbsessmgr2 - session state database manager
dbsessmgr2 - session state database manager
dbtoepub - convert DocBook XML to .epub
PHPUnit - Unit testing suite for PHP
DBusCall — Calls methods on DBus -
dbus-cleanup-sockets - clean up leftover sockets in a directory
dbus-daemon - Message bus daemon
DBusDaemon — Runs a D-Bus Daemon -
dbus-launch - Utility to start a message bus from a shell script
dbus-monitor - debug probe to print message bus messages
dbus-send - Send a message to a message bus
dbus-uuidgen - Utility to generate UUIDs
DBusViewer — Show connections to the Bus and introspect on them. -
dbutil - database utility
dbverify - Check a Lifelines database
dbview - View dBase III files
dc1394_reset_bus - resets the IEEE1394 bus
dc1394_vloopback - send format0 video to V4L vloopback device
dcadec - decode DTS Coherent Acoustics audio streams
dccleancrw - Canon (CRW) RAW photo file recovery utility
dcdirdmp - ACR/NEMA DICOM PS3 ... DICOM PS3
dcentvfy - ACR/NEMA DICOM PS3 ... DICOM PS3
dcfldd - manual page for dcfldd (dcfldd) 1.3.4
dcfujigreen - Alternative processing for Fuji RAW images
dcfujiturn/dcfujiturn16 - Alternative rotation for dcraw processed
dcfujiturn/dcfujiturn16 - Alternative rotation for dcraw processed
debchange - Tool for maintenance of the debian/changelog file in a
dch-repeat - repeats a changelog entry into an older release
dchroot-dsa - enter a chroot environment
dchroot - enter a chroot environment
dc - an arbitrary precision calculator
dciodvfy - ACR/NEMA DICOM PS3 ... DICOM PS3
dckey - ACR/NEMA DICOM PS3 ... Extract attribute values
dcl2inc - postprocess ftnchek .dcl files to create separate INCLUDE
dclock - digital clock
dcm2mnc - convert sets of DICOM files to one or more MINC format files.
dcm2pnm - Convert DICOM images to PPM/PGM, PNG, TIFF or BMP
dcm2xml - Convert DICOM file and data set to XML
dcm_add_fragments - Dump element from DICOM file to another
dcmcjpeg - Encode DICOM file to JPEG transfer syntax
dcmconv - Convert DICOM file encoding
dcm_create_object - Create a object in a DICOM File
dcmcrle - Encode DICOM file to RLE transfer syntax
dcm_ctnto10 - Convert a CTN DICOM file to Part 10 conforming format.
dcmd - expand file lists of .dsc/.changes files in the command line
dcm_diff - Compare the attributes in two DICOM files.
dcmdjpeg - Decode JPEG-compressed DICOM file
dcmdrle - Decode RLE-compressed DICOM file
dcmdspfn - Export standard display curves to a text file
ctn_manpage - Generic CTN manual page
dcm_dump_element - Dump element from a DICOM file into to another
dcm_dump_file - Dump the contents of a DICOM File
dcmdump - Dump DICOM file and data set
dcmftest - Test if file uses DICOM part 10 format
dcmgpdir - Create a general purpose DICOMDIR
dcmj2pnm - Convert DICOM images to PGM, PPM, BMP, TIFF or JPEG
dcm_make_object - Make a DICOM information object from an ASCII
dcm_map_to_8 - map original pixel data (10, 12 bit) to 8 bit
ctn_manpage - Generic CTN manual page
dcmmkcrv - Add 2D curve data to image
dcmmkdir - Create a DICOMDIR file
dcmmklut - Create DICOM look-up tables
ctn_manpage - Generic CTN manual page
ctn_manpage - Generic CTN manual page
dcmodify - Modify DICOM files
dcmp2pgm - Read DICOM image and presentation state and render bitmap
ctn_manpage - Generic CTN manual page
dcmprscp - DICOM basic grayscale print management SCP
dcmprscu - Print spooler for presentation state viewer
dcmpschk - Checking tool for presentation states
dcmpsmk - Create DICOM grayscale softcopy presentation state
dcmpsprt - Read DICOM images and presentation states and render print
dcmpsrcv - Network receive for presentation state viewer
dcmpssnd - Network send for presentation state viewer
dcmqridx - Register a DICOM image file in an image database index file
dcmqrscp - DICOM image archive (central test node)
dcmqrti - The Terminal Initiator Telnet Client Program
dcmquant - Convert DICOM color images to palette color
dcm_resize - Resize a DICOM image
dcm_rm_element - Remove an element from a DICOM file
ctn_manpage - Generic CTN manual page
dcmscale - Scale DICOM images
dcmsign - Sign and Verify DICOM Files
ctn_manpage - Generic CTN manual page
ctn_manpage - Generic CTN manual page
ctn_manpage - Generic CTN manual page
ctn_manpage - Generic CTN manual page
dcm_verify - Verify DICOM File
ctn_manpage - Generic CTN manual page
ctn_manpage - Generic CTN manual page
dcod2lum - Convert hardcopy characteristic curve file to softcopy
dconf - create a system’s hardware and software configuration snapshot
dcontrol -- Query package and source control files for all Debian -
dconvlum - Convert VeriLUM files to DCMTK display files
dcopclient - extracts the application id from a DCOP reference of a KDE
dcopfind — Find the DCOP reference of a KDE service -
dcop — Console DCOP client -
dcopobject - extracts the object id from a DCOP reference of a KDE
dcopquit - terminates a KDE service
dcopref - creates a DCOP reference of a KDE service from application id
dcopserver — KDE DCOP server -
dcopserver_shutdown - shuts down the KDE DCOP service
dcopstart — Start a KDE service and return its DCOP reference -
dcparse - Extract embeded thumbnail image and print CIFF/TIFF data to
dcraw - command-line decoder for raw digital photos
dcsrdump - ACR/NEMA DICOM PS3 ... DICOM PS3
dcstats - ACR/NEMA DICOM PS3 ... DICOM PS3
dctable - ACR/NEMA DICOM PS3 ... DICOM PS3
dctimestep - compute annual simulation time-step via matrix
dctrl2xml - Debian control data to XML converter
dcut - Debian archive .commands file upload tool
ddate - converts Gregorian dates to Discordian dates
ddccontrol - A utility to control monitor parameters via software
ddd - The Data Display Debugger
d-devlibdeps - Check and list dependencies of development library
dd - convert and copy a file
ddir - display hierarchical directory tree
ddjvu - Command line DjVu decoder.
dd-list - nicely list .deb packages and their maintainers
ddns3 - remote update client
ddns3 - remote update client
dd_rescue - copies data from one file (or block device) to another
ddrescue - manual page for ddrescue 1.11
dds2index - tool to create an indexfile for the use of
dds2tar - tool for fast tape access
dds-dd - tool to read a dds device.
ddtc - ddts client tool to help translators and reviewers.
ddv - DeuxD-Viewer for multiple sequence alignment
deallocvt - deallocate unused virtual terminals
debarchiver - Tool to sort debian packages.
debchange - Tool for maintenance of the debian/changelog file in a
debcheckout - checkout the development repository of a Debian package
debc - view contents of a generated Debian package
debclean - clean up a sourcecode tree
debcommit - commit changes to a package
debconf-apt-progress - install packages using debconf to display a
debconf-communicate - communicate with debconf
debconf-copydb - copy a debconf database
debconf-escape - helper when working with debconf’s escape capability
debconf-getlang - extract a language from a templates file
debconf-get-selections - output contents of debconf database
debconf-gettextize - extract translations of debconf templates into PO
debconf - run a debconf-using program
debconf-loadtemplate - load template file into debconf database
debconf-mergetemplate - merge together multiple debconf template files
debconf-set-selections - insert new default values into the debconf
debconf-show - query the debconf database
debconf-updatepo - update PO files about debconf templates
debdelta - compute changes between Debian packages
debdeltas - compute deltas between Debian packages
debdelta-upgrade - Downloads all deltas that may be used to ’apt-get
debdiff - compare file lists in two Debian packages
debget - Fetch a .deb for a package in APT’s database
debgtd - a tool to help organise and prioritise your Debian bugs
deb-gview - GNOME viewer for .deb package files and contents
debian-bug-search - searches the Debian bug tracking system
debian-builder - Rebuild a Debian package from its source code.
debiandoc2dbxml - Utility to translate debiandoc-sgml files into
debiandoc-sgml - overview of the DebianDoc-SGML formatting tools
debiandoc-sgml - overview of the DebianDoc-SGML formatting tools
debiandoc-sgml - overview of the DebianDoc-SGML formatting tools
debiandoc-sgml - overview of the DebianDoc-SGML formatting tools
debiandoc-sgml - overview of the DebianDoc-SGML formatting tools
debiandoc-sgml - overview of the DebianDoc-SGML formatting tools
debiandoc-sgml - overview of the DebianDoc-SGML formatting tools
debiandoc-sgml - overview of the DebianDoc-SGML formatting tools
debiandoc-sgml - overview of the DebianDoc-SGML formatting tools
debiandoc-sgml - overview of the DebianDoc-SGML formatting tools
debiandoc-sgml - overview of the DebianDoc-SGML formatting tools
debiandoc-sgml - overview of the DebianDoc-SGML formatting tools
debiandoc-sgml - overview of the DebianDoc-SGML formatting tools
debiandoc-sgml - overview of the DebianDoc-SGML formatting tools
debiandoc-sgml - overview of the DebianDoc-SGML formatting tools
debiandoc-sgml - overview of the DebianDoc-SGML formatting tools
debiandoc-sgml - overview of the DebianDoc-SGML formatting tools
debiandoc-tidy - Script to "normalize" debiandoc-sgml files
debianize-vdrplugin - debianize a VDR plugin source archive
mirrors - measure response times from mirrors
debian-reference - post-installation user’s guide
debian-report - report differences in packages referenced by two
debi - install current version of generated Debian package
debirf - build an initrd to boot a full Debian system entirely from RAM
debman - read man pages from uninstalled packages
debmany - select manpages or documentation files from installed
debmirror - Debian partial mirror script, with ftp, http, hftp or rsync
debnest_make - creates a nested debian source package tree
debomatic - Automatic build machine for Debian source packages
deborphan - Orphaned package finder
debpartial-mirror — debpartial-mirror is a program to generate partial -
debpatch - Applies a patch to recreate a debian package.
debpkg - wrapper for dpkg
debram - look .debs up in the Debian Ramification
debrelease - a wrapper around dupload or dput
deb-reversion - simple script to change the version of a .deb file.
debrsign - remotely sign a Debian changes and dsc file pair using SSH
debruijn - de Bruijn sequence generator
debsecan - Debian Security Analyzer
debsign - sign a Debian changes and dsc file pair using GPG/PGP
debsig-verify - Verify signatures for a Debian format package
debsnap - retrieve old snapshots of Debian packages
debsums - check the MD5 sums of installed Debian packages
debtags-edit - Search and categorize Debian packages
debtags - Command line interface to access and manipulate Debian
debtags-updatecontrol - Update Debtags information in control files
debtorrent-client — download files using a scatter-gather network -
debtorrent-tracker — debtorrent tracker -
debtree - show relationships between packages
debugapp - A wrapper for openapp.
radiance-experttools — Specialty programs of the Radiance package, used -
debugim, printlines - prints the raw image data of a vasari file format
perl - Practical Extraction and Report Language
debugvdr - Runs the VDR debugging binary with the GDB debugger.
debuild - build a Debian package
debuild-pbuilder - A "debuild" wrapper to satisfy build-dependency
decibel-audio-player - a simple audio player
decibel-audio-player-remote - Control Decibel Audio Player remotely
decode_teergrube - reveal the sender of a sugarplum teergrube address
decomment - remove comments from C and C++ files
cryptdir - encrypt/decrypt all files in a directory
deejayd - A media player daemon.
defaults - read or modify GNUstep user defaults
lid - Query ID database and report results
defncopy - extract procedures and views from a Microsoft server.
defoma-app - configure a specific application about fonts registered in
defoma-font - register/unregister font(s) to Debian Font Manager
defoma-hints - generate font hints.
defoma - Debian Font Manager, a framework for automatic font
defoma-id - Manage id-cache of Debian Font Manager
defoma-psfont-installer - register fonts installed in a PostScript
defoma-subst - Modify a rulefile of Defoma font substitution system.
defoma-user - Debian Font Manager for users
mollist - get identifiers list
mollist - get identifiers list
deghosting_mask - Creates mask for removing ghosting in images
dgrep, degrep, dfgrep, dzgrep -- grep through files belonging to an -
dehtmldiff - get usable diff from an HTML page
deja-dup - backup your data
deja-dup-preferences - backup your data
delaunay - constructs the constrained Delaunay triangulation of the
delcr - removes a CR (yyyyy15) at the end of each line of input, if a CR
deledgeg - For each edge e, output G-e
delete_spam - Deletes spam tickets from Trac.
deliver - deliver mail to a mailbox or maildir spool
dell-recovery - dell recovery suite
dell-recovery-media - recovery media creation suite
delp - The Free Pascal file deletion tool.
mummer - package for sequence alignment of multiple genomes
delta - find differences between two RDF graphs
deluge-console - a bittorrent client curses interface
deluged - a bittorrent client daemon
deluge-gtk - a bittorrent client gtk interface
deluge - a bittorrent client
deluge-web - a bittorrent client ajax web interface
delve - Inspect the contents of a Xapian database
delwords - Deleting words from specified dictionary collectively
demangle - Undo C++ name mangling for symbols
demux - Convert XPLOR distance restraints to Gromacs format
denef - Decode Nikon NEF file
denemo - gtk+ frontend to GNU Lilypond
derb - disassemble a resource bundle
deroff - remove roff and preprocessor constructs
__descrpt - Program to encrypt data using a DES-algorithm
design_coupler - for designing directional couplers (part of the atlc
qt-designer - Visual user interface designer for Qt.
designer-qt4 - Visual user interface designer for Qt4.
desklaunch - a small utility for creating desktop icons
deskmenu - A root menu for X
deskscribe - Suite of tools for recording desktop activity
desktop2menu - create a menu file skeleton from a desktop file
desktopcouch-pair - A tool used to pair desktop CouchDBs.
desktop-file-validate - validate a .desktop file
desktopnova-daemon - daemon for desktopnova
desktopnova - change your desktop wallpaper automatically
desktopnova-tray - control the DesktopNova daemon
desmume-cli - Nintendo DS emulator
desmume-glade - Nintendo DS emulator
desmume - Nintendo DS emulator
desproxy-dns - DNS for dynamic connections
desproxy - a TCP tunnel for HTTP proxies
desproxy-inetd - Desproxy for inetd
desproxy-socksserver - Using desproxy with dynamic connections
detachtty, attachtty - run an interactive program with io to a unix-
detex - a filter to strip TeX commands from a .tex file.
detok - OpenBIOS detokenizer
detox - clean up filenames
deurlname - Remove URL-encoded characters from file names.
devdump, isoinfo, isovfy, isodump - Utility programs for dumping and
devede - A simple application to create Video DVDs
devhelp - A developers help program. - parses simple device tables and passes to mknod
devilspie - perform actions on windows as they are created
devio - program to read and write from block devices
devnag - Devanagari for TeX preprocessor
devscripts - scripts to ease the lives of Debian developers
todo - a reminder/task program aimed at developers
deweb - strips away C yyyyyamp; CWEB commands from CWEB sources
dexconf - generate Xorg X server configuration file from debconf data
dfa_determinize -
dfarc - An integrated frontend and .dmod installer.
dfbg - DirectFB background configuration tool
d-feet - D-Bus viewer and debugger
dfg2ascii - transforms DFG files into pretty printed ASCII files
dfg2dfg - calculate approximations of problems
dfg2otter - transforms DFG clause files into Otter format
dfg2otter - transforms DFG clause files into Otter format including
dfg2ascii - transforms DFG files into TPTP files
dgrep, degrep, dfgrep, dzgrep -- grep through files belonging to an -
df - report file system disk space usage
dfical-datebook - parse an iCal file and create a QSF XML
DFI - The Deferred Frequency Index
dfinvoice-future - parse a QSF XML file show future bookings
dfinvoice-month - parse a QSF XML file show pending payments
dfits - display FITS file header information
dfo - Desktop Flickr Organizer for Gnome
dfont2res - convert Macintosh dfont font file format to Macintosh
dfsqlite-pilottodo - convert a gpe-todo sqlite database into pilot-qof
dfu-programmer - USB firmware upgrading for Atmel microcontrollers
dfutool - Device Firmware Upgrade utility
dfu-util - Device firmware update (DFU) USB programmer
dfvcard-pilotaddress - parse a vCard file and prepare a QSF XML file
dfvtodo-pilottodo - parse a vTodo file and create a QSF XML pilot_todo
dfxml-homebank - parse a QSF XML file and prepare a CSV invoice for
dfxml-invoice - parse a QSF XML file and prepare a simple invoice
dfxml-mileage - parse a QSF XML file and summarise mileage expenses
dgen - Sega Genesis/MegaDrive emulator
dgen_tobin - Convert SMD-format Genesis/Megadrive image to raw (BIN)
dget -- Download Debian source and binary packages -
dgetlp - simulate ``dget'' behaviour for files hosted at
dglob - Expand package names or files matching a pattern
dgraph - do a set of graphs to a dumb terminal
dgrep, degrep, dfgrep, dzgrep -- grep through files belonging to an -
display-dhammapada - display a verse from the Dhammapada
dh_apparmor - reload AppArmor profile and create local include
dh_installapport - install apport package hooks
dh_auto_build - automatically builds a package
dh_auto_clean - automatically cleans up after a build
dh_auto_configure - automatically configure a package prior to building
dh_auto_install - automatically runs make install or similar
dh_autoreconf_clean - Clean all changes made by dh_autoreconf
dh_autoreconf - Call autoreconf -f -i and keep track of the changed
dh_auto_test - automatically runs a package's test suites
dh_autotools-dev_restoreconfig - restore config.sub and config.guess
dh_autotools-dev_updateconfig - update config.sub and config.guess
dh_bash-completion - install bash completions for package
dh_bugfiles - install bug reporting customization files into package
dh_builddeb - build debian binary packages
dh_clean - clean up package build directories
dh_clideps - calculates CLI (.NET) dependencies
dh_clifixperms - fix permissions of files in CLI package build
dh_cligacpolicy - creates and installs a CLI policy file for a package
dh_clistrip - strips CLI debug symbols from package build directories
dh_compress - compress files and fix symlinks in package build
dh_consoledata - declare console data files
dh_desktop - deprecated no-op
dh_di_kernel_gencontrol - generate debian/control files for kernel
dh_di_kernel_install - install kernel udeb files
dh_di_numbers - install numbered scripts into package build directories
dh_dkms - correctly handle DKMS usage by a kernel module package
dhelp - Debian online help
dh_fixperms - fix permissions of files in package build directories
dh_gconf - install GConf defaults files and register schemas
dh_gencontrol - generate and install control file
dh_gentdeb - build debian TDeb translation packages
dh_germinate_clean - clean up files left by
dh_germinate_metapackage - create metapackages based on seeds
dh_girepository - compute dependencies for GObject introspection
dh_gnustep - moves files in the GNUstep hierarchy to FHS-compliant
dh_gstscancodecs - enumerate and classify gstreamer codecs
dh_gtkmodules - create Gtk module files for Gtk modules
dh_haskell_depends - calculates Haskell dependencies on Cabalized
dh_haskell_provides - calculates Haskell virtual package names on
dh_haskell_shlibdeps - calculates Haskell external dependencies on
dh - debhelper command sequencer
dh_icons - Update Freedesktop icon caches
dh_installcatalogs - install and register SGML Catalogs
dh_installchangelogs - install changelogs into package build
dh_installcligac - register assemblies to be late installed into a GAC
dh_installcron - install cron scripts into etc/cron.*
dh_installdebconf - install files used by debconf in package build
dh_installdeb - install files into the DEBIAN directory
dh_installdefoma - install a defoma related scripts
dh_installdirs - create subdirectories in package build directories
dh_installdocs - install documentation into package build directories
dh_installemacsen - register an emacs add on package
dh_installexamples - install example files into package build
dh_install - install files into package build directories
dh_installifupdown - install if-up and if-down hooks
dh_installinfo - install info files
dh_installinit - install upstart jobs or init scripts into package
dh_installkpatches - install kernel patch into package build
dh_installlisting - install .listing files to be used by
dh_installlogcheck - install logcheck rulefiles into etc/logcheck/
dh_installlogrotate - install logrotate config files
dh_installman - install man pages into package build directories
dh_installmanpages - old-style man page installer (deprecated)
dh_installmenu - install debian menu files into package build
dh_installmime - install mime files into package build directories
dh_installmodules - register modules with modutils
dh_installpam - install pam support files
dh_installppp - install ppp ip-up and ip-down files
dh_installtex - register Type 1 fonts, hyphenation patterns, or formats
dh_installudev - install udev rules files
dh_installwm - register a window manager
dh_installxfonts - register X fonts
dh_installxmlcatalogs - install and register XML catalog files
dh_installxsp - install host files into /etc/xsp/conf.d and
dh_installyorick - install Yorick add-on packages
dh_installzope - install zope product and extension files into package
dh_installzopeinstance - install a zope instance into package build
dh_javadoc - generate javadoc documentation and install in package
dh_link - create symlinks in package build directories
dh_lintian - install lintian override files into package build
dh_lisp - register Common Lisp source and implementations
dh_listpackages - list binary packages debhelper will act on
dh_makeclilibs - automatically create clilibs file
dh-make-drupal - Builds a Debian package for the requested Drupal
dh-make-gosa - Debianizes the source of a given gosa plugin
dh-make-pear - Create debian source packages from pear modules
dh-make-pecl - Create debian source packages from pecl extensions
dh_makeshlibs - automatically create shlibs file and call
dh_md5sums - generate DEBIAN/md5sums file
dh_metainit - install metainit files into package build directories
dh_movefiles - move files out of debian/tmp into subpackages
dh_movelibkdeinit - move libkdeinit4_*.so from public to the private
dh_nativejava - compile jar files to native code and register them
dh_ocamldoc - Generates documentation for OCaml libraries
dh_ocaml - calculates OCaml packages dependencies and provides
dh_ocamlinit - Substitutes ocaml variables in debian/*.in files with
dhomepage - show the homepage of a package in a browser
dh_pangomodules - create a Pango Module file for all Pango modules
dh_perl - calculates perl dependencies and cleans up after MakeMaker
dh_pidgin- depend on the appropriate version of pidgin -
dh_prep - perform cleanups in preparation for building a binary package
dh_pycentral - use the python-central framework to handle Python
dh_pysupport - use the python-support framework to handle Python
dh_python2 - calculates Python dependencies, adds maintainer scripts to
dh_python - calculates python dependencies and adds postinst and prerm
dh_quilt_patch - apply patches listed in debian/patches/series
dh_quilt_unpatch - unapply patches listed in debian/patches/series
dh_rdoc - generates and installs Ruby documentation
dh_sameversiondep - generate versioned dependency based on the
dh_scrollkeeper - deprecated no-op
dh_shlibdeps - calculate shared library dependencies
dh_sip - set the correct dependencies for Python packages using sip
dh_sodeps - generate library dependencies for development *.so symlinks
dh_strip - strip executables, shared libraries, and some static
dh_suidregister - suid registration program (deprecated)
dh_testdir - test directory before building debian package
dh_testroot - ensure that a package is built as root
dh_testversion - ensure that the correct version of debhelper is
dhttpd - Minimal webserver without cgi-bin support.
dh_undocumented - undocumented.7 symlink program (deprecated no-op)
dh_upx - applies UPX compression on executables
dh_usrlocal - migrate usr/local directories to maintainer scripts
dh_xine - calculates xine-lib dependencies
dh_xul-ext - calculate XUL extension dependencies
dh_xulrunner - sets xulrunner dependencies
dia2code - Generate code from Dia files
dia - a diagram drawing program
diagraph - interactive visual analysis of an LTS
diakonos - a customizable, usable console-based text editor
dialign2-2 - Multiple alignment program using the segment-to-segment
dialign-tx - Segment-based multiple sequence alignment
dialog - display dialog boxes from shell scripts
dialyzer - The Dialyzer, a DIscrepancy AnalYZer for ERlang programs
dia - a diagram drawing program
diatheke - a command line Bible reader
dicar - Archive Binary Dictionary
dicelab - roll and examine dice rolling schemes
dico - a DICT client
ctn_manpage - Generic CTN manual page
dicomhead - prints a dump of the header data in DICOM images
DICOMImageViewer - DICOM Image Viewer
dicomscope - DICOM Viewer
dish - tool for parallel sysadmin of multiple hosts
DictConv: - dictionary file converter
dictfmt - formats a DICT protocol dictionary database
dictfmt_index2suffix - Creates a .suffix file from a DICTD database
dictfmt_index2word - Creates a .word index file from a DICTD database
dict - DICT Protocol Client
DictionaryReader - Dict client for GNUstep
diction - print wordy and commonly misused phrases in sentences
dictl - wrapper script for dict that permits using utf-8 encoded
lipsia - Leipzig Image Processing and Statistical Inference Algorithms
dictunformat - create a raw database file from a .dict and .index file
dictzip, dictunzip - compress (or expand) files, allowing random access
dictzip, dictunzip - compress (or expand) files, allowing random access
dictzip, dictunzip - compress (or expand) files, allowing random access
didiwiki - simple wiki implementation with built-in webserver
rand_rate - A testing and benchmarking tool for GSL random number
diet - mangle gcc command line arguments
diff2patches - Extract non-debian/ patches from .diff.gz files
diff3 - compare three files line by line
diff-ext — is a program that makes possible to launch file comparison -
diff - compare files line by line
diffimg - Calculates intersection between two images
diffindex-download - Download utility for Debian Contents files
diffindex-rred - Restricted restricted ed
diffkk - anomalous scattering factor calculation from XAFS spectra
diffmon - Monitor files on your system.
diffpdf - compare two PDF files textually or visually
diffpos — compare the contents of two .3d files -
diffpp - pretty-print diff outputs with GNU enscript
diffstat - make histogram from diff-output
diffuse - graphical tool for merging and comparing text files
dig - DNS lookup utility
digikam - digital photo management application for KDE
digikamthemedesigner - theme designer for Digikam
digitaglinktree - Export tag structure of photos in digikam to the
digitemp - program to read from temperature sensors.
digitemp - program to read from temperature sensors.
digitemp - program to read from temperature sensors.
digitemp - program to read from temperature sensors.
engauge-digitizer - interactively convert a bitmap graph or map into
di - disk information
dijkstra - single-source distance filter
di-netboot-assistant - Debian-Installer netboot assistant
ding - dictionary lookup program for Unix
dinifti - converts DICOM files into the NIfTI format
dipole - Yagi-Uda project file. Computez Z of a dipole
dir2ogg - Convert MP3, WAV, and M4A files to OGG format
dir2slideshow - Creates an input file for dvd-slideshow from pictures
dirac_encoder - encodes video files to dirac
dirac_encoder - encodes video files to dirac
dirac_encoder - encodes video files to dirac
dirac_encoder - encodes video files to dirac
dircolors - color setup for ls
dircproxy-crypt - Generate encrypted password for dircproxy
dircproxy - Detachable Internal Relay Chat Proxy Server
dirdiff - display differences and merge changes between directory trees
directfb-config - script to get information about the installed version
directfb-csource - C code generation utility for DirectFB surfaces
directg - Read undirected graphs and orient their edges in all possible
foomatic-rip - Universal print filter/RIP wrapper
directoryassistant - user friendly ldap addressbook frontend
ladr4-apps - undocumented LADR4 applications
directvnc - a vnc client for the linux framebuffer device
dir - list directory contents
dirmngr-client - CRL and OCSP daemon
dirmngr - CRL and OCSP daemon
dirname - strip last component from file name
dirsplit - splits directory into multiple with equal size
dirvish-locate - locate file versions in dirvish images
Disc-Cover - create front and back covers for audio CDs
disco - Mono's Web Service Discovery Tool
discover-config — config script -
discover — hardware detection utility -
DiscreteHedging - Example of using QuantLib
discus - print a report of disk space usage
dish - tool for parallel sysadmin of multiple hosts
mollist - get identifiers list
diskd - disk daemon; wait for disk to be inserted
disksearch - Removable medias search tool
diskseek, diskseekd - disk seek daemon; simulates Messy Dos’ drive
disktype - disk format detector
Dislocate - disconnect and reconnect processes
disnbi - display Etherboot image
disp - TDF pretty printer
DisplayCalibrator - gamma calibrate your display
display-dhammapada - display a verse from the Dhammapada
displayfont - display linux console font
dispswitch - select the video output on a Toshiba laptop
dissy - graphical frontend for objdump
distccd - distributed C/C++ compiler server
distcc - distributed C/C++/ObjC compiler with distcc-pump extensions
Distccmon-gnome - GTK monitor for distcc a distributed client and
distccmon-text - Displays current compilation jobs in text form.
pump - accelerate remote compilation with distcc
distfieldgen-1.4 — Crystalspace tool -
distfieldgen — Crystalspace tool -
dist - redistribute a message to additional addresses
distmp3host - daemon for distributed mp3-encoding across multiple hosts
distmp3 - client for distributed mp3-encoding across multiple hosts on
dnetc - distributed computing client for Linux
ditaa - convert ASCII diagrams into proper bitmap graphics
dt - DITrack command line client tool
ditz - simple, light-weight distributed issue tracker
divxcomp - Calculate approx. size for ripped avi movies
divxenc - the interactive shell script ripper
django-admin - Utility script for the Django web framework
django-lint - static analyser for Django projects and applications
djbdoc2man - djbdoc2man
djc - A command line client to the the Deejayd media player daemon.
djmount - file system client for mounting network media servers
djpeg - decompress a JPEG file to an image file
djplay - a DJ application for Linux
djplay-launcher - DJPlay launch script
djscript - A text formatter for the HP DeskJet printer.
djview3 - Standalone DjVu viewer
djview4 - Standalone DjVu viewer
djvmcvt - Convert multi-page DjVu documents.
djvm - Manipulate bundled multi-page DjVu documents.
djvu2hocr - DjVu to hOCR converter
djvudigital - creates DjVu files from PS or PDF files.
djvudump - Display internal structure of DjVu files.
djvuextract - Extract chunks from DjVu image files.
DjVu - DjVu and DjVuLibre.
djvumake - Assemble DjVu image files.
djvups - Convert DjVu documents to PostScript.
djvused - Multi-purpose DjVu document editor.
djvuserve - Generate indirect DjVu documents on the fly.
djvusmooth - graphical editor for DjVu
djvutoxml, djvuxmlparser - DjVuLibre XML Tools.
djvutxt - Extract the hidden text from DjVu documents.
djvutoxml, djvuxmlparser - DjVuLibre XML Tools.
djvutoxml, djvuxmlparser - DjVuLibre XML Tools.
dkimproxy-sign - computes a DKIM signature for an email message
dkimproxy-verify - insert here a description
dk_responder - filters incoming email traffic according to the domain
dkimsign - Script for DKIM signing messages on stdin
dkimverify - Script for DKIM verifying messages on stdin
dlda-landscape - Command line interface to dlda-landscape in mlpy
dlg - DFA Lexical Analyzer Generator
dlint - Internet Domain Name System (DNS) error checking utility
dlltool - Create files needed to build and use DLLs.
dlocate - program to view debian package information
dlsdump - List informations about a DLS (Downloadable Sound) file.
dl-ubuntu-test-iso - downloads ISOs for testing
dlume - handy and easy to use addressbook.
dmail - procmail Mail Delivery Module
dmake - maintain program groups, or interdependent files
dmalloc - program used to set the environment for debugging using the
hercules — System/370, ESA/390 and z/Architecture Emulator -
dmascc_cfg - Configure dmascc devices
dmenu - dynamic menu
dmesg - print or control the kernel ring buffer
dmg2img - convert compressed dmg to standard (hfsplus) image disk files
DMitry - Deepmagic Information Gathering Tool
dmtxquery - extract information from dmtxread output
dmtxread - scan Data Matrix barcodes
dmtxwrite - create Data Matrix barcodes
dmxtodmx - dmx configuration file parser and printer
mollist - get identifiers list
mummer - package for sequence alignment of multiple genomes
dnal — ... -
dncopy - Copy files to/from a VMS system
dndel - Delete a file on a VMS system
dndir - Display VMS directories
dnetcat - opens a DECnet connection
dnetc - distributed computing client for Linux
dumbnet-config - provide compiler and linker information for libdumbnet
dnetstat - lists DECnet connections
dnlogin - Connect as a terminal to a DECnet system
dnoise - Reduces noise in a file. .
dnotify - Execute a command when the contents of a directory change
dnping - Loopbacks diagnostic packets through a remote node
dnsubmit - Submit a batch job on a VMS system
dns2tcpc - A tunneling tool that encapsulate TCP traffic over DNS.
dns2tcpd - A tunneling tool that encapsulate TCP traffic over DNS.
hostname - show or set the system’s host name
dnsfilter - reverse-resolves IP addresses, converting them to host
dnsget - DNS lookup utility
dnshistory - processes various log file formats doing dns IP Address
dnsip - lookup IP addresses
dnsipq - dns lookup tool
dnsmx - prints the MX records of fqdn
dnsname - does a reverse lookup for the IP address
dnsproxy - DNS proxy
dnsq - sends a non-recursive DNS query to DNS server
dnsqr - asks for records of type t under the domain name fqdn
DNSSEC-Tools - A suite of tools and libraries for using DNSSEC
dnssort - sort DNS hostnames
dnstrace - dns lookup tool
dnstrace - dns lookup tool
dnstxt - prints the TXT record of fqdn
dnsubmit - Submit a batch job on a VMS system
dnswalk - A DNS database debugger
dntask - Execute VMS command procedures
dncopy - Copy files to/from a VMS system
DobranoViz - -
unoconv - convert any document from and to any OpenOffice supported
unoconv - convert any document from and to any OpenOffice supported
jw, docbook2dvi, docbook2html, docbook2man, docbook2pdf, docbook2ps, -
sgml2x — Easily formats SGML/XML documents using DSSSL style-sheets -
docbook2gjots - Convert a DOCBOOK file to gjots format (on stdout)
sgml2x — Easily formats SGML/XML documents using DSSSL style-sheets -
jw, docbook2dvi, docbook2html, docbook2man, docbook2pdf, docbook2ps, -
jw, docbook2dvi, docbook2html, docbook2man, docbook2pdf, docbook2ps, - - convert DocBook RefEntries to man pages
sgml2x — Easily formats SGML/XML documents using DSSSL style-sheets -
docbook2odf - Convert docbook document to Oasis Open Document
sgml2x — Easily formats SGML/XML documents using DSSSL style-sheets -
jw, docbook2dvi, docbook2html, docbook2man, docbook2pdf, docbook2ps, -
sgml2x — Easily formats SGML/XML documents using DSSSL style-sheets -
jw, docbook2dvi, docbook2html, docbook2man, docbook2pdf, docbook2ps, -
sgml2x — Easily formats SGML/XML documents using DSSSL style-sheets -
jw, docbook2dvi, docbook2html, docbook2man, docbook2pdf, docbook2ps, -
jw, docbook2dvi, docbook2html, docbook2man, docbook2pdf, docbook2ps, -
jw, docbook2dvi, docbook2html, docbook2man, docbook2pdf, docbook2ps, - - convert DocBook Booksto Texinfo documents
jw, docbook2dvi, docbook2html, docbook2man, docbook2pdf, docbook2ps, -
docbook2x-man - Convert DocBook to man pages
docbook2x-texi - Convert DocBook to Texinfo
docbook-to-man — convert DocBook SGML into roff -man macros -
docbrowser2.byte - Browse OCaml documentation generated by ocamldoc
doccentral - web-based documentation browser
docconv-1.4 — Crystalspace tool -
docconv — Crystalspace tool -
docdiff — character/word-oriented diff -
generatorrunner - plugin-based binding source code generator
docker - System tray for KDE3/GNOME2 docklet applications
Docky - The fastest dock in the west!
_doclifter - translate troff requests into DocBook
doctorj - Javadoc analyzer and spell-checker
documentAnalyzer - tool for testing annotators and AEs
do_dssp - assigns secondary structure and calculates solvent accessible
do_dssp - assigns secondary structure and calculates solvent accessible
doio - Executes I/O Requests
dolfin-convert - Convert to DOLFIN XML format
dolfin-order - order a DOLFIN mesh according to the UFC ordering scheme
hostname - show or set the system’s host name
dom-apply-patches - Applies all patches found in debian/patches/series
dom-git-checkout - Checkout the Git repository of a pkg-ocaml-maint
dom-mrconfig - Generates a config file for mr
dom-new-git-repo - Creates a new Git repository in pkg-ocaml-maint
dom-safe-pull - Safely pull changes from Git remote
dom-save-patches - Creates a patch for each commit in branch
donkey - alternative for S/KEY’s "key" command.
doodled - a daemon to keep your doodle database up-to-date
doodle - a tool to search the meta-data in your files
dos2unix - DOS/MAC to UNIX text file format converter
dosbox - an x86/DOS emulator with sound/graphics
doscan - Denial Of Service Capable Auditing of Networks
doschk - checks filenames for SYSV and DOS compatibility
dosemu.bin, dosdebug - run DOS and DOS programs under Linux
dosemu.bin, dosdebug - run DOS and DOS programs under Linux
dosemu, xdosemu - run DOS and DOS programs under Linux
gxl2gv,gv2gxl - GXL-GV converters
dot2tex - Graphviz to LaTeX converter
dotconf-config - manual page for dotconf-config
dotextwrap - line-folding (text-wrapping) filter program with i18n
dot - filter for drawing directed graphs
dotlockfile - Utility to manage lockfiles
dotlock - execute a command with a lock on a mailbox
dotlock - lock mail spool files
dot_mcp — mcp for s3d -
dots - A braille typesetting program for GNOME
dotty - A Customizable Graph Editor
plotutils - The GNU plotting utilities.
douf00 - fat free presentations
do_unlinks - execute postponed mirror log NEED TO commands
dov4l - set parameters on a video4linux device
dovecot - secure mail server that supports mbox and maildir mailboxes
dovecotpw - a tool to easily generate passwords for a specified
download-mibs - download and extract SNMP MIBs
doxygen - documentation system for various programming languages
doxypy - Python input filter for Doxygen
doxytag - generates a tag file and/or a search index for a set of HTML
doxywizard - a tool to configure and run doxygen on your source files
dp2xmcd - Discplay-to-xmcd CD database file converter
dpatch-convert-diffgz - Convert a debian .diff.gz to a dpatch file
dpatch-edit-patch - maintain dpatch patches for a Debian source package
dpatch-edit-patch - maintain dpatch patches for a Debian source package
dpatch-get-origtargz - Obtain upstream tarball
dpatch - patch maintenance system for Debian
dpatch-list-patch - List available patches
dpbindic - Convert a binary-form dictionary into a text-form dictionary
speech-tools - Programs for audio and speech manipulation
dphys-config - daily auto-install/update and/or remove config files
dpigs - Show which installed packages occupy the most space
dpipe - bi-directional pipe command
dpkg-architecture - set and determine the architecture for package
dpkg-awk - Utility to read a dpkg style db file
dpkg-buildflags - returns build flags to use during package build
dpkg-buildpackage - build binary or source packages from sources
dpkg-checkbuilddeps - check build dependencies and conflicts
dpkg-checkdeps.rb - Utility to check deb dependency
dpkg-cross - manage libraries for cross compiling
dpkg-deb - Debian package archive (.deb) manipulation tool
dpkg-depcheck - determine packages used to execute a command
dpkg-distaddfile - add entries to debian/files
dpkg-genbuilddeps - generate a list of packages used to build this
dpkg-genchanges - generate Debian .changes files
dpkg-gencontrol - generate Debian control files
dpkg-gensymbols - generate symbols files (shared library dependency
dpkg-gentdeb - generate Debian TDeb translation packages and source.
dpkg - package manager for Debian
dpkg-maintscript-helper - works around known dpkg limitations in
dpkg-mergechangelogs - 3-way merge of debian/changelog files
dpkg-name - rename Debian packages to full package names
dpkg-parsechangelog - parse Debian changelog files
dpkg-query - a tool to query the dpkg database
dpkg-repack - put an unpacked .deb file back together
dpkg-ruby - Utility to read a dpkg style db file, dpkg-awk clone
dpkg-scanpackages - create Packages index files
dpkg-scansources - create Sources index files
dpkg-shlibdeps - generate shared library substvar dependencies
dpkg-sig - Debian package archive (.deb) signature generation and
dpkg-source - Debian source package (.dsc) manipulation tool
dpkg-split - Debian package archive split/join tool
dpkg-trigger - a package trigger utility
dpkg-vendor - queries information about distribution vendors
dpkg-www - program to remotely open a WWW Debian package browser
dpm-addfs - add a filesystem to a disk pool
dpm-addpool - define a new disk pool
dpm-drain - drain a component of the Light Weight Disk Pool Manager
dpm-getspacemd - get space metadata
dpm-getspacetokens - get list of space tokens
dpmgr - administration utility for QDBM Depot
dpm-listspaces - Display Disk Pool Manager pools and space reservations
dpm-modifyfs - modify the parameters of a disk pool filesystem
dpm-modifypool - modify a disk pool definition
dpm-ping - check if Disk Pool Manager is alive and print its version
dpm-qryconf - display the Disk Pool Manager configuration
dpm-register - register external files in DPNS
dpm-releasespace - release space
dpm-replicate - replicate a file given the SURL or the PFN
dpm-reservespace - reserve space
dpm-rmfs - remove a filesystem from a disk pool definition
dpm-rmpool - remove a disk pool definition
dpm-updatespace - update space
dpns-chgrp - change group ownership of a DPNS directory/file in the
dpns-chmod - change access mode of a DPNS directory/file in the name
dpns-chown - change owner and group of a DPNS directory/file in the
dpns-entergrpmap - define a new group entry in Virtual Id table
dpns-enterusrmap - define a new user entry in Virtual Id table
dpns-getacl - get DPNS directory/file access control lists
dpns-listgrpmap - query about a given group or list all existing groups
dpns-listusrmap - query about a given user or list all existing users
dpns-ln - make a symbolic link to a file or a directory in the DPNS
dpns-ls - list DPNS name server directory/file entries
dpns-mkdir - make DPNS directory in the name server
dpns-modifygrpmap - modify group entry corresponding to a given virtual
dpns-modifyusrmap - modify user entry corresponding to a given virtual
dpns-ping - check if name server is alive and print its version number
dpns-rename - rename a DPNS file or directory in the name server
dpns-rmgrpmap - suppress group entry corresponding to a given virtual
dpns-rm - remove DPNS files or directories in the name server
dpns-rmusrmap - suppress user entry corresponding to a given virtual
dpns-setacl - set DPNS directory/file access control lists
dprof2calltree - convert perl's DProf profiling data to KCachegrind
ladr4-apps - undocumented LADR4 applications
dprofpp - display perl profile data
dpromdic converts the binary-form Romaji-to-Kana conversion table into -
dpsch-auto-cronapt -
dpsch-backuplean -
dpsch-cvsclean -
dpsch-gencvsignore -
dpsch-gendepends -
dpsch-genpkg -
dpsch-installcfengine -
dpsch-installcronapt -
dpsch-installgroups -
dpsch-installpatch -
dpsch-installskel -
dpsch-installuserpatch -
dpsch-installusers -
dpsch-installuserskel -
dpsch-listbinpkgs -
dpsch-showfirstbinpkg -
dpsyco-applypatch -
dpsyco-delhome - Dpsyco tool for deleting the home directory for a
dpsyco-delsmbprofile -
dpsyco-mysql-dbadmaccess -
dpsyco-mysql-dbupdaccess -
dpsyco-mysql-dbuser -
dpsyco-mysql-dbviewaccess -
dpsyco-patch -
dpsyco-restorehome - Dpsyco tool for restoring the home directory.
dpsyco-restoresmbprofile -
dpsyco-skel - Dpsyco tool to handle skeleton syncronization.
dptest - test cases for QDBM Depot
dptsv - mutual converter between TSV and QDBM Depot database
dput - package upload tool for Debian
dradio-config - generate dradio configuration
dradio - Danmarks Radio netradio player
dragbox - Command line drag-and-drop tool for Gnome.
drapes - a desktop wallpaper management application for the GNOME
DRAWEXE - OpenCASCADE test harness
drawmap - draw customized maps, using raw USGS data files
drawterm - connect to Plan 9 CPU servers from other operating systems
drawtiming - generate timing diagram from signal description
drawtool - idraw with extensions
drawxtl - display crystal structures on ordinary computer hardware
drawxtl - display crystal structures on ordinary computer hardware
dr_cdrip - rip audio cd’s to ogg
drdsl - manage DSL configuration parameters
Dreadnaut - command line interface to nauty graph isomorphism library
DreamPie - An interactive Python shell
drempels - Hallucinatory desktop enhancer.
dretog - Read graphs in dreadnaut format.
drgeo - a GTK+ interactive geometry program
driconf - DRI configuration GUI
drift-ghc - a script to use drift as preprocessor of ghc.
DrIFT - a type sensitive preprocessor for Haskell
driftnet - capture images from network traffic and display them in an X
drill - get (debug) information out of DNS(SEC)
drivel -- A journal client for the GNOME desktop -
dropdb - remove a PostgreSQL database
droplang - remove a PostgreSQL procedural language
dropuser - remove a PostgreSQL user account
dr_permutate - print randomly permutated arguments or stdin
DrPython - simple and customizable editor for the Python language
drscheme - The PLT Scheme programming environment
drush - shell scripting interface for Drupal
drv - cups driver interface for ppd compiler files
dscverify - verify the validity of a Debian package
dsdp5 - semidefinite program solver
dselect - Debian package management frontend
dshbak - format output from pdsh command
dsh - Distributed shell, or dancer’s shell
d-shlibmove - Move shared library files around in Debian package
dspam_2sql -
dspam_admin - Alter dspam users preferences
dspamc - DSPAM Anti-Spam Agent (client)
dspam_clean - perform periodic maintenance of metadata
dspam_crc - calculate the dspam CRC of arbitrary token
dspam_dump - produce a dump of a user’s metadata
dspam - DSPAM Anti-Spam Agent
dspam_logrotate - Helper for Dspam log files rotation
dspam_merge - merge several users’ metadata into a composite
dspam_pg2int8 - Creates SQL file to migrate from NUMERIC to BIGINT
dspam_stats - display spam statistics
dspam_train - train a corpus of mail
dsr2html - Render DICOM SR file and data set to HTML
dsr2xml - Convert DICOM SR file and data set to XML
dsrdump - Dump DICOM SR file and data set
dssi_osc_send - send OSC messages to DSSI applications.
dssi_osc_update -
dstat - versatile tool for generating system resource statistics
dt2dv - convert a DTL text representation of a TeX DVI file to a binary
dtach - simple program that emulates the detach feature of screen.
dtaus - Converter for DTAUS files
dtc - OpenFirmware Device Tree Compiler
dt - DITrack command line client tool
dtc-xen_userconsole - Helps to have a user connect to a xen physical
dtd2vim - creates XML data file for Vim7 omni completion from DTDs
dtd2xsd - XML Schema generator from XML document that contains DTD.
dtdinst - XML DTD to XML instance format converter
DtdToHaskell - a XML DTD to Haskell translator
dtemacs - contact Emacs with gnuclient, starting Emacs if no answer.
dtest - simple uDAPL send/receive and RDMA test
dtestx - simple IB extensions test utility.
dtfits - display FITS table
dt - DITrack command line client tool
dtmfcheck - Scan a wav file for DTMF tones
dtmfdial - DTMF tone generator
dtos8cvt - tape conversion utility
dtplite - Lightweight DocTools Markup Processor
dtrx - cleanly extract many archive types
dcadec - decode DTS Coherent Acoustics audio streams
dt - DITrack command line client tool
dualcoax - determine impedance of a coaxial structure with two
dubdv - insert audio into a digital video stream
du - estimate file space usage
dumbnet-config - provide compiler and linker information for libdumbnet
dump2dcm - Convert ASCII dump to DICOM file
dumpasn1 - ASN.1 object dump/syntax check program
dumpcap - Dump network traffic
ctn_manpage - Generic CTN manual page
dumpdb - examine a Freeze database
dumpelf - dump internal ELF structure
update-ifupdown-scripts-zg2.d-symlinks - preliminary manpage
dumpiso - dump IEEE 1394 isochronous channel packets
dumpkeys - dump keyboard translation tables
BusyBox - The Swiss Army Knife of Embedded Linux
dump-mixers - dump OSS mixer settings to standard output
dump_osc - Prints incoming OSC messages
converts psf file to readable ASCII file. -
dumpreg - dump the state of the card as the svgalib chipset driver sees
dumprtp - get an RTP unicast/multicast/broadcast stream and output it
dumpsexp - Debug tool for S-expressions
dund - BlueZ Bluetooth dial-up networking daemon
dune - graphical vrml97 editor and animation tool
Pescetti -- dup2dds converts Duplimate (DUP) format to dds -
dupdb-admin - Manage the duplicate database for apport-retrace.
dupemap - Creates a database of file checksums and uses it to eliminate
duplicity - Encrypted backup using rsync algorithm
dupload - utility to upload Debian packages
duply - a shell frontend to duplicity for simplified backups
dupvserver - Creates a new Debian vserver by copying an other one.
durep - disk usage report generator
dv2dt - convert a binary TeX DVI file to DTL text representation
dv4l - make a dv1394 camcorder available for video4linux programs
dv4lstart - redirect V4L API to access a camcorder from a V4L program
dvbackup — Converter from arbitrary data to a DV stream -
DVBlast - Simple and powerful dvb streaming application
dvbsnoop - DVB and MPEG stream analyzer
dvbstream - Transmit a DVB transport stream via RTP
dvbtune — command-line tuning application for DVB cards -
dvconnect - receive or transmit raw DV using the video1394 device
dvcont - send control commands to DV cameras
dvd95 - convert a DVD9 into DVD5
dvdauthor - assembles multiple mpeg program streams into a suitable DVD
dvdbackup - Tool to backup DVDs
dvdcpy - copy selected data from dvd
dvddirdel — Deletes a previously authored DVD directory structure in -
DVDISASTER - data loss/scratch/aging protection for CD/DVD media
dvd-menu - Creates a DVD navigation menu with buttons.
dvdnav-config - script to get information about the installed version
dvdrecord - record audio or data Compact Discs and DVDs from a master
dvdrip-queue - queue up dvd::rip projects
dvdrip-queue - queue up dvd::rip projects
dvd-slideshow - Creates a slideshow movie in DVD video format from a
dvdtape - Write a DLT tape for manufacturing a Digital Versatile Disc.
dvdunauthor — Removes DVD-Video file structure -
DVDwizard — automated creation of DVD structure -
dvdxchap - Extract chapter information from DVDs
dvgrab — Capture DV or MPEG-2 Transport Stream (HDV) video and audio -
dvi2bdps - a converter from TeX DVI to PostScript
dvi2dvi - Tweaks DVI files
dvi2escpg-filt - a wrapper script for dvi2escpg as a lpd filter
dvi2escpg-filt-l - a wrapper script for dvi2escpg as a lpd filter
dvi2escpg - a TeX DVI file filter for EPSON ESC/PG Page Printers
dvi2fax - convert a TeX DVI file to G3 fax format
dvi2html - a converter from a TeX DVI file to HTML
dvi2img - a converter from a TeX DVI file to image file(s) in PGM
dvi2misc - a converter from a TeX DVI file to image file(s) in PGM
dvi2pgm - a converter from a TeX DVI file to image file(s) in PGM
dvi2ppm - a converter from a TeX DVI file to image file(s) in PPM
dvi2ps - convert a DVI file to PostScript
dvi2rpdl-filt-a4 - a wrapper script for dvi2rpdl as a lpd filter
dvi2rpdl-filt-a4-l - a wrapper script for dvi2rpdl as a lpd filter
dvi2rpdl-filt-b4 - a wrapper script for dvi2rpdl as a lpd filter
dvi2rpdl-filt-b4-l - a wrapper script for dvi2rpdl as a lpd filter
dvi2rpdl - a TeX DVI file filter for RICOH RPDL Page Printers
dvi2tty - preview a dvi-file on an ordinary ascii terminal
dvibook - rearrange pages in DVI file into signatures
dviconcat - concatenate DVI files
dvicopy - produce modified copy of DVI file
dvidvi - selects and/or re-arranges pages in a TeX dvi file
tmview, dvisvga, dvifb, dvilx - view DVI files on SVGA, framebuffer
dvifontlist - prints a list of fonts in a TeX DVI file
dvipng - A DVI-to-PNG translator
dvihp - convert a TeX DVI file to Hewlett-Packard PCL
DVIlib2-config - script to get information about the installed version
dvilj4, dvilj4l, dvilj2p, dvilj - convert a TeX DVI file to PCL, for HP
dvilj4, dvilj4l, dvilj2p, dvilj - convert a TeX DVI file to PCL, for HP
dvilj4, dvilj4l, dvilj2p, dvilj - convert a TeX DVI file to PCL, for HP
dvilj4, dvilj4l, dvilj2p, dvilj - convert a TeX DVI file to PCL, for HP
dvilj4, dvilj4l, dvilj2p, dvilj - convert a TeX DVI file to PCL, for HP
tmview, dvisvga, dvifb, dvilx - view DVI files on SVGA, framebuffer
dvipages - prints the number of pages in a TeX DVI file
dvipdf - Convert TeX DVI file to PDF using ghostscript and dvips
dvipdfm - Produce PDF files directly from DVI files
dvipdft - create thumbnail images for use with dvipdfm
dvipng - A DVI-to-PNG translator
dvipos - compute positions in a DVI file
dvipost, pptex, pplatex - post processing of dvi files
dvips - convert a TeX DVI file to PostScript
dvired - print dvi-files
dviselect - extract pages from DVI files
dvispecials - prints strings for the ’SPECIAL’ instruction in a TeX DVI
tmview, dvisvga, dvifb, dvilx - view DVI files on SVGA, framebuffer
dvitodvi - rearrange pages in a DVI file
dvitomp - convert a TeX DVI file to a MetaPost MPXFILE
dvitype - translate a dvi file for humans
dvr - Digital Video Recorder
dvr - Digital Video Recorder
dvsink-command - command sink for DVswitch
dvsink-files - file sink for DVswitch
dvsource-alsa - audio source for DVswitch
dvsource-dvgrab - Firewire and Video4Linux2 sources for DVswitch
dvsource-file - file source for DVswitch
dvsource-dvgrab - Firewire and Video4Linux2 sources for DVswitch
dvsource-dvgrab - Firewire and Video4Linux2 sources for DVswitch
dvswitch - mixes and distributes DV streams
dvtm - dynamic virtual terminal manager
dwarfdump - dumps DWARF debug information of an ELF object
dwdiff - a delimited word diff program
dwell-click-applet - Dwell click remote control applet
dwm - dynamic window manager
dwm - dynamic window manager
dwm - dynamic window manager
dwww - access documentation via WWW
dxf2vrml - program to convert .dxf formatted 3-D datasets to .VRML
dxfsphere - generate a triangle mesh approximating a sphere by
dx - start the Data Explorer visualization system. Optionally directly
dxml-db2html - obtain HTML output from DocBook XML document
dxml-db2latex - obtain latex output from DocBook XML document
dxml-getelement - obtain element from xml file using dancer-xml parser
dxpc - Differential X Protocol Compressor
dynagen - command line interface to dynamips Cisco 7200 Emulator
dynamips - Cisco router 7200/3600 simulator
dynamite - PKWARE Data Compression decompressor
dyndns - Update IP address to dynamic DNS (DDNS) provider
dzedit - the CERN ZEBRA documentation editor
dzen2-dbar - simple gadget that you can use in combination with dzen to
dzen2-gcpubar - graphical CPU usage meter
dzen2-gdbar - generates fully graphical progress meters
dzen2 - general-purpose messaging and notification for X11
dzen2-textwidth - calculate the width in pixels of text for a given
dzedit - the CERN ZEBRA documentation editor
dgrep, degrep, dfgrep, dzgrep -- grep through files belonging to an -
dzhandle — Debian/Ubuntu Zope packages handling command line utility -
e00conv - Converts Arc/Info E00 files from one level of compression to
e16keyedit — enlightenment keybinding editor -
e16menuedit2 — enlightenment menu editor -
e-utils - enlightement utilities
e2cp - copies files from/to an e2fs filesystem
e2ln - create hard links on an ext2 filesystem
e2ps - converts plain text into PostScript
e2ls - list files and directories on an ext2 filesystem
e2mkdir - creates a directory on an ext2 filesystem
e2mtiff - any to multi-page TIFF converter of the ExactImage toolkit
e2mv - moves or renames files on an ext2fs filesystem
e2pall - convert all EPS files in a LaTeX document to PDF
e2ps - converts plain text into PostScript
e2rm - removes files and directories on an ext2 filesystem
e2tail - a basic version of the tail command for an ext2 filesystem
E3 - A mini text editor
E3 - A mini text editor
E3 - A mini text editor
E3 - A mini text editor
E3 - A mini text editor
E3 - A mini text editor
eagle - Easily Applicable Graphical Layout Editor
mollist - get identifiers list
eancheck - check digit validator for EAN, PLU and UPC barcode numbers
earcandy - PulseAudio sound management tool
earth3d - Map client displaying a 3D model of the world
earthtrack - Combine xplanet and predict
easside-ng - an auto-magic tool which allows you to communicate via an
easychem - draw high-quality molecules and chemical 2D formulas
easycrypt - A Easy Crypt
EasyDiff - shows the differences between two text files
easy_eliza - wrapper around tempest_for_eliza
EasyH10 - manage the iRiver H10 MP3 player
easyMp3Gain-gtk - GTK+ GUI frontend for Mp3Gain
easy_plot - A Qt front-end for Octave plotting
easy_spice - a graphical frontend to ngspice
easystroke - X11 gesture recognition application
EasyTAG 2.1.5 - Tag editor for MP3 and Ogg Vorbis files
ebappendix - format appendix file for a CD-ROM book
ebfont - get font data of local defined characters in CD-ROM books
ebhtcheck - a lint for ebhttpd configuration
ebhtcontrol - a controller for ebhttpd
ebhttpd - a specialized HTTP server for CD-ROM books
ebinfo - list information about a CD-ROM book
eblook - look in an electronic dictionary
ebncheck - a lint for ebnetd configuration
ebncontrol - a controller for ebnetd
ebndaily - get stats for ebnetd and send it to admins
ebnetd - the EBNET server
ebnupgrade - smooths transition from old ndtpd
eboard-addtheme - a program to easily install new eboard board and
eboard-config - program to get information about the installed eboard.
ebook-viewer - view ebook
ebrefile - refile a catalog file in a CD-ROM book
ebrowse - create a class hierarchy database
EekBoek - Bookkeeping software for small and medium-size businesses
ebsmount-manual - Simulates udev add trigger
ebstopcode - analyze a text stop code of a CD-ROM book
ebzip - compress a CD-ROM book
ebview — An EPWING CD-ROM dictionary viewer -
EekBoek - Bookkeeping software for small and medium-size businesses
ebzip - compress a CD-ROM book
ebzip - compress a CD-ROM book
e-utils - enlightement utilities
e-utils - enlightement utilities
ecatools - audio processing utils based on ecasound
ecatools - audio processing utils based on ecasound
ecalength - prints audio file lenght and other information
ecatools - audio processing utils based on ecasound
ecatools - audio processing utils based on ecasound
ecatools - audio processing utils based on ecasound
ecatools - audio processing utils based on ecasound
ecasound - sample editor, multitrack recorder, fx-processor, etc.
ecasound-iam - ecasound interactive mode
ecatools - audio processing utils based on ecasound
ecattominc - convert an ecat format file (version 6.x or 7.x) to a minc
ECGViewer - ECG Viewer
echo - display a line of text
echoping_dns - echoping plugin which queries a DNS server
echoping - tests a remote host with TCP or UDP
echoping_ldap - echoping plugin which connects to a LDAP server
echoping_postgresql - echoping plugin which connects to a PostgreSQL
echoping_random - echoping plugin which just sleeps a random time
echoping_whois - echoping plugin which connects to a whois server
echoscu - DICOM verification (C-ECHO) SCU
ecj - manual page for eclipse JDT Compiler
ecl-config - Embeddable Common LISP configuration query
ecl - Embeddable Common LISP
eclipseemu - simulate a eclipse computer
eclipse - extensible tool platform and Java IDE
ecm - integer factorization using ECM, P-1 or P+1
sgbdemos - Examples of the use of The Stanford GraphBase
econvert - image converter of the ExactImage toolkit
ecore_config -that allow creation and editing of ecore_config databases -
ecosconfig — eCos configuration program -
ecpg - embedded SQL C preprocessor
ecppc - compiler for ecpp
ecppl - language-extractor for ecpp
ecppll - language-linker for ecpp
ecryptfs-add-passphrase - add an eCryptfs mount passphrase to the
ecryptfs-generate-tpm-key - generate an eCryptfs key for TPM hardware.
ecryptfs-insert-wrapped-passphrase-into-keyring - unwrap a wrapped
ecryptfs-mount-private - interactive eCryptfs private mount wrapper
ecryptfs-rewrap-passphrase - unwrap an eCryptfs wrapped passphrase,
ecryptfs-rewrite-file - force a file to be rewritten (reencrypted) in
ecryptfs-setup-private - setup an eCryptfs private directory.
ecryptfs-setup-swap - ensure that any swap space is encrypted
ecryptfs-stat - Present statistics on encrypted eCryptfs file
ecryptfs-umount-private - eCryptfs private unmount wrapper script.
ecryptfs-unwrap-passphrase - unwrap an eCryptfs mount passphrase from
ecryptfs-wrap-passphrase - wrap an eCryptfs mount passphrase.
ed2k_hash - A tool for generating ed2k-links
ed2k - aMule ED2k link parser
edac-util - EDAC error reporting utility.
edbrowse - text editor and web browser
EdenMath - scientific calculator for GNUstep
edentify - image indentifiction tool of the ExactImage toolkit
edfbrowser - graphical program to set up you freesci configuration
ed, red - text editor
edinplace - edit a file in place
editcap - Edit and/or translate the format of capture files
editcomment - program to edit comments of Ogg vorbis files
editconf - edits the box and writes subgroups
editconf - edits the box and writes subgroups
rediff, editdiff - fix offsets and counts of a hand-edited diff
edit-faxcover - edit
editfilenames - filename editor for crip
run-mailcap, view, see, edit, compose, print - execute programs via
edit_json - JSON GUI editor
editmoin - Edit MoinMoin wiki pages in your favourite editor
edit-patch - tool for preparing patches for Debian source packages
edit-pr - edit a problem report in the GNATS database
editra - Simple multi-platform text editor
editra - Simple multi-platform text editor
editres - a dynamic resource editor for X Toolkit applications
edje_cc - an edje compiler
edje_decc - an edje decompiler
edje_recc - an edje recompiler
Edos-builddebcheck - Check satisfiability of Debian package build-
Edos-debcheck - Check satisfiability of Debian package dependencies
Edos-pscheck - Check satisfiability of pkgsrc package dependencies
Edos-rpmcheck - Check satisfiability of rpm package dependencies
e-utils - enlightement utilities
ed-tkdesk - edit a file using TkDesk’s editor
edusers - edit users list created by package
edvips - edit header of a vips image file
eee-applet - A systray applet for Eee Pc
eep24c - read and write 24Cxxx eeprom devices
eeschema - a powerful schematic capture application.
e-utils - enlightement utilities
eet - Small tool to handle eet files.
efax - send/receive faxes with Class 1, 2 or 2.0 fax modem
efax-gtk-faxfilter - Wrapper around efax-gtk-socket-client
efax-gtk - GUI front end for efax program
efax-gtk-socket-client - a client of efax-gtk to work with lpd/lprng
efax - send/receive faxes with Class 1, 2 or 2.0 fax modem
effectv - real-time video effector
efix - convert between fax, text, bit-map and gray-scale formats
efix - convert between fax, text, bit-map and gray-scale formats
eflite - a speech server for Festival lite
efte - Text editor
eftp - ISDN EUROFILE file transfer client
mollist - get identifiers list
eggdbus-binding-tool - EggDBus binding tool
eggdrop - an IRC bot
eg - git for mere mortals
grep, egrep, fgrep, rgrep - print lines matching a pattern
E - The Equational Theorem Prover User Manual
eiciel - GNOME ACL file permissions editor
lid - Query ID database and report results
einfo - shows information of an EPub document
mafft - Multiple alignment program for amino acid or nucleotide
EiskaltDC++ - graphical client for Direct Connect which uses Qt
ejecter - application to unmount easily and safely external devices
eject - eject removable media
ekg - A Gadu-Gadu compatible client.
ekglogs - a logs lister for EKG
ekiga-config-tool - Ekiga GConf Setup Configuration Assistant.
Ekiga - SIP and H.323 Voice over IP and Videoconferencing for UN*X
ekl2 - EKG history viewer.
ePiX - Utilities for creating mathematically accurate figures
elastichosts - command line interface for ElasticHosts’ API
elastichosts-upload - upload disk images to ElasticHosts
electric - a VLSI design system
electricsheep - a distributed screen-saver (version 2.7b12)
electricsheep - a distributed screen-saver (version 2.7b12)
elfedit - Update the ELF header of ELF files.
elfrc — a resource compiler for ELF systems -
elfsign - sign ELF binary images
elfverify - program to do something
el — program to make a tuned shell-command for Oneliner -
elidad - builds packages using pbuilder and runs piuparts and lintian
elida - process source package in mail request
elinks - lynx-like alternative character mode WWW browser
elk, scheme-elk - extensible Scheme interpreter
elksemu - Embedded Linux Kernel Subset emulator
ellcc - Program to compile an emacs dynamic module
clogin - Cisco/Foundry login script
elvfmt - adjust line-length for paragraphs of text
elvis - a clone of the ex/vi text editor
elvis - a clone of the ex/vi text editor
elvis-tiny - Tiny vi-compatible editor
elvtags - Generates "tags" and (optionally) "refs" files
elyxer - convert LyX files to html
elza — script language for automating HTTP requests -
emacs - GNU project Emacs
emacs - GNU project Emacs
emacs - GNU project Emacs
emacs - GNU project Emacs
emacs - GNU project Emacs
emacs - GNU project Emacs
emacs - GNU project Emacs
emacs - GNU project Emacs
emacsclient - tells a running Emacs to visit a file
emacs - GNU project Emacs
emacspeak - speech output interface to Emacs
emacs - GNU project Emacs
emacs - GNU project Emacs
emacs - GNU project Emacs
email2trac - Creates and amends Trac tickets from e-mail.
gnome-pilot - GNOME applet to manipulate a Palm PDA
em_autogrip - create and maintain an Emdebian Grip repository
ember - 3D client for the WorldForge project.
ember - 3D client for the WorldForge project.
embryo_cc - a small compiler
embuilddeps - handle native and cross build-dependency installation.
emcast-config - script to get information about the installed version
emelFM2 -
emerald - The Emerald Windows Decorator
emerald-theme-manager - The Emerald Theme Manager
emerillon - map viewer for Gnome
Emesene - MSN Messenger Client.
emgrip-build - build wrapper script for Emdebian Grip - dump details of a single package as a control file
emgrip-dupes - find packages listed in more than one component
emgrip-edos - add missing dependencies within Emdebian Grip
emgrip - converts a .deb to Emdebian Grip on-the-fly
emgrip-remove - remove a source package from all components in all
emilda-print — Client-side print application for Emilda -
emil - conversion filter for Internet messages
em_installtdeb - generate Emdebian TDeb translation packages and
emma - extendable MySQL managing assistant
emms-print-metadata - Print information about music files
empathy-accounts - Accounts configuration dialog for Empathy instant
empathy - GNOME multi-protocol chat and call client
empty - run processes under pseudo-terminal sessions
empty-page - empty page detector of the ExactImage toolkit
trash - Command line trash utility.
empy - A powerful and robust templating system for Python
emsandbox - create Emdebian root filesystems
emu8051 - Simulator/emulator for the Intel 8051 family of
emuga-groupgen - Generate group information.
emuga-groupgen - Generate group information.
emuga-groupgen - Generate group information.
emu-sock-creator - emulate socket creator
emvendor - retrieve vendor-specific package configuration strings
enber - Convert the unber XML output back into BER
enblend - combine images using a multiresolution spline
enblend - combine images using a multiresolution spline
enc2xs -- Perl Encode Module Generator -
encadre-image - manual page for encadre-image v0.7 (11.10.06) for linux
enca -- detect and convert encoding of text files -
encapsulate - multiplex several channels over a single socket with
encfsctl - administrative tool for working with EncFS filesystems
encfs - mounts or creates an encrypted virtual filesystem
Enchant - a spellchecker
encodedv - encode a series of images to a digital video stream
encode_keychange - produce the KeyChange string for SNMPv3
enca -- detect and convert encoding of text files -
bibutils - bibliography conversion utilities
endnote-format - frontend to the Biblio::EndnoteStyle perl package
bibutils - bibliography conversion utilities
eneconv - converts energy files
eneconv - converts energy files
enemies-of-carlotta - a simple mailing list manager
enfuse - poor man's HDR
enfuse - poor man's HDR
engauge-digitizer - interactively convert a bitmap graph or map into
enlightenment - This is just a placeholder until real man page has been
enlightenment_imc - This is just a placeholder until real man page has
enlightenment_remote - This is just a placeholder until real man page
enlightenment_start - This is just a placeholder until real man page
Enna - a powerful MediaCenter application based on EFL
ctn_manpage - Generic CTN manual page
ctn_manpage - Generic CTN manual page
enscribe -- convert images to sound -
enscript - convert text files to PostScript, HTML, RTF, ANSI, and
ensymble — developer utilities for Symbian OS -
entagged - Java Audio File Tagger
ent - pseudorandom number sequence test
entrez2 - a graphical client for the NCBI Entrez retrieval system
entrez2 - a graphical client for the NCBI Entrez retrieval system
entrigraph - convert C source code to use trigraphs
enum_chmLib - Lists the contents of a chm file.
enumdir_chmLib - Lists the contents of chm file(s).
envext - Extracts the envelope of a file to a text file. .
env - run a program in a modified environment
envify - execute a command in the environment saved with envstore
envstore - save and restore environment variables
envsubst - substitutes environment variables in shell format strings
envy24control - GUI control tool for Envy24 (ice1712) based soundcards,
eog - a GNOME image viewer
eoutil - Command line utility to perform database and EOF oriented
E - The Equational Theorem Prover User Manual
e-PCR — Find sequence tagged sites (STS) in DNA sequences -
epdfview - view PDF documents
ePerl - Embedded Perl 5 Language
epgeditor - graphical editor of .epg models for epigrass
epic4 - Internet Relay Chat client for UNIX like systems
epic5 - Internet Relay Chat client for UNIX like systems
epigrass - scientific tool for simulations and scenario analysis in
epinfo - extract technical information from digital camera generated
epiphany - simple to use web browser for GNOME
epiphany - simple to use web browser for GNOME
epirunner - command line version of Epigrass
ePiX - Utilities for creating mathematically accurate figures
eplain - extended plain TeX
epmd - Erlang Port Mapper Daemon
epm - create software packages.
epminstall - add a directory, file, or symlink to a list file.
e-utils - enlightement utilities
E - The Equational Theorem Prover User Manual
E - The Equational Theorem Prover User Manual
ps2ps, eps2eps - Ghostscript PostScript "distiller"
epsffit - fit encapsulated PostScript file (EPSF) into constrained size
epsilon-benchmark - Python script statistics collector
epstool - Edit preview images and fix bounding boxes in EPS files.
epstopdf, repstopdf - convert an EPS file to PDF
epub-meta - read and write metadata from an EPUB ebook file
epydocgui - graphical interface to epydoc
epydoc - generate API documentation from Python docstrings
eqn2graph - convert an EQN equation into a cropped image
eqn - format equations for troff or MathML
Eqonomize! - A personal finances program
EquityOption - Example of using QuantLib to value equity options
equivs-build - make a Debian package to register local software
equivs-control - create a configuration file for equivs-build
rancid - Cisco configuration filter
erb - an embedded Ruby language interpreter
erb - an embedded Ruby language interpreter
erb - an embedded Ruby language interpreter
ERESI - The ERESI Reverse Engineering Software Interface
eric4-api - eric4 API generator
eric4-compare - Simple graphical compare tool
eric4-configure - Configuration editor for eric4
eric4-diff - Simple graphical diff tool
eric4-doc - eric4 documentation generator
eric4-editpr - Simplified version of the eric4 editor
eric4-helpviewer - eric4 and Qt help browser
eric4 - A full-fledged Python IDE and debugger
eric4-plugininstall - Plugin installation utility for eric4
eric4-pluginrepository - Utility to show the contents of the eric4
eric4-pluginuninstall - Plugin uninstallation utility for eric4
eric4-qregexp - a GUI editor for Qt style regular expressions
eric4-re - a GUI editor for Python style regular expressions
eric4-sqlbrowser - eric4 SQL Browser
eric4-tray - Traystarter for eric4
eric4-trpreviewer - Previewer for UI translations
eric4-uipreviewer - Previever for Qt Designer *.ui files
eric4-unittest - a GUI for displaying Python unit test results
eric4-webbrowser - eric4 web browser
eric4 - A full-fledged Python IDE and debugger
generic_count - count physical lines of code, given a comment marker
erlang-depends - calculates Erlang dependencies
erl_call - Call/Start a Distributed Erlang Node
erlc - Compiler
erl - The Erlang Emulator
errhdr - produce a C header file from a set of messages
erubis - eRuby style template engine for multiple languages
eruby - Embedded Ruby Language
es2ts - convert ES to TS
escape - escape shell special characters in a string
esc-m - ease viewing output of driver data
escputil - maintain Epson Stylus inkjet printers
escript - Erlang scripting support
esdcat - play a sound file from stdin
esdcompat - PulseAudio ESD wrapper script
esd-config - The Enlightened Sound Daemon
esdctl - The Enlightened Sound Daemon
esddsp - attempt to reroute audio device to esd
esdfilt - The Enlightened Sound Daemon
esd - The Enlightened Sound Daemon
esdloop - The Enlightened Sound Daemon
esdmon - The Enlightened Sound Daemon
esdots - Analyze the video items contained in an elementary stream
esddsp - attempt to reroute audio device to esd
esdrec - record a sound file
esdsample - play a sample
esekeyd - ESE Key Daemon is a multimedia keyboard driver for Linux
eterm-utils - Eterm accessory programs
esfilter - Output a filtered or truncated version of a ES
Singular - A commutative algebra system for polynomial computations
esix - script to copy and run ESI-X
esmerge - merge audio and video ES into a TS
esm - encrypted session manager
esmtp - libESMTP to Sendmail compatibility interface
esniper - a lightweight ebay sniping tool
espeakedit - eSpeak voice editor
espeak-gui - graphical user interface for the eSpeak voice synthesizer
espeak - A multi-lingual software speech synthesizer.
Esperanza - A XMMS2 client.
esponja - Optimize HTML code.
esreport - Report the content of a video ES
esreverse - reverse an es stream
estcall - command line interface of the node API
estcmd - command line interface of the core API
estconfig - configuration utility of Hyper Estraier
esteidutil — EstEID smartcard management tool -
est-epsilon - GLfloat epsilon estimation program for FlightGear
estfxasis, estfxmantotxt, estfxmsotohtml, estfxpdftohtml - -
estfxasis, estfxmantotxt, estfxmsotohtml, estfxpdftohtml - -
estfxasis, estfxmantotxt, estfxmsotohtml, estfxpdftohtml - -
estfxasis, estfxmantotxt, estfxmsotohtml, estfxpdftohtml - -
estfxasis, estfxmantotxt, estfxmsotohtml, estfxpdftohtml - -
estic — Administration program for ISTEC ISDN PABX. -
estload - stresser for web applications
estmaster - master process of node servers
estwaver - command line interface of web crawler
estwisedb — a database of proteins vs a database of EST/cDNA sequences -
estwise — comparison of a related protein to cDNA (or ESTs) -
estwolefind - listing WWWOFFLE cache for hyper estraier
undocumented - No manpage for this program, utility or function.
undocumented - No manpage for this program, utility or function.
etags, ctags - generate tag file for Emacs, vi
etags, ctags - generate tag file for Emacs, vi
eterm-utils - Eterm accessory programs
eterm-utils - Eterm accessory programs
eterm-utils - Eterm accessory programs
Eterm - the Enlightened terminal emulator for the X Window System
eterm-utils - Eterm accessory programs
etex, einitex, evirtex - extended TeX
etf2ly - manual page for etf2ly (LilyPond) 2.12.3
etherape - graphical network traffic browser
etherpuppet - create a virtual interface from a remote Ethernet interface
ethstats — Quickly display statistics of network interfaces -
ethstatus - Console-based ethernet statistics monitor
eTktab - Tk based ascii guitar tab editor
ETL - Get information about an ETL installation
eterm-utils - Eterm accessory programs
eterm-utils - Eterm accessory programs
uae - The Ubiquitous Amiga Emulator
uae_readdisk - Tool for reading *.adf (Amiga Disk Format) files
euca-add-group - Eucalyptus tool: Creates a new security group.
euca-add-keypair - Eucalyptus tool: Creates a new key pair for use with
euca-allocate-address - Eucalyptus tool: Allocate a public IP address.
euca-associate-address - Eucalyptus tool: Associate an instance with a
euca-attach-volume - Eucalyptus tool: Attaches a volume to an instance.
euca-authorize - Eucalyptus tool: Add a new rule to a security group.
euca-bundle-image - Eucalyptus tool: Bundles an image for use with
euca-bundle-vol - Eucalyptus tool: Bundle the local filesystem of a
euca-confirm-product-instance - Eucalyptus tool: Confirm if instance is
euca-create-snapshot - Eucalyptus tool: Creates a snapshot from an
euca-create-volume - Eucalyptus tool: Creates a volume in a specified
bucket - Eucalyptus tool:
euca-delete-group - Eucalyptus tool: Deletes a security group.
euca-delete-keypair - Eucalyptus tool: Delete a key pair.
euca-delete-snapshot - Eucalyptus tool: Deletes a snapshot.
euca-delete-volume - Eucalyptus tool: Deletes a volume.
euca-deregister - Eucalyptus tool: Deregisters an image from the cloud.
euca-describe-addresses - Eucalyptus tool: Shows information about
euca-describe-availability-zones - Eucalyptus tool: Shows information
euca-describe-groups - Eucalyptus tool: Shows information about groups.
euca-describe-image-attribute - Eucalyptus tool: Show image attributes.
euca-describe-images - Eucalyptus tool: Shows information about machine
euca-describe-instances - Eucalyptus tool: Shows information about
euca-describe-keypairs - Eucalyptus tool: Shows information about
euca-describe-regions - Eucalyptus tool: Shows information about
euca-describe-snapshots - Eucalyptus tool: Shows information about
euca-describe-volumes - Eucalyptus tool: Shows information about
euca-detach-volume - Eucalyptus tool: Detaches a volume from an
euca-disassociate-address - Eucalyptus tool: Disassociate a public IP
bucket - Eucalyptus tool: Downloads a bundled image from a bucket.
euca-get-console-output - Eucalyptus tool: Prints console output from a
euca-modify-image-attribute - Eucalyptus tool: Modify attributes for an
euca-reboot-instances - Eucalyptus tool: Reboots specified instances.
euca-register - Eucalyptus tool: Registers a manifest for use with the
euca-release-address - Eucalyptus tool: Releases a public IP address.
euca-reset-image-attribute - Eucalyptus tool: Reset attributes for an
euca-revoke - Eucalyptus tool: Revoke a rule for a security group.
euca-run-instances - Eucalyptus tool: Starts instances.
euca-terminate-instances - Eucalyptus tool: Stops specified instances.
euca-unbundle - Eucalyptus tool: Unbundles a previously bundled image.
euca-upload-bundle - Eucalyptus tool: Upload a previously bundled image
1.2-31337 - Eucalyptus tool: Shows the Euca2ools version
hbibtex, hmakeindex, komkindex(.pl), euc-bookmark(.pl), -
eukleides - Eukleides interpreter to PostScript
euktoeps - Eukleides to Encapsulated PostScript converter
euktopdf - Eukleides to PDF converter
euktopst - Eukleides interpreter to PSTricks
euktotex - Eukleides to PSTricks converter
euler - interactive mathematical program
euphoria - floating wisps.
eva - QQ IM protocol compatible client in KDE
evcd2vcd - Converts EVCD files to VCD files
event2vrule - adds ’events’ to rrdtool graphs
eventc - create a CORBA EventChannel and register it in the naming
eventcounter, eventgenerator, eventlogger, eventselect, eventsink, -
eventf - connect (federate) two CORBA EventChannels
eventcounter, eventgenerator, eventlogger, eventselect, eventsink, -
eventcounter, eventgenerator, eventlogger, eventselect, eventsink, -
Event_Logging_Service — TAO Event Telecom Log Service -
eventcounter, eventgenerator, eventlogger, eventselect, eventsink, -
events - stream events from or to a CORBA EventChannel
eventcounter, eventgenerator, eventlogger, eventselect, eventsink, -
eventcounter, eventgenerator, eventlogger, eventselect, eventsink, -
ev - evaluate expressions
evim - easy Vim, edit a file with Vim and setup for modeless editing
evilvte - highly customizable terminal emulator based on VTE
evilwm - Minimalist Window Manager for X
evim - easy Vim, edit a file with Vim and setup for modeless editing
evince - GNOME document viewer
evince-thumbnailer - create png thumbnails from PostScript and PDF
evolution-addressbook-export - export addressbook content from Evoluion
evolution - groupware suite for GNOME containing e-mail, calendar,
evolution-rss - Evolution RSS Reader Plugin
evolution-rss - Evolution RSS Reader Plugin
evolver - The Surface Evolver, minimize energy of a surface
evolvotron - Creates generative art by an interactive evolutionary
evolvotron_mutate - Render an evolvotron function tree to an image.
evolvotron_render - Render an evolvotron function tree to an image.
evtest - Event device test program
ewfacquire - acquires data in the EWF format
ewfacquirestream - acquires data in the EWF format from stdin
ewfexport - exports media data stored in EWF files
ewfinfo - show meta data stored in EWF files
ewfverify - verifies media data stored in EWF files
ctn_manpage - Generic CTN manual page
ctn_manpage - Generic CTN manual page
ctn_manpage - Generic CTN manual page
ctn_manpage - Generic CTN manual page
ctn_manpage - Generic CTN manual page
ctn_manpage - Generic CTN manual page
mummer - package for sequence alignment of multiple genomes
exaile - music manager and player
exchange2mbox - Convert Exchange mailbox to mbox file
allegro-dev-tools - collection of useful tools for Allegro developers
exfalso - audio tag editor
exifautotran - Transforms Exif files so that Orientation becomes 1
exifcom - display or set the UserComment tag contained in a JPEG Exif
exifgrep - select and reformat the output of exifprobe
exif - shows EXIF information in JPEG files
exifprobe - probe and report structure and metadata content of camera
exiftags - output the properties contained in a JPEG Exif section
exiftime - display or adjust date yyyyyamp; time Exif tags; list files ordered
exiftran - transform digital camera jpeg images
exim2dlf - convert exim logfiles to dlf format
exim4-localscan-plugin-config - get information necessary to build and
exiv2 - Image metadata manipulation tool
XJDIC - an electronic Japanese-English dictionary program (V2.4)
exmenen, exmendis - enable or disable extra menus for GNOME, KDE and
exmenen, exmendis - enable or disable extra menus for GNOME, KDE and
exmh - An introduction to the exmh mail user interface.
exo-csource - C code generation utility for arbitrary data
exo-desktop-item-edit - Create icons on the desktop
exo-eject - eject volumes based on their HAL UDIs or their device files
exo-mount - mount volumes based on their HAL UDIs or their device files
exonerate - suite for investigating DNA and RNA sequence similarities
exonerate - a generic tool for sequence comparison
exonerate - suite for investigating DNA and RNA sequence similarities
exo-open - Open URLs and launch preferred applications
exo-preferred-applications - Xfce Preferred Applications Framework
exo-unmount - umount volumes based on their HAL UDIs or their device
expack - manipulate Flex files
expand - convert tabs to spaces
generic_count - count physical lines of code, given a comment marker
autoexpect - generate an Expect script from watching a session
cryptdir - encrypt/decrypt all files in a directory
cryptdir - encrypt/decrypt all files in a directory
Dislocate - disconnect and reconnect processes
expect - programmed dialogue with interactive programs, Version 5
expectk - Expect with Tk support
kibitz - allow two people to interact with one shell
expect-lite - a quick and easy command line automation tool
mkpasswd - generate new password, optionally apply it to a user
multixterm - drive multiple xterms separately or together
passmass - change password on multiple machines
tknewsbiff - pop up a window when news appears
unbuffer - unbuffer output
xkibitz - allow multiple people to interact in an xterm
gnome-pilot - GNOME applet to manipulate a Palm PDA
expirebackups - list old backups
expiry - check and enforce password expiration policy
explain - explain system call error messages
ExplicateUTF8 - Explain the status of a sequence of bytes as a UTF8
expn - recursively expand mail aliases
expr - evaluate expressions
rlplot - generate publication quality graphs
exrblur - perform a gaussian blur on an OpenEXR image
exrchr - apply chromatic adaptation to an OpenEXR image
exrdisplay - displays an EXR image on the screen
exrenvmap - for creating OpenEXR environment maps.
exrheader - utility to print an OpenEXR image file’s header
exricamtm - performs tone mapping on an OpenEXR image (iCAM)
exrmakepreview - for creating preview images for OpenEXR files.
exrmaketiled - for generating tiled and rip/mipmapped images.
exrnlm - perform non-linear masking correction on an OpenEXR image
exrnormalize - normalize an OpenEXR image
exrpptm - performs tone mapping on an OpenEXR image (photoreceptor)
exrstats - display statistics about the contents of an OpenEXR image
exrstdattr - a utility for modifying OpenEXR standard attributes.
exrtools - a collection of utilities for manipulating OpenEXR images
exrtopng - convert an OpenEXR image to PNG format
extace - waveform viewer
extcalac - multifunctional scientific graphic calculator
extconv - convert a TeX document in either Big 5+ or GBK encoding into
extend_dmalloc - Analyze return-addresses from dmalloc logfiles.
extend — produce an extended elevation from a .3d file -
extlinux - install the SYSLINUX bootloader on a ext2/ext3 filesystem
extract_a52 - extract ATSC A/52 audio from a MPEG stream.
extractattr - extract element attributes from UI and XML GUI files
extractbb, ebb - extract bounding box information from graphics files
extract_chmLib - Extracts a chm file into a directory.
create_compressed_fs, extract_compressed_fs - convert and extract a
extract_dca - extract DTS Coherent Acoustics audio from a MPEG stream.
extract_dca - extract DTS Coherent Acoustics audio from a MPEG stream.
extract - determine meta-information about a file
extractkmdr - extract message strings from Kommander dialogs
extract_mpeg2 - extract MPEG video streams from a multiplexed stream.
extractor - Extract a section of audio from an audio file. .
extractrc - Extract message strings from UI and GUI-RC files
extractres - filter to extract resources from a PostScript document
extract_usage_from_stx - extract “Usage:” messages from manpages
extrema - powerful visualization and data analysis tool
extresso - wrapper for wrestool and icotool
exult_studio - a world editor for Exult
eyeD3 - displays and manipulates id3-tags on mp3 files
eyuvtoppm - convert a Berkeley YUV file to a portable pixmap file
ezstream-file - script to stream files from the command line
ezstream — easy media streaming client for icecast servers -
rancid - Cisco configuration filter
f1tattoo - disc T@2 feature for Yamaha F1 CD-RW devices
f2c - Convert Fortran 77 to C or C++
f2py - Fortran to Python interface generator
f2py - Fortran to Python interface generator
f2py - Fortran to Python interface generator
rancid - Cisco configuration filter
*_count - count physical lines of code, in each input file
fa2htgs - formatter for high throughput genome sequencing project
faac - encode audio to the MPEG-2/-4 AAC format
faad — Process an Advanced Audio Codec stream -
fab - Simple Pythonic remote deployment tool
fac - F*EX admin control
factor - factor numbers
facturalux - ERP/CRM software for Linux
fahash - sequence hash builder for reverse e-PCR
fai-class - define classes using files and scripts.
fai-debconf - set debconf values using classes
fai-do-scripts - call configuration scripts
fail2ban-client - configure and control the server
fail2ban-regex - test Fail2ban "failregex" option
fail2ban-server - start the server
fai-mirror - create and manage a partial mirror for FAI
faimond-gui - fai monitor daemon, graphical interface
fai-progress - show an informative progress bar during FAI operations.
fakechanges - reverse engineer a Debian .changes file.
fakechroot - gives a fake chroot environment
faked - daemon that remembers fake ownership/permissions of files
faked - daemon that remembers fake ownership/permissions of files
fakeroot-ng - run a command while making it believe it is running as
fakeroot - run a command in an environment faking root privileges for
fakeroot - run a command in an environment faking root privileges for
faketime - manipulate the system time for a given command
falcon-conf - Falcon makefile settings helper
falconeer.fal - Falcon skeleton module startup configurator script
falcon - The Falcon Programming Language command line interpreter
faldissass - The Falcon disassembler
fallocate - preallocate space to a file.
flcrun - The Falcon command line execution tool
falsecolor - make a false color RADIANCE picture
false - do nothing, unsuccessfully
falselogin - a false login shell
faltest - Falcon unit test interface.
famap - prepare Fasta sequence database for re-PCR searches
fan - turn the fan on/off on a Toshiba Pentium(tm) laptop
fantasdic — Versatile dictionary application -
fapg - Fast Audio Playlist Generator
exonerate - suite for investigating DNA and RNA sequence similarities
exonerate - suite for investigating DNA and RNA sequence similarities
exonerate - suite for investigating DNA and RNA sequence similarities
exonerate - suite for investigating DNA and RNA sequence similarities
exonerate - suite for investigating DNA and RNA sequence similarities
fastacmd - retrieve FASTA sequences from a BLAST database
exonerate - suite for investigating DNA and RNA sequence similarities
exonerate - suite for investigating DNA and RNA sequence similarities
exonerate - suite for investigating DNA and RNA sequence similarities
exonerate - suite for investigating DNA and RNA sequence similarities
exonerate - suite for investigating DNA and RNA sequence similarities
exonerate - suite for investigating DNA and RNA sequence similarities
exonerate - suite for investigating DNA and RNA sequence similarities
exonerate - suite for investigating DNA and RNA sequence similarities
exonerate - suite for investigating DNA and RNA sequence similarities
exonerate - suite for investigating DNA and RNA sequence similarities
exonerate - suite for investigating DNA and RNA sequence similarities
exonerate - suite for investigating DNA and RNA sequence similarities
exonerate - suite for investigating DNA and RNA sequence similarities
exonerate - suite for investigating DNA and RNA sequence similarities
exonerate - suite for investigating DNA and RNA sequence similarities
exonerate - suite for investigating DNA and RNA sequence similarities
exonerate - suite for investigating DNA and RNA sequence similarities
fastautils - FASTA format file manipulation utilities
exonerate - suite for investigating DNA and RNA sequence similarities
XSP - Mono ASP.NET Web Server (xsp and xsp2)
XSP - Mono ASP.NET Web Server (xsp and xsp2)
XSP - Mono ASP.NET Web Server (xsp and xsp2)
fastdep — fast dependency generator for C/C++ -
fastDNAml - DNA Maximum Likelihood program
fastDNAml - DNA Maximum Likelihood program
fastjar - archive tool for Java archives
fastrm - Quickly remove a list of files
fatattr - Display or change attributes on a FAT filesystem
fatrat - download/upload manager for Linux
fatresize — Resize an FAT16/FAT32 volume non-destructively -
FATSort - FAT filesystem sorting utility
faucc - C compiler generating Intel code for 16 bit/32 bit CPUs.
faucet - a fixture for a BSD network pipe
fauhdlc - Compile VHDL files to intermediate code.
fauhdli - Interprete intermediate code that was generated from fauhdlc.
faum-cd-to-iso - Create an ISO image from a FAUmachine CD image
faum-encoder - Create an ogg/theora video from a FAUmachine video
faum-gen-vhdl - Compile a simple wait/action script into VHDL code
faum - Small FAUmachine launcher
faum-iso-to-cd - Create a FAUmachine CD image from an ISO image
faum-mergecow - Tool for merging copy-on-write files
faum-node-pc - Start a virtual machine
fax2ps - convert a TIFF facsimile to compressed PostScripttm
fax2tiff - create a TIFF Class F fax file from raw fax data
faxalter - alter parameters of a HylaFAX job queued for transmission
faxcover - generate a POSTSCRIPT cover page for an outgoing facsimile
fax - make, send, receive, view or print a fax
faxmail - HylaFAX mail-to-fax gateway application
faxq - display fax jobs queued by faxspool(1)
faxrm - remove a HylaFAX job or document from a server
faxrunq - send fax jobs queued by faxspool(1)
faxspool - queue and convert files for faxing with sendfax(8)
faxstat - display HylaFAX status
fb2-meta - read and write metadata from FB2 file
fba2cfba -
fbbgetconf - Returns values from the fbb configuration
fbcat - takes a screenshot using the framebuffer device
fbdesk - Icons on the desktop
fbgrab - takes a screenshot using the framebuffer device
fbgs - poor man’s PostScript/pdf viewer for the linux framebuffer
fbguard - start and restart firebid server
fbi - linux framebuffer imageviewer
fb_inet_server - Firebird classic server
fb_lock_print - Information about Firebird database locks
fbpager - pager application for the Fluxbox window manager
fbpanel - a NETWM compliant lightweight GTK2-based panel for UNIX
FBReader - e-book reader
FBReader - e-book reader
fbrun - display run dialog window
fbserver - Firebird super server
fbsetbg - Set a background wallpaper or pattern
fbset - show and modify frame buffer device settings
fbsetroot - a simple background utility used by the fluxbox(1) window
fb_smp_server - Firebird superclassic server
gstat -- Tool for retrieving and reporting database statistics. -
fbsvcmgr - access services API of Firebird
FbTerm - a fast Frame Buffer based TERMinal emulator for linux
fbterm-ucimf - ucimf input method interface for fbterm
fbtracemgr - Firebird operation traces
fbtv - a console program for watching TV
fbxkb - a lightweight X11 keyboard switcher.
fbx-playlist-cmd - create playlists for the FreeBox
fbx-playlist - create playlists for the FreeBox
fcasplit - tool to split source code into separate per-routine files
fc-cache - build font information cache files
fc-cat - read font information cache files
fc - frontend script to the f2c fortran compiler
fc-list - list available fonts
fc-match - match available fonts
fcomp - file compare
jconv - is a Convolution Engine for JACK using FFT-based partitioned
jconvolver - is a Convolution Engine for JACK using FFT-based
fc-query - query font files
fcrackzip - a Free/Fast Zip Password Cracker
fcrackzipinfo - display zip information
fcrondyn - dialog dyn-amically with a running fcron daemon
fcrontab - manipulate per-user fcrontab files
fc-scan - scan font files or directories
GNU Prolog - Prolog compiler, includes CLP(FD).
fd2pascal - Free Pascal forms description to pascal program converter
fda-landscape - Command line interface to fda-landscape in mlpy
fdf2fit -- Script to convert Origin-4 .fdf fit parameter files to Grace -
fdf2tex - Convert PDF formular data (FDF) into something (Con)TeX(t)
fd - file yyyyyamp; directory maintenance tool
fdmount - Floppy disk mount utility
fdm - fetch and deliver mail
fdmount - Floppy disk mount utility
fdmount - Floppy disk mount utility
fdnscname - resolve the canonical name of a host
fdnsip6 - resolve a hostname to an IPv6 address
fdnsip6list - resolve a hostname to a list of IPv6 addresses
fdnsip - resolve a hostname to an IPv4 address
fdnsiplist - resolve a hostname to a list of IPv4 addresses
fdnsmxalist - resolve a list of MX records and their corresponding A
fdnsmx - resolve an MX record of a hostname
fdnsmxlist - resolve a list of MX records for hostname
fdnsname - resolve an IPv4 or IPv6 address to a hostname
fdnsnamep - resolve an IPv4 or IPv6 address to a hostname with paranoid
fdnsspf1 - resolve an SPF version 1 record of a hostname
fdnstxt - resolve a TXT record of a hostname
fdnstxtlist - resolve a list of TXT records for a hostname
dot - filter for drawing directed graphs
fdrawcmd - send raw commands to the floppy disk controller
fd - file yyyyyamp; directory maintenance tool
fdmount - Floppy disk mount utility
fdupes - finds duplicate files in a given set of directories
features-matching - Demonstration of image feature matching
feed2imap-cleaner - Removes old items from IMAP folders
feed2imap-dumpconfig - Dump feed2imap config
feed2imap - clever RSS/ATOM feed aggregator
feed2imap-opmlimport - Convert an OPML subscription list to a feed2imap
feedback - Stirring colors with a jiggling warp.
feedvalidator - a tool for validating syndication feeds
feff6 - High-order multiple-scattering EXAFS/XANES code
feffit - program for analysis of XAFS data
feh-cam - a utility for viewing live webcam images
feh - image viewer and cataloguer
fenix-fpg - create packages of multiple images for fenix
fenix-fxc - fenix compiler
fenix-fxi - fenix interpreter
fenix - development environment for making 2D games
fenix-map - convert images to fenix native format (map)
ferm - a firewall rule parser for linux
ferret-browser - lets you browse Ferret indexes
ferret - CASE tool for edit data models
festival_client - client access to festiva; text-to-speech server mode
festival - a text-to-speech system.
fetch-eclipse-source - checks out an eclipse project from CVS.
fetchexc - program to retrieve email from Microsoft Exchange servers
fetchfile - fetch file(s) via O-SAFT protocol
fetchmail - fetch mail from a POP, IMAP, ETRN, or ODMR-capable server
fetchmail - fetch mail from a POP, IMAP, ETRN, or ODMR-capable server
fetchmail - fetch mail from a POP, IMAP, ETRN, or ODMR-capable server
fetchyahoo - retrieve mail from Yahoo!’s webmail service
fetchzone - get dns zone from server
FET - free timetabling
fexget - F*EX client
fexsend - F*EX client
feynmf - Process LaTeX files using FeynMF
ff3d - FreeFEM3D is a general PDE solver
ffado-bridgeco-downloader.html ffado-dbus-server.html ffado-diag.html ffado-fireworks-downloader.html ffado-mixer.html ffado-test.html ffado-test-isorecv.html ffado-test-isoxmit.html ffado-test-streaming.html ffado-tools.html - Free FireWire Audio Drivers
ffado-bridgeco-downloader.html ffado-dbus-server.html ffado-diag.html ffado-fireworks-downloader.html ffado-mixer.html ffado-test.html ffado-test-isorecv.html ffado-test-isoxmit.html ffado-test-streaming.html ffado-tools.html - Free FireWire Audio Drivers
ffado-bridgeco-downloader.html ffado-dbus-server.html ffado-diag.html ffado-fireworks-downloader.html ffado-mixer.html ffado-test.html ffado-test-isorecv.html ffado-test-isoxmit.html ffado-test-streaming.html ffado-tools.html - Free FireWire Audio Drivers
ffado-bridgeco-downloader.html ffado-dbus-server.html ffado-diag.html ffado-fireworks-downloader.html ffado-mixer.html ffado-test.html ffado-test-isorecv.html ffado-test-isoxmit.html ffado-test-streaming.html ffado-tools.html - Free FireWire Audio Drivers
ffado-bridgeco-downloader.html ffado-dbus-server.html ffado-diag.html ffado-fireworks-downloader.html ffado-mixer.html ffado-test.html ffado-test-isorecv.html ffado-test-isoxmit.html ffado-test-streaming.html ffado-tools.html - Free FireWire Audio Drivers
ffado-bridgeco-downloader.html ffado-dbus-server.html ffado-diag.html ffado-fireworks-downloader.html ffado-mixer.html ffado-test.html ffado-test-isorecv.html ffado-test-isoxmit.html ffado-test-streaming.html ffado-tools.html - Free FireWire Audio Drivers
ffado-bridgeco-downloader.html ffado-dbus-server.html ffado-diag.html ffado-fireworks-downloader.html ffado-mixer.html ffado-test.html ffado-test-isorecv.html ffado-test-isoxmit.html ffado-test-streaming.html ffado-tools.html - Free FireWire Audio Drivers
ffado-bridgeco-downloader.html ffado-dbus-server.html ffado-diag.html ffado-fireworks-downloader.html ffado-mixer.html ffado-test.html ffado-test-isorecv.html ffado-test-isoxmit.html ffado-test-streaming.html ffado-tools.html - Free FireWire Audio Drivers
ffado-bridgeco-downloader.html ffado-dbus-server.html ffado-diag.html ffado-fireworks-downloader.html ffado-mixer.html ffado-test.html ffado-test-isorecv.html ffado-test-isoxmit.html ffado-test-streaming.html ffado-tools.html - Free FireWire Audio Drivers
ffado-bridgeco-downloader.html ffado-dbus-server.html ffado-diag.html ffado-fireworks-downloader.html ffado-mixer.html ffado-test.html ffado-test-isorecv.html ffado-test-isoxmit.html ffado-test-streaming.html ffado-tools.html - Free FireWire Audio Drivers
ffc-clean - clean up the FFC JIT cache
ffcfstress - constant force stress test for force-feedback devices
FFC - the FEniCS Form Compiler
ffe - flat file extractor
hugs, runhugs, ffihugs - Hugs 98, functional programming system
ffind - Finds the name of the file or directory using a given inode
ffmpeg2theora - command-line converter to create Ogg Theora and Ogg
ffmpeg - FFmpeg video converter
ffmpegthumbnailer - fast and lightweight video thumbnailer
ffmvforce - force orientation test for force-feedback devices
ffplay - FFplay media player
ffprobe - FFmpeg based simple media prober
ffserver - FFserver video server
ffset - set force-feedback device parameters
fftest - tests force-feedback devices.
mafft - Multiple alignment program for amino acid or nucleotide
mafft - Multiple alignment program for amino acid or nucleotide
fftwf-wisdom - create wisdom (pre-optimized FFTs)
fftwl-wisdom - create wisdom (pre-optimized FFTs)
fftw-wisdom - create wisdom (pre-optimized FFTs)
fftw-wisdom-to-conf - generate FFTW wisdom (pre-planned transforms)
fgconsole - print the number of the active VT.
fgfs - FlightGear Flight Simulator
fgjs - FlightGear Joystick Utility
grep, egrep, fgrep, rgrep - print lines matching a pattern
fhist - file history
fiascotopnm - Convert compressed FIASCO image to PGM, or PPM
fid - List identifiers that occur in FILENAME
fieldcomb - combine two or more field frames for video animation
fieldlines - simulation of the electric field lines between charged
fields - list fields in a table
fig2dev - translates Fig code to various graphics languages
fig2ps, fig2eps,fig2pdf - Convert xfig files in ps|pdf, processing all
fig2mpdf - creation of multilayer pdf or eps figures from fig files
fig2ps, fig2eps,fig2pdf - Convert xfig files in ps|pdf, processing all
fig2ps2tex - generate a TeX file for including a PostScript file
fig2ps, fig2eps,fig2pdf - Convert xfig files in ps|pdf, processing all
fig2sty - LaTeX Layout Generator
fig2sxd - utility to convert .fig to .sxd
TOIlet - display large colourful characters
figtoipe - Convert FIG figures into Ipe format
socat - Multipurpose relay (SOcket CAT)
file2cable - sends a file as a raw ethernet frame
file2 - kanji code checker.
file2sock - Sends the contents of a file to a TCP or UNIX domain
file65 - print information for o65 object files
gnome-pilot - GNOME applet to manipulate a Palm PDA
fileconvert-v1-to-v2 - Converts eTktab saved files from v1 to v2
file - determine file type
filelight - graphically display disk usage
fileop - benchmark file operations
mp - POSTSCRIPT pretty printer
filepp - A generic file preprocessor
file-roller - archive manager for GNOME
filerunner - simple and efficient file manager with FTP
fileschanged - displays altered files
fileshareset, filesharelist - add/remove/list NFS and Samba file shares
fileshareset, filesharelist - add/remove/list NFS and Samba file shares
FileZilla - FTP client
ctn_manpage - Generic CTN manual page
ctn_manpage - Generic CTN manual page
ctn_manpage - Generic CTN manual page
ctn_manpage - Generic CTN manual page
filterdiff - extract or exclude diffs from a diff file
filter - filter incoming messages before adding to mailbox
filterm - filter terminal input and/or output
fimgs - poor man’s [http://]PostScript/pdf/dvi/cbr/rar/cbz/zip viewer
fim - fbi (linux framebuffer imageviewer) improved
Finch - A Pimpin' Penguin console frontend to libpurple. Instant
find2perl - translate find command lines to Perl code
ispell, buildhash, munchlist, findaffix, tryaffix, icombine, ijoin - -
findatp - find atoms template files
findbpm - average keypresses over the length of a song to find the BPM
findcon - SELinux file context search tool
finddup - Find identical files and do something with them
findfiles - Utility to locate files containing specific content
findglare - locate glare sources in a RADIANCE scene
find - search for files in a directory hierarchy
findhyph -- find words hyphenated by TeX in a document -
find_libs - find pathnames of libraries
findmissingcrystal - determine which KDE Crystal icons are the same as
find_optimal_dimensions_for_microstrp_coupler part of atlc. -
findscu - DICOM query (C-FIND) SCU
findsmb - list info about machines that respond to SMB name queries on
findspl - find protein splice sites
findstrip - find programs that are not stripped
findtr - Extracts information about text to be translated
finger - user information lookup program
finger@ - gets user information from a remote host.
finger-ldap - a wrapper around finger for LDAP
fio_generate_plots - Generate plots for Flexible I/O Tester
fio - flexible I/O tester
firehol - An easy to use but powerful iptables stateful firewall
first - Yagi-Uda project quick antenna builder
fische - standalone sound visualisation
fishd - universal variable daemon
fish - the friendly interactive shell
fish_indent - indenter and prettifier
fish_pager - internal command used by fish
fisql - interactive SQL shell
ctn_manpage - Generic CTN manual page
fitsmd5 - Compute/update the DATAMD5 keyword/value
fitsort - sort FITS header information from a list of files
fitstopnm - convert a FITS file into a portable anymap
FittedBondCurve - Example of using QuantLib to fit discount curves
fityk - non-linear curve fitting and data analysis
fiu-ctrl - a script to remote control programs using libfiu
fiu-ls - list processes available for libfiu remote control
fiu-run - a script to launch programs using libfiu
fix_bs_and_del - Fix the Delete and BackSpace keys on a console
fixcr - make sure that there is a CR before each LF
fixcrio - inserts missing CRs at the ends of lines.
fixcvsdiff - fix problematic diff files
fixdlsrps - filter to fix DviLaser/PS documents to work with PSUtils
fixfmps - filter to fix Framemaker documents so PSUtils work
fixmacps - filter to fix Macintosh documents with saner version of md
fixnt - Filter for the Windows NT postscript printer driver.
fixproc - Fixes a process by performing the specified action.
fixpsditps - filter to fix Transcript psdit documents so PSUtils work
fixps - sanitize PostScript files
fixpspps - filter to fix PSPrint PostScript so PSUtils work
fix-qdf - repair PDF files in QDF form after editing
fixscribeps - filter to fix Scribe documents so PSUtils work
fixtd - insert tumble and duplex directives in a PostScript file
fixtpps - filter to fix Tpscript documents to work with PSUtils
fixuifiles - remove undesirable features from Qt/KDE .ui files
fixwfwps - filter to fix Word for Windows documents so PSUtils work
fixwpps - filter to fix WP documents so PSUtils work
fixwwps - filter to fix Windows Write documents so PSUtils work
fiz - analyze damaged zoo archive for data recovery
fkiss - Freely enjoy childlike KISS, French-KISS!
flac -- Free Lossless Audio Codec -
flake - Alternative Free Lossless Audio Codec encoder
flam3-animate - render and animate FLAM3s and manipulate their genomes
flam3-animate - render and animate FLAM3s and manipulate their genomes
flam3-animate - render and animate FLAM3s and manipulate their genomes
flam3-animate - render and animate FLAM3s and manipulate their genomes
flamerobin - management and data manipulation tool for the Firebird DBMS
flappclient - foolscap client
flappserver - foolscap server
flasm - A Flash (SWF) bytecode assembler/disassembler.
flawfinder - find potential security flaws ("hits") in source code
fl-build-report - generate a report from a FunkLoad bench result file
fl-credential-ctl - XML-RPC credential server for funkload
dcraw - command-line decoder for raw digital photos
fldiff - compare files and directories graphically
flexbackup - a flexible backup/archiving tool
flex - the fast lexical analyser generator
flex - the fast lexical analyser generator
flexloader - GPL utility to configure SRAM based ALTERA devices via the
flexml - generate validating XML processor and applications from DTD
flickcurl-config - script to get information about the installed
flickcurl - call Flickr API
flickrdf - call Flickr API
flickrfs - virtual filesystem for flickr online photosharing service
fl-install-demo - installs funkload demonstration files
flipbook - multi-frame editor and viewer derived from drawtool
flipdiff - exchange the order of two incremental patches
flip, toms, toix - do newline conversions between **IX and MS-DOS
flipx - Flip x axis in a FITS image
flist, flists - list the number of messages in given sequence(s)
flist, flists - list the number of messages in given sequence(s)
flite - A small simple speech synthesizer
flite_time - A talking clock based on a limited-domain voice
fl-monitor-ctl - monitors server health during funkload benchs
flock - Manage locks from shell scripts
flocks - floating wisps.
flog - dump STDIN to file and reopen on SIGHUP
clogin - Cisco/Foundry login script
flogtool - foolscap log tool
floppycontrol - floppy driver configuration utility
floppyd - floppy daemon for remote access to floppy drive
floppyd_installtest - tests whether floppyd is installed and running
floppymeter - measure raw capacity and exact rotation speed of floppy
SPASS - automated theorem prover for full first-order logic with
flowscan - flow-based IP traffic analysis and visualization tool
flphoto - manage, view, and print images
flpsed - annotate PostScript and PDF files
fl-record - records a live funkload test using TCPWatch
fl-record - runs a funkload test
fl-run-test - runs a funkload test file
fls - List file and directory names in a disk image.
fltk-config - script to get information about the installed version of
fluid - the fast light user-interface designer
FluidSynth - a SoundFont synthesizer
flumotion-admin - streaming media server administration GUI
flumotion-manager - streaming media server central management
flumotion-worker - streaming media server worker
fluxbare - FluxConf toolbar
fluxbox - A lightweight window manager for the X Windowing System
fluxbox-remote - command line access to key commands for fluxbox(1)
fluxconf, fluxkeys, fluxmenu - FluxBox configuration utilities
flux - flux fields and stuff.
fluxconf, fluxkeys, fluxmenu - FluxBox configuration utilities
fluxconf, fluxkeys, fluxmenu - FluxBox configuration utilities
fluxstyle - A comprehensive look at styles/themes for fluxbox(1).
flvtool2 - a manipulation tool for flash video files
flwm - The Fast Light Window Manager
flydraw - an inline drawing tool
fm2ps - Batch Processing Utility
fmerge - merge files
fm - control frequency, volume, mute/unmute of FM radio card
fmit - Free Music Instrument Tuner
fmscan - scan FM band for radio stations
fmt - simple optimal text formatter
fmtutil - utility for maintaining TeX format files
fmtutil - utility for maintaining TeX format files
fnaming - Fnorb Naming Service
fnfeed - feeds an IDL to a CORBA compliant interface repository
fnfx-client - A client for customize fnfx hot-keys
fngen - generates Python stub and skeleton code from a CORBA IR
fnid - Print constituent file names that match PATTERN
fnidl - generates Python stub and skeleton code from an OMG IDL
fnifr - Fnorb Interface Repository
fnior - dumps the contents of a stringified object reference
fnmkior - constructs an object reference
fnoptions - dumps the contents of a stringified object reference
fnping - reports the status of a CORBA object
rancid - Cisco configuration filter
fntsample - PDF and PostScript font samples generator
focal - interpreter for FOCAL
foff - Lightweight graphical FTP client
ladr4-apps - undocumented LADR4 applications
folder, folders - set/list current folder/message
folder, folders - set/list current folder/message
fold - wrap each input line to fit in specified width
fondu - convert Macintosh font files to UNIX font format
fo_notify - Display upload job status. Optionally send email.
font2afm - create font metrics (in afm format) for (almost) any font
font2c - Write PostScript Type 0 or Type 1 font as C code
font2psf - convert a 256-character fonts to PSF format
fontforge - create and modify PostScript, TrueType and SVG fonts
fontimage - produce a font thumbnail image
fontinst - utility to run TeX as fontinst
fontlint - check a font
font-manager - font management application for the GNOME desktop
fontmatrix - a powerful open source font manager
font-manager - font management application for the GNOME desktop
fonttosfnt - Wrap a bitmap font in a sfnt (TrueType) wrapper
fontypython - Find, view and manage font files of all kinds.
foo2hiperc - Convert Ghostscript pbmraw or bitcmyk format into a HIPERC
foo2hiperc-wrapper - Convert Postscript into a HIPERC printer stream
foo2hp2600-wrapper - Convert Postscript into a ZJS printer stream
foo2hp - Convert Ghostscript pbmraw or bitcmyk format into a ZJS
foo2lava - Convert Ghostscript pbmraw or bitcmyk format into a LAVAFLOW
foo2lava-wrapper - Convert Postscript into a LAVAFLOW or OPL printer
foo2oak - Convert Ghostscript pbmraw, pgmraw or bitcmyk format into an
foo2oak-wrapper - Convert Postscript into an OAKT printer stream
foo2qpdl - Convert Ghostscript pbmraw or bitcmyk format into a QPDL
foo2qpdl-wrapper - Convert Postscript into a QPDL printer stream
foo2slx - Convert Ghostscript pbmraw or bitcmyk format into a SLX
foo2slx-wrapper - Convert Postscript into a SLX printer stream
foo2xqx - Convert Ghostscript pbmraw into a XQX printer stream
foo2xqx-wrapper - Convert Postscript into a XQX printer stream
foo2zjs - Convert Ghostscript pbmraw or bitcmyk format into a ZJS
foo2zjs-icc2ps - little cms PostScript converter.
foo2zjs-pstops - Add PS code for foo2*-wrapper
foo2zjs-wrapper - Convert Postscript into a ZJS printer stream
fookb-plainx - Xkb state indicator without Window Maker support
fookb-wmaker - Xkb state indicator with Window Maker support
foomatic-combo-xml - yyyyylt;put a short description hereyyyyygt;
foomatic-compiledb - Compile the Foomatic printer/driver database
foomatic-configure - the main configuration program of the foomatic
foomatic-ppdfile - Generate a PPD file for a given printer/driver combo
foomatic-gui - configure the Foomatic printing system
foomatic-perl-data - generate Perl data structures from XML
foomatic-ppdfile - Generate a PPD file for a given printer/driver combo
foomatic-ppd-options - show the PPD options
foomatic-printjob - manage printer jobs in a spooler-independent
foomatic-rip - Universal print filter/RIP wrapper
sgbdemos - Examples of the use of The Stanford GraphBase
fop -- Command line wrapper for the java version of fop. -
fop-ttfreader -- A tool which reads TTF files and generates XML font -
force_clean_narval - shell script to clean a narval sub system in any
form2ufl - Convert from old FFC .form format to UFL format.
formail - mail (re)formatter
formatdb - format protein or nucleotide databases for BLAST
formatrpsdb - Build databases for RPS Blast
formed - formula editor for first-order logic formulas
formmailtest - attempt to use formmail to relay to a DSBL-complaint
formulacheck - check a boolean formula
forsort - Protect text from 7-bit only sort command.
fort77 - invoke f2c Fortran translator transparently, like a compiler
*_count - count physical lines of code, in each input file - client for LCDd, the lcdproc server
forw - forward messages
fosmount - FOS mounter for fuse
fosread - FOS reader
fosrec - FOS recovery
fossil - Distributed Version Control System
fossjobs - Display default fossology agents or upload id’s and schedule
fosslic - Perform a license analyze on or more files.
fotowall - wallpaper generator for high resolution composition.
Fotoxx - digital photo editor and collection manager
fox - ab-initio structure determination from diffraction data
fp2hdf - convert floating point data to HDF
fpc-depends - calculates free pascal dependencies
fpc - Free Pascal Compiler (FPC) binary
fpclasschart - The Free Pascal class tree generator.
fpcmake - The Free Pascal makefile constructor program.
fpcmkcfg - The Free Pascal configuration program.
fpcres - The Free Pascal resource compiler program.
fpcsubst - The Free Pascal macro processing program.
fpdoc - The FPC Pascal unit documentation generator.
fp - Free Pascal Compiler (FPC) integrated development environment
fpm2 - Figaro´s Password Manager 2
fpm2 - Figaro´s Password Manager 2
fppkg - The Free Pascal Packages Download program.
fprcp - Free Pascal windres preprocessor program.
fpwmake - a wrapper for FreePWING
fqterm - BBS client for X Window System written in Qt
fqterm - BBS client for X Window System written in Qt
fragmaster - use of psfrag constructs with pdflatex
FRA - Example of using QuantLib
frama-c[.byte] - a static analyzer for C programs
frama-c[.byte] - a static analyzer for C programs
frama-c[.byte] - a static analyzer for C programs
frameq - Classify frames from a directory
rancid - Cisco configuration filter
francine — highly configureable console login program -
fraqtive - draws Mandelbrot and Julia fractals
freealchemist - Simpler figure block game
freealut-config - script to get information about the installed version
freebcp - bulk loading utility for Sybase and Microsoft databases
freebirth — Bass synthesizer/sample player/sequencer -
freecad - An extensible Open Source CAx program for Unix/X11
freecad - An extensible Open Source CAx program for Unix/X11
freecycle - beat slicer
dfarc - An integrated frontend and .dmod installer.
freefem - A Language for the Finite Element Method
freeguide - display TV listings
FreeHDL-CONFIG - The FreeHDL configuration script.
FreeHDL-GENNODES - Abstract syntax tree generator used by the VHDL
FreeHDL-V2CC - A VHDL to C++ converter.
free - Display amount of free and used memory in the system
FreeJ - vision mixer
freemat - Mathematics Framework
freemind — A Java program for creating and viewing mindmaps. -
vlc-fbx - invoke vlc with correct options for the freebox
freepopsd - FreePOPs daemon
freepops-updater-dialog - FreePOPs updater
freepops-updater-fltk - FreePOPs updater
freepops-updater-dialog - FreePOPs updater
freespeak — GNOME frontend to online translator engines. -
freetable - tool for making HTML tables generation easier
freetalk - A console based Jabber client
freetype-config -- show information about installed freetype2 libraries -
Freevo - A Python based PVR/DVR Framework for Music and Movies.
freewheeling — live looping musical instrument -
french-conjugator - conjugate French verbs
french-deconjugator - analyze conjugated French verbs
freqtweak - Realtime audio frequency spectral manipulation
frescobaldi - LilyPond Music Editor
freshclam - update virus databases
filerunner - simple and efficient file manager with FTP
fribidi - a command line interface for the fribidi library, converts a
friendsd2 - displays GPS position on a map
frm - display From: lines
frombin - convert macbinary files into normal files
tofrodos - Converts text files between DOS and Unix formats.
frommac - Receive files from the Macintosh
from - display from and subject
frown - an LALR(k) parser generator for Haskell 98
vadm - manipulate and administer version object base
fsacls - manage file system ACLs
fs_apropos - Displays each help entry containing a keyword string
fs_checkservers - Displays the status of server machines
fs_checkvolumes - Forces the Cache Manager to update volume information
fsc - Fast offline compiler for the Scala 2 language
fsck.cpm - check a CP/M file system
fs_cleanacl - Remove obsolete entries from an ACL
fs_copyacl - Copies an ACL from a directory to one or more other
fs_diskfree - Shows data about the partition housing a directory or
fsed.cpm - edit a CP/M file system
fs_examine - Shows data about the volume containing a directory or file
fs_exportafs - Configures export of AFS to clients of other file
fs_flush - Forces the Cache Manager to discard a cached file or
fs_flushmount - Forces the Cache Manager to discard a mount point
fs_flushvolume - Forces the Cache Manager to discard cached data from a
fsgateway - FUSE module to browse database’s metadata, sugar datastores
fs_getcacheparms - Displays the current size and usage of the cache
fs_getcalleraccess - Show the current user’s access to a file or
fs_getcellstatus - Reports whether setuid programs are honored in a
fs_getclientaddrs - Displays the client interfaces to register
fs_getcrypt - Displays the state of encryption for AFS file transfers
fs_getfid - Display the fid for a given path in AFS
fs_getserverprefs - Displays preference ranks for file servers or VL
fs_help - Displays help for fs commands
fs - Introduction to the fs command suite
fsl - analysis tools for FMRI, MRI and DTI brain imaging
fslint-gui - A GUI wrapper for the individual fslint command line tools
fslint-gui - A GUI wrapper for the individual fslint command line tools
fs_listacl - Displays ACLs
fs_listaliases - Displays the current list of aliases for AFS cells
fs_listcells - Displays the database server machines known to the Cache
fs_listquota - Displays quota information for a volume
fslsfonts - list fonts served by X font server
fs_lsmount - Reports the volume for which a directory is the mount
fslview - viewer for 3d and 4d MRI data and DTI images
fs_messages - Sets whether the Cache Manager writes log messages
fs_mkmount - Creates a mount point for a volume
fs_monitor - Enable client logging to a remote monitoring station
fs_newalias - Creates a new alias for a cell
fs_newcell - Changes the kernel-resident list of a cell’s database
fsniper - watch directories and apply rules to newly created files
fso-gpsd - gpsd compatibility daemon for the
fspanel - a minimalist panel for X
f-spot - A program to manage a photo collection
fspy - filesystem activity monitoring tool
fs_quota - Displays the quota used in the volume containing a directory
fs_rmmount - Removes a mount point
fs_rxstatpeer - Manage per-peer Rx statistics collection
fs_rxstatproc - Manage per-process Rx statistics collection
fs_setacl - Sets the ACL for a directory
fs_setcachesize - Sets the size of the disk cache
fs_setcbaddr - Configure IP address used for AFS callbacks
fs_setcell - Configures permissions for setuid programs from specified
fs_setclientaddrs - Sets the client interfaces to register with the
fs_setcrypt - Enables of disables the encryption of AFS file transfers
fs_setquota - Sets the quota for the volume containing a file or
fs_setserverprefs - Sets the preference ranks for file servers or VL
fs_setvol - Set quota and messages for a volume containing a file or
fsstat - Display general details of a file system
fs_storebehind - Enables asynchronous writes to the file server
fs_sysname - Reports or sets the CPU/operating system type
fst2vcd - Coverts FST files to VCD
fst-compact - transforms transducers to the compact format
fst-compare - checks whether two transducers are equivalent
fst-compiler - Two compilers for SFST programs
fst-compiler-utf8 - Two compilers for SFST programs
fst-generate - enumerates mappings of analysis to surface forms
fst-infl2 - morphological analysers
fst-infl3 - morphological analysers
fst-infl - morphological analysers
fst-lattice - analyses the input printing a transducer rather than a
fst-lowmem - transforms transducers to the lowmem format
fst-match - longest match analyser
fst-mor - Interactive morphological analyser and generator
fstobdf - generate BDF font from X font server
fstopgm - convert a Usenix FaceSaver(tm) file into a portable graymap
fst-parse2 - analyses input with a pipeline of transducers
fst-parse - analyses input with a pipeline of transducers
fst-print - prints transducers in text form
fst-proc - morphologically analyse an Apertium input stream
fstrcmp - fuzzy comparison of strings
fst-text2bin - converts a transducer from its text form to binary
fst-train - learning transducer weights
fs_uuid - Prints the uuid of the client or generates a new one
fsview - a filesystem viewer that graphically shows disk usage
FSVS - fast versioning tool
fswebcam - Small and simple webcam for *nix.
fs_whereis - Reports each file server housing a file or directory
fs_whichcell - Returns the cell to which a file or directory belongs
fs_wscell - Returns the name of the cell to which a machine belongs
siggen - an Ncurses based signal generator program
ft2nfdump - flow-tools data converter program
ftangle,fweave - WEB processors for C, C++, Fortran, Ratfor, and TeX
ftdi_eeprom - Tool for reading/erasing/flashing FTDI USB chip eeproms
fte - Text editor
fteqcc - FTE QuakeC compiler
ftff - fault tolerant file find utility
Jam/MR — Make(1) Redux -
ftnchek - Fortran 77 program checker
ftpcopy - create and maintain a ftp mirror.
ftpcount - show current number of users for each class
ftpcp - copy files from a FTP server to the local machine
ftpgrab - a file mirroring utility
FTP - File transfer protocol application
duply - a shell frontend to duplicity for simplified backups
ftpls - generate a ftp directory listing.
ftpput - Upload a file to a ftp server
ftp - Internet file transfer program
ftptop - display running status on proftpd server connections
ftpwho - show current process information for each ftp user.
fts.conf - Configuration file for fts.
fts - TFTP daemon targeted to work with LDAP entries written by GOsa
ftwhich - fault tolerant search for a command name
fulla - Correct lens distortion, vignetting and chromatic aberration
fullquottel - tool for detecting full quotes in mails or postings
funcoeszz - script with 65 useful mini applications
funnel - split one pipe stream to one or more files or programs
funzip - filter for extracting from a ZIP archive in a pipe
furiusisomount - mount image files without burning them
fusecompress - mounts an compressed virtual filesystem
fusecompress_offline - decompress or compress data without need to
fusecram - utility to mount cramfs filesystem images with FUSE
fusedav - mount WebDAV shares
FUSEEXT2 - FUSE module for Second Extended File System
FUSEFAT - FUSE module for FAT
FUSEISO9660 - FUSE module for ISO 9660 File System
fuseiso - FUSE module to mount ISO filesystem images
fuser - identify processes using files or sockets
fusermount - mount FUSE filesystems
fusesmb - Mount network neighbourhood
fusesmb - Mount network neighbourhood
fuse-zip - a FUSE filesystem for zip archives with write support
fusion-icon - tray icon to launch and manage Compiz Fusion
fuss-launcher - simplified access to applications
fuzz - stress test programs
fvm-config - Script to get information about the installed version of
fvwm1 - F(?) Virtual Window Manager for X11, version 1.x
Fvwm - F? Virtual Window Manager for X11
FvwmAnimate - the fvwm animate module
FvwmAudio - the FVWM Audio module
FvwmAuto - the FVWM auto-raise module
FvwmAuto - the fvwm auto-raise module
FvwmBacker - the FVWM background changer module
FvwmBacker - the fvwm background changer module
FvwmBanner - the FVWM Banner
FvwmBanner - the Fvwm Banner module
fvwm-bug - report a bug in fvwm
FvwmButtons - the fvwm buttonbox module
FvwmClean - the FVWM desktop clutter reduction module
FvwmCommand - fvwm command external interface
fvwm-config - query an existing fvwm installation - Command editor for fvwm command input interface
FvwmConsole - an fvwm command input interface
fvwm-convert-2.4 - convert fvwm 2.2.x configuration file to fvwm 2.4
fvwm-convert-2.6 - convert fvwm 2.4.x configuration file to fvwm 2.6.x
FvwmCpp - the Fvwm Cpp pre-processor
fvwm-crystal.apps - fvwm-crystal panels and menus generator
fvwm-crystal - Desktop environment based on fvwm2
fvwm-crystal.infoline - gather various information about system
fvwm-crystal.mplayer-wrapper - mplayer wrapper for fvwm-crystal
fvwm-crystal.wallpaper - random wallpaper selector
FvwmDebug - the FVWM module debugger
FvwmDebug - the fvwm module debugger
FvwmDragWell - A XDND drag well
FvwmEvent - the fvwm event module
FvwmForm - input form module for Fvwm
FvwmGtkDebug - graphical interactive fvwm module debugger
FvwmIconBox - the FVWM iconbox module
FvwmIconBox - the fvwm icon box module
FvwmIconMan - an fvwm icon manager
FvwmIdent - the FVWM identify-window module
FvwmIdent - the Fvwm identify-window module
FvwmM4 - the fvwm M4 pre-processor
fvwm-menu-desktop - builds GNOME and KDE menus and style commands for
fvwm-menu-directory - builds a directory browsing menu for fvwm
fvwm-menu-headlines - builds headlines menu definition for fvwm
fvwm-menu-xlock - builds xlock menu definition for fvwm
FvwmPager - the FVWM Pager module
FvwmPager - the Fvwm Pager module
FvwmPerl - the fvwm perl manipulator and preprocessor
fvwm-perllib - shows the documentation of the Fvwm Perl library
FvwmProxy - the fvwm proxy module
FvwmRearrange - rearrange fvwm windows
fvwm-root - Sets the root window of the current X display to image
FvwmSave - the FVWM desktop-layout saving module
FvwmSaveDesk - another FVWM desktop-layout saving module
FvwmSaveDesk - another fvwm desktop-layout saving module
FvwmSave - the Fvwm desktop-layout saving module
FvwmScript - module to build graphic user interface
FvwmScroll - the FVWM scroll-bar module
FvwmScroll - the fvwm scroll-bar module
FvwmTabs - a generic tabbing module for the fvwm window manager.
FvwmTaskBar - the fvwm taskbar module
FvwmTheme - an fvwm module for managing the appearance of fvwm and its
FvwmWharf - the AfterStep application "dock" module ported to Fvwm.
FvwmWindowMenu - open configurable fvwm menu listing current windows
FvwmWinList - the FVWM window list module
FvwmWinList - the fvwm window list module
fw1_lea2dlf - convert Check Point FireWall-1 NG logs to firewall DLF
fwanalog - iptables log-file analyzer
fwb_compile_all - Wrapper script that compiles policies for multiple
fwbedit - General purpose object tree editing tool
fwb_ipt - Policy compiler for Cisco IOS ACL
fwb_ipf - Policy compiler for ipfilter
fwb_ipfw - Policy compiler for ipfw
fwb_ipt - Policy compiler for iptables
fwb_pf - Policy compiler for OpenBSD packet filter "pf"
fwb_ipt - Policy compiler for Cisco PIX
fwbuilder - Multiplatform firewall configuration tool
ftangle,fweave - WEB processors for C, C++, Fortran, Ratfor, and TeX
ftangle,fweave - WEB processors for C, C++, Fortran, Ratfor, and TeX
freewheeling — live looping musical instrument -
fwts - a firmware test suite to identify firmware bugs.
fyre - Interactively renders Peter de Jong maps
fzputtygen - SFTP private key converter of FileZilla
fzsftp - SFTP connection handler of FileZilla
g15composer - Scriptable command interface to libg15render(3) drawing
g15daemon - provides access to extra keys and the LCD available on the
g15macro - A simple Macro recording/playback application for G15Daemon
g15mpd - A simple frontend for the MPD Media Player Daemon, for use
g15stats - A CPU/Memory/Swap usage meter for G15Daemon
goo, g2c - generic object-orientator (programming language)
g2ipmsg_applet - IP messenger clone for GNOME2 panel applet
g2ipmsg - IP messenger clone for GNOME2 environments.
g2p-sk - phonetic transcription for Slovak
g2root - convert GEANT geomtry files to ROOT files
g2rootold - convert GEANT geomtry files to ROOT files
g32pbm - convert a Group 3 fax file into a portable bitmap
g3cat - concatenate multiple g3 documents
g3data — A tool for extracting data from graphs. -
g3dviewer - a program to display and inspect 3D models
g3tolj - converts a Group 3 fax file into a printable HP-PCL file
g3topbm - convert a Group 3 fax file into a portable bitmap
g3toxwd - converts a Group 3 fax file into a displayable xwd file
gcc - GNU project C and C++ compiler
gcc - GNU project C and C++ compiler
gabedit - graphical user interface (GUI) to computational chemistry
GAC - The GAP Compiler
gacutil - Global Assembly Cache management utility.
gacutil - Global Assembly Cache management utility.
gacutil - Global Assembly Cache management utility.
gaffitter - File subsets extractor based on genetic algorithms
gaia - 3D interface to the planet.
Gajim-history-manager - Tool to manage gajim logs
Gajim - a jabber client
Gajim-remote - tool to communicate with a running instance of Gajim
gAlan - A modular, synthesiser, drum-machine, sequencer, and effects-
gAlan - A modular, synthesiser, drum-machine, sequencer, and effects-
galculator - a GTK 2 based scientific calculator
gallery1-to-slideshow - Creates an input file for dvd-slideshow from
gallery-uploader - program to upload pictures and video to Gallery
galleta - tool to extract informations from MS IE cookie files
gallina - extracts specification from Coq vernacular files
galrey - A command line image gallery generator
galternatives - A front-end to the update-alternatives
gambas2-database-manager - A database manager for the gambas ide made
gambas - Gambas almost means basic.
gambas - Gambas almost means basic.
gambas-apt.gambas - program to install Debian packages from a web
gambit - game theory analysis software
gambit - game theory analysis software
gambit - game theory analysis software
gambit - game theory analysis software
gambit - game theory analysis software
gambit - game theory analysis software
gambit - game theory analysis software
gambit - game theory analysis software
gambit - game theory analysis software
gambit - game theory analysis software
gambit - game theory analysis software
gambit - game theory analysis software
gambit - game theory analysis software
gambit - game theory analysis software
gambit - game theory analysis software
gnomeconqueror - A GUI for scanmem, a game hacking tool.
gamera_gui - GUI for the Gamera framework
gamgi - general atomistic modelling graphic interface
gamgi - general atomistic modelling graphic interface
gamix - Gtk+ mixer for ALSA
gamma4scanimage - create a gamma table for scanimage
gammu-config - Gammu configurator
Gammu - Does some neat things with your cellular phone or modem.
gammu-smsd - SMS daemon for Gammu
gammu-smsd-inject - Inject messages into queue of SMS daemon for Gammu
gammu-smsd-monitor - Monitor state of SMS daemon for Gammu
gamt - Intel AMT serial-over-lan (sol) client.
g_anaeig - analyzes the eigenvectors
g_anaeig - analyzes the eigenvectors
g_analyze - analyzes data sets
g_analyze - analyzes data sets
g_angle - calculates distributions and correlations for angles and
g_angle - calculates distributions and correlations for angles and
Gant - Groovy build framework based on scripting Ant tasks
gapcmon - APC UPS Power Management (GUI)
gaphor - UML modeling tool
GAP - Groups, Algorithms and Programming
undocumented - No manpage for this program.
undocumented - No manpage for this program.
undocumented - No manpage for this program.
gappletviewer - Load and runs an applet
gappletviewer - Load and runs an applet
gappletviewer - Load and runs an applet
GAP - Groups, Algorithms and Programming
GAP - Groups, Algorithms and Programming
mummer - package for sequence alignment of multiple genomes
garlic - molecular visualization program
garmin_dump - convert .gmn files into xml data
garmin_get_info - retrieve basic information from a Forerunner device.
garmin_gmap - convert .gmn files into xml data for use with goole maps
garmin_gpx - convert .gmn files into xml data for use with
garmin_save_runs - retrieve track logs from a Forerunner device.
gastables - graphical user interface for compressible flow gas table
gastman - graphical console for asterisk
gate2 - generate Ada applications from a GLADE XML file
gate2 - generate Ada applications from a GLADE XML file
aterm - a VT102 emulator for the X window system
gather_stx_titles - gather title declarations from Stx documents
gatos-conf - GUI GATOS configuration application.
gatos.conf - Configuration file of the GATOS package.
Gatos - ATI-TV for GNU/Linux
gauche-cesconv - convert text from one character encoding scheme to
gauche-config - retrieve configuration parameters of Gauche
gauche-install - install files and set attributes
gauche-package - gauche package builder/manager
gaupol - editor for text-based subtitle files
gausssum - parses the output of a Gaussian, GAMESS or HyperChem job
gawk - pattern scanning and processing language
gazpacho - GUI builder for GTK+ 2
gba2 - GAMBAS Archiver
gbackground - Program to change the gnome background periodically.
gbak -- Backup/restore Firebird database -
gbase - small numeric base converter
gbc2 - GAMBAS Compiler
gbdfed - GTK-based BDF font editor
gbemol — graphical frontend for the Music Player Daemon (MPD) -
gbgoffice - GTK BG Office assistant
gbi2 - GAMBAS Component Informer
g_bond - calculates distances between atoms
g_bond - calculates distances between atoms
gbonds - U.S. savings bond inventory program for GNOME
gbp-clone - Clone a repository from remote
gbp-pq - Manage quilt patches on patch queue branches in git
gbp-pull - Safely update a repository from remote
gbr2 - GAMBAS Interpreter
gbs2 - GAMBAS Scripter
gbs2 - GAMBAS Scripter
gbseqget - format sequences from GenBank as an XML GBSet
gbsinfo - display Gameboy sound file information
gbsplay - Gameboy sound player
g_bundle - analyzes bundles of axes, e.g. helices
g_bundle - analyzes bundles of axes, e.g. helices
gbx2 - GAMBAS Interpreter
Gcal2txt - creates a verbatim text file from a Gcal resource file.
gcalcli - Google Calendar Command Line Interface
gcalctool - a desktop calculator
Gcal - a program for calculating and printing calendars.
gc-analyze - Analyze Garbage Collector (GC) memory dumps
gc-analyze - Analyze Garbage Collector (GC) memory dumps
gc-analyze - Analyze Garbage Collector (GC) memory dumps
gcb - calculate long and short path to a location
gcc - GNU project C and C++ compiler
gcc - GNU project C and C++ compiler
gcc - GNU project C and C++ compiler
gcc - GNU project C and C++ compiler
gccbug - Reporting GCC Bugs
gcc - GNU project C and C++ compiler
gccmakedep - create dependencies in makefiles using ’gcc -M’
gccontrol - GUI for ccontrol
gccxml - Create an XML representation of C++ declarations.
gccxml - Create an XML representation of C++ declarations.
gcdmaster - Graphical front end to cdrdao for composing audio CDs
gchem3d - a small chemical viewer application
gchem3d - a small chemical viewer application
gchem3d - a small chemical viewer application
gchemcalc - simple calculator for chemists
gchemcalc - simple calculator for chemists
gchemcalc - simple calculator for chemists
gchempaint - 2D chemical structures editor for the GNOME2 desktop
gchempaint - 2D chemical structures editor for the GNOME2 desktop
gchempaint - 2D chemical structures editor for the GNOME2 desktop
gchemtable - periodic table of the elements
gchemtable - periodic table of the elements
gchemtable - periodic table of the elements
g_chi - calculates everything you want to know about chi and other
g_chi - calculates everything you want to know about chi and other
gc - count graph components
gcin2tab - converts text input method table to gcin’s .gtab format
gcin-gb-toggle - gcin’s Chinese conversion toggle tool
gcin - an input method server
gcin-kbm-toggle - gcin’s virtual keyboard toggle tool
gcin-message - gcin’s notification tool
gcin-setup, gcin-setup-tab - configuration tools of gcin
gcin-setup, gcin-setup-tab - configuration tools of gcin
gcipher - a simple encryption tool
gcj - Ahead-of-time compiler for the Java language
gcj - Ahead-of-time compiler for the Java language
gcj - Ahead-of-time compiler for the Java language
gcj-dbtool - Manipulate class file mapping databases for libgcj
gcj-dbtool - Manipulate class file mapping databases for libgcj
gcj-dbtool - Manipulate class file mapping databases for libgcj
gcjh - - generate header files from Java class files
gcjh - - generate header files from Java class files
gcjh - - generate header files from Java class files
gcj-wrapper - a wrapper around gcj
gcj-wrapper - a wrapper around gcj
gcj-wrapper - a wrapper around gcj
gcloseall - This tool terminates all applications
gclose - This tool terminates an application
g_cluster - clusters structures
g_cluster - clusters structures
g_clustsize - calculate size distributions of atomic clusters
g_clustsize - calculate size distributions of atomic clusters
gcm-apply - GNOME Color Manager Apply Tool
gcm-import - GNOME Color Manager Import Tool
gcm-prefs - GNOME Color Manager Preferences Tool
gco - The GNOME Comics Organizer
gcolor2 - gcolor2 is a simple GTK2 color selector.
gcomp - do computations on a graph file.
GConf-cleaner - tool to clean gconf settings
gconf-editor - an editor for the GConf configuration system
g_confrms - fits two structures and calculates the rmsd
g_confrms - fits two structures and calculates the rmsd
gconftool-2 - GNOME configuration tool
gconjugue - conjugator of Brazilian Portuguese verbs
gcore - Generate a core file for a running process
gcov - coverage testing tool
gcov - coverage testing tool
gcov - coverage testing tool
gcov - coverage testing tool
g_covar - calculates and diagonalizes the covariance matrix
g_covar - calculates and diagonalizes the covariance matrix
gcov - coverage testing tool
gcpegg - Global Consciousness Project REG Software
gcpegg - Global Consciousness Project REG Software
gcrystal - light model visualizer for crystal structures
gcrystal - light model visualizer for crystal structures
gcrystal - light model visualizer for crystal structures
GCstar - Personal collection manager
gct-tool - Command line tool for manipulation of Gwenhywfar
g_current - calculates dielectric constants for charged systems
g_current - calculates dielectric constants for charged systems
gcursor - program to manage cursor themes
libgd-tools - programs to convert between gd and other graphics formats
libgd-tools - programs to convert between gd and other graphics formats
gda-config-tool-3.0 - Tool for managing libgda configuration file.
gdal2tiles - generates directory with TMS tiles, KMLs and
gdaladdo - gdaladdo builds or rebuilds overview images
gdal-config - gdal-config determines various information about a GDAL
gdal_contour - gdal_contour builds vector contour lines from a raster
gdal_grid - gdal_grid creates regular grid from the scattered data
gdalinfo - gdalinfo lists information about a raster dataset
gdal_merge - mosaics a set of images
gdal_rasterize - gdal_rasterize burns vector polygons into a raster
gdal_retile - gdal_retile
gdaltindex - gdaltindex builds a shapefile as a raster tileindex
gdaltransform - gdaltransform transforms coordinates
gdal_translate - gdal_translate converts raster data between different
gdal_utilities - GDAL Utilities The following utility programs are
gdalwarp - gdalwarp image reprojection and warping utility
gda-sql - an SQL console based on Libgda
gda-sql - an SQL console based on Libgda
gdb - The GNU Debugger
gdbdump - dump HP 100LX database into ASCII format
gdb - The GNU Debugger
gdbload - load ASCII formatted data into an HP 100LX database
gdbmrecent-purge - purge old entries in gdbmrecent databases
gdbserver - Remote Server for the GNU Debugger
gdb - The GNU Debugger
gdbus - Introspect and call remote objects
gdc - D Front End for GCC
gdc - D Front End for GCC
gdc - D Front End for GCC
gdcm2vtk - .TH "gdcm2vtk" 1 "Sun Aug 8 2010" "Version 2.0.15" "GDCM"
gdcmanon - .TH "gdcmanon" 1 "Sun Aug 8 2010" "Version 2.0.15" "GDCM"
gdcmconv - .TH "gdcmconv" 1 "Sun Aug 8 2010" "Version 2.0.15" "GDCM"
gdcmdump - .TH "gdcmdump" 1 "Sun Aug 8 2010" "Version 2.0.15" "GDCM"
gdcmgendir - .TH "gdcmgendir" 1 "Sun Aug 8 2010" "Version 2.0.15"
gdcmimg - .TH "gdcmimg" 1 "Sun Aug 8 2010" "Version 2.0.15" "GDCM"
gdcminfo - .TH "gdcminfo" 1 "Sun Aug 8 2010" "Version 2.0.15" "GDCM"
gdcmpdf - .TH "gdcmpdf" 1 "Sun Aug 8 2010" "Version 2.0.15" "GDCM"
gdcmraw - .TH "gdcmraw" 1 "Sun Aug 8 2010" "Version 2.0.15" "GDCM"
gdcmscanner - .TH "gdcmscanner" 1 "Sun Aug 8 2010" "Version 2.0.15"
gdcmtar - .TH "gdcmtar" 1 "Sun Aug 8 2010" "Version 2.0.15" "GDCM"
gdcmviewer - .TH "gdcmviewer" 1 "Sun Aug 8 2010" "Version 2.0.15"
gddccontrol - A graphical utility to control monitor parameters via
gdebi-gtk - Simple tool to install deb files
gdebi - Simple tool to install deb files
gdebi-kde - Simple tool to install deb files
gdecrypt — GUI for mapping/mounting encrypted partitions -
gdef -- 0desktop.html 411toppm.html 4xupdate.html a2jmidid.html aafigure.html abc2midi.html abcmatch.html abicheck.html achilles.html acl_gran.html acl_mask.html aconnect.html acpidump.html acpitail.html acpitool.html ada2wsdl.html adddebug.html addedgeg.html addrinfo.html add_txrx.html addwords.html adintool.html adplugdb.html adserver.html AdunCore.html adzapper.html aefinish.html aeimport.html aereport.html aeskulap.html afclient.html afmtodit.html afserver.html ajaxterm.html alacarte.html alfilldb.html alleyoop.html alsearch.html alt-ergo.html amf-find.html amulecmd.html amulegui.html amuleweb.html analyzer.html annotate.html ann_test.html anteater.html antiword.html any2djvu.html anypaper.html anytopnm.html apertium.html apmsleep.html apple_cp.html apple_mv.html apple_rm.html aps2file.html apt-file.html apt-grip.html apticron.html aqsltell.html aqualung.html aratapif.html arcclean.html arch2rad.html archmage.html archmbox.html archpath.html arcproxy.html arcrenew.html arcresub.html arm2hpdl.html arpaname.html arp-scan.html arrancid.html asciidoc.html aseqdump.html asfxload.html as-gbz80.html asistant.html asndhuff.html ataglist.html atari800.html aterm-ml.html atisplit.html atitogif.html atitojpg.html atitoppm.html atitvout.html atktopbm.html aubiocut.html audacity.html audtool2.html augparse.html authbind.html authtest.html auto-apt.html autoconf.html autoinst.html autom4te.html autopano.html autoscan.html autovbox.html avibench.html avidemux.html aviindex.html avimerge.html avisplit.html avogadro.html avologin.html avr-gasp.html avr-size.html awardeco.html axgetmsg.html AXIOMsys.html axlisten.html backstep.html bake.php.html ballview.html BALLView.html balsa-ab.html bargraph.html basename.html bashburn.html basic256.html bbdb-cid.html bbdb-srv.html bbdigest.html bcrontab.html bdftopcf.html bibclean.html bibindex.html bibledit.html bibutils.html binclock.html binstats.html BioCocoa.html birthday.html bisonc++.html bitfling.html bittwist.html blackbox.html blastall.html blastcl3.html blastpgp.html blat2gff.html blindtty.html blkparse.html bluefish.html bluetile.html bmp2tiff.html bmptopnm.html bmptoppm.html BMPtoRGB.html bnibuild.html bno_plot.html bntrackd.html bogotune.html bogoutil.html boinccmd.html boincmgr.html bomstrip.html bookview.html boxshade.html brighton.html brutefir.html bsd-from.html bsetroot.html bsfilter.html bsqlodbc.html btsearch.html buddy-ng.html bugpoint.html buildbot.html bup-fsck.html bup-fuse.html bup-help.html bup-init.html bup-join.html bup-midx.html bup-save.html bup-tick.html bxcommit.html c2bciter.html cableidx.html cacademo.html cacafire.html cacaplay.html cacaview.html cacheadm.html caduceus.html calculus.html calcurse.html calendar.html camlp4of.html camlp4rf.html camorama.html canberra.html capinfos.html carmetal.html cartconv.html cassbeam.html cassette.html catcodec.html cbrpager.html cckd2ckd.html cckdcdsk.html cckdcomp.html cckddiag.html cckdswap.html ccmtcnvt.html ccontrol.html cdbackup.html cdbstats.html cd-drive.html cdicsort.html cdpinger.html cdrwtool.html cdvolume.html cef5conv.html cefsconv.html centerim.html cert2spc.html certtool.html cervisia.html cfba2fba.html cfgmaker.html cgcreate.html cgdelete.html cgiemail.html cgi-fcgi.html checkbox.html checkint.html checkmp3.html checksub.html checkXML.html chelonia.html chemtool.html cherokee.html chewmail.html chilight.html chimera2.html chktrust.html chm_http.html chmoddic.html choosewm.html ch_track.html cjklatex.html ckd2cckd.html clamconf.html clamdtop.html clamscan.html clawsker.html clc-lisp.html cleanasn.html clfmerge.html clfsplit.html clmclose.html clmorder.html clojurec.html clus2mol.html clustalw.html clustalx.html cmap2enc.html cmsearch.html Cn3D-3.0.html cobex_ls.html cobex_rm.html codelite.html codepage.html coldfire.html collectd.html colorgcc.html colormap.html colrconv.html compface.html compress.html conchftp.html condor_q.html config11.html conjugue.html conjunct.html conkeror.html contacts.html convcard.html convdate.html convickt.html convmvfs.html cook_bom.html cook_rsh.html cooktime.html coolmail.html coqmktop.html corelist.html cpaldjvu.html cpmchmod.html cppcheck.html cpulimit.html createcw.html createdb.html crxvt-gb.html cryptcat.html cryptdir.html cryptest.html csb64enc.html csClient.html csepdjvu.html csp_sucp.html css2sass.html cssclean.html csServer.html csv2mipe.html ctanglex.html ctorrent.html CtrlClnt.html ctxtools.html cubeview.html cueprint.html cut-diff.html cvs2html.html cvscheck.html cvs-debc.html cvs-debi.html cvsdelta.html cvsgraph.html cvslockd.html cvsnotag.html cvspurge.html cvsutils.html cwnnstat.html cxfreeze.html cxref-cc.html cyclient.html cyconfig.html cyphesis.html dadadodo.html dapltest.html dares-qt.html darkroom.html darksnow.html dasdconv.html dasdcopy.html dasdinit.html dasdisup.html dasdload.html dasdpdsu.html data2inc.html datacopy.html dbclient.html dbtoepub.html DBusCall.html dbverify.html dcdirdmp.html dcentvfy.html dciodvfy.html dcmcjpeg.html dcm_diff.html dcmdjpeg.html dcmdspfn.html dcmftest.html dcmgpdir.html dcmj2pnm.html dcmmkcrv.html dcmmkdir.html dcmmklut.html dcmodify.html dcmp2pgm.html dcmprscp.html dcmprscu.html dcmpschk.html dcmpsprt.html dcmpsrcv.html dcmpssnd.html dcmqridx.html dcmqrscp.html dcmquant.html dcmscale.html dcod2lum.html dcontrol.html dconvlum.html dcopfind.html dcopquit.html dcsrdump.html ddrescue.html debclean.html debdelta.html debpatch.html debrsign.html debruijn.html debsecan.html debugapp.html debugcal.html debugvdr.html defaults.html defncopy.html degene4l.html deja-dup.html delaunay.html deledgeg.html delwords.html demangle.html deskmenu.html desproxy.html dfg2tptp.html dfu-util.html dh_clean.html dh_gconf.html dh_icons.html dh_ocaml.html dh_strip.html dia2code.html diakonos.html dialyzer.html diatheke.html dictconv.html dictzcat.html didiwiki.html diffstat.html digitemp.html dijkstra.html dirsplit.html discover.html disjoint.html disktype.html divxcomp.html 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pmgenmap.html pmie2col.html pmlindex.html pmlogger.html pmltrans.html pmlvalid.html pmnewlog.html pmnscomp.html pmsignal.html png2html.html png2icns.html pngcheck.html pngcrush.html pngphoon.html pngquant.html pngtoexr.html pngtogd2.html pngtopnm.html pnmalias.html pnmarith.html pnmdepth.html pnmgamma.html pnmindex.html pnmnoraw.html pnmpaste.html pnmquant.html pnmremap.html pnmscale.html pnmshear.html pnmsplit.html pnmtopng.html pnmtorle.html pnmtosgi.html pnmtosir.html pnmtoxwd.html pnmtoy4m.html po2xliff.html pob-2250.html pob-3119.html poc-2250.html poc-3119.html poc-http.html pod2html.html pod2text.html podracer.html podspell.html poeditor.html pofilter.html polyfind.html po_names.html pooltype.html pop3test.html pop_auth.html pornview.html postconf.html postdrop.html post_faq.html postgres.html postkick.html postlock.html postmark.html postnews.html postpone.html postproc.html powerman.html ppc.real.html ppcsparc.html ppdmerge.html ppi2html.html ppm2mpeg.html ppm2tiff.html ppmflash.html ppmforge.html ppmlabel.html ppmquant.html ppmshift.html ppmtobmp.html ppmtoexr.html ppmtogif.html ppmtoicr.html ppmtomap.html ppmtoneo.html ppmtopcx.html ppmtopgm.html ppmtopi1.html ppmtotga.html ppmtouil.html ppmtoxpm.html ppmtoy4m.html ppmtoyuv.html ppserver.html ppufiles.html prefield.html preunzip.html prg2lout.html prima-VB.html printafm.html printcbm.html printenv.html privbind.html prj2make.html probcons.html proclint.html procmail.html procServ.html profiles.html projectx.html prokburn.html prokyon3.html prompter.html protoize.html ps2ascii.html ps2image.html ps2pdf12.html ps2pdf13.html ps2pdf14.html ps2pdfwr.html psbanner.html psmandup.html psreport.html psresize.html psselect.html pst2ldif.html pstoedit.html pstoepsi.html pstotext.html psychopy.html ptardiff.html PTmasker.html PTmender.html ptrepack.html PTroller.html pts_help.html pts_quit.html PTuncrop.html pullnews.html puredata.html puttygen.html pvfnoise.html pvfspeed.html pvftolin.html pvftormd.html pvftovoc.html pvftowav.html pvpython.html pvserver.html pwqcheck.html pybcheck.html pycocuma.html pydoc2.6.html pydoc2.7.html pyfiglet.html pyflakes.html pyreport.html pyscript.html pytagsfs.html py.which.html qantenna.html qarecord.html qb-help8.html qcatool2.html qdevelop.html qemu-arm.html qemu-img.html qemu-ppc.html qemu-sh4.html qextract.html qfreefax.html qjackctl.html qmhandle.html qmidiarp.html qmp3info.html qmp3join.html qrencode.html qrfcview.html qRFCView.html qrqscore.html qrttoppm.html qsampler.html qtoctave.html qtpfsgui.html qt-qconf.html qtractor.html qucsator.html qucsconv.html qucsdigi.html qucsedit.html qucshelp.html qucsveri.html querybts.html query-pr.html qvoronoi.html qwavfade.html qwavinfo.html qwavjoin.html radicale.html radrelay.html ra-index.html ran2tiff.html randtype.html ranimate.html ranimove.html rapidsvn.html rapolicy.html ras2tiff.html raster3d.html ratproxy.html raw2tiff.html rawshark.html rawtopgm.html rawtoppm.html rblcheck.html rblsmtpd.html rbqt4api.html rc-alert.html rconsole.html rcs2atfs.html rcsclean.html rcsintro.html rcsmerge.html rcvstore.html rdd-copy.html rdebsums.html rdeliver.html rdesktop.html rdf2srec.html rdiffdir.html rdjpgcom.html rds-info.html rds-ping.html rds-sink.html readlink.html readmult.html realpath.html rebuildd.html recordio.html reformat.html regexxer.html regpatch.html regshell.html rephrase.html reprepro.html resample.html rewriter.html rfrename.html rgbpaint.html RGBtoBMP.html rgettext.html rifftree.html rifiuti2.html ringstat.html ristosds.html rivlogin.html rletopnm.html rmadison.html rmcvsdir.html rmdtopvf.html rmeventc.html rminsdel.html robocode.html robohdrs.html roff2dvi.html roff2pdf.html rootcint.html root.exe.html rplaydsp.html rpm2html.html rpsblast.html rrdbuild.html rrdfetch.html rrdfirst.html rrdgraph.html rrdxport.html rredtool.html rsbac_pm.html rsibreak.html rskeygen.html rst2html.html rsysinfo.html rtmpdump.html rtorrent.html rubibtex.html rubrica2.html runantlr.html run_test.html rv_merge.html rxtelnet.html rxvt-xpm.html s1ms2dlf.html sacctmgr.html safecopy.html saga_cmd.html saga_gui.html salasaga.html salliere.html samdump2.html samidare.html samlsign.html samtools.html sapphire.html say-epos.html sb16ctrl.html sb2-show.html sbe2mipe.html scaladoc.html scanwise.html scdaemon.html scheme48.html scidavis.html scitools.html sconsign.html scontrol.html scor2prt.html screader.html screenie.html scsh-0.6.html scsitape.html sdfbatch.html sdlBasic.html sdts2dem.html sdts2dlg.html seahorse.html search++.html secpanel.html semantik.html sendfile.html sendmail.html send_osc.html sendpage.html sendxmpp.html seqsplit.html sesearch.html setfattr.html setfdprm.html setupcon.html sfcbuuid.html sfftobmp.html sflphone.html sgbdemos.html sge_ckpt.html sgi2tiff.html sgitopnm.html sgml2lyx.html sgml2rtf.html sgml2txt.html sgml2xml.html sgmldiff.html sgmlnorm.html sgmlsasp.html sha1deep.html sha1pass.html sh_count.html shell-fm.html shermans.html shiboken.html shmidcat.html shnsplit.html shnstrip.html shotwell.html showchar.html showfond.html showfont.html showfoto.html showriff.html sidplay2.html sigeps_d.html signcode.html sim2trad.html simcontr.html sim_java.html sim_lisp.html sim_mira.html sim_pasc.html simph323.html simplify.html sim_text.html simulavr.html simulpic.html Singular.html sipcrack.html sip-date.html sipquery.html siprealm.html sipwitch.html sirtopnm.html sispmctl.html sisu_pdf.html sisu_vim.html sitecopy.html sjisconv.html skanlite.html skinedit.html skipfish.html sldtoppm.html sleepctl.html sleepenh.html slice2cs.html slice2py.html slice2rb.html slirpvde.html slmbuild.html slmprune.html slrnface.html slrnpull.html smbcacls.html smbnetfs.html smd-loop.html smd-pull.html smd-push.html smicache.html smil2raw.html smil2wav.html smil2yuv.html smiquery.html smistrip.html smixlate.html smogrify.html smplayer.html smtptest.html snmpconf.html snmptest.html snmptrap.html snmpvacm.html snmpwalk.html snowdrop.html snp2mipe.html soapcpp2.html soapsuds.html sockdown.html socksify.html sockstat.html softbeep.html sortmail.html spamtrap.html spctoppm.html spd-conf.html specimen.html spectemu.html spectgen.html speexdec.html speexenc.html spfqtool.html spicctrl.html split2po.html splitlog.html splitshp.html sputoppm.html spuunmux.html sqlsharp.html squiggle.html srec_cat.html srec_cmp.html srf_info.html srf_list.html ssh-conv.html sslsniff.html ssmpingd.html st4topgm.html stardict.html starplot.html starte16.html startkde.html starttls.html statgrab.html statnetd.html statnews.html steghide.html stereo3d.html stg-diff.html stg-edit.html stg-fold.html stg-goto.html stg-hide.html stg-init.html stg-mail.html stg-next.html stg-pick.html stg-prev.html stg-pull.html stg-push.html stg-redo.html stg-show.html stg-sink.html stg-sync.html stg-undo.html stk-demo.html storescp.html storescu.html strace64.html streamer.html strigger.html stumpish.html submerge.html subp2pgm.html suidperl.html sunclock.html sup-dump.html sup-mail.html sup-sync.html svg2xaml.html svm-easy.html svm-grid.html svnadmin.html swac-get.html sweepgen.html switchsh.html sylpheed.html symlinks.html symphony.html syncmail.html synergyc.html synergys.html synopsis.html sysbench.html syslinux.html t1binary.html t1disasm.html t1rawafm.html tagcloud.html TalkSoup.html talkwith.html tangogps.html tapecalc.html tapecopy.html tapeinfo.html tapelist.html tapesplt.html taxblast.html tcdecode.html tcdialog.html tcexport.html tclsh8.3.html tclsh8.4.html tclsh8.5.html t_coffee.html tcprules.html tcpslice.html tcpspray.html tcptrace.html tcptrack.html tcucodec.html tdl.byte.html techbook.html teem-unu.html tek2plot.html telegram.html teleport.html tempfile.html tendracc.html tenletxr.html Terminal.html termnetd.html testcall.html testdisk.html testhost.html testkeys.html tex2mail.html tex2page.html texdoctk.html texi2dvi.html texi2pdf.html texifyml.html texindex.html texlinks.html texmaker.html text2gif.html textconv.html textdraw.html textedit.html TextEdit.html texthint.html textmode.html textpack.html texworks.html tfdocgen.html tfmtodit.html tg-admin.html tgatoppm.html thinkfan.html thumbpdf.html tiff2pdf.html tiffcrop.html tiffdiff.html tiffdump.html tiffinfo.html timidity.html tiobench.html tixindex.html tk-brief.html tkremind.html tm_drgeo.html tmexpand.html tmispell.html tmserver.html tntlogin.html toc2cddb.html tonetool.html torsocks.html tovidgui.html tp512cvt.html tpconfig.html trad2sim.html trafshow.html transfig.html traverso.html treeline.html trjcat_d.html trjorder.html trml2pdf.html trna2sap.html trna2tbl.html troffcvt.html truncate.html tryaffix.html tsclient.html tse3play.html tslminfo.html tslmpack.html ts_print.html tsreport.html ttdelete.html ttinsert.html ttlayout.html ttmkfdir.html ttselect.html ttserver.html tttprobe.html ttultest.html ttunique.html ttupdate.html ttyimage.html turqstat.html tuxpaint.html tvtk_doc.html twill-sh.html twinwave.html txt2gcal.html txt2ihex.html txt2pbes.html txt2tags.html type1afm.html tzselect.html u1sdtool.html ucmatose.html uget-gtk.html umbrello.html umountpy.html unaccent.html unbuffer.html unexpand.html uniprint.html unitdiff.html unix2dos.html unix2mac.html unixterm.html unrooted.html unshield.html unsingle.html unzipsfx.html updatetm.html upet2mnc.html urlwatch.html user_aci.html userinfo.html uudecode.html uudeview.html uuencode.html uuenview.html uuidcdef.html uxlaunch.html v4l2ctrl.html v4l-info.html vacation.html vacuumdb.html vagalume.html valgrind.html validate.html Validate.html valkyrie.html vaniso2d.html vaniso3d.html varnishd.html vbindiff.html vboxbeep.html vboxcnvt.html vboxctrl.html vboxmode.html vboxplay.html vboxtoau.html vcanny2d.html vcanny3d.html vcd2lxt2.html vcd-info.html vcs-tree.html vde_plug.html vdltodmx.html vdotrans.html vdr-fbfe.html vdr-lirc.html vdr-sxfe.html vgaspect.html vgauss3d.html videocut.html videogen.html viewglob.html viewname.html viewperl.html vimplate.html vimtutor.html virt-top.html visitors.html visodata.html visotrop.html vlabel2d.html vlabel3d.html vmaskave.html voctopvf.html voikkogc.html vos_copy.html vos_dump.html vos_help.html vos_lock.html vos_move.html vos_size.html vscale2d.html vscale3d.html vshowpts.html vtonifti.html vtprtoff.html vztminer.html w3af_gui.html walktest.html wavmerge.html wavtopvf.html wbmp2xpm.html wcd.exec.html webboard.html webcheck.html webdruid.html welf2dlf.html wfst_run.html whichman.html whiptail.html whowatch.html why2html.html why-stat.html wicd-gtk.html wildmidi.html winedump.html winefish.html withsctp.html wlmscpfs.html wmagnify.html wmanager.html wmbutton.html wmdrawer.html wmhdplop.html wmifinfo.html wmiikeys.html wmiiloop.html wmiimenu.html wmlsdasm.html wmmatrix.html wmMatrix.html wmmemmon.html wmnetmon.html wmpanpan.html wmsmpmon.html wmsysmon.html wordplay.html wordview.html workrave.html wreplace.html wrestool.html wrjpgcom.html wsdl2aws.html wsdl2hed.html wterm-ml.html wulfstat.html wvunpack.html wwwoffle.html wxbanker.html wxmaxima.html xarclock.html xbattbar.html xbmtopbm.html xcadabra.html xcal_cal.html xccblat1.html xccblat2.html xccblat3.html xcdroast.html xcircuit.html xcompmgr.html xconsole.html xdcblat1.html xdcblat2.html xdcblat3.html xdg-mime.html xdg-open.html xditview.html xdpyinfo.html xdriinfo.html xeigtimc.html xeigtimd.html xeigtims.html xeigtimz.html xeigtstc.html xeigtstd.html xeigtsts.html xeigtstz.html xfontsel.html xfprint4.html xfreerdp.html xgettext.html xgfmerge.html xgridfit.html xhtml2ps.html ximtoppm.html xindy.v2.html xjdic_cl.html xjdic_sa.html xjremote.html xkbprint.html xkbseldb.html xkbvleds.html xkbwatch.html xkeycaps.html xliff2oo.html xliff2po.html xlintimc.html xlintimd.html xlintims.html xlintimz.html xlintstc.html xlintstd.html xlintsts.html xlintstz.html xlsatoms.html xlsfonts.html xmakemol.html xmessage.html xminicom.html xml2info.html xmlmerge.html xmlparse.html xmltoman.html xmms2-et.html xnecview.html xnetload.html xpi-pack.html xpm2ps_d.html xpm2wico.html xpmtoppm.html xrefresh.html xscblat1.html xscblat2.html xscblat3.html xsendbut.html xsensors.html xsetmode.html xsetroot.html xsidplay.html xsltproc.html xstdcmap.html xtermset.html xtherion.html xtotroff.html xvfb-run.html xvidtune.html xwdtopnm.html xwininfo.html xx-match.html xynagios.html xyzimage.html xzcblat1.html xzcblat2.html xzcblat3.html y4mtopnm.html y4mtoppm.html ybmtopbm.html ymplayer.html yodl2man.html yodl2txt.html yodl2xml.html yodlpost.html yppasswd.html yrecinfo.html yuvtoppm.html yydecode.html zipcloak.html zipmerge.html zipsplit.html zmakebas.html zopeedit.html zsh-beta.html zshparam.html zynjacku.html zynspect.html zzxorcat.html zzxordir.html -
g_density - calculates the density of the system
g_density - calculates the density of the system
g_densmap - calculates 2D planar or axial-radial density maps
g_densmap - calculates 2D planar or axial-radial density maps
gdeskcal - A cute little eye-candy calendar for your desktop.
gDesklets - provides an advanced architecture for desktop applets
gdevilspie - Graphical interface to devilspie.
g_dielectric - calculates frequency dependent dielectric constants
g_dielectric - calculates frequency dependent dielectric constants
gdiffmk - mark differences between groff/nroff/troff files
g_dih - analyzes dihedral transitions
g_dih - analyzes dihedral transitions
g_dipoles - computes the total dipole plus fluctuations
g_dipoles - computes the total dipole plus fluctuations
gdis - molecules and periodic systems manipulator
g_disre - analyzes distance restraints
g_disre - analyzes distance restraints
g_dist - calculates the distances between the centers of mass of two
g_dist - calculates the distances between the centers of mass of two
gdk-pixbuf-csource - C code generation utility for GdkPixbuf images
gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders - GdkPixbuf loader registration utility
gdl - Gnu Data Language interpreter
gdlib-config - script to get information about the installed version of
gdmap - Graphical Disk Map
Openbox - standards compliant, fast, light-weight, extensible window
dmd - wrapper script for gdc that emulates the dmd command
dmd - wrapper script for gdc that emulates the dmd command
dmd - wrapper script for gdc that emulates the dmd command
gdmflexiserver - starts a new KDM session
gdnc - GNUstep Distributed Notification Center
gdome-config - script to get information about the installed version of
libgd-tools - programs to convert between gd and other graphics formats
gdpc - program for visualising molecular dynamic simulations
libgd-tools - programs to convert between gd and other graphics formats
g_dyndom - interpolate and extrapolate structure rotations
g_dyndom - interpolate and extrapolate structure rotations
Geany -- a small and lightweight IDE -
gearman - command line interface for Gearman clients and workers
gebabbel - GPS file conversion and transfer from/to GPS units
ged2gwb - Create a GeneWeb database from a GEDCOM file
gedit - text editor for the GNOME Desktop
geekast - GNOME interface to peercast
geekcode - generate geek code block
Geeqie - GTK based multiformat image viewer
Geeqie - GTK based multiformat image viewer
Geeqie - GTK based multiformat image viewer
geier - Command line interface to the Geier library
geistest - test operatoin of the GEIS API
gelemental - periodic table viewer
gem1.8 - the front end to RubyGems
gem1.9.1 - the front end to RubyGems
gemanx - Term BBS Client beyond PCMan X
gemcal - Ruby/Gtk base calendar
gems-client - Show data transmitted by gems-server (1)
gems-server - Transmit a shell session in real time.
gemtopnm - convert a GEM .img file into a portable anymap
gemtopnm - convert a GEM .img file into a portable anymap
radiance-experttools — Specialty programs of the Radiance package, used -
genbg - [mine[:maxe]] [res/mod] [file]
genblinds - generate a RADIANCE description of venetian blinds
genbox - solvates a system
genbox - solvates a system
genbrk - Compiles ICU break iteration rules source files into binary
feh-cam - a utility for viewing live webcam images
gen-cam-menu - utility for updating Enlightenment user menus for feh-cam
gencat - Generate message catalog
gencfg - Generate z8530drv.conf from xNOS data
gencfu - Generates Unicode Confusable data files
genclock - generate a RADIANCE description of a clock
gencnval - compile the converters aliases file
gencoil - Generates a virtual coil suitable for sequence simulation in
genconf - multiplies a conformation in ’random’ orientations
genconf - multiplies a conformation in ’random’ orientations
genctd - Compiles word list into ICU compact trie dictionary
gen-ctl-io - generate C interface code for libctl control files
Gendarme - Rule-based code analysis for Mono.
gendaylit - generates a RADIANCE description of the daylit sources
gendesc - Generate a test case description file
gendiff - utility to aid in error-free diff file generation
gendoc - Documentation generation from Python source files
gene2xml - convert NCBI Entrez Gene ASN.1 into XML
g_enemat - extracts an energy matrix from an energy file
g_enemat - extracts an energy matrix from an energy file
generatekeys - Generate SIFT keypoints from an image file
generate_randfile - a program to generate a file of random data
generatorrunner - plugin-based binding source code generator
g_energy - writes energies to xvg files and displays averages
g_energy - writes energies to xvg files and displays averages
generic_consumer - program that load a shared library as a C or C++
generic_count - count physical lines of code, given a comment marker
generic_filter - program that load a shared library as a C or C++
generic_producer - program that load a shared library as a C or C++
genesis - GEneral NEural SImulation System
genewise — a database of proteins vs a database of genomic dna -
genewise — comparison of a related protein to genomic DNA -
gengetopt - skeleton main.c generator
geng - [-x#X#] n [mine[:maxe]] [res/mod] [file]
genhash - md5 hash generation tool for remote web pages
gen-header - generates lang.h from specified mo file.
gen - program to generate test files of radio transmission modulation
genhtml - Generate HTML view from LCOV coverage data files
geninfo - Generate tracefiles from .da files
genion - generates mono atomic ions on energetically favorable
genion - generates mono atomic ions on energetically favorable
genior - Utility for creating a stringified IOR
genisoimage - create ISO9660/Joliet/HFS filesystem with optional Rock
genisovh - Make CD-ROMs bootable for SGI MIPS machines
genkdmconf - generate configuration files for kdm
gen_keymap - generate a keyboard map decision tree
genklemsamp - generate ray samples over surfaces using Klems BSDF basis
genmakefile - Generates a Makefile for ODIN methods
genmap - ROOT utility to create class to library maps
e-utils - enlightement utilities
genmeshify-1.4 — Crystalspace tool -
genmeshify — Crystalspace tool -
genomewise — A tool for combining disparate evidence strands - - Inserts SNP data into MIPE file
GenPat - A program to create patch files in VPatch format.
GenPat - A program to create patch files in VPatch format.
genpmda - Performance Co-Pilot PMDA Generator
genpng - Generate an overview image from a source file
genpo - general purpose organ
genprism - generate a RADIANCE description of a prism
genpyt - generate the PINYIN lexicon
genrang - Generate random graphs.
genrb - compile a resource bundle
genrbox - generate a RADIANCE description of a box
genresscript - generate resource script from PE and NE binaries
genrestr - generates position restraints or distance restraints for
genrestr - generates position restraints or distance restraints for
genrev - generate a RADIANCE description of surface of revolution
radiance-experttools — Specialty programs of the Radiance package, used -
gensample - Generates a virtual sample suitable for sequence simulation
gensgmlenv - Generate /etc/sgml/sgml.env and /etc/sgml/sgml.cenv
gensky - generate a RADIANCE description of the sky
genskyvec - compute patch radiance averages for a specific sky
genSslCert - Generate SSL certificates for Small-Footprint CIM Broker
gensurf - generate a RADIANCE or Wavefront description of a curved
gen_table - generate tables for use by mdrun
gen_table - generate tables for use by mdrun
gentest - Run random generic SMB operations against two SMB servers and
GENtle - program to plan genetic cloning experiments
gen-wmmountrc - build a wmmountrc file out of /etc/fstab
genworm - generate a RADIANCE description of a functional worm
genxref - generates LXR database cross-reference tokens
genxs - Mono's Xml Serializer Generator
genxs - Mono's Xml Serializer Generator
genxs - Mono's Xml Serializer Generator
geo-code - Convert a street address into geo coordinates
geod - direct geodesic computations
geoedit - Geometry editor of ODIN
geogebra - algebra and geometry software - Download and convert waypoints for use with gpsdrive
geouplookup6 - look up country using IP Address or hostname
geoiplookup - look up country using IP Address or hostname
geoipupdate - a program for updating the MaxMind GeoIP databases
geosat - Calculate Az and El to Geostationary Satellites
geos-config - returns information about installed GEOS libraries and
geotranz - GEOgraphic coordinates TRANslator
eqn - format equations for troff or MathML
gerbv - Gerber Viewer
gerbview - viewer for GERBER format files.
geresh - a multilingual text editor with bidi support
germinate - expand dependencies in a list of seed packages
germinate-pkg-diff - compare seeds against currently installed packages
germinate-update-metapackage - update a set of metapackages generated
gerris2D, gerris2D3, gerris3D - the Gerris flow solver simulation
gerris2D, gerris2D3, gerris3D - the Gerris flow solver simulation
gerris2D, gerris2D3, gerris3D - the Gerris flow solver simulation
Gespeaker - A GTK+ frontend for eSpeak and mbrola
gesturetest - Test program for the X Gesture Stack
getafm - create an AFM file for a PostScript font.
rsbac-admin - Rule Set Based Access Control
rsbac-admin - Rule Set Based Access Control
getbbox - compute bounding box for RADIANCE scene
get-branches - downloads all branches related to a Launchpad team or
get-build-deps - install build dependencies for one or more packages
getbuildlog - download build logs from Debian auto-builders
mollist - get identifiers list
getconf - Query system configuration variables
getcookie - get a cookie from the DSBL server for batch testing
getdefs - AutoGen Definition Extraction Tool
get-edid, parse-edid - read-edid tools to retrieve and interpret
geteltorito - an El Torito boot image extractor
getenforce - get the current mode of SELinux
getent - get entries from administrative database
getfacl - get file access control lists
getfattr - get extended attributes of filesystem objects
getfdprm - print the current format information
ladr4-apps - undocumented LADR4 applications
gethostip — convert an IP address into various formats -
get - symbolic link to as_run command
get-iab - Fetch the arp-scan IAB file from the IEEE website
get-iana - updates the list of reserved ips from the IANA for usage
getinfo - get header information from a RADIANCE file
getinstrs - extracts TrueType instructions for one or more glyphs from
ladr4-apps - undocumented LADR4 applications
get_iplayer - Stream Recording tool and PVR for BBC iPlayer, BBC
get_iplayer - Stream Recording tool and PVR for BBC iPlayer, BBC
ladr4-apps - undocumented LADR4 applications
getlist - Get a list from an NNTP server
getlive - fetch mail from your Hotmail Live account
getls-lR - get ls-lR files from FTP server for mirror use
getltscfg-cluster - Fetch thin-client configuration from central
getltscfg - get LTSP configuration variables
getmail_fetch - retrieve messages from one or more POP3 or POP3-over-
getmail - retrieve messages from one or more POP3, IMAP4, or SDPS
getmail_maildir - read a message from stdin and deliver to a named
getmail_mbox - read a message from stdin and deliver to a named mboxrd-
getmesh - get MeSH terms from a Medline entry
getnonfreefonts - download and install fonts which cannot be
getnonfreefonts - download and install fonts which cannot be
getntacl - Tool for displaying NT ACLs stored in extended attributes
getop - symbolic link to as_run command
getopt - parse command options (enhanced)
get-oui - Fetch the arp-scan OUI file from the IEEE website
getpub - look up Medline entries by UID
get-qmailanalog - Fetch qmailanalog source tarball
getSchema - Script to download DMTF CIM Schema for Small-Footprint CIM
sloccount - count source lines of code (SLOC)
sloccount - count source lines of code (SLOC)
getpeername - get information about this or that end of the socket’s
gettext - translate message
gettextize - install or upgrade gettext infrastructure
get-wings-flags - output libWINGs compile and linker flags
getWordFreq - print word freq information from language model
get-wraster-flags - output libwraster compile and linker flags
get-wutil-flags - output libwutil compile and linker flags
getzone - get dns zone from server
getzones - list AppleTalk zone names
gexec - Interactive run dialog
gExtractWinIcons - Extract cursors and icons from MS Windows compatible
gf2pbm - convert a character from a GF font file to PBM format
gfaim - a recipes database and search engine
Gfan - program for computing with Groebner fans
Gfan - program for computing with Groebner fans
Gfan - program for computing with Groebner fans
Gfan - program for computing with Groebner fans
Gfan - program for computing with Groebner fans
Gfan - program for computing with Groebner fans
Gfan - program for computing with Groebner fans
Gfan - program for computing with Groebner fans
Gfan - program for computing with Groebner fans
Gfan - program for computing with Groebner fans
Gfan - program for computing with Groebner fans
Gfan - program for computing with Groebner fans
Gfan - program for computing with Groebner fans
Gfan - program for computing with Groebner fans
Gfan - program for computing with Groebner fans
Gfan - program for computing with Groebner fans
Gfan - program for computing with Groebner fans
Gfan - program for computing with Groebner fans
Gfan - program for computing with Groebner fans
Gfan - program for computing with Groebner fans
Gfan - program for computing with Groebner fans
Gfan - program for computing with Groebner fans
Gfan - program for computing with Groebner fans
Gfan - program for computing with Groebner fans
Gfan - program for computing with Groebner fans
Gfan - program for computing with Groebner fans
Gfan - program for computing with Groebner fans
gfarm_agent - Gfarm Filesystem Metadata Cache Server
gfax - GNOME frontend for fax programs
gfaxlpr - Postscript printer fronted for fax programs
gfcd - change Gfarm working directory
GNOME FCE Ultra - A graphical front-end for FCE Ultra
gfceux - A GTK2 graphical front-end for fceux
gfchgrp - change Gfarm file group
gfchmod - change Gfarm file permission
gfchown - change Gfarm file owner and group
gfcombine - combine a number of shares to form the original file
gfdf - display disk free space of Gfarm file system
gfexec - execute other commands in the Gfarm filesystem
gfexport - print on the standard output
gff2aplot - Converting GFF files for pairwise alignments to PostScript.
gff2ps - Produces PostScript graphical output from GFF-files.
gffindxmlattr - Find XML extended attributes by XPath query
gfgrep - search a file for a pattern
gfgroup - Gfarm group maintenance command
gfhost - Gfarm host maintenance command
g_filter - frequency filters trajectories, useful for making smooth
g_filter - frequency filters trajectories, useful for making smooth
gfimport_fixed - divide and register a fixed-size data file
gfimport_text - divide and register a text file
gfix -- GFIX - Firebird command-line tool
gfkey - management of Gfarm session keys
gflags2man - runs a Google flags base program and generates a man page.
gfln - create a hardlink or a symbolic link
gfls - list contents of Gfarm directory
gfm - a program to manipulate files for TI’s hand-helds
gfmkdir - make Gfarm directories
gfmpirun_p4 - run Gfarm parallel programs with mpirun
gfmv - move (rename) Gfarm file
fusionforge-config — Reconfigure FusionForge -
gforth, gforth-fast, gforthmi - a fast and portable Forth system
gforth, gforth-fast, gforthmi - a fast and portable Forth system
gforth, gforth-fast, gforthmi - a fast and portable Forth system
gforth, gforth-fast, gforthmi - a fast and portable Forth system
gforth, gforth-fast, gforthmi - a fast and portable Forth system
gforth, gforth-fast, gforthmi - a fast and portable Forth system
gforth, gforth-fast, gforthmi - a fast and portable Forth system
gforth, gforth-fast, gforthmi - a fast and portable Forth system
gfortran - GNU Fortran compiler
gfortran - GNU Fortran compiler
gfortran - GNU Fortran compiler
gfortran - GNU Fortran compiler
gfps - report process status
gfpwd - print Gfarm working directory name
gfrcmd - Gfarm remote shell
gfreg - register a Gfarm file, Gfarm file fragments, or a Gfarm
gfrep - replicate Gfarm files
gfrmdir - remove Gfarm directories
gfrm - remove Gfarm files, directories, or file replicas
gfront - Gfarm filesystem browser
gfrun, gfrsh, gfssh - run Gfarm parallel programs
gfrun, gfrsh, gfssh - run Gfarm parallel programs
gfrun, gfrsh, gfssh - run Gfarm parallel programs
gfs2gfs - converts old Gerris simulation files to the current format.
gfs2oogl2D, gfs2oogl2D3, gfs2oogl3D - converts a Gerris simulation file
gfs2oogl2D, gfs2oogl2D3, gfs2oogl3D - converts a Gerris simulation file
gfs2oogl2D, gfs2oogl2D3, gfs2oogl3D - converts a Gerris simulation file
gfsched - create a host file using file-affinity scheduling
gfscompare2D, gfscompare2D3, gfscompare3D - computes the difference
gfscompare2D, gfscompare2D3, gfscompare3D - computes the difference
gfscompare2D, gfscompare2D3, gfscompare3D - computes the difference
gfs-config - defines values for programs using gts.
gfsetdir - helper command for gfcd
gfs-highlight - syntax highlighting/hypertext linking of Gerris
gfsjoin2D, gfsjoin3D - joins several parallel Gerris simulation files
gfsjoin2D, gfsjoin3D - joins several parallel Gerris simulation files
gfsjoin - joins Gerris files.
gfsplit - split a file into a number of shares
gfrun, gfrsh, gfssh - run Gfarm parallel programs
gfrun, gfrsh, gfssh - run Gfarm parallel programs
gfstat - display file or directory status
gfstatus - display Gfarm configuration status
gfsxref - creates cross-references for occurences of KEYWORD in
gftodvi - make proof sheets from generic font files
gftopk - convert generic font files to packed font files
gftp - file transfer client for *NIX based machines.
gftp - file transfer client for *NIX based machines.
gftp - file transfer client for *NIX based machines.
gftype - translate a generic font file for humans to read
gfusage - display Gfarm filesystem space usage
gfuser - Gfarm user maintenance command
gfwc - print the number of bytes, words, and lines in Gfarm files
gfwhere - print replica locations
gfwhoami - print user name on the Gfarm filesystem
gfxattr - Manipulate extended attributes in Gfarm file system
gfxboot - graphical boot screen test and config tool
ggcov - a GNOME frontend for exploring gcov coverage data
ggcov-webdb - generate intermediate database for ggcov web interface
mollist - get identifiers list
cube3d - 3D cube console
ggi-demo, ggi-flying_ggis - GGI demonstration and example programs
ggi-demo, ggi-flying_ggis - GGI demonstration and example programs
ggi-demo, ggi-flying_ggis - GGI demonstration and example programs
monitest - Monitor test program
ggiteleserver - GGI display server
ggobi-config - ggobi compile flags and library information retrieval
ggobi - Visualization system for high-dimensional data
ggthumb - Gnome thumbnailer for geogebra
ggtick - periodic signal-based task scheduler
g_gyrate - calculates the radius of gyration
g_gyrate - calculates the radius of gyration
ggz-cmd - Useful GGZ server control tool
ggzcommgen - GGZ Communication Protocol Generator
ggzmetaserv - The GGZ Gaming Zone Metaserver
g_h2order - computes the orientation of water molecules
g_h2order - computes the orientation of water molecules
g_hbond - computes and analyzes hydrogen bonds
g_hbond - computes and analyzes hydrogen bonds
GHC - the Glasgow Haskell Compiler
GHC - the Glasgow Haskell Compiler
GHC - the Glasgow Haskell Compiler
GHC - the Glasgow Haskell Compiler
ghc-pkg - GHC Haskell Cabal package manager
ghdl - VHDL compiler/simulator
g_helix - calculates basic properties of alpha helices
g_helix - calculates basic properties of alpha helices
g_helixorient - calculates local pitch/bending/rotation/orientation
g_helixorient - calculates local pitch/bending/rotation/orientation
ghemical - framework for molecular modelling
ghex2 - A GNOME Hex Editor
ghi - command-line interface to the GitHub Issues API
ghkl - program to do diffractometer computation
gs - Ghostscript (PostScript and PDF language interpreter and
ghwdump - Dumps info contained in GHW files
giblib-config - giblib build information script
lid - Query ID database and report results
gif2epsn - A program to dump images saved as GIF files on Epson type
gif2h5 - Converts a GIF file to an HDF5 file.
gif2hdf - convert a GIF image to a HDF file
gif2png - convert GIFs to PNGs
gif2ps - GIF-to-PostScript conversion.
gif2rgb - A program to convert images saved as GIF to 24-bit RGB
gif2tiff - create a TIFF file from a GIF87 format image file
gifasm - A program to assemble multiple GIF files into one, or
gifbg - A program to generate a single-color test pattern GIF with
gifburst - The gifburst program takes a named GIF file and breaks it
gifclip - A program to clip images in GIF files. Only one image in a
gifclrmp - A program to modify GIF image colormaps. Any local colormap
gifcolor - A program to generate color test patterns. Feed it a color
gifcomb - A program to combine 2 GIF images of exactly the same size
gifcompose - The gifcompose program uses the GIFLIB utility tools to
gifdiff - compares GIF images
gifeffit - a Python GUI front end to Ifeffit
gif_encoder - Video encoder as part of LiVES
giffiltr - This is an expensive way to copy a GIF. The source is
giffix - A program that attempts to fix broken GIF images. Currently
gifflip - A program to flip (mirror) GIF file along X or Y axes, or
gifhisto - A program to create histogram of number of pixels using each
gifinfo - Program to display information (size and comments) in GIF
gifinter - A program to convert between interlaced and non-interlaced
gifinto - A program to save stdin into a file with given name, iff the
gifovly - This program takes a multi-image GIF file and generates a
gifpos - A program to change GIF screen size and/or reposition images.
gifrotat - A program to rotate a GIF image by a specified angle.
gifrsize - A program to resize image size by an integer factor,
gifsicle - manipulates GIF images and animations
gifspnge - This is an expensive way to copy a GIF. The source is
giFTcurs - cursed frontend to giFT
giftd - Daemon component for the giFT project
gnuift — GNU Image Finding Tool - index and search images by content
giftext - A program to dump (text only) general information about GIF
gnuift — GNU Image Finding Tool - index and search images by content
gnuift — GNU Image Finding Tool - index and search images by content
gnuift — GNU Image Finding Tool - index and search images by content
gnuift — GNU Image Finding Tool - index and search images by content
gnuift — GNU Image Finding Tool - index and search images by content
giftopnm - convert a GIF file into a portable anymap
giFToxic - A GTK2-based client for giFT
giftrans - transform gif from gif87 to gif89, making one color
giFTui - Graphical user interface to giFT
gnuift — GNU Image Finding Tool - index and search images by content
gifview - displays GIF images and animations on the X window system
gifwedge - A program to create a test GIF image with intensity levels
gigdump - List informations about a Gigasampler (.gig) file.
gigextract - Extract samples from Gigasampler (.gig) files.
giggle - Gtk+ interface to git trees
Gigolo -- a simple frontend to easily connect to remote filesystems -
gij - GNU interpreter for Java bytecode
gij - GNU interpreter for Java bytecode
gij - GNU interpreter for Java bytecode
gil2bin - convert GenInfo integrated IDs to or from binary
Gimmix - a graphical music player daemon (MPD) client
gimp - an image manipulation and paint program.
gimp - an image manipulation and paint program.
gimp - an image manipulation and paint program.
gimp - an image manipulation and paint program.
gimptool-2.0 - script to perform various GIMPy functions
ginsh - GiNaC Interactive Shell
mafft - Multiple alignment program for amino acid or nucleotide
g-inspector - GTK+ inspector to debug GTK+ applications
ginstall-info - update info/dir entries
gio-querymodules - GIO module cache creation
gipddecode - Decode a HIPERC stream into human readable form.
gip - IP calculator for GNOME desktop environment.
g-ir-compiler - typelib compiler.
g-ir-generate - typelib generator
g-ir-scanner - extracting C metadata from sources and headers
sgbdemos - Examples of the use of The Stanford GraphBase
gisomount — GUI to handle the mounting of ISO images as virtual CDs -
gist - browse binary cgm graphics files
gitaction - GNU Interactive Tools
git-add - Add file contents to the index
git-am - Apply a series of patches from a mailbox
git-annotate - Annotate file lines with commit information
git-apply - Apply a patch to files and/or to the index
git-archimport - Import an Arch repository into git
git-archive - Create an archive of files from a named tree
git-bisect - Find by binary search the change that introduced a bug
git-blame - Show what revision and author last modified each line of a
git-branch - List, create, or delete branches
git-buildpackage - Build Debian packages from a Git repository
git-bundle - Move objects and refs by archive
git-cat-file - Provide content or type and size information for
git-check-attr - Display gitattributes information
git-checkout - Checkout a branch or paths to the working tree
git-checkout-index - Copy files from the index to the working tree
git-check-ref-format - Ensures that a reference name is well formed
git-cherry - Find commits not merged upstream
git-cherry-pick - Apply the change introduced by an existing commit
git-citool - Graphical alternative to git-commit
git-clean - Remove untracked files from the working tree
git-clone - Clone a repository into a new directory
git-cola - A highly caffeinated git GUI
git-commit - Record changes to the repository
git-commit-tree - Create a new commit object
git-config - Get and set repository or global options
git-count-objects - Count unpacked number of objects and their disk
git-cvsexportcommit - Export a single commit to a CVS checkout
git-cvsimport - Salvage your data out of another SCM people love to
git-cvsserver - A CVS server emulator for git
git-daemon - A really simple server for git repositories
git-dch - Generate the Debian changelog from git commit messages
git-debimport - create a git repository from a set of existing Debian
git-describe - Show the most recent tag that is reachable from a commit
git-diff-files - Compares files in the working tree and the index
git-diff - Show changes between commits, commit and working tree, etc
git-diff-index - Compares content and mode of blobs between the index
git-cola - A highly caffeinated git GUI
git-difftool - Show changes using common diff tools
git-diff-tree - Compares the content and mode of blobs found via two
gitdpkgname - GNU Interactive Tools
git-dpm - debian packages in git manager
git-fast-export - Git data exporter
git-fast-import - Backend for fast Git data importers
git-fetch - Download objects and refs from another repository
git-fetch-pack - Receive missing objects from another repository
git-filter-branch - Rewrite branches
gitfm - GNU Interactive Tools File Manager
git-fmt-merge-msg - Produce a merge commit message
git-for-each-ref - Output information on each ref
git-format-patch - Prepare patches for e-mail submission
git-fsck - Verifies the connectivity and validity of the objects in the
git-fsck-objects - Verifies the connectivity and validity of the
git-gc - Cleanup unnecessary files and optimize the local repository
git-get-tar-commit-id - Extract commit ID from an archive created using
gitg - Git repository viewer
git-grep - Print lines matching a pattern
git-gui - A portable graphical interface to Git
git-hash-object - Compute object ID and optionally creates a blob from
git-help - display help information about git
git - the stupid content tracker
git-http-backend - Server side implementation of Git over HTTP
git-http-fetch - Download from a remote git repository via HTTP
git-http-push - Push objects over HTTP/DAV to another repository
git-imap-send - Send a collection of patches from stdin to an IMAP
git-import-dsc - Import Debian packages into a Git repository
git-import-dscs - Import multiple versions of a Debian source packages
git-import-orig - Import an upstream source into a git repository
git-index-pack - Build pack index file for an existing packed archive
git-init-db - Creates an empty git repository
git-init - Create an empty git repository or reinitialize an existing
git-instaweb - Instantly browse your working repository in gitweb
gitwhich, gitmkdirs, gitxgrep - Helper programs for gnuit
gitkeys - GNU Interactive Tools
gitk - The git repository browser
git_load_dirs - Import upstream archives into tla, hg, darcs, or git
git-log - Show commit logs
git-lost-found - Recover lost refs that luckily have not yet been
git-ls-files - Show information about files in the index and the
git-ls-remote - List references in a remote repository
git-ls-tree - List the contents of a tree object
git-mailinfo - Extracts patch and authorship from a single e-mail
git-mailsplit - Simple UNIX mbox splitter program
git-merge-base - Find as good common ancestors as possible for a merge
git-merge-file - Run a three-way file merge
git-merge - Join two or more development histories together
git-merge-index - Run a merge for files needing merging
git-merge-one-file - The standard helper program to use with
git-mergetool - Run merge conflict resolution tools to resolve merge
git-mergetool--lib - Common git merge tool shell scriptlets
git-merge-tree - Show three-way merge without touching index
gitwhich, gitmkdirs, gitxgrep - Helper programs for gnuit
git-mktag - Creates a tag object
git-mktree - Build a tree-object from ls-tree formatted text
gitmount - GNU Interactive Tools
git-mv - Move or rename a file, a directory, or a symlink
git-name-rev - Find symbolic names for given revs
git-notes - Add/inspect object notes
git-pack-objects - Create a packed archive of objects
git-pack-redundant - Find redundant pack files
git-pack-refs - Pack heads and tags for efficient repository access
git-parse-remote - Routines to help parsing remote repository access
git-patch-id - Compute unique ID for a patch
git-pbuilder - Wrapper around pbuilder for git-buildpackage
git-peek-remote - List the references in a remote repository
gitpkg - export a Debian source package from nominated git revisions
git-prune - Prune all unreachable objects from the object database
git-prune-packed - Remove extra objects that are already in pack files
gitps - A process viewer/killer
git-pull - Fetch from and merge with another repository or a local
git-push - Update remote refs along with associated objects
git-quiltimport - Applies a quilt patchset onto the current branch
git-read-tree - Reads tree information into the index
git-rebase - Forward-port local commits to the updated upstream head
git-receive-pack - Receive what is pushed into the repository
git-reflog - Manage reflog information
gitrgrep - GNU Interactive Tools
git-relink - Hardlink common objects in local repositories
git-remote-helpers - Helper programs to interact with remote
git-remote - manage set of tracked repositories
git-repack - Pack unpacked objects in a repository
git-replace - Create, list, delete refs to replace objects
git-repo-config - Get and set repository or global options
git-request-pull - Generates a summary of pending changes
git-rerere - Reuse recorded resolution of conflicted merges
git-reset - Reset current HEAD to the specified state
git-revert - Revert an existing commit
git-rev-list - Lists commit objects in reverse chronological order
git-rev-parse - Pick out and massage parameters
gitrgrep - GNU Interactive Tools
gitrgrep - GNU Interactive Tools
git-rm - Remove files from the working tree and from the index
git-send-email - Send a collection of patches as emails
git-send-pack - Push objects over git protocol to another repository
git-shell - Restricted login shell for GIT-only SSH access
git-shortlog - Summarize 'git log' output
git-show-branch - Show branches and their commits
git-show - Show various types of objects
git-show-index - Show packed archive index
git-show-ref - List references in a local repository
git-sh-setup - Common git shell script setup code
git-stage - Add file contents to the staging area
git-stash - Stash the changes in a dirty working directory away
gitstats - generate statistics of git repositories
git-status - Show the working tree status
git-stripspace - Filter out empty lines
git-submodule - Initialize, update or inspect submodules
git-svn - Bidirectional operation between a Subversion repository and
git-symbolic-ref - Read and modify symbolic refs
git-tag - Create, list, delete or verify a tag object signed with GPG
git-tar-tree - Create a tar archive of the files in the named tree
cvstrac - Low-ceremony bug tracker for projects under CVS
git-unpack-file - Creates a temporary file with a blob's contents
gitunpack - GNU Interactive Tools
git-unpack-objects - Unpack objects from a packed archive
git-update-index - Register file contents in the working tree to the
git-update-ref - Update the object name stored in a ref safely
git-update-server-info - Update auxiliary info file to help dumb
git-upload-archive - Send archive back to git-archive
git-upload-pack - Send objects packed back to git-fetch-pack
git-var - Show a git logical variable
git-verify-pack - Validate packed git archive files
git-verify-tag - Check the GPG signature of tags
gitview - An ASCII/HEX file viewer
git-web--browse - git helper script to launch a web browser
git-whatchanged - Show logs with difference each commit introduces
gitwhich, gitmkdirs, gitxgrep - Helper programs for gnuit
gitwipe - An utility for wiping files
git-write-tree - Create a tree object from the current index
gitwhich, gitmkdirs, gitxgrep - Helper programs for gnuit
givaro-config - tool for linking against Givaro
giver - simple file sharing desktop application
giws — Generate C++ class wrappers to call Java methods/objects -
gizmod - allows scripting of input events through Python scripts.
gjar - - Archive tool for Java archives
gjar - - Archive tool for Java archives
gjar - - Archive tool for Java archives
gjarsigner - Java ARchive (JAR) file signing and verification tool
gjarsigner - Java ARchive (JAR) file signing and verification tool
gjarsigner - Java ARchive (JAR) file signing and verification tool
gjavah - - generate header files from Java class files
gjavah - - generate header files from Java class files
gjavah - - generate header files from Java class files
cp-tools - GNU Classpath Tools Guide
cp-tools - GNU Classpath Tools Guide
gjdoc - Documentation generation framework for Java source files
gjig - Simplified graphics administrator for Debian
gjiten - Japanese dictionary for Gnome
gjots2docbook - Convert a gjotsfile to DOCBOOK (on stdout)
gjots2 - A gnome-2/X11 jotter
gjots2html - Convert a gjotsfile to HTML (on stdout)
gkdebconf -- frontend to dpkg-reconfigure -
gkdebconf-term -- wrapper to dpkg-reconfigure -
gkermit - G-Kermit (GNU Kermit) 1.00 file transfer software.
gkeytool - Manage private keys and public certificates
gkeytool - Manage private keys and public certificates
gkeytool - Manage private keys and public certificates
g_kinetics - estimate rate constants
g_kinetics - estimate rate constants
gkrellmd - The GNU Krell Monitors Server
gkrellm - The GNU Krell Monitors
gksu - GTK+ frontend for su and sudo
gksu - GTK+ frontend for su and sudo
gksu-properties - Configure the behaviour of gksu
glabels - Label and business card creation program for GNOME
glabels - Label and business card creation program for GNOME
glacier2router - firewall solution for Ice applications
glade-3 - GUI Builder for GTK+ 2
glam2format - converts GLAM2 motifs to FASTA or MSF format
glam2 - Gapped Local Alignment of Motifs
glam2mask - masks a GLAM2 motif in sequences
glam2-purge - Removes redundant sequences from a FASTA file
glam2scan - finds a GLAM2 motif in a database
glame — A versatile audio editor -
glare - perform glare and visual comfort calculations
glarendx - calculate glare index
glark - Search text files for complex regular expressions
radiance-experttools — Specialty programs of the Radiance package, used -
glbsp - GL Nodes builder for DOOM ports
glcpu - Three-dimensional networked system monitor
glds, glds_features - calculate the spatial grey level difference
glds, glds_features - calculate the spatial grey level difference
gled - graphical frontend for ledcontrol
gle - Graphics Layout Engine
glewinfo — displays GL extension info -
glfer - spectrogram display and QRSS keyer
glib-compile-schemas - GSettings schema compiler
glib-genmarshal - C code marshaller generation utility for GLib
glib-gettextize - gettext internationalization utility
glib-mkenums - C language enum description generation utility
g_lie - free energy estimate from linear combinations
g_lie - free energy estimate from linear combinations
gl-info - OpenGL test program for FlightGear
gliv - An OpenGL Image Viewer
glmark2(-es2) - OpenGL (ES) 2.0 benchmark
glmark2(-es2) - OpenGL (ES) 2.0 benchmark
glmemperf - a benchmark for measuring OpenGL ES 2.0 rendering
global - print the locations of specified object.
globaltime - International multiclock timeconverter for the Xfce
globash - invoke a GLOBAL shell environment.
globus-job-cancel - Cancel a GRAM batch job
globus-job-clean - Cancel and clean up a GRAM batch job
globus-job-get-output - Retrieve the output and error streams from a
globus-job-run - Execute a job using GRAM
globus-job-status - Check the status of a GRAM5 job
globus-job-submit - Submit a batch job using GRAM
globus-personal-gatekeeper - Manage a user´s personal gatekeeper daemon
globus-rls-cli - Globus Replica Location Service Command Line Interface
globusrun - Execute and manage jobs via GRAM
glom — database designer and user interface -
glosstex - prepare glossaries and lists of acronyms
GLPSOL: - manual page for GLPSOL: GLPK LP/MIP Solver, v4.43
glrad - render a RADIANCE scene using OpenGL
glurp - GTK+ frontend for controlling Music Player Daemon (MPD)
glusterfs-volgen - clustered file-system
glxdemo - a demonstration of the GLX functions
glxgears - ``gears'' demo for GLX
glxheads - exercise multiple GLX connections
glxinfo - show information about the GLX implementation
gmac - Microcode and Macrocode Compiler for TkGate
gmail-notify - A Gmail Notifier
gmanedit - GTK+ program for editing manual pages.
gmap - Genomic Mapping and Alignment Program
gmap_setup - create a genome database for GMAP or GSNAP
mcs, gmcs, smcs - Mono C# Compiler (1.0, 2.0, Moonlight)
gm_ctl_client - GNUmed XML-RPC connector for legacy applications
gmdb2 - GNOME UI for MDB Tools
g_mdmat - calculates residue contact maps
g_mdmat - calculates residue contact maps
GMediaServer - A UPnP compatible media server
gmemusage - graphically display memory used by running processes.
gmerlin - Gmerlin GUI Player
gmerlin_player - Commandline Multimedia player
gmerlin_remote - Remote control command for the Gmerlin GUI Player
gmerlin_transcoder - GTK multimedia transcoder
gmerlin_transcoder_remote - Remote control command for the Gmerlin GUI
gxmessage - a GTK-based xmessage clone
gmetad - manual page for Ganglia Meta Daemon
gmetric - manual page for Ganglia Custom Metric Utility
gmfsk - MFSK terminal for GNOME
gm animate [ options ... ] file [ [ options ... ] file ... ] -
gmic - manage generic image processing operations, through the G’MIC
g_mindist - calculates the minimum distance between two groups
g_mindist - calculates the minimum distance between two groups
gml2gv - GML-DOT converter
gmlive - live video frontend for mplayer
gmobilemedia - program to manipulate filesystem on mobile phone
gmock-config - setup compilation and linking for gmock
gmock_doctor - diagnoses problems in code using Google Mock
gmock_gen - program to generate gmock header files
gmod - play music modules
gmond - manual page for Ganglia Monitor Daemon
g_morph - linear interpolation of conformations
g_morph - linear interpolation of conformations
gmotionlive - simple multipart/x-mixed-replace viewer
Gmount - A tool to easily mount your CD images
GMPC - Gnome Music Player Client
gmpc-remote - a remote control for GMPC.
ecm - integer factorization using ECM, P-1 or P+1
gm-print_doc - prints documents from within GNUmed
gmrun - Featureful CLI-like GTK+ application launcher
g_msd - calculates mean square displacements
g_msd - calculates mean square displacements
Gmsh - 3D finite element mesh generator with built-in CAD engine and
gmusicbrowser - Jukebox for large collections of audio files
gmxcheck - checks and compares files
gmxcheck - checks and compares files
gmxdump - makes binary files human readable
gmxdump - makes binary files human readable
gmysqlcc - a GTK+ client for mysql databases.
gnash, gtk-gnash, kde4-gnash - GNU Flash (SWF) Player
gnat, gnatbind, gnatbl, gnatchop, gnatfind, gnatkr, gnatlink, gnatls, -
gnatcheck - The GNAT rule checking tool
gnat, gnatbind, gnatbl, gnatchop, gnatfind, gnatkr, gnatlink, gnatls, -
gnat, gnatbind, gnatbl, gnatchop, gnatfind, gnatkr, gnatlink, gnatls, -
gnatelim - eliminate dead code from Ada programs
gnat, gnatbind, gnatbl, gnatchop, gnatfind, gnatkr, gnatlink, gnatls, -
gcc - GNU project C and C++ compiler
gnat-gps - The GNAT Programming System
gnat, gnatbind, gnatbl, gnatchop, gnatfind, gnatkr, gnatlink, gnatls, -
gnative2ascii - - An encoding converter
gnative2ascii - - An encoding converter
gnative2ascii - - An encoding converter
gnat, gnatbind, gnatbl, gnatchop, gnatfind, gnatkr, gnatlink, gnatls, -
gnat, gnatbind, gnatbl, gnatchop, gnatfind, gnatkr, gnatlink, gnatls, -
gnat, gnatbind, gnatbl, gnatchop, gnatfind, gnatkr, gnatlink, gnatls, -
gnat, gnatbind, gnatbl, gnatchop, gnatfind, gnatkr, gnatlink, gnatls, -
gnatmetric - Ada metrics tool
gnat, gnatbind, gnatbl, gnatchop, gnatfind, gnatkr, gnatlink, gnatls, -
gnatpp - Ada pretty-printer
gnat, gnatbind, gnatbl, gnatchop, gnatfind, gnatkr, gnatlink, gnatls, -
gnatstub - Generate skeletons for Ada package bodies
gnatsync - The GNAT global dependency detector
gnat, gnatbind, gnatbl, gnatchop, gnatfind, gnatkr, gnatlink, gnatls, -
gnc-prices - update stock prices from online sources for gnucash
gnee - record, replays or distributes X11 data
gnetlist - gEDA/gaf Netlist extraction/generation
gngb - emulate various Nintendo Game Boy handheld systems
gniall - A language learning program
g_nmeig - diagonalizes the Hessian
g_nmeig - diagonalizes the Hessian
g_nmens - generates an ensemble of structures from the normal modes
g_nmens - generates an ensemble of structures from the normal modes
g_nmtraj - generate oscillating trajectory of an eigenmode
g_nmtraj - generate oscillating trajectory of an eigenmode
GNOME - A viewer for Compressed HTML help archives
gnoemoe - a GNOME MOO client
gnokii - modem/fax driver for the mobile phones
gnomad2 - transfer files between a host and a Creative Labs Nomad
gnome-session - Starts up the GNOME desktop environment
gnome-about - Learn more about GNOME
gnome-activity-journal - browse and search a chronological log of your
gnome-alsamixer - ALSA sound mixer for GNOME
gnome-art — theme installer -
gnomebaker - an easy to use CD/DVD burner for GNOME
gnome-bluetile-session - Invoke gnome-session with Bluetile as window
gnome-btdownload - download files using a scatter-gather network
gcalctool - a desktop calculator
gnomecatalog - Cd cataloguing
gucharmap - Unicode character picker and font browser
gnome-color-chooser - GTK+/GNOME desktop appearance customization tool
gnome-commander - A GNOME file manager
gnome-control-center -- Desktop properties manager -
gnome-desktop-item-edit -- tool to edit .desktop file -
gnome-dictionary - Look up words on dictionaries
gnome-do - Launcher application in the spirit of Quicksilver
gnome-dupload - wrapper around dupload(1) for GNOME packaging
gnome-dvb-control - control gui for gnome-dvb-daemon
gnome-dvb-daemon - daemon for DVB devices
gnome-dvb-setup - setup gui for gnome-dvb-daemon
gnome-format - A GNOME media formatter
gnome-gmail-notifier - A Gmail Inbox Notifier for the GNOME Desktop
gnome-gpg - GPG passphrase agent based on GNOME Keyring
yelp — browse system documentation -
gnome-inm-forecast - Spanish weather forecast applet for the GNOME
gnome-keyboard-properties - manage keyboard behaviour in GNOME
gnome-keyring-daemon - keep password and other secrets for users
gnomekiss - A KiSS paper doll viewer for GNOME
gnome-language-selector - graphical language selection utility
gnome-launch-box - An application launcher for GNOME
gnome-lirc-properties - A control panel to configure remote controls.
gnome-media-player - A simple media player for GNOME that supports VLC,
gnome-mplayer - a simple GUI for MPlayer
gnome-nds-thumbnailer - create thumbnails for Nintendo DS roms
gnome-open - Open files and URLs using the GNOME file handlers
gnome-osd-client - A GNOME OSD shell interface
gnome-osd-event-bridge — Gnome OSD event bridge daemon -
gnome-osd-properties — Gnome OSD properties configuration -
gnome-paint - simple, easy-to-use paint program for GNOME
Openbox - standards compliant, fast, light-weight, extensible window
gnome-panel - display the GNOME panel
gnome-phone-manager - Manage your mobile phone
gnome-photo-printer - a gnome program to print several photos on one
gnome-pilot - GNOME applet to manipulate a Palm PDA
gnome-pilot - GNOME applet to manipulate a Palm PDA
gnome-pilot - GNOME applet to manipulate a Palm PDA
gnome-pilot - GNOME applet to manipulate a Palm PDA
gnome-power-manager - gnome power manager userspace daemon
gnome-power-preferences - gnome power preferences gui
gnome-power-statistics - gnome power statistics gui
gnome-ppp — a PPP account configurer and dialup tool for GNOME -
gnomeradio — FM-radio tuner for the GNOME desktop -
gnome-rdp - Remote Desktop Client for the GNOME Desktop
gnome-schedule - GNOME GUI for users’ crontabs
gnome-screensaver-command - controls GNOME screensaver
gnome-screensaver - screen saver and locker
gnome-screensaver-preferences - configure GNOME Screensaver
gnome-screenshot - capture the screen, a window, or an user-defined
gnome-search-tool - the GNOME Search Tool
gnome-session - Starts up the GNOME desktop environment
gnome-session-properties - Configure what applications to start on
gnome-session-save - Saves or ends the current GNOME session
gnome-settings-daemon - Handles the GNOME session settings
gnome-shell - Graphical shell for the GNOME desktop
gnome-sound-recorder - simple sound recorder
gnome-specimen - Simple font preview and compare application for Gnome.
gnome-splashscreen-manager — splash screen manager for GNOME -
gnome-ssh-askpass - prompts a user for a passphrase using GNOME
gnome-subtitles - video subtitling for the GNOME desktop
gnome-system-log - the GNOME System Log Viewer
gnome-system-monitor — view and control processes -
Gnometab - WYSIWYG guitar tablature editor for GNOME2
gnome-terminal -- is a terminal emulation application. -
gnome-terminal -- is a terminal emulation application. -
gnome-translate - GNOME interface to libtranslate.
gnome-voice-control - speech recognizer for the GNOME desktop
gnome-volume-control - Sound volume controller
gwc - GNOME Wave Cleaner, Audio file denoiser
gnome-wm - Launches the user selected window manager for the GNOME
gnoMint - x509 Certification Authority management tool for GNOME
gnomoradio -
gnote - A simple note-taking application for Gnome
gnotime - GnoTime
gnotime-remote - The GnoTime remote control
gnovd - Query the online Dutch Van Dale dictionary.
gns3 - a graphical network simulator
gnuserv, gnuclient - Server and Clients for Emacs and XEmacs
gnuserv, gnuclient - Server and Clients for XEmacs
gnubiff - a mail notification program supporting GTK+ and GNOME
gnucap - GNU Circuit Analysis Package
gnucash - personal finance manager
gnuserv, gnuclient - Server and Clients for Emacs and XEmacs
gnuserv, gnuclient - Server and Clients for XEmacs
gnuserv, gnuclient - Server and Clients for Emacs and XEmacs
gnuserv, gnuclient - Server and Clients for XEmacs
gnugk - Open H323 Gatekeeper
gnuhtml2latex - html to latex converter
gnuift — GNU Image Finding Tool - index and search images by content
gnulib-tool - program for authors or maintainers which want to import
GNUMail - a fully featured mail application
GNUmed - an electronic MEDICAL record software for GP offices
gnumeric - a GNOME spreadsheet application.
gnunet-auto-share - process to share a directory
gnunet-chat - a command line interface to chat via GNUnet
gnunetd - The GNUnet daemon
gnunet-directory - display directories and show or delete lists of
gnunet-download - a command line interface for downloading files from
gnunet-fs - FUSE filesystem for GNUnet
gnunet-gtk - a gtk interface for accessing GNUnet
gnunet-insert - a command line interface for inserting new content into
gnunet-peer-info - Display information about other known nodes.
gnunet-pseudonym - create, delete or list pseudonyms
gnunet-qt - GNUnet Qt client
gnunet-search - a command line interface to search for content on
gnunet-setup - configuring GNUnet
gnunet-stats - Display statistics about your GNUnet server.
gnunet-tbench - transport profiling tool
gnunet-testbed - interactive environment for GNUnet simulations
gnunet-tracekit -- overlay network traceing -
gnunet-transport-check - a tool to test a GNUnet transport service
gnunet-unindex - a command line interface for deleting indexed files
gnunet-update - a tool to update GNUnet
gnunet-vpn - maintain your GNUbone connection
gnupg-pkcs11-scd - GnuPG-compatible smart-card daemon with PKCS#11
gnuplot - an interactive plotting program
gnupod_addsong - upload music to the iPod
gnupod_check - check for lost/zombie files on the iPod
gnupod_convert_APE.html gnupod_convert_FLAC.html gnupod_convert_MIDI.html gnupod_convert_OGG.html gnupod_convert_RIFF.html — convert files to your desired audio file format -
gnupod_convert_APE.html gnupod_convert_FLAC.html gnupod_convert_MIDI.html gnupod_convert_OGG.html gnupod_convert_RIFF.html — convert files to your desired audio file format -
gnupod_convert_APE.html gnupod_convert_FLAC.html gnupod_convert_MIDI.html gnupod_convert_OGG.html gnupod_convert_RIFF.html — convert files to your desired audio file format -
gnupod_convert_APE.html gnupod_convert_FLAC.html gnupod_convert_MIDI.html gnupod_convert_OGG.html gnupod_convert_RIFF.html — convert files to your desired audio file format -
gnupod_convert_APE.html gnupod_convert_FLAC.html gnupod_convert_MIDI.html gnupod_convert_OGG.html gnupod_convert_RIFF.html — convert files to your desired audio file format -
gnupod_INIT - prepares a ’virgin’ iPod for GNUpod
gnupod_otgsync - helper script for On-The-Go stuff
gnupod_search - search and remove files
gnuserv, gnuclient - Server and Clients for Emacs and XEmacs
gnuserv, gnuclient - Server and Clients for XEmacs
gnusim8085 - graphical Intel 8085 simulator, assembler and debugger
gnusound - Multitrack sound editor
gnusound - Multitrack sound editor
gnustep-config - prints information about the current gnustep
gnustep-examples - various example GNUstep tools/applications
gtalk - GNU talk client
gnutls-cli-debug - GNU TLS test client, with verbose output
gnutls-cli - GNU TLS test client
gnutls-serv - GNU TLS test server
gnuvd - Query the online Dutch Van Dale dictionary.
go2 - directory finder.
goplay - Debian game browser
goattracker - C64 music editor
GOB2 - The GObject Builder
gobby - a collaborative text editor
gobby - a collaborative text editor
gobject-query - display a tree of types
gocr - command line text recognition tool
goldendict - a feature-rich dictionary lookup program
goplay - Debian game browser
gom - a generic audio mixer (supports: OSS and derivatives)
goplay - Debian game browser
gonzui-db - a tool to inspect a gonzui DB
gonzui-import - a tool to import contents from a gonzui DB
gonzui-remove - a tool to remove contents from a gonzui DB
gonzui-search - a tool to search a gonzui DB
gonzui-server - a web-based search engine of gonzui
gonzui-update - a tool to update contents from a gonzui DB
goobox -- graphical CD player and ripper for GNOME -
GoodStuff - the FVWM button panel module
goplay - Debian game browser
google - command-line access to (some) Google services
google-pprof - manual page for google-pprof (part of google-perftools)
google-sitemapgen — simple script to automate production of sitemaps -
googlizer - GNOME panel launcher providing results of a Google search
goo, g2c - generic object-orientator (programming language)
gopchop - Fast, lossless cuts-only editor for MPEG2 video files
gopen - open files
gopher - connect to gopher document server
gophfilt - oneshot connection to gopher document server
goplay - Debian game browser
gorbd - - An object request broker daemon
gorbd - - An object request broker daemon
gorbd - - An object request broker daemon
g_order - computes the order parameter per atom for carbon tails
g_order - computes the order parameter per atom for carbon tails
spew - measures I/O performance and/or generates I/O load
Gorm - Graphical Interface Builder
gosa-encrypt-passwords - Encrypt your gosa.conf passwords with a master
goplay - Debian game browser
gosa - start script for the GOsa web interface
gosh - a Scheme script interpreter
gotmail - A script to fetch mail from a Hotmail mailbox.
gouldtoppm - convert Gould scanner file into a portable pixmap
Gource - a software version control visualization
gourmet - A Gtk-based recipe organizer and shopping list generator
goplay - Debian game browser
gozerbot - an IRC and Jabber bot written in Python
gozerbot - an IRC and Jabber bot written in Python
gozerbot - an IRC and Jabber bot written in Python
gozerbot - an IRC and Jabber bot written in Python
gozerbot - an IRC and Jabber bot written in Python
gozerbot - an IRC and Jabber bot written in Python
gozerbot - an IRC and Jabber bot written in Python
gozer - a commandline text renderer
gozilla - force mozilla to display specified source file.
gp - PARI calculator
GP2C-DBG - The GP to C debugger driver
GP2C - The GP to C compiler
GP2C-RUN - The GP to C compiler driver
GPAC - MPEG-4 Systems Framework and Software Development Kit
gpa - graphical frontend for the GNU Privacy Guard
gpaint - a small easy to use paint program for GNOME
gpar2 - A GUI for verifying and repairing PAR and PAR2 recovery sets
gparser - an SWF parser for Gnash
gpasm - GNU PIC assembler
gpasswd - administer /etc/group and /etc/gshadow
gpbs - GNUstep PasteBoard Server
gpc - GNU project Pascal Compiler
gpc-run - manual page for gpc-run 20070904
gpdasm - GNU PIC disassembler
gpdftext - is a GTK+ text editor for ebook PDF files.
gpe-announce - program to announce alarms to the user
gpe-appmgr - application manager window for GPE
gpe-bluetooth - Bluetooth connectivity tool for GPE.
gpe-calendar - store and manage calendar events in GPE
gpe-clock - alarm clock tray applet for GPE
gpe-confd - is a support tool for gpe-conf
gpe-conf - set of configuration tools for GPE
gpe-contacts - contact manager for GPE
gpe-edit - A simple text editor for GPE.
gpe-expenses - Expense records for GPE using QOF (Query Object
gpe-filemanager - a simple file manager for GPE
gpe-gallery - A small application for viewing images in GPE.
gpe-info - Provides information about the embedded device running GPE.
gpe-julia - Julia/Mandelbrot set generator for GPE
gpe-lock-display - - lock the display on an embedded device
gpe-login - - login window for the G Palmtop Environment.
gpe-logout - - logout window for the G Palmtop Environment.
gpe-mininet - network connectivity monitor for GPE
gpe-mixer - Audio mixer frontend for GPE.
gpe-ownerinfo - Records details of the device owner.
gpe-question - GPE interface for asking questions from shell scripts.
gperf-ace - generate a perfect hash function from a key set
gperf - generate a perfect hash function from a key set
gperiodic - periodic table application
gpe-screenshot - screenshot application for GPE
gpe-shield - firewall configuration for GPE.
gpe-soundbite - voice memo player/recorder for GPE
gpe-soundbite-play - voice memo player for GPE
gpe-soundbite-record - voice memo recorder for GPE
gpe-soundserver - start and stop the GPE sound service
gpe-su - Provides a root shell in GPE.
gpesyncd - synchronisation agent for GPE PIM data
gpe-taskmanager - lists windows and kills errant programs
gpe-timesheet - keep track of time spent on a task in GPE
gpe-todo - to-do list for GPE
gpe-watch - a timepiece for GPE.
gpe-what - context-sensitive help for GPE.
gpg2 - OpenPGP encryption and signing tool
gpg-agent - Secret key management for GnuPG
gpgconf - Modify .gnupg home directories
gpg-connect-agent - Communicate with a running agent
gpgdir - recursive directory encryption with GnuPG
gpgen - gemplugin skeleton directory creator
libgpg-error-config - script to get information about the installed
gpg-error - program to convert GnuPG error numbers to text
gpg - OpenPGP encryption and signing tool
gpg-key2ps - generates a PS file from a GnuPG keyring
gpgkeys - A qt3 gui interface to GPG
gpglist -- show who signed which of your UIDs -
gpg-mailkeys - sends emails containing keys to their owners
gpgme-config - script to get information about the installed version of
gpgparticipants - generate paper list for keysigning party
gpg-preset-passphrase - Put a passphrase into gpg-agent's cache
gpgsigs - annotate list of GnuPG keys with already done signatures - Generate an X.509 certificate request
gpgsm - CMS encryption and signing tool
gpgsplit - Split an OpenPGP message into packets
gpgv2 - Verify OpenPGP signatures
gpgv - Verify OpenPGP signatures
gpgwrap - a small wrapper for gpg
gpg-zip - encrypt or sign files into an archive
gphelp - GP-PARI online help script
gphoto2 - command-line gphoto2 client
gphotofs - filesystem to mount digital cameras
gPHPEdit - a PHP/HTML/CSS Development Environment for GNOME
gp - PARI calculator
gpib_config - configure a GPIB interface board
pic - compile pictures for troff or TeX
gpicview - lightweight image viewer
gpidump - manual page for gpidump for GPC 20070904 based on GCC const
gnome-pilot - GNOME applet to manipulate a Palm PDA
gnome-pilot - GNOME applet to manipulate a Palm PDA
gnome-pilot - GNOME applet to manipulate a Palm PDA
gnome-pilot - GNOME applet to manipulate a Palm PDA
gnome-pilot - GNOME applet to manipulate a Palm PDA
gnome-pilot - GNOME applet to manipulate a Palm PDA
gpilot-install-file - gnome-pilot file conduit scheduler
gpiv_aint - Calculates mean image intensity at each interrogation area.
gpiv_clip - Image clipping program for PIV images.
gpiv_combing - Combines two single-exposed images into one image file
gpiv_errvec - Searches erroneous vectors in a PIV data file and
gpiv_fasty - Simple data manipulation tool for PIV data.
gpiv_fft - Fast Fourier Transformation of image .
gpiv_fi-keyline - Filters each line that starts with a keyword.
gpiv_flipx - Simple data manipulation tool for PIV data.
gpiv_flipy - Simple data manipulation tool for PIV data.
gpiv_getbit - Image processing program for PIV images.
gpiv_hdf2piv - Converts HDF5 PIV-data to ASCII data.
gpiv_lowpass - Image low-pass filtering program.
gpiv_hilo - High-low filtering for PIV images.
gpiv - Analyzes images obtained from a fluid flow by Particle Image
gpiv_img2gpiv - Converts images into raw data (extension .r) format
gpiv_imgproc - Image processing program for (PIV) images.
gpiv_manipiv, gpiv_fasty, gpiv_flipx, gpiv_flipy, gpiv_revert, -
gpiv_mktestimg - Generates a simplified image for image processing.
gpiv_nstrain - Calculates normal strain from PIV data.
gpiv_peaklck - Tests PIV data on the so-called peak-locking effect by
gpiv_piv2gnuplt - Converts PIV data gnuplot data.
gpiv_piv2grid - Converts PIV data to grid data for generating contour
gpiv_piv2hdf - Converts PIV-data HDF5 format.
gpiv_piv2vec - Converting of PIV data.
gpiv_process-chain - Processes a pipe of Gpiv-tool command’s.
gpiv_recimg - captures images from a IIDC-compliant camera with IEE1394
gpiv_revert - Simple data manipulation tool for PIV data.
gpiv_rot180 - Simple data manipulation tool for PIV data.
gpiv_rot90 - Simple data manipulation tool for PIV data.
gpiv_rr - interrogates an image (pair) in order to obtain displacements
gpiv_s-avg - Spatial statistics of PIV data.
gpiv_sca2gri - Converts scalar data from gpiv to grid data for contour
gpiv_scale - Scaling of PIV data.
gpiv_series - Script for (parallel) processing a series of numbered
gpiv_smooth - Image smoothing program for PIV images.
gpiv_sstrain - Calculates the shear strain from PIV data.
gpiv_suta - subtracts time-avaraged velocities (local mean) from the
gpiv_t-avg - Calculates time-averaged mean and variances of PIV data.
gpiv_t-avg-img - Calculates time-averaged intensities from a series of
gpiv_t-corr - calculates the Eulerian correlation from a series of PIV
gpivtools - The PIV tool suite.
gpiv_trig - triggers a (double Nd_YAGG) laser with a CCD camera.
gpiv_uhisto - Tests PIV data by printing/displaying an histogram of the
gpiv_vhisto - Tests PIV data by printing/displaying an histogram of the
gpiv_vorstra - Calculates the differential quantities vorticity, shear
gpiv_vorty - Calculates the differential quantities vorticity, shear
gpixpod - organize photos on your iPod, freely
gpk-application - GNOME PackageKit Local File Provider
gpk-backend-status - GNOME PackageKit Local File Provider
gpk-install-local-file - GNOME PackageKit Local File Helper
gpk-install-mime-type - GNOME PackageKit MimeType installer
gpk-install-package-name - GNOME PackageKit Package Name Helper
gpk-install-provide-file - GNOME PackageKit Local File Provider
gpk-prefs - GNOME PackageKit Update Preferences
gpk-repo - GNOME PackageKit Software Source Viewer
gpk-update-icon - GNOME PackageKit Update Icon
gpk-update-viewer - GNOME PackageKit Update Viewer
GNU Prolog - Prolog compiler, includes CLP(FD).
GNU Prolog - Prolog compiler, includes CLP(FD).
gplib - GNU PIC librarian
gplink - GNU PIC linker
gpodder-backup - Backup and restore utility for gPodder user data
gpodder - A Media aggregator and Podcast catcher
gpo - Command-line frontend to gPodder
gpointing-device-settings - program to configure pointing devices
g_polystat - calculates static properties of polymers
g_polystat - calculates static properties of polymers
gpomme - GTK+ graphical client for use with pommed
g_potential - calculates the electrostatic potential across the box
g_potential - calculates the electrostatic potential across the box
GPP - Generic Preprocessor
gpppon - a graphical wrapper around pon and poff for controlling ppp
gprbuild - multi-language extensible build tool
gprclean - multi-language extensible build tool
gprconfig - multi-language extensible build tool
gpredict - Satellite tracker for GNOME
gpre -- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx -
gprename - complete batch renamer for Linux
gpr - a graphical frontend for lpr.
g_principal - calculates axes of inertia for a group of atoms
g_principal - calculates axes of inertia for a group of atoms
gprocessor - an SWF preprocessor for Gnash
gprocmeter3 - A user friendly system monitoring program.
gprof - display call graph profile data
GNU Prolog - Prolog compiler, includes CLP(FD).
GNU Prolog - Prolog compiler, includes CLP(FD).
gpsbabel - GPS route and waypoint data converter
gpscat - dump the output from a GPS
gpscorrelate - correlates digital images with GPS data filling EXIF
gpsctl - control the modes of a GPS
gpsdecode - decode RTCM or AIVDM streams into a readable format
gpsdrive - displays GPS position on a map
gpsfake - test harness for gpsd, simulating a GPS
gpsfetchmap - Download maps from a mapserver.
gps, xgps, xgpsspeed, cgps, lcdgps - test clients for gpsd
gpsim - simulator for Microchip´s PIC microcontrollers
gpsk31 - A PSK31 mode communications program
gpsman - a (graphical) manager of GPS data
gpsmap - Wireless sniffing and monitoring
gpsmon - real-time GPS packet monitor and control utility
gpspipe - tool to connect to gpsd and retrieve sentences - Extract gpsdrive-compatible tracks from a
gpsprof - profile a GPS and gpsd, plotting latency information
gpsprune - visualize, edit, convert and prune GPS data
gpstrans - communicate with Garmin GPS receiver
gpstrip - discard symbols from object file
gpt - compiler, interpreter and translator for the G-Portugol
gputils - GNU PIC utilities
gpvc - GNU PIC COD file viewer
gpvo - GNU PIC object file viewer
gpw - program to generate pronounceable passwords
gpx2shp - Convert GPX files to ESRI Shape file
gps, xgps, xgpsspeed, cgps, lcdgps - test clients for gpsd
gpxviewer - GTK application to look at GPS traces collected in the GPX
gq - program to browse and manage an LDAP directory
ctn_manpage - Generic CTN manual page
ctn_manpage - Generic CTN manual page
gquilt - patch series manager
Geeqie - GTK based multiformat image viewer
grab-attachments - downloads attachments from a Launchpad bug
allegro-dev-tools - collection of useful tools for Allegro developers
grabc - identifies an onscreen colour using a crosshair cursor.
grab-merge - grabs a merge's files from
grab_vcsa - Linux console vcsa grabber
grace - command line interface
grace - command line interface
grace - command line interface
gradare - Graphical frontend for radare
grafx2 - Ultimate 256-color bitmap paint program
g_rama - computes Ramachandran plots
g_rama - computes Ramachandran plots
gramofile - Sample and process analog recordings
gramophone2 - GRAMophone is an algorithmic generator of music
gramps - Genealogical Research and Analysis Management Programming
grap2graph - convert a grap diagram into a cropped bitmap image
grapemcrl2 - graphical editing environment for mCRL2 process - Application for generating graphs from mimedefang log
graphdraw - directed graph editor derived from drawtool
plotutils - The GNU plotting utilities.
GraphicsMagick-config - get information about the installed version of
GraphicsMagickWand-config - get information about the installed version
graph - compile graphs into pic input
graphmonkey - Mono based graph drawing application
GraphThing - graph creation, manipulation and study tool
grap - Kernighan and Bentley’s language for typesetting graphs
grass64 - The GRASS startup program
grave-robber - capture system forensic data
grcat - read from standard input, colourise it and write to standard
grc - frontend for generic colouriser grcat(1)
grcm - GNOME Remove Connection Manager
grconvert - convert Xmgr 4.0 files to Grace 5.x format
grdesktop — GNOME frontend for the rdesktop client -
g_rdf - calculates radial distribution functions
g_rdf - calculates radial distribution functions
gredit — Highway map editor for RoutePlanner -
greenwich - Graphical whois client for GNOME.
gregorio - tool for gregorian chant typesetting
grenum - An advanced refdes renumber utility
grep-dctrl, grep-status, grep-available, grep-aptavail, grep-debtags - -
grep-dctrl, grep-status, grep-available, grep-aptavail, grep-debtags - -
grep-changelog - print ChangeLog entries matching criteria
grepcidr — Filter IP addresses matching IPv4 CIDR/network specification -
grep-dctrl, grep-status, grep-available, grep-aptavail, grep-debtags - -
grep-dctrl, grep-status, grep-available, grep-aptavail, grep-debtags - -
grepdiff - show files modified by a diff containing a regex
grep-excuses - search the testing excuses files for a specific
grephistory - Query the INN history database
grep, egrep, fgrep, rgrep - print lines matching a pattern
grepjar - search files in a jar file for a pattern
grepmidi - display structure of MIDI files
grep-dctrl, grep-status, grep-available, grep-aptavail, grep-debtags - -
gresistor - a resistor colour code calculator
gretl - GNU Regression, Econometrics and Time-series Library
gretl - GNU Regression, Econometrics and Time-series Library
gretl - GNU Regression, Econometrics and Time-series Library
greylist - command line interface to greylistd(8)
grfcodec, grfmerge, grfdiff - programs to work with GRF files.
grfcodec, grfmerge, grfdiff - programs to work with GRF files.
grfcodec, grfmerge, grfdiff - programs to work with GRF files.
grhino - othello/reversi boardgame
gri - scientific graphics language
gri909 - simulate a GRI-909 computer
grib_compare - Compares the grib messages contained in two files.
grib_convert - converts grib messages applying the rules from a
grib_copy - Copies the content of grib files printing values of some
grib_debug - Dump the content of a grib file in debug mode.
grib_dump - Dump the content of a grib file in different formats.
grib_filter - Apply the rules defined in rules_file to each grib
grib_get_data - Print a latitude, longitude, data values list
grib_get - Get values of some keys from a grib file.
grib_ls - List content of grib files printing values of some keys.
grib_set - Sets key/value pairs in gribs.
grid-cert-diagnostics - Print diagnostic information about certificates
grid-cert-info - Display information about a certificate
grid-cert-request - Generate a X.509 certificate request and
grid-change-pass-phrase - Change the passphrase of a private key
GridmapNavSimul - GUI robot simulation within a gridmap
grid-matching - Executes occupancy grid matching techniques
grid-proxy-destroy - Destroy the default proxy certificate
grid-proxy-info - Display information about a proxy certificate
grid-proxy-init - Generate a new proxy certificate
griffith - film collection manager
grig - graphical user interface for the Ham Radio Control Libraries
gri - scientific graphics language
gri_merge - merge multiple Gri output files into a single PostScript
grind - process WordNet lexicographer files
gringotts - secure password and data storage manager
grinvin — graph invariant investigator - - cron job for Emdebian Grip with a logfile - sanitise Arch: all packages that depend on Arch: - refresh a package to enact an override
grisbi - Personal finance tracking program based on GTK
gri_unpage - split a multi-page Gri output file into separate files.
grmic - Generate stubs for Remote Method Invocation
grmic - Generate stubs for Remote Method Invocation
grmic - Generate stubs for Remote Method Invocation
grmid - - RMI activation system daemon
grmid - - RMI activation system daemon
grmid - - RMI activation system daemon
grmiregistry - - Remote object registry
grmiregistry - - Remote object registry
grmiregistry - - Remote object registry
g_rms - calculates rmsd’s with a reference structure and rmsd matrices
g_rmsdist - calculates atom pair distances averaged with power 2, -3 or
g_rmsdist - calculates atom pair distances averaged with power 2, -3 or
g_rmsf - calculates atomic fluctuations
g_rmsf - calculates atomic fluctuations
g_rms - calculates rmsd’s with a reference structure and rmsd matrices
grn - groff preprocessor for gremlin files
grodvi - convert groff output to TeX dvi format
groffer - display groff files and man pages on X and tty
groff - front-end for the groff document formatting system
grog - guess options for groff command
grohtml - html driver for groff
grokevt-addlog - A tool for adding a raw event log to an existing
grokevt-builddb - Builds a database tree based on a single windows
grokevt-dumpmsgs - A tool for dumping the contents of message databases
grokevt-findlogs - Attempts to find log file fragments in raw binary
grokevt-parselog - Parse a windows event log and generate human-
grokevt-ripdll - A tool for extracting message resources from a PE-
grolbp - groff driver for Canon CAPSL printers (LBP-4 and LBP-8 series
grolj4 - groff driver for HP Laserjet 4 family
Gromit - Presentation helper to make annotations on screen
grompp - makes a run input file
grompp - makes a run input file
groovyc - compiler for groovy source files
Groovy - Agile dynamic language for the Java Virtual Machine
Groovy - Agile dynamic language for the Java Virtual Machine
Groovy - Agile dynamic language for the Java Virtual Machine
grops - PostScript driver for groff
g_rotacf - calculates the rotational correlation function for molecules
g_rotacf - calculates the rotational correlation function for molecules
grotty - groff driver for typewriter-like devices
groups - print the groups a user is in
growisofs - combined genisoimage frontend/DVD recording program.
grpn - GTK+ reverse polish notation calculator
Grr - an RSS reader for GNUstep
GRSYNC-BATCH - Grsync batch session runner
GRSYNC - GTK+ frontend for rsync
grub-bin2h - convert a binary file to a C header
grubby-config - Grubby configuration script
grub-editenv - edit GRUB environment block
grub-emu - GRUB emulator
grub-mkfont - make GRUB font files
grub-mkimage - make a bootable image of GRUB
grub-mkpasswd-pbkdf2 - generate hashed password for GRUB
grub-mkrelpath - make a system path relative to its root
grub-mkrescue - make a GRUB rescue image
grub-script-check - check grub.cfg for syntax errors
grub-set-default - Set the default boot entry for GRUB
krxvt, crxvt, grxvt - a multi-lingual VT102 emulator for the X window
gsalliere — Duplicate Bridge Scorer -
g_saltbr - computes salt bridges
g_saltbr - computes salt bridges
g_sas - computes solvent accessible surface area
g_sas - computes solvent accessible surface area
gsasl - SASL library command line interface
gsat - Graphical Predict client
gslp - Format and print text using ghostscript
gsi - Gambit-C Scheme Interpreter and Compiler
gschem - gEDA/gaf Schematic Capture
gsi - Gambit-C Scheme Interpreter and Compiler
gsi - Gambit-C Scheme Interpreter and Compiler
g_sdf - calculates the spatial distribution function (faster than
g_sdf - calculates the spatial distribution function (faster than
dh_gnustep - moves files in the GNUstep hierarchy to FHS-compliant
gslp - Format and print text using ghostscript
gslp - Format and print text using ghostscript
GSDoc - GNUstep XML documentation format
gsds - the sound daemon player for soma
gsec -- Firebird command-line security utility -
gserialver - version command
gserialver - version command
gserialver - version command
gsetroot -a C/Gtk-based front-end for Esetroot. -
gsettings-data-convert - GConf to GSettings data migration
gsettings - GSettings configuration tool
gsettings-schema-convert - GConf to GSettings schema conversion
gsf - archiving utility using the G Structured File library
gsf-office-thumbnailer - office files thumbnailer for the GNOME desktop
gsftopk - render a ghostscript font in TeX pk form
gsf-vba-dump - extract Visual Basic for Applications macros
g_sgangle - computes the angle and distance between two groups
g_sgangle - computes the angle and distance between two groups
g_sham - read/write xmgr and xvgr data sets
g_sham - read/write xmgr and xvgr data sets
gs - Ghostscript (PostScript and PDF language interpreter and
gshutdown - An avanced shutdown utility
gsi - Gambit-C Scheme Interpreter and Compiler
gsi - Gambit-C Scheme Interpreter and Compiler
ski, xski, bskinc - An IA-64 Instruction Set Simulator
gsl-config - script to get version number and compiler flags of the
gsl-histogram - compute histogram of data on stdin
gslp - Format and print text using ghostscript
gslp - Format and print text using ghostscript
gsl-randist - generate random samples from various distributions
gsm0710muxd - GSM 07.10 Multiplexer ( version)
gs_make - wrapper for GNUstep Make. - GNUstep Development Framework - GNUstep Development Framework
GSmartControl - Hard disk drive health inspection tool
GSmartControl - Hard disk drive health inspection tool
gsmc - A GTK Smith Chart Calulator for RF impedance matching
gsmsiexfer - Siemens ME file transfer program for Siemens phones S25,
gsnap - Genomic Short-read Nucleotide Alignment Program
gsnd - Run ghostscript (PostScript and PDF engine) without display
g_sorient - analyzes solvent orientation around solutes
g_sorient - analyzes solvent orientation around solutes
gspath - Utility to display standard directory/path information
g_spatial - calculates the spatial distribution function (more control
g_spatial - calculates the spatial distribution function (more control
gspectrum - a small spectrum viewer application
gspectrum - a small spectrum viewer application
gspectrum - a small spectrum viewer application
gspiceui - GUI frontend for various electronic circuit simulation
gsplayer - the player for soma suite
g_spol - analyzes solvent dipole orientation and polarization around
g_spol - analyzes solvent dipole orientation and polarization around
gss - Generic Security Service command line interface
gst123 - A GStreamer based command line media player
gstat - manual page for Ganglia Status Tool
gst-config - configuration for libgst
gst-convert - Smalltalk syntax converter and beautifier
gst-doc - GNU Smalltalk documentation generator
gnustep-examples - various example GNUstep tools/applications
gst-feedback - generate debug info for GStreamer bug reports
Smalltalk - the GNU Smalltalk virtual machine
gst-inspect - print info about a GStreamer plugin or element
gst-install - installs missing GStreamer plugins
gst-launch - build and run a GStreamer pipeline
gst-load - test and load packages into a GNU Smalltalk image
GNOME - GNOME SSH Tunnel Manager
gst-package - create and install GNU Smalltalk .star package files
gst-doc - GNU Smalltalk profiler
gstreamer-properties - Multimedia systems selector
gst-load - test and load packages into a GNU Smalltalk image
gst-sunit - unit testing tool for GNU Smalltalk
gst-typefind - print MIME type of file
gst-visualise - Run a GStreamer pipeline to display an audio
gst-inspect - print info about a GStreamer plugin or element
gst-xmllaunch - build and run a GStreamer pipeline from an XML
gsymcheck - gEDA/gaf Symbol Checker
gt5 - a diff-capable ’du-browser’
gt7cvt - tape conversion utility
gtablix - graphical user interface for tablix written with perl/gtk2
gtab-merge - gcin’s .gtab data merging tool
gtags - create tag files for global.
gtags-parser - print cross reference list for gtags.
GTAMSAnalyzer - Qualitative Research Software
tbl - format tables for troff
g_tcaf - calculates viscosities of liquids
g_tcaf - calculates viscosities of liquids
gtest-config - Google’s framework for writing C++ test
gtf - calculate VESA GTF mode lines
gtg - Getting Things Gnome!, an organizer for the GNOME desktop
gtg_new_task - Adds a task to the Getting Things GNOME! organizer
gthumb - image browser and viewer
gtick - A GTK+ metronome
gtimelog - minimal timelogging system
gtk2hsC2hs - C-yyyyygt;Haskell Interface Generator
gtk2hsHookGenerator - Program to generate callback hook for Gtk signals
gtk2hsTypeGen - Program to generate Gtk’s object hierarchy in Haskell
gtkada2-config - script to get information about the installed version
gtkada2-dialog - Display a GTK+ dialog box from the command line.
gtkada2-config - script to get information about the installed version
gtkada2-dialog - Display a GTK+ dialog box from the command line.
gtkam - Graphical front end for gphoto2
gtkatlantic - game like monopoly
gtk-builder-convert - Glade file conversion utility
gtk-chtheme - Gtk+ 2.0 theme preview and selection made slick.
gtkcookie - edit Netscape cookie file
GTKDISKFREE - A program which shows free and used space on your
gtkdoc-fixxref — fixes cross-references in the HTML documentation. -
gtkdocize - install or upgrade gtk-doc infrastructure
gtkdoc-mkdb — creates the DocBook files from the edited templates. -
gtkdoc-mkhtml — convert index.sgml file in html file. -
gtkdoc-mkman — convert sgml file in man file. -
gtkdoc-mktmpl — GTK DocBook documentation generator. -
gtkdoc-scanobj — gets information about object hierarchies and -
gtkdoc-scan — Extracts declarations of functions, macros, enums, -
gtkdoc-scanobj — gets information about object hierarchies and -
gtkguitune - KGuitune
gtkhash - A GTK+ utility for computing checksums and more
gtk-led-askpass - password dialog suitable for use with ssh-add
gtklick - A simple metronome GUI for JACK
gtklp - print files via CUPS
gtklpq - manage print queues via CUPS
gtkmorph - image warping and dissolving (morphing) for GTK toolkit
gtkperf - GTK+ performance benchmark
gtkpod - GTK2 based software for managing songs and playlists on an
gtk-query-immodules-2.0 - Input method module registration utility
gtk-recordMyDesktop - graphical gtk frontend for recordMyDestkop
gtkrsync - GUI front-end for rsync
gtkrsync - GUI front-end for rsync
undocumented - No manpage for this program.
gtkspu - Decodes and displays MPEG2 Sub Picture Unit (SPU) streams
gtkterm - A simple GTK+ serial port terminal
gtk-theme-switch2 — program to preview and adjust your GTK+ 2.x theme -
gtk-update-icon-cache - Icon theme caching utility
gtkvncviewer - Simple GTK+ tool to connect to VNC servers
gtkwave - Visualization tool for VCD, LXT, LXT2, VZT, FST, and GHW
gtkwhitebaord - GTK+ Wiimote Whiteboard
gtk-window-decorator - Compiz window decorator using the Gtk toolkit
gtml - an HTML pre-processor
gtnameserv - Naming service
gtnameserv - Naming service
gtnameserv - Naming service
gtp-rhino - GTP Frontend for Rhino
g_traj - plots x, v and f of selected atoms/groups (and more) from a
g_traj - plots x, v and f of selected atoms/groups (and more) from a
gtranslator -- a comfortable gettext po file editor with many bells and -
gtrayicon - Generic tray icon for GNOME
gts2dxf - converts a GTS file to DXF format.
gts2oogl - converts a GTS file to OOGL file format (Geomview).
gts2stl - converts a GTS file to STL format
gtscheck - checks that a surface defines a closed, orientable non self-
gtscompare - compare two GTS files.
gts-config - defines values for programs using gts.
gtstemplate - generates of a template used to create new object
gtv - MPEG audio (MP3) and video (MPEG-1) player with GTK+ GUI
gtweakui - A collection of simple dialogs as a front end to GConf
gtweakui - A collection of simple dialogs as a front end to GConf
gtweakui - A collection of simple dialogs as a front end to GConf
gtweakui - A collection of simple dialogs as a front end to GConf
gtweakui - A collection of simple dialogs as a front end to GConf
gtwitter — client for -
gtypist - interactive typing tutor
guake -- A drop-down terminal for GNOME environment. -
guards - select from a list of files guarded by conditions
guayadeque - lightweight music player
gucharmap - Unicode character picker and font browser
guile-gnome-0 - starts guile and sets it up for loading guile-gnome
guile - a Scheme interpreter
guile-pg - guile interpreter statically linked with the PostgreSQL
guilt-add - Add a file to git and guilt
guilt-applied - List applied patches
guilt-branch - Branch the entire patch series
guilt-commit - Commit specified number of patches
guilt-delete - Delete a patch
guilt-diff - Outputs various diffs
guilt-export - Export a patch series (to be used by quilt)
guilt-files - Print the list of files that the topmost patch changes
guilt-fold - Fold a specified patch into the topmost applied patch
guilt-fork - Fork the topmost applied patch
guilt-graph - Create a patch dependency graph
guilt-guard - Assign guards to patches
guilt-header - Print a patch header
guilt-help - open man page of a guilt command
guilt-import-commit - Import one or more commits as patches
guilt-import - Import specified patch file
guilt-init - Initialize guilt for use in a git repository
guilt-new - Create a new patch
guilt-next - Output the name of next patch to be pushed
guilt-patchbomb - Email a series of commits interactively
guilt-pop - Pop patches from the tree
guilt-prev - Output name of second topmost applied patch
guilt-push - Push patches onto the tree
guilt-rebase - Rebase pushed patches
guilt-refresh - Refresh topmost applied patch
guilt-repair - Repair the repository state
guilt-rm - Remove a file from the git tree and guilt
guilt-select - Select guards to apply when pushing patches
guilt-series - Print the stack of patches
guilt-status - Print the status of files since the last refresh
guilt-top - Output name of topmost applied patch
guilt-unapplied - List all unapplied patches
guimb - process contents of the specified mailboxes using a Scheme
gunicorn_django - Event-based HTTP/WSGI server, Django application
gunicorn - Event-based HTTP/WSGI server
gunicorn_paster - Event-based HTTP/WSGI server, Paste application
gzip, gunzip, zcat - compress or expand files
gup - A Group Update Program that accepts commands by mail to edit a
gupnp-binding-tool - creates C convenience wrappers for UPnP services
gurgitate-mail - an easy-to-use mail filter
gurlchecker - A graphical web link checker that works on a whole site,
gusload - load a GUS-format patch file into the AWE32 RAM
gutenbrowser — Reader for etexts produced by Project Gutenberg -
guvcview - GTK+ base UVC Viewer
guymager - a forensic acquisition program
gxl2gv,gv2gxl - GXL-GV converters
g_vanhove - calculates Van Hove displacement functions
g_vanhove - calculates Van Hove displacement functions
VisualBoyAdvance - VisualBoyAdvance-GTK
gvb - simulate 1 and 2-dimensional vibrations in a nice GUI
gvcolor - flow colors through a ranked digraph
g_velacc - calculates velocity autocorrelation functions
g_velacc - calculates velocity autocorrelation functions
gvgen - generate graphs
gvhdl - Frontend to the VHDL compiler/simulator FreeHDL.
gv - Postscript and PDF viewer
gvidm - GTK+ app to quickly and easily change video resolutions in X
vim - Vi IMproved, a programmers text editor
vimdiff - edit two, three or four versions of a file with Vim and show
vim - Vi IMproved, a programmers text editor
vimtutor - the Vim tutor
ladr4-apps - undocumented LADR4 applications
gvpack - merge and pack disjoint graphs
gvpr - graph pattern scanning and processing language
gvrng - An interactive, introductory programming language.
gv-update-userconfig - update ~/.gv config file
gwaei - Japanese-English dictionary
gWakeOnLan - Wake up your machines using Wake on LAN.
gwb2ged - Dump a GeneWeb database to a GEDCOM File
gwc - Create a GeneWeb database
gw-config - script to get information about installed version of kannel
gwd - Launches the GeneWeb Process
gwenhywfar-config - A little program to output installation paths
gwenrename - Batch renaming tool for KDE
gwget - GNOME download manager
g_wham - weighted histogram analysis after umbrella sampling
g_wham - weighted histogram analysis after umbrella sampling
gwhere - Catalog manager
gwhois - generic whois client / server
why - A multi-language multi-prover verification tool
why - A multi-language multi-prover verification tool
Gwibber - Microblogging client for GNOME
Gwibber - Microblogging client for GNOME
GWorkspace - GNUstep Workspace Manager
gworldclock - Displays time and date in specified time zones.
g-wrap-config - script to get information about the installed version
gwrite - GTK+ based simple HTML5 editor
gwsetup - Interactive interface to Geneweb databases management
cwterm - lightweight terminal emulator with Chinese character support
gwu - Dump a GeneWeb database
gwyddion - SPM data visualization and analysis
gwyddion-thumbnailer - Create thumbnails of SPM data files
gxditview - display groff intermediate output files
gxemul - an experimental framework for full-system machine emulation
gxine_client - the gxine video player command line client
gxine - a GTK/GNOME frontend to the xine video player
gxint - load and run an interactive GEANT application
gxl2gv,gv2gxl - GXL-GV converters
gxl2gv,gv2gxl - GXL-GV converters
gxmessage - a GTK-based xmessage clone
gxmms2 - XMMS2 client for the GNOME desktop
gxneur — GTK frontend for xneur keyboard layout switcher -
gzexe - compress executable files in place
gzip, gunzip, zcat - compress or expand files
gzrecover - gzip recovery toolkit
h264enc - the interactive shell script ripper
h2pas - The C header to pascal unit conversion program.
h2paspp - Free Pascal h2pas preprocessor program.
h2ph - convert .h C header files to .ph Perl header files
h2root - convert PAW HBOOK files to ROOT files
h2xml - convert header files to XML intermediates
h2xs - convert .h C header files to Perl extensions
h316 - simulate a Honeywell H316/H516 computer
h52gif - Converts an HDF5 file to a GIF file.
h5cc - Helper script to compile HDF5 applications.
H5detect - -
h5diff (Beta version) - Compares two HDF5 files and reports the
h5dump - Displays HDF5 file contents.
h5fromh4 - convert HDF4 scientific datasets to an HDF5 file
h5fromtxt - convert text input to an HDF5 file
h5import - Imports data into an existing or new HDF5 file.
h5jam - Add a user block to a HDF5 file
h5ls - Prints information about a file or dataset.
h5math - combine/create HDF5 files with math expressions
h5redeploy - Updates HDF5 compiler tools after an HDF5 software
h5repack - Copy an HDF5 file to a new file with or without
h5repart - Repartitions a file or family of files.
h5topng - generate PNG images from 2d slices of HDF5 files
h5totxt - generate comma-delimited text from 2d slices of HDF5 files
h5tovtk - convert datasets in HDF5 files to VTK format
h5unjam - Extract the user block from a HDF5 file
addr2line - convert addresses into file names and line numbers.
ar - create, modify, and extract from archives
AS - the portable GNU assembler.
dlltool - Create files needed to build and use DLLs.
ld - Using LD, the GNU linker
nlmconv - converts object code into an NLM.
nm - list symbols from object files
objcopy - copy and translate object files
objdump - display information from object files.
ranlib - generate index to archive.
readelf - Displays information about ELF files.
size - list section sizes and total size.
strings - print the strings of printable characters in files.
strip - Discard symbols from object files.
windres - manipulate Windows resources.
addr2line - convert addresses into file names and line numbers.
ar - create, modify, and extract from archives
AS - the portable GNU assembler.
ld - Using LD, the GNU linker
nm - list symbols from object files
objcopy - copy and translate object files
objdump - display information from object files.
ranlib - generate index to archive.
readelf - Displays information about ELF files.
size - list section sizes and total size.
strings - print the strings of printable characters in files.
strip - Discard symbols from object files.
habak - utility for creating multi-layered backgrounds in X11
hacha - Chop hevea output files
Metadata - extract meta-datas from a file
Metadata - extract meta-datas from a file
Metadata - extract meta-datas from a file
hachoir-subfile - a tool based on hachoir-parser to find subfiles in
Hachoir - interactive file explorer using urwid (ncurses)
hachoir-wx - a wxWidgets-based GUI for hachoir
hadd - Merge ROOT histogram files into one file
haddock - documentation tool for annotated Haskell source code
hadoop - software platform to process vast amounts of data
ha - a small file archiver utility
hail - Ganeti IAllocator plugin
hal-disable-polling - disable polling on drives with removable media
halevt - Generic handler for HAL events
halevt-mount/halevt-umount - Mount or umount device through HAL
halevt-mount/halevt-umount - Mount or umount device through HAL
hal-find-by-capability - find device objects by capability matching
hal-find-by-property - find device objects by property matching
hal-get-property - get a property from a device object
halibut - multi-format documentation formatting tool
hal-is-caller-locked-out - determine if a caller is locked out
hal-lock - lock an interface
ha_logger - Log a message to files and/or syslog through the HA Logging
hal-set-property - set a property on a device object
hama-slide-mouse-control - Control settings of the Hama SLide S1 USB
hamfax - Qt based shortwave fax
haml - Translates Haml markup into its HTML equivalent
hammerhead - perform load testing on a given machine/port with a set of
happrox - returns a simplified triangulation of a set of points using
happy - the parser generator for Haskell
HAProxy - fast and reliable http reverse proxy and load balancer
hardened-cc - gcc wrapper to enforce hardening toolchain improvements
hardened-ld - linker wrapper to enforce hardening toolchain
hardening-check - check binaries for security hardening features
hardened-cc - gcc wrapper to enforce hardening toolchain improvements
hardinfo - shows hardware information in a GTK+ window
hardlink - Link multiple copies of a file
harminv - extract mode frequencies from time-series data
harpia - Image Processing/Computer Vision Automatic Programing Tool
harvestman - multithreaded desktop webcrawler written in Python
hasciicam - (h)ascii for the masses!
hashalot - read a passphrase and print a hash
hashcash - hashcash anti-spam / denial of service counter-measure tool
hashdeep - Compute, compare, or audit multiple message digests
*_count - count physical lines of code, in each input file
hatari-console - ...
hatari - Atari ST/STE/TT/Falcon emulator
hatariui - Python/Gtk UI for Hatari
hattrib - change HFS file or directory attributes
havp — havp (HTTP Antivirus Proxy) is a proxy with a ClamAV anti-virus -
haxedoc - Haxe Documentation Generator
haxe - compile haXe programs to SWF, Neko, JavaScript, PHP, or C++.
haxelib - Haxe Library Manager
hb_addnode - sends a message to a Heartbeat cluster to add new nodes
hbal - Cluster balancer for Ganeti
HBase - The Hadoop Database.
hbcixml3 - Command line tool to work on data in a HBCI XML file.
hb_delnode - sends a message to a Heartbeat cluster to remove one or
hbf2gf - convert a CJK bitmap font into subfonts usable by TeX and
hbibtex, hmakeindex, komkindex(.pl), euc-bookmark(.pl), -
hboot - Start LAM on the local node.
hb_standby - issues a failover request to the cluster manager
hb_takeover - issues a failover request to the cluster manager
hcal - Hebrew date
msthca_self_test.ofed - checker for InfiniBand Adapter (HCA) health
mpicc, mpiCC, hcc, hcp - Compile LAM/MPI C/C++ programs.
hcd - change working HFS directory
hcitool - configure Bluetooth connections
hcopy - copy files from or to an HFS volume
mpicc, mpiCC, hcc, hcp - Compile LAM/MPI C/C++ programs.
hdate - Hebrew date and calendar
hdel - delete both forks of an HFS file
hdf24to8 - convert an 24-bit image in an HDF file to a 8-bit image in
hdf2gif - convert a HDF file to a GIF image
hdf2jpeg - convert HDF images to JPEG
hdf8to24 - convert an 8-bit image in an HDF file to a 24-bit image in
hdfcomp - compress 8-bit raster images in an HDF file
hdfed - edit the contents of an HDF File
hdfls - list basic information about an HDF file
hdfpack - compress an HDF file
hdftopal, paltohdf - convert between a palette in an HDF file and a raw
hdftor8 - extract 8-Bit raster images and palettes from HDF file
hdfunpac - Unpack an HDF file
hdhomerun_config - A utility used for maintaining and controlling a
hexdump, hd - ASCII, decimal, hexadecimal, octal dump
hdir - display an HFS directory in long format
hdp - display general information about the contents of an HDF file
hdup - harddisk duplicator/harddisk backupper
headache - A program to manage the license of your source file.
head - output the first part of files
hearse - exchange Nethack bones files with other players
hebcal - a Jewish calendar generator
hebrew-settings - reconfigure the system with hebrew settings
heckle - mutate Ruby code and run test
heightmapgen-1.4 — Crystalspace tool -
heightmapgen — Crystalspace tool -
mailx - send and receive Internet mail
helical - control Bittorrent client Transmission from command line
helios - attraction/repulsion particle effects and some smooth
helium - compiler used for learning the programming language Haskell
hellanzb - a nzb downloader and post processor
hello - friendly greeting program
help2man - generate a simple manual page
helpers - list or count helpers currently on the system.
img2py - wxPython tools.
HelpViewer - Online help viewer for GNUstep programs
helpztags - generate the help tags file for directory
henplus - JDBC SQL commandline frontend with TAB-completion
hephaestus - a periodic table for the spectroscopist
hercules — System/370, ESA/390 and z/Architecture Emulator -
hercules — System/370, ESA/390 and z/Architecture Emulator -
herrie - interactive music playlist player
hesinfo - find out what is stored in the Hesiod database
het_export - Converts a .het file to a comma separated text file. .
hercules — System/370, ESA/390 and z/Architecture Emulator -
het_import - Converts a comma-separated text file to a .het file. .
hercules — System/370, ESA/390 and z/Architecture Emulator -
hercules — System/370, ESA/390 and z/Architecture Emulator -
hetro - Decomposes an input soundfile into component sinusoids. .
hercules — System/370, ESA/390 and z/Architecture Emulator -
hevea - A fast LaTeX to HTML translator
hex2bdf - Convert a GNU Unifont .hex file into a BDF font.
hex2bdf-split - Convert a GNU Unifont .hex file into single-width BDF
hex2cmd - convert Intel hex format to TRS-80 CMD format
hex2sfd - Convert a GNU Unifont .hex file into a FontForge .sfd format.
hexbin - Macintosh file de-binhexer
hexbraille - Algorithmically generate the Unicode Braille range
hexcurse - an ncurses-based hex editor
hexdiff - ’hexadecimal visual diff’ for binary files
hexdraw - Convert a GNU Unifont .hex file to and from an ASCII text
hexdump, hd - ASCII, decimal, hexadecimal, octal dump
hexedit - view and edit files in hexadecimal or in ASCII
hexeditor - Full screen curses Hex editor
hexer - binary file editor
GNU Prolog - Prolog compiler, includes CLP(FD).
GNU Prolog - Prolog compiler, includes CLP(FD).
hex - hexadecimal dump tool (with Japanese support)
hexmerge - Merge two or more GNU Unifont .hex font files into one.
hexxagon - Hexagonal Ataxx-style game
mpif77, hf77 - Compile LAM FORTRAN programs.
hfind - Lookup a hash value in a hash database
hformat - create a new HFS filesystem and make it current
hfs - shell for manipulating HFS volumes
hfssh - Tcl interpreter with HFS extensions
hfsutils - tools for reading and writing Macintosh HFS volumes
hg - Mercurial source code management system
hgimportsvn - import a subversion (svn) repository into a mercurial
hg_load_dirs - Import upstream archives into tla, hg, darcs, or git and
hgpullsvn - pull new svn revisions in a subversion/mercurial repository
hgpushsvn - push mercurial changesets back into svn
hgtk - TortoiseHg's GUI tools for Mercurial SCM (Hg)
hgview - Qt based mercurial repository browser
hidd - Bluetooth HID daemon
hierarch28 - header conversion from ESO to standard FITS
Highlight - a universal sourcecode to formatted text converter
highway - X-windows gadget for highway simulations
highway - X-windows gadget for highway simulations
hmake interactive (hi) - an interactive Haskell environment
HijriApplet - Hijri Islamic Calendar tray applet
hikisetup - hiki setup utility for Debian
hindent - HTML reformatting/nesting utility
hipercdecode - Decode a HIPERC stream into human readable form.
hipo - iPod Management Tool
hipstopgm - convert a HIPS file into a portable graymap
ctn_manpage - Generic CTN manual page
loki - Reversible jump MCMC linkage analysis in general pedigrees
histo - compute 1-dimensional histogram of N data columns
hisv_events_demo - Display HISv events from the OpenSAF Event
hpi_power_set_util - Use the OpenSAF HISv service to power down a node
hitchhiker - Access locations using Bazaar transports
hk_actionquery - executes a query that does not return a result set.
hk_dbcopy - copies database elements between different database
hk_exportcsv - exports the result set of a query or a table into a
hk_exporthtml - exports a datasource to a html file. hk_exporthtml is
hk_exportxml - exports the result set of a query or a table to a XML
hk_importcsv - imports a csv file. hk_importcsv is part of the
hk_report - prints a report to stdout. hk_report is part of the
hlbrw - assistant to help make new rules to HLBR
hlins - insert url’s into html documents
HLint - haskell source code suggestions
clogin - Cisco/Foundry login script
hls - list files in an HFS directory
hmake - a tool for automated compilation of Haskell programs
hbibtex, hmakeindex, komkindex(.pl), euc-bookmark(.pl), -
hman - browse the on-line manual pages
hmine - a mail message header analyzer.
hmkdir - create a new HFS directory
hmmalign - align sequences to an HMM profile
hmmbuild - build a profile HMM from an alignment
hmmcalibrate - calibrate HMM search statistics
hmmer-pvm - HMMER utilities for PVM clusters
hmmconvert - convert between profile HMM file formats
hmmemit - generate sequences from a profile HMM
HMMER - profile hidden Markov model software
hmmer-pvm - HMMER utilities for PVM clusters
hmmfetch - retrieve an HMM from an HMM database
hmmindex - create a binary SSI index for an HMM database
hmmpfam - search one or more sequences against an HMM database
hmmer-pvm - HMMER utilities for PVM clusters
hmmsearch - search a sequence database with a profile HMM
hmmer-pvm - HMMER utilities for PVM clusters
hmount - introduce a new HFS volume and make it current
hmsa - convert MSA disk image into .st disk image and back
hnb - Hierarchical notebook
hobbit-ackinfo.cgi - Xymon CGI script to acknowledge alerts
hobbit-confreport.cgi - Xymon Configuration report
hobbit-ghosts.cgi - CGI program to view ghost clients
hobbitgraph.cgi - CGI to generate Xymon trend graphs
hobbit-hostgraphs.cgi - CGI program to show multiple graphs
bb - Xymon client communication program
hobbit-nkedit.cgi - Xymon Critical Systems view CGI
hobbit-nkview.cgi - Xymon Critical Systems view CGI
hobbitping - Xymon ping tool
hobbit-statusreport.cgi - CGI program to report a status for a group of
hobbitsvc.cgi - CGI program to view Xymon status logs
Hobix - flexible generation of static blogs
hocr2djvused - hOCR to djvused script converter
hocr2pdf - hOCR to PDF converter of the ExactImage toolkit
hocr - command line Hebrew OCR tool
hodie - Print current date and time... in Latin
hol88 - Higher Order Logic
homebank - manage your personal accounts at home
home_bbs - find home BBS or force a home BBS for the callsign
honeydctl - Honey Control
horgand - for musicians ...
hornsey - media player for Moblin desktop environment
hose - the client end of a BSD network pipe
hostapd_cli - hostapd command-line interface
hostbyname - Expand domain or urls list with IP addresses
host - DNS lookup utility
hostid - print the numeric identifier for the current host
hostname - show or set the system’s host name
hotkeys - A hotkeys daemon for your Internet/multimedia keyboard in X
hotshot2calltree - convert hotshot profiling data to KCachegrind
hotssh - a graphical interface to secure shell.
hoz - file splitter that uses the hacha file format
hp2100 - simulate a hp2100 computer
hp2ps - convert a heap profile to a POSTSCRIPT graph
hp2xx - A HPGL converter into some vector- and raster formats
hp48cc - C to HP48 RPN compiler
hp-align - Printer Cartridge Alignment Utility
hpanel - a minimalist panel for X
hpcd — change directory on an HFS+ volume -
hp-check - Dependency/Version Check Utility
hp-colorcal - Printer Cartridge Cleaning Utility
hp-colorcal - Printer Cartridge Color Calibration Utility
hpcopy — copy files from an HFS+ volume -
hp-devicesettings - Device Setup Utility
hp-fab - Fax Address Book
hp-faxsetup - Fax Device Setup Utility
hp-firmware - Firmware Download Utility
hpfsck — check integrity of an HFS+ volume -
hpftodit - create font description files for use with groff -Tlj4
hpialarms - A openhpi sample application that shows "Alarm Control"
hpiel - An openhpi sample application that displays HPI event log
hpievents - An openhpi sample application that polls for events.
hpifan - An openhpi sample application that shows "Fan Control"
hpiinv - An openhpi sample application that shows resources’ inventory
hpijs - HP IJS server for the GhostScript IJS client driver
hp-info - Device Information Utility
hpionIBMblade - An openhpi sample application that shows how two (2)
hpipower - This sample openhpi application excercises HPI Power
hpireset - This sample openhpi application excercises HPI Reset
hpisensor - This sample openhpi application displays sensor info for all resources with Sensor Capability
hpisettime - This sample openhpi application excercises Event Log clock
hpi_shell - An openhpi sample application that allows a user to
hpithres - This sample openhpi application interactively displays
hpitop - A openhpi sample application that displays highlevel topology
hpitree - A openhpi sample application that shows in details the
hpiwdt - This sample openhpi application reads and enables the
hp-levels - Supply Levels Utility
hp-linefeedcal - Printer Line Feed Calibration Utility
hpls — list the contents of a directory on an HFS+ volume -
hp-makecopies - Make Copies Utility
hp-makeuri - Device URI Creation Utility
hpmkdir — create a directory on an HFS+ volume -
hpmount — change directory on an HFS+ volume -
hpodder - Scan and download podcasts
hp-pkservice - Policy Kit Service
hp-plugin - Plugin Download and Install Utility
hp-pqdiag - Print Quality Diagnostic Utility
hp-print - Print Utility
hp-printsettings - Printer Settings Utility
hp-probe - Printer Discovery Utility
hppwd — print the current working directory on an HFS+ volume -
hp-query - Model Query Utility
hprm — remove a file or directory on an HFS+ volume -
hp-scan - Scan Utility
hp-search-mac -- HP switch search tool. -
hp-sendfax - PC Sendfax Utility
hpset - printer commands
hp-setup - Printer/Fax Setup Utility
hp-systray - System Tray Status Service
hp-testpage - Testpage Print Utility
hp-timedate - Time/Date Utility
hp-toolbox - HP Device Manager
hpumount — unmount an HFS+ volume -
hp-unload - Photo Card Access Utility
hpwd - print the full path to the current HFS working directory
hp-wificonfig - Wifi Configuration Utility
megatron, unhex, unbin, unsingle, hqx2bin, single2bin, macbinary - -
rancid - Cisco configuration filter
hrename - rename or move an HFS file or directory
hrmdir - remove an empty HFS directory
hscan - Scan clusters via RAPI and save node/instance data
HsColour - generate colourised output for Haskell code
hsetroot - Another Wallpaper Application
hsmarkdown - convert markdown-formatted text to HTML
hspace - Cluster space analyzer for Ganeti
hspell-gui - hspell gui front-end
hspell-gui - hspell gui front-end
hspell - Hebrew spellchecker
hsqldb-databasemanager - GUI database management tool
hsqldb-databasemanagerswing - GUI database management tool
hsqldb-querytool - GUI database management tool
hsqldb-sqltool - JDBC database console frontend
hsqldb-transfer - transfers data from one JDBC database to another - Add taglines and sigs to email, news and fidonet messages.
htags - generate hypertext from source code.
ht://Check - Web site checker for dead/external links 2.0.0
htc - httptunnel client
htconfig - create/update GLOBAL gsearch.cgi files
htdbm - Manipulate DBM password databases
htdigest - manage user files for digest authentication
htdig - retrieve HTML documents for ht://Dig search engine
htdig-pdfparser - parse a PDF document (wrapper script for htdig)
htdump - write out an ASCII-text version of the document database
hte - executable’s editor
htfuzzy - fuzzy command-line search utility for the ht://Dig search
TeX4ht - a system for authoring hypertext with TeX and friends
TeX4ht - a system for authoring hypertext with TeX and friends
htload - reads in an ASCII-text version of the document database
clogin - Cisco/Foundry login script
htmake - create GLOBAL hypertext source searchable by gsearch.cgi
htmerge - create document index and word database for the ht://Dig
html2haml - Transforms an HTML file into corresponding Haml code.
xml2 - convert xml documents in a flat format
html2markdown - Convert HTML page into ascii markdown format
html2ps - convert HTML to PostScript
html2stx - convert HTML documents into Stx
html2text - an advanced HTML-to-text converter
Html2Wml -- Program that can convert HTML pages to WML pages -
htmlcxx - simple HTML and CSS parser
htmldoc - convert html source files into html, postscript, or pdf.
HTMLLinker - tool to fix up href references in HTML files
htmltoc - add table of contents to HTML document
htmlToXBel - a tool to convert bookmarks stored in the html format into
htnotify - sends email notifications about out-dated web pages
htntlm - read/write NTLM message
htop - interactive process viewer
htpasswd - Manage user files for basic authentication
htpasswd.php - http server password file generation tool
htp - HTML preprocessor
htproxy - record a HTTP session
htpurge - remove unused documents from the database (general
rancid - Cisco configuration filter
htremote - control interactive programs over TCP/IP
htsearch - create document index and word database for the ht://Dig
hts - httptunnel server
htsserver - offline browser server : copy websites to a local directory
htstat - returns statistics on the document and word databases, much
httest - test HTTP driven application
TeX4ht - a system for authoring hypertext with TeX and friends
TeX4ht - a system for authoring hypertext with TeX and friends
httpcfg - Mono Certificate Management for HttpListener
httperf - HTTP performance measurement tool
httpfs2 - mount a file from a http server into the filesystem
http@ - gets a web page from a remote host.
httping - measure the lateceny and throughput of a webserver
srvsearch, sync_srvsearch, smtpsearch, sync_smtpsearch, httpsearch, -
httptest - attempt to use an HTTP proxy to relay to a DSBL-complaint
httrack - offline browser : copy websites to a local directory
hturlext - extract url from a HTML page
htx2b - translate hex digits to binary
hufo_smoke - particle smoke effect.
hufo_tunnel - tunnel saver.
hugday - simplify participation on ubuntu hugdays
hugdaylist - produce MoinMoin wiki formatted tables based on a
hugin_hdrmerge - Merge overlapping images
hugin - Hugin panorama creator
hugin_stitch_project - Stitch a hugin project
hugs, runhugs, ffihugs - Hugs 98, functional programming system
huh - redisplay last telegram received.
humfsify — convert a directory to the format needed by the UML humfs -
humount - remove an HFS volume from the list of known volumes
hunspell - spell checker, stemmer and morphological analyzer
hunt - Network security auditing tool.
hunzip - decompress and decrypt hzip files to the standard output
hvmgr - administration utility for QDBM Hovel
hvmount - Mount or umount device through HAL
hvol - display or change the current HFS volume
hvtest - test cases for QDBM Hovel
hvmount - Mount or umount device through HAL
hwloc-bind - Launch a command that is bound to specific processors
hwloc-calc - Operate on cpu mask strings and objects
hwloc-distrib - Build a number of cpu masks distributed on the system
lstopo - Show the topology of the system (note that hwloc-bind(1)
lstopo - Show the topology of the system (note that hwloc-bind(1)
hwloc-calc - Operate on cpu mask strings and objects
hxaddid - add IDs to selected elements
hxcite - replace bibliographic references by hyperlinks
hxcite-mkbib - expand references and create bibliography
hxclean - apply heuristics to correct an HTML file
hxcopy - copy an HTML file and update its relative links
hxcount - count elements and attributes in HTML or XML files
hxextract - extract selected elements from a HTML or XML file
hxincl - expand included HTML or XML files
hxindex - insert an index into an HTML document
hxmkbib - create bibliography from a template
hxmultitoc - create a table of content for a set of HTML files
hxname2id - move some NAME and ID attributes from an A to its parent
hxnormalize - pretty-print an HTML file
hxnum - number section headings in an HTML file
hxpipe - convert XML file to a format easier to parse with Perl or AWK
hxprintlinks - number links and add a table of URLs at the end of an
hxprune - remove marked elements from an HTML file
hxref - generate cross-references inside and between HTML files
hxselect - extract elements that match a (CSS) selector
hxtoc - insert a table of contents in an HTML file
hxuncdata - replace CDATA sections by character entities
hxunent - replace HTML predefined character entities by UTF-8
hxunpipe - convert output of hxpipe back to XML format
hxunxmlns - replace XML "global names" by Namespace prefixes
hxwls - list links in an HTML file
hxxmlns - replace XML Namespace prefixes by "global names"
hyantesite - hyantesite
hydrogen - simple drum machine/step sequencer
HylaFAX-client - introduction to HylaFAX client applications and usage
hyperlatex - creating HTML using LaTeX documents
hypermail - convert mail archives in UNIX box format to HTML pages
hyperspace - Flying through hyper space.
hypetombox - convert a hypermail archive to an mbox file
hypex - computes the Chernoff exponent between two simple categories.
hyphen_show - a program to look for hyphenations in a .dvi-file created
hbibtex, hmakeindex, komkindex(.pl), euc-bookmark(.pl), -
hunzip - compress and encrypt dictionary files
i1401 - simulate an IBM 1401 computer
i1620 - simulate an IBM 1620 computer
i3 - an improved dynamic, tiling window manager
i3-input - interactively take a command for i3 window manager
i3lock - slightly improved version of slock
i3-msg - send messages to i3 window manager
i3status - Generates a status line for dzen2 or xmobar
i3-wsbar - sample implementation of a standalone workspace bar
gcj - Ahead-of-time compiler for the Java language
addr2line - convert addresses into file names and line numbers.
ar - create, modify, and extract from archives
AS - the portable GNU assembler.
dlltool - Create files needed to build and use DLLs.
dllwrap - Ancient tool for generating PE style dll’s.
gprof - display call graph profile data
ld - The GNU linker
nlmconv - converts object code into an NLM.
nm - list symbols from object files
objcopy - copy and translate object files
objdump - display information from object files.
ocamlc - The Objective Caml bytecode compiler
ocamlcp - The Objective Caml profiling compiler
ocamldep - Dependency generator for Objective Caml
ocamlmklib - generate libraries with mixed C / Caml code.
ocamlmktop - Building custom toplevel systems
ocamlopt - The Objective Caml native-code compiler
ocamlprof - The Objective Caml profiler
ocamlrun - The Objective Caml bytecode interpreter
ranlib - generate index to archive.
readelf - Displays information about ELF files.
size - list section sizes and total size.
strings - print the strings of printable characters in files.
strip - Discard symbols from object files.
windmc - generates Windows message resources.
windres - manipulate Windows resources.
cpp - The C Preprocessor
cpp - The C Preprocessor
cpp - The C Preprocessor
cpp - The C Preprocessor
cpp - The C Preprocessor
gcc - GNU project C and C++ compiler
gcc - GNU project C and C++ compiler
gcc - GNU project C and C++ compiler
gcc - GNU project C and C++ compiler
gcc - GNU project C and C++ compiler
gcc - GNU project C and C++ compiler
gcc - GNU project C and C++ compiler
gcj - Ahead-of-time compiler for the Java language
gcj - Ahead-of-time compiler for the Java language
gfortran - GNU Fortran compiler
gfortran - GNU Fortran compiler
gfortran - GNU Fortran compiler
gfortran - GNU Fortran compiler
i7094 - simulate an IBM 7090/7094 computer
i810rotate - toggle the video output on i810 hardware using
i810switch - enable/disable screen output on i810 video hardware
I8kbuttons - Monitor the status of Fn-buttons on Dell Inspiron laptops.
I8kctl, i8kfan - Utility to access SMM BIOS on Dell Inspiron laptops
I8kctl, i8kfan - Utility to access SMM BIOS on Dell Inspiron laptops
I8kmon - Monitor the cpu temperature and fan status on Dell Inspiron
iac - PolyORB’s IDL-to-Ada compiler
iasl - ACPI Source Language compiler/decompiler
iat - converts many CD-ROM image formats to iso9660.
iaxcomm — IAX Software phone -
iax-config - get information about the installed version of libiax2
iaxmodem - software modem with IAX2 connectivity
IBAM - the Intelligent Battery Monitor
ib_clock_test - Test the accuracy of the system clock.
ibid-db - Database management utility for Ibid
ibid-factpack - Factoid-package management utility for Ibid
ibid - Run an Ibid bot
ibid-knab-import - Knab-yyyyygt;Ibid Import utility
ibid-memgraph - Memory usage graph generation utility for Ibid
ibid-objgraph - Memory usage graph generation utility for Ibid
ibid-pb-client - RPC Client for Ibid
ibid-plugin - Plugin testing developer environment for Ibid
ibid-setup - Create a basic configuration file and database for an Ibid
ibod - ISDN MPPP bandwidth on demand daemon
ibp - show which of the International Beacon Project beacons is
ib_qlgc_vnic_info - Information about QLogic VNIC interfaces
ib_qlgc_vnic_query - QLogic VNIC interfaces daemon
dtestx - simple IB extensions test utility.
ib_rdma_bw - RDMA bandwidth test
ib_rdma_lat - RDM latency test
ib_read_bw - RDMA read bandwidth test
ib_read_lat - RDMA write latency test
ib_send_bw - RDMA send bandwidth test
ib_send_lat - RDMA send latency test
ibsim - An infiniband Simulator
ibsrpdm - Discover SRP targets on an InfiniBand Fabric
ibtest - command line program to test a GPIB interface board
ibus-daemon - Intelligent Input Bus for Linux / Unix OS
ibus-engine-m17n - multiple language input engine based on ibus
ibus-daemon - Intelligent Input Bus for Linux / Unix OS
ibus-daemon - Intelligent Input Bus for Linux / Unix OS
ibus-setup - configuration program for ibus
ibus-daemon - Intelligent Input Bus for Linux / Unix OS
ibus-daemon - Intelligent Input Bus for Linux / Unix OS
ibv_asyncwatch - display asynchronous events
ibv_devices - list RDMA devices
ibv_devinfo - query RDMA devices
ibv_rc_pingpong - simple InfiniBand RC transport test
ibv_srq_pingpong - simple InfiniBand shared receive queue test
ibv_uc_pingpong - simple InfiniBand UC transport test
ibv_ud_pingpong - simple InfiniBand UD transport test
ib_write_bw - RDMA write bandwidth test
ib_write_bw_postlist - RDMA write post list bandwidth test
ib_write_lat - RDMA write latency test
ica - iTALC Client Application
ical2po - convert iCal files to Gettext PO localization files
ical2sqlite - Conversion utility for iCal file
icalc - interactive calculator
ical - A Hijri/Islamic calendar (and converter)
icap-client - ICAP Client
icap-stretch - stress testing an ICAP server
icat - copy files by inode number
icat - Output the contents of a file based on its inode number.
lprof - Little CMS Hardware Color Profiler.
icc2ps - little cms PostScript converter.
icclink - little cms device link generator.
icctrans - little cms ColorSpace conversion calculator.
iceauth - ICE authority file utility
iceboxadmin - firewall solution for Ice applications
icebox - application server for Ice services
iceboxnet.exe - CLI implementation of icebox
iceca - establish a certificate authority and generate certificates
icecast2 - an MP3/Ogg Vorbis broadcast streaming media server
icecc-create-env - Create a tar for icecream distributed compiler to
iceccd - Server for an icecream compile cluster
icecc - icecream distributed compiler
icecc-scheduler - Scheduler for your icecream compile cluster
icecpp - Slice preprocessor
icecream - download icecast and shoutcast streams, redirecting all
icedax - a sampling utility that dumps CD audio data into wav sound
icegridadmin - IceGrid administration tool
icegrid-gui - graphical user interface to IceGrid
icegridnode - IceGrid node server
icegridregistry - IceGrid centralized name server
icemon - View your icecream compile cluster
icepatch2calc - compress files and calculate checksums
icepatch2client - replicate the data directory of an IcePatch2 server
icepatch2server - IcePatch2 file server
ices2 - an Ogg Vorbis broadcast streaming source client
icestormadmin - administrative control of an IceStorm server
icheck - C interface ABI/API checker
ick - INTERCAL compiler
iclass - class browser
icmake - A program maintenance (make) utility using a C-like grammar
icmbuild - A generic, easy configurable, program maintenance script
imv, icp - Rename or copy a file by editing the destination name using
icmptx - Tunnel IP over ICMP
icmstart - A startup script for icmbuild program maintenance
icmake - A program maintenance (make) utility using a C-like grammar
icns2png - convert Mac OS icns files to png images
ico - animate an icosahedron or other polyhedron
ispell, buildhash, munchlist, findaffix, tryaffix, icombine, ijoin - -
icom - remote control for ICOM transceivers and receivers
icon2gif - A program to convert a series of editable text GIF icon
ctn_manpage - Generic CTN manual page
ctn_manpage - Generic CTN manual page
icon - interpret or compile Icon programs
ctn_manpage - Generic CTN manual page
ctn_manpage - Generic CTN manual page
ctn_manpage - Generic CTN manual page
icon-slicer - utility for generating icon themes and libXcursor cursor
icontainer2icns - extract icns files from icontainers
icon - interpret or compile Icon programs
icontopbm - convert a Sun icon into a portable bitmap
iconv - Convert encoding of given files from one encoding to another
icon - interpret or compile Icon programs
icotool - Convert and create Win32 icon and cursor files
imv, icp - Rename or copy a file by editing the destination name using
icp-slam - SLAM method using scan matching
icu-config - output ICU build options
id16 - simulate an Interdata 16b computer
id32 - simulate an Interdata 32b computer
id3convert - Converts between id3v1 and id3v2 tags of an mp3 file.
id3cp - Copies tags from one file to another.
id3 - an ID3 tag editor.
id3info - Display id3 tag information.
id3ren - Reads and writes ID3 tags from mp3 files.
id3tag - Tags an mp3 file with id3v1 and/or id3v2 tags.
id3tool - a command line editor for id3 tags.
id3v2 - Adds/Modifies/Removes/Views id3v2 tags, converts/lists id3v1
idate - A Gregorian/Meladi to/from Hijri/Islamic date converter
ident - identify RCS keyword strings in files
idesk - display program shortcuts as icons on desktop
idevicebackup - Create or restore backup for iPhone/iPod Touch devices.
idevice_id - Prints device name or a list of attached iPhone/iPod Touch
ideviceimagemounter - Mount disk images on the iPhone/iPod Touch.
ideviceinfo - Show information about the first connected iPhone/iPod
idevicescreenshot - Gets a screenshot from the connected iPhone/iPod
idevicesyslog - Relay syslog of a connected iPhone/iPod Touch.
idfetch - retrieve biological data from the NCBI ID1 server
ladr4-apps - undocumented LADR4 applications
id - print real and effective user and group IDs
idjcctrl - command line playlist control utility for idjc.
idjc - Be a DJ on the internet.
idl2deb - create a Debian package for CORBA monitoring from IDL
idl2wrs - CORBA IDL to Wireshark Plugin Generator
idlac - PolyORB’s IDL-to-Ada compiler
IDLE - An Integrated DeveLopment Environment for Python
IDLE - An Integrated DeveLopment Environment for Python
IDLE - An Integrated DeveLopment Environment for Python
IDLE - An Integrated DeveLopment Environment for Python
IDLE - An Integrated DeveLopment Environment for Python
idngram_merge - merge idngram file into one
idn - Internationalized Domain Names command line tool
idraw - drawing editor
ids2ngram - generate n-gram data file from ids file
idvid - Identify videos, their codecs, and compliance with (S)VCD/DVD
idxmerge - merge fweb-produced index files.
idzebra-config - Script to get information about idzebra
iec16022 - program to generate 2d barcodes
iecset - Set or dump IEC958 status bits
es - Edit files by IVES
ieee-copyout - creates archive in IEEE publication format.
ies2rad - convert IES luminaire data to RADIANCE description
ietf2datebook - Converts IETF agenda format to install-datebook format
if1 - Single IF (Image File) Transformation
if2 - binary operations between two image (IF) files.
ifdata - get network interface info without parsing ifconfig output
ifeffit - an interactive program for XAFS analysis
ifexport - IF (Image File) to Image
ifile - core executable for the ifile mail filtering system
ifind - Find the meta-data structure that has allocated a given disk
ifinfo - Print IF (Image File) Information
ifnames2.13 - print identifiers that a package uses in C preprocessor
ifnames - Extract CPP conditionals from a set of files
ifnames - Extract CPP conditionals from a set of files
ifnames - Extract CPP conditionals from a set of files
ifne - Run command if the standard input is not empty
ifpgui - Open source GUI for iRiver’s iFP flash player
ifp - access iRiver iFP audio devices
ifrit - a powerful tool that can be used to visualize 3-dimensional
ifstat - Report InterFace STATistics - -
ifuse - Mount filesystem of an iPhone/iPod Touch.
igal2 - online Image GALlery generator
igawk - gawk with include files
igghexa_to_med - Convert a NUMECA Hex mesh to MED file format
igraph - interactive graphing program
igrp - igrp route injector
ihelp_reindex - IHelp tool for (re)indexing all Ruby classes and
ihex2txt - converts Intelhex format to a simple text format
i - trivial integer print utility
ihu - a Qt VoIP softphone with an own, encrypted protocol
ii - irc it or irc improved
ispell, buildhash, munchlist, findaffix, tryaffix, icombine, ijoin - -
ijs-config - script to get information about the installed version of
ijsgutenprint - Ghostscript driver for Gutenprint
ijsgutenprint - Ghostscript driver for Gutenprint
ikarus - Scheme Programming Language
ikea - Internet Key Exchange Access Manager
ikec - Internet Key Exchange Connect
ike-scan - Discover and fingerprint IKE hosts (IPsec VPN servers)
ikiwiki-calendar - create calendar archive pages
ikiwiki - a wiki compiler
ikiwiki-makerepo - check an ikiwiki srcdir into revision control
ikiwiki-transition - transition ikiwiki pages to new syntaxes, etc
ikiwiki-update-wikilist - add or remove user from /etc/ikiwiki/wikilist
ikslint - checks for well-formedness of an XML document
iksperf - measures the performance of the iksemel library
iksroster - a backup tool for your jabber roster
ikvmc - compile java classes and jars into CIL assemblies
ikvm - java virtual machine executable using the CLI runtime
ikvmstub - generate java stub class files from a CIL assembly
ilasm, ilasm2 - Mono IL assembler
ilasm, ilasm2 - Mono IL assembler
ilasm, ilasm2 - Mono IL assembler
ilbmtoppm - convert an ILBM file into a portable pixmap
ilink - GEMINI optimization procedure to find a locally optimal value
illumina2srf - Builds an SRF file from an Illumina/Solexa GA run
ils2mac - Convert ils output to mactime parsable data
i-ls - display file stat and checksum information for files
ils - list inode information
ils - List inode information
image2raw - Convert a collection of images to a Raw DV stream
ImageCompare - part of ANTS registration suite
imageindex - a digital photo gallery tool
imageinfo ‐ display selected image information -
imagej - A Java image processing program inspired by NIH Image.
ImageMagick - is a free software suite for the creation, modification
ImageMath - part of ANTS registration suite
image - Translate LaTeX documents to GIF images.
ctn_manpage - Generic CTN manual page
ImageSetStatistics - part of ANTS registration suite
imageshack-uploader - a simple standalone application for uploading one
image_to_j2k - convert a PNM, PGM, PPM, PGX or BMP into a J2K or JP2
imagetops - generic image to ps filter
imagewriter - gui only application to write .img files to USB keys
imagination - DVD slide show maker
imake - C preprocessor interface to the make utility
imapcopy - IMAP backup, copy and migration tool
imapfilter - mail filter
imaprowl - IMAP new mail notification utility for iPhone using Prowl
imapsync - IMAP synchronisation, sync, copy or migration tool.
imaptool - tool for creating client-side image maps
imdb-fxd — Creates FXD files from the IMDB cache suitable for Freevo. -
imdb-get — Looks up IMDB data for a film. -
imdb — Calls any of the IMDB functions. -
imdb-link — Links films based on their genre. -
imdb-rename — Renames files based on their title. -
imdb-update-cache — updates the IMDB cache for files in a given -
imediff2 - An interactive fullscreen 2-way merge tool
imf2x — translates image families into bitmaps -
img2cif - filter to convert detector images to CBF format
img2py - wxPython tools.
img2py - wxPython tools.
img2txt - convert images to various text-based coloured files
img2py - wxPython tools.
img_cat - Output contents of an image file.
imgcmp - Image comparison utility
imginfo - Image information utility
ctn_manpage - Generic CTN manual page
IMGMERGE - script to concatenate several images into a PDF file.
imgSeekCmd - command line imgSeek database frontend
imgseek - Image manager with content-based query
imgsizer - automatically splice in height and width params for HTML IMG
img_stat - Display details of an image file
imgtoppm - convert an Img-whatnot file into a portable pixmap
imgvinfo - extract and display data of a Pilot Image Viewer pdb header.
imgvtopnm - Pilot Image Viewer pdb to PGM/PBM converter.
imgvview - tool for viewing Pilot Image Viewer files.
imlib2-config - imlib2 build information script
immadm - perform an IMM admin operation
immcfg - configure attribute(s) for an IMM object
immdump - dump IMM objects to a file
immfind - find IMM objects
immlist - list IMM objects
immsd - core of imms functionality
immstool - debugging tool for imms
imon - watch ISDN activities
imontty - display status of all ISDN lines
imp2gbs - general book module creation tool
imp2ld - Lexicon, Dictionary, Daily Devotional and Glossary module
imp2vs - Bible/Commentary module creation tool
bl2seq, blast2, blastall, blastall_old, blastcl3, blastpgp, impala, -
implantisomd5 — implant an MD5 checksum in an ISO9660 image -
imp-meta - read and write metadata from IMP file
import-ferm - import existing firewall rules into ferm
import_media - Mass import media into lyricue
impose - impose is used for two-up printing of DSC complient
impressive-gettransitions - Generate Impressive info scripts for LaTeX
Impressive - presentation tool with eye candy
imtest - interactive IMAP test program
imv, icp - Rename or copy a file by editing the destination name using
imview - displays and interactively analyses images
imvirt - detects several virtualizations
imwheel - a mouse wheel and button interpreter for X Windows
inc - incorporate new mail
includeres - filter to include resources in a PostScript document - conservative approximation of include dependencies
incm - Incorporating new mails for Mew
incrontab - table manipulator for inotify cron (incron)
indent - changes the appearance of a C program by inserting or deleting
indexcon - SELinux file context indexing tool
index_create - create a JPIP (JPEG 2000 Part 9) indexed JP2 file from a
indexer - fulltext index generator
indexmaker - Creates index files for mrtg web sites (mrtg-2.16.3)
indexpub - index an ASN.1 Pub-set by Medline UID
indxbib - make inverted index for bibliographic databases
indywiki - a visual wikipedia browser for X11
inetmask - ask for the netmask via ICMP
ftp - ARPANET file transfer program
talk - talk to another user
telnet - user interface to the TELNET protocol
inews - Post a Usenet article to the local news server
mollist - get identifiers list
info2man - generate man pages from info documents
info2pod - generate POD files from info documents
info2www - read info files with a WWW browser
infocmp - compare or print out terminfo descriptions
mollist - get identifiers list
mollist - get identifiers list
info - read Info documents
infokey - compile customizations for Info
infon-devel - write bots for the game infon
inform - compile Inform interactive fiction story files to Z-machine
infotocap - convert a terminfo description into a termcap description
ini2po - convert .ini files to Gettext PO localization files
inifile - OpenLink Virtuoso Opensource ini File Editor
inifile - OpenLink Virtuoso Opensource ini File Editor
jMetaPost - a patched version of MetaPost which supports Japanese
initdb - create a new PostgreSQL database cluster
inkblot - Ink level monitor
ink - a command line tool for checking the ink level of your printers.
gnustep-examples - various example GNUstep tools/applications
Inkscape - an SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) editing program.
inkview - slideshow program which uses SVG files
inline-detox - clean up filenames (stream-based)
innconfval - Get configuration parameters from inn.conf
innetgr - Check netgroup membership
innfeed - multi-host, multi-connection, streaming NNTP feeder.
innmail - Simple mail-sending program
innochecksum - offline InnoDB file checksum utility
innotop - MySQL and InnoDB transaction/status monitor.
icat - copy files by inode number
inosync - notification-based directory synchronization daemon
inotail - A fast and lightweight version of tail using inotify
inoticoming - trigger actions when files hit an incoming directory
inotifywait - wait for changes to files using inotify
inotifywatch - gather filesystem access statistics using inotify
inputattach - attach a serial line to an input-layer device
input - Yagi-Uda project antenna defining program
inputkill - run a command until standard input is closed
insdseqget - format sequences from GenBank as an XML INSDSet
insert_brackets - add delimiters before/after text
hbibtex, hmakeindex, komkindex(.pl), euc-bookmark(.pl), -
inspect - Boost code inspection tool
inspircd - A modular C++ IRC Daemon
installation-report-generator - A small tool to collect installation
installdeb-aspell - debhelper-like utility for maintainers of aspell
installdeb-hunspell - debhelper-like utility for maintainers of Debian
installdeb-ispell - debhelper-like utility for maintainers of ispell
installdeb-myspell - debhelper-like helper for Debian packages
installdeb-wordlist - debhelper-like utility for maintainers of
install - copy files and set attributes
install-info - wrapper around GNU install-info
installit - file/directory installation tool
install-menu - Process a menu method and generate the menu files for a
installmgr - install, list, update and remove SWORD modules
install-mh - initialize the nmh environment
installsieve - user utility for managing sieve scripts
installwatch — Track installation of software -
install-xpi - installs a xpi file into a Debian package
instantbird - instant messaging client based on XULrunner and libpurple
instant-clean - Clean up the Instant cache
instant - manipulates ESIS from parsed SGML instance
instant-showcache - prints modules found in Instant cache
instmodsh - A shell to examine installed modules
mollist - get identifiers list
integrit - file integrity verification system
intel2gas - convert between NASM assembly and GAS assembly language
intel_audio_dump - Dumps the Intel GPU registers for HDMI audio setup.
intel_bios_dumper - Saves the Intel video BIOS contents to a file.
intel_bios_reader - Parses an Intel BIOS and displays many of its
intel_error_decode - Decodes an Intel GPU dump automatically captured
intel_gpu_dump - Print out debugging information on the state of the
intel_gpu_top - Display a top-like summary of Intel GPU usage
intel_gtt - Dump the contents of an Intel GPU’s GTT
intel_ - Polls the values of different reports about laptop lid state.
intel_reg_dumper - Decode a bunch of Intel GPU registers for debugging
intel_reg_read - Reads an Intel GPU register value
intel_reg_write - Set an Intel GPU register to a value
intel_stepping - Display the stepping information for an Intel GPU
intel_upload_blit_large_gtt - microbenchmark of Intel GPU performance
intel_upload_blit_large - microbenchmark of Intel GPU performance
intel_upload_blit_large_map - microbenchmark of Intel GPU performance
intel_upload_blit_small - microbenchmark of Intel GPU performance
interdiff - show differences between two diff files
interpfilter - filter models with formulas
interpformat - tool for transforming mace4(1) models
intersci - intersci is a program for building an interface file between
intone - elementary audio player
intro - Introduction to user commands
introu - introduction to LAM user interface commands
Inventor - a toolkit for writing 3D programs
invert_raw_image - invert 2D image along either or both axes
geod - direct geodesic computations
proj - forward cartographic projection filter
iodbcadm-gtk - iODBC administration program.
iodbc-config - script to get information about the installed version of
iodbctest, iodbctestw - iODBC Demonstration programs
iofits - FITS data format conversion (pixel depth)
iogen - Generate I/O Requests
iok- Indic Onscreen Keyboard -
Ion - an X11 window manager
ionice - get/set program io scheduling class and priority
ior-decode-2 - print human-readable info from IOR string - client for LCDd, the lcdproc server
iostat - Report Central Processing Unit (CPU) statistics and
iotop - simple top-like I/O monitor
Iozone - Filesystem Benchmark
ip2host - Resolves IPs to hostnames in web server logs
ip2hostname - converts IP addresses to their respective hostnames
ipack - Manipulate Flex files containing Shapes
ipbori - An Interactive PolyBoRi Shell
ipcalc_cgi - An IP Netmask/broadcast/etc cgi calculator
ipcalc - An IP Netmask/broadcast/etc calculator
ipcluster - IPython parallel computing cluster control tool
ipcmk - create various ipc resources
ipcontroller - IPython parallel computing controller control tool
ipcress - In-silico PCR experiment simulation system
ipcrm - remove a message queue, semaphore set or shared memory id
ipcs - provide information on ipc facilities
ipe6upgrade - Convert Ipe 6 file format to Ipe 7 file format
ipeextract - Extract Ipe XML stream from Ipe PDF or EPS files
ipe - drawing editor for creating figures in PDF or EPS formats
ipengine - IPython parallel computing engine control tool
iperender - Export Ipe document as bitmap or SVG
iperf - perform network throughput tests
ipetoipe - Convert between Ipe file formats
iphone-calendar-sync - iPhone calendar syncing script
ipip - an IP over IP encapsulation daemon
openipmicmd - An IPMI Command Interface
openipmish - Shell interface to an IPMI system
ipmitool - utility for controlling IPMI-enabled devices
ipmi_ui - Crude interface to an IPMI system
ipraytime - An Islamic Prayer Times Calculator
iprelay — A user-space bandwidth shaping TCP proxy daemon -
i - trivial integer print utility
iproxy - proxy that enables tcp service access to iPhone/iPod
ips - intelligent process status
ipsort - sort a file using IPv4 addresses at the beginning of each
iptc - Utility for viewing and modifying the contents of IPTC metadata
iptux - IP Messanger client
ipwatchd-gnotify - Notification tool for Gnome environment
ipwatchd-script - User-defined script called by IPwatchD daemon when IP
ipython - An Enhanced Interactive Python
ipython - An Enhanced Interactive Python
ipython-wx - Graphical frontend that embeds a multithreaded IPython
ipythonx - Simple graphical frontend to IPython, using WxWidgets.
ir_ab_names - a standalone server that supports the CORBA COS Interface
irb1.8 - interactive ruby
irb1.9 - interactive ruby
irb1.9 - interactive ruby
irb1.8 - interactive ruby
ircat - print strings when pressing buttons
ircII - interface to the Internet Relay Chat system
ircmarkers - place markers on maps at given coordinates
ircp - send or receive files via infrared connection
ircp-tray - IrDA and OBEX wireless file transfer
irdp - irdp packet sender
irdpresponder - irdpresponder packet sender
irelief-sigma - Command line interface to irelief-sigma in mlpy
ireminder - Prayer time reminder
irexec - run programs with one button press
iripdb - allows generating the DB files necessary for the iRiver
iriverter - Convert video to use on various multimedia players
irman2lirc - converts irman.conf to lirc config file
irmp3conf - creates a default configuration file for irmp3d
irmp3 - sends orders to the irmp3d daemon
irmp3-ncurses - remote control program for irmp3
irobex_palm3 - Send to or receive files from a Palm handheld device
iroffer - DCC file server bot
irpty - pseudo tty driver
irqbalance - distribute hardware interrupts across processors on a
irqbench - Xenomai IRQ benchmark, host control
irqloop - Xenomai IRQ benchmark, target program
irrecord - application for recording IR-codes for usage with LIRC
irsend - basic LIRC program to send infra-red commands
Irssi - a modular IRC client for UNIX
irunner - interactive runner interface
irw - sends data from Unix domain socket to stdout
irxevent - infrared X-event sender
irxfer - Send to or receive files from a Palm handheld device
isag - Interactive System Activity Grapher
isartags - creates Proof General tags for Isabelle Isar theories.
is_aufs - program to check whether a filesystem is an aufs filesystem - Get information about the installed version of ISC BIND
isdnbill - report isdn costs
isdnconf - manipulate or read ISDN phone number config files.
isdnlog2dlf - convert ISDN logs to DLF format
isdnrate - Print telefon rates and various info from rate-files(5).
isdnrep - report isdn activity
iSelect -- Interactive Selection Tool -
isi2bib - script to convert ISI format files to BibTeX format files
bibutils - bibliography conversion utilities
isistest - ISIS Test
iso3166 - an ISO 3166 country code finder.
devdump, isoinfo, isovfy, isodump - Utility programs for dumping and
isofilter - removes isomorphic structures from mace4(1) models
isofilter - removes isomorphic structures from mace4(1) models
isofilter - removes isomorphic structures from mace4(1) models
iso - quickly change console font and application character map into
isohybrid - Postprocess ISO images for hybrid mode - Postprocess ISO images for hybrid mode (Perl)
iso-info - manual page for iso-info version 0.81 i686-pc-linux-gnu
devdump, isoinfo, isovfy, isodump - Utility programs for dumping and
isomaster - an ISO image editor
isoqlog - multi-MTA log file analyzer
isoquery - Search and display various ISO codes (country, language,
iso-read - manual page for iso-read version 0.81 i686-pc-linux-gnu
iso-ripper - rips debs out of downloaded isos
devdump, isoinfo, isovfy, isodump - Utility programs for dumping and
ispellaff2myspell - A program to convert ispell affix tables to myspell
ispell, buildhash, munchlist, findaffix, tryaffix, icombine, ijoin - -
ispell-wrapper - smart wrapper for ispell
isql -- Firebird Interactive SQL shell -
isql - utility to submit SQL queries to a data source.
isql-vt - OpenLink Virtuoso Opensource SQL Interface
isql-vt - OpenLink Virtuoso Opensource SQL Interface
isql-vt - OpenLink Virtuoso Opensource SQL Interface
israndom - randomness testing using data compressors over fixed-size
istanbul - a desktop session recorder
istat - Display details of a meta-data structure (i.e. inode)
isutf8 - check whether files are valid UTF-8
isympy - interactive shell for SymPy
isync - synchronize IMAP4 and Maildir mailboxes
italc - iTALC Master Application
itksnap - semi-automatic segmentation of structures in 3D images
itkwish - Insight Segmentation yyyyyamp; Registration Toolkit
itop - simple top-like interrupt load monitor
itpp-config - script to get information about intalled IT++ library
itrace - similar to traceroute, yet uses ICMP echo
itrans - modify input text as directed by an indian language metric
itrans - modify input text as directed by an indian language metric
isql - utility to submit SQL queries to a data source.
iv2toiv1 - converts Inventor 2.0 files to the Inventor 1.0 format
ivcat - concatenates and converts Inventor files
ivdowngrade - converts Inventor 2.1 files to the Inventor 2.0 and 1.0
iverilog - Icarus Verilog compiler
iverilog-vpi - Compile front end for VPI modules
ives - Independent Viewing and Editing System
ivfix - restructures an Inventor object for improved rendering
i-viewdb - view the information stored in integrit databases
vs - View files by IVES
ivinfo - Prints information about Inventor files
ivmkmf - create a Makefile from an InterViews Imakefile
ivstools - extract IVs from a pcap file or merges several .ivs files
ivview - fast, interactive 3D viewer of Inventor files
iwatch - a realtime filesystem monitor / monitor any changes in
ixpc - ixp client
j2amidi_bridge - static bridge with one ALSA input port and one JACK
j2k_to_image - convert a J2K, JP2 or JPT file into a PGM, PPM, PNM, PGX
jaaa -- JACK and ALSA Audio Analyser -
jablicator - Share package collection choice across machines
jabref - graphical frontend to manage BibTeX databases
JACAL - symbolic mathematics system
jackbeat — a drummachine-like audio sequencer with JACK support -
jack_bufsize - JACK toolkit client to change the JACK buffer size
jack.clock - JACK Transport Publication Daemon
jack.ctl - JACK Session Manager
jackd - JACK Audio Connection Kit sound server
jack-dssi-host -
jackeq — program included in the DeMuDi distribution -
jack_freewheel - JACK toolkit client to control freewheeling mode
Jack - rip and encode CDs with one command
jack_impulse_grabber - JACK toolkit client to grab an impulse
jacklaunch - launch sound program as JACK client
jack_load - JACK toolkit client for loading in-process clients
jack_lsp - JACK toolkit client to list informtion on ports
jack_meter - Console based Digital Peak Meter for JACK
jack_metro - JACK toolkit metronome
jack_monitor_client - The JACK Audio Connection Kit example client
jack_netsource - Netjack Master client for one slave - JACK Sound File Player - JACK Plumbing Daemon
jack-rack - a LADSPA effects rack
jackrec - JACK toolkit client for recording audio
jack_samplerate - JACK toolkit client to print current samplerate
jack.scope - JACK Oscilloscope
jack_showtime - The JACK Audio Connection Kit example client
jack_simple_client - The JACK Audio Connection Kit example client
jacksum - computes checksums, CRCs and message digests
jack_transport - JACK toolkit client for transport control
jack.udp - JACK UDP Transport Client
jack_unload - The JACK Audio Connection Kit example client
jack_wait - JACK toolkit client to check and wait for existence/exit of
jade - James’ DSSSL Engine
jadetex - processing tex files produced by the TeX backend of Jade.
jadmaker - JAD File Generator
jags - just another gibbs sampler
jail_uml — run UML in a chroot-jail -
Jajuk - advanced jukebox and music organizer
jamin - JACK Audio Mastering interface
hbibtex, hmakeindex, komkindex(.pl), euc-bookmark(.pl), -
Jam/MR — Make(1) Redux -
JamVM - a Java Virtual Machines
jana-ecal-event - program to test if basic event functions work for
jana-ecal-store-view - program to test if basic functions work for
jana-ecal-time-2 - program to test if DST+Zone auto-adjust works
jana-ecal-time - program to test if DST auto-adjust works.
Janino - a runtime Java Compiler.
japa - jack or alsa perceptual analyser
japicompat - Test Java APIs for binary backwards compatibility.
japilist - List the contents of japi files.
japiohtml - Convert japicompat output to pretty html format.
japiotext - Convert japicompat output to readable plain text format.
japize - Produce a listing of an API in a machine-readable format.
jaranalyzer - dependency management for jar files
jardetector - binfmt helper to check if a zip/jar file contains a
jardiff - tool to visualise API differences between two JAR files
jargon - find an entry in the jargon file
JargonInformatique - Front End for the french dictionary Jargon
jarwrapper - wrapper script to run jar files via binfmt.
jasmin - Java assembler compiler
jasper - File format converter specialized in JPEG-2000 encoding
Groovy - Agile dynamic language for the Java Virtual Machine
java2html - generates highlighted html-files from Java or C++ source
javacc -- a java compiler compiler -
*_count - count physical lines of code, in each input file
javamorph - Make a morphing film between two pictures of human faces
Javahelper - Part of the Java Helper packaging tools. Refer to the
jaxe - Java XML Editor
jay - an LALR(1) parser generator for Java and C#
jazip - X tool to easily mount and unmount Iomega Zip and/or Jaz
JBibTeX - a patched version of BibTeX which supports Japanese
jbig2dec - File format converter specialized in JBIG2 decoding
jbofihe - Lojban parser / grammar checker / word glosser
jcal - displays a calendar
jcasgen - create Java source files for classes that enable JCas access
jcat - Show the contents of a block in the file system journal.
jcf-dump - print information about Java class files
jcf-dump - print information about Java class files
jcf-dump - print information about Java class files
Jc_Gui - is simple graphic user interface for jconvolver/jconv
jclassinfo - Provides information for Java class files.
jclicauthor - Editor of multimedia educational activities
jclic - Standalone player of multimedia educational activities
jclicreports - Management of a database to track students work and
jclient -
jcontrol -
jconv - is a Convolution Engine for JACK using FFT-based partitioned
jconvolver - is a Convolution Engine for JACK using FFT-based
jdelay - measure sound card latency
jd - gtk+ based 2ch browser for Linux
jdresolve - resolves IP addresses into hostnames
Jed - programmers editor
jEdit - Programmer's Text Editor written in Java
jedstate-to-gdbmrecent - migrate from jedstate to gdbmrecent databases
jedutil - convert a .JED file into its binary form, and vice-versa
jeex - GTK+ hexadecimal editor
rancid - Cisco configuration filter
why - A multi-language multi-prover verification tool
jetring-accept - accept a changeset
jetring-apply - apply a changeset to a keyring
jetring-build - applies changesets to produce a keyring
jetring-checksum - manage checksums in jetring index file
jetring-diff - shows the differences between two keyrings
jetring-gen - generate changesets for a keyring
jetring-gen - generates changesets for changes between two keyrings
jetring-review - review a changeset to a keyring
jetring-signindex - gpg sign an index file
jets3t-cockpit - transfer files, view and manage the contents of an
jets3t-cockpitlite - provide access to clients without Amazon S3
jets3t-synchronize - synchronize local directories with an Amazon S3
jets3t-uploader - provide upload access to clients without Amazon S3
jfbterm - program to print several character sets on framebuffer
jflex - a lexical analyzer generator (also known as scanner generator)
jfractionlab - Educative program to practice fractions
jftp - a java based GUI file transfer client
jgraph - filter for graph plotting to postscript
Javahelper - Part of the Java Helper packaging tools Refer to the
Javahelper - Part of the Java Helper packaging tools Refer to the
jh_clean - Cleans up after javahelper commands.
jh_compilefeatures - Compiles eclipse features using pde-build.
Javahelper - Part of the Java Helper packaging tools Refer to the
jhead - Digicam JPEG Exif header manipulation tool
Javahelper - Part of the Java Helper packaging tools Refer to the
jh_generateorbitdir - Creates and populates an orbit dir used by
jhindexer - JavaHelp command line utility
jh_installeclipse - Installs eclipse features built by pde-build into
Javahelper - Part of the Java Helper packaging tools Refer to the
Javahelper - Part of the Java Helper packaging tools Refer to the
Javahelper - Part of the Java Helper packaging tools Refer to the
Javahelper - Part of the Java Helper packaging tools Refer to the
jh_manifest - Adds or/and modifies manifests for jars
JHOVE - identify, validate, and characterize digital objects.
JHOVE - identify, validate, and characterize digital objects.
Javahelper - Part of the Java Helper packaging tools Refer to the
jhsearch - JavaHelp command line utility
jh_setupenvironment - Prepares a build environment to compile an
jigdo-file - Prepare files for Jigsaw Download (distribution of huge
jigdo-lite - Download jigdo files using wget
jigdo-mirror - Maintain a mirror of images offered with jigdo
jigdump - Dump the contents of a template file
jigit - Easy CD download tool
mkimage - Create an ISO image from jigdo files
jigl2slideshow - Creates an input file for dvd-slideshow from pictures
jigl - Generates a static html photo gallery from one or more
jigsum - List MD5 sums of files in jigdo’s bas64-alike format
jing - validate an XML document using a RELAX NG schema
jirb1.1 - interactive JRuby
jirb1.3 - interactive JRuby
jiv - Image display utility
javacc -- a java compiler compiler -
javacc -- a java compiler compiler -
jkmeter - Jkmeter is a horizontal or vertical bargraph audio level
lessecho - expand metacharacters
less - opposite of more
lesskey - specify key bindings for less
jlex - lexical analyser generator for Java(tm)
jlgui - graphical music player
jlha — lzh decompressor/compressor -
clogin - Cisco/Foundry login script
jls - List the contents of a file system journal
joe - Joe’s Own Editor
jmake - a generic makefile builder
jmdlx - wxWidgets jugglemaster
jmkmf - runs jmake with the correct options
jMetaPost - a patched version of MetaPost which supports Japanese
jMetaPost - a patched version of MetaPost which supports Japanese
jmqt - qt jugglemaster
jnoise - pink and white noise generator for Jack Audio Connection Kit
jobs-admin - graphical interface to jobservice
jobservice - system job management daemon
jocamlc - The JoCaml bytecode compiler
jocamlc - The JoCaml bytecode compiler
Jocamlcp - The JoCaml profiling compiler
jocamldep - Dependency generator for JoCaml
jocamldep - Dependency generator for JoCaml
jocaml - The JoCaml interactive toplevel
jocamllex - The JoCaml lexer generator
jocamllex - The JoCaml lexer generator
jocamlmklib - generate libraries with mixed C / Caml code.
jocamlmktop - Building custom toplevel systems
jocamlopt - The JoCaml native-code compiler
jocamlopt - The JoCaml native-code compiler
jocamlprof - The JoCaml profiler
jocamlrun - The JoCaml bytecode interpreter
jocamlyacc - The JoCaml parser generator
jodconverter - Office documents converter
joe - Joe’s Own Editor
johab2ucs2 - Convert a Johab BDF font into GNU Unifont Hangul
join-dctrl - perform relational join on data in dctrl format
join - join lines of two files on a common field
jokosher - Simple and easy to use audio multi-tracker
josm - Java OpenStreetMap Editor
jove - an interactive display-oriented text editor
joy2key - Emulate keyboard events using a Joystick
jp2a - convert JPEG images to ASCII
jp_add_doc - Add text to your Palm PDA via txt2pdbdoc
jp_add_mail_reply_todo - Add todo to your jppy/jpilot todo database
jp_add_memo - Add memo to your jppy/jpilot memo database
jp_add_todo - Add todo to your jppy/jpilot todo database
jpeg2hdf - convert JPEG images to HDF
jpeg2yuv - Convert jpeg images to the yuv format.
jpegdump: - manual page for jpegdump
jpegexiforient - reads or writes the Exif Orientation Tag
jpeghotp - find hot or dead pixels in otherwise black or white JPEG
jpegicc - little cms ICC profile applier for JPEG.
jpeginfo - prints information and tests integrity of JPEG/JFIF files.
jpegjudge - guess jpeg picture quality
jpegoptim - utility to optimize/compress JPEG/JFIF files.
jpegorient - change the orientations of JPEG images
jpegpixi - interpolate pixels in JFIF (JPEG) image files
jpegtoexr - convert a JPEG image to OpenEXR format
jpegtopnm - convert JPEG/JFIF file to portable pixmap or graymap
jpegtran - lossless transformation of JPEG files
joe - Joe’s Own Editor
jpilot-dial - generates the DTMF tone signals used for telephone
jpilot-dump - A command line tool for dumping jpilot databases.
jpilot - A palm pilot desktop for Linux/Unix
jpilot-sync - A command line tool for syncing jpilot databases to a
jpnevulator - Just another serial sniffer
jppy - Personal Information Manager using jpilot/Palm PDA databases
jp_query_addressbook - Query jppy/jpilot’s address book, suitable for
rancid - Cisco configuration filter
jrpcgen - an RPC protocol compiler
jruby - Interpreted object-oriented scripting language
jruby - Interpreted object-oriented scripting language
jscal - joystick calibration and remapping program
jscal-restore - restores joystick calibration
jscal-store - stores joystick calibration
jscoverage - Instrument JavaScript with code coverage information
js_demo - joystick test program for FlightGear
jskeepalive - keeps a joystick alive
jsoncat - Display JSON data
jsonlint - A JSON syntax validator and formatter tool
json_reformat - A simple json reformatting tool
json_verify - A simple json verification tool.
sloccount - count source lines of code (SLOC)
joe - Joe’s Own Editor
jstest - joystick test program
jsvc - application to launch java daemon
jsvnadmin - Subversion repository administration tool
jsvndumpfilter - Filter a subversion repository ’dumpfile’.
jsvn - Subversion command line client tool
jsvnlook - Subversion repository examination tool
jsvnsync - Subversion repository synchronization tool
jsvnversion - Produce a compact version number for a working copy.
jsymphonic - File manager for Sony’s MP3 players
jtag - UrJTAG command shell
jde - JDEE, Java Development Environment for Emacs(en)
jtb - syntax tree builder for JavaCC
jvncviewer -- Command line starter of the Java VNC viewer -
JuffEd - Qt 4 based text editor
juke - A full screen jukebox
julius-generate - random sentence generator for Julius
generate-ngram -
julius -
juman - a morphological analysys system
junit - automated testing framework for Java
jura - Job Usage Reporter of ARC
juyin-learn - show Chinese characters’ phonations
jv-convert - Convert file from one encoding to another
jv-convert - Convert file from one encoding to another
jv-convert - Convert file from one encoding to another
vim - Vi IMproved, a programmers text editor
jvncviewer -- Command line starter of the Java VNC viewer -
jvocuhadju - Lujvo picker (based on the rules in the reference
jwchat - jabber web chat
jwhois - client for the whois service
jw, docbook2dvi, docbook2html, docbook2man, docbook2pdf, docbook2ps, -
JWM - Joe’s Window Manager
jxplorer - A Java LDAP Browser
jythonc - compile Python source to real Java classes
jython - Python seamlessly integrated with Java
k3b - KDE CD burning program
k3d - 3D modeling and animation system
k3d-renderframe - Part of a simple system for queueing K-3D render jobs
k3d-renderjob - Part of a simple system for queueing K-3D render jobs
k3d-sl2xml - Parses a RenderMan shader to create a meta file used by
k3dsurf - tool for mathematical surfaces
k3d-uuidgen - generates unique ID
k5srvutil - host key table (keytab) manipulation utility
k5start - Obtain and optionally keep active a Kerberos v5 ticket.
k9copy - DVD copy tool for KDE
k9play - A movie playing utility
k9xineplayer - A movie playing utility
kab2kabc - KDE address book converter
kabcclient - commandline client for the KDE addressbook
kabikaboo - recursive writing assistant
kaddprinterwizard — Start the add printer wizard -
kadmin - Kerberos V5 database administration program
kadu - instant messenger for Gadu-Gadu protocol
kanif - a TakTuk wrapper for cluster management
kakasi-config - script to get information about the installed version
KAKASI - Kanji kana simple inverter (between Kanji, both Kana and
kalcul - mental calculation tutor for KDE
kalign - performs multiple alignment of biological sequences.
kali - draw tilings, frieze patterns, etc.
kali - draw tilings, frieze patterns, etc.
kallery - Image gallery generator for the KDE
kalzium - A KDE based chemistry teaching tool
kamefu - KDE All Machine Emulator Frontend for Unix
kamoso - Webcam picture retriever
kanatest - a beginner’s drill game to learn Japanese kana characters
kanif - a TakTuk wrapper for cluster management
kanjipad - handwriting recognition for Kanji
kantiword - installs desktop icon for d’n’d function of antiword
kapptemplate - creates a framework to develop a KDE application
kaptain - Universal graphical front-end for command-line programs.
kanif - a TakTuk wrapper for cluster management
karma_helper - adjusts the state of the Rio Karma
kasablanca - fast and free ftp client for KDE
kanif - a TakTuk wrapper for cluster management
kasumi - a personal dictionary manager for Anthy
katalogdcop - CD organizer for KDE
katalog - CD organizer for KDE
katalogdservice - CD organizer for KDE
katalyzer - analyzes Kate streams and displays various information
katedec - decodes Kate streams to a textual description
KateDJ - edits and remixes Kate streams in Ogg
kateenc - create Kate streams from text input
kate - Advanced text editor for KDE
aterm - a VT102 emulator for the X window system
katoob - A Gtk2 light weight multilingual BiDi aware text editor.
kautoclick - an autoclicker for KDE
Kayac - Compiler for the kaya language
kayadoc2man - Automatic man pages for Kaya modules
Kaya - Top-level interpreter for the kaya language
kayali - a qt and maxima-based computer algebra system
kaya-rekey - Binary key regeneration for kaya web applications
kbackup - An easy to use backup program
kbarcode - KBarcode is a barcode and label printing application
kbd_mode - report or set the keyboard mode
kbib-end - A BibTex management program for KDE
kbib - A BibTex management program for KDE
kbib-isi - A BibTex management program for KDE
kbib-ris - A BibTex management program for KDE
kbibtex - a bibtex editor for KDE
kbookmarkmerger - A program for merging a given set of bookmarks into
kbruch - Learn calculating with fractions
kbugbuster - front end for the KDE bug tracking system
kbuildsycoca — Rebuilds the system configuration cache -
kcachegrind - a visualisation tool for valgrind profiling output
kcc - Kanji code coverter with encoding auto detection
KCEMIRROR: - a PocketPC-Control Tool
kcheckgmail - A Google Mail notifier for KDE
kchmviewer - Windows CHM viewer for KDE
kc - generate C code from Kimwitu input
kcmshell - tool to start single KDE control modules
kcollectd - view collectd datacollections
kcoloredit - color palette file editor for KDE 4
kcometen4.kss - An OpenGL screensaver with exploding comets.
kconfig_compiler - KDE configuration compiler
kconf_update — KDE Tool for updating user configuration files -
kcookiejar — HTTP Cookie Daemon -
kdbg - a graphical debugger interface
kdc2jpeg - convert Kodac kdc files to jpeg
kdc2tiff - convert Kodac kdc files to tiff
kde4-config - Prints KDE installation paths
kdecmake - Reference of available CMake custom modules.
kde-config — A little program to output installation paths -
kded — triggers Sycoca database updates when needed -
kdeinit - KDE process launcher
kdeinit_shutdown - shuts down kdeinit master process
kdeinit_wrapper, kshell, kwrapper - start applications via kdeinit
kde-menu - KDE Menu query tool.
kdenlive - An open source non-linear video editor.
kdenlive_render - Render program for Kdenlive.
kmk - framework for writing simple makefiles for complex tasks
kmk - framework for writing simple makefiles for complex tasks
kmk - framework for writing simple makefiles for complex tasks
kdestroy - remove one credental or destroy the current ticket file
kdesudo - a sudo frontend for KDE
kdesu_stub - used by KDE su
kdesvnaskpass - ssh-askpass for kdesvn
kdesvn - A Subversion client for KDE (standalone application)
kdetv - kdetv: TV for KDE
kdevelop - Integrated Development Environment for KDE
kde-window-decorator - Compiz window decorator for the KDE desktop
KDiff3 -- compares two or three input files or directories -
kdirstat - KDirStat
kdissert - A tool for document creation using mindmap trees
kdm_config - helper program for kdm to read configuration files
kdmctl - kdm remote control application
kdm_greet - KDE greeter module for kdm
kdm - KDE Display Manager
kdocker - puts everything to traybar
kdontchangethehostname — Informs KDE about a change in hostname -
kstartupconfig, kdostartupconfig - KDE configuration options loader
keditbookmarks - Bookmark Organizer and Editor
keepassx - password manager
keep - backup system for KDE
kelbt - generate backtracking LR parsers
KellySlater - part of ANTS registration suite
kep_reload - Update Predict’s Keplerian elements
kerberos - introduction to the Kerberos system
kermit - C‐Kermit 8.0: transport‐ and platform‐independent interactive
kermit - C‐Kermit 8.0: transport‐ and platform‐independent interactive
kermit - C‐Kermit 8.0: transport‐ and platform‐independent interactive
kerneltop - shows linux kernel function usage in a style like top
kernel-wedge - industrial stength kernel splitter
eterm-utils - Eterm accessory programs
ketchup - Utility to update the kernel source
keurocalc -- A KDE-based universal currency converter and calculator. -
keyanalyze - Web of Trust analysis
KeyArcher - Interactive keyed-archive explorer for GNUstep
keyboardcast - keyboard multiplexer
keychain - re-use ssh-agent and/or gpg-agent between logins
keyctl - Key management facility control
donkey - alternative for S/KEY’s "key" command.
Impressive - presentation tool with eye candy
keylaunch - A utility for binding commands to a hot key.
keylookup - Fetch and Import GnuPG keys from keyservers.
keynav - a keyboard-driven mouse cursor mover
keynote - command line tool for keynote(3) operations
KEYSAFE - a safe to put your passwords in
keytab2shishi - Shishi host key conversion tool
keytest - reports names of pressed keys
keytouch, keytouch-init, keytouch-acpid, keytouch-keyboard, keytouchd, -
keytouch, keytouch-init, keytouch-acpid, keytouch-keyboard, keytouchd, -
keytouchd-launch - start keytouch-related daemons in background
keytouch, keytouch-init, keytouch-acpid, keytouch-keyboard, keytouchd, -
keytouch, keytouch-init, keytouch-acpid, keytouch-keyboard, keytouchd, -
keytouch, keytouch-init, keytouch-acpid, keytouch-keyboard, keytouchd, -
keytouch, keytouch-init, keytouch-acpid, keytouch-keyboard, keytouchd, -
kfax - fax viewer for KDE 4
kf - securely forward tickets
kfile — A commandline tool to read and modify metadata of files -
kfilereplace - Batch search and replace tool
kfind - file find utility for KDE
kflickr - A Flickr uploader for KDE
kfmclient - KDE tool for opening URLs from the command line
kioexec, kfmexec - open remote files, watch modifications, ask for
kfritz - Notifies about phone activity and browses call history and
kf-slam - SLAM method using Kalman filtering
kftpgrabber - ftp client for KDE
ftp - ARPANET file transfer program
kgb - .kgb files archiver
kgetcred - get a ticket for a particular service
kgmailnotifier - Gmail notifier applet for KDE
kgrab - screen shot utility for KDE 4
kgrantpty - KDE helper program to fix terminal permissions
kguitar - A stringed instrument tabulature editor (with MIDI support
khmerconverter - convert between legacy Khmer encodings and Unicode
khotnewstuff - KDE tool to test GHNS repositories
kibitz - allow two people to interact with one shell
kicad - manager application for Kicad projects.
kic - an editor for integrated circuits and photolithography masks
kiconedit - KDE Icon Editor
kid3 - Kid3 ID3 Tagger
kid3-qt - Kid3 ID3 Tagger
option - manual page for option --version not recognized
Kid - manual page for Kid 0.7a
kig - an interactive geometry program for KDE
kile - the KDE Integrated LaTeX Environment
killall - kill processes by name
ctn_manpage - Generic CTN manual page
ctn_manpage - Generic CTN manual page
killer - Background job killer
kill - send a signal to a process
update-ifupdown-scripts-zg2.d-symlinks - preliminary manpage
killposte - delete the names and the postal codes of the cities from
kimagemapeditor - an HTML image map editor for KDE
kinit - acquire initial tickets
kino2raw - output a Kino SMIL as raw DV to stdout
kino - non-linear editing of Digital Video data
kinstaller_client - Applications installer for KDE
kinstaller - Applications installer for KDE
kinstalltheme — KDE Tool to build a cache list of all pixmap themes -
kioclient - Command-line tool for network-transparent operations
kioexec, kfmexec - open remote files, watch modifications, ask for
kio_http_cache_cleaner — KDE HTTP cache maintenance tool -
kio_uiserver — KDE Progress Information UI Server -
kism3d — 802.11 visualizer for s3d -
kismet_drone - Wireless sniffing and monitoring remote drone
kismet - Wireless sniffing and monitoring
kiso - program to create manipulate and extract CD Image
kita2 - 2ch client for KDE
kitpost - posts distribution kits
kitsend - sends distribution kits
kitsune - Program to solve mathematical problems
kitty - a Qt/KDE based RSS podcast and video aggregator
kjscmd - KDE KJSEmbed interpreter
kjs - KDE ECMAScript compatible interpreter
kkbswitch - A keyboard layout indicator for KDE 3.
klamarkollon - Klamav source installation tool
klamav - KDE frontend for ClamAV
klammail - Klamav mail scanner
klatency - Xenomai kernel latency test
klauncher - daemon for service activation in KDE
Klavaro - Flexible touch typing tutor using GTK+2
klcc - compile a program against klibc
kleansweep-helper - Helper for Kleansweep
kleansweep - File cleaner for KDE
Klear - DVB TV viewer and harddisk recorder for KDE
klibido - KDE Linux Binaries Downloader
klick - An advanced metronome for JACK
KLineakConfig - KDE configurator for lineakd
klinkstatus - a web link validity checker for KDE
klist - list Kerberos credentials
klog, klog.krb - Authenticates with the Authentication Server
klog - The KDE Ham Radio Logging program
klogic — building and simulating digital circuits -
klog.krb5 - Authenticates to Kerberos and obtains a token
kloghshow - textfile viewer
klone - KLone swiss army knife
kluppe - loop-player and recorder designed for live use
kmag - Screen magnifier
kmailservice — mail service -
pmchart, kmchart - strip chart tool for Performance Co-Pilot
kmdr2po - create a PO-file from a Kommander dialog
kmdr-editor - editor for the Kommander visual dialog building tool
kmdr-executor - executor for the Kommander visual dialog building tool
kmdr-plugins - plugin manager for the Kommander visual dialog building
kmediafactory - Template based DVD authoring software.
kmess - MSN messenger for KDE
kmflcomp - keyboard mapping for linux compiler
kmhtconvert - mht to war file converter
kmidimon - MIDI monitor using ALSA sequencer and KDE user interface
kmk - framework for writing simple makefiles for complex tasks
kmk - framework for writing simple makefiles for complex tasks
kmk - framework for writing simple makefiles for complex tasks
kmk - framework for writing simple makefiles for complex tasks
kmk - framework for writing simple makefiles for complex tasks
kmk - framework for writing simple makefiles for complex tasks
kmk - framework for writing simple makefiles for complex tasks
kmk - framework for writing simple makefiles for complex tasks
kmk - framework for writing simple makefiles for complex tasks
kmk - framework for writing simple makefiles for complex tasks
kmk - framework for writing simple makefiles for complex tasks
kmk - framework for writing simple makefiles for complex tasks
kmk - framework for writing simple makefiles for complex tasks
kmk - framework for writing simple makefiles for complex tasks
kmk - framework for writing simple makefiles for complex tasks
kmk - framework for writing simple makefiles for complex tasks
kmk - framework for writing simple makefiles for complex tasks
kmk - framework for writing simple makefiles for complex tasks
kmk - framework for writing simple makefiles for complex tasks
kmk - framework for writing simple makefiles for complex tasks
kmk - framework for writing simple makefiles for complex tasks
kmk - framework for writing simple makefiles for complex tasks
kmk - framework for writing simple makefiles for complex tasks
kmk - framework for writing simple makefiles for complex tasks
kmobiletools - A KDE app for manage your mobile phone
kmousetool - Accessibility tool to help click the mouse
kmouth - A type-and-say front end for speech synthesizers
kmplot - mathematical function plotter
kmview - Kernel Mode implementation of View-OS
kmyfirewall - KDE iptables front-end to easily create a "Personal
kmymoney - the personal finances manager for KDE
kmysqladmin - kmysqladmin
KNetDockApp - Network activity monitor applet for KDE
knetstats - network interfaces monitor for KDE’s systray
knewsd - a tiny nntp demon
knews - Karl’s threaded newsreader for X
knife: - Chef server REST API utility
knmap - KDE-based interface to the ‘nmap’ facility.
knn-landscape - Command line interface to knn-landscape in mlpy
knockd - port-knock server
knocker - An easy to use network security port scanner
knock - port-knock client
knoda - knoda is a database frontend for KDE based on the hk_classes
knoda-rt - knoda-rt is the runtime frontend for knoda.
knowit - Tool for managing notes for KDE
knutclient - A KDE GUI that displays UPS statistics from NUT’s upsd
kobby — Collaborative text editing environment. -
kmk - framework for writing simple makefiles for complex tasks
kodos - regular expression designer, tester, debugger, and validator
koi8rxterm - X terminal emulator for KOI8-R environments
kolabadmin - Kolab administration tool
kolabfilter, kolabmailboxfilter - Kolab filters
kolabfilter, kolabmailboxfilter - Kolab filters
komba2 - a KDE machine and share browser for the SMB protocol (samba)
hbibtex, hmakeindex, komkindex(.pl), euc-bookmark(.pl), -
komparator4 - searches and synchronizes two directories.
komparator - searches and synchronizes two directories.
kompare - a KDE GUI for viewing differences between files
kompozer-config - script to get information about the installed version
KompoZer - an HTML editor for X11 derived from the Mozilla composer
KON - Kanji cONsole emulator
konqueror - Web browser, file manager and document viewer.
konwert - interface for various character encoding conversions
kooldock - yyyyylt;centeryyyyygt;yyyyylt;byyyyygt;KoolDockyyyyylt;/byyyyygt;yyyyylt;/centeryyyyygt;A Kool Dock for
kopete_thinklight_fixpermissons -
koverartist - a program for the fast creation of covers for CD/DVD
kover - CD Cover printer
kpac_dhcp_helper - KDE helper program for automatic proxy discovery via
pagsh - creates a new credential cache sandbox
kpasswd - Changes the issuer’s password in the Authentication Database
kpengine - helper program for kanjipad
kphotoalbum — KDE tool for indexing, searching and viewing images by -
kpicosim - IDE and simulator for the Xilinx PicoBlaze-3
kplant - The KDE Plant Catalog Viewer
kplayer - KDE Media Player
kprof - a KDE3 visual tool to help analyze profiling results
kpseaccess - determine whether a file can be accessed
kpsetool - script to make teTeX-style kpsetool, kpsexpand, and kpsepath
kpsereadlink - print contents of symbolic link
kpsestat - compute octal mode from mode of existing file
kpsetool - script to make teTeX-style kpsetool, kpsexpand, and kpsepath
kpsewhere - Expanding kpsewhich to separately iterate over each texmf
kpsewhich - standalone path lookup and and expansion for kpathsea
kpsetool - script to make teTeX-style kpsetool, kpsexpand, and kpsepath
kradio - KRadio
kradioripper - A program for recording audio streams.
kraft - Business documents for the small enterprise
why - A multi-language multi-prover verification tool
krb5-auth-dialog - Kerberos 5 credential checking
krb5-auth-dialog-preferences - krb5-auth-dialog preferences
krb5-config - give information on how to link code against Heimdal
ftp - ARPANET file transfer program
rcp - remote file copy
rlogin - remote login
rsh - remote shell
rcp - copy file to and from remote machines
krecipes - The KDE Cookbook
kredentials - KDE system tray applet to monitor and update
krenew - Renew a Kerberos v5 ticket
krootimage - set desktop background for kdm
kross - KDE application to run kross scripts.
rsh - remote shell
krubyapplication - a KDE ruby application loader
krxvt, crxvt, grxvt - a multi-lingual VT102 emulator for the X window
ksba-config - print libksba library configuration information
KSED - a safe to put your passwords in
kseg - explore Euclidean geometry
ksendbugemail — Sends a short bug report to -
ksensors - lm-sensors frontend for KDE
ksflatten - take a kickstart config to write out a flattened config
ksh, ksh93 - KornShell, a command and programming language
kdeinit_wrapper, kshell, kwrapper - start applications via kdeinit
kshutdown - A Shut Down Utility for KDE
KSimus - KDE tool for technical processes management
ksociograma — technical educational software to make sociograms -
ksshaskpass - prompts a user for a passphrase using KDE
kstartupconfig, kdostartupconfig - KDE configuration options loader
kstats - show statistical FMS algorithm votes for an ivs dump and a
kstcmd - a command line client for kst
kst - A plotting and data viewing program
kstreamripper - kde frontend for streamripper
su - substitute user identity
ksvalidator - validate a kickstart configuration
ksverdiff - spot the differences between two syntax versions
ksvgtopng - svg to png filter
ktechlab - An IDE for microcontrollers and electronics
telnet - user interface to the TELNET protocol
ktelnetservice — telnet service -
ktoblzcheck - Check Account and BLZ (bank routing code)
ktoon -- 2D animation toolkit -
ktorrent - a BitTorrent program for KDE.
ktouch - a typing tutor for KDE
ktradertest - A KTrader testing tool
ktranslator - translate words from one language to another
ktsuss - GTK+ wrapper around su
kupnptest - KTorrent's UPnP test application.
ktutil - Kerberos keytab file maintenance utility
kuipc - the CERN KUIP compiler
kuiviewer - a viewer for Qt Designer user interface files
kunittestmodrunner - a KDE command-line application to run KUnitTest
kupfer - Convenient command and access tool for applications and
kupfer - Convenient command and access tool for applications and
kuvert - Automatically sign and/or encrypt emails based on the
kuvert_submit - MTA wrapper for mail submission to kuvert(1)
k4vlsetup - setup grabbing card
KVIrc - an Internet Relay Chat client.
KVIrc - an Internet Relay Chat client.
kvkbd - A virtual keyboard for KDE
kvkcard - a commandline tool to read information from a German medical
qemu-doc - QEMU Emulator User Documentation
qemu-img - QEMU disk image utility
kvm-ok - determine if this system is capable of running hardware
kvno - print key version numbers of Kerberos principals
kvpm - LVM Frontend for KDE
kvpnc - KDE frontend for various vpn clients
kwalify - Tiny schema validator for YAML and JSON
kwalletaskpass - kwallet-based pass-phrase dialog for use with OpenSSH
kwalletcli_getpin - command line interface to pinentry
kwalletcli - command line interface to the KDE Wallet
kwavecontrol - monitor wireless link status
kwave - A sound editor for KDE
kwProcessXML - kwProcessXML
kdeinit_wrapper, kshell, kwrapper - start applications via kdeinit
KWStyle - Style checker for source code
cwterm - lightweight terminal emulator with Chinese character support
kx - securely forward X conections
kxmame - A KDE frontend for xmame emulator
kxsldbg - a graphical XSLT debugger for KDE
kxterm - the CERN KUIP terminal emulator
kyamo - a music organizer for KDE
kzenexplorer - KZenExplorer is a playlist and track manager
l7-filter - classifies packets by their application layer data
label3d - process a Raster3D scene containing labels
LabelClustersUniquely - part of ANTS registration suite
labelg - Canonically label a file of graphs.
LabelOverlapMeasures - part of ANTS registration suite
lablgl - OCaml toplevel with labgl support.
lablgl - OCaml toplevel with labgl support.
LabPlot - data plotting and function analysis tool for KDE
LabPlot - data plotting and function analysis tool for KDE
labrea - Honeypot for incoming IP connection attempts
lacheck - A consistency checker for LaTeX documents.
ladccad, ladcca_control, ladcca_gtk_client, ladcca_save_button, -
ladccad, ladcca_control, ladcca_gtk_client, ladcca_save_button, -
ladccad, ladcca_control, ladcca_gtk_client, ladcca_save_button, -
ladccad, ladcca_control, ladcca_gtk_client, ladcca_save_button, -
ladccad, ladcca_control, ladcca_gtk_client, ladcca_save_button, -
ladccad, ladcca_control, ladcca_gtk_client, ladcca_save_button, -
ladccad, ladcca_control, ladcca_gtk_client, ladcca_save_button, -
sgbdemos - Examples of the use of The Stanford GraphBase
ladr4-apps - undocumented LADR4 applications
ladr4-apps - undocumented LADR4 applications
lamboot - Start a LAM multicomputer.
lamclean - Attempt to clean entire LAM system.
LAM - introduction to Local Area Multicomputer (LAM)
aleph - extended unicode TeX
lame - create mp3 audio files
lamexec - Run non-MPI programs on LAM nodes.
lamgrow - Extend a LAM multicomputer.
lamhalt - manual page for lamhalt 7.1.2
laminfo - Display configuration information about LAM/MPI
lamnodes - manual page for lamnodes 7.1.2
lampcolor - compute spectral radiance for diffuse emitter
lamshrink - Shrink a LAM universe.
Lamson - Lamson is a modern Pythonic mail server built like a web
lamtrace - Unload LAM trace data.
lamwipe - Shutdown LAM.
langdrill - simple program to test your vocabulary in foreign languages
langupdate - An apt frontend for the Emdebian implementation of 'tdebs'
LaplacianThickness - part of ANTS registration suite
lash-examples - The Linux Audio Session Handler example clients
lashd - The Linux Audio Session Handler
lash-examples - The Linux Audio Session Handler example clients
lash-examples - The Linux Audio Session Handler example clients
lash-examples - The Linux Audio Session Handler example clients
lash-examples - The Linux Audio Session Handler example clients
lash-examples - The Linux Audio Session Handler example clients
lash-examples - The Linux Audio Session Handler example clients
lash-examples - The Linux Audio Session Handler example clients
lash_wrap - a small LASH wrapper for non-LASH apps
lastal - genome-scale comparison of biological sequences
last, lastb - show listing of last logged in users
mbfind, mbget, mbsubmit - interface to the MusicBrainz database
lastcomm - print out information about previously executed commands.
lastdb - genome-scale comparison of biological sequences - make a dotplot, a.k.a. Oxford Grid, of alignments in
lastfm - Audio player for streams
lastfmsubmitd, lastfmsubmit - submission daemon and helper
lastfmsubmitd, lastfmsubmit - submission daemon and helper
last, lastb - show listing of last logged in users - Add extra column with mapping probabilities
lastmp, lastcd - clients for lastfmsubmitd - Clean up MAF-format alignments
lastrelease - print information about last release of a system managed - Remove MAF-format alignments which are
latency - Xenomai timer latency benchmark
latex209 - structured text formatting and typesetting
latex2gif, ps2png - Convert LaTeX files to bit map images
latex2html - translate LaTeX files to HTML (HyperText Markup Language)
latex2rtf - Convert a LaTeX file to a PNG image
latex2rtf - Convert a LaTeX file to an RTF file
latexdiff-vc - wrapper script that calls latexdiff for different
latexdiff - determine and markup differences between two latex files
latexdiff - determine and markup differences between two latex files
latexdiff-vc - wrapper script that calls latexdiff for different
latexdiff-vc - wrapper script that calls latexdiff for different
latexdiff-vc - wrapper script that calls latexdiff for different
latexdraw - vector drawing program for LaTeX using PSTricks
latex, elatex, lambda, pdflatex - structured text formatting and
latexila - LaTeX editor for the GNOME desktop
latex-mk - automate compilation of LaTeX files.
latexrevise - selectively remove markup and text from latexdiff output
ladr4-apps - undocumented LADR4 applications
lat - LDAP Administration Tool
LaTrine - drill yourself in language vocabulary
lattice - linked rings.
launchtool - run a command supervising its execution.
lav2mpeg - easy conversion of lav files to mpeg
lav2wav - Extract the audio out of MJPEG container files to stdout
lav2yuv - Convert a MJPEG file to raw yuv
lavadecode - Decode a LAVAFLOW stream into human readable form.
lavaps -- a lava lamp of currently running processes -
lavpipe - creates raw YUV streams from pipe list scripts
lavplay - Playback and edit MJPEG video
lavrec - Record MJPEG-video from a zoran/video4linux-device
lavtrans - Convert MJPEG videos to other MJPEG video formats
lazarus - create structure from unstructured data
Lazarus - is a Rapid Application Development (RAD) for the Free Pascal
lazbuild - The Lazarus project and package build program.
lazres - The Lazarus resource builder.
lazygal - static web gallery generator
lbcdclient - Query a remote lbcd daemon for system load
lbdb_dotlock - Lock mail spool files.
lbdb-fetchaddr - grab addresses from mails add append them to lbdb
lbdbq - query program for the little brother’s database
lbmount -- mount ltspfs based filesystems to a user owned subdir in -
lbt - LTL to Büchi Translator
lbt - LTL to Büchi Translator
lbx_devonly - manual page for lbx_devonly 2.1.0
lbzip2 - parallel bzip2 utility
lcab - create cabinet (.cab) archives
lcalc - program for calculating with L-functions
lcdexec - LCDproc client to execute commands from the LCDd menu
gps, xgps, xgpsspeed, cgps, lcdgps - test clients for gpsd - client for LCDd, the lcdproc server - client for LCDd, the lcdproc server - client for LCDd, the lcdproc server
lcdproc - system status information client
lcdvc - LCDproc virtual console
lcf - Determine which of the historical versions of a config is
lchfn - Change finger information
lchsh - Change login shell
lc - Mono License Compiler
lckdo - run a program with a lock held
lcov - a graphical GCOV front-end
lcp - Secure remote file copy
lctl - Low level Lustre filesystem configuration utility
ld86 - Linker for as86(1)
lda-desktop-entry-editor - A desktop entry editor for libdesktop-
ldap2dns - LDAP based DNS management system
ldap2dns - LDAP based DNS management system
ldap2fai - read FAI config from LDAP and create config space.
ldap2tinydns-conf - part of the ldap2dns DNS management system
ldap2zone - convert zones saved inside the LDAP to bind9 zone files
ldapaddgroup - adds a POSIX group entry to LDAP.
ldapmodify, ldapadd - LDAP modify entry and LDAP add entry tools
ldapaddmachine - adds a POSIX machine (user$) account to LDAP.
ldapadduser - adds a POSIX user account to LDAP.
ldapaddusertogroup - adds a memberUid attribute to a POSIX group in
ldapcompare - LDAP compare tool
ldapdeletegroup - deletes a POSIX group account from LDAP.
ldapdelete - LDAP delete entry tool
ldapdeletemachine - deletes a POSIX machine (user$) account from LDAP.
ldapdeleteuserfromgroup - deletes a memberUid attribute from a POSIX
ldapdeleteuser - deletes a POSIX user account from LDAP.
ldapdiff - Tool to synchronize ldap servers using ldif formatted input
ldapfinger - displays a user/machine/group POSIX account's details.
ldapgid - displays a group's list of IDs the way ldapid(1) does.
ldapid - displays a user's list of IDs the way 'id' does.
ldapinit - initializes the LDAP directory with a minimal tree.
ldapmodifygroup - modifies a POSIX group account in LDAP interactively
ldapmodify, ldapadd - LDAP modify entry and LDAP add entry tools
ldapmodifymachine - modifies a POSIX machine account in LDAP
ldapmodifyuser - modifies a POSIX user account in LDAP interactively
ldapmodrdn - LDAP rename entry tool
ldappasswd - change the password of an LDAP entry
ldaprenamegroup - renames a POSIX group in LDAP.
ldaprenamemachine - renames a POSIX machine account in LDAP.
_ldaprenameuser - renames a POSIX user account in LDAP.
ldapsearch - LDAP search tool
ldapsetpasswd - modifies a POSIX user account's password in LDAP.
ldapsetprimarygroup - modifies the gidNumber of a POSIX user or machine
ldaptor-fetchschema - command line LDAP schema fetcher
ldaptor-find-server - find LDAP servers for a given list of
ldaptor-getfreenumber - get the first free uidNumber from an LDAP
ldaptor-ldap2dhcpconf - LDAPtor dhcpd config file exporter
ldaptor-ldap2dnszones - LDAPtor DNS zone file exporter
ldaptor-ldap2maradns - LDAPtor maradns zone file exporter
ldaptor-ldap2passwd - export user account data from LDAP to passwd
ldaptor-ldap2pdns - LDAPtor DNS pipe backend
ldaptor-namingcontexts - get the LDAP naming contexts of an LDAP server
ldaptor-passwd - set a new LDAP password
ldaptor-rename - LDAPtor object rename utility.
ldaptor-search - search LDAP entries
ldaptor-webui - web based user interface for ldaptor
ldapurl - LDAP URL formatting tool
ldapvi - LDAP client
ldapwhoami - LDAP who am i? tool
lda-schema-to-gconf - A script which converts keyfile-based schemas
ldbadd - Command-line utility for adding records to an LDB
ldbash - Dynamic loader for libbash(7) libraries.
ldbdel - Command-line program for deleting LDB records
ldbedit - Edit LDB databases using your preferred editor
ld - The GNU linker
ldbmodify - Modify records in a LDB database
ldbrename - Edit LDB databases using your favorite editor
ldbsearch - Search for records in a LDB database
LDC - manual page for the LLVM D Compiler
ldd - print shared library dependencies
ld - The GNU linker
LDMD - manual page for LLVM D Compiler
ldm-dialog -- simple dialog implementation for ldm -
ldm - a display manager for LTSP
ldns-chaos - give some information about a nameserver
ldns-compare-zones - read and compare two zonefiles and print
ldnsd - simple daemon example code
dpa - DNS Packet Analyzer. Analyze DNS packets in ip trace files
ldns-key2ds - transform a DNSKEY RR to a DS RR
ldns-keyfetcher - retrieve the DNSSEC DNSKEYs for a zone
ldns-keygen - generate a DNSSEC key pair
ldns-mx - print out the mx record(s) for a domain
ldns-notify - notify DNS servers that updates are available
ldns-nsec3-hash - print out the NSEC3 hash for a domain name
ldns-read-zone - read a zonefile and print it
ldns-resolver - tries to create a resolver from a resolv.conf file.
ldns-revoke - sets the revoke bit of a DNSKEY
ldns-rrsig - print out the inception and expiration dates in human
ldns-signzone - sign a zonefile with DNSSEC data
ldns-testns - simple fake nameserver tool
ldns-update - send a dynamic update packet
ldns-verify-zone - read a DNSSEC signed zone and verify it.
ldns-version - print out the version of the ldns-library and tools on
ldns-walk - Retrieve the contents of a DNSSEC signed zone
ldns-zcat - reunite (z)split up a zone files
ldns-zsplit - split up a zone file
ldo65 - linker for o65 object files
ldplayer - MAME laserdisc image player
ldrdf - link RDOFF objects and libraries produced by rdflib(1)
ldtp - Linux Desktop Testing Project Engine
ldverify - MAME laserdisc data checker
leaf - Lightweight Editor of Ascii(and more) Files
leafnode-version - print the leafnode version
leafpad - GTK+ based simple text editor
leaftoppm - convert Interleaf image format to a portable anymap
LeakTracer - a memory-usage debugger for C++ programs
LeakTracer - a memory-usage debugger for C++ programs
LeakTracer - a memory-usage debugger for C++ programs
learnkeys - config file generator
leave - remind you when you have to leave
ledcontrol - set LED states
ledger - command-line accounting
ledit - line editor, version 2.01-exp
lefty - A Programmable Graphics Editor
legotags - creates Proof General tags for Lego theories.
le - full screen text editor
lekhonee - Wordpress blogging client
lemon - The Lemon Parser Generator
lessecho - expand metacharacters
lessfile, lesspipe - "input preprocessor" for less.
less - opposite of more
lesskey - specify key bindings for less
lessfile, lesspipe - "input preprocessor" for less.
levee - A Screen Oriented Editor.
levtool-1.4 — Crystalspace tool -
levtool — Crystalspace tool -
sloccount - count source lines of code (SLOC)
*_count - count physical lines of code, in each input file
lexgrog - parse header information in man pages
flex - the fast lexical analyser generator
lexi - lexical analyser tool
lfc-chgrp - change group ownership of a LFC directory/file in the name
lfc-chmod - change access mode of a LFC directory/file in the name
lfc-chown - change owner and group of a LFC directory/file in the name
lfc-delcomment - delete the comment associated with a file/directory
lfc-dli-client - lists the replicas for a given LFN, GUID via the DLI
lfc-entergrpmap - define a new group entry in Virtual Id table
lfc-enterusrmap - define a new user entry in Virtual Id table
lfc-getacl - get LFC directory/file access control lists
lfc-listgrpmap - query about a given group or list all existing groups
lfc-listusrmap - query about a given user or list all existing users in
lfc-ln - make a symbolic link to a file or a directory in the LFC Name
lfc-ls - list LFC name server directory/file entries
lfc-mkdir - make LFC directory in the name server
lfc-modifygrpmap - modify group entry corresponding to a given virtual
lfc-modifyusrmap - modify user entry corresponding to a given virtual
lfc-ping - check if name server is alive and print its version number
lfc-rename - rename a LFC file or directory in the name server
lfc-rmgrpmap - suppress group entry corresponding to a given virtual
lfc-rm - remove LFC files or directories in the name server
lfc-rmusrmap - suppress user entry corresponding to a given virtual uid
lfc-setacl - set LFC directory/file access control lists
lfc-setcomment - add/replace a comment associated with a file/directory
lfhex - Large File Hex Editor
lfm - a simple but powerful file manager for the UNIX console
traceroute - print the route packets trace to network host
lftpget - get a file with lftp(1)
lftp - Sophisticated file transfer program
lg_intro - introduction to the looking glass
lgp - simulate a LGP 30 computer
lv - a Powerful Multilingual File Viewer / Grep
lgrind - grind nice program listings using LaTeX
LHa - LZH un-archiver
lh binary_checksums - Complete the binary stage
lh binary_chroot - Complete the binary stage
lh binary_debian-installer - Complete the binary stage
lh binary_disk - Complete the binary stage
lh binary_encryption - Complete the binary stage
lh binary_grub2 - Complete the binary stage
lh binary_grub - Complete the binary stage
lh binary - Complete the binary stage
lh binary_includes - Complete the binary stage
lh binary_iso - Complete the binary stage
lh binary_linux-image - Complete the binary stage
lh binary_local-hooks - Complete the binary stage
lh binary_local-includes - Complete the binary stage
lh binary_local-packageslists - Complete the binary stage
lh binary_manifest - Complete the binary stage
lh binary_memtest - Complete the binary stage
lh binary_net - Complete the binary stage
lh binary_rootfs - Complete the binary stage
lh binary_silo - Complete the binary stage
lh binary_syslinux - Complete the binary stage
lh binary_tar - Complete the binary stage
lh binary_usb - Complete the binary stage
lh binary_virtual-hdd - Complete the binary stage
lh binary_win32-loader - Complete the binary stage
lh binary_yaboot - Complete the binary stage
lh bootstrap_cache - Complete the bootstrap stage
lh bootstrap_cdebootstrap - Complete the bootstrap stage
lh bootstrap_copy - Complete the bootstrap stage
lh bootstrap_debootstrap - Complete the bootstrap stage
lh bootstrap - Complete the bootstrap stage
lh build - Complete the bootstrap, chroot, binary, and source stages
lh chroot_apt - Complete the chroot stage
lh chroot_cache - Complete the chroot stage
lh chroot_debianchroot - Complete the chroot stage
lh chroot_devpts - Complete the chroot stage
lh chroot_dpkg - Complete the chroot stage
lh chroot_hacks - Complete the chroot stage
lh chroot_hooks - Complete the chroot stage
lh chroot_hostname - Complete the chroot stage
lh chroot_hosts - Complete the chroot stage
lh chroot - Complete the chroot stage
lh chroot_install-packages - Complete the chroot stage
lh chroot_interactive - Complete the chroot stage
lh chroot_linux-image - Complete the chroot stage
lh chroot_local-hooks - Complete the chroot stage
lh chroot_local-includes - Complete the chroot stage
lh chroot_localization - Complete the chroot stage
lh chroot_local-packages - Complete the chroot stage
lh chroot_local-packageslists - Complete the chroot stage
lh chroot_local-patches - Complete the chroot stage
lh chroot_local-preseed - Complete the chroot stage
lh chroot_packages - Complete the chroot stage
lh chroot_packageslists - Complete the chroot stage
lh chroot_preseed - Complete the chroot stage
lh chroot_proc - Complete the chroot stage
lh chroot_resolv - Complete the chroot stage
lh chroot_selinuxfs - Complete the chroot stage
lh chroot_sources - Complete the chroot stage
lh chroot_symlinks - Complete the chroot stage
lh chroot_sysfs - Complete the chroot stage
lh chroot_sysvinit - Complete the chroot stage
lh chroot_sysv-rc - Complete the chroot stage
lh chroot_tasks - Complete the chroot stage
lh chroot_upstart - Complete the chroot stage
lh clean - Clean build directory
lh config - Create config directory
lh - wrapper for live-helper programs
lh local - wrapper for local live-helper programs
lhs2TeX - a literate Haskell to (La)TeX code translator
lh source_checksums - Complete the source stage
lh source_debian - Complete the source stage
lh source_debian-live - Complete the source stage
lh source_disk - Complete the source stage
lh source - Complete the source stage
lh source_iso - Complete the source stage
lh source_net - Complete the source stage
lh source_tar - Complete the source stage
lh source_usb - Complete the source stage
lh source_virtual-hdd - Complete the source stage
lh testroot - Ensure that a system is built as root
lib3ds-config - script to get information about the installed version
libart2-config - script to get information about the installed version
libassuan-config - libassuan build information script
x{s,d,c,z}c?blat{1,2,3} - testing programs for blas
libcdaudio-config - script to get information about the installed
libdecodeqr-simpletest - libdecodeqr library's simple test program
libdecodeqr-webcam - libdecodeqr library's simple test program
libecasoundc-config - get information about installed ecasoundc library
libecasound-config - get information about installed ecasound library
libesmtp-config - script to get information about the installed version
libetpan-config - get information about the installed version of
libftdi-config - script to get information about the installed version
libfwbuilder-config-2.1 - script to get information about the installed
libgcrypt-config - script to get information about the installed
libgd-tools - programs to convert between gd and other graphics formats
libglade-convert - Utility to convert old .glade files into new ones.
libgraphviz4-config-update - maintain libgraphviz’s configuration file
libhid-detach-device - simple tool to take away control over a HID from
libIDL-config-2 - helper script for building with libIDL-2
libifstat-config - get information about the installed version of
xeigtstc, xeigtstd, xeigtsts, xeigtstz, xlintstc, xlintstd, xlintsts, -
libmcrypt-config - script to get information about the installed
libmikmod-config - script to get information about the installed
libming-util — Utilities for libming, a library to generate SWF (Flash) -
libnetcfg - configure libnet
libnet-config - Get information about a libnet installation
libnfo-reader - an utility to read NFO files which uses libnfo
nifti - IO libraries and tools for the NIFTI-1 data format
libnovaconfig - config helper for libnova development
libocc-config - OpenC++ libraries and headers retrieval.
libopenvas-config - displays compiler/linker flags for the OpenVAS
libplayer-regtest - a regression test utility for libplayer
libplayer-test - a test media player utility which uses libplayer
libplayer-testvdr - an utility to test the vdr-xine libplayer interface
libpng12-config - get information about installed libpng library
libpng12-config - get information about installed libpng library
LibraryLocal - A program to get version numbers from DLL files for use
libsmi2pysnmp - libsmi-to-pysnmp MIB converter
libtool - Provide generalized library-building support services.
libtoolize - add libtool support to your package
libusb-config - script to get information about the installed version
libvalhalla-test - a test media indexing utility which uses libvalhalla
libvirt-migrate-qemu-disks - program for migrating pre-0.8.3 domain
libvncserver-config - Get information about a libvncserver installation
licensecheck - simple license checker for source files
license - program to specify and modify media file licenses
licq - ICQ client
lid - Query ID database and report results
LiE - A computer algebra package for Lie group computations
lifeograph - private digital diary
Liferea - RSS/RDF and Atom news aggregator
Liferea - RSS/RDF and Atom news aggregator
light_correct - correct illumination errors on set of images
lighter2-1.4 — Crystalspace tool -
lighter2 — Crystalspace tool -
lightningize - library to aid in making portable programs
lightspeed - Shows how objects moving at speeds near the speed of light
lighty-enable-mod, lighty-disable-mod - enable or disable configuration
lighty-enable-mod, lighty-disable-mod - enable or disable configuration
lighty-enable-mod, lighty-disable-mod - enable or disable configuration
lighty-enable-mod, lighty-disable-mod - enable or disable configuration
liguidsoap - Control GUI for liquidsoap
limo - LIst files with Many Options
lilymidi - manual page for lilymidi 2.12.3
lilypond-book - manual page for lilypond-book 2.12.3
LilyPond - manual page for LilyPond 2.12.3
lilypond-invoke-editor - manual page for lilypond-invoke-editor 2.12.3
lilysong - manual page for lilysong 2.12.3
limo - LIst files with Many Options
styx — A combined parser and scanner generator -
linbox-config - tool for linking against LinBox
linc-cleanup-sockets - removes leftover ORBit files from /tmp
lincredits - generate beautified versions of the Linux CREDITS file
lineak_defaultplugin - Macro plugin for the lineakd daemon
lineakd - GUI configurable support for multimedia keyboards
lineak_kdeplugins - Macro plugin for the lineakd daemon
lineak_xosdplugin - On Screen Display plugin for the lineakd daemon
line - read one line
lingot - accurate and easy to use musical instrument tuner
linguist - Translation tool for Qt.
linguist-qt4 - translation tool for Qt4.
linkchecker-gui - GUI client to check links of websites and HTML
linkchecker - check HTML documents and websites for broken links
ASLINK - companion linker for the ASxxxx assemblers.
ASLINK - companion linker for the ASxxxx assemblers.
link - call the link function to create a link to a file
Linklint - fast link checker and website maintenance tool
linkmap - calculates location scores of one locus against a fixed map
link-parser - parses natural language sentences
links - lynx-like alternative character mode WWW browser
links - lynx-like alternative character mode WWW browser
ASLINK - companion linker for the ASxxxx assemblers.
linogram - Linogram gribddisplay for CTSIM
linphonec - Console interface of linphone, a SIP compatible internet
linphonecsh - Sends a command to a linphonec running in daemon mode,
linpsk - amateur radio PSK31/RTTY program via soundcard
mafft - Multiple alignment program for amino acid or nucleotide
linsmith - Smith charting program, designed for educational use.
lintian - Debian package checker
lintian-info - give detailed information about Lintian's error tags
pvf tools - utilities to convert various sound formats
linux2acl - convert linux groups and rights to RSBAC ACL groups and
linuxdcpp - Linux port of DC++
linuxdoc - LinuxDoc DTD SGML converter to other output format
linuxinfo - displays system information about system.
linux_logo - Color ANSI penguin logo w/ system information.
linux_logo - Color ANSI penguin logo w/ system information.
linux -- User-mode Linux -
linuxvnc - export a tty to any VNC client
linux-wlan-ng-build-firmware-deb - Builds a deb package with firmware
lipsia - Leipzig Image Processing and Statistical Inference Algorithms
lipsia - Leipzig Image Processing and Statistical Inference Algorithms
liq-contrib - contributed scripts for the liquidsoap audio streaming
liq-contrib - contributed scripts for the liquidsoap audio streaming
liquidsoap - programmable audio stream generator
lircrcd - daemon to handle consistent .lircrc state among client
lire - Lire interface
lisaac - lisaac compiler
generic_count - count physical lines of code, given a comment marker
lispmtopgm - convert a Lisp Machine bitmap file into pgm format
libming-util — Utilities for libming, a library to generate SWF (Flash) -
libming-util — Utilities for libming, a library to generate SWF (Flash) -
listadmin - process messages held by Mailman for approval
list_audio_tracks is an alias for icedax. -
ListDBus — List the names on a DBus -
list-desktop-profiles - list known profiles that meet given criteria
listen - music player
listg - Write graphs in human-readable format.
listplugins - list available LADSPA plugins
listres - list resources in widgets
libming-util — Utilities for libming, a library to generate SWF (Flash) -
libming-util — Utilities for libming, a library to generate SWF (Flash) -
trash - Command line trash utility.
list-unreleased - display UNRELEASED packages
lit - LLVM Integrated Tester
lit - LLVM Integrated Tester
lit2epub - simple LIT to EPub conversion
literki - on-screen keyboard
lit - LLVM Integrated Tester
lit-meta - read and write metadata from a LIT ebook file
littcvt - magtape conversion utility
littlewizard - development environment for children
littlewizard - development environment for children
live-magic - GUI configuration utility for creating Debian Live
livemix — live mixer table -
avi_encoder - Video encoder as part of LiVES
lives_dirac_encoder - Video encoder as part of LiVES
gif_encoder - Video encoder as part of LiVES
LiVES - LiVES is a Video Editing System
mkv_encoder - Video encoder as part of LiVES
mng_encoder - Video encoder as part of LiVES
mpeg_encoder - Video encoder as part of LiVES
live-snapshot - a simple script to ease persistence usage
ogm_encoder - Video encoder as part of LiVES
theora_encoder - Video encoder as part of LiVES
livesys - Reports the configured CPU/operating system type
liwc - collection of programs to manipulate C source code
lkbib - search bibliographic databases
ll2utm - Convert latitude/longitude geographical coordinates to UTM
llc - LLVM static compiler
llc - LLVM static compiler
llc - LLVM static compiler
lletters - linux letters and games for young kids
llexec - lifelines report processor
llgal - On-line gallery generator
lli - directly execute programs from LLVM bitcode
lli - directly execute programs from LLVM bitcode
lli - directly execute programs from LLVM bitcode
llines - LifeLines genealogy program
llk_linux - a mahjongg-like game written in GTK
llogin - Connect to a LAT service
llsearch - Search a GNIS file for place names within a given block of
lltag - tag and rename mp3/ogg/flac music files automagically
llt - list create, access and modification times of files
llvm-ar - LLVM archiver
llvm-ar - LLVM archiver
llvm-ar - LLVM archiver
llvm-as - LLVM assembler
llvm-as - LLVM assembler
llvm-as - LLVM assembler
llvm-bcanalyzer - LLVM bitcode analyzer
llvm-bcanalyzer - LLVM bitcode analyzer
llvm-bcanalyzer - LLVM bitcode analyzer
llvmc - The LLVM Compiler Driver (WIP)
llvmc - The LLVM Compiler Driver (WIP)
llvmc - The LLVM Compiler Driver (WIP)
clang - the Clang C and Objective-C compiler
llvm-config - Print LLVM compilation options
llvm-config - Print LLVM compilation options
llvm-config - Print LLVM compilation options
llvm-dis - LLVM disassembler
llvm-dis - LLVM disassembler
llvm-dis - LLVM disassembler
llvm-extract - extract a function from an LLVM module
llvm-extract - extract a function from an LLVM module
llvm-extract - extract a function from an LLVM module
llvm-gcc - LLVM C front-end
llvm-gcc - LLVM C front-end
llvm-gcc - LLVM C front-end
llvm-g++ - LLVM C++ front-end
llvm-g++ - LLVM C++ front-end
llvm-g++ - LLVM C++ front-end
llvm-ld - LLVM linker
llvm-ld - LLVM linker
llvm-ld - LLVM linker
llvm-link - LLVM linker
llvm-link - LLVM linker
llvm-link - LLVM linker
llvm-nm - list LLVM bitcode file's symbol table
llvm-nm - list LLVM bitcode file's symbol table
llvm-nm - list LLVM bitcode file's symbol table
llvm-prof - print execution profile of LLVM program
llvm-prof - print execution profile of LLVM program
llvm-prof - print execution profile of LLVM program
llvm-ranlib - Generate index for LLVM archive
llvm-ranlib - Generate index for LLVM archive
llvm-ranlib - Generate index for LLVM archive
lmbench-run — run a benchmarking suite for UNIX systems -
lmms - software for easy music production
lmove - move articles into /news/group/number directories
lmtptest - interactive LMTP test program
lndir - create a shadow directory of symbolic links to another
lneato - A Customizable Graph Editor
ln - make links between files
lnpdll - BrickOS RCX downloader communicating through the LNP Daemon
lnpdllx - BrickOS RCX downloader communicating through the LNP Daemon
lnptest2 - LNP Client Test Application #2 (shorter test)
lnptest - LNP Client Test Application
lnusertemp — tool to create KDE resources and symlinks to them -
lo10k1 - emu10k1(emu10k2) patch loader client
ctn_manpage - Generic CTN manual page
loaderinfo - report SCSI tape device info
loadkeys - load keyboard translation tables
loadmeter - System load/resource monitor for X
loadwatch - run a program when machine is idle
loadxsil - load simulation data into matlab
localedef - compile locale definition files
locale - Get locale-specific information.
localinfo - list local network addresses
locate - list files in databases that match a pattern
loch -- Therion model viewer -
locker - locks a file
lockfile-progs - command-line programs to safely lock and unlock files
lockfile-progs - command-line programs to safely lock and unlock files
lockfile - conditional semaphore-file creator
lockfile-progs - command-line programs to safely lock and unlock files
lockfile-progs - command-line programs to safely lock and unlock files
lockfile-progs - command-line programs to safely lock and unlock files
lock-keys-applet - A keyboard lock keys applet for the GNOME2 panel.
lockmail - create mail lock files
lockmail - create mail lock files
lockout - avoid slacking and impose productivity and discipline on
locktest - Find differences in locking between two SMB servers
loco - colorize /var/log/messages for easy reading
lodscore - compares likelihoods at locally optimal theta
log2ndo - Sends the contents of an archived Nagios or NetSaint log
log_analysis - Analyze various system logs
logapp - An application output supervisor.
logcheck-test - test new logcheck rules easily
logapp - An application output supervisor.
logfetch - Xymon client data collector
LoggedFS - Filesystem monitoring with Fuse
logger - a shell command interface to the syslog(3) system log module
login - begin session on the system
Logitech - utility to set parameters for certain Logitech mice
logjam - GTK+ client for LiveJournal
logapp - An application output supervisor.
logname - print user´s login name
ucblogo - a dialect of lisp using turtle graphics famous for teaching
logprn - merge Common-Log Format web logs based on time-stamps
BusyBox - The Swiss Army Knife of Embedded Linux
logresolve - Resolve IP-addresses to hostnames in Apache log files
Logstalgia - a web server access log visualization tool
logapp - An application output supervisor.
logtool - parse and filter syslog files
loki - Reversible jump MCMC linkage analysis in general pedigrees
loki - Reversible jump MCMC linkage analysis in general pedigrees
loki - Reversible jump MCMC linkage analysis in general pedigrees
loki - Reversible jump MCMC linkage analysis in general pedigrees
loki - Reversible jump MCMC linkage analysis in general pedigrees
loki - Reversible jump MCMC linkage analysis in general pedigrees
lomoco - Logitech Mouse Control for USB Mice
londiste - PostgreSQL replication engine written in python
longomatch - the Digital Coach
longrun - Transmeta(TM) Crusoe(TM) LongRun(TM) utility
lookamb - examine ambient file values
lookbib - search bibliographic databases
look - display lines beginning with a given string
lookup - interactive file search and display
lookupservice - Server program to serve messages over XML-RPC
loop-aes-keygen - Create loop-AES keys
ladr4-apps - undocumented LADR4 applications
lorder - list dependencies for object files
lore - convert documentations formats
loremipsumize - Lorem-ipsumize a LyX document
lorenz - Lorenz Attractor.
LostIRC - A simple IRC client for X11.
lottanzb - Automated Usenet Client
lou_allround - Test every capability of the liblouis library
lou_checkhyphens - Check the accuracy of hyphenation in liblouis
lou_checktable - Test a liblouis Braille translation table
lou_debug - A debugger for liblouis Braille translation tables
lout - prepare Lout document for printing
lou_translate - A Braille translator for large scale testing of
love - 2D game development framework
lp5250d - start an AS/400 printer session
lpanal - Performs both linear predictive and pitch-tracking analysis on
lpbanner, pclbanner, psbanner - printer banners in text, PCL and
lp-branch-select - Gnome tool, selecting a bzr branch in a launchpad
lpe - Lightweight programmer’s editor
lpf - general printer filter
lp-groundcontrol - Gnome tool, configures launchpad for the desktop.
lp - print files
lpoptions - display or set printer options and defaults
lpost - post articles to local server using rnews.
lppasswd - add, change, or delete digest passwords.
lp-project-search - Gnome tool for selecting a launchpad project from a
lp-project-upload - Upload a release tarball to a Launchpad project.
lpq - show printer queue status
lprdvi - send output of dvi2ps to a printer.
lpr - print files
cancel - cancel jobs
lprng_certs - lprng SSL certificate management
lprng_index_certs - lprng SSL certificate management
lprof - Little CMS Hardware Color Profiler.
lps2lts - generate an LTS from an LPS
lps2pbes - generate a PBES from an LPS and a state formula
lps2torx - provide TorX explorer interface to an LPS
lpsactionrename - rename actions of an LPS
lpsbinary - replace finite sort variables by vectors of boolean
lpsconfcheck - mark confluent tau-summands of an LPS
lpsconstelm - removes constant parameters from an LPS
lp-set-up - mark one or more bugs as duplicate of another bug
lp-shell - Open an interactive launchpadlib shell.
lpsinfo - display basic information about an LPS
lpsinvelm - check invariants and use these to simplify or eliminate
lpsparelm - remove unused parameters from an LPS
lpsparunfold - unfolds process parameter of an LPS
lpspp - pretty print an LPS
lpsrewr - rewrite data expressions in an LPS
lpssim - command-line simulation of an LPS
lpssumelm - remove superfluous summations from an LPS
lpssuminst - instantiate summation variables of an LPS
lpstat - print cups status information
lpsuntime - remove time from an LPS
lpsxsim - graphical simulation of an LPS
lptest - generate lineprinter ripple pattern
lqtplay - simple quicktime movie player for X11.
lr_anondump - dump database as build by lr_anonymize(1)
lr_anonymize - anonymize a logfile
lr_check_service - check existence of Lire service
lr_check_superservice - map Lire service to Lire superservice
lr_cron - run the perodical jobs configured in a DlfStore.
lr_deanonymize - restore anonymized data, using a dump as produced by
lr_desyslog - strip syslog style header from logfile line
lrelease - generate Qt message files from Qt Linguist translation files
lrelease - generate Qt message files from Qt Linguist translation files
lr_env - Gives information on the location of the current Lire
lr_environment - Export Lire configuration in shell script form
lrfviewer - view LRF ebook
lr_getbody - Extract file, sender and subject information from an email
lr_log2mail - send a report generated from a log file by email
lr_log2report - generates a report from a log file
lr_mail - Lire MIME mailer
lr_processmail - read an email message and invoke lr_log2mail(1)
lr_rawmail2mail - deanonymizes and formats a report from an email
lr_report_cfg2xml - Convert old style report configuration to XML
lr_run - run a Lire program and deal with the logging output
lrslib - Convert between represetations of convex polyhedra.
lr_setup_responder - create the necessary Maildirs and aliases for a
lrslib - Convert between represetations of convex polyhedra.
lrslib - Convert between represetations of convex polyhedra.
lrslib - Convert between represetations of convex polyhedra.
lr_spec2pot - extracts strings for L10N from Lire XML specifications
lr_spoold - daemon, invoking lr_spool for all services periodically
lr_spool - feed files in a spooldir to a command
lrstolfm - The Lazarus resource Translator.
lrunzip - Uncompress LRZ files
lr_vendor_cron - generate Lire reports from all known log files on the
lr_xml2mail - Formats a XML report and sends it by email
lr_xml2report - Format a XML report to the appropriate output format
lrzip - a large-file compression program
lrztar - Directory wrapper for lrzip
lsat - a security auditing tool
lsattr - list file attributes on a Linux second extended file system
lsbappchk - check LSB conformance of application or shared library
lsbcc, lsbc++, lsbcpp - compiler driver for building LSB conforming
lsbcc, lsbc++, lsbcpp - compiler driver for building LSB conforming
lsbcc, lsbc++, lsbcpp - compiler driver for building LSB conforming
lsbcc, lsbc++, lsbcpp - compiler driver for building LSB conforming
lsbpkgchk - check LSB conformance of a package
lsb_release - print distribution-specific information
lsb-rpmbuild - build a LSB package
lsb-rpm - LSB compatible RPM
lscgroup - list all cgroups
lscp - list NILFS2 checkpoints
lscpu - CPU architecture information helper
lsdic - Display the user dictionary list
lsdiff - show which files are modified by a patch
lsdvd - read the content info of a DVD
lsftp - Client for the sftp subsystem
lshal - list HAL devices
lsh-authroize - secsh (SSH2) client
lsh-decode-key - Convert a raw OpenSSH/SSH2 (IETF style) public key to
lsh-decrypt-key - Decrypts the given key and outputs it in unecrypted
lshell - Limited Shell
lsh-export-key - Reads the key on stdin and output in OpenSSH/SSH2
lshg - secsh (SSH2) client
lsh - secsh (SSH2) client
lsh-keygen - Generates a keypair and write it on stdout.
lsh-make-seed - Creates random seed file for the YARROW
ls - list directory contents
lsh-upgrade - script for easy upgrade to lsh 2.0
lsh-upgrade-key - script for key conversion to lsh 2.0 format
lshw-gtk - list hardware (GTK version)
lshw - list hardware
lsh-writekey - Keypair split/store handler.
lskpatches - list installed kernel patches
lsldap - performs a apertium-filter-ambiguity.html crxvt-big5.html jbig2dec.html sbigtopgm.html query on the LDAP directory.
lsmbox - list number of total, old unread, and new messages for the
lspgpot - extracts the ownertrust values from PGP keyrings and list
lspst - list PST (MS Outlook Personal Folders) file data
lss16toppm — Convert an LSS-16 image to PPM -
lssubsys - list hierarchies containing given subsystem
lssu - list usage state of NILFS2 segments
lstopo - Show the topology of the system (note that hwloc-bind(1)
lsw - list window titles
lswm - discover new wiimotes
lsyncd - A rsync-based tool to monitor a directory including
lt-comp - This application is part of the lexical processing modules
lt-expand - This application is part of the lexical processing modules
ltpanel - shows a tasklist in X until killed.
ltp-bump - send signal to tags run by ltp-pan
ltpmenu - a menu-based interface for the LTP testsuite
ltp-pan - A light-weight driver to run tests and clean up their pgrps
ltrace - A library call tracer
ltscompare - compare two LTSs
ltsconvert - convert and optionally minimise an LTS
ltsgraph - visualise an LTS as a graph and manipulate its layout in 2D
ltsinfo - display basic information about an LTS
ltsp-cluster-accountmanager — Session management daemon for LTSP- -
ltsp-cluster-lbagent — Loadbalancer agent for LTSP-Cluster. -
ltsp-cluster-lbserver — Loadbalancer server for LTSP-Cluster. -
ltsp-cluster-nxloadbalancer — Loadbalancer for NX. -
ltsp-cluster-pxeconfig — Symlink generator for LTSP-Cluster and -
ltspfsd -- daemon to serve fuse based filesystems over the network -
ltspfs -- mount fuse based filesystems -
ltspfsmounter -- mount fuse based filesystems -
ltspfs_mount -- mounts local filesystem exported over ltspfs -
ltspfs_umount -- unmounts local filesystem exported over ltspfs -
ltsp-genmenu -- generate menu for LTSP local applications -
ltsp-localappsd -- start local applications on the LTSP thin client -
ltsp-localapps -- start local application on the LTSP thin client -
ltsview - 3D interactive visualization of a labelled transition system
ltt-armall -- manipulate system-wide markers -
ltt-armtap -- manipulate system-wide taps -
lttctl -- linux trace toolkit control -
lttd -- linux trace toolkit daemon -
ltt-disarmall -- disconnect lttng markers -
ltt-disarmtap -- disconnect function markers -
lt-comp - This application is part of the lexical processing modules
lt-proc - This application is part of the lexical processing modules
lua - Lua interpreter
lua - Lua interpreter
lua - Lua interpreter
lua5.1-policy-create-svnbuildpackage-layout - program to create an svn-
luac - Lua compiler
luac - Lua compiler
luac - Lua compiler
lua-config - Lua configuration information
lua-config - Lua configuration information
luadoc - Generate documentation from files
luajit - Just-In-Time Compiler for the Lua Language
luarocks-admin - LuaRocks repository administration interface
luarocks - module deployment system for Lua
luatex, texlua, texluac - An extended version of pdfTeX using Lua as an
luau - manual page for deets luau
Luciole - Image per Image capture tool for movie animations.
luck - GROMACS installation test program
luck - GROMACS installation test program
lucli - command line interface to the Lucene full-text indexing library
ludevít - converter from standard Slovak into L. Stúr version
ludevít_tk - GUI frontend to the converter from standard Slovak into L.
luit - Locale and ISO 2022 support for Unicode terminals
luma - LDAP browser, utility and more.
lumper - lump a bunch of mac font resources into the same file
lunar (version 2.2) - a calendar conversion utility
lunch - The Lunch Distributed Process Manager
lunch-slave - Lunch Slave
lupdate - update Qt Linguist translation files
lupdate - update Qt Linguist translation files
LuserNET - News Reader for GNUstep
lush - Lisp Universal Shell
lutefisk - software for the de novo interpretation of peptide CID
luvcview - USB Video Class grabber
lv2_inspect - lv2_inspect, lv2_jack_host, lv2_list and
lv2_jack_host - lv2_inspect, lv2_jack_host, lv2_list and
lv2_list - lv2_inspect, lv2_jack_host, lv2_list and
lv2peg - program that generates C header files from Turtle files
lv2rack - a host for LV2 effect plugins
lv2_simple_jack_host - lv2_inspect, lv2_jack_host, lv2_list and
lv2soname - script which can be used in your build system to translate
lv - a Powerful Multilingual File Viewer / Grep
lvmrun - Lazy Virtual Machine interpreter
lwatch — syntax highlighting for syslog/syslog-ng file -
lw-ctl - send commands to a running loadwatch
lwm - Lightweight Window Manager for the X Window System
lxappearance - GTK+ theme switcher
lxc-cgroup - manage the control group associated with a container
lxc-console - Launch a console for the specified container
lxc-create - creates a container
lxc-destroy - destroy a container.
lxc-execute - run an application inside a container.
lxc-freeze - freeze all the container's processes
lxc-ls - list the containers existing on the system
lxc-monitor - monitor the container state
lxc-ps - list the processes belonging to a specific container.
lxc-start - run an application inside a container.
lxc-stop - stop the application running inside a container
lxc-unfreeze - thaw all the container's processes
lxc-wait - wait for a specific container state
lxde-logout -program for... -
lxde-settings — lightweight XSettings daemon for LXDE -
lxdm - LXDE Display Manager (Login screen)
lxdm - LXDE Display Manager (Login screen)
lxdm - LXDE Display Manager (Login screen)
lxinput - a light-weight program to configure keyboard and mouse
lxmusic - lightweight music player
lxpanelctl - controller for lxpanel.
lxpanel - a lightweight GTK2-based panel for the LXDE desktop.
lxrandr - a GTK+2 interface to XRandR for LXDE desktop.
lxsession - a lightweight X session manager
lxsession-logout - program to logout from LXSession
LXSplit - A simple tool for splitting and joining split files
lxt2miner - Data mining of LXT2 files
lxt2vcd - Coverts LXT2 files to VCD
lxterm - locale-sensitive wrapper for xterm
lxterminal - a lightweight terminal emulator based on GTK+ for the LXDE
lybniz - mathematical function graph plotter
lynx-cur - a wrapper for lynx/lynx.cur
lynx - a general purpose distributed information browser for the World
lyricue - The GNU Lyric Display System Client
lyricue_remote - Remote control of lyricue
lyricue_server - The GNU Lyric Display System Server
lysa2mcrl2 - Convert Typed LySa to mCRL2
lyxclient - send commands to a running LyX editor
LyX - A Document Processor
lzma, unlzma, lzcat - LZMA compression and decompression tool
lz - gunzips and shows a listing of a gzip’d tar’d archive
Lzip - data compressor based on the LZMA algorithm
Lziprecover - recover undamaged members from lzip files
LZMA - a compression algorithm, based on Lempel Ziv’s compression
xzdec, lzmadec - Small .xz and .lzma decompressors
lzma, unlzma, lzcat - LZMA compression and decompression tool
lzmainfo - show infomation stored in the .lzma file header
lzop - compress or expand files
m16c-flash - Flash programmer for Renesas M16C and R8C microcontrollers
m17n-config - Print compile/link options of the m17n library
m17n-db - Print information about the m17n database
m17n-im-config - an input method configuration utility for m17n-lib
m2ts2ts - Convert m2ts to TS
m4 - macro processor
GNU Prolog - Prolog compiler, includes CLP(FD).
dos2unix - DOS/MAC to UNIX text file format converter
rsbac-admin - Rule Set Based Access Control
macbethcal - compute color compensation based on measured Macbeth chart
megatron, unhex, unbin, unsingle, hqx2bin, single2bin, macbinary - -
macchanger-gtk - a GTK+ interface for GNU/MACchanger.
macchanger - MAC Changer
mace2 - searches for finite countermodels of first-order statements
mace4 - searches for finite countermodels of first-order statements
rsbac-admin - Rule Set Based Access Control
macpack - Macintosh OS X Packager for managed gui assemblies
macptopbm - convert a MacPaint file into a portable bitmap
macro1 - PDP1 macro assembler
macro7 - PDP7 macro assembler
macro8x - PDP8 macro assembler
macsave - Save Mac files read from standard input
rsbac-admin - Rule Set Based Access Control
macstream - Convert a series of files to a MacBinary stream
mactime - an mtime, atime, and ctime reporter
mactime - Create an ASCII time line of file activity
macunpack - Macintosh file de-archiver
macutil - A package that deals with MacIntosh files on a Unix system
rsbac-admin - Rule Set Based Access Control
madfuload - Device firmware loader utility for M-Audio DFU devices
mmv - move/copy/append/link multiple files by wildcard patterns
madison-lite - display versions of Debian packages in an archive
madplay - decode and play MPEG audio stream(s)
acpidump - dump a system’s ACPI tables to an ASCII file - converts MAF-format alignments to a human-friendly HTML
mafft - Multiple alignment program for amino acid or nucleotide
mafft - Multiple alignment program for amino acid or nucleotide
mafft - Multiple alignment program for amino acid or nucleotide
mafft - Multiple alignment program for amino acid or nucleotide
mafft-homologs - aligns sequences together with homologues
mafft - Multiple alignment program for amino acid or nucleotide
mafft - Multiple alignment program for amino acid or nucleotide
mafft - Multiple alignment program for amino acid or nucleotide - Join two or more sets of MAF-format multiple alignments - Sort MAF-format alignments by sequence name - changes the order of the sequences in MAF-format
mag - computes fontsizes and magsteps
magicicada - launch the GUI
MagickCore-config - get information about the installed version of
MagickWand-config - get information about the installed version of the
Magicor-Editor - Level editor for Magicor
Magicor - Puzzle game in the spirit of solomon’s key
magicrescue - Scans a block device and extracts known file types by
magicsort - Categorize files by their file(1) magic
magnifier - GNOME Magnifier (gnome-mag)
magnus - computational group theory software with GUI
mago - A Desktop Testing Initiative
mailagent - an automatic mail-processing tool
mailbot - A MIME-aware autoresponder utility
mailcheck - Check multiple mailboxes and/or Maildirs for new mail
mailcross - a cross-validation simulator for use with dbacl.
maildiracl - manage access control lists
maildir-bulletin - programs to send mail to all maildir users in a
maildir-filter - program to filter mail in Maildir folders.
maildirkw - set maildir message keywords
maildirmake - create maildirs and maildir folders
maildirmake.dovecot - creates maildirs and maildir subfolders
maildirmake - create maildirs and maildir folders
maildirsync - Online synchronizer for Maildir-format mailboxes
maildist, mailhelp, maillist, mailpatch - mailagent’s commands
maildrop - mail delivery filter/agent
mailexec - run program on messages in mbox file or maildir
mail-expire — program to extract outdated messages from mbox files -
mailshar, remsync, mail-files - GNU sharutils
mailfilter - Filters e-mail, gets rid of spam
mailfoot - a full-online-ordered-training simulator for use with dbacl.
maildist, mailhelp, maillist, mailpatch - mailagent’s commands
mailinspect - sort an mbox by category and pipe emails to a command.
mailleds - blink keyboard LED lights when mail arrives
mailliststat - Display useful statistics on email messages
lockfile-progs - command-line programs to safely lock and unlock files
mailmail - Twisted sendmail compatibility script
mail - manual page for mail (GNU Mailutils 2.1)
mail-notification -- a mail notification system tray icon -
maildist, mailhelp, maillist, mailpatch - mailagent’s commands
mp - POSTSCRIPT pretty printer
mailping-cron - run periodic processing to test email service
mailping-latency - Munin plugin to graph latency of mail deliveries
mailping-store - store email from stdin to a mailping incoming maildir
mailping-success - Munin plugin to graph time since last mail delivery
mailplate - reformat mail drafts according to templates
mailq - print the mail queue
mailshar, remsync, mail-files - GNU sharutils
mailsound - play sounds when mail is received
Mailsound - Play sounds when mail arrives
mailstat - shows mail-arrival statistics
mailsync - Synchronize IMAP mailboxes
mailtextbody - returns the body of an email message
mailtoe - a train-on-error simulator for use with dbacl.
mailtool - Process mailboxes
lockfile-progs - command-line programs to safely lock and unlock files
lockfile-progs - command-line programs to safely lock and unlock files
mailutil - mail utility program
mailutils-config - display compiler and loader options needed for
mainline - command line interface to Dosage
mairix - index and search mail folders
major_minor - PERL start engine
make2cook - translate makefiles into cookbooks
produces acm file from character set definition -
makebdb - Make a BerkeleyDB database from stdin
makebin - convert a Intel IHX file to binary
makebootfat ‐ Makebootfat Bootable FAT Disk Creation -
makecbf - convert detector images to CBF format
MakeCert - Create X.509 certificates for test purposes
makecint - C/C++ interpreter-compiler - make combined logfile from SQL database
makeconv - compile a converter table
makecsd - Creates a CSD file from the specified input files. .
make.darkmask -
makedat - create GDBM/DB files for maildrop
makedat - create GDBM/DB files for maildrop
make_db - Create the image database needed by pixelize
makedb - Create simple DB database from textual input.
makedepend - create dependencies in makefiles
makedic - Utility program for generating your own "kanjidic" style
makedist - a distribution kit maker
make_driver_db_cups - create a printer database from ppd files
make_driver_db_lpr - create a printer database from aps filter database
makedvd - Create and burn a DVD image from either XML input or a
makeedict - Utility program for generating your own "edict" style
make_edi - generate input files for essential dynamics sampling
make_edi - generate input files for essential dynamics sampling
make_encmap - create an XML representation from an Unicode mapping file
generic_count - count physical lines of code, given a comment marker
sloccount - count source lines of code (SLOC)
makegdbm - Make a GDBM database from stdin
makeg - make a debuggable executable
make-googleearth-package - builds a googleearth Debian package
make - GNU make utility to maintain groups of programs
makeindex - a general purpose, formatter-independent index processor
makeinfo - translate Texinfo documents
makeivs - generate a dummy IVS dump file with a specific WEP key
make-jpkg - build Debian packages from Java(TM) 2 binary distributions
makejvf - generate VF file from japanese TeX TFM file for dvips
makekdewidgets - Builds Qt widget plugins from an ini style description
make-klone-project - manage a KLone based custom Debian package
make-kpkg - build Debian kernel packages from Linux kernel sources
makemat - convert binary profiles into portable ASCII form
makemenu - Create (S)VCD/DVD-compliant text menus
makemime - Create MIME-formatted messages
makempy - convert PDF or PostScript text to MetaPost graphics
jconv - is a Convolution Engine for JACK using FFT-based partitioned
make_my_chamo - Building custom chamo executable.
make_ndx - makes index files
make_ndx - makes index files
makensis - A program to create Windows installers.
makeobj - run make from the correct directory
makepasswd - generate and/or encrypt passwords
makeqpf - Create qpf files from TTF and BDF files.
makeself - An utility to generate self-extractable archives.
make_services - generate GNUstep services info
makeset - build a Bioseq-set from Seq-entries
makeSH - a .SH script maker
makeskel - generate description file for fpdoc.
makeskkcdbdic - SKK dictionary file to cdb converter
makeslides - Convert images into still-frame MPEG video for (S)VCD
make-sqldeveloper-package - Oracle SQL Developer Debian package builder
make_strings - tool to build lists of localizable strings from
makestrs - makes string table C source and header(s)
maketree - perform Quartet Tree Reconstruction on a distance matrix to
makevcd - Create and burn an (S)VCD image from an XML description file
speech-tools - Programs for audio and speech manipulation
makeweb - create user web directory
makexml - Generate a video disc structure XML description
makexvpics - create xv-compatible thumbnails
makeztxt - Create zTXT databases from ASCII files to read them in a
mako-render - renders Mako templates
malaga - natural-language word and sentence analysis
malbolge - an interpreter for Malbolge programming language
mallex - generate a Malaga run-time lexicon
malmake - compile a Malaga project
malrul - compile a Malaga rule file
malshow - show Malaga’s results and/or debugging state
malsym - compile a Malaga symbol file
MAME - The Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator
man2html - format a manual page in html
manage-credentials - a tool to create (and manage) credentials which
manconv - convert manual page from one encoding to another
manderlbot - An erlang IRC bot
mandvd - A simple Video DVD creator
mango-lassi - Share mouse and pointer with other computers.
manhole - Connect to a Twisted Manhole service
man - an interface to the on-line reference manuals
manicheck - check manifest accuracy
manifake - creates a out of a MANIFEST file
manilist - report status of files in a source directory
manip — manip -
manlifter - mass-conversion script and test harness for doclifter
manpage-alert - check for binaries without corresponding manpages
manpath - determine search path for manual pages
mapc - A map compiler for Neverball and Neverputt
maphimbu - 1-d histogram builder for numerical and text data
mapiprofile - administer OpenChange MAPI Profiles databases
MaPiVi - Picture Viewer and Organizer
mapnik-plugin-base - determine path to Mapnik plugins
mapnik-viewer - GUI for rendering and viewing maps based on Mapnik
map-partition - Spectral bisection of observation graphs
maptool - parse osm textfile and converts to NavIt binfile format
maptransfer - allows easy up- and downloading of Maps for a game
maptransfer-server - allows easy up- and downloading of Maps for a game
mummer - package for sequence alignment of multiple genomes
Maq - Mapping and Assembly with Qualities
maria-cso - shared library generator for maria
maria - Modular Reachability Analyzer for high-level Petri nets
maria-vis - graph visualization script for maria
markdown2pdf - converts markdown-formatted text to PDF, using pdflatex
markdown-calibre - markdown tool for calibre
markdown - convert text to HTML
MarketModels - Example of Monte Carlo pricing with market models
mark - manipulate message sequences
maruku - converts markdown files to various output
marutex - converts markdown files to PDF using pdfLaTeX
mascyma - A user-friendly GUI frontend for Maxima
masktest - Find differences in wildcard matching between Samba's
mason-gui-text - front end to mason
mason - interactively create a firewall
mass-bug - mass-file a bug report against a list of packages
massfile - script for massfiling bugs against Ubuntu packages
massxpert - massXpert mass spectrometry software package (binary files)
matanza-ai - Execute a Matanza Artificial Inteligence from FILE
matanza - space war multiuser ascii game
matchbox-desktop - a desktop application launcher for resource-limited
matchbox-keyboard - on-screen keyboard
matchbox-panel - a desktop panel for resource-limited systems
matchbox-panel-manager - configure Matchbox panel
matchbox-remote - communicate with matchbox-window-manager process
matchbox-session - Matchbox session manager
matchbox-window-manager - window manager for resource-limited systems
matcherrc2perlfilter -- Conversion of matcherrc rules to perl -
match - searches for patterns in files
matchpoint - next generation control point generator
mathmlsvg - MathML to SVG conversion utility
mathmlviewer - a viewer for MathML documents
mathomatic - a computer algebra system
matho-mult - multiply integers
matho-pascal - display Pascal’s triangle
matho-primes - generate consecutive prime numbers
matho-sum - sum integers
matho-sumsq - Find the minimum sum of the squares for integers
mathtex — This program generas a PNG-file from a LaTeX expression -
matitac - Matita interative theorem prover
matitaclean - Matita interative theorem prover
matitac - Matita interative theorem prover
matitadep - Matita interative theorem prover
matrixview - seeing images in the matrix.
matroxset - switch the output mode of Matrox video cards
mattrib - change MSDOS file attribute flags
deskscribe - Suite of tools for recording desktop activity
mautil - Mono.Addins Setup Utility
mawk - pattern scanning and text processing language
dsdp5 - semidefinite program solver
maxemumtvguide - A TV-guide for KDE
Maxima - Common Lisp version of MACSYMA symbolic mathematics package
MAXIMUS - force all windows to be full-screen
maya2spr-1.4 — Crystalspace tool -
maya2spr — Crystalspace tool -
mayavi2 - A scientific visualization package for 2-D and 3-D data
mb2gmn - convert MapBlast files into GPSManager files
mb2md — Converts Mbox mailboxes to Maildir format. -
mbadblocks - tests a floppy disk, and marks the bad blocks in the FAT
mb-applet-battery - a battery status panel applet
mb-applet-clock - a clock panel applet
mb-applet-launcher - an application launcher panel applet
mb-applet-menu-launcher - a launcher menu panel applet
mb-applet-system-monitor - a system monitor panel applet
mb-applet-wireless - a wireless monitor panel applet
mbchk - check the format of a Multiboot kernel
mbconv - Character encoding scheme converter
mbfind, mbget, mbsubmit - interface to the MusicBrainz database
mbfind, mbget, mbsubmit - interface to the MusicBrainz database
mb - A program for the Bayesian estimation
mbmon - MotherBoard Monitor
mbmon-rrd - MotherBoard Monitor
mbot — Mail handling robot -
mboxcheck-applet - A GNOME2 applet to check your mboxes.
mboxcheck - MBOX mail checking program.
mboxgrep - displays email messages matching a pattern
mbrola - multilingual software speech synthesizer
mbsc - the MBS compiler for varkon
mbfind, mbget, mbsubmit - interface to the MusicBrainz database
mbsync - synchronize IMAP4 and Maildir mailboxes
mbuffer - measuring buffer
mbuild-hybrid — easily build ircd-hybrid v7 modules from source -
mbw - Memory BandWidth benchmark
mollist - get identifiers list
mcabber - a simple Jabber (XMPP) console client
mcat - dump raw disk image
mcd - change MSDOS directory
mcdp - a small cdplayer for linux
mcedit-debian - mcedit wrapper
mcedit - Internal file editor of GNU Midnight Commander.
mcfirst - check if you can receive IPv4/IPv6 multicast
mcheck - verify all files on an MS-DOS formatted disk
mc - Visual shell for Unix-like systems.
mckey - RDMA CM multicast setup and simple data transfer test.
mcmfmt - sets bold and underline for mail files
mcomp - Compares two files using mtools
mconfig, - Utility for modifying .NET configuration files
mconnect - connects to a remote SMTP server.
mconv - Convert from one charset to another for mnoGoSearch
mcookie - generate magic cookies for xauth
mcopy - copy MSDOS files to/from Unix
mmv - move/copy/append/link multiple files by wildcard patterns
mrename - program to rename files
mcpp - Matsui CPP, an alternative C preprocessor
mcrl22lps - translate an mCRL2 specification to an LPS
mcrl2i - Interpreter for the mCRL2 data language
crypt, mcrypt, mdecrypt - encrypt or decrypt files
mcs-getconfval - a tool which show your settings from a mcs-managed
mcs, gmcs, smcs - Mono C# Compiler (1.0, 2.0, Moonlight)
mcs-info - a tool to return information about your mcs system.
mcs-query-backends - a tool to return available backends for your mcs
mcs-setconfval - a tool to modify settings from a mcs-managed
mcs-walk-config - a tool to show settings from a mcs-managed
mc-tool - manipulate Mission Control accounts from the command line
mcview-debian - mcview wrapper
mcview - Internal file viewer of GNU Midnight Commander.
mc-wait-for-name - run until a D-Bus name appears on the session bus
md32spr-1.4 — Crystalspace tool -
md32spr — Crystalspace tool -
md5deep - Compute and compare MD5 message digests
gnustep-examples - various example GNUstep tools/applications
md5pass - Create an MD5 password hash
md5sum - compute and check MD5 message digest
md5sum - compute and check MD5 message digest
md5test - MD5 test program for RADIUS
mdassembler - Compile documentation for use in monodoc browser
mdatopbm - convert a Microdesign .mda or .mdp file into a portable
mdb-array - Export data in an MDB database table to a C array.
mdb-export - Export data in an MDB database table to CSV format.
mdb-header - Write header file from an MDB database
mdb-hexdump - Hexdump utility from MDB Tools
mdb-parsecsv - Convert CSV table dump into C file.
mdb-prop - Get properties list from MDB database
mdb-schema - Generate schema creation DDL
mdb-sql - SQL interface to MDB Tools
mdb-tables - Get listing of tables in an MDB database
mdbus2 - Mickey’s DBus introspection and interaction utility
mdb-ver - Return the format of a given MDB database.
mdconvert - Maildir mailbox UID storage scheme converter
mddiff - computes diff for maildirs
crypt, mcrypt, mdecrypt - encrypt or decrypt files
mdel - delete an MSDOS file
mdeltree - recursively delete an MSDOS directory and its contents
mdetect - mouse device autodetection tool
mdf2iso - mdf to iso / cue / toc image converter
mdiff - manual page for mdiff 0.6.3
mdir - display an MSDOS directory
mdl2spr-1.4 — Crystalspace tool -
mdl2spr — Crystalspace tool -
mdm-run - run a command in parallel with mdm-master
mdm.screen - run a command under mdm-master
mdm-run - run a command in parallel with mdm-master
mdns-scan - Scan for mDNS/DNS-SD services published on the local
mdoc assemble - Compile documentation for use in monodoc(1)
mdoc export-html - Convert mdoc(5) XML to HTML.
mdoc export-msxdoc - Convert mdoc(5) XML to Microsoft XML Documentation
mdoc - Mono documentation management tool
mdoc update - mdoc(5) documentation format support
mdoc validate - Validate XML documents against a schema
mdquery - Query Shibboleth metadata
mdrun - performs a simulation, do a normal mode analysis or an energy
mdrun - performs a simulation, do a normal mode analysis or an energy
mdrun_mpi - performs a GROMACS simulation across multiple CPUs or
mdrun_mpi - performs a GROMACS simulation across multiple CPUs or
mdrun_mpi - performs a GROMACS simulation across multiple CPUs or
mdrun_mpi - performs a GROMACS simulation across multiple CPUs or
mdtool - MonoDevelop Application Runner
mdu - display the amount of space occupied by an MSDOS directory
mdvalidator - Validate XML Documents against the ECMA Documentation
measerl - Measure the echo-return loss on Voicetronix telephony
MeasureImageSimilarity - part of ANTS registration suite
MeasureMinMaxMean - part of ANTS registration suite
mecab-config - Get command-line flags for building stuff using Mecab
mecab - manual page for mecab of 0.95pre1
med2bib - script to convert Pubmed format files to BibTeX format files
bibutils - bibliography conversion utilities
med-config - general Debian-Med package information and auto-apt helper
med-config - general Debian-Med package information and auto-apt helper
med-config - general Debian-Med package information and auto-apt helper
medcon - MedCon conversion of medical image formats
med-config - general Debian-Med package information and auto-apt helper
med-config - general Debian-Med package information and auto-apt helper
mediatomb - UPnP MediaServer
med-config - general Debian-Med package information and auto-apt helper
med-config - general Debian-Med package information and auto-apt helper
medit - useful programming and around-programming text editor
med-config - general Debian-Med package information and auto-apt helper
med-config - general Debian-Med package information and auto-apt helper
med-config - general Debian-Med package information and auto-apt helper
med-config - general Debian-Med package information and auto-apt helper
med-config - general Debian-Med package information and auto-apt helper
med-config - general Debian-Med package information and auto-apt helper
med-config - general Debian-Med package information and auto-apt helper
MEDUSA - Parallel Network Login Auditor
meep - finite-difference time-domain simulations
meep-mpich - finite-difference time-domain simulations
meep-mpi - finite-difference time-domain simulations
meep-openmpi - finite-difference time-domain simulations
mollist - get identifiers list
bl2seq, blast2, blastall, blastall_old, blastcl3, blastpgp, impala, -
megahal, megahal-personal - chat with megahal
megahal, megahal-personal - chat with megahal
megatron, unhex, unbin, unsingle, hqx2bin, single2bin, macbinary - -
mei-config - Script to get information about the installed version of
meinproc — KDE Translator for XML -
meld - compare and merge files
melt - manual page for MLT melt 0.5.6
melting - nearest-neighbor computation of nucleic acid hybridation
members - outputs members of a group
memcached - high-performance memory object caching system
memcapable - Check memcached server capabilities
memcat - Copy a set of keys to stdout
memcp - Copies files to a collection of memcached servers
memdump - Dump a list of keys from a server.
memerror - Translate a memcached error code to a string
memflush - Reset a server or list of servers
memrm - Remove a key(s) from a collection of memcached servers
memslap - Load testing and benchmarking tool for memcached
memstat - Display the operating status of a single or group of
memdiskfind - utility to search for a MEMDISK instance
memdump - memory dumper
gnome-pilot - GNOME applet to manipulate a Palm PDA
MemoryTest - part of ANTS registration suite
memprobe - ROOT utility to examine memory usage
memprof2calltree - convert memprof profiling data to KCachegrind
memstat - Identify what’s using up virtual memory.
mencal - menstruation calendar
mplayer - movie player
mendexk - programs to do something
menhir - parser generator for OCaml
mensis - To or for, by with or from TrueType tables
menuc - compile a menu description into a binary file
menueditor - program for creating menu profiles.
merb - Start a merb application.
merb-slice - Start a Merb slice.
mercurial-buildpackage - Build a .deb package from source code under
mercurial-importdsc - Import exiting package into Mercurial repository.
mercurial-importorig - Import upstream source code tarballs into .deb
mercurial-port - Incorporate an already released version of a package
mercurial-pristinetar - Recreate pristine source tarballs.
mercurial-tagversion - Tag the Mercurial package source with the most
mergecap - Merges two or more capture files into one
merge-changelog - merges two changelogs with a common base
mergechanges - merge multiple changes files
merge - three-way file merge
mergelib - merge one library into another
mergelog - a fast tool to merge http log files by date
mergelogs - merge and consolidate web server logs
mergetr - Merge changes in translations
mergeword - merge words in canna dictionary files
Merkaartor - map editor for
mesg - permit or deny messages
meshlab - a tool for mesh inspection, processing, and conversion
meshlabserver - a tool for mesh inspection, processing, and conversion
meshs3d — olsr/batman topology visualizer for s3d -
messages - count the number of messages in a mailbox
meta2bmp - convert metafile to Windows Bitmap (BMP) File
meta2tga - convert metafile to Targa image format
metacafe-dl - download video files from
metacam - extract EXIF information from digital camera files
METACITY - minimal GTK2 Window Manager
METACITY-MESSAGE - a command to send a message to Metacity
metacity-theme-viewer - view metacity themes
metacity-window-demo - demo of window features
metaconfig - a Configure script generator
metaflac -- program to list, add, remove, or edit metadata in one -
metalink — commandline metalink generator -
metalint - a metaconfig unit consistency checker
metapixel - generator for photomosaics
metapixel - generator for photomosaics
metapixel - generator for photomosaics
metapixel - generator for photomosaics
metar - A METAR downloader/decoder
metastore - stores and restores filesystem metadata
metaxref - builds cross-reference file/unit/item information
meterbridge - meterbridge for Jack Audio Connection Kit
me-tv - a digital television (DVB) viewer for GNOME
me-tv - a digital television (DVB) viewer for GNOME
mev - a program to report mouse events
mewencode, mewdecode, mewcat - MIME encoder/decoder
mewencode, mewdecode, mewcat - MIME encoder/decoder
mewencode, mewdecode, mewcat - MIME encoder/decoder
mewest - register messages into an index for Hyper Estraier
mewl - Message scanner for Mew 4 or later
mew-pinentry - simple pinentry for gpg-agent
mewstunnel - stunnel wrapper for Mew
pdftex, pdfinitex, pdfvirtex - PDF output from TeX
mffm-libsndfilew - ’C’ header to wrap libsndfile in easy to use
timecode - header files to handle multimedia data and time code
mf, mf-nowin, inimf, virmf - Metafont, a language for font and logo
mf, mf-nowin, inimf, virmf - Metafont, a language for font and logo
mformat - add an MSDOS filesystem to a low-level formatted floppy disk
mftext - Dump a MIDI file as text
mft - translate Metafont code to TeX code for prettyprinting
mftrace - convert METAFONT format fonts into Type1 outline fonts
tesseract - command line OCR tool
mummer - package for sequence alignment of multiple genomes
mga_vid_test - test the backend scaler on Matrox cards
fax - fax sending and receiving with mgetty+sendfax
radiance-experttools — Specialty programs of the Radiance package, used -
mgf2meta - convert Materials and Geometry Format file to Metafile
mgf2rad - convert Materials and Geometry Format file to RADIANCE
radiance-experttools — Specialty programs of the Radiance package, used -
mg - emacs-like text editor
mgm — A gaudy system load meter -
mgrtopbm - convert a MGR bitmap into a portable bitmap
mguesser - Create new or guess existing language maps
mha-dbedit - make database edits to a MHonArc archive
mha-dbrecover - rebuild a MHonArc archive database
mha-decode - Decode MIME messages
mhbuild - translate MIME composition draft
mhc2palm - add/copy articles from mhc to PalmOS.
Maven - Checks the Maven repository.
Maven - Cleans the temporary files created by the other mh_checkrepo.html mh_clean.html mh_cleanpom.html mh_genrules.html mh_installjar.html mh_installpom.html mh_installpoms.html mh_linkjar.html mh_linkrepojar.html mh_lspoms.html mh_make.html mh_patchpom.html mh_patchpoms.html mh_resolve_dependencies.html mh_unpatchpoms.html utilities.
Maven - Cleans a POM file.
mhc-sync - Data synchronization tool for MHC
mhddfs - The driver combines a several mount points into the single
mheard - display AX.25 calls recently heard.
Maven - manual page for Maven Repo Helper version 1.2
Maven - Installs a jar into /usr/share/maven-repo.
Maven - Installs a POM file into /usr/share/maven-repo.
Maven - Installs all POMs for the package into /usr/share/maven-repo.
mhl - produce formatted listings of nmh messages
Maven - Installs a link to the jar into /usr/share/maven-repo.
Maven - Installs a link from the jar in /usr/share/maven-repo.
mhlist - list information about MIME messages
Maven - manual page for Maven Repo Helper version 1.2
mhmail - send or read mail
Maven - manual page for Maven Repo Helper version 1.2
mhn - display/list/store/cache MIME messages
mhonarc - convert mail/news messages to HTML
mhparam - print nmh profile components
Maven - Patches one POM file using the Maven dependency rules.
Maven - Patches the POM files using the Maven dependency rules.
mhpath - print full pathnames of nmh messages and folders
Maven - manual page for Maven Repo Helper version 1.2
mhshow - display MIME messages
mhstore - store contents of MIME messages into files
mhub - converts LibGII events to mouse protocol or mhub data
Maven - Undo the patches on the POM files.
mhwaveedit - A simple and fast GTK2 sound editor
mi2svg - a tool for creating svg (scalable vector graphics)
mib2c-update - script to merge custom code into updated mib2c code
mib2c-update - script to merge custom code into updated mib2c code
micalc - Performs basic mathematics with data sets
miconv - Converts medical image data between formats.
microbe - The Microbe Compiler
microcom — A minimalistic terminal program -
microdc - A command-line based Direct Connect client
micro_inetd - simple network service spawner
MicroRazerS - Rapid Alignment of Small RNA Reads
mid3iconv - convert ID3 tag encodings
mid3v2 - audio tag editor similar to ’id3v2’
midge - generate midi file from text description of music
midi2abc - program to convert MIDI format files to abc notation
midi2ly - manual page for midi2ly (LilyPond) 2.12.3
midi2mg - convert a midi file into midge(1) text format.
midicopy - Copy selected track, channel, time interval of a MIDI file
midid - Raw Midi interpreter
allegro-examples - small example programs to demonstrate the power of
midish - MIDI sequencer and filter
midori - fast and lightweight web browser
migrate - Database schema migration for SQLAlchemy
migrate-repository - Migration of pre 0.4.5 SQLAlchemy migrate
mikmod - play soundtracker etc. modules on a Unix machine.
sgbdemos - Examples of the use of The Stanford GraphBase
milkyplay - module player
milkytracker - music creation tool inspired by Fast Tracker 2
mimedb - lookup file information via the mime database
mimefilter - filter a MIME message stripping unwanted MIME parts
mimegpg - MIME-GPG utility
mimep - to print a Multimedia Internet MEssage
mime-tool - a simple program to construct MIME messages with attached
mimeview - display files, using mailcap mechanism
mimms - mms (e.g. mms://) stream downloader
min12xxw - Convert pbmraw streams to Minolta PagePro 12xxW languages
Minbar - Gnome Prayer Times
mincaverage - average minc files
minccalc - perform complex math operations on minc files
minccmp - compare one or more minc file using comparator operators
minccomplete - checks if a MINC file is complete
mincconcat - concatenate minc files along a specific dimension
mincconvert - convert between MINC 1 to MINC 2 format.
minccopy - copy minc image values from one minc file to another
mincdiff - report differences between minc files
mincedit - edit a MINC file header
mincexpand - expands a compressed minc file, if necessary.
mincextract - dump a hyperslab of MINC file data
mincgen - Generate a MINC file from a CDL file.
mincheader - prints out header information for a minc file
minchistory - prints history information for minc files
mincinfo - print out specified information about a minc file
minclookup - perform lookup table conversions on minc files
mincmakescalar - convert vector minc files to scalar
mincmakevector - convert a list of scalar minc files into one vector
mincmath - perform simple math operations on minc files
minc_modify_header - modify the attributes in the header of a minc file
mincpik - generate images from minc files
mincresample - resamples a minc file along new spatial dimensions
mincreshape - cuts a hyperslab out of a minc file (with dimension re-
mincstats - calculate simple statistics across voxels of a minc file
minctecat - convert a minc format file to an Ecat7 format file
minctoraw - copy data from a MINC file.
mincview - view a MINC file
mincwindow - limit voxel values to a given range
mined - powerful text editor with extensive Unicode and CJK support
minfo - print the parameters of a MSDOS filesystem
minicom - friendly serial communication program
mini-dinstall - daemon for updating Debian packages in a repository
minidjvu - encode/decode black-and-white DjVu pages
minirok - a small music player written in Python
minisat2 - fast and lightweight SAT solver
ladr4-apps - undocumented LADR4 applications
minitube - Native YouTube client
miniunzip - uncompress and examine ZIP archives
minizip - create ZIP archives
minlog - starts Emacs and runs Minlog in it.
mined - powerful text editor with extensive Unicode and CJK support
mintegrate - evaluate average/sum/integral of 1-d numerical data
mipe06to07 - Reads a MIPE file version 0.6 and prints it in version 0.7
mipe08to09 - Reads a MIPE file version 0.8 and prints it in version 0.9
mipe0_9to1_0 - Reads a MIPE file version 0.9 and prints it in version - Generates input file for submission to dbSTS - Generates FASTA file - Generates list of genotypes from a MIPE file - Generates HTML page based on MIPE file - Generates overview of PCRs from a MIPE file - Generates list of pcrprimers from a MIPE file - Generates list of putative SBE primers - Generates list of SBE primers from a MIPE file - Generates list of SNPs from a MIPE file - Check sanity of MIPE file, focussing on contents
miqser - aqsis RIB processor
mirage - A fast and simple GTK+ Image Viewer
mirmon - monitor the state of mirrors
miro - a GTK+ based RSS video aggregator and player
miro - a GTK+ based RSS video aggregator and player
ladr4-apps - undocumented LADR4 applications
mirror - copy file trees from FTP server to client
MirrorKit - A python frontend to debmirror
mm - mirror master
mirrors - measure response times from mirrors - OpaL Mirror Tool (OMT)
mispipe - pipe two commands, returning the exit status of the first
missidentify - Find executable files without an executable extension
mistelix - graphical DVD authoring application
mit-scheme - Scheme development environment
miview - Viewer for medical image files
miwm - a minimal appearance, full-function window manager
miwm-session - Start up the MIWM window Manager
mixal - a load-and-go MIX assembler - Mixer application designed for WindowMaker
mixer - Mixes together a number of soundfiles. .
mixmaster-filter - Wrapper around mixmaster that removes unwanted
mixmaster - anonymous remailer software
mixmaster-update - Fetch new reliability stats and keyrings for
mixxx -- a Digital Disc Jockey Interface -
written in English: -
undocumented - No manpage for this program.
TeX4ht - a system for authoring hypertext with TeX and friends
mkaf - create a Performance Co-Pilot archive folio
mkafmmap - creates font map for AFM files
mk_angndx - generates index files for g_angle
mk_angndx - generates index files for g_angle
mkatfs - create and configure AtFS object repository and derived object
mkbindic - Convert a text-form dictionary into a binary-form dictionary
mkbingram -
mkbinhmm -
mkbinhmmlist -
mkbitmap - transform images into bitmaps with scaling and filtering
mk-build-deps - build a package satisfying a package's
mkbundle, mkbundle2 - Creates a bundled executable.
mkbundle, mkbundle2 - Creates a bundled executable.
mkbundle, mkbundle2 - Creates a bundled executable.
CamlP4 - Pre-Processor-Pretty-Printer for Objective Caml
camlp5 - Pre-Precessor-Pretty-Printer for OCaml
camlp5 - Pre-Precessor-Pretty-Printer for OCaml
mkchdr - creates a C header file from a type table
mk_cmds - error table compiler
mkcue — Generates a CUE sheet from a CD -
mkdarts - convert sorted dictionary data to DoubleArray File
mkdep - construct Makefile dependency list
mkdfa -
mkdic - Tool for creating a user dictionary
mkdirhier - create a directory hierarchy
mkdir - make directories
mkdisk - Make a blank emulated floppy or hard disk for xtrs, or
mkdiskimage - Create a blank MS-DOS formatted hard disk image
mkdns323fw - build firmware images for the DNS-323 from a kernel and
mknbi - make network bootable image
mknbi - make network bootable image
mkepmlist - make an epm list file from a directory.
mkfastmod - creates a search index for a module
mkfatimage16 - generate a virtual drive image suitable for DOSEMU
mkfifo - make FIFOs (named pipes)
mkfontdir - create an index of X font files in a directory
mkfontscale - create an index of scalable font files for X
mkfs.cpm - make a CP/M file system
mkfs.jffs2 - Create a JFFS2 file system image from directory
mkg3states - -
mkgmap - Generate Garmin maps from OpenStreetMap data
mkgshmm -
mkhtmlindex - generate index files for HTML man pages
mkhugenanoweb.php - merge config and modules into nanoweb.php
mkid - Build an identifier database
mkillum - compute illum sources for a RADIANCE scene
mkindex - script to process LaTeX index and glossary files
mkind: - Make indexes for mnogosearch databases
mkjobtexmf -- Generate a texmf tree for a particular job -
mklibs-small - make a minimal set of libraries
mklibs - make a minimal set of libraries
mklibs - prints informations about ELF shared objects and executables
mklnim - make Linux Netinstall Image
mkls-lR - make ls-lR files on FTP server for mirror use
mkmanifest - makes list of file names and their DOS 8+3 equivalent
mknbi - make network bootable image
mknbi - make network bootable image
mknbi - make network bootable image
mknbi - make network bootable image
mknbi - make network bootable image
mknbi - make network bootable image
mknfonts - create nfont packages
mknmz - an indexer of Namazu
mknod - make block or character special files
mkntpasswd - mkntpasswd a tool to generate samba password hashes
mkocp - frontend to otp2ocp(1)
mkoctfile - Compile dynamic-load modules for GNU Octave
mkoctfile - Compile dynamic-load modules for GNU Octave
mkoctfile - Compile dynamic-load modules for GNU Octave
mkoctfile - Compile dynamic-load modules for GNU Octave
mkofm - front end to mktextfm(1)
MkOneOf - a helper program to use with DtdToHaskell
mkpasswd - Overfeatured front end to crypt(3)
mkpreview - scale an image down to an arbitrary size
mkrfc2734 - Make Linux 2.4 IP over IEEE 1394 capable.
mkromdic - To compile romaji-kana conversion table
mksary - manual page for mksary 1.0.2
mk-sbuild - creates chroots via schroot and sbuild
mksh, sh - MirBSD Korn shell
mksh, sh - MirBSD Korn shell
mksource - compute distant sources for RADIANCE image-based lighting
mksquashfs - tool to create and append to squashfs filesystems
mkss -
mktap - create twisted.servers
mktemp - create a temporary file or directory
fmtutil - utility for maintaining TeX format files
mktexlsr - create ls-R databases
mktexmf - create a Metafont source file
mktexpk - create a PK file for a font
mktextfm - create a TFM file for a font
mktorrent - simple BitTorrent metainfo file creator
mktunes - convert GNUtunesDB’s XML into iTunesDB format
mkudffs - create an UDF filesystem
mkv_encoder - Video encoder as part of LiVES
mkvextract - extract tracks from Matroska(TM) files into other files
mkvgafont - produces fonts for X servers from a RAW-console font.
mkvinfo - Print information about elements in Matroska(TM) files
mkvinfo - Print information about elements in Matroska(TM) files
mkvmerge - Merge multimedia streams into a Matroska(TM) file
mk_vmgm — automated creation of main menu of the DVD (VMGM) -
mkvpropedit - Modify properties of existing Matroska(TM) files without
mk_vmgm — automated creation of titleset menus of the DVD (VTSM) -
jconv - is a Convolution Engine for JACK using FFT-based partitioned
mkxmlrpc - The Free Pascal XML-RPC program.
mkzftree - Create a zisofs/RockRidge compressed file tree
mlabel - make an MSDOS volume label
ml-antlr - parser generator for Standard ML
ml-build - for generating standalone programs
ml-burg - a tree parser generator for Standard ML
mlcat - cat frontend for multilog files
mlcc - simple configurator for mlterm
mlclient - client for mlterm
*_count - count physical lines of code, in each input file
mldonkey_command - a wrapper to send command to a mlnet server.
mldonkey_files - a files source filter for mlnet init file.
mlnet - your door to Edonkey, Directconnect, Gnutella, Bittorent,
mldonkey_options - a configuration editor for mlnet init file.
mldonkey_submit - a wrapper to send ed2k link to a mlnet server.
ml-fixes-report - searches fixes in a bug mailing list
mlgui - the client of the MLDonkey server.
mlguistarter - a simple wrapper of mlnet to ask if mlgui need to be
mlhead - head frontend for multilog files
mlink - calculates lod scores and risk with two of more loci
pdftex, pdfinitex, pdfvirtex - PDF output from TeX
ml-lex - a parser generator for ML
mllex - lexer generator for use with Standard ML and MLton
ml-makedepend - list files a ML program depends upon
mlmmj-bounce - bounce handling utility for mlmmj
mlmmj-list - list people / subscribers associated with a list
mlmmj-maintd - maintenance for mlmmj maintained lists
mlmmj-make-ml - create a mailing list for mlmmj
mlmmj-process - process mail for an mlmmj managed mailinglist
mlmmj-recieve - recieve mails for an mlmmj managed mailinglist
mlmmj-send - send mail to a mailinglist or similar
mlmmj-sub - subscribe address to a mailinglist run by mlmmj
mlmmj-unsub - manual page for mlmmj-unsub
mlnet - your door to Edonkey, Directconnect, Gnutella, Bittorent,
mmv - move/copy/append/link multiple files by wildcard patterns
ml-nlffigen - SML No Longer Foreign Function Interface tool
mlnlffigen - glue-code generator for use with the new "NLFFI" foreign
locate - find files by name
mlock -- lock a mailbox -
mlpost - wrapper around OCaml and Metapost for the Mlpost library
mlprof - display profiling information for a MLton-compiled executable
mltac - tac frontend for multilog files
mltail - tail frontend for multilog files
ml-team-fixes-report - searches fixes by team
mlterm - Multi Lingual TERMinal emulator on X
pdftex, pdfinitex, pdfvirtex - PDF output from TeX
mlton - whole-program compiler for the Standard ML (SML) programming
ml-ulex - lexer generator for Standard ML
mlvirsh - management user interface for virsh guest domain.
ml-yacc - a parser generator for ML
mlyacc - parser generator for use with Standard ML and MLton
mm2gv - Matrix Market-DOT converters
mm3d - Misfit Model 3D
mmafm - creates AFM font metrics for multiple master fonts
mma - musical midi accompaniment generator
mmake - generate a Java Makefile
mmass - a free mass spectrometry tool for proteomics
mmcat - Output the contents of a partition to stdout
mm-common-prepare - Prepare a C++ binding module to use mm-common
mm-config - OSSP mm library configuration/build utility
mmd - make an MSDOS subdirectory
mmdir - dumps the directory of a simulated Interdata MDM tape
mmg - a GUI for mkvmerge(1) including a chapter and a header editor
mm - offline mail reader for Blue Wave, QWK, OMEN, SOUP and OPX packets
mminfo - Kaa Metadata media info.
mmls - Display the partition layout of a volume system (partition
mmount - mount an MSDOS disk
mmove - move or rename an MSDOS file or subdirectory
mmpfb - creates single-master fonts from multiple master fonts
mmroff - reference preprocessor
mmseg - maximum matching segment Chinese text.
mmstat - Display details about the volume system (partition tables)
mmval - find minimum and maximum value in a data set
mmv - move/copy/append/link multiple files by wildcard patterns
mnc2nii - convert a MINC format file to a NIfTI-1 or Analyze format
mnemosyne-blog - Weblog compiler
mnemosyne - spaced repetition flash-card program
mn_fit - Interactive analysis package for fitting data and histograms
mng_encoder - Video encoder as part of LiVES
moap - Moap helps you maintain projects.
mock - build SRPMs in a chroot
MOC - console audio player
moc - generate Qt meta object support code
moc - generate Qt meta object support code
mod2imp, mod2osis, mod2vpl, mod2zmod - export SWORD modules
mod2imp, mod2osis, mod2vpl, mod2zmod - export SWORD modules
mod2imp, mod2osis, mod2vpl, mod2zmod - export SWORD modules
mod2imp, mod2osis, mod2vpl, mod2zmod - export SWORD modules
mode2, smode2, xmode2 - shows the pulse/space length of infrared
modelicac - modelicac is a compiler for a subset of the Modelica
modeline2fb - simple modeline to fb.modes translator
modemu - dialup TCP connecting
modest - The Modest Mail User Agent
modgzip2dlf - convert Common Log Format with mod_gzip extensions web
modlogan - a modular log file analyzer
XSP - Mono ASP.NET Web Server (xsp and xsp2)
XSP - Mono ASP.NET Web Server (xsp and xsp2)
XSP - Mono ASP.NET Web Server (xsp and xsp2)
bibutils - bibliography conversion utilities
*_count - count physical lines of code, in each input file
modxslt-config - program to return libmodxslt configuration
modxslt-parse - program to convert .xml files using .xsl stylesheet and
modxslt-perror - program to convert numeric error values into human
moggsplit - split Ogg logical streams
moin - Moinmoin wiki management command-line interface
moin-update-wikilist - add or remove user from /etc/moin/wikilist
mollist - get identifiers list
mollist - get identifiers list
mollist - get identifiers list
mollist - get identifiers list
mollist - get identifiers list
mollist - get identifiers list
mollist - get identifiers list
mollist - get identifiers list
mollist - get identifiers list
mollist - get identifiers list
mollist - get identifiers list
mollist - get identifiers list
molrender - render a molecule input file in a variety of ways
mollist - get identifiers list
mollist - get identifiers list
mona - a decision procedure for the logics WS1S and WS2S
monajat-applet - Islamic supplications tray applet
monajat-mod - Islamic supplications console utility
moncmd - send commands to mon daemon and show the results.
monfailures - Lists mon failures
mongod - the Mongo Daemon
mongodump - the Mongo dump tool
mongoexport - the Mongo export tool
mongofiles - a simple GridFS interface
mongo - the Mongo command-line tool
mongoimport - the Mongo import tool
mongoimportjson - the Mongo import tool
mongorestore - the Mongo restoration tool
mongos - the Mongo sharding server
mongosniff - the Mongo packet analyzer
mongostat - view statistics on a running mongod instance
mongrel_cluter_ctl - Mongrel Cluster Controller
/etc/init.d/mongrel-cluster - init script for Mongrel Cluster
mongrel_rails - Ruby Web Server
Monit - utility for monitoring services on a Unix system
monitor — Students interface for ControlAula -
monitor - receive logging information from LPD
monitorProfe — Teacher interface for ControlAula -
monkey-bubble — is an arcade game for GNOME. -
monkeysphere - Monkeysphere client user interface
monkey-srv — monkey-bubble network server -
monkeystudio - Qt 4 Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
monoBristol - simple GUI for Bristol.
Mono CIL strip -
undocumented - No manpage for this program.
monodis - CIL image content dumper and disassembler.
monodocer - ECMA Documentation Format Support
monodoc - GUI Mono documentation browser
undocumented - No manpage for this program.
monodocs2html - Translate Monodoc XML to HTML
undocumented - No manpage for this program.
undocumented - No manpage for this program.
undocumented - No manpage for this program.
mono - Mono's ECMA-CLI native code generator (Just-in-Time and Ahead-
Mono CIL Linker -
monop, monop2 - Mono Class Outline Viewer
monop, monop2 - Mono Class Outline Viewer
monop, monop2 - Mono Class Outline Viewer
mono-service, mono-service2 - Mono ServiceProcess host
mono-service, mono-service2 - Mono ServiceProcess host
mono-shlib-cop - Shared Library Usage Checker
mono-slam - Monocular Visual Simultaneous Localization and Mapping
monotone-viz - visualize a monotone repository
mono-xmltool - Mono XML validation and transformation tool.
monshow - show operational status of mon server.
monsterz - a puzzle game of monsters
moodbar - program to compute ´mood bars´ for audio files
moontracker - Calculate Az and El to the Moon
mooproxy - a buffering proxy for moo-connections
moosicd - the server for the Moosic jukebox system.
moosic - a command-line client for the Moosic jukebox system.
moovida - open source cross-platform media center
mopchk - MOP Check Utility
mopen, mopen1 - Application launcher (including Mono, Moonlight and
mopprobe - MOP Probe Utility
moptrace - MOP Trace Utility
more - file perusal filter for crt viewing
xmorph - image warping and dissolving (morphing) for X window system
morse, QSO - Morse-code trainer and QSO generator for aspiring radio
morse, QSO - Morse-code trainer and QSO generator for aspiring radio
morse-x - morse "practicing" tool for X
moserial - moserial serial terminal
most - browse or page through a text file
motion - Detect motion using a video4linux device
moto4lin — file manager and seem editor for Motorola phones (like -
mou2gmn - convert MapsOnUS files into GPSManager files
mount.aptfs - a FUSE filesystem that displays unpacked sources packages
mount.ecryptfs_private - eCryptfs private mount helper.
mountmanager - easy and understanding management of mounting in Linux
mtpfs - FUSE filesystem for Media Transfer Protocol devices
mountpoint - see if a directory is a mountpoint
posixovl -- FUSE file system that provides POSIX functionality -
mountpy - program for quick automatic mounting and umounting of
mousepad — simple text editor for Xfce -
mouseTrap - Accessible Mouse Pointer Controller
mousetweaks - Accessibility enhancements for pointing devices
movemail - move messages across mailboxes
movescu - DICOM retrieve (C-MOVE) SCU
movie-compare-dvd - Test whether a burn was successful
videotrans-undocumented - Internal videotrans commands
movie-make-title - Creates a title sequence that can be used to create
movie-make-title-simple - Creates a simple title sequence that can be
videotrans-undocumented - Internal videotrans commands - Gathers information from VDR’s file - Gathers information on TV episodes
movie-title - Creates a menu for a set of movies on a DVD
movie-to-dvd - Convert a movie into a DVD compatible format
videotrans-undocumented - Internal videotrans commands
MoviXMaker-2 - Easily create customized eMoviX/MoviX/MoviX2 disc images
moz2po - convert Mozilla .dtd and .properties files to Gettext PO
mozplugger-controller - a helper application to mozplugger
mozplugger-helper - a helper application to mozplugger
mozplugger-controller - a helper application to mozplugger
mozroots - Download and import trusted root certificates from Mozilla's
moz-version - version format handling tool
mp2enc - Simple MPEG-1 layer-II audio encoder
mp3blaster - An interactive text-console based mp3 player.
mp3burn - burn audio CDs from MP3, Ogg Vorbis, or FLAC files
mp3check - check mp3 files for consistency
mp3c - convert audio-cds to mp3
mp3cue - cut a MP3 file according to a CUE file
mp3cut - cut and assemble MP3 files
mp3diags - find issues in MP3 files
mp3fs - mounts a virtual filesystem
mp3gain — lossless mp3 normalizer -
mp3info - MP3 technical info viewer and ID3 tag editor
mp3length - show the length of a MP3 file
Mp3rename - Rename mp3 files based on id3tags
Neon Goat MP3 Report Generator - mp3report
mp3roaster - A Perl hack for burning audio CDs out of MP3/OGG/FLAC/WAVs
mp3splt‐gtk — Gtk utility for mp3/ogg splitting without decoding. -
mp3splt — Utility for mp3/ogg splitting without decoding -
mp3tag - view and manipulate ID3v1 tags.
MP3val - A program for MPEG audio stream validation
mp3wrap — Utility for mp3 wrapping -
MP42AVI - MPEG-4 BIFS to Video converter
MP4Box - MPEG-4 Systems Toolbox
MP4Client - GPAC MPEG-4 command-line Player
mp4creator - creates and modifies mp4 files
mp4h - Macro Processor for HTML Documents
mp4live - record and/or transmit video and/or audio
mpack - pack a file in MIME format
mpage - print multiple pages per sheet on PostScript printer
mpartition - partition an MSDOS hard disk
mpb-data - transformations of HDF5 files output by MPB
mpb - compute eigenmodes of periodic dielectric structures
mpbi - mpb with inversion symmetry
mpb-mpi - parallel (MPI) version of mpb
mpbi - mpb with inversion symmetry
mpb-mpi - parallel (MPI) version of mpb
mpb-split - compute eigenmodes with MPB using multiple processes
mpc123 - your handy Musepack audio player
mpc-ace, mwc-ace — generate project and workspace files -
mpc - Program for controlling Music Player Daemon (MPD)
mpstore - store and transfer mpd state between daemons
mpdallexit -
mpdboot -
mpdcheck - mpdcheck
mpdchkpyver -
mpdcleanup -
MPDCon - Music Player Daemon controller
mpdcron - cron like daemon for mpd
mpdexit -
mpdgdbdrv -
mpdhelp -
MPD - A daemon for playing music
mpdkilljob -
mpdlib -
mpdlistjobs -
mpdman -
mpdringtest -
mpDris - MPRIS implementation as a client for MPD.
mpdscribble - A Music Player Daemon (MPD) client which submits
mpdsigjob -
mpdtrace -
mp-5 - Minimum Profit Editor, a text editor for programmers
mpeg2dec - decode MPEG and MPEG2 video streams
mpeg2demux - demuxer for MPEG2 and VOB files.
mpeg2desc — multiplex audio/video streams -
mpeg2enc - MPEG-1/2 encoder
mpegcat - Extracts structural information and PES streams from an MPEG2
mpegdemux - MPEG1/2 system stream demultiplexer
mpeg_encoder - Video encoder as part of LiVES
mperfmon - Mono Performance Counter Monitor
mpexpand - Markup processor
mpfade - fade mpd volume in or out
mpg123 - play audio MPEG 1.0/2.0/2.5 stream (layers 1, 2 and 3)
mpg123 - play audio MPEG 1.0/2.0/2.5 stream (layers 1, 2 and 3)
mpg123 - play audio MPEG 1.0/2.0/2.5 stream (layers 1, 2 and 3)
mpg123 - play audio MPEG 1.0/2.0/2.5 stream (layers 1, 2 and 3)
mpg123 - play audio MPEG 1.0/2.0/2.5 stream (layers 1, 2 and 3)
mpg321 — Free clone of mpg123, a command-line mp3 player -
mpgtx, mpgsplit, mpgcat, mpgjoin, mpginfo, mpgdemux - manipulate mpeg
mpgtx, mpgsplit, mpgcat, mpgjoin, mpginfo, mpgdemux - manipulate mpeg
mpgenplaylists - generate mpd playlists for each subdirectory of music
mpgtx, mpgsplit, mpgcat, mpgjoin, mpginfo, mpgdemux - manipulate mpeg
mpgtx, mpgsplit, mpgcat, mpgjoin, mpginfo, mpgdemux - manipulate mpeg
mpgtx, mpgsplit, mpgcat, mpgjoin, mpginfo, mpgdemux - manipulate mpeg
mpgtx, mpgsplit, mpgcat, mpgjoin, mpginfo, mpgdemux - manipulate mpeg
mp - POSTSCRIPT pretty printer
mpicc, mpiCC / mpic++ - Compile LAM/MPI C/C++ programs.
mpicc, mpiCC / mpic++ - Compile LAM/MPI C/C++ programs.
mpicc - Compiles and links MPI programs written in C
mpicc -- Open MPI C wrapper compiler -
mpicxx - Compiles and links MPI programs written in C++
mpicxx - Compiles and links MPI programs written in C++
mpicxx -- Open MPI C++ wrapper compiler -
mpiexec - Run MPI programs on LAM nodes.
mpiexec -
orterun, mpirun, mpiexec - Execute serial and parallel jobs in Open
mpif77 - Compile LAM FORTRAN programs.
mpif77 - Compiles and links MPI programs written in Fortran 77
mpif77 -- Open MPI Fortran 77 wrapper compiler -
mpif90 - Compiles and links MPI programs written in Fortran 90
mpif90 -- Open MPI Fortran 90 wrapper compiler -
MPI - Introduction to the Message-Passing Interface
mpimsg - Monitor MPI message buffers under LAM.
mpinsert - insert song after currently playing song
mpipython - Python interpreter with MPI support
mpipython - Python interpreter with MPI support
mpirun - Run MPI programs on LAM nodes.
mpiexec -
orterun, mpirun, mpiexec - Execute serial and parallel jobs in Open
mpitask - Monitor MPI processes under LAM.
mplayer - movie player
mplength - calculates length of mpd playlist
mplex - MPEG 1/2 program/system stream multiplexer
mplinuxman — an mp3 player manager -
mpstore - store and transfer mpd state between daemons
mpstore - store and transfer mpd state between daemons
mpop - A POP3 client
mpost - MetaPost, a system for creating graphics
mppenc - Musepack lossy audio codec encoder
mpqc - The Massively Parallel Quantum Chemistry program (MPQC)
mprand - play a random playlist
mprev - reverse the mpd playlist
mprof-decoder - Console decoder for the logging profiler output files
mprof-heap-viewer - GUI viewer for the logging profiler heap snapshots
mprompt - simple prompt-based control for mpd
mpskip - emulate a skipping record
mpsl - scripting engine
mpstat - Report processors related statistics.
mpstore - store and transfer mpd state between daemons
mpstore - store and transfer mpd state between daemons
mptoggle - single button control for mpd
mptopdf - convert MetaPost to PDF
mpy - Message Passing Yorick
mpy - Message Passing Yorick
mpy - Message Passing Yorick
mpy-svn-stats - A simple statistics generator (log analyser) for
mqhash - Simple secure password generator
rancid - Cisco configuration filter
mrd6 - an IPv6 Multicast routing daemon and framework
mrd - remove an MSDOS subdirectory
mred - The PLT Graphical Scheme implementation
mrename - program to rename files
mren - rename an existing MSDOS file
mr - a Multiple Repository management tool
mrpt-performance - Complete performance test for MRPT
mrtg-apache - Returns the number of hits to a Apache web site
mrtg-contrib - Contribution Guidelines for MRTG
mrtg-faq - How to get help if you have problems with MRTG
mrtg-forum - Interactive Help for MRTG users
mrtg - What is MRTG ?
mrtg-ip-acct - Returns the number of IP packets that have traversed a
mrtg-ipv6 - IPv6 support in MRTG - Library for MRTG and support scripts
mrtg-load - Returns the current load average (5-minute average)
mrtg-logfile - description of the mrtg-2 logfile format
mrtg-mibhelp - A Table of some interesting OIDs
mrtg-ping-probe - ping probe module for Multi Router Traffic Grapher
mrtg-reference - MRTG 2.16.3 configuration reference
mrtg-rrd - How to use RRDtool with MRTG
mrtg-sensors - Returns data from lm-sensors
mrtg-squid - using mrtg to monitor Squid
mrtg-unix-guide - The MRTG 2.16.3 Linux/Unix Installation Guide
mrtg-webserver - hints for web server configuration
MRtrix - diffusion-weighted MRI white matter tractography
MRtrix - diffusion-weighted MRI white matter tractography
clogin - Cisco/Foundry login script
rancid - Cisco configuration filter
mrwcalcflat, mrwchromamap, mrwdumpautofocus, mrwdumpmanudat, mrwdumppim, -
mrwcalcflat, mrwchromamap, mrwdumpautofocus, mrwdumpmanudat, mrwdumppim, -
mrwcalcflat, mrwchromamap, mrwdumpautofocus, mrwdumpmanudat, mrwdumppim, -
mrwcalcflat, mrwchromamap, mrwdumpautofocus, mrwdumpmanudat, mrwdumppim, -
mrwcalcflat, mrwchromamap, mrwdumpautofocus, mrwdumpmanudat, mrwdumppim, -
mrwcalcflat, mrwchromamap, mrwdumpautofocus, mrwdumpmanudat, mrwdumppim, -
mrwcalcflat, mrwchromamap, mrwdumpautofocus, mrwdumpmanudat, mrwdumppim, -
fixtc - Compute correction for tone curves
mrwguesswb - Guesses which white balance setting was used for a Minolta
mrwinfo - Show information of Minolta DiMAGE 5/7/7i RAW images
mrwcalcflat, mrwchromamap, mrwdumpautofocus, mrwdumpmanudat, mrwdumppim, -
mrwtoppm - Convert Minolta DiMAGE 5/7/7Hi/7i/A1 RAW images to PPM
mrwcalcflat, mrwchromamap, mrwdumpautofocus, mrwdumpmanudat, mrwdumppim, -
mrxvt - A tabbed VT102 terminal emulator for X Window System
mrxvt - A tabbed VT102 terminal emulator for X Window System
mrxvt - A tabbed VT102 terminal emulator for X Window System
mscgen - Message Sequence Chart Renderer
msc - message sequence chart generator
mscompress - compress data using LZ77 algorithm
mscore - Full featured WYSIWYG score editor
mservdetect - Helper for masqmail and masqdialer
msexpand - decompress data compressed using mscompress(1) or
msg2qm - Converts translated .po files to a Qt-specific binary format.
msg2smtp ‐ a ’bridge’ between MUA and GNU Anubis -
msgattrib - attribute matching and manipulation on message catalog
msgcat - combines several message catalogs
msgchk - check for messages
msgcleanup - delete the messages with their lifetime exceeded
msgcmp - compare message catalog and template
msgcomm - match two message catalogs
msgconv - character set conversion for message catalog
msgen - create English message catalog
msgexec - process translations of message catalog
msgfilter - edit translations of message catalog
msgfmt - compile message catalog to binary format
msggrep - pattern matching on message catalog
msghack - Alter .po files in ways no sane mind would think about
msginit - initialize a message catalog
msgmerge - merge message catalog and template
msgunfmt - uncompile message catalog from binary format
msguniq - unify duplicate translations in message catalog
msguntypot - update po files when a typo is fixed in pot file
msh - nmh shell (and BBoard reader)
mshowfat - shows FAT clusters allocated to file
ms_isa2dlf - convert Microsoft ISA server logs to DLF
msmtp - An SMTP client
msntp - a SNTP utility (command and daemon)
msort-gui - frontend for msort utility
msort - sort records in complex ways
ms_print - post-processing tool for Massif
msql2mysql - convert mSQL programs for use with MySQL
msrp - search and replace file contents and metadata recursively.
mssh - tool to administrate multiple servers at once
mssstest - Normalisationo of disease scores
mstack - networking stack selection
mstflint - Mellanox firmware burning tool.
mstmcra - Mellanox Configuration Registers Access tool.
mstmwrite - Mellanox Configuration Registers Access tool.
mstmread - Mellanox Configuration Registers Access tool.
mstregdump - Mellanox Registers Access tool.
mstvpd - Dump Mellanox VPD card data
msva-perl - Perl implementation of a Monkeysphere Validation Agent
mswatch - watch mailstores for changes and initiate mailbox syncs
msword2brl - manual page for msword2brl 2.1.0
msynctool - Command line interface for OpenSync
mtail - tail variant designed for web developers monitoring logfiles
mtasc - ActionScript 2 to Flash (SWF) compiler
mtbatch - Sends SMS in batch mode
mtcvtfix - magtape conversion utility
mtcvtodd - magtape conversion utility
mtcvtv23 - magtape conversion utility
mt-dds - tool to control a dds device.
mtdev - Tool to test libmtdev library
mtdump - magtape conversion utility
mtest - ParMetis mesh partition test
mt - control magnetic tape drive operation
mtinkc - program to choose which EPSON printers to control
ttink - program to control your EPSON printer
mtkbabel - Tool for managing GPS data loggers based on the MTK chip
mtn - distributed version control system
mtnopt - generate shell variables from monotone workspace options
mtools - utilities to access DOS disks in Unix.
mtoolstest - tests and displays the configuration
mtpaint - A pixel based painting program
mtp-tools - tools for communicating with Media Transfer Protocol (MTP)
mtp-tools - tools for communicating with Media Transfer Protocol (MTP)
mtp-tools - tools for communicating with Media Transfer Protocol (MTP)
mtp-tools - tools for communicating with Media Transfer Protocol (MTP)
mtp-tools - tools for communicating with Media Transfer Protocol (MTP)
mtp-tools - tools for communicating with Media Transfer Protocol (MTP)
mtp-tools - tools for communicating with Media Transfer Protocol (MTP)
mtp-tools - tools for communicating with Media Transfer Protocol (MTP)
mtp-tools - tools for communicating with Media Transfer Protocol (MTP)
mtpfs - FUSE filesystem for Media Transfer Protocol devices
mtp-tools - tools for communicating with Media Transfer Protocol (MTP)
mtp-tools - tools for communicating with Media Transfer Protocol (MTP)
mtp-tools - tools for communicating with Media Transfer Protocol (MTP)
mtp-tools - tools for communicating with Media Transfer Protocol (MTP)
mtp-tools - tools for communicating with Media Transfer Protocol (MTP)
mtp-tools - tools for communicating with Media Transfer Protocol (MTP)
mtp-tools - tools for communicating with Media Transfer Protocol (MTP)
mtp-tools - tools for communicating with Media Transfer Protocol (MTP)
mtp-tools - tools for communicating with Media Transfer Protocol (MTP)
mtp-tools - tools for communicating with Media Transfer Protocol (MTP)
mtp-tools - tools for communicating with Media Transfer Protocol (MTP)
mtp-tools - tools for communicating with Media Transfer Protocol (MTP)
mtp-tools - tools for communicating with Media Transfer Protocol (MTP)
mtrace - Interpret output from MALLOC_TRACE
smt - magnetic tape control
mt - control magnetic tape drive operation
mtvtoppm - convert output from the MTV or PRT ray tracers into a
mtx - control SCSI media changer devices
mtype - display contents of an MSDOS file
Mucous - Python / Curses client for museek
muddleftpd - ftp server
mudlogd - log manager for muddleftpd(1)
mu - index and search e-mail messages stored in Maildirs
muine - Simple music player for GNOME.
Banshee - Media Management and Playback application
Mulog - Chat Logging Script for Museekd
multi-aterm - a tabbed VT102 terminal emulator for X-Window
multicd - program to backup your data to CD-R/CD-RW
multiget - graphical download manager
multig - Read undirected loop-free graphs and replace their edges with
multimarkdown - Convert MultiMarkdown syntax to (X)HTML
multimix, multimix-prep - automatically discover classes in data
multimix, multimix-prep - automatically discover classes in data
multimon - program to decode radio transmissions
multiple-sources - a simple program emulating multiple sources
sgbdemos - Examples of the use of The Stanford GraphBase
MultiplyImages - part of ANTS registration suite
multistrap - multiple repository bootstraps
MultiTail - browse through several files at once
multitee - send multiple inputs to multiple outputs
multiwatch - forks and watches multiple instances of a program in the
multixterm - drive multiple xterms separately or together
mumble - a low-latency, high quality voice chat program for gaming.
mumble-django-configure - helper script to configure various aspects of
mumble - a low-latency, high quality voice chat program for gaming.
mumble-overlay - load OpenGL overlay for Mumble.
mumble-server-cli - allows calling methods of mumble-server from the
mummer - package for sequence alignment of multiple genomes
mummer - package for sequence alignment of multiple genomes
mummer - package for sequence alignment of multiple genomes
ispell, buildhash, munchlist, findaffix, tryaffix, icombine, ijoin - -
munge - MUNGE credential encoder
munpack - unpack messages in MIME or split-uuencode format
Qt: - manual page for Qt: 4.7.0
mupdatetest - interactive MUPDATE test program
mupen64plus - A plugin-based N64 emulator for Linux
muplot - plot a multi-curve figure from multiple data by using Gnuplot
murmurd - VoIP server.
Murmur - PyGTK2 client for museek
murmur-user-wrapper - User wrapper for murmurd.
muroard - minimalist sound server for the RoarAudio protocol
muroarstream - Simple RoarAudio client
Muscand - File scanner daemon for Museek
Muscan - File scanner for Museek
muscle - Multiple Protein Sequence Alignment
muscleTool - Program to manage and personalize your MuscleCard
MuseekControl - Command-Line control Python Script for Museekd
Museekd - C++ Daemon/Client for Soulseek
Museeq - QT GUI for the Museek Daemon
MusE - MIDI/Audio Sequencer
muse-song-convert - convert between MusE songfile formats
Musetup-GTK - PyGTK2 Configuration app for Museekd
Musetup - Configuration script for Museekd
music123 - plays various sound files (usually including MP3, Ogg and
music - launch a multi-simulation using MUSIC
music-librarian - organize music files on your hard drive
musicxml2ly - manual page for musicxml2ly (LilyPond) 2.12.3
musixflx - preprocess mx1 files
musixtex - automates the three-pass TeX compilation of MusiXTeX
mollist - get identifiers list
mustang - a multiple structural alignment algorithm
mutagen-inspect - view Mutagen-supported audio tags
mutagen-pony - scan a collection of MP3 files
mute - use aumix to mute and un-mute sound output
mutt_dotlock - Lock mail spool files.
MUTTER - Clutter based compositing GTK2 Window Manager
MUTTER-MESSAGE - a command to send a message to Mutter
mutter-theme-viewer - view mutter themes
mutter-window-demo - demo of window features
mutt - The Mutt Mail User Agent
mutt_ldap_query - Query LDAP server for Mutt mail-reader
muttprint - pretty printing of mails with Mutt
muttprofile - Choose a Mutt Profile
mutt_vc_query - vCard query utility for mutt
mvdic - Tool for renaming a user dictionary
mv - move (rename) files
mvn-debian - debian helper for using Maven in offline mode
mvnDebug - Command to start the Maven system in Debug mode
mvn - Command to start the Maven system
mvpa-prep-fmri - preprocess fMRI data for PyMVPA
mpc-ace, mwc-ace — generate project and workspace files -
ctn_manpage - Generic CTN manual page
mwm — The Motif Window Manager -
mx44 - polyphonic, multichannel midi realtime software synthesizer
mx44 - polyphonic, multichannel midi realtime software synthesizer
mxallowd - dynamically whitelist your Mail eXchanger
mx-create-image-cache — program to make a cache of a directory -
mxmldoc - mini-xml documentation generator
mxtar - Wrapper for using GNU tar directly from a floppy disk
mybashburn - it can burn data cds/dvds and create mp3/ogg/flac.
MyDMS - Document Management System
myisamchk - MyISAM table-maintenance utility
myisam_ftdump - display full-text index information
myisamlog - display MyISAM log file contents
myisampack - generate compressed, read-only MyISAM tables
mylvmbackup - a utility for creating MySQL backups using LVM snapshots
mypaint - painting program for wacom tablet users
MyPasswordSafe - Easy-to-use password manager.
my_print_defaults - display options from option files
dbf2mysql, mysql2dbf - convert between xBase and MySQL databases
mysql2dlf - convert mysql logfiles to dlf format
mysqlaccess - client for checking access privileges
mysql-admin - MySQL server administration utility
mysqladmin - client for administering a MySQL server
mysqlcheck - a table maintenance program
mysqlbinlog - utility for processing binary log files
mysqlbug - generate bug report
mysqlcheck - a table maintenance program
mysql_client_test - test client API
mysql_client_test - test client API
mysql_config - get compile options for compiling clients
mysql_convert_table_format - convert tables to use a given storage
mysqld_multi - manage multiple MySQL servers
mysqld_safe - MySQL server startup script
mysqldump - a database backup program
mysqldumpslow - Summarize slow query log files
mysql_find_rows - extract SQL statements from files
mysql_fix_extensions - normalize table file name extensions
mysql_fix_privilege_tables - upgrade MySQL system tables
mysqlhotcopy - a database backup program
mysql - the MySQL command-line tool - Imports an Apache combined log into a
mysqlimport - a data import program
mysql_install_db - initialize MySQL data directory
mysqlman - default man page for mysql
mysqlnavigator - GUI client program for MySQL database server
mysqlnavigator - GUI client program for MySQL database server
mysqlcheck - a table maintenance program
mysql-query-browser - MySQL query tool
mysqlcheck - a table maintenance program
mysqlreport - Makes a friendly report of important MySQL status values
mysql_secure_installation - improve MySQL installation security
mysql_setpermission - interactively set permissions in grant tables
mysqlshow - display database, table, and column information
mysqlslap - load emulation client
mysql_tableinfo - creates and populates information tables with the
mysqltest - program to run test cases
mysqltest - program to run test cases
mysqltuner - high-performance MySQL tuning script
mysql_tzinfo_to_sql - load the time zone tables
mysql_upgrade - check tables for MySQL upgrade
mysql_waitpid - kill process and wait for its termination
mysql_zap - kill processes that match a pattern
mythbuntu-control-centre - graphical mythbuntu configuration utility
mythbuntu-lircrc-generator - lircrc generation tool for use on
mythbuntu-lircrc-generator - lircrc generation tool for use on
mythbuntu-startup - live session preparation tool for use on Mythbuntu
MythExport - MythTV recordings export daemon
MythImport - MythTV "On The Go" importing script
mythnettv-gui - gui frontend for mythnettv
mythnettv - RSS video aggregator for MythTV
mythtvfs - a FUSE filesystem for accessing and managing MythTV
mythtv_recording_now - test whether a MythTV backend is recording now
mythtv_recording_soon - test whether a MythTV backend will be recording
mythtv-status - Display the status of a MythTV backend
mytool - manipulate map files for yudit, uniconv and uniprint
mz - a fast versatile packet generator
mzc - The PLT Scheme compiler tool
mz - a fast versatile packet generator
mzip - change protection mode and eject disk on Zip/Jaz drive
mzscheme - The PLT Scheme implementation
N3BiasFieldCorrection - part of ANTS registration suite
N4BiasFieldCorrection - part of ANTS registration suite
nabi - X Input Method Server for Korean text input
nad2bin - convert nad ASCII files into binary format usable by nad2nad
nad2nad - North American Datum conversion filter
nadoka - IRC Client Server program
nagcon - nagcon is a console application interfacing to nagios
nagios-stat - nagios-statd client
nagstamon - Nagios status monitor which takes place in systray or on
nagzillac - jabber relay bot client
nagzillad - jabber relay bot daemon
namazu - a search program of Namazu
addr2name, name2addr - perform DNS lookups from scripts
namebench — open-source DNS benchmark utility -
namecheck - Check project names are not already taken.
name-client-2 - CORBA Naming Service client
nameclt - Naming Service client
namei - follow a pathname until a terminal point is found
nam - VINT/LBL Network Animator
nana-clg - compiles and runs a program using the nana library.
nanafilter - extract special commands from an input stream.
nana - generates debugger commands from C and C++ source code
nana-libtrace - generates a GDB script for tracing a library/object
nana-run - run a program under the debugger without user interaction
nana-sfdir - run’s nana-sfg over a set of C/C++ source files
nana-sfg - the nana shortform generator (aka nana science fiction
nana-trace - does a line-by-line trace of a program
nano - Nano’s ANOther editor, an enhanced free Pico clone
nano-tiny - Nano’s ANOther editor, an enhanced free Pico Clone
nanourl - create small urls
NAnt - .NET build tool similar to Ant
nap, napping - Linux Napster Client
na_record - play waveform files on audio device
nap, napping - Linux Napster Client
na_record - record waveform from audio device
narval_launch - first step to enable narval sub systems.
narval_naming_service - program collecting all narval sub systems name
narval_shell - is a console oriented program to control narval sub
nash - find nash equilibria of two person noncooperative games
nasm - the Netwide Assembler, a portable 80x86 assembler
nasty - A tool which helps you to recover your GPG passphrase
nautilus-actions - configure programs to launch from the nautilus file
nautilus-actions-new - create new nautilus actions
nautilus-actions-run - execute an action on the specified target
nautilus-actions-schemas - output the nautilus-actions GConf schema to
nautilus-connect-server - To Access a remote server
nautilus-file-management-properties - File Management Preferences
nautilus - the GNOME File Manager
nautilus-pastebin-configurator - Nautilus Pastebin configuration panel
nautilus-script-manager - Simple management script for nautilus scripts
nautilus-scripts-manager - easy tool for nautilus scripts management
nautilus-sendto - convenience application to send a file via email or
navit - The modular touchscreen-friendly vector based navigation
navlog-viewer - GUI viewer of robot navigation logs
nbackup -- Physical Backup Manager -
nbd-server - serve a file as a block device to other computers
NanoBlogger - small weblog engine for the UNIX command line
nbibfind - find bibliography entries for BibTeX or NbibTeX
nbibtex - make a bibliography for LaTeX
nbp, nbplkup, nbprgstr, nbpunrgstr - access NBP database
nbp, nbplkup, nbprgstr, nbpunrgstr - access NBP database
nbp, nbplkup, nbprgstr, nbpunrgstr - access NBP database
nbp, nbplkup, nbprgstr, nbpunrgstr - access NBP database
nbtk-create-image-cache — program to make a cache of a directory -
nbtscan — program for scanning networks for NetBIOS name information -
nc6 - network swiss army knife
cal, ncal - displays a calendar and the date of Easter
ncap2 - netCDF Arithmetic Processor, Next Generation
ncap - netCDF Arithmetic Processor
ncat - Concatenate and redirect sockets
ncatted - netCDF Attribute Editor
ncbo - netCDF Binary Operator
nccgen - source code analysis
nccgen - source code analysis
nccgen - source code analysis
nccgen - source code analysis
nccgen - source code analysis
nccnav, nccnavi - explore the output of nccgen on a text-mode console
nccnav, nccnavi - explore the output of nccgen on a text-mode console
ncd - compute the Normalized Compression Distance
ncdiff - netCDF Differencer
ncdt - directory tree printer with extended capabilities
ncdu - NCurses Disk Usage
ncdump - Convert netCDF files to ASCII form (CDL)
ncdump - Convert netCDF file to text form (CDL)
ncea - netCDF Ensemble Averager
ncecat - netCDF Ensemble Concatenator
ncflint - netCDF File Interpolator
ncftp - Browser program for the File Transfer Protocol
ncftpbatch - Individual batch FTP job processor
ncftpbookmarks - full screen bookmarks editor for ncftp
ncftpget - Internet file transfer program for scripts
ncftpls - Internet file transfer program for scripts
ncftpput - Internet file transfer program for scripts
ncftpspooler - Global batch FTP job processor daemon
ncgen - From a CDL file generate a netCDF file, a C program, or a
ncgen - From a CDL file generate a netCDF-3 file, a netCDF-4 file or a
ncks - netCDF Kitchen Sink
ncmpc - curses Music Player Daemon (MPD) client.
ncmpcpp - An ncurses Music Player Daemon (MPD) client.
NCO - netCDF Operators
ncoils - prediction of coiled-coil secondary structure elements
nc - arbitrary TCP and UDP connections and listens
ncopy - NetWare file copy
ncpdq - netCDF Permute Dimensions Quickly, Pack Data Quietly...
ncplogin - create permanent connection to a NetWare server
ncplogout - schedule permanent connection to close
ncpmap - mounts some resource from Netware server or tree previously
ncpus - print the number of virtual CPUs
ncra - netCDF Record Averager
ncrcat - netCDF Record Concatenator
ncrename - netCDF Renamer
ncs_cli_maa - OpenSAF administrative console command line interface
nctoh5 - Convert a NetCDF file into a PyTables (HDF5 format) file
nc - TCP/IP swiss army knife
ncurses5-config - helper script for ncurses libraries
ncursesw5-config - helper script for ncurses libraries
ncview - graphically display netCDF files under X windows
ncwa - netCDF Weighted Averager
ndb_config - extract MySQL Cluster configuration information
ndb_delete_all - delete all rows from an NDB table
ndb_desc - describe NDB tables
ndb_drop_index - drop index from an NDB table
ndb_drop_table - drop an NDB table
ndb_error_reporter - NDB error-reporting utility
ndb_mgm - the MySQL Cluster management client
ndb_restore - restore a MySQL Cluster backup
ndb_select_all - print rows from an NDB table
ndb_select_count - print row counts for NDB tables
ndb_show_tables - display list of NDB tables - NDBCLUSTER Size Requirement Estimator
ndb_waiter - wait for MySQL Cluster to reach a given status
nd - Tiny little command line WebDAV interface
ndiff - Utility to compare the results of Nmap scans
ndisasm - the Netwide Disassembler, an 80x86 binary file disassembler
ndo2db - Stores Nagios event and configuration data to a database.
ndrdump - DCE/RPC Packet Parser and Dumper
ndtpcheck - a lint for ndtpd configuration
ndtpcontorl - a controller for ndtpd
ndtpd - the Network Dictionary Transfer Protocol server
nearblack - nearblack convert nearly black/white borders to black
neaten - neaten up output columns
dot - filter for drawing directed graphs
nec2diff - NEC2 (Numerical Electromagnetics Code) is software for
nec2, nec2small - Numerical Electromagnetics Code (Antenna Modelling
nec2, nec2small - Numerical Electromagnetics Code (Antenna Modelling
NEdit - Text Editor
nedit-nc - Client program for NEdit text editor
efte - Text editor
ne - A nice editor
nekoc - compile Neko programs to Neko bytecode.
neko - Neko virtual machine.
nekotools - tools for running Neko programs.
nel-config - Get information about a libnel installation
nemiver - graphical debugger for GNOME
neon-config - script providing information about installed copy of neon
neotoppm - convert an Atari Neochrome .neo into a portable pixmap
neqn - format equations for ascii output
neso - Tryton Application Platform (Standalone Client/Server)
netaddr - interactive shell for netaddr Python library
netapplet - notification area applet for user-level network
netatalk-config - script to get information about the installed version
NetBeans - Java IDE
netdaemon - monitors network state and alters network configuration
netdisco - Internal API
netdisco-mibs-download - Downloader for the Netdisco MIB bundle
netdisco-mibs-install - Installer for the Netdisco MIB bundle
netemul - computer network simulator.
netgen — Automatic 3d tetrahedral mesh generator -
netgroup - List netgroup members
netio230a-cli - CLI to python-netio230a
netio230a-discover - detect all Koukaam NETIO-230A devices on your
netio230a-gui - GUI to python-netio230a
netkey-tool - administrative utility for Netkey E4 cards
ftp - Internet file transfer program
talk - talk to another user
rcp - remote file copy
rlogin - remote login
rsh - remote shell
netload - Network device load monitor
netmask - a netmask generation and conversion program
netmrg-gatherer - Gathers data from devices.
netpbm - package of graphics manipulation programs and libraries
netperf - a network performance benchmark
netpipes - a package to manipulate BSD TCP/IP stream sockets
netread - read data transported over network using netwrite
netrik - The ANTRIK internet browser
wodim - write data to optical disk media
netsed - network packet stream editor
netsend - a speedy filetransfer and network diagnostic program
netserver - a network performance benchmark server
net-snmp-config - returns information about installed net-snmp
netspeed_applet2 - Traffic monitor applet for Gnome2
netstat-nat - Show the natted connections on a linux iptable firewall
netsurf - Web Browser
net_temp - work with network templates
nettle-lfib-stream - pseudorandom generator
netwag - graphical front end for netwox
Netwatch - Ethernet Internet Protocol Monitor
network-admin - Network Administration Tool
network-test - check the network and test if everything is fine
netwox - examples/tools of the network library netwib
netwrite - write data transported over network for reading using
nevow-xmlgettext - extract translatable strings
newaliases - pseudo newaliases command for nullmailer
ladr4-apps - undocumented LADR4 applications
newbiedoc - Debian documentation for newbies by newbies.
new-bug-description-search - searches new bugs by description
newedgeg - For each pair of non-adjacent edges, output the graph
newgrp - log in to a new group
newhelp - generate a performance metrics help database
njplot - A phylogenetic tree drawing program for biologists newicktops
njplot - A phylogenetic tree drawing program for biologists newicktops
newmail - biff like tool for the terminal
newvserver - Creates a new Debian vserver by downloading packages via
newpki-client - a PKI based on the OpenSSL low-level API
newpki-server - a PKI based on the OpenSSL low-level API
newrole - run a shell with a new SELinux role
ladr4-apps - undocumented LADR4 applications
newsbeuter - an RSS feed reader for text terminals
newsbody - Run a program on the body of a mail or news message
news - display system news
newslock - create atomic hard links
newsq - view the leafnode news queue
newvserver - Creates a new Debian vserver by calling vserver ... build
ex, vi, view - text editors
next - show the next message
nextword -
nf2csv - iptables to CSV data
nfcapd - netflow capture daemon
nfdump - netflow display and analyze program
nfexpire - data expiry program
radiance-experttools — Specialty programs of the Radiance package, used -
nforenum - renumber and fix .nfo files
nfoview - viewer for NFO files
nfprofile - netflow profiler
nfreplay - netflow replay program
nfs4_setfacl, nfs4_editfacl - manipulate NFSv4 file/directory access
nfs4_getfacl - get NFSv4 file/directory access control lists
nfs4_setfacl, nfs4_editfacl - manipulate NFSv4 file/directory access
nget - retrieve files from NNTP (usenet news) hosts
ngetlite - retrieve files from NNTP hosts
ngettext - translate message and choose plural form
nginx - small, but very powerful and efficient web server
NGLister - Tool to download newsgroup information from news servers
ngmultidec - make ngpice sub-circuit for coupled transmission lines
ngmx - displays a trajectory
ngmx - displays a trajectory
nutmeg - spice post-processor
ngorca - Password recovery tool for Oracle databases
speech-tools - Programs for audio and speech manipulation
speech-tools - Programs for audio and speech manipulation
sconvert - convert spice formats
spice - circuit simulator
ng_stl — Netgen (nglib) STL Testing -
ng_vol — Netgen (nglib) Testing -
nicec - compiler for the Nice programming language
nice - run a program with modified scheduling priority
niceunit - Runs unit tests written in the Nice programming language
nickle - a desk calculator language
nicotine - client for the SoulSeek peer-to-peer sharing system
nicotine-import-winconfig - import configuration from the Windows
nicovideo-dl — download a video file from -
nifti1_test - NIfTI file conversion
nifti_stats - compute NIfTI statistical functions
nifti_tool - multipurpose manipulation tool for NIfTI files
lipsia - Leipzig Image Processing and Statistical Inference Algorithms
nih-dbus-tool - D-Bus binding code generator
nii2mnc - convert a NIfTI-1 or Analyze 7.5 format file to a MINC format
nikon-curve - generate interpolation data from Nikon tone curves
nikto - Scan web server for known vulnerabilities
NINJAHELPER - A menu driven curses-based interface to walk you through
nip2 - image processing with the VIPS library
hostname - show or set the system’s host name
nitpic - a Microchip PIC simulator
nitrogen - X11 background previewer and setter
njam — a full-featured cross-platform PacMan clone -
MolPhy - program package for MOLecular PHYlogenetics
njplot - A phylogenetic tree drawing program for biologists newicktops
mollist - get identifiers list
nkf - Network Kanji Filter
nl - number lines of files
nlkt - program that trains human to touch the keyboard quickly.
nlmconv - converts object code into an NLM.
nload - displays the current network usage
clogin - Cisco/Foundry login script
objdump86, size86, nm86 - Examine object, archive or executable files
nmap - Network exploration tool and security / port scanner
nmapsi4 - A Qt4 interface for nmap
nmapsi4-logr - Nmapsi4 log reader
nmblookup - NetBIOS over TCP/IP client used to lookup NetBIOS names
nmblookup - NetBIOS over TCP/IP client used to lookup NetBIOS names
nmcli - command-line tool for controlling NetworkManager
nm - list symbols from object files
nmixer - An interactive text-based sound-mixer control program
nmon - systems administrator, tuner, benchmark tool.
nm-online - ask NetworkManager whether the network is connected
nm-ppp-service - PPP connection helper for NetworkManager
nms2dlf - convert Netscape Messaging Server SMTP log files to the email
nmsmmp2dlf - convert Netscape Messaging Server MMP log files to the
nmsstore2dlf - convert Netscape Messaging Server IMAP or POP log files
nm-tool - utility to report NetworkManager state and devices
nmudiff - email an NMU diff to the Debian BTS
nm-vpn-properties -- Network management framework -
nmzmail - a tool to use the namazu2 search engine from within mutt
nnbatch - nn in batch mode.
nncheck - check for unread articles
nngoback - make news articles unread on a day-by-day basis (nn)
nngrab - news retrieval by keyword (nn)
nngrep - grep for news group names (nn)
nn - efficient net news interface (No News is good news)
nnpost - post news articles (nn)
nntidy - tidy your personal .newsrc file
nntp-get - print out a single article
nntpget - get Usenet articles from a remote NNTP server
nntp-list - print a list of available newsgroups
nntp-pull - fetch articles from the server to the mbox
nntp-push - send an article to the server
nntptest - interactive NNTP test program
nnum - produces a series of equally-separated integers or floats
nnview - invokes nn on a folder
nodeattr - query genders file
nodefs - find definitions in noweb file
node -- evented I/O for V8 JavaScript -
nodejs-repl - Nodejs read-eval-print-loop
nodejs-waf - WAF helper for building nodejs modules
nodelist2lbdb - convert Fido nodelist and pointlist to lbdb format
nodeusers - LinuxNode user information lookup program
finddup - Find identical files and do something with them
nohup - run a command immune to hangups, with output to a non-tty
noindex - build external index for noweb document
nomarch - extract ‘.arc’ archives
nona_gui - Graphical interface for nona
nona - Stitch a panorama image
nopaste-it - Nopaste software written in Perl (cli tool).
nop - pretty-print graph file
normal3d - apply transformation matrix in Raster3D input file
normalize-audio - adjusts volume levels of audio files.
normalize-mp3 - adjust levels of mp3 or ogg files by running normalize-
normalize-mp3 - adjust levels of mp3 or ogg files by running normalize-
normpat - normalize RADIANCE pictures for use as patterns.
normtiff - tone-map and convert RADIANCE picture or HDR TIFF to
noroff - format woven troff documentation
noroots - print roots of a noweb file
nosetests - nicer testing for python
noshell — shell for administrative users that should never log in -
notangle, noweave, nountangle - noweb, a literate-programming tool
notebook-gtk2 - A GTK+ logbook editor
NOTEEDIT - KDE2/Qt2 Note Editor
Notify_Logging_Service — TAO Notify Telecom Log Service -
notifyme - notifies a user then other one logs in
notify-send - a program to send desktop notifications
notmuch - thread-based email index, search, and tagging
notangle, noweave, nountangle - noweb, a literate-programming tool
nova - simulate a nova computer
notangle, noweave, nountangle - noweb, a literate-programming tool
noweb - a simple literate-programming tool
nowhere - a tree parser generator for Standard ML
npg - NetDisco Postgres shell
NetPIPE - Network Protocol Independent Performance Evaluator
NetPIPE - Network Protocol Independent Performance Evaluator
NetPIPE - Network Protocol Independent Performance Evaluator
NetPIPE - Network Protocol Independent Performance Evaluator
nprint - NetWare print client
nproc - print the number of processing units available
nps2gps - convert nucleotide-protein sets to ASN.1 genomic product sets
NetPIPE - Network Protocol Independent Performance Evaluator
nqc - A simple C-like language for Lego’s RCX programmable brick
rancid - Cisco configuration filter
nrg2iso - extract ISO9660 data from Nero ".nrg" files
netread - read data transported over network using netwrite
nroff - emulate nroff command with groff
NRSS - An ncurses RSS reader
NRswitchg - For each v, complement the edges from N(v) to V(G)-N(v)-v.
gnustep-examples - various example GNUstep tools/applications
nsca - Nagios Service Check Acceptor
nsdejavu - DjVu browser plugin
nsend - Send messages to users or groups
nsgmls - a validating SGML parser
ns - network simulator (version 2)
gnustep-examples - various example GNUstep tools/applications
clogin - Cisco/Foundry login script
nslookup - query Internet name servers interactively
gnustep-examples - various example GNUstep tools/applications
nspluginplayer - tool to play embedded web content
nspluginwrapper - tool to manage nspluginwrapper-wrapped plugins
rancid - Cisco configuration filter
gnustep-examples - various example GNUstep tools/applications
nstk - ns with tk support
network streams - a tcpdump output analyzer
nsupdate - Dynamic DNS update utility
ntdpal - Provides Primer3’s alignment functionality
NtEd - A WYSIWYG Musical Score Editor
ntfsend - send notification(s)
ntfsubscribe - subscribe to notfifications
nt - A download manager for X
ntlm_auth - tool to allow external access to Winbind's NTLM
ntpdc - special NTP query program
ntpq - standard NTP query program
ntpsweep - Sweep NTP Servers and Report Relationships
ntptrace - trace a chain of NTP servers back to the primary source
ntsc-cc - closed caption decoder
nttcp - new test TCP program
nuapplet - Graphical client for NuFW
mollist - get identifiers list
mollist - get identifiers list
mollist - get identifiers list
mummer - package for sequence alignment of multiple genomes
mummer - package for sequence alignment of multiple genomes
MolPhy - program package for MOLecular PHYlogenetics
MolPhy - program package for MOLecular PHYlogenetics
fsl - analysis tools for FMRI, MRI and DTI brain imaging
nullmailer-inject - Reformat and inject a message into the queue.
numaverage - Find the average of a set of numbers.
numbound - Find boundary numbers in files or STDIN.
numconv - convert numbers from one number system to another
numgrep - This program is the numeric equivilent of the grep utility.
numinterval - Show the numeric intervals between each line in a file.
numlockx - Control the state of NumLock
numnormalize - Normalize a set of numbers. By default between 0 and 1.
numprocess - This program mutates numbers as it encounters them.
numrandom - Print out a random number.
numrange - Print out a range of numbers for use in for loops and such.
numround - A program that rounds off numbers it encounters.
numsum - numsum program file
nunit-console - Test-based front-end to NUnit
nup - multiple pages per sheet with dvi2ps
nutcpc - NuFW console-mode client for GNU/Linux and BSD systems
nut-nutrition - analyze meals with the USDA Nutrient Database
nuweb2noweb - convert nuweb files to noweb form
nvclock_gtk - Overclock your NVidia graphics adapter.
nvclock - Overclock your nVidia graphics adapter.
nvclock_qt - Overclock your NVidia graphics adapter.
nvidia-cg-toolkit-installer - Program to install/uninstall the NVIDIA
nvidia-settings - configure the NVIDIA graphics driver
ex, vi, view - text editors
ex, vi, view - text editors
vlc, qvlc, svlc, nvlc, rvlc, cvlc - the VLC media player
nvram_export - Cisco 7200 NVRAM configuration export
nvramtool - read/write coreboot-related information
nwall - chat friendly wall program
nwauth - Verify username/password
nwbols - List NetWare Bindery Objects
nwboprops - List properies of a NetWare Bindery Object
nwbpset - Create a bindery property or set its value
nwbpvalues - Print a NetWare Bindery Propery’s contents
nwdir - Lists files in directory
nwdpvalues - covert object names to ids and back
nwfsinfo - Print some information about the file server
nwfstime - Display / Set a NetWare server’s date and time
netwrite - write data transported over network for reading using
nwpasswd - Change a user’s password
nwpjvm - Move print job to Unix queue
nwpqjob - Perform operations on the jobs in NetWare print queue
nwpurge - Permanently delete previously erased files
nwrights - Show effective rights for file or directory
nwrite - enhanced write
nwsfind - Find a NetWare Server
nwtrustee2 - Lists trustees and permissions of a ncp directory
nwtrustee - List an object’s trustee directory assignments
nwuserlist - List Users logged in at a NetWare server
nwvolinfo - Diplay info on NetWare Volumes
rancid - Cisco configuration filter
nxtvepg - Decoder, Browser and Analyzer for the Nextview Electronic
Nyquist - A computer programming language for software sound synthesis
nycheck - tool to check syntax of specialized-format patches
nydiff - tool to compare two versions of a specialized-format patch
Nyquist - A computer programming language for software sound synthesis
nyindex - tool to print index of specialized-format patches
nylist - tool to list contents of specialized-format patches
nymerge - tool to update and merge specialized-format patches
nypatchy - tool to work with specialized-format patches
Nyquist - A computer programming language for software sound synthesis
nyshell - tool to generate shell scripts to build nypatchy output
nysynopt - tool to list contents of specialized-format patches
nytidy - tool to clean up specialized-format patches
nycli - New Korving CLI
nzb — nzb based Usenet binary grabber -
oakdecode - Decode an OAKT printer stream into human readable form.
obchiral - print molecular chirality information
ObConf - configuration utility for Openbox.
obconformer - generate conformer coordinates
obenergy - calculate the energy for a molecule
obexautofs - search, display and mount ObexFTP capabable devices
obex-data-server - D-Bus service providing OBEX functionality
obex-folder-listing - create an obex folder-listing object
obexfs - mount filesystem of ObexFTP capabable devices
obexftpd - Mobile Equipment file transfer server
obexftp - Mobile Equipment file transfer tool
obexftp - Mobile Equipment file transfer tool
obexftp - Mobile Equipment file transfer tool
obexpushd - receive files with OBEX protocol via Bluetooth, IrDA or
obexftp - Mobile Equipment file transfer tool
obexftp - Mobile Equipment file transfer tool
obex_tcp - Send or receive files via TCP
obex_test - interactive test application for the openobex library
Obextool - a graphical frontend to browse obex file systems
obfit - superimpose two molecules based on a pattern
obgen - generate 3D coordinates for a molecule
obgrep - an advanced molecular search program using SMARTS
obj2mesh - create a compiled RADIANCE mesh file from Wavefront .OBJ
obj2rad - convert Wavefront .obj file to RADIANCE description
*_count - count physical lines of code, in each input file
objcopy - copy and translate object files
objdump86, size86, nm86 - Examine object, archive or executable files
objdump - display information from object files.
objline - create metafile line drawings of RADIANCE object(s)
radiance-experttools — Specialty programs of the Radiance package, used -
objview - view RADIANCE object(s)
obm-dir - a pipe-menu for openbox
obmenu - a menu editor for openbox
obminimize - optimize the geometry, minimize the energy for a molecule
obm-moz - a pipe-menu for openbox
obm-nav - a pipe-menu for openbox
obm-xdg - a pipe-menu for openbox
obprobe - create electrostatic probe grid
obprop - print standard molecular properties
obrotamer - generate conformer/rotamer coordinates
obrotate - batch-rotate dihedral angles matching SMARTS patterns
observations2map - Transforms a set of pairs yyyyylt;pose,observationyyyyygt; into
openbox — A minimalistic, highly configurable, next generation window -
ocamlbuild - The Objective Caml project compilation tool
ocamlbuild - The Objective Caml project compilation tool
ocamlbuild - The Objective Caml project compilation tool
ocamlbyteinfo - dump an OCaml bytecode binary description
ocamlc - The Objective Caml bytecode compiler
ocamlcp - The Objective Caml profiling compiler
ocamlcvs2.byte - GUI to manipulate CVS-managed files.
ocamldebug - the Objective Caml source-level replay debugger.
ocamldep - Dependency generator for Objective Caml
ocamldoc - The Objective Caml documentation generator
ocamldsort - Dependency sorter for OCaml source files
ocamlc - The Objective Caml bytecode compiler
ocamlc - The Objective Caml bytecode compiler
ocamldep - Dependency generator for Objective Caml
ocamldep - Dependency generator for Objective Caml
ocamldoc - The Objective Caml documentation generator
ocamldoc - The Objective Caml documentation generator
ocamlfind - [Command-line interface of the Package manager]
ocaml - The Objective Caml interactive toplevel
ocamlobjinfo - dump an OCaml compilation unit description
ocamlopt - The Objective Caml native-code compiler
ocamlopt - The Objective Caml native-code compiler
ocamldumpapprox - dump an OCaml native compilation unit description
ocamldumpobj - disassembler for OCaml executable and .cmo object files
ocamlfind - [Command-line interface of the Package manager]
ocaml-gettext - program to manage PO and MO files for OCaml source
ocamlgraph-editor - GTK-based graph editor based on hyperbolic
ocamlgraph-editor - GTK-based graph editor based on hyperbolic
ocamlgraph-viewer - GTK-based graph viewer.
ocamlgraph-viewer - GTK-based graph viewer.
ocaml - The Objective Caml interactive toplevel
ocamllex - The Objective Caml lexer generator
ocaml-lintian - Dump OCaml object information for lintian test
ocaml.m4 - Autoconf macros for OCaml
ocaml-md5sum - Use and maintain ocaml md5sums registry files
ocamlmklib - generate libraries with mixed C / Caml code.
ocamlmktop - Building custom toplevel systems
ocamlobjinfo - dump an OCaml compilation unit description
ocamlopt - The Objective Caml native-code compiler
ocamlplugininfo - dump an OCaml native shared object file description
ocamlprof - The Objective Caml profiler
ocamlrss2.byte - OCaml RSS 2.0 editor.
ocamlrun - The Objective Caml bytecode interpreter
ocamltdl2.byte - Edit TODO lists in XML files.
ocamlviz - monitoring tools for Objective Caml
ocamlviz - monitoring tools for Objective Caml
ocamlviz - monitoring tools for Objective Caml
ocamlwc - count the lines of code and comments in OCaml sources
ocamlweb - A literate programming tool for Objective Caml
ocaml-xgettext - program to extract translatable strings from OCaml
ocamlyacc - The Objective Caml parser generator
occ - OpenC++ compiler
oclock - round X clock
oconv - create an octree from a RADIANCE scene description
ocp - music player
ocp - music player
camlp5 - Pre-Precessor-Pretty-Printer for OCaml
ocp - music player
ocp - music player
Ocrad - Optical Character Recognition Program
ocrfeeder-cli - command line interface for OCRFeeder, a document layout
ocrfeeder - document layout analysis and optical character recognition
ocrodjvu - OCR for DjVu files
ocropus - command line OCR tool
ocs - creates and maintains the database for cscope on a recursive
ocsigen - web programming framework in OCaml
ocsigen - web programming framework in OCaml
octave - A high-level interactive language for numerical computations.
octave-depends - calculates Octave dependencies
octave - A high-level interactive language for numerical computations.
octave - A high-level interactive language for numerical computations.
octave-depends - calculates Octave dependencies
octave - A high-level interactive language for numerical computations.
octave-bug - report a bug in GNU Octave
octave-bug - report a bug in GNU Octave
octave-config - GNU Octave component and library information retrieval
octave-config - GNU Octave component and library information retrieval
octave-depends - calculates Octave dependencies
octave-depends - calculates Octave dependencies
OCTAVE-TAGS - Generate Emacs tags file from GNU Octave code
OCTAVE-TAGS - Generate Emacs tags file from GNU Octave code
ODBCConfig - Qt-based ODBC Data Source Administrator
odbcinst - command line tool for batch ODBC configuration
odccm - Daemon to keep connection to Windows Mobile device
libode-dev — show information about installed ode libraries -
ode - numerical solution of ordinary differential equations
odf2html — Converts OpenDocument files to HTML or XML -
odf2xliff - convert OpenDocument (ODF) files to XLIFF localization
od - dump files in octal and other formats
odidx - indexer of document files
odin - Graphical user interface of ODIN
odinreco - Automatic reconstruction for ODIN sequences
odmgr - administration utility for QDBM Odeum
Odot - A task list manager
unoconv - convert any document from and to any OpenOffice supported
unoconv - convert any document from and to any OpenOffice supported
odt2txt - a simple converter from OpenDocument Text to plain text
unoconv - convert any document from and to any OpenOffice supported
odt2txt - a simple converter from OpenDocument Text to plain text
ods-auditor - auditor component of OpenDNSSEC
ods-hsmspeed - OpenDNSSEC HSM speed tester
ods-hsmutil - OpenDNSSEC HSM utility
ods-kaspcheck - KASP policy check component of OpenDNSSEC
ods-ksmutil - OpenDNSSEC zone and key management
ods-server - minimal OBEX server based on obex-data-server
unoconv - convert any document from and to any OpenOffice supported
unoconv - convert any document from and to any OpenOffice supported
unoconv - convert any document from and to any OpenOffice supported
unoconv - convert any document from and to any OpenOffice supported
unoconv - convert any document from and to any OpenOffice supported
unoconv - convert any document from and to any OpenOffice supported
unoconv - convert any document from and to any OpenOffice supported
unoconv - convert any document from and to any OpenOffice supported
unoconv - convert any document from and to any OpenOffice supported
unoconv - convert any document from and to any OpenOffice supported
odt2txt - a simple converter from OpenDocument Text to plain text
unoconv - convert any document from and to any OpenOffice supported
unoconv - convert any document from and to any OpenOffice supported
unoconv - convert any document from and to any OpenOffice supported
odtest - test cases for QDBM Odeum
od-tkdesk - remotely open a directory using TkDesk
odt-meta - read and write metadata from an ODT file
dvicopy - produce modified copy of DVI file
dvitype - translate a dvi file for humans
OfflineIMAP - Powerful IMAP/Maildir synchronization and reader support
ofm2opl - convert Omega and TeX font-metric files to property-list
ogg123 - plays Ogg Vorbis files
oggCat - concatenates two ogg video files (.ogv, .ogg or oga)
OggConvert - Converts media files to free formats
oggCut - extracts parts of an ogg file (.ogv, .ogg and .oga)
oggdec - simple decoder, Ogg Vorbis file to PCM audio file (WAV or
oggenc - encode audio into the Ogg Vorbis format
oggfwd - pipe an Ogg stream from stdin to an Icecast server
ogginfo - gives information about Ogg files, and does extensive
oggJOIN - multiplexes ogg streams (.ogv, .ogg or oga)
oggResize - resizes ogg files in multiple ways
oggSilence - creates a silence period in vorbis format
oggSlideshow - creates slideshows from pictures
oggSplit - demultiplexes ogv files
mp3splt — Utility for mp3/ogg splitting without decoding -
oggThumb - creates thumbnails from an ogg video file
oggz-chop — Extract the part of an Ogg file between given start and/or -
oggz-codecs — List codecs in one or more Ogg files and their -
oggz-comment — List or edit comments in an Ogg file. -
oggz-diff — Hexdump the packets of two Ogg files and output differences -
oggz-dump — Hexdump packets of an Ogg file, or revert an Ogg file from -
oggz — inspect and manipulate Ogg multimedia files -
oggz-info — Display information about one or more Ogg files and their -
oggz-known-codecs — List codecs known by this version of Oggz -
oggz-merge — Merge Ogg files together, interleaving pages in order of -
oggz-rip — Extract one or more logical bitstreams from an Ogg file. -
oggz-scan — Scan an Ogg file and output characteristic landmarks -
oggz-sort — Sort the pages of an Ogg file in order of presentation -
oggz-validate — Validate the Ogg framing of one or more files -
ogmcat - Concatenate several OGG/OGM files into one big OGG/OGM file
ogmdemux - Extract streams from OGG/OGM files into separate files
ogm_encoder - Video encoder as part of LiVES
ogminfo - Print information about streams in OGG/OGM files
ogmmerge - Merge multimedia streams into an OGG/OGM file
ogmrip - An application to rip and encode DVD for GNOME
ogmsplit - Split OGG/OGM files into several smaller OGG/OGM files
ogonkify - international support for PostScript
ogr2ogr - ogr2ogr converts simple features data between file formats
ogr_apitut - OGR API Tutorial This document is intended to document
ogr_arch - OGR Architecture This document is intended to document the
ogr_drivertut - OGR Driver Implementation Tutorial
OgreMaterialUpgrade - upgrades .material files to the latest version
OgreMeshUpgrade - upgrades .mesh files to the latest version
OgreXMLConverter - converts data between XML and Ogre binary formats
ogrinfo - ogrinfo lists information about an OGR supported data source
ogr_sql - OGR SQL The OGRDataSource supports executing commands against
ogrtindex - ogrtindex creates a tileindex
ogr_utilities - OGR Utility Programs The following utilities are
ohai - collect system information
ohphone - initiate, or receive, a H.323 IP telephony call
oidua - audio file metadata lister
oinkmaster - update Snort signatures
write - write to another user
olbd - Open Load Balancer Daeom used by xrootd
find - search for files in a directory hierarchy
Ole2img - programe to convert all OLE objects of a .sxw
ladr4-apps - undocumented LADR4 applications
oligotm - Prints oligo’s melting temperature on stdout
olive - console RSS reader
oLschema2ldif - Converts LDAP schema's to LDB-compatible LDIF
speech-tools - Programs for audio and speech manipulation
speech-tools - Programs for audio and speech manipulation
olvwm - OPEN LOOK virtual window manager for X11 and OpenWindows
olwm - OPEN LOOK window manager for OpenWindows
olwmslave - helper program for olwm
omaque - comicbook reader.
omegat — Computer Assisted Translation (CAT) tool -
omfonts - the driver program behind ofm2opl, opl2ofm, ovf2ovp, and
om - control OpenMoko phone hardware
omindex - Index static website data via the filesystem
om-led - control OpenMoko phone LEDs
omnicpp - OmniORB cpp preprocessor for IDL compiler
omniidl - omniORB idl compiler
ompi-checkpoint, orte-checkpoint - Checkpoint a running parallel
ompi_info - Display information about the Open MPI installation
ompi-restart, orte-restart - Restart a previously checkpointed parallel
omshell - OMAPI Command Shell
on_ac_power - test whether computer is running on AC power
onak - an OpenPGP compatible keyserver
onesixtyone — easy SNMP scanner -
onetime - command-line encryption program using the "one-time pad"
onig-config - provide information about the installed version of
onnode - run commands on ctdb nodes
onsgmls - An SGML/XML parser and validator
oo2po - convert an (SDF) localization file to Gettext PO
oo2xliff - convert an (SDF) localization file to XLIFF
ooffice - office suite
ooffice - office suite
ooffice - office suite
ooffice - office suite
ooffice - office suite
ooffice - office suite
ooffice - office suite
OOo2Dbk - program to convert (ODT and SXW) files
ooo-thumbnailer - create Nautilus thumbnails for
ooffice - office suite
ooffice - office suite
unoconv - convert any document from and to any OpenOffice supported
unoconv - convert any document from and to any OpenOffice supported
op2calltree - convert OProfile profiling data to KCachegrind calltree
opalcc -- Open PAL C wrapper compiler -
opal_wrapper - Back-end Open MPI wrapper command
opannotate - produce source or assembly annotated with profile data
oparchive - produce archive of oprofile data for offline analysis
opcontrol - control OProfile profiling
openam - H.323 answering machine
openapp - launch applications from the command line
openBmapGTK - program to log gsm/gps data for openBmap
openbox-gnome-session — Run a GNOME session with Openbox as the window -
Openbox - standards compliant, fast, light-weight, extensible window
openbox-kde-session — Run a KDE session with Openbox as the window -
openbox-lxde — wrapper to run openbox for LXDE -
openbox-session — Runs an Openbox session without any session manager. -
openbox-xdgmenu - Xdg menu structure to OpenBox XML segment converter
opencc_dict - open chinese convert dictionary tool
opencc - simplified-traditional chinese conversion tool
openchangeclient - MAPI command line messaging tool
openchangepfadmin - Exchange users and Public Folder administration
open-cobol - COBOL compiler
openct-tool - OpenCT smart card utility
opencv_createsamples - create training and testing samples
opencv-createsamples - create training and testing samples
opencv_haartraining - train classifier
opencv-haartraining - train classifier
opencv_performance - evaluate the performance of the classifier
opencv-performance - evaluate the performance of the classifier
opencv_traincascade -
opendchub - hub clone for Direct Connect Peer-to-Peer networks
opendict - computer dictionary with several dictionary format support
openerp - Client for OpenERP
openerp-server - manual page for OpenERP Server 5.0.0
openguides - script to set up OpenGuides database
open - tool to open or print documents
openipmicmd - An IPMI Command Interface
openipmish - Shell interface to an IPMI system
openjade1.3 - applies a DSSSL stylesheet to an SGML or XML document
openjade - apply a DSSSL stylesheet to an SGML or XML document
openjump - A Java GIS Program
openload - Tool for load testing of web applications
openmcu - simple Multi Conference Unit using H.323
openmsx-catapult — perfectly emulate the MSX standard and more -
OPENMSX-DEBUGGER - Graphical debugger for openMSX
openmsx — perfectly emulate the MSX standard and more -
openmx - Package for nano-scale material simulations
openocd - A free and open on-chip debugging, in-system programming and
ooffice - office suite
openpgp2ssh - translate OpenPGP keys to SSH keys
openpref - card game against two virtual players
openrocket - model rocket design and simulation
opensc-config - a tool to get information about the installed version
opensc-explorer - generic interactive utility for accessing smart card
opensched_eps2gif - convert EPS file to GIF one
opensched_eps2png - convert EPS file to PNG one
opensched - automatically schedule resources for a project
opensc-tool - generic smart card utility
opensearch-discover - Find an OpenSearch link from a given URL.
opensearch-genquery - Output the URL of a query generated from an
openshot - Non-Linear Video Editor
openshot-render - OpenShot command line renderer
openssl-vulnkey - check blacklist of compromised certificates, requests
OpenSTV - Single Transferable Vote and Instant Runoff Voting Software
OpenSTV - Single Transferable Vote and Instant Runoff Voting Software
opentool - Command line tool for starting tools
openuniverse - 3D space simulation
OpenVAS-Client - The client part of the OpenVAS Security Scanner
OpenVAS-Client - The client part of the OpenVAS Security Scanner
nessusclient-mkcert - Creates a client certificate
openvasd-config - displays compiler/linker flags for the OpenVAS server
openvas-libnasl-config - displays compiler/linker flags for NASL
openvas-mkcert-client - Creates a client certificate
openvas-mkrand - Creates a file with random bytes
openvas-nasl - Nessus Attack Scripting Language
openverse - Visual Chat
openvpn-vulnkey - check blacklist of compromised keys
open - tool to open or print documents
opgprof - produce gprof-format profile data
Ophcrack - a Microsoft Windows password cracker using rainbow tables.
Ophcrack - a Microsoft Windows password cracker using rainbow tables.
ophelp - list OProfile events
op - operator access
opieinfo - Extract sequence number and seed for future OPIE
opiekey, otp-md4, otp-md5 - Programs for computing responses to OTP
opiepasswd - Change or set a user's password for the OPIE
opimport - converts sample database files
opj2dat - Converts origin project files to dat files
opl2ofm - convert Omega and TeX property-list files to font-metric
opldecode - Decode a Raster Object (opl) stream into human readable
opreport - produce symbol or binary image summaries
oprofile - a system-wide profiler
oprofile - a system-wide profiler
opt - LLVM optimizer
opt - LLVM optimizer
opt - LLVM optimizer
Opticalraytracer - A virtual lens design workshop
radiance-experttools — Specialty programs of the Radiance package, used -
optimise - Yagi-Uda project antenna optimiser
optimize2bw - automatic thresholder of the ExactImage toolkit
OptiPNG - Advanced optimization program for Portable Network Graphics
orage - Calendar for the Xfce Desktop Environment
orange - extract CAB files from self-extracting installers
orbit2-config - helper script for building with ORBit2
orbit-idl-2 - IDL compiler for ORBit2
orbit-name-server-2 - CORBA Naming Server
orcahobbit - Xymon client utility to grab data from ORCA
orca - is a scriptable screen reader and magnifier
oregano - GNOME application for schematic capture of electrical
Origami - command-line management tool for Folding @ Home clients.
original-awk - pattern-directed scanning and processing language
oroborus - lightweight themeable window manager for X.
orpheus - Light-weight text mode menu- and window-driven audio player
orpie-curses-keys is a small utility designed to assist in the creation -
orpie is a console-based RPN calculator with an interactive visual -
ortecc -- OpenRTE C wrapper compiler -
ompi-checkpoint, orte-checkpoint - Checkpoint a running parallel
orted - Start an Open RTE User-Level Daemon
ompi-restart, orte-restart - Restart a previously checkpointed parallel
orterun, mpirun, mpiexec - Execute serial and parallel jobs in Open
write - write to another user
os8 - boots os8 images via simh pdp8 emulator
osage - filter for drawing clustered graphs
osc - openSUSE build service command-line tool.
osd_cat - X on-screen file displayer
osd_clock - X on-screen clock displayer
osdctl - Controls osdsh via the command line
osdshconfig - Create themefiles for osdsh
osdsh - Overlays your screen with various system informations
OpenSceneGraph-examples - set of examples program
OpenSceneGraph-examples - set of examples program
OpenSceneGraph-examples - set of examples program
OpenSceneGraph-examples - set of examples program
OpenSceneGraph-examples - set of examples program
OpenSceneGraph-examples - set of examples program
OpenSceneGraph-examples - set of examples program
OpenSceneGraph-examples - set of examples program
OpenSceneGraph-examples - set of examples program
OpenSceneGraph-applications - set of applications program
OpenSceneGraph-examples - set of examples program
OpenSceneGraph-examples - set of examples program
OpenSceneGraph-examples - set of examples program
OpenSceneGraph-examples - set of examples program
OpenSceneGraph-examples - set of examples program
osgcal-outfit - display an osgcal character and play with it
OpenSceneGraph-examples - set of examples program
OpenSceneGraph-examples - set of examples program
OpenSceneGraph-examples - set of examples program
OpenSceneGraph-examples - set of examples program
OpenSceneGraph-examples - set of examples program
OpenSceneGraph-examples - set of examples program
OpenSceneGraph-applications - set of applications program
OpenSceneGraph-examples - set of examples program
OpenSceneGraph-examples - set of examples program
OpenSceneGraph-examples - set of examples program
OpenSceneGraph-examples - set of examples program
OpenSceneGraph-examples - set of examples program
OpenSceneGraph-examples - set of examples program
OpenSceneGraph-examples - set of examples program
OpenSceneGraph-examples - set of examples program
OpenSceneGraph-applications - set of applications program
OpenSceneGraph-examples - set of examples program
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OpenSceneGraph-examples - set of examples program
OpenSceneGraph-examples - set of examples program
OpenSceneGraph-examples - set of examples program
OpenSceneGraph-examples - set of examples program
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OpenSceneGraph-examples - set of examples program
OpenSceneGraph-examples - set of examples program
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OpenSceneGraph-examples - set of examples program
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OpenSceneGraph-examples - set of examples program
OpenSceneGraph-examples - set of examples program
OpenSceneGraph-examples - set of examples program
OpenSceneGraph-examples - set of examples program
OpenSceneGraph-examples - set of examples program
osgmlnorm - An SGML/XML document normalizer
OpenSceneGraph-examples - set of examples program
OpenSceneGraph-examples - set of examples program
OpenSceneGraph-examples - set of examples program
OpenSceneGraph-examples - set of examples program
OpenSceneGraph-examples - set of examples program
OpenSceneGraph-examples - set of examples program
OpenSceneGraph-examples - set of examples program
OpenSceneGraph-examples - set of examples program
OpenSceneGraph-examples - set of examples program
OpenSceneGraph-examples - set of examples program
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OpenSceneGraph-examples - set of examples program
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OpenSceneGraph-examples - set of examples program
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OpenSceneGraph-examples - set of examples program
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OpenSceneGraph-examples - set of examples program
OpenSceneGraph-examples - set of examples program
OpenSceneGraph-examples - set of examples program
OpenSceneGraph-examples - set of examples program
OpenSceneGraph-examples - set of examples program
OpenSceneGraph-applications - set of applications program
OpenSceneGraph-examples - set of examples program
OpenSceneGraph-examples - set of examples program
OpenSceneGraph-applications - set of applications program
OpenSceneGraph-examples - set of examples program
OpenSceneGraph-examples - set of examples program
OpenSceneGraph-examples - set of examples program
OpenSceneGraph-examples - set of examples program
OpenSceneGraph-examples - set of examples program
OpenSceneGraph-examples - set of examples program
OpenSceneGraph-examples - set of examples program
OpenSceneGraph-examples - set of examples program
OpenSceneGraph-examples - set of examples program
OpenSceneGraph-examples - set of examples program
OpenSceneGraph-examples - set of examples program
OpenSceneGraph-examples - set of examples program
OpenSceneGraph-examples - set of examples program
OpenSceneGraph-examples - set of examples program
OpenSceneGraph-examples - set of examples program
OpenSceneGraph-examples - set of examples program
OpenSceneGraph-examples - set of examples program
libosip2 — The GNU oSIP library is a low layer SIP implementation. -
osis2mod - create SWORD module from OSIS
osm2pgsql - Openstreetmap data to PostgreSQL converter.
Osmo - a handy personal organizer
ospam - An SGML/XML markup stream editor
ospcat - SGML print catalog
ospenroll — OSP enroll script -
ospent - Concatenates entities in an SGML/XML document
osptest — OSP test application -
osql - utility to test FreeTDS connections and queries
ossinfo - Open Sound System information/status program
ossmix - Open Sound System command-line mixer program.
ossplay - Open Sound System playback program.
ossrecord - Open Sound System recording program.
osstest - Open Sound System audio self test applet.
ossxmix - Open Sound System GTK based GUI mixer program.
osx - An SGML to XML converter
ot2kpx - extract kerning information from an OpenType font
otags - generage TAGS files for emacs/vi
otangle - translate WEB to Pascal
otclsh - Tcl Shell containing object-oriented scripting language OTcl
otf2bdf - OpenType to BDF font converter
otfinfo - report information about OpenType fonts
otftotfm - create TeX font metrics from OpenType fonts
othman-browser - A Qur’an browser
otl2docbook - converts vimoutliner outline to Docbook
otl2html - converts vimoutliner outline to HTML
otl2pdb - converts vimoutliner outline to AddressDB Palm file.
otp2ocp - convert Omega Translation Process files to Omega Compiled
otp - generate one-time key pads or password lists
opiekey, otp-md4, otp-md5 - Programs for computing responses to OTP
opiekey, otp-md4, otp-md5 - Programs for computing responses to OTP
otpprint - print lists of one-time passwords
otpw-gen - one-time password generator
otr_parse, otr_sesskeys, otr_mackey, otr_readforge, otr_modify, -
otr_parse, otr_sesskeys, otr_mackey, otr_readforge, otr_modify, -
otr_parse, otr_sesskeys, otr_mackey, otr_readforge, otr_modify, -
otr_parse, otr_sesskeys, otr_mackey, otr_readforge, otr_modify, -
otr_parse, otr_sesskeys, otr_mackey, otr_readforge, otr_modify, -
otr_parse, otr_sesskeys, otr_mackey, otr_readforge, otr_modify, -
otr_parse, otr_sesskeys, otr_mackey, otr_readforge, otr_modify, -
otter - resolution-style theorem prover
outguess - universal steganographic tool
outguess - universal steganographic tool
outocp - debug an OCP file
output - Yagi-Uda project antenna display program
ovaldi - a reference interpreter for the Open Vulnerability and
over - pretty print and scroll source code on terminal
ovf2ovp - convert a virtual font file and its associated font metric
ovp2ovf - convert a virtual property-list file into a virtual font file
owish - Graphical shell containing object-oriented scripting language
owl - tty based zephyr client
ownerstring - view/change the owner string on a Toshiba laptop
oxine - lightweight, purely OSD-based xine frontend
ozc - compile oz code
ozd - oz debugger/profiler
ozdoc - Produce documentation using the ozdoc DTD
ozengine, ozenginenew - run an oz program
Oz - The Oz Programming Interface
ozl - oz linker
Ozmake - Make for Oz
oztool - oz DLL builder
p0f - identify remote systems passively
p10cfgd - remote configuration daemom for Gracilis PackeTen
p2cc - Pascal compiler using p2c
p2c - Pascal to C translator, version 1.21alpha-07.Dec.93
pgn2web - program to convert PGN chess files to webpages
p3nfsd - NFS-like daemon for Psion 3-series handhelds
p7zip - Wrapper on 7zr, a 7-zip file archiver with high compression
pabrowse - List PulseAudio sound servers on the network
pacat - Play back or record raw or encoded audio streams on a
package_crystalsvg - bundle up Crystal SVG sources from a KDE checkout
package - register package user via mailagent
packagesearch -- Program to search for debian packages -
packetforge-ng - forge packets: ARP, UDP, ICMP or custom packets.
packeth - ethernet packet generator
packf - pack messages in nmh folder into a single file
allegro-dev-tools - collection of useful tools for Allegro developers
packihx - A tool to pack Intel hex files for SDCC
packinit - initialize or update your .package file
packxxk - pack TI graphing calculator software files
pacman4consoleedit - an editor to make pacman4console mazes
pacmd - Reconfigure a PulseAudio sound server during runtime
pacpl - Perl Audio Converter, a multi purpose converter/ripper/tagger
ctn_manpage - Generic CTN manual page
pactl - Control a running PulseAudio sound server
padevchooser - PulseAudio Device Chooser
padsp - PulseAudio OSS Wrapper
page-crunch - frontend to psutil programs, useful to manipulate
page - Parser Generator
pagsh, pagsh.krb - Creates a new PAG
pair_align - Pairwise alignment
Paje - generic visualization tool (Gantt chart and more)
pak - quake world/extension pak tool
pal2rgb - convert a palette color TIFF image to a full color image
palbart - BART enhanced PDP8 crossassembler
pal - calendar with events
palm2mhc - Add Palm articles to a MHC repository
palm-datebook-reminders - generate simple report from Palm Datebook DB
palmtopnm - convert a Palm pixmap into a portable anymap
hdftopal, paltohdf - convert between a palette in an HDF file and a raw
paman - PulseAudio Manager
pamcut - cut a rectangle out of a PAM, PBM, PGM, or PPM image
pamdeinterlace - remove ever other row from a PAM/PNM image
pamdice - slice a Netpbm image into many horizontally and/or vertically
pam-dotfile-gen - change password for libpam-dotfile
pamfile - describe a Netpbm (PAM or PNM) file
pam_fprint_enroll - to enroll your fingerprint and save it
pamoil - turn a PAM image into an oil painting
pam-panel-icon - A notification area indicator of pam_timestamp status
pamstack - stack planes of multiple PAM images into one PAM image
pamstretch-gen - use pamstretch and pnmscale to scale by non-integer
pamstretch - scale up a PNM or PAM image by interpolating between
pamtest - test pam configuration
pamusb-agent - pam_usb event handler
pamusb-check - simulates pam_usb authentication
pamusb-conf - pam_usb configuration tool
pand - BlueZ Bluetooth PAN daemon
pandoc - general markup converter
panelctl - manual page for panelctl (libavc1394) 0.1
panel-test-applets -- display installed applets -
panflute-daemon -- panflute daemon -
panflute-launch-player -- panflute launch player -
pango-querymodules - Module registration utility
pango-view - Pango text viewer
pan - a GTK+ based news reader
panoinfo - Panorama Tools Informations
panoinfo - List details about the libpano13 library
paperconf - print paper configuration informations
papercut - simple and extensible NNTP server
paperkey - extract secret information out of OpenPGP secret keys
pap - client interface to remote printers using Printer Access Protocol
paplay - Play back audio files on a PulseAudio sound server
paprefs - PulseAudio Preferences dialog
paps - UTF-8 to PostScript converter using Pango
pap - client interface to remote printers using Printer Access Protocol
paq8l - file compressor and archiver
par2 - PAR 2.0 compatible file verification and repair tool.
par2 - PAR 2.0 compatible file verification and repair tool.
par2 - PAR 2.0 compatible file verification and repair tool.
par2 - PAR 2.0 compatible file verification and repair tool.
paracode - command line Unicode conversion tool
paragui-config — script to get information about the installed version -
parallel_cp - parallel_cp command
parallel - run programs in parallel
parallel-nuke - kill a bunch of processes on a set of machines
parallel-rsync - deploy files to listed hosts
parallel-scp - parallel versions of scp
parallel-slurp - copy files from listed hosts
parallel-ssh - parallel versions of the openssh tools
Paraview - Rendering and displaying program for small and large, three
Parcellite - Lightweight GTK+ Clipboard Manager
parchive - RAID like data recovery for PAR ver 1.0 files
pacat - Play back or record raw or encoded audio streams on a
par - filter for reformatting paragraphs
gp - PARI calculator
parole - Gstreamer-based media player
config.pir - Print a Parrot configuration item
parrot_debugger - The Parrot Debugger
Parrot - Running
parrot-nqp - A Not Quite Perl compiler for Parrot
parseblast - Filtering High-scoring Segment Pairs (HSPs) from WU/NCBI
get-edid, parse-edid - read-edid tools to retrieve and interpret
parser3 - Command Line and CGI interface for Parser 3 Language.
parser3 - Command Line and CGI interface for Parser 3 Language.
parsewiki - transform marked text into HTML, XHTML, Docbook or LaTeX
partconv-1.4 — Crystalspace tool -
partconv — Crystalspace tool -
partimage - back up and restore disk partitions
partitionmanager - A disk yyyyyamp; partition manager for KDE.
sloccount - count source lines of code (SLOC)
pasco - tool to extract informations from MS IE cache files
pasmo — Z80 assembler -
passenger-config - Show configuration settings for Phusion Passenger
passenger-stress-test - stress tests a Phusion Passenger powered
passmass - change password on multiple machines
passwd - change user password
password-gorilla — a password manager -
pastebinit - command-line pastebin client
paste - merge lines of files
paster - pluggable command-line frontend, including commands to setup
paster - pluggable command-line frontend, including commands to setup
pasuspender - Temporarily suspend PulseAudio
allegro-dev-tools - collection of useful tools for Allegro developers
pat2ppm - Converts an image file from PAT to PPM format.
pat - patch generator tools
patchage -- modular patch bay for Jack audio and Alsa Midi -
patcher - a patch maintenance tool
patch - apply a diff file to an original
pat - patch generator tools
pat - patch generator tools
pat - patch generator tools
pat - patch generator tools
patextract - Extract a part of a PNG image file
pat - patch generator tools
patgen - generate patterns for TeX hyphenation
path2listing - script facilitating the conversion to managing gconf
pathchk - check whether file names are valid or portable
pat - patch generator tools
pat - patch generator tools
pat - patch generator tools
pat - patch generator tools
pat - patch generator tools
pat - patch generator tools
pat - patch generator tools
pat - patch generator tools
pat - patch generator tools
pauker - a generic card based learning program.
pauseme - execute a command a pause afterwards
paver - easy scripting for software projects
pavucontrol - A volume control for the PulseAudio sound server
pavuk - HTTP, HTTP over SSL, FTP, FTP over SSL and Gopher recursive
pavumeter - A volume meter for the PulseAudio sound server
paw-demos - run PAW demonstrations
pawd - print automounter working directory
paw - invoke the "Physics Analysis Workstation" package
paw - invoke the "Physics Analysis Workstation" package
pax11publish - PulseAudio X11 Credential Utility
paxctl - user-space utility to control PaX flags
pax - read and write file archives and copy directory hierarchies
paxtest — program to test buffer overflow protection -
pbc_disassemble - Parrot disassembler
pbc_dump - Dump or convert Parrot bytecode (PBC) files
pbc_merge - Merge multiple Parrot bytecode (PBC) files into
pbc_to_exe - Generate executables from Parrot bytecode
pbes2bool - Generate a BES from a PBES and solve it, unless indicated
pbesconstelm - remove constant parameters from a PBES
pbesinfo - display basic information about a PBES
pbesparelm - remove unused parameters from a PBES
pbespp - pretty print a PBES
pbesrewr - rewrite and simplify a PBES
radiance-experttools — Specialty programs of the Radiance package, used -
pbm2g3 - convert portable bitmaps (PBM) into G3 fax files
pbmclean - flip isolated pixels in portable bitmap
pbmfilters - list of all programs in the netpbm package
pbmlife - apply Conway’s rules of Life to a portable bitmap
pbmmake - create a blank bitmap of a specified size
pbmmask - create a mask bitmap from a regular bitmap
pbmpage - create a one page test pattern for printing
pbmpscale - enlarge a portable bitmap with edge smoothing
pbmreduce - read a portable bitmap and reduce it N times
pbmtext - render text into a bitmap
pbmtextps - render text into a bitmap via postscript
pbmto10x - convert a portable bitmap into Gemini 10X printer graphics
pbmtoascii - convert a portable bitmap into ASCII graphics
pbmtoatk - convert portable bitmap to Andrew Toolkit raster object
pbmtobbnbg - convert a portable bitmap into BitGraph graphics
pbmtocmuwm - convert a portable bitmap into a CMU window manager bitmap
pbmtoepsi - convert a portable bitmap into an encapsulated PostScript
pbmtoepson - convert a portable bitmap into Epson printer graphics
pbmtog3 - convert a portable bitmap into a Group 3 fax file
pbmtogem - convert a portable bitmap into a GEM .img file
pbmtogo - convert a portable bitmap into compressed GraphOn graphics
pbmtoicon - convert a portable bitmap into a Sun icon
pbmtoimgv - Portable Bitmap to Pilot Image Viewer converter.
pbmtolj - convert a portable bitmap into HP LaserJet format
pbmtomacp - convert a portable bitmap into a MacPaint file
pbmtomda - convert a portable bitmap to a Microdesign .mda
pbmtomgr - convert a portable bitmap into a MGR bitmap
pbmtonokia - convert a portable bitmap to Nokia Smart Messaging Formats
pbmtopgm - convert portable bitmap to portable graymap by averaging
pbmtopi3 - convert a portable bitmap into an Atari Degas .pi3 file
pbmtoplot - convert a portable bitmap into a Unix plot(5) file
pbmtoppa - convert PBM image to HP Printer Performance Architecture
pbmtopsg3 - convert PBM images to Postscript with G3 fax compression
pbmtoptx - convert a portable bitmap into Printronix printer graphics
pbmtowbmp - convert a portable bitmap to a wireless bitmap (wbmp) file
pbmtox10bm - convert a portable bitmap into an X10 bitmap
pbmtoxbm - convert a portable bitmap into an X11 bitmap
pbmtoybm - convert a portable bitmap into a Bennet Yee "face" file
pbmtozinc - convert a portable bitmap into a Zinc bitmap
pbmupc - create a Universal Product Code bitmap
pbuilder-dist, cowbuilder-dist - multi-distribution pbuilder/cowbuilder
pbuilder-dist-simple - simple multi-distribution pbuilder wrapper
pbuilder-user-mode-linux - personal package builder in UML
pbyacc - an LALR(1) parser generator
pbzip2 - parallel bzip2 file compressor, v1.1.1
pcal - generate PostScript (or HTML) calendars
pcap-config - write libpcap compiler and linker flags to standard
pcapdump - dedicated packet capture utility
pcapip - filter a pcap for IP addresses
pcappick - pick specific frames out of a pcap file by number
pcapreport - Report on network captures
pcapuc - filter a pcap for IP addresses
pcat - copy process memory
pcb - Printed circuit board layout tool
pcb - Printed circuit board layout tool
pcb - Printed circuit board layout tool
pcbnew - a powerful printed circuit board editor.
pc-compare - Program for scoring alignments according to a reference
pcd2html - scripts to build HTML pages from Kodak Photo CD images
pcf2bdf - convert X font from Portable Compiled Format to Bitmap
lpbanner, pclbanner, psbanner - printer banners in text, PCL and
pclock - pixmap clock
pc-makegnuplot - Utility to plot annotation scores.
PCManFM - A gtk2 based file manager for X Window.
pcmanx - a bbs client
pcomb - combine RADIANCE pictures
pcompos - composite RADIANCE pictures.
pcond - condition a RADIANCE picture for output
pconsole - parallel console shell for administering clusters.
pcopy - multithreaded (raw) disk copying program
pcp - summarize a Performance Co-Pilot (PCP) installation
PCPIntro - introduction to the Performance Co-Pilot (PCP)
pc-project - Program to project multiple alignment to pairwise
pcre-config - program to return PCRE configuration
pcregrep - a grep with Perl-compatible regular expressions.
pcretest - a program for testing Perl-compatible regular expressions.
icomlib - programs to control Icom PCR-1000 receiver
icomlib - programs to control Icom PCR-1000 receiver
pcsc_scan - regularly scans every PC/SC readers connected to the host
pcs - checks SPASS proofs
pct2rgb - Convert an 8bit paletted image to 24bit RGB
pct-scanner-script - easy scan and create merged DjVu and PDF documents
pcv - Picviz console veritable tool
radiance-experttools — Specialty programs of the Radiance package, used -
PCx - primal-dual interior-point code for linear programming
pcxtoppm - convert a PCX file into a portable pixmap
speech-tools - Programs for audio and speech manipulation
pda-landscape - Command line interface to pda-landscape in mlpy
pdb2.6 - the Python debugger
pdb2.7 - the Python debugger
pdb2gmx - converts pdb files to topology and coordinate files
pdb2gmx - converts pdb files to topology and coordinate files
pdb2mdb - Program Database to Mono Debugging Symbol converter.
pdb3.1 - the Python debugger
pdb3.1 - the Python debugger
pdb2.6 - the Python debugger
pdbtool - An application to test and convert syslog-ng pattern database
pdcp - copy files to groups of hosts in parallel
pdebuild-cross-create - pbuilder wrapper to create a crossbuild chroot
pdebuild-cross - simple pbuilder wrapper for crossbuild support
pdebuild-cross-update - pbuilder wrapper to update a crossbuild chroot
pdebuild - pbuilder way of doing debuild
pdebuild-user-mode-linux - pbuilder-user-mode-linux way of doing
radiance-experttools — Specialty programs of the Radiance package, used -
pdf180 - rotate the pages of pdf files
pdf270 - rotate the pages of pdf files
pdf2dcm - Convert PDF file to DICOM
pdf2djvu - creates DjVu files from PDF files
pdf2dsc - generate a PostScript page list of a PDF document
pdf2ps - Ghostscript PDF to PostScript translator
pdf2svg - PDF to SVG convertor
pdf90 - rotate the pages of pdf files
pdfblur - generate views for depth-of-field blurring
pdfbook - put the pages of PDF files into 2-up signatures
pdfchain - Graphical User Interface for the PDF Tool Kit
pdfconcat - program to concatenate several PDF files.
pdfcrack - PDF files password cracker
PDFCROP - crop pdf files to their minimal size.
pdftex, pdfinitex, pdfvirtex - PDF output from TeX
pdftex, pdfinitex, pdfvirtex - PDF output from TeX
pdfcube - displays PDF files with 3D effects
pdfedit - Editor for PDF files
pdfetex, pdfeinitex, pdfevirtex - PDF output from e-TeX
pdf_filter - PDF standard filters utility
pdfflip - rotate the pages of pdf files
pdffonts - Portable Document Format (PDF) font analyzer (version 3.00)
pdfgrep - search pdf files for a regular expression
pdfimages - Portable Document Format (PDF) image extractor (version
pdfinfo - Portable Document Format (PDF) document information extractor
pdfjadetex - PDF output from JadeTeX
pdfjam - A shell script for manipulating PDF files
pdfjam-pocketmod - make an 8-page PDF document into a pocket-sized
pdfjam-slides3up - put presentation slides onto 3-up pages
pdfjam-slides6up - put presentation slides onto 6-up pages
pdfjoin - join together pages from multiple PDF files
pdf-meta - read and write metadata from a PDF file
pdftex, pdfinitex, pdfvirtex - PDF output from TeX
pdfnup - n-up the pages of pdf files
pdfopen, pdfclose - manual page for pdfopen 0.4: Acrobat Reader remote
pdfopt - Ghostscript PDF Optimizer
pdfoutline - add outlines (aka bookmarks) to PDF files
pdfposter - Scale and tile PDF images/pages to print on multiple pages.
Pdf-Presenter-Console - Presentation program for PDF files with off-
pdfpun - n-up the pages of a pdf file, with right-to-left ordering
pdfresurrect - tool for extracting/scrubbing versioning data from PDF
pdfroff - create PDF documents using groff
pdftex, pdfinitex, pdfvirtex - PDF output from TeX
texi2dvi - convert Texinfo documents to PDF
pdftk - A handy tool for manipulating PDF
pdftohtml - program to convert pdf files into html, xml and png images
pdftoipe - Convert PDF files into editable Ipe format
pdftools - analyze PDF files, change image colors
pdftoppm - Portable Document Format (PDF) to Portable Pixmap (PPM)
pdftops - Portable Document Format (PDF) to PostScript converter
pdftosrc - extract source file or stream from PDF file
pdftotext - Portable Document Format (PDF) to text converter (version
xmltex, pdfxmltex - xml non-validating parser in TeX
pd-gem - Graphical Environment for Multimedia
pd - pure data
pdi2iso - convert a Instant Copy image file into standard ISO image
pdiff - produce a pretty comparison between files
pdksh - Public domain Korn shell
pdmenu - simple full screen menu program
pdns_recursor - high-performance, simple and secure recursing
pdp10 - simulate a pdp10 computer
pdp11 - simulate a pdp11 computer
pdp15 - simulate a pdp15 computer
pdp1 - simulate a pdp1 computer
pdp4 - simulate a pdp4 computer
pdp7 - simulate a pdp7 computer
pdp8 - simulate a pdp8 computer
pdp9 - simulate a pdp9 computer
pdp-config — script to get information about the installed version of -
pdreceive - receive messages from pd on this or a remote machine
pdsend - send messages to pd on this or a remote machine
pdsh - issue commands to groups of hosts in parallel
pdsh - issue commands to groups of hosts in parallel
dvips - convert a TeX DVI file to PostScript
PDVItoMP - a patched version of DVItoMP which supports Japanese
PDVItoMP - a patched version of DVItype which supports Japanese
pecomato - a portable picture-embedded metadata processor
undocumented - No manpage for this program.
pee - tee standard input to pipes
peekfd - peek at file descriptors of running processes
peel - CD ripper
pekwm - a tabbed window manager
peless - tabbed X window text file viewer.
pem2openpgp - translate PEM-encoded RSA keys to OpenPGP certificates
pencam - download images from STV0680B-001 chip based digital cameras
pencam - download images from STV0680B-001 chip based digital cameras
Pencil - An animation/drawing software
penctl - control a running pen load balancer
PenguinTV- podcasts and video blogs for Linux -
pengupop - online multiplayer bubble shooting game
pen - Load balancer for "simple" tcp based protocols
penlogd - consolidate web server logs
penlog - pipe Apache logs to penlogd
penn-install - installer for the pennmush flavor mush server
pep8 - A tool to check your Python code against some of the style
perceptualdiff - compare images using a perceptually based image metric
perf-annotate - Read (created by perf record) and display
perf-archive - Create archive with object files with build-ids found in
perf-bench - General framework for benchmark suites
perf-buildid-cache - Manage build-id cache.
perf-buildid-list - List the buildids in a file
perf-diff - Read two files and display the differential
perf-help - display help information about perf
perf - Performance analysis tools for Linux
perf-inject - Filter to augment the events stream with additional
perf-io - performate the io
perf-kmem - Tool to trace/measure kernel memory(slab) properties
perf-kvm - Tool to trace/measure kvm guest os
perf-list - List all symbolic event types
perf-lock - Analyze lock events
perf-probe - Define new dynamic tracepoints
perf-record - Run a command and record its profile into
perf-report - Read (created by perf record) and display the
perf-sched - Tool to trace/measure scheduler properties (latencies)
perf-stat - Run a command and gather performance counter statistics
perf-test - Runs sanity tests.
perftest - ARC1 service performance tester
perf-timechart - Tool to visualize total system behavior during a
perf-top - System profiling tool.
perf-trace - Read (created by perf record) and display trace
perf-trace-perl - Process trace data with a Perl script
perf-trace-python - Process trace data with a Python script
perl5004delta - what’s new for perl5.004
perl5005delta - what’s new for perl5.005
perl5100delta - what is new for perl 5.10.0
perldelta - what is new for perl v5.10.1
perl - Practical Extraction and Report Language
perl561delta - what’s new for perl v5.6.x
perl56delta - what’s new for perl v5.6.0
perl570delta - what’s new for perl v5.7.0
perl571delta - what’s new for perl v5.7.1
perl572delta - what’s new for perl v5.7.2
perl573delta - what’s new for perl v5.7.3
perl581delta - what is new for perl v5.8.1
perl582delta - what is new for perl v5.8.2
perl583delta - what is new for perl v5.8.3
perl584delta - what is new for perl v5.8.4
perl585delta - what is new for perl v5.8.5
perl586delta - what is new for perl v5.8.6
perl587delta - what is new for perl v5.8.7
perl588delta - what is new for perl v5.8.8
perl589delta - what is new for perl v5.8.9
perl58delta - what is new for perl v5.8.0
perl590delta - what is new for perl v5.9.0
perl591delta - what is new for perl v5.9.1
perl592delta - what is new for perl v5.9.2
perl593delta - what is new for perl v5.9.3
perl594delta - what is new for perl v5.9.4
perl595delta - what is new for perl v5.9.5
README.aix - Perl version 5 on IBM Unix (AIX) systems
perlamiga - Perl under Amiga OS
perlapi - autogenerated documentation for the perl public API
perlapio - perl’s IO abstraction interface.
README.apollo - Perl version 5 on Apollo DomainOS
perlartistic - the Perl Artistic License
README.beos - Perl version 5.8+ on BeOS
perlbook - Perl book information
perlboot - Beginner’s Object-Oriented Tutorial
perlbot - Bag’o Object Tricks (the BOT)
README.BS2000 - building and installing Perl for BS2000.
perlbug - how to submit bug reports on Perl
perlcall - Perl calling conventions from C
perlce - Perl for WinCE
perlcheat - Perl 5 Cheat Sheet
perlclib - Internal replacements for standard C library functions
perlcn - XXXX Perl XX
perlcommunity - a brief overview of the Perl community
perlcompile - Introduction to the Perl Compiler-Translator
*_count - count physical lines of code, in each input file
README.cygwin - Perl for Cygwin
perldata - Perl data types
perldbmfilter - Perl DBM Filters
perldebguts - Guts of Perl debugging
perldebtut - Perl debugging tutorial
perldebug - Perl debugging
perldelta - what is new for perl v5.10.1
perl-depends - Roughly find out module depends from Perl file(s)
perldgux - Perl under DG/UX.
perldiag - various Perl diagnostics
perldoc - Look up Perl documentation in Pod format.
perldos - Perl under DOS, W31, W95.
perldsc - Perl Data Structures Cookbook
perlebcdic - Considerations for running Perl on EBCDIC platforms
perlembed - how to embed perl in your C program
README.epoc - Perl for EPOC
perlfaq1 - General Questions About Perl
perlfaq2 - Obtaining and Learning about Perl
perlfaq3 - Programming Tools
perlfaq4 - Data Manipulation
perlfaq5 - Files and Formats
perlfaq6 - Regular Expressions
perlfaq7 - General Perl Language Issues
perlfaq8 - System Interaction
perlfaq9 - Networking
perlfaq - frequently asked questions about Perl
perlfilter - Source Filters
perlfork - Perl’s fork() emulation
perlform - Perl formats
README.freebsd - Perl version 5 on FreeBSD systems
perlfunc - Perl builtin functions
perlglossary - Perl Glossary
perlgpl - the GNU General Public License, version 2
perlguts - Introduction to the Perl API
perlhack - How to hack at the Perl internals
README.haiku - Perl version 5.10+ on Haiku
perlhist - the Perl history records
README.hpux - Perl version 5 on Hewlett-Packard Unix (HP-UX) systems
perl - Practical Extraction and Report Language
README.hurd - Perl version 5 on Hurd
perlintern - autogenerated documentation of purely internal
perlintro -- a brief introduction and overview of Perl -
perliol - C API for Perl’s implementation of IO in Layers.
perlipc - Perl interprocess communication (signals, fifos, pipes, safe
README.irix - Perl version 5 on Irix systems
perlivp - Perl Installation Verification Procedure
perljp - XXX Perl XXX
perlko - PerlX XXX XXX
perllexwarn - Perl Lexical Warnings
README.linux - Perl version 5 on Linux systems
perllocale - Perl locale handling (internationalization and
perllol - Manipulating Arrays of Arrays in Perl
README.machten - Perl version 5 on Power MachTen systems
README.macos - Perl under Mac OS (Classic)
README.macosx - Perl under Mac OS X - Perl version 5 on Atari MiNT
perlmod - Perl modules (packages and symbol tables)
perlmodinstall - Installing CPAN Modules
perlmodlib - constructing new Perl modules and finding existing ones
perlmodstyle - Perl module style guide
README.mpeix - Perl/iX for HP e3000 MPE
perlmroapi - Perl method resolution plugin interface
perlnetware - Perl for NetWare
perlnewmod - preparing a new module for distribution
perlnumber - semantics of numbers and numeric operations in Perl
perlobj - Perl objects
README.openbsd - Perl version 5 on OpenBSD systems
perlopentut - tutorial on opening things in Perl
perlop - Perl operators and precedence
perlos2 - Perl under OS/2, DOS, Win0.3*, Win0.95 and WinNT.
README.os390 - building and installing Perl for OS/390 and z/OS
README.os400 - Perl version 5 on OS/400
perlothrtut - old tutorial on threads in Perl
perlpacktut - tutorial on "pack" and "unpack"
perlpanel-applet-howto - explains how to write applets for the
perlpanel - lean menu and launcher panel written in Perl and Gtk2
perlpanel-item-edit - a .desktop file editor for PerlPanel.
perlpanel-run-dialog - a .desktop file editor for PerlPanel.
perlperf - Perl Performance and Optimization Techniques
perlplan9 - Plan 9-specific documentation for Perl
perlpod - the Plain Old Documentation format
perlpodspec - Plain Old Documentation: format specification and notes
perlport - Writing portable Perl
perlpragma - how to write a user pragma
perlprimer - graphically specify amplicon of DNA or mRNA sequences and
README.qnx - Perl version 5 on QNX
perlreapi - perl regular expression plugin interface
perlrebackslash - Perl Regular Expression Backslash Sequences and
perlrecharclass - Perl Regular Expression Character Classes
perlref - Perl references and nested data structures
perlreftut - Mark’s very short tutorial about references
perlreguts - Description of the Perl regular expression engine.
perlre - Perl regular expressions
perlrepository - Using the Perl source repository
perlrequick - Perl regular expressions quick start
perlreref - Perl Regular Expressions Reference
perlretut - Perl regular expressions tutorial
README.riscos - Perl version 5 for RISC OS
perlrun - how to execute the Perl interpreter
perlsec - Perl security
README.solaris - Perl version 5 on Solaris systems
perlstyle - Perl style guide
perlsub - Perl subroutines
README.symbian - Perl version 5 on Symbian OS
perlsyn - Perl syntax
perltex - enable LaTeX macros to be defined in terms of Perl code
perlbug - how to submit bug reports on Perl
perlthrtut - Tutorial on threads in Perl
perltie - how to hide an object class in a simple variable
perltoc - perl documentation table of contents
perltodo - Perl TO-DO List
perltooc - Tom’s OO Tutorial for Class Data in Perl
perltoot - Tom’s object-oriented tutorial for perl
perltrap - Perl traps for the unwary
README.tru64 - Perl version 5 on Tru64 (formerly known as Digital UNIX
perltw - XXXX Perl XX
perlunicode - Unicode support in Perl
perlunifaq - Perl Unicode FAQ
perluniintro - Perl Unicode introduction
perlunitut - Perl Unicode Tutorial
perlutil - utilities packaged with the Perl distribution
perluts - Perl under UTS
perlvar - Perl predefined variables
README.vmesa - building and installing Perl for VM/ESA.
perlvms - VMS-specific documentation for Perl
README.vos - Perl for Stratus VOS
perlwin32 - Perl under Windows
perlxs - XS language reference manual
perlXStut - Tutorial for writing XSUBs
ladr4-apps - undocumented LADR4 applications
PermuteFlipImageOrientationAxes - part of ANTS registration suite
permview - Viewer for declarative security permission sets inside
perror - explain error codes
pescetti — Pseudo-Duplimate Generator -
petcat - convert and display PETSCII or BASIC files
pexec - executing commands in parallel
pexpand - expand requested commands in metafile
pextrem - find minimum and maximum values in RADIANCE picture
pf2afm - Make an AFM file from Postscript (PFB/PFA/PFM) font files
pfb2pfa - convert a type1 pfb file (binary MSDOS) into a pfa (ASCII)
pfb2t1c - convert from binary PostScript Type1 into compressible .t1c
pfbtopfa - Convert Postscript .pfb fonts to .pfa format using
pfbtops - translate a PostScript font in .pfb format to ASCII
pfc - active precompiled filters generator
pfilt - filter a RADIANCE picture
pflip - flip a RADIANCE picture.
pf-localization - MonteCarlo mobile robot localization - Produce Postfix MTA logfile summary - Produce Postfix MTA logfile summary
pfm2kpx - extract correct kerning information from pfm (Printer Font
pfm - Graphical PostgreSQL client using Tcl/Tk
pfni - Print Full Name Image of an Ada entity
pForth - an ANS Forth interpreter written in ANSI ’C’
pfrom - fetch a list of the current mail via POP
pfsabsolute - Convert luminance in images to absolute measure
pfscat - Concatenate frames in PFS stream
pfsclamp - Clamp color and luminance channel values to be within the
pfscut - Extract a rectangle out of a frame in PFS stream
pfsdisplayfunction - Apply display function to color or gray-scale
pfsextractchannels - Extract selected channels from the stream
pfsflip - Flip images horizontally and/or vertically.
pfsgamma - Apply gamma correction to color or gray-scale images
pfsglview - Viewer for high-dynamic range images in pfs format
pfsindcraw - Read an image in a camera RAW file format supported by
pfsinexr - Load images or frames in OpenEXR format
pfsin - Read an image in one of the several formats and write pfs
pfsinimgmagick - Load images or frames using ImageMagick++ library
pfsinmulti - read several streams of frames and write pfs streams to
pfsinpfm - Load images or frames in PFM format
pfsinppm - Load images or frames in PBM formats
pfsinrgbe - Load images or frames in Radiance RGBE format
pfsintiff - Load images or frames in several variants of TIFF format
pfsoctavelum - Process luminance in pfs stream using Octave
pfsoctavergb - Process red, green and blue channels in pfs stream using
pfsoutexr - Write images or frames in OpenEXR format
pfsoutffmpeg - Read pfs frames from stdin and forward them to ffmpeg
pfsouthdrhtml - Create a web page with an HDR viewer
pfsout - Read pfs frames from stdin and write them in the format
pfsoutimgmagick - Write images or frames using Image Magick library
pfsoutpfm - Write images or frames in OpenEXR format
pfsoutppm, pfsouttiff, pfsoutrgbe, pfsoutexr - Write images or frames
pfsoutppm, pfsouttiff, pfsoutrgbe, pfsoutexr - Write images or frames
pfsoutppm, pfsouttiff, pfsoutrgbe, pfsoutexr - Write images or frames
pfspad - Add borders to a frame in PFS stream
pfspanoramic - Perform projective transformations of spherical images
pfsrotate - Rotate images 90 degrees.
pfssize - Resize frames
pfsstat - Show frame / image statistics
pfstag - Set or remove tags to/from pfs stream
pfstmo_drago03 - Adaptive logarithmic tone mapping operator
pfstmo_durand02 - Fast bilateral filtering for the display of HDR
pfstmo_fattal02 - Gradient domain high dynamic range compression
pfstmo_mantiuk06 - Tone mapping in the contrast domain
pfstmo_mantiuk08 - Display adaptive tone mapping
pfstmo_pattanaik00 - Time-dependent Visual Adaptation Model
pfstmo_reinhard02 - Photographic Tone Reproduction for Digital Images
pfstmo_reinhard05 - Photoreceptor based dynamic range reduction
pfsv - Viewer for high-dynamic range images
pfsview - Viewer for high-dynamic range images in pfs format
ftp - Internet file transfer program
pgadmin3 - PostgreSQL Tools
PGAEncodeIntegerAsBinary - encodes an integer value as a binary string
PGAEncodeIntegerAsGrayCode - encodes a real value as a binary reflected
PGAEncodeRealAsBinary - encodes a real value as a binary string
PGAEncodeRealAsGrayCode - encodes a real value as a binary reflected
PGAEvaluate - Calls a user-specified function to return an evaluation
PGAFitness - Maps the user’s evaluation function value to a fitness
pgAgent - a job scheduler for PostgreSQL.
PGAGetBinaryAllele - returns the value of a (binary) allele in a
PGAGetCharacterAllele - Returns the value of character allele in a
PGAGetEvaluation - returns the evaluation function value for string p
PGAGetEvaluationUpToDateFlag - returns true/false to indicate whether
PGAGetFitnessCmaxValue - returns the value of the multiplier used by
PGAGetFitness - returns the fitness value for a string
PGAGetFitnessMinType - Returns the type of fitness transformation used
PGAGetFitnessType - Returns the type of fitness transformation used.
PGAGetIntegerAllele - Returns the value of allele i of member p in
PGAGetIntegerFromBinary - interpets a binary string as encoding an
PGAGetIntegerFromGrayCode - interpets a binary reflected Gray code
PGAGetMaxFitnessRank - returns the maximum value used in rank-based
PGAGetRealAllele - returns the value of real-valued allele i in string
PGAGetRealFromBinary - Interpets a binary string as encoding a real
PGAGetRealFromGrayCode - interpets a binary reflected Gray code
PGARank - returns the rank of a string in a population.
PGASetBinaryAllele - sets a binary allele to the specified value.
PGASetCharacterAllele - sets the value of an allele in a
PGASetEvaluation - Set the evaluation function value for a string to a
PGASetEvaluationUpToDateFlag - sets the flag associated with a string
PGASetFitnessCmaxValue - The value of the multiplier used by
PGASetFitnessMinType - sets the type of algorithm used if a
PGASetFitnessType - Set the type of fitness algorithm to use.
PGASetIntegerAllele - sets the value of a (integer) allele.
PGASetMaxFitnessRank - The value of the parameter Max when using linear
PGASetRealAllele - sets the value of real-valued allele i in string p
gawk - pattern scanning and processing language
radiance-experttools — Specialty programs of the Radiance package, used -
pgbouncer - Lightweight connection pooler for PostgreSQL.
pg_buildext - Build and install a PostgreSQL extension
pg_config - retrieve information about the installed version of
pg_controldata - display control information of a PostgreSQL database
pg_ctl - start, stop, or restart a PostgreSQL server
pgdbf - convert XBase / FoxPro tables to PostgreSQL
pgdesigner - Graphical database designer for PostgreSQL
pg_dumpall - extract a PostgreSQL database cluster into a script file
pg_dump - extract a PostgreSQL database into a script file or other
pgen - generates single step proof obligations out of a DFG (SPASS)
pgeresh - a pager for geresh (a multilingual text editor with bidi
pgfouine - PostgreSQL log analyzer
pgfouine_vacuum - PostgreSQL VACUUM log analyzer
pg - browse pagewise through text files
pgloader - Import CSV data and Large Object to PostgreSQL
pg_lsclusters - show information about all PostgreSQL clusters
pgmbentley - Bentleyize a portable graymap
pgmcrater - create cratered terrain by fractal forgery
pgmedge - edge-detect a portable graymap
pgmenhance - edge-enhance a portable graymap
pgmhist - print a histogram of the values in a portable graymap
pgmkernel - generate a convolution kernel
pgmnoise - create a graymap made up of white noise
pnmnorm - normalize the contrast in a Netbpm image
pamoil - turn a PAM image into an oil painting
pgmramp - generate a grayscale ramp
pgmslice - extract one line of pixel values out of a portable graymap
pgmtexture - calculate textural features on a portable graymap
pgmtofs - convert portable graymap to Usenix FaceSaver(tm) format
pgmtoimgv - Portable Graymap to Pilot Image Viewer converter.
pgmtolispm - convert a portable graymap into Lisp Machine format
pgmtopbm - convert a portable graymap into a portable bitmap
pgmtoppm - colorize a portable graymap into a portable pixmap
pgmtoy4m - Convert mpeg2dec pgm and pgmpipe output to YUV4MPEG2
pgn2web - program to convert PGN chess files to webpages
pgn-extract - a Portable Game Notation (PGN) extractor
pgp4pine - a PGP/GnuPG wrapper for Pine and general use
pgp-clean -- remove all non-self signatures from key -
pgpdump - A PGP packet visualizer
pgp-fixkey -- remove broken packets from keys -
pgpgpg - wrapper around Gnu Privacy Guard that takes Pretty Good
pgpring - key ring dumper
pgpverify - Cryptographically verify Usenet control messages
pgqadm - PgQ ticker and administration interface
pgraph - compile graphs into pic input
pgrep, pkill - look up or signal processes based on name and other
pg_resetxlog - reset the write-ahead log and other control information
pg_restore - restore a PostgreSQL database from an archive file
pgsnap - PostgreSQL report tool
pgsql2dlf - convert pgsql logfiles to dlf format
pgsql2shp - postgis to shapefile dumper
pg_staging - Prepare a staging environment from http accessible backups
pg_top - display and update information about the top cpu PostgreSQL
pgtune - generate an optimized postgresql.conf file
pg_wrapper - wrapper for PostgreSQL client commands
pgxwin_server - X-window sever for pgplot plotting subroutine library
Phatch - Photo Batch Processor
PHAT - a collection of GTK+ apps geared towards audio applications
PHAT - a collection of GTK+ apps geared towards audio applications
PHAT - a collection of GTK+ apps geared towards audio applications
PHAT - a collection of GTK+ apps geared towards audio applications
PHAT - a collection of GTK+ apps geared towards audio applications
PHAT - a collection of GTK+ apps geared towards audio applications
phenny - an extensible IRC bot written in Python
phidget-quadservo-calibrate - simple calibration helper for the Phidget
phisto - compute a luminance histogram from one or more RADIANCE
phm2helix - calculate projections through a time varying phantom
phm2if - Generate Phantom (generate phantom for computed tomography
phm2pj - calculate projections through a phantom object.
phnxdeco - Decompress flashfiles equipped with a PHOENIX BIOS
phoa2d, phod2a - gcin’s Bopomofo tools
phoa2d, phod2a - gcin’s Bopomofo tools
phone - Phone utility for DECnet
phoronix-test-suite - The Phoronix Test Suite is an extensible open-
photon - generates photo albums
photopc - utility to control digital cameras based on Sierra Imaging
photoprint - a utility to print images using Gutenprint.
photorec - Recover lost files from harddisk, digital camera and cdrom
photo-upload - tool for uploading photos
php2po - convert PHP localization files to Gettext PO localization
php - PHP Command Line Interface 'CLI'
php - PHP Command Line Interface 'CLI'
php-config - get information about PHP configuration and compile
*_count - count physical lines of code, in each input file
phpize - prepare a PHP extension for compiling
phpsysinfo - php based host information
PHPUnit - Unit testing suite for PHP
mollist - get identifiers list
phylip - runs various phylogenies programs
pdftex, pdfinitex, pdfvirtex - PDF output from TeX
pdftex, pdfinitex, pdfvirtex - PDF output from TeX
pi1toppm - convert an Atari Degas .pi1 into a portable pixmap
pi3topbm - convert an Atari Degas .pi3 file into a portable bitmap
pia - play media files
pianobar - console music player
pic2graph - convert a PIC diagram into a cropped image
plotutils - The GNU plotting utilities.
pic2tpic - Convert pic files to tpic format
pica - Copy files and execute commands remotely
picard - next generation MusicBrainz tagging application (written in
pic - compile pictures for troff or TeX
pickg - countg : Count graphs according to their properties.
pick - search for messages by content
pico2wave - Small Footprint TTS
pico - simple text editor in the style of the Alpine Composer
piconv -- iconv(1), reinvented in perl -
picosat - SAT solver with proof and core support
picosat - SAT solver with proof and core support
picp - command line utility to drive a PICSTART programmer
picprog - Microchip PIC programmer for the serial port device
pida - Starts up the Python Integrated Development Application
pidgin - Instant Messaging client
pidstat - Report statistics for Linux tasks.
piespy - bot to visualize IRC social networks
pigz - compress or expand files
pi - compute decimal Archimedes’ constant Pi to arbitrary accuracy.
pike - pike compiler and interpreter
piklab-coff - Command-line utility to view COFF files.
piklab-hex - Tool to check INHEX-files.
piklab - IDE for PIC-microcontroller development.
piklab-prog - Commandline program for PIC-microcontroller programming.
pilot-650foto - Copies Treo 650 photos and videos to current directory
pilot-addresses - Read and write address book databases to and from a
gnome-pilot - GNOME applet to manipulate a Palm PDA
pilot-clip - Get or Set the Palm Clipboard contents from STDOUT/STDIN.
pilot-csd - Connection Service Daemon for Palm Devices
pilot-debugsh - Simple debugging console for a Palm Handheld device
pilot-dedupe - Removes duplicate records from any Palm database.
pilot-dlpsh - An interactive Desktop Link Protocol (DLP) Shell for your
pilot-file - Dump application and header information from your local
pilot-foto - Palm ’Foto’ Image Installer/Remover/Fetcher/Converter
pilot-foto-treo600 - Copies Treo "foto" databases to current directory
pilot-foto-treo650 - Copies Treo "foto" databases and videos to the
pilot-getram - Retrieves the RAM image from your Palm device for use in
pilot-getrom - Retrieves the ROM image from your Palm device for use in
pilot-getromtoken - Reads a ROM token from a Palm Handheld device.
pilot-hinotes - Synchronize your Hi-Notes database with your desktop
pilot - simple file system browser in the style of the Alpine Composer
pilot-ietf2datebook - Converts IETF agenda format to install-datebook
pilot-install-datebook - Installs one or more new datebook entries onto
pilot-install-expenses - Install an expense record entries onto your
pilot-install-hinote - Install local files into your Hi-Note database
pilot-install-memo - Installs a new Memo Pad entry onto your Palm
pilot-install-netsync - reads or sets the Network Preferences
pilot-install-todo - Updates the Palm ToDo list with one new entry.
pilot-install-todos - Updates the Palm ToDo list with entries from a
pilot-install-user - Reads or sets a Palm User and UserID on a Palm
PilotManager - Unix-based manager for PalmOS devices
PilotManager - Unix-based manager for PalmOS devices
pilot-memos - Manipulate Memo entries from a file or your Palm device.
pilot-nredir - Accept connection and redirect via Network Hotsync
pilot-qof - Querying Palm databases as objects using QOF (Query Object
pilot-read-expenses - Export Palm Expense application data in a text
pilot-read-ical - Exports the DatebookDB and/or ToDo applications to
pilot-read-notepad - List the record information found in the Palm
pilot-read-palmpix - Convert all pictures in the files given or found
pilot-read-screenshot - Read screenshots from Palm (ScreenShotDB).
pilot-read-todos - Synchronize your Palm ToDo application’s database
pilot-read-veo - Synchronize your Veo Traveler databases
pilot-reminders - Exports your Palm Datebook database into a remind(1)
pilot-schlep - Pack an arbitrary file and install it on your Palm or
sync-plan - synchronize Plan databases
pilot-undelete - scan through dbname on your Pilot and turn all
pilot-wav - Decodes Palm Voice Memo files to wav files you can read on
pilot-xfer - Backup, sync, and restore databases from a Palm handheld
pimd - PIMv2-SM multicast routing daemon
styx — A combined parser and scanner generator -
pinentry-curses - PIN or pass-phrase entry dialog for GnuPG
pinentry-gtk-2 - PIN or pass-phrase entry dialog for GnuPG
pinentry-kwallet - kwallet-based pass-phrase dialog for use with GnuPG
pinentry-qt4 - PIN or pass-phrase entry dialog for GnuPG
pinentry-qt - PIN or pass-phrase entry dialog for GnuPG
pinfo - curses based lynx-style info browser
pingd - echolot ping daemon
pinky - lightweight finger
pinot-dbus-daemon - D-Bus search and index daemon
pinot - A metasearch tool for the Free Desktop
pinot-index - Index documents from the command-line
pinot-label - Label files from the command-line
pinot - A metasearch tool for the Free Desktop
pinot-search - Query search engines from the command-line
Pinta - simple image editor
pinterp - interpolate/extrapolate view from pictures
pipebench - Shows speed of stdin/stdout communication
pip - install Python packages
pisg — Perl IRC Statistics Generator -
speech-tools - Programs for audio and speech manipulation
pitchplay - wrapper script to play audio tracks with cdda2wav with
piuparts - .deb installation, upgrade, and removal testing suite
pius - PGP Individual UID Signer
pix2dlf - convert PIX logs to the firewall DLF format
pixelcity - Procedural city fly through.
pixelize - Create an image consisting of many small images
pixmap - Xpm pixmap editor for X
pj2if - convert a projecttion file into an image (IF) file
pjHinterp - interpolate helical data in projection space.
pjinfo - projection file information
pjrec - reconstruction from projections
pjtoppm - convert an HP PaintJet file to a portable pixmap
coolkey-pk11install - Add Coolkey to Mozilla NSS
pk2bm - create a bitmap from a TeX pkfont
pkaction - Get details about a registered action
pkcheck - Check whether a process is authorized
pkcon - PackageKit console client
pkcs11-data - Data object PKCS#11 enabled token manipulator
pkcs11-dump - dump PKCS#11 token content
pkcs11_eventmgr - SmartCard PKCS#11 Event Manager
pkcs11_inspect - print certificate contents
pkcs11_listcerts - SmartCard PKCS#11 certificates listing
pkcs11_make_hash_link - SmartCard PKCS#11 create a CA certificate link
pkcs11_setup - SmartCard PKCS#11 setup
pkcs11_startup -
pkcs11-tool - utility for managing and using PKCS #11 security tokens
pkcs15-crypt - perform crypto operations using pkcs15 smart card
pkcs15-init - smart card personalization utility
pkcs15-tool - utility for manipulating PKCS #15 data structures on
pkcs1-conv - convert keys from PKCS#1 format to s-expression format
pkcsconf -
pkexec - Execute a command as another user
pkfix-helper - preprocess dvips-produced PostScript documents before
pkfix - replace pk fonts in postscript files with type1 versions
pkg-config - Return metainformation about installed libraries
pkgdata - package data for use by ICU
dpkg-gensymbols - generate symbols files (shared library dependency
pkgkde-override-sc-dev-latest - loosen kde-sc-dev-latest Break
pkgkde-vcs - a helper tool for Debian pkg-kde VCS repositories.
pkglab - explore package repositories
pkgmaintainermangler - change the Debian Maintainer field in a binary
pkgsanitychecks - run sanity checks on the package
pkgs_to_mmin - extract mirror-master details from mirror package files
pkgstriptranslations - extract translation files and remove gettext
pgrep, pkill - look up or signal processes based on name and other
pklogin_finder - maps certificates into a user
pkmon - PackageKit console client
pkpgcounter - count number of pages required to print various types of
pkspxyc - The PKS proxy client
pktogf - convert packed font files to generic font files
pktsetup - set up and tear down packet device associations
pktstat - display packet activity on a crt
pktype - verify and translate a packed font bitmap file to plain text
plio, pldes, plser, plmerge, plparse, pl2link - property list tools
pl2pm - Rough tool to translate Perl4 .pl files to Perl5 .pm modules.
GNU Prolog - Prolog compiler, includes CLP(FD).
Plaiter - Command-line front-end to command-line music players.
Plait - Command-line Jukebox.
ascii, unicode - interpret ASCII, Unicode characters
awk - pattern-directed scanning and processing language
basename - strip file name affixes
bc - arbitrary-precision arithmetic language
cal - print calendar
cat, read, nobs - catenate files
cleanname - clean a path name
cmp - compare two files
date - date and time
dc - desk calculator
diff - differential file comparator
du -
echo - print arguments
ed - text editor
factor, primes - factor a number, generate large primes
fmt, htmlfmt - simple text formatters
fortune - sample lines from a file
freq - print histogram of character frequencies
getflags, usage - command-line parsing for shell scripts
grep, g - search a file for a pattern
hoc - interactive floating point language
join - relational database operator
look - find lines in a sorted list
ls, lc - list contents of directory
mkdir - make a directory
mk - maintain (make) related files
fsize, mtime - print file information
rc, cd, eval, exec, exit, flag, rfork, shift, wait, whatis, ., ~ - -
cat, read, nobs - catenate files
sam, B, E,, samterm, samsave - screen editor with structural
sed - stream editor
seq - print sequences of numbers
sleep - suspend execution for an interval
sort - sort and/or merge files
split - split a file into pieces
strings - extract printable strings
tail - deliver the last part of a file
tee - pipe fitting
test - set status according to condition
touch - set modification date of a file
tr - translate characters
troff, nroff - text formatting and typesetting
uniq - report repeated lines in a file
yacc - yet another compiler-compiler
planarg - For each input, write to output if planar.
plan - interactive X/Motif calendar and day planner
planet - an aggregate feed generator
planets - Gravitational simulation of planetary bodies
planfacile - A document compiler.
plan - interactive X/Motif calendar and day planner
planner - Project Management application for GNOME
plasma - oozing plasma.
Plasmidomics - draw plasmids and vector maps with PostScript export
plastex - a collection of Python frameworks that allow you to process
pTeX - a patched version of TeX which supports Japanese
play_cell - DVD cell player for vamps
playdv - display digital video streams on screen
playerinterfacegen - automatically generate libplayeinterface functions
playerxdrgen - automatically generate libplayerxdr functions
allegro-examples - small example programs to demonstrate the power of
SoX - Sound eXchange, the Swiss Army knife of audio manipulation
playmidi, xplaymidi, splaymidi - MIDI file player
playmp3list - An ncurses-based mp3 player frontend to mpg123
plaympeg - MPEG audio (MP3) and video (MPEG-1) player
playonlinux-daemon - daemon to handle disk insertion in PlayOnLinux
PlayOnLinux - front-end for Wine
playonlinux-pkg - tool to manage playonlinux packages
playsound - quick and dirty test for SDL_sound
playsound_simple - Plays an audio file using SDL_sound
playwav - Play an audio file to a Voicetronix hardware port
plconv - property list converter
plio, pldes, plser, plmerge, plparse, pl2link - property list tools
plex - The Pascal Lex lexical analyzer generator.
plio, pldes, plser, plmerge, plparse, pl2link - property list tools
pl - PL_TDF compiler producing TDF
p-link - whole genome SNP analysis
plink - PuTTY link, command line network connection tool
plio, pldes, plser, plmerge, plparse, pl2link - property list tools
plld - Create a SWI-Prolog embedded executable
plm2gif - converts PLplot metafiles to GIF files
plio, pldes, plser, plmerge, plparse, pl2link - property list tools
pload - display ppp throughput statistics in an X window
pon, poff, plog - starts up, shuts down or lists the log of PPP
PlopFolio - Personal dashboard for GNUstep
radiance-experttools — Specialty programs of the Radiance package, used -
plotchangelog - graph debian changelogs
plotdrop - PlotDrop is designed for quick simple visualisation of 2D
plot-entropy - part of the rdd toolkit
plotfont - produce character maps of fonts supported by the plotting
plot - translate GNU metafiles to other graphics formats
ploticus - data display package
plotin - convert plot(5) to metafile(5) primitives
plot-md5 - part of the rdd toolkit
plotutils - The GNU plotting utilities.
plot-vframes-bitrate - Plot video frames bitrate of a video stream
plot-vframes-sizes - Uses ffprobe and gnuplot to print a representation
plio, pldes, plser, plmerge, plparse, pl2link - property list tools
plpftp - FTP-like program for manipulating files on the Psion.
plpr - converts PLplot metafile to something the printer will
plrc - SWI-Prolog resource archiver
plio, pldes, plser, plmerge, plparse, pl2link - property list tools
plserver - PLplot graphics server
pltcl - Tcl interface to PLplot
pltek - review a Tektronix vector file.
plt-help - The PLT Scheme documentation center
pltotf - convert property list files to TeX font metric (tfm) format
pluck-comics - gathers selected comics for Plucker
plucker-build - generate a document (e-book) in Plucker format
plucker-decode - parses the Plucker cache file(s)
plucker-dump - dumps a Plucker document
plucker - graphical tool to read a .pdb file generated by plucker-build
plucker-prc-install - fetch and install Plucker viewer application on a
plucker-setup - set up Plucker for the current user
plutil - A converter tool for binary or XML Apple property lists
plywood - translates Play source files to LaTeX
pmafm - Performance Co-Pilot archive folio manager
pmake - maintain program dependencies
pmap - report memory map of a process
pmblur - generate views for camera motion blurring
pmccabe - calculate McCabe cyclomatic complexity or non-commented line
pmcd - performance metrics collector daemon
pmcd_wait - wait for PMCD to accept client connections
pmchart, kmchart - strip chart tool for Performance Co-Pilot
pmclient - a simple performance metrics client
pmconfig - Performance Co-Pilot configuration parameters
pmconfirm, pmmessage, pmquery - general purpose dialog box
pm_create - create some files in a particular PM class
pm_ct_exec - start program with some PM current task
pmdabonding - Linux bonded interface performance metrics domain agent
pmdacisco - Cisco router performance metrics domain agent (PMDA)
pmdadbping - database response time and availability PMDA
pmdakvm - Linux virtualisation performance metrics domain agent (PMDA)
pmdamailq - mail queue performance metrics domain agent (PMDA)
pmdamemcache - memcache performance metrics domain agent (PMDA)
pmdamysql - MySQL database PMDA
pmdanamed - BIND (named) PMDA
pmdanetfilter - Linux netfilter IP connection tracking performance
pmdanews - sample Usenet news performance metrics domain agent (PMDA)
pmdapdns - PowerDNS performance metrics domain agent (PMDA)
pmdapostfix - Postfix performance metrics domain agent (PMDA)
pmdasamba - Linux virtualisation performance metrics domain agent
pmdasample - sample performance metrics domain agent (PMDA)
pmdasendmail - sendmail performance metrics domain agent (PMDA)
pmdashping - "shell-ping" performance metrics domain agent
pmdasimple - simple performance metrics domain agent (PMDA)
pmdasummary - summary performance metrics domain agent (PMDA)
pmdasystemtap - Systemtap performance metrics domain agent (PMDA)
pmdate - display an offset date
pmdatrace - application-level transaction performance metrics domain
pmdatrivial - trivial performance metrics domain agent (PMDA)
pmdatxmon - txmon performance metrics domain agent (PMDA)
pmdavmware - VMware performance metrics domain agent (PMDA)
pmdaweblog - performance metrics domain agent (PMDA) for Web server
pmdazimbra - Zimbra Collaboration Suite (ZCS) PMDA
pmdbg - translate Performance Co-Pilot debug control flags
pmdblur - generate views for combined camera motion and depth blurring
pmdumplog - dump internal details of a performance metrics archive log
pmdumptext - dump performance metrics to an ASCII table
pmerr - translate Performance Co-Pilot error codes into error messages
pmgenmap - generate C code to simplify handling of performance metrics
pmhostname - report hostname
powerman - power on/off nodes
pmidi - A midi file player for ALSA.
pmie2col - convert pmie output to multi-column format
pmie_check, pmie_daily - administration of the Performance Co-Pilot
pmie_check, pmie_daily - administration of the Performance Co-Pilot
pmie - inference engine for performance metrics
pminfo - display information about performance metrics
pm-is-supported - Test whether suspend or hibernate is supported.
pmk - configuring tool
pmkinstall - install binaries and data
pmkpc - Packages metainformation management tool.
pmkscan - source scanning tool
pmlc - configure active Performance Co-Pilot pmlogger(s) interactively
pmlcreate ‐ construct PhotoML files from a single input file in a -
pmldigital ‐ construct PhotoML files from EXIF data in digital images -
pmlexpand ‐ expand and remove defaults in a PhotoML XML file -
pmlgrep ‐ provides a grep‐like utility for PhotoML files -
pmlindex ‐ constructs an HTML index of PhotoML files -
pmlock - simple file-based mutex
pmlogcheck - checks for invalid data in a PCP archive
pmlogconf - create/edit a pmlogger configuration file
pmlogextract - reduce, extract, concatenate and merge Performance Co-
pmlogger_daily, pmlogger_check, pmlogger_merge - administration of
pmlogger_daily, pmlogger_check, pmlogger_merge - administration of
pmlogger - create archive log for performance metrics
pmlogger_daily, pmlogger_check, pmlogger_merge - administration of
pmloglabel - check and repair a performance metrics archive label
pmlogreduce - temporal reduction of Performance Co-Pilot archives
pmlogsummary - calculate averages of metrics stored in a PCP archive
pmltrans ‐ transform a PhotoML XML file using the standard PhotoML XSL -
pmlupgrade ‐ upgrade PhotoML XML files to latest DTD version -
pmlvalid ‐ validate PhotoML XML files -
pmconfirm, pmmessage, pmquery - general purpose dialog box
pmnewlog - stop and restart archive logging for PCP performance metrics
pmnsadd - add new names to the Performance Co-Pilot PMNS
pmnscomp - compile an ASCII performance metrics namespace into binary
pmnsdel - delete a subtree of names from the Performance Co-Pilot PMNS
pmnsmerge - merge multiple versions of a Performance Co-Pilot PMNS
pmount-hal - HAL-aware wrapper around pmount
pmount - mount arbitrary hotpluggable devices as normal user
pmpost - append messages to the Performance Co-Pilot notice board
pmprobe - lightweight probe for performance metrics
pmproxy - proxy for performance metrics collector daemon
pmconfirm, pmmessage, pmquery - general purpose dialog box
pms - Practical Music Search, an ncurses-based MPD client
pmsignal - send a signal to one or more processes
pmsleep - portable subsecond-capable sleep
pmsnap - generate performance summary snapshot images
pmsocks - shell wrapper for performance monitoring across firewalls
pmstat - high-level system performance overview
pmstore - modify performance metric values
pmt-fd0ssh - pipe for password-over-stdin support to ssh
pmtime - time control server for Performance Co-Pilot
pmt-ofl - Show processes using directories/files/mountpoints
pmtrace - command line performance instrumentation
pmval - performance metrics value dumper
pmxab - a MusiXTeX preprocessor
pmx - the frontend for pmxab, a MusiXTeX preprocessor
pnee - record, replays or distributes X11 data
png2html - transforms a PNG image to a web page
png2icns - convert png images to Mac OS icns files
png2pat - Converts an image file from PNG to PAT format.
png2yuv - Convert PNG images to the YUV4MPEG stream format.
pngcheck - Test PNG image files for corruption, display size, type,
pngchunkdesc - decode information embedded into a PNG chunk name
pngchunks - print information embedded into a PNG file
pngcomp - PNG (Portable Network Graphics) comparison tool
pngcp - create a new PNG file, having changed some attributes
pngcrush — optimizes (or modifies) PNG (Portable Network Graphics) -
pnginfo - display information on the PNG files named
pngmeta - extract metadata from Portable Network Graphics (PNG) image
pngnq - quantize png images
pngphoon — Creates a png file with the current phase of the moon -
pngquant - PNG image optimising utility
pngtoexr - convert a PNG image to OpenEXR format
libgd-tools - programs to convert between gd and other graphics formats
libgd-tools - programs to convert between gd and other graphics formats
pngtopnm - convert a Portable Network Graphics file into portable
pnm2ppa - convert portable anymap (PNM) images to HP’s PPA printer
pnmalias - antialias a portable anyumap.
pnmarith - perform arithmetic on two portable anymaps
pnmcat - concatenate portable anymaps
pnmcolormap - create quantization color map for a portable anymap
pnmcomp - composite (overlay) two portable anymap files together
pnmconvol - general MxN convolution on a portable anymap
pnmcrop - crop a portable anymap
pnmcut - cut a rectangle out of a portable anymap
pnmdepth - change the maxval in a portable anymap
pnmenlarge - read a portable anymap and enlarge it N times
pnmfile - describe a portable anymap
pnmflip - perform one or more flip operations on a portable anymap
pnmgamma - perform gamma correction on a portable anymap
pnmhisteq - histogram equalise a portable anymap
pnmhistmap - draw a histogram for a PGM or PPM file
pnmindex - build a visual index of a bunch of anymaps
pamstretch-gen - use pamstretch and pnmscale to scale by non-integer
pamstretch - scale up a PNM or PAM image by interpolating between
pnminvert - invert a portable anymap
pnml2mcrl2 - convert a Petri net to an mCRL2 specification
pnmmargin - add a border to a portable anymap
pnmmontage - create a montage of portable anymaps
pnmnlfilt - non-linear filters: smooth, alpha trim mean, optimal
pnmtoplainpnm - convert portable any map to plain (ASCII) anymap format
pnmnorm - normalize the contrast in a Netbpm image
pnmpad - add borders to portable anymap
pnmpaste - paste a rectangle into a portable anymap
pnmpsnr - compute the difference between two portable anymaps
pnmquant - quantize the colors in a Netpbm image to a smaller set
pnmremap - replace colors in a PPM image with colors from another set
pnmrotate - rotate a portable anymap by some angle
pnmscalefixed - scale a portable anymap quickly, but less accurate
pnmscale - scale a portable anymap
pnmshear - shear a portable anymap by some angle
pnmsmooth - smooth out an image
pnmsplit - split a multi-image portable anymap into multiple single-
pnmtile - replicate a portable anymap into a specified size
pnmtoddif - Convert a portable anymap to DDIF format
pnmtofiasco - Convert a portable anymap to FIASCO compressed file
pnmtofits - convert a portable anymap into FITS format
pnmtojpeg - convert PNM image to a JFIF ("JPEG") image
pnmtopalm - convert a portable anymap into a Palm pixmap
pnmtoplainpnm - convert portable any map to plain (ASCII) anymap format
pnmtopng - convert a portable anymap into a Portable Network Graphics
pnmtops - convert portable anymap to PostScript
pnmtorast - convert a portable pixmap into a Sun rasterfile
pnmtorle - convert a Netpbm image file into an RLE image file.
pnmtosgi - convert a portable anymap to a SGI image file
pnmtosir - convert a portable anymap into a Solitaire format
pnmtotiffcmyk - convert a portable anymap into a CMYK encoded TIFF file
pnmtotiff - convert a portable anymap into a TIFF file
pnmtoxwd - convert a portable anymap into an X11 window dump
pnmtoy4m - Convert PNM/PAM images to YUV4MPEG2 stream
pnscan - multi threaded port scanning tool
po2csv - convert Gettext PO localization files to Comma-Separated Value
po2debconf - merge master templates file and PO files
po2ical - convert Gettext PO localization files to iCal files
po2ini - convert Gettext PO localization files to .ini files
po2moz - convert Gettext PO localization files to Mozilla .dtd and
po2oo - convert Gettext PO localization files to an
po2php - convert Gettext PO localization files to PHP localization
po2prop - convert Gettext PO localization files to Java/Mozilla
po2rc - Convert Gettext PO localization files back to Windows Resource
po2sub - Convert Gettext PO localization files to subtitle files
po2symb - convert Gettext PO localization files to Symbian translation
po2tiki - Convert .po files to TikiWiki's language.php files.
po2tmx - convert Gettext PO localization files to a TMX (Translation
po2ts - convert Gettext PO localization files to Qt Linguist (.ts)
po2txt - convert Gettext PO localization files to plain text (.txt)
po2web2py - convert GNU/gettext PO files to web2py translation
po2wordfast - convert Gettext PO localization files to a Wordfast
po2xliff - convert Gettext PO localization files to XLIFF localization
po2xml - Translates an DocBook XML file using a PO file
po4a-build - build translated documentation
po4a-gettextize - convert an original file (and its translation) to a
po4a - update both the po files and translated documents in one shot
po4aman-display-po - display a translated man page according to a PO
po4a-normalize - normalize a documentation file by parsing it in po4a,
po4apod-display-po - man display of a translated pod file according to
po4a-translate - convert a po file back to documentation format
po4a-updatepo - update the translation (in po format) of documentation
poa - align a set of sequences or alignments.
pob-2250 - receive RTP RFC 2250 MP3 streams
pob-3119 - receive RTP RFC 3119 MP3 streams
pob-fec - receive FEC MP3 streams
poc-2250 - send RTP RFC 2250 MP3 streams
poc-3119 - send RTP RFC 3119 MP3 streams
po_catref - view the components of a stringified reference
poc-fec - send FEC MP3 streams
poc-http - send HTTP MP3 streams
pocketpc-cab - build an installable Pocket PC cabinet file
pocketsphinx_batch - Run speech recognition in batch mode
pocketsphinx_continuous - Run speech recognition in continuous
pocketsphinx_mdef_convert - Convert text-format model definition files
pocketsphinx_tidigits - Run continuous digit recognition with
pocketsphinx_wsj - Run continuous word recognition with PocketSphinx
poclean - Produces a clean file from an unclean file (Trados/Wordfast)
pocommentclean - Remove all translator comments from PO files.
pocompendium - Create a PO compendium from a directory of PO files.
pocompile - Compile XLIFF and Gettext PO localization files into
poconflicts - Conflict finder for Gettext PO localization files
po_cos_naming - a standalone server that supports the CORBA COS Naming
po_cos_naming_shell - navigate and interact with the CORBA COS Naming
pocount - Produces word counts and other statistics from a PO file.
po_createref - create IOR stringified references
pod2html - convert .pod files to .html files
pod2latex - convert pod documentation to latex format
pod2man - Convert POD data to formatted *roff input
pod2pdf - converts Pod to PDF format
pod2text - Convert POD data to formatted ASCII text
pod2usage - print usage messages from embedded pod docs in files
podbeuter - a podcast download manage for text terminals
podbrowser - a Perl documentation browser for GNOME
podchecker - check the syntax of POD format documentation files
podebconf-display-po - display content of a PO file in a debconf
podebconf-report-po - send outdated debconf PO files to the last
podebug - Insert debug messages into XLIFF and Gettext PO localization
podracer - A podcast aggregator with BitTorrent support
podselect - print selected sections of pod documentation on standard
PodSleuth - a tool to discover detailed model information about
podspell - a formatter for spell checking Pod(Plain Old Documentation
po_dumpir - the CORBA interface repository content dumper
poedit - gettext catalogs editor
Poe - a vorbis comment editor
pon, poff, plog - starts up, shuts down or lists the log of PPP
pon.wvdial - A pon replacement.
pofilter - Perform quality checks on Gettext PO, XLIFF and TMX
pogg-http - send HTTP OGG streams
po_gnatdist - a tool to build a DSA application with polyorb
pogrep - Grep XLIFF, Gettext PO and TMX localization files
poi-manager - Manage points of interest
pointer-capture-applet - Creates an area on the panel to capture the
pointerize - C code convert for pointerize utility
po_ir - standalone CORBA interface repository server
poison - the main cgi script for sugarplum
pokerstats - poker-network client to calculate statistics
pokerth - Texas hold’em game
pokerth_server - multiplayer and multigame server for PokerTH
poldi-ctrl - pam_poldi utility
python-policyd-spf - pure-Python Postfix policy daemon for SPF checking
policygentool - Interactive SELinux policy generation tool
polipo - a caching web proxy
polkit-action - List and modify registered PolicyKit actions
polkit-auth - Manage authorizations
polkit-config-file-validate - Validate a PolicyKit configuration file
polkit-policy-file-validate - Validate a PolicyKit policy file
polyrun, polyfind - Find polygen grammars and run polygen
Polygen - Polygen is a program for creating fortuitous nonsense
polygraph-aka - IP aliases manipulation tool
polygraph-beepmon - forwards BEEP messages to an external program
polygraph-cdb - content database manipulation tool
polygraph-client - Web Polygraph client simulator
polygraph-cmp-lx - log comparison tool
polygraph-distr-test - distribution test
polygraph-dns-cfg - DNS server configuration tool
polygraph-lr - console log extractor
polygraph-ltrace - trace extractor
polygraph-lx - stats extractor
polygraph-pgl2acl - translates PGL access rules into Squid Proxy ACLs
polygraph-pgl2eng - PGL to English converter
polygraph-pgl2ips - PGL IP addresses calculator
polygraph-pgl2ldif - LDIF (and other text-based) configuration
polygraph-pgl-test - PGL validator
polygraph-pmix2-ips - PolyMix-2 address calculator
polygraph-pmix3-ips - PolyMix-3 address calculator
polygraph-polymon - interactive test monitoring tool
polygraph-polyprobe - tests TCP throughput in a full client/server mesh
polygraph-polyrrd - supplies run-time Polygraph stats to RRDtool
polygraph-pop-test - predicts cache hit ratios for a given workload
polygraph-reporter - HTML report generator
polygraph-rng-test - random number generator test
polygraph-server - Web Polygraph server simulator
polygraph-udp2tcpd - converts UDP monitoring messages into a TCP stream
polygraph-webaxe4-ips - WebAxe-4 address calculator
poly - the Poly/ML Standard ML implementation
polyimport - the Poly/ML import program
polymer-config - configure the Polymer Qt style
polyorb-config - script to get information about the installed version
polyrun, polyfind - Find polygen grammars and run polygen
pomerge - Merges XLIFF and Gettext PO localization files
pomigrate2 - Migrates PO files from an old version using new POT files.
pommed - Apple laptops hotkeys event handler
po_names - PolyORB name server
pondus - personal weight manager for GTK+2
pon, poff, plog - starts up, shuts down or lists the log of PPP
pon.wvdial - A pon replacement.
pooltype - display a WEB pool file
pop3browser -- small perl script to access POP3 mail accounts -
pop3test - interactive POP3 test program
pop_auth - set an user’s APOP secret
popauth - manage pop3 authentication database
popbugs - find RC bugs in packages you commonly use
fetchmail - fetch mail from a POP, IMAP, ETRN, or ODMR-capable server
popuretext - Extracts all the source text from a directory of POT
poreencode - Reencode all files of a PO directory to the specified
porestructure - Restructure Gettxt PO files produced by poconflicts
pork - An AOL Instant Messenger client for the UNIX console.
PornView - GTK+-based image viewer/manager
portrelease - release previously-reserved ports
portreserve - reserve ports to prevent portmap mapping them
posegment - Segment Gettext PO, XLIFF and TMX localization files at the
posh - Policy-compliant Ordinary SHell
pospell - Run a program on the translation strings of a .po-file
posplit - Split a PO file into a translated, fuzzy, and untranslated PO
postalias - Postfix alias database maintenance
postal-list - program to show how postal expands user names
postats - summarize translation progress of gettext po files
postcat - show Postfix queue file contents
postconf - Postfix configuration utility
postdrop - Postfix mail posting utility
PosteRazor - splits an image into multiple sheets for assembly into a
poster - Scale and tile a postscript image to print on multiple pages
post_faq - post a USENET periodic posting
postfix2dlf - convert postfix logfiles to dlf format
postfix2dlf_main - convert postfix2dlf_pre output to email dlf
postfix2dlf_pre - preprocess postfix logfiles for postfix2dlf_main
postfix - Postfix control program
postfix-policyd-spf-perl - pure-Perl Postfix policy server for SPF
postfwd - postfix firewall daemon
postgres - PostgreSQL database server
postgresql_autodoc - creates postgresql tables overview
postgreyreport - Fatal report for Postfix Greylisting Policy Server
grohtml - html driver for groff
postkick - kick a Postfix service
postlock - lock mail folder and execute command
postlog - Postfix-compatible logging utility
postmap - Postfix lookup table management
postmark - file system benchmark program by NetApp.
postmaster - PostgreSQL database server
postmulti - Postfix multi-instance manager
postnews - Post a Usenet article to a server
postpone - schedules a command to be executed later when a lockfile
postproc - Re-sync or re-quantize an MPEG file
postqueue - Postfix queue control
postsuper - Postfix superintendent
postw32 - Free Pascal Windows 32-bit executable post processor.
poswap - Builds a new translation file with the target of the input
pot2po - Convert template files (like .pot or template .xlf files)
potatus - extremely lightweight GTK-based audio player
poterminology - reads a set of .po or .pot files to produce a pootle-
poedit - program to aid editing gettext po files
potool - program for manipulating gettext po files
potracegui - a KDE frontend for potrace
potrace - transform bitmaps into vector graphics.
povray - POV-Ray: The Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer
powerman - power on/off nodes
powernap_calculator - estimate the expected power savings using
powernowd - control the speed and voltage of cpus
powerwake - smart utilty for remotely waking sleeping systems
ppa-purge - disables a PPA and reverts to official packages
ppc386 - Free Pascal Compiler (FPC) binary, name derived from Portable
ppcarm - Free Pascal Compiler (FPC) binary, name derived from Portable
pearpc - architecture independent PowerPC platform emulator capable of
ppcppc - Free Pascal Compiler (FPC) binary, name derived from Portable
pearpc - architecture independent PowerPC platform emulator capable of
ppcsparc - Free Pascal Compiler (FPC) binary, name derived from
ppcx64 - Free Pascal Compiler (FPC) binary, name derived from Portable
ppdc - cups ppd compiler
ppdep - The FPC Pascal unit dependency tracking program.
ppdfilt - insert printer specific code into a PS job.
ppdhtml - cups html summary generator
ppdi - import ppd files
ppdmerge - merge ppd files
ppdpo - ppd message catalog generator
ppi2html - generate syntax-hightlighted HTML for Perl using PPI
dvipost, pptex, pplatex - post processing of dvi files
ppl-config - obtain information about an installation of the Parma
gerris2D, gerris2D3, gerris3D - the Gerris flow solver simulation
ppm2raw - Convert a PPM pipe to a Raw DV stream
ppm2tiff - create a TIFF file from PPM, PGM and PBM image files
ppm2webcam - Supply an FTP/HTTP based webcam with images from a PPM
ppm3d - convert two portable pixmap into a red/blue 3d glasses pixmap
ppmbrighten - change an images Saturation and Value from an HSV map
ppmchange - change all pixels of one color to another in a portable
ppmcie - draw a CIE color chart as a PPM image
ppmcolormask - produce mask of areas of a certain color in a PPM file
ppmcolors - generate a color map of all colors of a certain maxval
ppmcombine - combines several PPM files produced by a parallel run of
ppmd - file-to-file compressor
ppmd - file-to-file compressor
ppmdim - dim a portable pixmap down to total blackness
ppmdist - simplistic grayscale assignment for machine generated, color
ppmdither - ordered dither for color images
ppmfade - generate a transition between two image files using special
ppmflash - brighten a picture up to complete white-out
ppmforge - fractal forgeries of clouds, planets, and starry skies
ppmhist - print a histogram of a portable pixmap
ppmimgvquant - palette quantifier for Pilot Image Viewer pgm files.
ppmlabel - add text to a portable pixmap
ppmmake - create a pixmap of a specified size and color
ppmmix - blend together two portable pixmaps
pnmnorm - normalize the contrast in a Netbpm image
ppmntsc - make a portable pixmap look like taken from an American TV
ppmpat - make a pretty pixmap
ppmquantall - run ppmquant on a bunch of files all at once, so they
ppmquant - quantize the colors in a portable pixmap down to a specified
ppmqvga - 8 plane quantization
ppmrainbow - Generate a rainbow
ppmrelief - run a Laplacian relief filter on a portable pixmap
ppmshadow - add simulated shadows to a portable pixmap image
ppmshift - shift lines of a portable pixmap left or right by a random
ppmspread - displace a portable pixmap’s pixels by a random amount
ppmtoacad - convert portable pixmap to AutoCAD database or slide
ppmtobmp - convert a portable pixmap into a BMP file
ppmtoexr - convert a PPM image to OpenEXR format
ppmtoeyuv - convert a portable pixmap into a Berkeley YUV file
ppmtogif - convert a portable pixmap into a GIF file
ppmtoicr - convert a portable pixmap into NCSA ICR format
ppmtoilbm - convert a portable pixmap into an ILBM file
ppmtoinfo - convert a portable pixmap into an Amiga .info file
pnmtojpeg - convert PNM image to a JFIF ("JPEG") image
ppmtoleaf - convert portable pixmap to Interleaf image format
ppmtolj - convert a portable pixmap to an HP LaserJet PCL 5 Color file
ppmtolss16 — Convert a PPM to an LSS16 image -
ppmtomap - extract all colors from a portable pixmap
ppmtomitsu - convert a portable pixmap to a Mitsubishi S340-10 file
ppmtompeg - encodes MPEG-1 bitstreams
ppmtoneo - convert a portable pixmap into an Atari Neochrome .neo file
ppmtopcx - convert a portable pixmap into a PCX file
ppmtopgm - convert a portable pixmap into a portable graymap
ppmtopi1 - convert a portable pixmap into an Atari Degas .pi1 file
ppmtopict - convert a portable pixmap into a Macintosh PICT file
ppmtopj - convert a portable pixmap to an HP PaintJet file
ppmtopuzz - convert a portable pixmap into an X11 "puzzle" file
ppmtorgb3 - separate a portable pixmap into three portable graymaps
ppmtosixel - convert a portable pixmap into DEC sixel format
ppmtotga - convert portable pixmap into a TrueVision Targa file
ppmtouil - convert a portable pixmap into a Motif UIL icon file
ppmtowinicon - convert 1 or more portable pixmaps into a Windows .ico
ppmtoxpm - convert a portable pixmap into an X11 pixmap
ppmtoxvmini - convert a raw PPM file to .xvpics format
ppmtoy4m - Convert PPM images to YUV4MPEG2 stream
ppmtoyuv - convert a portable pixmap into an Abekas YUV file
ppmtoyuvsplit - convert a portable pixmap into 3 subsampled raw YUV
ppmtv - make a portable pixmap look like taken from an American TV
pppob - Barry Project’s program to access the Blackberry modem for pppd
pppstatus - console-based PPP status monitor
pprof2calltree - convert APD profiling data to KCachegrind calltree
ppserver - manual page for Parallel Python Network Server
unoconv - convert any document from and to any OpenOffice supported
dvipost, pptex, pplatex - post processing of dvi files
ppthtml - A program for converting Microsoft Power Point Files .ppt
pptview - view a PowerPoint presentation
ppudump - The FPC Pascal unit dump program.
ppufiles - The FPC Pascal unit object file lister.
ppdep - The FPC Pascal unit mover.
ctn_manpage - Generic CTN manual page
ctn_manpage - Generic CTN manual page
pqiv - quick image viewer
pqlist - List available NetWare print queues
nwpqjob - Perform operations on the jobs in NetWare print queue
pqstat - List jobs in NetWare print queue
pqtapi - PerlQt introspection tool
pqtsh - PerlQt Graphical shell
pr3287 - IBM host printing tool
praat - doing phonetics by computer
rancid - Cisco configuration filter
prctl - Process operations
prezip, preunzip, precat - prefix delta compressor for Aspell
preconv - convert encoding of input files to something GNU troff
predict-g1yyh - satellite tracking program
predict - Track and predict passes of satellites in Earth orbit
predict-map - GUI for predict
prefield - prepares input file for ’muplot’ to plot 2d fields with
prefixsuffix — program to rename batches of files by changing their -
grohtml - html driver for groff
preline - Prepend legacy mbox headers
prelude-admin - Manage agents accounts
preludedb-admin - tool to copy, move, delete, save or restore a prelude
prelude-manager - Collects and normalize events.
premail - An E-Mail Privacy Package. Easy E-Mail Encryption,
rename - renames multiple files
preparetips - extract text from tips file
loki - Reversible jump MCMC linkage analysis in general pedigrees
prepmx - preprocessor for PMX, easy music typesetting program
premail - An E-Mail Privacy Package. Easy E-Mail Encryption,
pretranslate - Fill localization files with suggested translations
prettify_json - JSON file pretty-printer
pretzel - the universal prettyprinter generator
pretzel-it - use Pretzel to build a prettyprinter
prezip, preunzip, precat - prefix delta compressor for Aspell
prev - show the previous message
Preview - General purpose image viewer for GNUstep
prezip-bin - prefix zip delta word list compressor/decompressor
prezip, preunzip, precat - prefix delta compressor for Aspell
prg2lout - convert computer program text into Lout
pr - convert text files for printing
PRICE - image filtering and manipulation
cfgmaint - configuration tool for Visual Builder
gencls - class interface compiler for Prima core modules
gencls - class interface compiler for Prima core modules
VB - Visual Builder for the Prima toolkit
primaxscan -
primer3_core - Designs primers for PCR
primorial - calculate large primorials
printafm - Print the metrics from a Postscript font in AFM format using
printcbm - list a Commodore BASIC file
ctn_manpage - Generic CTN manual page
printconf - automatically configure attached USB and parallel printers
printenv - print all or part of environment
printerbanner - print large banner on printer
printer-profile - Profile using X-Rite ColorMunki and Argyll CMS
printf - format and print data
PrintHeader - part of ANTS registration suite
run-mailcap, view, see, edit, compose, print - execute programs via
print-introspected-doxygen - print the code of introspected doxygen
ctn_manpage - Generic CTN manual page
debugim, printlines - prints the raw image data of a vasari file format
ctn_manpage - Generic CTN manual page
ctn_manpage - Generic CTN manual page
ctn_manpage - Generic CTN manual page
sloccount - count source lines of code (SLOC)
prips - print IP address on a given range
prism - Web applications engine
prismstumbler - wireless LAN (WLAN) discovery tool
pristine-bz2 - regenerate pristine bz2 files
pristine-gz - regenerate pristine gz files
pristine-tar - regenerate pristine tarballs
privbind - allow an unprivileged application to bind with reserved
privoxy-log-parser - A parser and syntax-highlighter for Privoxy log
prj2make - Makefile generator from Visual Studio and Sharp Develop
prn2ps - PostScript Conversion Utility
probcons - align multiple protein sequences and print to standard
probcons-RNA - An experimental version of ProbCons compiled with
probeqcam -
socat - Multipurpose relay (SOcket CAT)
process_keys - Web of Trust analysis
ProcessShader - -
proclint - Lint procmail rc files for proper syntax
procmail - autonomous mail processor
procmeter3 - A user friendly system monitoring program.
procmeter3-lcd - A system monitoring program with LCDproc display.
procmeter3-log - A system monitoring / logging program.
procmeter3 modules - The modules that are used by the procmeter3,
procmeter3 - A user friendly system monitoring program.
procServ - Process Server with Telnet Console and Log Access
proda - multiple alignment of protein sequences with repeats and
profile-manager - starts the gui for configuring the metadata used by
profilemanager - program for applying menu profiles to groups.
profiles - A utility to report and change SIDs in registry files
progen - create project files for tmake(1)
ProjectCenter - The Official GNUstep IDE
projectControl — controls permissions on a shared bouml project -
turnincfg - manage assignments submitted with turnin
ProjectManager - Simple IDE for GNUstep
projectM-jack - ProjectM module for JackAudio
projectM-pulseaudio - ProjectM module for PulseAudio
projectSynchro — synchronizes a shared bouml project -
projectx - DVB Demuxing utility
proj - forward cartographic projection filter
prokburn - A small utility to burn CDs from prokyon3
prokyon3 - A mp3 and ogg/vorbis manager and tag editor
mummer - package for sequence alignment of multiple genomes
promoe - GUI client for XMMS2
promoterwise — comparison between two promoter sequences -
prompter - prompting editor front-end for nmh
prompt - give any program command-line editing facilities
proofd - PROOF (The Parallel ROOT Facility)
proofgeneral - a generic interface for proof assistants.
proofserv - PROOF (The Parallel ROOT Facility)
prooftrans - tool for transforming Prover9 proofs
prop2po - convert Java/Mozilla .properties files to Gettext PO
props - Change OpenWindows settings
propwatch - a tool to monitor X11 properties
proslicerl - Measure the echo-return loss on Voicetronix FXS telephony
protate - rotate a RADIANCE picture.
MolPhy - program package for MOLecular PHYlogenetics
protoc - compile protocol buffer description files
protoize, unprotoize - create/remove ANSI prototypes from C code
protonate - protonates structures
protonate - protonates structures
MolPhy - program package for MOLecular PHYlogenetics
provami - Manipulate georeferentiated raster image files
prove - Run tests through a TAP harness.
prover9 - resolution/paramodulation theorem prover
prover9-mace4 - graphical theorem prover interface for Prover9 and
ProxyChains - redirect connections through proxy servers
proxycheck — open proxy server checker -
proxytrack - proxy to serve content archived by httrack website copier
proxytunnel - program to tunnel a connection throught an standard HTTPS
prrt-navigator-demo - Mobile robot navigation simulator
prs500 - control PRS 500 devices
prstat - print statistics of a process
pruneemptydirs - Detects stale source directories in a CVS tree
prune - Prune directed graphs
ps2ascii - Ghostscript translator from PostScript or PDF to ASCII
ps2eps - convert PostScript to EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) files
ps2epsi - generate conforming Encapsulated PostScript
ps2frag - obsolete shell script for the PSfrag system.
tth, latex2gif, ps2gif, ps2png - TeX and LaTeX to HTML translator and
ps2image - creates png files from PostScript
ps2lexmark - Postscript to Lexmark 2050 Series protocol translator
ps2pdf - Convert PostScript to PDF using ghostscript
ps2pdf - Convert PostScript to PDF using ghostscript
ps2pdf - Convert PostScript to PDF using ghostscript
ps2pdf - Convert PostScript to PDF using ghostscript
ps2pdfwr - Convert PostScript to PDF without specifying
ps2pk - creates a TeX pkfont from a type1 PostScript font
latex2gif, ps2png - Convert LaTeX files to bit map images
ps2ps, eps2eps - Ghostscript PostScript "distiller"
ps2sp - Netlist preprocessor
ps2ts - Convert an H.222 program stream to H.222 transport stream
ps4pdf - a shell script for creating .pdf from .tex
lpbanner, pclbanner, psbanner - printer banners in text, PCL and
psbl - A program for automatic booklet formatting of postscript files
psbook - rearrange pages in PostScript file into signatures
pscal - generates postscript showing your calendar for given year and
pscan - Format string security checker for C source code
psc - prepare sc files
pscp - command-line SCP (secure copy) / SFTP client
psdots - Present the packets of a Program Stream
psed - a stream editor
Psequin - submit sequences to Genbank, EMBL, and DDBJ
pserver - NetWare print server
psfaddtable - add a Unicode character table to a console font
psfgettable - extract the embedded Unicode character table from a
psf - PostScript filter
psfstriptable - remove the embedded Unicode character table from a
psftp - interactive SFTP (secure file transfer protocol) client
psfxtable - handle Unicode character tables for console fonts
ps - report a snapshot of the current processes.
psiconv-config - script to get information about the installed version
Version - A utility for handling Psion files
psidtopgm - convert PostScript "image" data into a portable graymap
psign - produce a RADIANCE picture from text.
Psignifit - A program for fitting and testing hypotheses about
psi - jabber client
psk-crack - Crack IKE Aggressive Mode Pre-Shared Keys
pskmail - client for HF narrow band mail delivery system for amateur
psktool - Simple PSK password tool
pslatex - utility to typeset LaTeX files using PostScript fonts
pslist - control processes and their descendants
psmandup - print duplex on non duplex printers
psmerge - filter to merge several PostScript files into one
psmeta - convert metafile to PostScript
psnup - multiple pages per sheet
psorder - PostScript pageorder filter
psort - sort primitives in metafile as requested
pspax - list ELF/PaX information about running processes
pspell-config - prints information about a libpspell installation
pspp - a system for statistical analysis
psppire - graphical interface to pspp
pspresent - fullscreen PostScript presentation tool
psql - PostgreSQL interactive terminal
psreport: - report on the packets in a Program Stream
psresize - rescales and centers a document for new output paper size
psrip - extracts images from postscript-files
psselect - select pages from a PostScript file
psset - insert page device request in PostScript files
pst2dii - extract email messages from a MS Outlook .pst file in DII
pst2ldif - extract contacts from a MS Outlook .pst file in .ldif format
pstack - print a stack trace of running processes
pstest - engine model test for FlightGear
pstoedit - a tool converting PostScript and PDF files into various
pstoepsi - convert PostScript to encapsulated PostScript with bitmap
pstopdf - convert EPS to PDF
pstopnm - convert a PostScript file into a portable anymap
pstops - shuffle pages in a PostScript file
pstotext - extract ASCII text from a PostScript or PDF file
pstree - display a tree of processes
pstree - display a tree of processes
c2ph, pstruct - Dump C structures as generated from "cc -g -S" stabs
pswdb — protein smith waterman database -
psw — Protein Smith-Waterman and other comparisons -
PsychoPy2, - Creating psychology stimuli in Python
PTAInterpolate - Interpolate intermediate images between stereo photos.
ptardiff - program that diffs an extracted archive against an
ptar - a tar-like program written in perl
PTBatcherGUI - Hugin batch processor
PTblender - Colour and brightness correction of panoramas
ptbl - print a type table
PTcrop - Crop TIFF images
ptdump - Let’s you dig into the contents of a PyTables file.
pterm ‐ yet another X terminal emulator -
ptest - ParMetis graph partition test
pTeX - a patched version of TeX which supports Japanese
ptexjtexconfig - shell script to generate formats files for
pth-config - Pth library build utility
PTinfo - Display information about a panotools-generated image
ptlib-config - script to get information about the installed version of
PTmasker - Compute stitching masks
PTmender - Replacement for PTStitcher
styx — A combined parser and scanner generator -
pto2mk - Generate hugin stitching Makefiles
ptop - The FPC Pascal configurable source beautifier.
PToptimizer - Wrapper around control point optimization routines
PTOptimizer - Panorama Tools Optimiser
ptree - Prints a graphic representation of an ASIS tree with
ptrepack - Copy any PyTables Leaf, Group or complete subtree into
PTroller - Merge several images into a single one
pts_adduser - Adds a user or machine to a Protection Database group
pts_apropos - Displays each help entry containing a keyword string
pts_chown - Changes the owner of a Protection Database entry
ptscotch_dgmap, dgpart - compute static mappings and partitions in
pscotch_dgord - compute sparse matrix orderings in parallel
ptscotch_dgscat - build distributed source graph file fragments from a
ptscotch_dgtst - test the consistency of Scotch source graphs in
pts_creategroup - Creates an (empty) Protection Database group entry
pts_createuser - Creates a user or machine entry in the Protection
pts_delete - Deletes a Protection Database entry
pts_examine - Displays a Protection Database entry
pts_help - Displays help for pts commands
pts - Introduction to the pts command suite
pts_interactive - Enters interactive mode
pts_listentries - Displays all users or groups in the Protection
pts_listmax - Displays the max user id and max group id counters
pts_listowned - Show the Protection Database groups owned by a user or
pts_membership - Displays the membership list for a user or group
pts_quit - Exit from pts interactive mode
pts_removeuser - Removes a user from a Protection Database group
pts_rename - Changes the name of a Protection Database entry
pts_setfields - Sets privacy flags or quota for a Protection Database
pts_setmax - Sets the value of the max group id or max user id counter
pts_sleep - Pauses for a few seconds
pts_source - Read pts commands from a file
pts-subscribe - time-limited subscription to the PTS
pts-subscribe - time-limited subscription to the PTS
PTtiff2psd - Convert a set of TIFF files into a Photoshop PSD file
PTtiffdump - Compare two TIFF images
PTuncrop - Uncrop TIFF images
ptx - produce a permuted index of file contents
ptywrap - fool programs into thinking they are talking to a pseudo-tty
vadm - manipulate and administer version object base
pudge - Generate documentation for Python projects
puf - http client for parallel downloading
puic - perl user interface compiler
pull-debian-debdiff - find, download, and generate a debdiff
pull-debian-source - download a source package from Debian
pull-lp-source - download a source package from Launchpad
pullnews - Pull news from multiple news servers and feed it to another
pull-revu-source - download a source package from REVU
pulsar - Pulse editor of ODIN
pulseaudio - The PulseAudio Sound System
pumount - umount arbitrary hotpluggable devices as normal user
pd - pure data
purifyeps - make an Encapsulated PostScript file work with both dvips
purple-remote - Send remote commands to Pidgin/Finch
purrr - A mass file rename tool
pussy - Perl User SAFT Server Yin
puttygen - public-key generator for the PuTTY tools
putty - GUI SSH, Telnet and Rlogin client for X
puzzle-diff - Compare pictures with libpuzzle
pval - print BER values in ASN.1 value notation
pvalue - convert RADIANCE picture to/from alternate formats
pvanal - Converts a soundfile into a series of short-time Fourier
pvbatch - pvbatch
pvdataserver - pvdataserver
pv_export - Converts a .pvx file to a comma separated text file. .
pvf tools - utilities to convert various sound formats
pvf tools - utilities to convert various sound formats
pvf tools - utilities to convert various sound formats
pvf tools - utilities to convert various sound formats
pvf tools - utilities to convert various sound formats
pvf tools - utilities to convert various sound formats
pvf tools - utilities to convert various sound formats
pvf tools - utilities to convert various sound formats
pvf tools - utilities to convert various sound formats
pvf tools - utilities to convert various sound formats
pvf tools - utilities to convert various sound formats
pvf tools - utilities to convert various sound formats
pvf tools - utilities to convert various sound formats
pvf tools - utilities to convert various sound formats
pvf tools - utilities to convert various sound formats
pvf tools - utilities to convert various sound formats
pvf tools - utilities to convert various sound formats
pvf tools - utilities to convert various sound formats
pv - monitor the progress of data through a pipe
pv_import - Converts a comma-separated text file to a .pvx file. .
pvlook - View formatted text output of STFT analysis files. .
pvmgetarch - print PVM architecture string
pvmgroups - print list of current PVM groups
pvmgs - PVM group server
pvpython - pvpython
pvrenderserver - pvrenderserver
pvrg-jpeg - JPEG compression and decompression
pvserver - pvserver
pwd - print name of current/working directory
pwdx - report current working directory of a process
pwgen - generate pronounceable passwords
pwget - Perl Web URL fetch program
PWM - An X11 window manager
pwman3 - command line password manager
pwqcheck - Check passphrase quality
pwqgen - Generate quality controllable random passphrase
pwrkap_cli - Command line monitor and control program for pwrkap
pwrkap_gtk - Graphical monitor and control program for pwrkap
pwsafe - commandline password database utility compatible with
pxelinux-options - utility to set PXELINUX hard-coded options.
pxslcc - PXSL to XML converter
py2dsc - creates Debian source package from Python package
py3versions - print python3 version information
pyacc - Pascal Yacc compiler compiler.
img2py - wxPython tools.
img2py - wxPython tools.
pybabelfishd - convert Python objects into human-readable strings
pybabelfish - convert Python objects into human-readable strings
pybabel - command line tool for working with message catalogs
pybackpack - File backup tool for GTK+
pybcheck - check bibliographic databases
pybcompact - produce compact bibliographic databases
pybconvert - convert bibliographic databases
pybformat - format a bibliography from a bibliographic databases
pybliographer - manage bibliographic databases
pybliographic - manage bibliographic databases (GUI)
pybtex-convert - convert between bibliography database formats
pybtext - use bibliographic databases in text files
pyca - CA written in python
pycallgraph - command-line interface to pycallgraph
pycentral - register and build utility for Python packages
pychecker - program to check python scripts for common mistakes
pychess - chess graphical user interface for several chess engines
pyching - cast and interpret I Ching hexagrams
pyclean - removes .pyc and .pyo files
py.cleanup - pylib pyc cleaner
pycmail - mail sorter
pycocuma - Pythonic Contact and Customer Management
pycocuma-server - Pythonic Contact and Customer Management
pycolor - Colorize a python file or stdin using ANSI and print to
py_compilefiles - byte-compile python .py files
pycompile - byte compiles Python source files
py.convert_unittest - pylib utility to convert "unittest"-based
py.countloc - pylib line counter
img2py - wxPython tools.
pydb — enhanced Python debugger -
pydf - report colourised filesystem disk space usage
pydoc2.6 - the Python documentation tool
pydoc2.7 - the Python documentation tool
pydoc3.1 - the Python documentation tool
pydoc3.1 - the Python documentation tool
pydoc2.6 - the Python documentation tool
pyecm - Number factorization with the Elliptic Curve Method
pyexcelerator - a module for reading/writing Excel spreadsheet files
pyfiglet - display text in large ASCII art fonts.
pyflakes - simple Python source checker
pygettext - Python equivalent of xgettext(1)
pygettext - Python equivalent of xgettext(1)
pygettext - Python equivalent of xgettext(1)
pygettext - Python equivalent of xgettext(1)
pygettext - Python equivalent of xgettext(1)
pygm2n - Python Gateway mail to news
pygmentize - highlights the input file
pygmy - MPD client
pygn2m - Python Gateway news to mail
pyhtmlizer - pretty-print Python source as HTML
pyjsbuild - builds a web application
pylint - python code static checker
py.lookup - pylib word lookup
pylupdate4 - create or update Qt Linguist translation files for PyQt4
pylupdate - update Qt Linguist translation files from Python sources
pymakexml - Generate a video disc structure XML description
model-builder - graphical ODE simulator
pymetar - query METAR information and display it in a user-friendly way
pymetrics - Python source code metrics
pymol - free and flexible molecular graphics and modelling package
pympd — Frontend for mpd in the style of rhythmbox and itunes -
pyNeighborhood - PyGTK2 SAMBA browser
pynifti_pst - compute peristimulus timeseries of fMRI data
pyntor-components - manage components for the presentation program
pyntor - modular slides viewer and presentation tool
pyntor-selfrun - creation of self-extracting presentation archives
pypar2 - graphical frontend for the par2 command line utility
pypibrowser - graphical interface for browsing the Python Package Index
pypi-install - downloads Python package from PyPI, creates Debian
pyqonsole - VT102 emulator written in Python and PyQt3
Pyragua - A pythonic development environment for Python
pyrcc4 - compile Qt resource files for PyQt4 applications
pyRenamer - Mass file renamer
pyreport - generate reports out of Python scripts
pyreverse - parse python sources files and extract diagrams from them.
pyrexc - compile python-like .pyx file to C for use as python module
PyRoom - distraction-free writing
pyrpub - convert content to Palm-compatible format
pyscript - Pyscript tool for generating an Encapsulated PostScript
img2py - wxPython tools.
pysnmpcmd - options and behaviour common to most of the PySNMP command-
pysnmpcmd - options and behaviour common to most of the PySNMP command-
pysnmpcmd - options and behaviour common to most of the PySNMP command-
pysnmpcmd - options and behaviour common to most of the PySNMP command-
pysnmpcmd - options and behaviour common to most of the PySNMP command-
pysnmpcmd - options and behaviour common to most of the PySNMP command-
pyspf - pure-Python SPF library
type99 - Python Type TXT to Type 99/SPF conversion script
Pyste - Boost.Python code generator
py.svnwcrevert - pylib utility to reset a Subversion working tree
pysycache - educational software to learn to manipulate the mouse with
pytagsfs - filesystem mapping media files to an arbitrary directory
pytags - set and remove tags on media files from filename and options
py.test - pylib test runner
pytest - run python unit tests
python - an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming
python - an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming
pyrexc - compile python-like .pyx file to C for use as python module
python - an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming
python - an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming
python - an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming
python - an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming
python-bcrypt - a module to implement OpenBSD’s Blowfish password hash
PythonCAD - Computer Aided Drafting (CAD) program
*_count - count physical lines of code, in each input file
python-coverage - measure code coverage of Python program execution
python - an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming
python - an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming
python-mkdebian - Generate a suitable Debian source package for a
PythonNWSSleighWorker - Executes the Python NWS Sleigh Worker
pytonectl - remote control for pytone
pytone - music jukebox for your audio files
pytrainer - The free sport training center
pyuic4 - compile Qt4 user interfaces to Python code
pyuic - Qt user interface compiler for Python
pyversions - print python version information
pyview - a simple pager (viewer) to be used with Last File Manager.
py.which - pylib module locator
img2py - wxPython tools.
img2py - wxPython tools.
py_xls2csv - convert an Excel xls file to a comma separated value csv
py_xls2html - convert an Excel xls file to a html formatted file
py_xls2txt - convert an Excel xls file to a plain text file
pyxplot - a commandline data processing, graph plotting, and vector
pyxplot_watch - a tool which monitors a collection of PyXPlot command
pyzord - spam-catching server
pyzor - spam-catcher using a collaborative filtering network
q4wine-cli - console utility for wine applications and prefixes
q4wine-helper - run Windows program in Q4Wine helper enveropment.
q4wine - runs GUI utility for wine applications and prefixes
qa-assistant - checklist assistant
qacct - report and account for Sun Grid Engine usage
qa-convert - convert command for qa-assistant
qalc - Powerful and easy to use command line calculator
qalculate-gtk - Powerful and easy to use desktop calculator
qalculate-kde - Powerful and easy to use desktop calculator
sge_submit.1 - Job submission commands for SGE
qantenna - Qt based program for viewing antennas as described by NEC
qarecord - an audio recording tool
loki - Reversible jump MCMC linkage analysis in general pedigrees
QBankmanager - Online Banking Application
qb-help8 - Simple help browser
qBittorrent - a Bittorrent client written in C++ / Qt4
qBittorrent-nox - a command line Bittorrent client written in C++ / Qt4
qbrew - homebrewer’s recipe calculator (uses Qt)
qcad - A professional CAD System.
qcam, xqcam - get pictures from Byyyyyamp;W Connectix QuickCam(tm)
qcatool - command line tool for the Qt Cryptographic Architecture
qchat - desc.
qmv, qcp - Rename or copy files quickly, editing the file names in a
QComicBook - QT viewer for comic book archives (cbr/cbz)
qconf - Sun Grid Engine Queue Configuration
qconvex - compute the convex hull
qmv, qcp - Rename or copy files quickly, editing the file names in a
qcset - Logitech QuickCam driver configurator
qct - Qt Commit Tool
qdacco — dacco english-catalan dictionary frontend -
qdbus - a communication-interface for qt-based applications
qd-config - determine flags for compilation and linking
qdelaunay - compute the Delaunay triangulation
qdel - delete Sun Grid Engine jobs from queues
QDevelop - A development environment entirely dedicated to Qt4
q-dot - program to do something
qdvdauthor - a complete DVDAuthoring solution for Linux
qelectrotech - Electric diagrams editor
qembed - Converts arbitrary files into C++ code.
qemu-user - QEMU User Emulator
qemu-user - QEMU User Emulator
qemu-user - QEMU User Emulator
qemu-user - QEMU User Emulator
qemuctl - Graphical control for qemu
qemu-doc - QEMU Emulator User Documentation
qemu-user - QEMU User Emulator
qemu-img - QEMU disk image utility
qemulator - a solution for easy setup and management of qemu
qemu-launcher - Graphical front-end for the QEMU computer emulator.
qemu-user - QEMU User Emulator
qemu-user - QEMU User Emulator
qemu-user - QEMU User Emulator
qemu-user - QEMU User Emulator
qemu-user - QEMU User Emulator
qemu-user - QEMU User Emulator
qemu-user - QEMU User Emulator
qemu-user - QEMU User Emulator
qemu-user - QEMU User Emulator
qemu-user - QEMU User Emulator
qemu-user - QEMU User Emulator
qemu-doc - QEMU Emulator User Documentation
qemu-doc - QEMU Emulator User Documentation
qemu-doc - QEMU Emulator User Documentation
qemu-doc - QEMU Emulator User Documentation
qemu-doc - QEMU Emulator User Documentation
qemu-doc - QEMU Emulator User Documentation
qemu-doc - QEMU Emulator User Documentation
qemu-doc - QEMU Emulator User Documentation
qemu-doc - QEMU Emulator User Documentation
qemu-doc - QEMU Emulator User Documentation
qemu-doc - QEMU Emulator User Documentation
qemu-doc - QEMU Emulator User Documentation
qemu-doc - QEMU Emulator User Documentation
qemu-doc - QEMU Emulator User Documentation
qemu-doc - QEMU Emulator User Documentation
qemu-doc - QEMU Emulator User Documentation
qemu-user - QEMU User Emulator
qemu-user - QEMU User Emulator
qextract - Extract an wriions from FITS files
qfreefax - GUI for fax fonctionality provided by French ISP "Free"
qgfe - QT based gnuplot front end
qgis_help - help viewer for qgis, the geographic data viewer
qgis - Quantum GIS Geographic Information System
qgit - QT interface to git trees, with stgit support.
qgle — A Graphical Interface to GLE -
q-grap-mappings - program to do something
qhalf - halfspace intersection about a point
qhold - hold back Sun Grid Engine jobs from execution
qhost - show the status of Sun Grid Engine hosts, queues, jobs
qhull - convex hull, Delaunay triangulation, Voronoi diagram, halfspace
qiv - a fast gdk/imlib image viewer for X.
qjackctl - User interface for controlling JACK (Jack Audio Connection
qjadeo - GUI front-end to xjadeo
QLandkarteGT - GPS mapping (GeoTiff and vector) and GPSr management
qli -- Query Language Interpreter -
qliss3d - demonstration tool for Lissajous physiques
qlix2 - Manage MTP devices
sge_submit.1 - Job submission commands for SGE
qmail2dlf - convert sanitized qmail-send logs to dlf
qmail-qfilter - front end for qmail-queue that does filtering
qmake - cross-platform makefile generator for Qt
QMC: - simplification tool (by using the Quine
QMC: - simplification tool (by using the Quine
qmhandle - tool to manage the qmail message queue
qmidiarp - MIDI arpeggiator for ALSA
qmidicontrol - a virtual MIDI fader box
qmidiroute - MIDI event processor and router
qmmp - program to play audio files
qmod - modify a Sun Grid Engine queue and running job
qmon - X-Windows OSF/Motif graphical user's interface for Sun Grid
qmp3check - check and clean mp3 streams
qmp3cut - extract and/or delete parts of a mp3 file
qmp3info - show info from mp3 files
qmp3join - join mp3 files
qmp3report - report mp3 files and directories
qmqp-sink - multi-threaded QMQP test server
qmqp-source - multi-threaded QMQP test generator
qmtest - access QMTest’s functionality from the command line.
qmttest - test cases for thread-safety
qmv, qcp - Rename or copy files quickly, editing the file names in a
qnapi - program do pobierania napisow z bazy NAPI-PROJEKT.
qorganizer - program to organize your life
icomlib - programs to control Icom PCR-1000 receiver
qpdf - PDF transformation software
qpdldecode - Decode a QPDL stream into human readable form.
qping - check application status of Sun Grid Engine daemons.
qplayer - a player based on Xine libraries
qprint - encode / decode file as RFC 1521 MIME Quoted-Printable
qprof - profiling tool
qprogram-starter - A program starter tool
qps - Visual Process Manager
qpxtool - a gui to control qpxtool command line interfaces (cli).
qquota - shows current usage of Sun Grid Engine resource quotas
qrdel - delete Sun Grid Engine Advance Reservations (AR)
qrencode - Encode input data in a QR Code and save as a PNG image.
QRender - batch utility for QDVDAuthor
sge_submit.1 - Job submission commands for SGE
qRFCView - RFC viewer
qRFCView - RFC viewer
qrls - release Sun Grid Engine jobs from previous hold states
qrq - morse telegraphy trainer
qrq - morse telegraphy trainer
sge_submit.1 - Job submission commands for SGE
qrstat - show the status of Sun Grid Engine Advance Reservations (AR)
qrsub.1 - Submit an Advance Reservation (AR) to Sun Grid Engine.
qrttoppm - convert output from the QRT ray tracer into a portable
qsampler - LinuxSampler GUI frontend based on the Qt toolkit
qscand - network wrapper for qscan
qscan - console tool for quality measurement of optical media
qsearch-config - script to get information about the installed version
qselect - select queues.
qs_eval - A simple Qt Script interpreter / launcher
qsf - quick spam filter
qshape - Print Postfix queue domain and age distribution
sge_submit.1 - Job submission commands for SGE
qshutdown - An avanced shutdown tool
qslideshow - a utility for generating image slideshows
morse, QSO - Morse-code trainer and QSO generator for aspiring radio
qsource-highlight - A Qt4 front-end for GNU Source-Highlight.
qsstv - Qt based slow scan television and fax
qstardict - a Qt4 dictionary
qstat - show the status of Sun Grid Engine jobs and queues
sge_submit.1 - Job submission commands for SGE
Qsynth - A fluidsynth Qt GUI Interface
q-syscollect - program to collect raw performance data from the system
qt20fix - Helps clean namespace when porting an app from Qt1 to Qt2
qtconfig - Configuration tool for Qt
qtconfig - Configuration tool for Qt
qtcreator - Integrated Development Environment for Qt
QtDMM - GUI for Digital Multimeters
qtdoc - Open a Qt help page in Konqueror
qterm - BBS client for X Window System written in Qt
qt-faststart - utility for Quicktime files
qtinfo - A simple texinfo browser in Qt
QtiPlot - Data Analysis and Scientific Plotting
qtjs - Implement QtOctave interfaces in Javascript
qt-language-selector - Language Selector
qtm - Desktop client for content management systems
QtOctave - A Qt front-end for Octave
qtoctave_pkg - A Qt front-end for Octave’s user-contributed packages
qtodo - ToDo List manager
qtpfsgui - GUI offering a workflow for HDR imaging
qconf - program generated configure from qc file
qtractor - Audio/MIDI multi-track sequencer
qtr - Qt-based bittorrent client
qtstalker - stock and commodity market charting and technical analysis
qstat - Tool for querying gaming servers
quanta - a web development environment for KDE
quantlib-benchmark - performance benchmark executable for QuantLib
quantlib-config - compiler / linker flags for QuantLib
quantlib-test-suite - test executable for QuantLib
quartzcheck - Check the consistency of quartz database or table
quartzcompact - Compact a quartz database, or merge and compact several
Usage: - Dump a quartz table for debugging purposes
Quasselclient - Distributed IRC client, client-only binary
Quasselcore - Distributed IRC client, server-only binary
Quasselcore-makecert - Distributed IRC client, SSL certificate creator
Quassel - Distributed IRC client (monolithic binary)
Qucsator - An integrated electronic circuit simulator.
QucsAttenuator - An attenuator synthesis application.
QucsConverter - Command line tool for data conversion.
QucsDigi - A wrapper script for digital simulations.
QucsEdit - A simple text editor for Qucs.
QucsFilter - A filter synthesis application.
QucsHelp - A small program to display help files.
Qucs - An integrated electronic circuit simulator.
QucsLib - A component library manager for Qucs.
QucsTranscalc - A transmission line calculator.
QucsVeri - A wrapper script for digital simulations.
sgbdemos - Examples of the use of The Stanford GraphBase
quelcom - frontend to the quelcom audio utilities
querybts - view outstanding bug reports on a debbugs server
query - execute a query
query-pr - query problem reports in the GNATS database
quest - Xapian command line search tool
queue_mover - PgQ consumer that copies data from one queue to another.
queue_splitter - PgQ consumer that transports events from one queue
Quickbook - WikiWiki style documentation tool geared towards C++
Quickly - create software programs (and other things) quickly
quickplay - mp3 player and frontend for Ampache
quickplot — fast interactive 2D plotter and data viewer -
quicksynergy - GUI for easily configuring Synergy.
quilt - tool to manage series of patches
quinn-diff - Compare a Packages and Sources file
quitcount - graphic counter which may help yourself quit smoking
quodlibet - audio library manager and player
quota - display disk usage and limits
qutecom - SIP-based software telephone with video and chat features
qutecsound - GUI interface and IDE for the csound synthesis system
qutIM - Qt Instant Massanger
quvi - query video tool
qvfb - Virtual framebuffer for Qt
q-view - program to do something
vlc, qvlc, svlc, nvlc, rvlc, cvlc - the VLC media player
qvoronoi - compute the Voronoi diagram
qwavcut - extract and/or delete parts of a wav file
qwavfade - fade in/out wav files
qwavheaderdump - dump (and fix) wav headers
qwavinfo - show info from wav files
qwavjoin - join wav files
qwavsilence - detect and shrink silence sequences in wav files
Qwit - Qt4-based lightweight cross-platform client for Twitter
qwo - An input method for touchscreen
r2e - receive RSS feeds by email
restweb - build websites with Python and docutils
rd3_objects - object types used by the Raster3D package
r3dtops - Raster3D to PostScript label conversion
r8tohdf - convert 8-bit raster images to HDF format
rabbit-command - command-line utility for Rabbit
rabbit - presentation tool using RD, simple text format
rabbitmq-activate-plugins - command line tool for activating plugins in
rabbitmqctl - command line tool for managing a RabbitMQ broker
rabbitmq-deactivate-plugins - command line tool for deactivating
rabbitmq-multi - start/stop local cluster RabbitMQ nodes
rabbitmq-server - start RabbitMQ AMQP server
rabbitsign - sign applications for TI graphing calculators
rabbit-theme-manager - theme browser for Rabbit
rabbitvcs - Integrated version control for Nautilus
rabin - Binary program info extractor
ra_bmp - convert RADIANCE picture to/from Windows BMP image
racc2y - Racc grammar to yacc grammar
racc - Ruby LALR parser generator
racount - count things from an argus(8) data file/stream.
rad2mgf - convert RADIANCE scene description to Materials and Geometry
radare - Advanced commandline hexadecimal editor
radclient -- send packets to a RADIUS server, show reply -
raddepend - find RADIANCE scene dependencies
radeapclient - send EAP packets to a RADIUS server, calculate responses
rad - render a RADIANCE scene
radiance-experttools — Specialty programs of the Radiance package, used -
radicale - a simple calendar server
radiff - Unified binary diffing utility
radioclkd - decode time from radio clock(s) attached to serial port
radio - console radio application
radiotray - a simple streaming music player.
radlast - lists last users access and stats
radlist - lists current on-line users and per user stats
radrelay -- replicate accounting data to another RADIUS server -
radsecproxy - a generic RADIUS proxy that provides both RADIUS UDP and
radtest - RADIUS server test program
rasuse -- Shows the usage of the modem lines on a terminal server. -
radwho -- show online users -
radzap -- remove rogue entries from the active sessions database -
ragator - aggregate argus(8) data file entries.
ragel - compile regular languages into executable state machines
ra_gif - convert RADIANCE picture to Compuserve GIF
ragraph - graph argus(8) data.
hasher - Block based hashing utility
radiance-experttools — Specialty programs of the Radiance package, used -
rahosts - report network addresses in argus(8) data.
ra - read argus(8) data.
Ra - Just-in-time compilation support for R
rails - Ruby on Rails deployment script
rainbow-easy - wrapper of rainbow-run for the secure execution of
rainbow-get -
rainbow-resume - wrapper of rainbow-run for the secure execution of
ra-index - index files for use with remembrance agent software
rackarrack - guitar effects processor for GNU/Linux
rake1.9 - a ruby build program with capabilities similar to make
rake1.9 - a ruby build program with capabilities similar to make
rake - a ruby build program with capabilities similar to make
ramaze - This little tool helps you creating, controlling, and
ramaze - This little tool helps you creating, controlling, and
ramon - provide RMON2 style reports from argus(8) data.
ran2tiff - expose and convert a RADIANCE animation to TIFF frames
rancid-cvs - initialize CVS or Subversion and rancid group files and
rancid - Cisco configuration filter
rancid_intro - introduction to the Really Awesome New Cisco confIg
rancid_par - parallel command processing
rancid-run - run rancid for each of the groups
rand - display a random numbers
randomplay - command-line based shuffle music player that remembers
randtype - Output characters or lines at random intervals
randverse - Displays a randomly selected verse from scripture
ranimate - compute a RADIANCE animation
ranimove - render a RADIANCE animation with motion
ranlib - generate index to archive.
ranonymize - anonymize argus(8) data fields.
rant - A flexible and portable build tool.
Rant - Flexible, Ruby based make
radiance-experttools — Specialty programs of the Radiance package, used -
rapiconfig - upload an XML config file to a SynCE connected device
ra_pict - convert Radiance pictures to Macintosh PICT files
rapidsvn - application providing a gui frontend for the subversion
rapolicy - compare a argus(8) data file/stream against a Cisco Access
rapper - Raptor RDF parsing and serializing utility
ra_ppm - convert RADIANCE picture to/from a Poskanzer Portable Pixmap
ra_ps - convert RADIANCE picture to a PostScript file
raptor-config - script to get information about the installed version
ra-retrieve - retrieve files that match a query for use with
ra_rgbe - convert between different RADIANCE picture types
rar - archive files with compression
ras2tiff - create a TIFF file from a Sun rasterfile
rasc - Radare Shellcode helper utility
rasm - Radare patch assembler
rasmol - Molecular Graphics Visualisation Tool v2.7.5
rasmol - Molecular Graphics Visualisation Tool v2.7.5
rasmol - Molecular Graphics Visualisation Tool v2.7.5
rasort - sort argus(8) data file.
rasqal-config - script to get information about the installed version
rastep - (Raster3D Thermal Ellipsoid Program)
Raster3D - molecular graphics package
rasterizer - SVG conversion
rastrip - strip argus(8) data file.
rasttopnm - convert a Sun rasterfile into a portable anymap
ra_t16 - convert RADIANCE picture to/from Targa 16 or 24-bit image file
ra_t8 - convert RADIANCE picture to/from Targa 8-bit image file
ratbox-services-{sqlite,mysql,pgsql} - ratbox IRC services.
rateup - backend tool used by mrtg
ratfor - ratfor preprocessor for Fortran 77
rat - unicast and multicast audio conferencing tool
ra_tiff - convert RADIANCE picture to/from a TIFF color or greyscale
ratmenu - create a menu to run commands
ratpoison - window manager without mouse dependency
ratproxy - a passive web application security assessment tool
ratproxy-report - report generator for the ratproxy tool
rats - Rough Auditing Tool for Security
raw2dv - Convert a Raw DV stream to a DV File format.
raw2gif - A program to convert RAW image data into GIF files. Only one
raw2image - Convert a Raw DV stream to a series of image files.
adds unicode mapping to given raw console font -
raw2tiff - create a TIFF file from a raw data
raw2wav - Convert a file of raw audio samples to a wav format file
raw2webcam - Supply an FTP/HTTP based webcam with images from a Raw DV
raw2yuv - Convert a Raw DV stream to a YUV4MJPEG stream.
rawdog - an RSS Aggregator Without Delusions Of Grandeur
rawlog-grabber - Collects data from robotic sensors
RawLogViewer - GUI dataset viewer and editor
rawmultiply - Repeat or drop raw dv frames received on stdin to stdout
rawplay - Play DV streams and files
rawshark - Dump and analyze raw libpcap data
rawstudio - GTK+ raw-image converter
rawtherapee - A free RAW converter and digital photo processing
rawtmp - display wtmp entries in raw form.
rawtominc - converts a stream of binary image data to a minc format
rawtopgm - convert raw grayscale bytes into a portable graymap
rawtoppm - convert raw RGB bytes into a portable pixmap
speech-tools - Programs for audio and speech manipulation
rax - radare base converter
raxml - convert argus(8) data to XML.
ra_xyze - convert between RADIANCE RGBE and XYZE formats
RazerS - Fast Read Mapping with Sensitivity Control
razip - Compress and decompress files in RAZip format
rbash - restricted bash, see bash(1)
rbbr — browse Ruby classes and documentation -
rx, rb, rz - XMODEM, YMODEM, ZMODEM (Batch) file receive
rbkconfig_compiler4 - KDE config resource compiler
rblckeck - DNSBL lookup utility
rblsmtpd - blocks mail from RBL-listed sites. It works with any SMTP
rb-meta - read and write metadata from an RB file
rbot - IRC bot written in ruby
rbot-remote - IRC bot written in ruby
rbox - generate point distributions for qhull
rbpf-slam - Robot map building with Rao-Blackwellized Particle Filters
rbqtapi - a qtruby introspection tool
rbqtapi - a qtruby introspection tool
rbrcc - Qt/Ruby resource compiler
rbuic4 - Qt/Ruby user interface compiler.
rc2po - convert .rc files to Gettext PO localization files
rcalc - record calculator
rc-alert - check for installed packages with release-critical bugs
rc_copy_role - copy one RC role with all settings into another
rsbac-admin - Rule Set Based Access Control
rccs - apply RCS commands to sets of files
rsbac-admin - Rule Set Based Access Control
rsbac-admin - Rule Set Based Access Control
rsbac-admin - Rule Set Based Access Control
rc - shell
rclock - clock and appointment reminder for X11
rconsole - attach to a specified remote-tty console
rconsole-user - attach to the remote-tty console equal to the current
rcov - create a code coverage report for Ruby tests
rc_role_wrap - execute some program with different RC role
rcs2atfs - convert RCS archives to AtFS format
rcs2log - generates a changelog from RCS files
rcs-checkin - check files into RCS
rcs-checkin - accepts any number of file arguments and checks them into
rcsclean - clean up working files
rcsdiff - compare RCS revisions
rsbac-admin - Rule Set Based Access Control
rcsfreeze - freeze a configuration of sources checked in under RCS
rcs - change RCS file attributes
rcsintro - introduction to RCS commands
rcsmerge - merge RCS revisions
rcvdist - asynchronously redistribute new mail
rcvpack - append message to file
rcvstore - asynchronously incorporate mail into a folder
rcvtty - report new mail
rd2 - converter from RD to other mark-up language.
rdaj - echo the journal entry Athena/Artemis projects to the screen
rdd-copy - copy a file, even if read errors occur
rddi - interactive shell, part of the rdd toolkit
rdd-verify - verifies checksums and hash values generated by rdd-
rdebsums - a recursive debsums
rdeliver - Ruby mail filter script
rdesktop - Remote Desktop Protocol client
rdf2bin, rdf2com - convert an RDOFF object file to flat binary
rdf2bin, rdf2com - convert an RDOFF object file to flat binary
rdf2bin, rdf2com - convert an RDOFF object file to flat binary
rdf2bin, rdf2com - convert an RDOFF object file to flat binary
rdf2bin, rdf2com - convert an RDOFF object file to flat binary
rdfdump - dumps an RDOFF object in human-readable form
rdflib - manage a library file for use with ldrdf(1)
rdfpipe - Serialization format converter
rdfproc - Redland RDF processor utility
rdfwml - Converter for Netscape RDF channel files to WML decks
rdiff-backup - local/remote mirror and incremental backup
rdiff-backup-statistics - summarize rdiff-backup statistics files
rdiffdir - compute and apply signatures and diffs to directories
rdiff - compute and apply signature-based file differences
rdistd - remote file distribution server program
rdist - remote file distribution client program
rdjpgcom - display text comments from a JPEG file
rdmsr - tool for reading CPU machine specific registers (MSR)
rdoc1.8 - Generate documentation from Ruby script files
rdoc1.9 - Generate documentation from Ruby script files
rdoc1.9 - Generate documentation from Ruby script files
rds-gen - write data from a file to an RDS socket
rds-info - display information from the RDS kernel module
rds-ping - test reachability of remote node over RDS
rds-gen - write data from a file to an RDS socket
rds-stress - send messages between processes over RDS sockets
rdswap - a multi-language RD documents support tool
rdup - generate a file list suitable for making backups
rdup-tr - transform rdup output
rdup-up - update a directory tree with a rdup archive
rdx - load and execute an RDOFF object
re2c - convert regular-expressions to C/C++
ReactiveNavigationDemo - GUI demo of robot reactive navigation
readbin - ATLC’s binary file information provider
readbuffer - read input from devices which don’t like constant stopping
readdvd - is creating an image of your source dvd media or medias even
readelf - Displays information about ELF files.
readlink - print value of a symbolic link or canonical file name
readmsg - print messages
readmult - a multitrack wrapper for cdda2wav
readom - read or write data Compact Discs
readprofile - a tool to read kernel profiling information
readpst - convert PST (MS Outlook Personal Folders) files to mbox and
readseq - Reads and writes nucleic/protein sequences in various formats
realcsh.c - A shell for running C code
realcxxsh.c - A shell for running C++ code
realpath - return the canonicalised absolute pathname
rearj - Converts other archive formats to .arj files
rebuildd - rebuild daemon
rebuildd-job - rebuildd job database management
rebuild-pysnmp-mibs - Rebuilds the mib modules for pysnmp from the
rec_control - control pdns_recursor
receive - receive files from the sendfile spool
SoX - Sound eXchange, the Swiss Army knife of audio manipulation
recite - english text speech synthesizer
recode - converts files between character sets
recode-sr-latin - convert Serbian text from Cyrillic to Latin script
recoll - user interface for the Recoll full text search system
recollindex - indexing command for the Recoll full text search system
recon - Check if LAM can be started.
record - records *.wav files
recordio - records the input and output of a program.
recordMyDesktop - record desktop sessions to an Ogg-Theora-Vorbis file.
recountdiff - recompute patch counts and offsets
recoverdm - recover filesdisks with damaged sectors
recover - recover a deleted file
recoverjpeg - recover jpeg pictures from a filesystem image
recovermov - recover movies from a filesystem image
recwav - Record an audio file from a Voicetronix hardware port
redet - regular expression development and execution tool
ed, red - text editor
rediff, editdiff - fix offsets and counts of a hand-edited diff
redir - redirect tcp connections
redis-benchmark - Benechmark a Redis instance
redis-cli - Command-line client to redis-server
redis-server - Persistent key-value database
redland-config - script to get information about the installed version
redland-db-upgrade - upgrade older Redland databases to 0.9.12 format
rednotebook - daily journal with calendar, templates and keyword
lrslib - Convert between represetations of convex polyhedra.
referer2dlf - convert referer web server log file to www DLF
refer - preprocess bibliographic references for groff
ref - Display a C function header
refile - file message in other folders
reformail - E-mail reformatting tool
reformat - tool to simple format plain ascii texts
reformime - MIME E-mail reformatting tool
regconcat - Combine several Regina data files
regconvert - Convert between different Regina file formats
regdiff - Diff program for Windows registry files
regexxer - visual regular expression search and replace
regfiledump - Dump the contents of a Regina data file
regfiletype - Identify the formats of Regina data files
regina-config - Developer Configuration for The Regina Rexx interpreter
regina-engine-config - get information about the installed version of
regina - The Regina Rexx Interpreter
regina-kde - Regina KDE user interface
regina-python - Regina command-line Python interface
reglookup - Windows NT+ registry reader/lookup tool
reglookup-recover - Windows NT+ registry deleted data recovery tool
reglookup-timeline - Windows NT+ registry MTIME timeline generator
spew - measures I/O performance and/or generates I/O load
regpatch - Applies registry patches to registry files
regshell - Windows registry file browser using readline
regtree - Text-mode registry viewer
re - programm to conver russian texts between different encodings
reindexdb - reindex a PostgreSQL database
reinteract - worksheet-based graphical Python shell
rekonq - A lightweight Web Browser for KDE based on WebKit
relational — Python implementation of Relational algebra. -
relaytest - attempt to use SMTP to relay to a DSBL-compliant host
reloc65 - relocator for o65 object files
rem2ps - draw a PostScript calendar from Remind output
remake - A patched GNU make with a debuger, better tracing and error
remctl - Remote execution tool
rem - Invoke Remind with a default filename
remind - a sophisticated reminder service
remmina-applet - GNOME applet for Remmina.
remmina - remote desktop client for GNOME desktop environment
remote-tty - connect to a ttysrv serial console instance
remove_brackets - remove delimiters from text
remove-duplicates - remove duplicates of the same file in the current - Removes PCR data from MIPE file - Removes SBE data from MIPE file - Removes SNP data from MIPE file
mailshar, remsync, mail-files - GNU sharutils
remuco-amarok - A daemon which allows control to Amarok via bluetooth
remuco-audacious - A daemon which allows control to Audacious via
remuco-banshee - A daemon which allows control to Banshee via bluetooth
remuco-mpd - A daemon which allows control to Banshee via bluetooth
remuco-mplayer - A daemon which allows control to Banshee via bluetooth
remuco-report - report Remuco client device information
remuco-tvtime - A daemon which allows control to Banshee via bluetooth
remuco-vlc - A daemon which allows control to Banshee via bluetooth
remuco-xmms2 - A daemon which allows control to Banshee via bluetooth
remunge - MUNGE credential benchmark
ladr4-apps - undocumented LADR4 applications
rename - Rename files
renattach - rename/delete dangerous email attachments
render_bench - benchmark the XRender extension
render - Raster3D molecular graphics package rendering program
reniced - renice running processes based on regular expressions
renice - alter priority of running processes
bwbasic - Bywater BASIC interpreter/shell
ReorientTensorImage - part of ANTS registration suite
rep-config - script to get information about the installed version of
re-PCR — Find sequence tagged sites (STS) in DNA sequences -
repdoc - strip doc-strings from C source.
mummer - package for sequence alignment of multiple genomes
rephrase - Specialized passphrase recovery tool for GnuPG
rep - Read, Eval, Print Interpreter
replace - a string-replacement utility
replaceit - A quick, light and effective text replacement tool
replacekey - replace keywords in a FITS header
replcon - SELinux file context replacement tool
repl - reply to a message
Replication - Example of using QuantLib
replmarks - replace triangular markers in a RADIANCE scene description
Repo - Example of using QuantLib
report2.byte - OCaml code generator to read/write XML file into/from
report2.gui.byte - GUI to edit report2.byte XML file.
reportbug - reports a bug to a debbugs server
report-hw - dump information on the system’s hardware
rep-remote - provides a protocol for executing all of librep’s file
reprepro - produce, manage and sync a local repository of Debian
rep-xgettext - extract i18n strings from lisp scripts.
requestchoice - request a user choice
requestsync - helper to file sync requests for Ubuntu
resample - resample a 16-bit mono or stereo sound file by an arbitrary
ResampleImageBySpacing - part of ANTS registration suite
resapplet - on-the-fly resolution changer
reseq - Reverse the translations made by teseq.
ResetDirection - part of ANTS registration suite
tset, reset - terminal initialization
resgen, resgen2 - Mono/CLI Resource Generator
resgen, resgen2 - Mono/CLI Resource Generator
resgen, resgen2 - Mono/CLI Resource Generator
resize - set TERMCAP and terminal settings to current xterm window size
resolveip - resolve host name to IP address or vice versa
resolvertest - Test Shibboleth SP attribute resolver
resolve_stack_dump - resolve numeric stack trace dump to symbols
resourceEditor - Resource editor used as part of the PythonCard GUI
respack - Resource Packager
respond - respond binary for oftc-hybrid challenge oper authentication
restclient - simple REST client for Ruby
restore_devperm — restore device permissions after a crash -
restorefont - save or restore the SVGA font for textmode.
restorepalette - set the color palette for textmode.
restoretextmode - save or restore the SVGA registers for textmode.
trash - Command line trash utility.
reswrap - wrap icon resources into C code
speech-tools - Programs for audio and speech manipulation
retkman - A utility to restart the tkman information viewer
retrv - retrieve a revision of a file
retty - Attach process running on another terminal
revcomp - reverse complement a nucleic acid sequence
revelation - GNOME2 Password manager
build-rdeps - find packages that depend on a specific package to build
rev - reverse lines of a file or files
revpath - generate a relative path that can be used to undo a change-
revtex - Electronic publishing product of the American Physical
revu-build - Debian packages reviewing tool
revu-orig - Debian packages reviewing tool
revu-report - Debian packages reviewing tool
revu-review - Debian packages reviewing tool
rewriter - demodulate terms
rexima - a curses-based (and command-line) mixer
regina - The Regina Rexx Interpreter
rezound - sound file editor
rfcat - Remote file concatenation to standard output
rfchmod - change file access permission
rfcomm - RFCOMM configuration utility
rfcp - Remote file copy
rfdf - print information about a mounted filesystem
rfdir - Remote directory list
rfdump — Tool to detect RFID-Tags and show their meta information -
rfile - Wrapped 'file' command
rfinger - SOCKS client version of finger
rfmkdir - make remote directories
rfrename - rename remote file
rfrm - remove remote files and directories
rfinger - SOCKS client version of finger
rgb2gif - A program to convert 24 bit images to a GIF image using color
rgb2pat - Converts an image file from 24-bit RGB to PAT format.
rgb2pct - Convert a 24bit RGB image to 8bit paletted
rgb2ycbcr - convert non-YCbCr TIFF images to a YCbCr TIFF image
rgb3toppm - combine three portable graymaps into one portable pixmap
allegro-dev-tools - collection of useful tools for Allegro developers
rgbPaint - A fork of mtPaint
BMPtoRGB - converts BMP files to RGB to stdout
BMPtoRGB - converts BMP files to RGB to stdout
BMPtoRGB - converts BMP files to RGB to stdout
BMPtoRGB - converts BMP files to RGB to stdout
BMPtoRGB - converts BMP files to RGB to stdout
BMPtoRGB - converts BMP files to RGB to stdout
rgettext - extract translate message
grep, egrep, fgrep, rgrep - print lines matching a pattern
vim - Vi IMproved, a programmers text editor
vim - Vi IMproved, a programmers text editor
rhcopy - copy ray information into a holodeck
rhinfo - print information about a RADIANCE holodeck file
rhino-debugger - invokes the rhino JavaScript debugger GUI
rhino - invokes the JavaScript shell for running scripts in batch mode
rhino-jsc - invokes the rhino JavaScript compiler
Rhinote - virtual sticky-notes for your desktop
rholo - generate/view a RADIANCE holodeck
rhoptimize - optimize beam locations in holodeck file
rhost - resolve a single ip address
rhpict - render a RADIANCE picture from a holodeck file
r - Provides hash-bang (#!) capability for R (
R - a language for data analysis and graphics
rhythmbox-client - controls a running instance of rhythmbox
rhythmbox - music player and library for tagged files using GStreamer
ri1.8 - Ruby Information at your fingertips
ri1.9 - Ruby Information at your fingertips
ri1.9 - Ruby Information at your fingertips
ribbon - Raster3D molecular graphics package ribbon-drawer
rifftree - Print RIFF tree structure of an arbitrary RIFF file.
rifiuti2 - A MS Windows recycle bin analysis tool
rifiuti - tool to extract informations from MS recycle bins info2
rifiuti2 - A MS Windows recycle bin analysis tool
rigctl - control radio transceivers and receivers
rigmem - backup and restore memory of radio transceivers and receivers
rigsmtr - measure S-Meter vs azimuth using Hamlib
rigswr - measure VSWR vs frequency using Hamlib.
rigns3d - produces a file of ring-filling triangles from a PDB file
ringstat - Perform a simple test of FXS (station) port ring and audio
riocp - program to transfer files to and from the Rio Karma
rio - program to control a Diamond RIO MP3 player
Usage: rip [command] -
ripit - Perl script to create .flac .ogg .mp3 or .m4a (aac) files from
ripole - extracts attachments from OLE2 data files (ie, MS Office
ripperX — graphical (GTK) frontend for ripping and OGG/FLAC/MP3 -
ripperX — graphical (GTK) frontend for ripping and OGG/FLAC/MP3 -
ris2bib - script to convert RIS format files to BibTeX format files
bibutils - bibliography conversion utilities
ctn_manpage - Generic CTN manual page
ristosds - convert several RIS8 images to one 3D SDS
ristretto - lightweight picture-viewer for the Xfce desktop
clogin - Cisco/Foundry login script
rancid - Cisco configuration filter
joe - Joe’s Own Editor
pslist - control processes and their descendants
rkward - A KDE frontend to R
rkward - A KDE frontend to R
rlam - laminate records from multiple files
rlatex — Wrapper to run LaTeX/jadeTeX multiple times as needed -
rletopnm - convert a Utah Raster Tools RLE image file into a PNM image
rlfe - "cook" input lines for other programs using readline
rl - Randomize Lines.
rlibmap - ROOT utility to create class to library maps
rlmgr - administration utility for QDBM Relic
rlock - run program with a lockfile
rlog - print log messages and other information about RCS files
rlplot - generate publication quality graphs
rlpq - remote line printer queue examination program
rlpr - remote off-line print
rlprm - remove jobs from a remote line printer spooling queue
rltest - test cases for QDBM Relic
radiance-experttools — Specialty programs of the Radiance package, used -
rlwrap - readline wrapper
rmadison -- Remotely query the Debian archive database about packages -
rmagic - Report Magic for Analog
sendmail - sendmail emulator interface for nullmailer
PolyglotMan, rman - reverse compile man pages from formatted form to a
rmccmt - remove comments from C and C++ programs
rmcp_ping - IPMI RMCP Ping program
rmcvsdir - The Free Pascal CVS tree cleaner program.
hashalot - read a passphrase and print a hash
pvf tools - utilities to convert various sound formats
rmdic - Tool for deleting a user dictionary
rmdir - remove empty directories
pvf tools - utilities to convert various sound formats
rmdtovbox - isdn voice box (sound converter)
rmeventc - destroy a CORBA EventChannel
rmf - remove an nmh folder
rmhist - remove an AtFS history
rm - remove files or directories
mollist - get identifiers list
rmidish - front-end to midish(1), using the readline(3) library
mollist - get identifiers list
rmkdepend - create dependencies in makefiles (ROOT Version)
mollist - get identifiers list
rmligs-german - remove incorrectly used ligatures from German LaTeX
rmm - remove messages
rmsgfmt - compile message catalog to binary format
rmsgmerge - Extract translatable string from given input ruby script
mollist - get identifiers list
RNAcalibrate - calibrate statistics of secondary structure
RNAeffective - calculation of effective numbers of orthologous miRNA
RNAhybrid - calculate secondary structure hybridisations of RNAs
rnano - Restricted mode for Nano’s ANOther editor, an enhanced free
rnews - Inject individual articles and UUCP batches into INN
rngtest - Check the randomness of data using FIPS 140-2 tests
rnv - Relax NG Compact Syntax validator
robocode - Java programming game based on battle tanks.
ROBODoc - Extract documentation from source code.
robohdrs - insert ROBODoc headers to source code.
robot-playercam - camera test utility for a player camera
robot-player - robot device interface server
robot-playerjoy - console-based client for teleoperation
robot-playernav - GUI client to control over localize and planner
robot-playerprint - prints out sensor data to the console
robot-playervcr - GUI client that provides VCR-like control over
robot-playerv - GUI client program to visualizes sensor data
robot-playerwritemap - map data logger
robot-pmaptest - occupancy grid map creation tool
rocket_launcher - graphical front end for bottlerocket
rods - Raster3D preprocessor for ball-and-stick models
roff2dvi - transform roff code into dvi mode
roff2html - transform roff code into html mode
roff2pdf - transform roff code into pdf mode
roff2ps - transform roff code into ps mode
roff2text - transform roff code into text mode
roff2x - transform roff code into x mode
roffit - convert nroff to HTML
roffpp - replace .so requests within *roff sources
ROFS - Mounts directories as read-only
sgbdemos - Examples of the use of The Stanford GraphBase
ro-localization - Monte-Carlo localization for beacon range-only
romcmp - MAME rom and romsets check and comparison tool
romheaders - PCI rom header utility
rootcint - ROOT Dictionary generator
root-config - ROOT utility for your Makefiles
rootd - The ROOT file server daemon
root.exe - ROOT interpretor backend
root - Interpretor of C++ for the ROOT framework
rootn.exe - ROOT interpretor memory managed backend
rootstock - manual page for rootstock
rootstrap — Construct a root filesystem image in a file -
root-tail - print text directly to X11 root window
rootv - display TV using the Xvideo extension
roqet - Rasqal RDF query utility
rosegarden, rosegarden-sequencer - MIDI and audio sequencer and musical
rosegarden, rosegarden-sequencer - MIDI and audio sequencer and musical
rotate - Rotate, mirror, and transpose JPEG images (losslessly whenever
rotctl - control antenna rotators
rotix - A program to generate rotational obfuscations
rotter - a recording of transmission / audio logger for JACK
roundtrip - a comparison program for testing roundtrip conversion
roundup-admin - administrate roundup trackers
roundup-ctl - roundup server control interface
roundup-demo - create a roundup "demo" tracker and launch its web
roundup-gettext - extract translatable strings from tracker templates
roundup-mailgw - mail gateway for roundup
roundup-server - start roundup web server
roundup-xmlrpc-server - roundup XML-RPC server
ROX-Filer - a simple graphical file manager
roxterm-config - terminal emulator
roxterm - terminal emulator
rpcclient - tool for executing client side MS-RPC functions
rpcgen - an RPC protocol compiler
rplan — A highway trip planner -
winpdb, rpdb2 — platform independent Python debugger -
pdcp - copy files to groups of hosts in parallel
rpdump - alpine remote data utility
rpict - generate a RADIANCE picture
rpiece - render pieces of a RADIANCE picture
rping - RDMA CM connection and RDMA ping-pong test.
rplan — A highway trip planner -
rplaydsp - intercept data bound for /dev/dsp and route it to rplayd
rplay - play, pause, continue, and stop sounds
rpl - replace strings in files
rpload - alpine remote data utility
rpm2html - make an html database from rpm repository
rpncalc - a reverse polish notation (RPN) calculator.
rpntutorial - Reading RRDtool RPN Expressions by Steve Rader
rpost - post an article to an NNTP news server
bl2seq, blast2, blastall, blastall_old, blastcl3, blastpgp, impala, -
rptp - communicate with rplayd using RPTP
rpws - Implements multiple workspaces in ratpoison
rra-appointment-from-vevent, rra-appointment-to-vevent, rra-contact- -
rancid - Cisco configuration filter
rra-appointment-from-vevent, rra-appointment-to-vevent, rra-contact- -
rrd2whisper - convert an RRD database to a whisper database
rrd-beginners - RRDtool Beginners' Guide
rrdbuild - Instructions for building RRDtool
rrdcached - Data caching daemon for rrdtool
rrdcgi - Create web pages containing RRD graphs based on templates
rrdcreate - Set up a new Round Robin Database
rrddump - dump the contents of an RRD to XML format
rrdedit - program to edit rrd files
rrdfetch - Fetch data from an RRD.
rrdfirst - Return the date of the first data sample in an RRA within an
rrdflushcached - Flush the values for a spcific RRD file from memory.
rrdgraph_data - preparing data for graphing in rrdtool graph
rrdgraph_examples - Examples for rrdtool graph
rrdgraph_graph - rrdtool graph command reference
rrdgraph - Round Robin Database tool graphing functions
rrdgraph_libdbi - fetching data for graphing in rrdtool graph via
rrdgraph_rpn - About RPN Math in rrdtool graph
rrdinfo - extract header information from an RRD
rrdlast - Return the date of the last data sample in an RRD
rrdlastupdate - Return the most recent update to an RRD
RRDLua - Lua binding for RRDTool
rrdresize - alters the size of an RRA and creates a new .rrd file
rrdrestore - Restore the contents of an RRD from its XML dump format
rrdthreads - Provisions for linking the RRD library to use in
rrdtool - Round Robin Database Tool
rrdtune - Modify some basic properties of a Round Robin Database
rrdtutorial - Alex van den Bogaerdt's RRDtool tutorial
rrdupdate - Store a new set of values into the RRD
rrdxport - Export data in XML format based on data from one or several
rredtool - merge or apply a very restricted subset of ed patches
pslist - control processes and their descendants
rsakeyfind - Locates BER-encoded RSA private keys in memory images.
RSA_SecurID_getpasswd - get the one-use password from a RSA sid-800
rsbac-admin - Rule Set Based Access Control
rsbac-admin - Rule Set Based Access Control
rsbac-admin - Rule Set Based Access Control
rsbac-admin - Rule Set Based Access Control
rsbac_check - trigger consistency checking
rsbac-admin - Rule Set Based Access Control
rsbac-admin - Rule Set Based Access Control
rsbac-admin - Rule Set Based Access Control
rsbac-admin - Rule Set Based Access Control
rsbac-admin - Rule Set Based Access Control
rsbac-admin - Rule Set Based Access Control
rsbac-admin - Rule Set Based Access Control
rsbac-admin - Rule Set Based Access Control
rsbac-admin - Rule Set Based Access Control
rsbac_jail - put program into RSBAC jail
rsbac-admin - Rule Set Based Access Control
rsbac-admin - Rule Set Based Access Control
rsbac-admin - Rule Set Based Access Control
rsbac-admin - Rule Set Based Access Control
rsbac-admin - Rule Set Based Access Control
rsbac-admin - Rule Set Based Access Control
rsbac-admin - Rule Set Based Access Control
rsbac-admin - Rule Set Based Access Control
rsbac-admin - Rule Set Based Access Control
rsbac-admin - Rule Set Based Access Control
rsbac-admin - Rule Set Based Access Control
rsbac-admin - Rule Set Based Access Control
rsbac_stats - write RSBAC status info into syslog
rsbac-admin - Rule Set Based Access Control
rsbac-admin - Rule Set Based Access Control
rsbac-admin - Rule Set Based Access Control
rsbac-admin - Rule Set Based Access Control
rsbac-admin - Rule Set Based Access Control
rsbac-admin - Rule Set Based Access Control
rsbac-admin - Rule Set Based Access Control
rsbac_write - request the modified data structures to be written to
rsbep — Reed-Solomon FEC (forward error correction) with byte-spreading -
rsbep — Reed-Solomon FEC (forward error correction) with byte-spreading -
rsc - Helper utility for launching radare libexec scripts
Rscript - front end for scripting with R
Rscript.Ra - Scripting front-end to just-in-time compilation support
rsensor - compute sensor signal from a RADIANCE scene
rlogin - remote login
rsh - remote shell
rsibreak - Try to prevent Repetitive Strain Injury by reminding a user
rskeygen - generate private key pairs for TI graphing calculators
rsnapshot-diff - a utility for comparing the disk usage of two
rsnapshot - remote filesystem snapshot utility
rsrce - editor for raw MacOS resource forks
rss_export.byte - OCaml TODO list export to RSS 2.0.
rssh - restricted secure shell allowing only scp and/or sftp
rsstail - a Console Based RSS news reader
rst2html - convert reST documents to XHTML
rst2latex - convert reST documents to LaTeX
rst2man - generate unix manpages from reStructured text
rst2newlatex - convert reST documents to LaTeX (deprecated version)
rst2odt - convert reST documents to OpenDocument text (ODT)
rst2odt_prepstyles — strip paper size specifications off of rst2odt -
rst2pdf - Convert reStructuredText documents to PDF
rst2pseudoxml - convert reST documents to pseudo-XML
rst2s5 - convert reST documents to S5 slides
rst2xml - convert reST documents to XML
rstartd - a sample implementation of a Remote Start rsh helper
rstart - a sample implementation of a Remote Start client
rst-buildhtml - convert many reST documents to HTML
rstconv - The Free Pascal resource string converter tool.
rstpep2html - convert reST Python Enhancement Proposals to HTML
gerris2D, gerris2D3, gerris3D - the Gerris flow solver simulation
rsvg - Turn SVG files into raster images.
rsvg-view - Display SVG files
rsync — a fast, versatile, remote (and local) file-copying tool -
rsyncrypto - rsync friendly encryption
rsyncrypto_recover - recover all usable data from corrupted rsyncrypto
rsysinfo - remote system information display
rt2 - converter from RT to other mark-up language. $Id: rt2 1532
rt - Command-line interface to Request Tracker
rtcanconfig - Xenomai tool for configuring the CAN controller
rtcanrecv - Xenomai tool for receiving CAN messages
rtcansend - Xenomai tool for sending CAN messages
rtcontrib - compute contribution coefficients in a RADIANCE scene
rt-crontool - Command-line interface to Request Tracker
rfinger - SOCKS client version of finger
RTEvent_Logging_Service — TAO RTEvent Telecom Log Service -
rtf2brl - manual page for rtf2brl 2.1.0
rtf2rtf - programs to postprocess the raw RTF generated by the mapping
tin, rtin - A Usenet newsreader
rtlbrowse - Allows hierarchical browsing of Verilog HDL sourcecode and
rt-mailgate - Mail gateway for Request Tracker
rtmpdump - RTMP streaming media client
rtorrent - a BitTorrent client for ncurses
rtpfeed - Feed a DVB-S card with an RTP unicast/multicast/broacast
rtrace - trace rays in RADIANCE scene
rubberband — an audio time-stretching and pitch-shifting utility -
rubber - a building system for LaTeX documents
rubber-info - extract information from LaTeX documents
rubber - a building system for LaTeX documents
rubibtex - make a bibliography for (La)TeX using Russian letters as
rubrica - An addressbook for Gnome desktop.
ruby - Interpreted object-oriented scripting language
ruby - Interpreted object-oriented scripting language
ruby - Interpreted object-oriented scripting language
generic_count - count physical lines of code, given a comment marker
ruby-glade-create-template - generate template ruby code from a glade
ruby-prof - A fast ruby profiler
srvsearch, sync_srvsearch, smtpsearch, sync_smtpsearch, httpsearch, -
rumakeindex - process a LaTeX index using Russian Cyrillic characters
rumor - program for transcripting simple music played on (MIDI)
runacovea - analysis of compiler options via evolutionary algorithms
adt - AutoDockTools, a graphical front-end for AutoDock
runAE - launcher for an UIMA Analyze Engine
runalyzer - program to analyse data about code runs
ANTLR - ANother Tool for Language Recognition
runcon - run command with specified security context
rundig - sample script to create a search database for ht://Dig
run_erl - Redirect Erlang input and output streams on Solaris®
runghc - program to run Haskell programs without first having to
hugs, runhugs, ffihugs - Hugs 98, functional programming system
runjade — Wraps call to openjade to catch errors -
run-mailcap, view, see, edit, compose, print - execute programs via
run_mopac7 - invoke mopac7 program
mummer - package for sequence alignment of multiple genomes
mummer - package for sequence alignment of multiple genomes
runPearInstaller - GUI based Java application that helps installing
runPearMerger - takes two or more PEAR files and merges their contents
runPearPackager - takes some PEAR settings to create an UIMA PEAR file
pmv - Python Molecular Viewer
runscript - script interpreter for minicom
run_test - Shell script used for starting
runtest - DejaGnu test driver
vision - workflows for cheminformatics and other applications
run-with-aspell - script to help use GNU Aspell as an ispell
runxlrd - extract data from Microsoft Excel spreadsheet files
rzip - a large-file compression program
rup - remote uptime display
ruptime - show host status of local machines
rusers - who is logged in to machines on local network
RutilT Helper - execute RutilT internal commands as root.
RutilT - manage your wireless network interfaces
vim - Vi IMproved, a programmers text editor
vim - Vi IMproved, a programmers text editor
vlc, qvlc, svlc, nvlc, rvlc, cvlc - the VLC media player
why - A multi-language multi-prover verification tool
rvu - generate RADIANCE images interactively
rwall - send a message to users logged on a host
rwho - who is logged in on local machines
rfinger - SOCKS client version of finger
rxdebug - Provides debugging trace of Rx activity
rxgen - Stub generator for the Rx remote procedure call package
rx, rb, rz - XMODEM, YMODEM, ZMODEM (Batch) file receive
rxqueue - The Regina Rexx Interpreter external queue utility
rxstack - The Regina Rexx Interpreter stack daemon
rxtelnet - start a telnet and forward X-connections.
rxterm - start a secure remote xterm
rxvt-xterm, rxvt-xpm - a VT102 emulator for the X window system
rxvt-xterm, rxvt-xpm - a VT102 emulator for the X window system
rxvt-unicode (ouR XVT, unicode) - (a VT102 emulator for the X window
rxvt-xterm, rxvt-xpm - a VT102 emulator for the X window system
rxvt-xterm, rxvt-xpm - a VT102 emulator for the X window system
rx, rb, rz - XMODEM, YMODEM, ZMODEM (Batch) file receive
s1ms2dlf - convert SunONE Messaging Server SMTP log files to the email
psed - a stream editor
s3270 - IBM host access tool
s3cmd - tool for managing Amazon S3 storage space and Amazon CloudFront
s3dfm — s3d file manager -
s3d — network display server -
s3dosm — gps card application for s3d -
s3dvt — 3d terminal emulator for s3d -
s3d_x11gate — 3d gateway for x11 desktops -
s51dude - In-System Programmer for 8051 MCUs using usbtiny
s51, savr, sz80 - 8051, AVR and Z80 microcontrollers simulator for
s5 - set up and update S5 presentations
s9e - Extended Scheme Interpreter
s9 - Scheme Interpreter
sa-awl - examine and manipulate SpamAssassin’s auto-whitelist db
sabcmd - a command line interface to Sablotron XSLT processor
sablot-config - manual page for sablot-config
sabnzbdplus - a web-based binary newsgrabber with nzb support.
sacct - displays accounting data for all jobs and job steps in the
sacctmgr - Used to view and modify Slurm account information.
sa-check_spamd - spamd monitoring script for use with Nagios, etc.
sadf - Display data collected by sar in multiple formats.
sadms-globs - set sadms global parameters
sadms - turn a Linux box into a domain controller
sadms-share - manage shares
sadms-shares - get information about current shares
sadms-users - list current users, groups and homes
safecat - safely write data to a file
SAFECOPY - A data recovery tool
safe-rm - wrapper around the rm command to prevent accidental deletions
saflogger - write log record to log stream
saga_cmd - command-line interface to the System for Automated
saga-depends - calculates SAGA Gis dependencies
saga_gui - graphical user interface to the System for Automated
sagasu - GNOME tool to find strings in multiple files
sagcad - CAD/CAM of 2D program
saidar - a curses-based tool for viewing system statistics
sailcut - a sail design and plotting package
sakura - A simple but powerful libvte-based terminal emulator.
salasaga - IDE for producing eLearning
salasaga_screencapture - tool for capturing screenshots
sa-learn-cyrus - Train Spamassassin with spam/ham from user's imap
salliere — Duplicate Bridge Scorer -
salloc - Obtain a SLURM job allocation (a set of nodes), execute a
sam2p - program to convert raster images to postscript, pdf, and other
samdump2 -- dumps Windows 2k/NT/XP/Vista password hashes -
samidare - web page update checker
samizdat-create-database - Samizdat database generation script
samizdat-drb-server - Samizdat dRuby object cache server
samizdat-import-feeds - update RSS feeds imported by hosted Samizdat
saml_assertion_init - ARC client to voms saml service, or arc aa
samlsign - sign and verify XML documents
samtools - Utilities for the Sequence Alignment/Map (SAM) format
sanduhr - an alarm clock, which is designed as a sand-glass
sane-config - get information about the installed version of libsane
sane-find-scanner - find SCSI and USB scanners and their device files
sanitizer - an email virus scanner
sapphire — minimal but configurable window manager -
sapserver - SAP and SLP announcment for the VLC Media Player
sarg - Squid Analysis Report Generator
sarg-reports - Daily/Weekly/Monthly squid usage reports creation tool
sar - Collect, report, or save system activity information.
sary - manual page for sary 1.0.2
sash - stand-alone shell with built-in commands
saslfinger - A utility to collect SMTP AUTH relevant configuration for
sass-convert - Transforms a CSS file into corresponding Sass code.
sass - Translates Sass markup into its CSS equivalent
sat4j - efficient library of SAT solvers in Java
sats - mpd stop after this song
sattach - Attach to a SLURM job step.
save - save revision of a file
save - save revision of a file
savetextmode, textmode - save or restore the complete SVGA status for
s51, savr, sz80 - 8051, AVR and Z80 microcontrollers simulator for
sawfish-client -- Evaluate arbitrary Lisp forms with sawfish. -
sawfish -- Sawfish window manager. -
sawfish-ui -- The Sawfish Configurator. -
saxonb-xquery - command line XQuery processor
saxonb-xslt - command line XSLT 2.0 processor
saydate 0.3.0 - audio date/uptime check
say-epos - Epos speech client
saytime - audio time check
sb16ctrl - SoundBlaster16 emulator control program for Bochs
sb2-config - set the default target or list available targets
sb2 - crosscompiling environment
sb2-show - sb2 diagnostics tool
sbatch - Submit a batch script to SLURM.
softbeep - Software Bell for Linux
sbcast - transmit a file to the nodes allocated to a SLURM job.
SBCL -- Steel Bank Common Lisp - - Inserts SBE data into MIPE file
sx, sb, sz - XMODEM, YMODEM, ZMODEM file send
sbigtopgm - convert an SBIG CCDOPS file into a portable graymap
vadm - manipulate and administer version object base
sbnc - an modular IRC proxy.
sbtedit - GenBank submission template editor
sbuild-abort - abort the current sbuild build
sbuild-apt - run apt-get or apt-cache in an sbuild chroot
sbuild-checkpackages - check the package list in a sbuild chroot
sbuild-clean - clean an sbuild chroot with apt-get
sbuild-update - update and upgrade an sbuild chroot with apt-get
sbuild-hold - hold packages in an sbuild chroot
sbuild - build debian packages from source
sbuild-shell - run a shell in an sbuild chroot
sbuild-stats - display or alter database of package build times/space
sbuild-hold - hold packages in an sbuild chroot
sbuild-update - update and upgrade an sbuild chroot with apt-get
sbuild-update - update and upgrade an sbuild chroot with apt-get
scalac - Compiler for the Scala 2 language
scaladoc - Documentation generator for the Scala 2 language
scala - Run code in the Scala 2 language
scale - Scale the amplitude of a sound file. .
scalpel - Recover files using a header/footer database
scamper - parallel Internet measurement utility
scanadf - acquire multiple images from a scanner equipped with an ADF
scancel - Used to signal jobs or job steps that are under the control
scanelf - user-space utility to scan ELF files
scanerrlog - program to summarize Apache error log files
scan - produce a one line per message scan listing
scanimage - scan an image
scanmem - locate and modify a variable in an executing process.
scanpci - PCI bus utility from the GATOS package.
scanssh - scans the Internet for open proxies and SSH servers
scantailor - an interactive post-processing tool for scanned pages
scantv - scan a v4l device for TV stations.
scanwise — Fast but sensitive search method for biopolymers -
scanwise_server — Server for scanwise -
ScanWithKlamAV - KDE context menu selection script for klamav
scapy - Interactive packet manipulation tool
scc - Scheme to C compiler
sccmap - extract strongly connected components of directed graphs
sc-config - script to get information about the installed version of SC
sccs - front end for the SCCS subsystem
sccstat - List statistics of a scc radio port
zcc - The frontend of z88dk
scdaemon - Smartcard daemon for the GnuPG system
SceneViewer3D - 3D robotic scenes viewer
SceneViewer - 3d editor and viewer for Inventor scenes
speech-tools - Programs for audio and speech manipulation
speech-tools - Programs for audio and speech manipulation
speech-tools - Programs for audio and speech manipulation
speech-tools - Programs for audio and speech manipulation
scheme48-config - tool to list compile-time options of scheme48
scheme48 - a Scheme interpreter
elk, scheme-elk - extensible Scheme interpreter
gsi - Gambit-C Scheme Interpreter and Compiler
gsi - Gambit-C Scheme Interpreter and Compiler
scheme-r5rs - Run a Scheme script in an R5RS environment
scheme-script - Wrapper for Ikarus Scheme Programming Language
gsi - Gambit-C Scheme Interpreter and Compiler
scheme-srfi-7 - Run a Scheme script in an SRFI 7 environment
schism - music editor
schroot - securely enter a chroot environment
sc - spreadsheet calculator
schwartzmon - monitors TheSchwartz job queues
scidavis — Scientific Data Analysis and Visualization -
science-config - Debian Science common matapackage helper
science-config - Debian Science common matapackage helper
science-config - Debian Science common matapackage helper
science-config - Debian Science common matapackage helper
science-config - Debian Science common matapackage helper
science-config - Debian Science common matapackage helper
science-config - Debian Science common matapackage helper
science-config - Debian Science common matapackage helper
science-config - Debian Science common matapackage helper
science-config - Debian Science common matapackage helper
science-config - Debian Science common matapackage helper
science-config - Debian Science common matapackage helper
science-config - Debian Science common matapackage helper
science-config - Debian Science common matapackage helper
science-config - Debian Science common matapackage helper
science-config - Debian Science common matapackage helper
science-config - Debian Science common matapackage helper
science-config - Debian Science common matapackage helper
science-config - Debian Science common matapackage helper
science-config - Debian Science common matapackage helper
science-config - Debian Science common matapackage helper
science-config - Debian Science common matapackage helper
science-config - Debian Science common matapackage helper
sci - Scheme interpreter
scilab-adv-cli - Scientific software package
scilab-cli - Scientific software package
scilab - Scientific software package for numerical computations
scim-bridge -- Yet another IM client of SCIM. The im-module of scim- -
scim-config-agent - configuration manager for scim
scim -- smart common input method -
scim-make-table — generate data file for SCIM generic table module -
skim, scim-panel-kde - smart common input method platform for KDE
scim-setup - scim setup
scitools - run a SciTools command
scli - SNMP Command Line Interface
scls - list objects in checkpoint files
scm - a Scheme Language Interpreter
scmxx - exchange data with your Siemens mobile phone
scolily - create lilypond scores from microphone
scons - a software construction tool
sconsign - print SCons .sconsign file information
scons-time - generate and display SCons timing information
scontrol - Used view and modify Slurm configuration and state.
scor2prt - source parts separation program for pmx, a MusiXTeX
scorereadingtrainer - Score Reading Trainer helps you improve your
scotch_acpl - scotch command
scotch_amk_ccc - scotch command
scotch_amk_fft2 - scotch command
scotch_amk_grf - scotch command
scotch_amk_hy - scotch command
scotch_amk_m2 - scotch command
scotch_amk_p2 - scotch command
scotch_atst - scotch command
scotch_gbase - scotch command
scotch_gcv - scotch command
scotch_gmap - scotch command
scotch_gmk_hy - scotch command
scotch_gmk_m2 - scotch command
scotch_gmk_m3 - scotch command
scotch_gmk_msh - scotch command
scotch_gmk_ub2 - scotch command
scotch_gmtst - scotch command
scotch_gord - scotch command
scotch_gotst - scotch command
scotch_gout - scotch command
scotch_gtst - scotch command
scotch_mcv - scotch command
scotch_mmk_m2 - scotch command
scotch_mmk_m3 - scotch command
scotch_mord - scotch command
scotch_mtst - scotch command
scout - Monitors the File Server process
scp - secure copy (remote file copy program)
scpio - copy file archives in and out (LEGACY)
scponly - limited shell for secure file transfers
scpr - print out objects in checkpoint files
scrapy-ctl - Python Scrapy control script
screader - Screen reader using a software Text-To-Speech package or a
screenbin - create a temporary, throwaway shared screen session on a
screendump - dump the contents of a virtual console to stdout
screen - screen manager with VT100/ANSI terminal emulation
screenie - terminal screen(1) session handler
screenie - Fancy screenshot composer
screenlets-daemon - An application to track activity of Screenlets
screenletsd - A command line interface for Screenlets
screenlets - Widget-like mini-applications for GNOME
screenlets-manager - An application to manage Screenlets
screenlets-packager - An application to package Screenlets
screenruler - a graphical ruler to measure objects on screen
screentest - utility for testing the quality of CRT screens.
scribes - simple, slim, sleek and powerful text editor for GNOME
scribus - cross platform WYSIWYG desktop publishing app
scribus - cross platform WYSIWYG desktop publishing app
script - make typescript of terminal session
scriptindex - index arbitrary data as described by an index script
scriptmgr - utility for controlling other skytools scripts.
scriptreplay - play back typescripts, using timing information
ScrollZ - An advanced ircII-based IRC client
ScrollZ - An advanced ircII-based IRC client
scrot - capture a screenshot using imlib2
scrotwm - window manager for X11
scrub - write patterns on disk/file
scs2ascii - convert IBM SCS printer data into ASCII
scs2pdf - convert IBM SCS printer data into PDF
scs2ps - convert IBM SCS printer data into PostScript
scsh-0.6 - a Scheme shell
scsh-0.6 - a Scheme shell
scsh-install-pkg — SCSH package installer -
scsieject - control SCSI tape devices
scsitape - control SCSI tape devices
sctp_darn - Send and receive messages via SCTP
sctp_test - Send and receive messages via SCTP
sdate - never ending September date
sdcc - Small Device C Compiler
sdcclib - SDCC librarian
sdcdb - Source debugger for SDCC
sd-eng, sd-engf, sd-c - text watermarking and watermark recovery
sdcpp - C preprocessor for SDCC
sdcv - console version of StarDict program
sd-eng, sd-engf, sd-c - text watermarking and watermark recovery
sd-eng, sd-engf, sd-c - text watermarking and watermark recovery
sdfapi - API Extraction Utility
sdfbatch - Batch Processing Utility
sdfcli - Command Line Interface Utility
sdfget - Documentation Extraction Utility
sdf - SDF Conversion Utility
sdif2ad - Converts SDIF files to files usable by adsynt. .
sdiff - side-by-side merge of file differences
sdlBasic - sdlBasic program editor
sdlBrt - sdlBasic runtime
sdl-config - script to get information about the installed version of
sdmem - secure memory wiper (secure_deletion toolkit)
sdm-session - starts a sdm session
sdm-ssh-askpass - prompts an X user for a passphrase
sdm-wm - select a window manager for use with sdm
sdngen - SDF Tuning File Generator
SDoP - a Simple DocBook Processor
sdp-query - Bluetooth SDP backend
sdptool -- control and interrogate SDP servers -
sdr - Session Directory for announcing and scheduling conferences in
sds - the daemon player for soma
sds - the daemon player for soma
sdsdump - magtape conversion utility
sds - simulate a SDS 940 computer
sdsvumeter - the remote vumeter for sds
sdts2dem - Convert a 24K USGS SDTS DEM to a DEM in the ‘classic’
sdts2dlg - Convert a USGS SDTS DLG to a DLG in the ‘optional’ format.
unoconv - convert any document from and to any OpenOffice supported
seahorse-agent - seahorse pass phrase caching agent
seahorse-daemon - seahorse pass phrase caching agent
seahorse - Encryption Key Manager
seahorse-tool - PGP/GnuPG file encryption for the GNOME Desktop
search-ccsb -
search-citeseer -
searchd — socket server handling search requests backed by Sphinx -
SEARCHMONKEY - search files using regular expressions aiming to replace
seaview - a multiplatform, graphical user interface for multiple
seccure - SECCURE Elliptic Curve Crypto Utility for Reliable Encryption
seccure - SECCURE Elliptic Curve Crypto Utility for Reliable Encryption
seccure - SECCURE Elliptic Curve Crypto Utility for Reliable Encryption
seccure - SECCURE Elliptic Curve Crypto Utility for Reliable Encryption
seccure - SECCURE Elliptic Curve Crypto Utility for Reliable Encryption
seccure - SECCURE Elliptic Curve Crypto Utility for Reliable Encryption
seccure - SECCURE Elliptic Curve Crypto Utility for Reliable Encryption
seccure - SECCURE Elliptic Curve Crypto Utility for Reliable Encryption
seccure - SECCURE Elliptic Curve Crypto Utility for Reliable Encryption
sechecker - SELinux policy checking tool - simple event correlator
secon - See an SELinux context, from a file, program or user input.
secpanel - a Tcl/Tk front-end to ssh and scp
secutil - Extract X.509 certificates and strongnames from assemblies.
secvpn.conf - Configuration file for the Secure Virtual Private Network
secvpn - Control the Secure Virtual Private Network
secvpnmon - Control the Secure Virtual Private Network
generic_count - count physical lines of code, given a comment marker
sed - stream editor for filtering and transforming text
sediff - SELinux policy difference tool
sediffx - graphical SELinux policy difference tool
seed - libseed JavaScript REPL/Interpreter.
bl2seq, blast2, blastall, blastall_old, blastcl3, blastpgp, impala, -
run-mailcap, view, see, edit, compose, print - execute programs via
seek_script - A very simple script using OutGuess to find an image that
seetxt/seeman - GUI text file and manual page ("manpage") viewer for X
seesat5 - provides satellite visibility information.
seetxt/seeman - GUI text file and manual page ("manpage") viewer for X
seewbmp - Convert a WBMP wireless bitmap to textual format
seinfo - SELinux policy query tool
select-default-iwrap - Selects the user default ispell dictionary for
select-editor - select your default sensible-editor from all installed
selinuxenabled - tool to be used within shell scripts to determine if
semantik - Mindmapping-like tool.
send-pr - submit a GNATS Problem Report (PR) to a support site
sendEmail - Lightweight, command line SMTP email client
sendEmail - Lightweight, command line SMTP email client
sendfax - submit a facsimile job for transmission
sendfile - send file(s) via Internet
sendfiles - send multiple files via a MIME message
send - send a message
ctn_manpage - Generic CTN manual page
sendip - Send arbitrary IP packets
sendiso - send IEEE 1394 isochronous packets from dump file
sendmail2dlf - convert sendmail logfiles to dlf
sendmail - sendmail emulator interface for nullmailer
sendmsg - send a message via Internet
send_nsca - send passive check results to an NSCA daemon
send_osc - Sends a single OSC message
sendpage - submit a pager job for transmission
send-pr - submit a GNATS Problem Report (PR) to a support site
ctn_manpage - Generic CTN manual page
sendsms - command line tool to send SMSes using gnokii
ctn_manpage - Generic CTN manual page
sendxmpp - send xmpp messages from the commandline.
sensible-editor, sensible-pager, sensible-browser - sensible editing,
sensible-editor, sensible-pager, sensible-browser - sensible editing,
sensible-editor, sensible-pager, sensible-browser - sensible editing,
sensors-conf-convert - convert sensors.conf from lm-sensors 2 format to
sensors - print sensors information
sentinella - System monitor that can react to user chosen conditions
Seq24 - Real time MIDI sequencer
mollist - get identifiers list
seqan_tcoffee - Multiple sequence alignment
seqcons - Multi-read alignment
seq - print a sequence of numbers
seqsplit - split seqs into chunks of defined size and overlap
seqstat - show statistics and format for a sequence file
sequel - The Database Toolkit for Ruby
sequel - The Database Toolkit for Ruby
Psequin - submit sequences to Genbank, EMBL, and DDBJ
mollist - get identifiers list
serdo - run commands serially
loggerhead - run a loggerhead server
sesearch - SELinux policy query tool
session-installer - allows applications to easily install and remove
sessreg - manage utmp/wtmp entries for non-init clients
setbrlkeys - setup a braille keymap
setcd - set various flags to control the behaviour of your cdrom
set_color - set the terminal color
SetDirectionByMatrix - part of ANTS registration suite
setenforce - modify the mode SELinux is running in.
setfacl - set file access control lists
setfattr - set extended attributes of filesystem objects
setfdprm - sets user-provided floppy disk parameters
setfondname - sets FOND name
sethost - Emulates a DEC VT100 terminal
set-language-env - Making basic settings for native languages
setleds - set the keyboard leds
setmetamode - define the keyboard meta key handling
SetOrigin - part of ANTS registration suite
setpwc - program to set settings specific to Philips (and compatibles
setreg - Change settings for public key cryptography
set_show_service - enable or disable a service for the current user
setsid - run a program in a new session
SetSpacing - part of ANTS registration suite
setterm - set terminal attributes
setuid - run a command with a different uid.
setupcon - sets up the font and the keyboard on Linux console
setup - graphical setup program for the esp package manager
setup-logidee-tools - setup a directory to support a tree of XML
setup_narval_keys - script to enable automatic login as a distributed
nash - find nash equilibria of two person noncooperative games
nash - find nash equilibria of two person noncooperative games
setup-packaging-environment - helps to get started with Ubuntu
setup-plt - The PLT Scheme setup tool
setxkbmap - set the keyboard using the X Keyboard Extension
sexget - F*EX client
sexp-conv - convert s-expression to a different encoding
sexsend - F*EX client
sextractor - extract a source catalog from an astronomical FITS image
Seyon - X11 Telecommunications Package.
Seyon - X11 Telecommunications Package.
SF2TEXT - program to convert SBK or SF2 (SoundFont) files to text
sfcapd - sflow capture daemon
sfcbd - Small-Footprint CIM Broker (sfcb)
sfcbmof - MOF compile for the Small-Footprint CIM Broker (sfcb)
sfcbrepos - Script to rebuild the Small-Footprint CIM Broker (sfcb)
sfcbstage - Script to copy provider MOF and registration files to the
sfcbstage - Script to remove provider MOF and registration files from
sfcbuuid - Script to create a universally unique identifier for the
sfc - The SyFi Form Compiler
sfconf - sendfile user configuration helper
sfconvert - convert between various audio formats
sfddiff - compare two font files
dot - filter for drawing directed graphs
sfetch - get a sequence from a flatfile database.
sff2g3 - convert CAPI SFF fax files into G3 fax files
sfftobmp - manual page for sfftobmp
sffview — X11 viewer for structured fax files (SFF) -
SFIDL - SFI IDL Compiler
sfill - secure free disk and inode space wiper (secure_deletion
sfind - shapeTools RMS recursively descend a system hierarchy
sfinfo - display information about audio files
sflphone-client-gnome - SIP and IAX2 compatible voice over IP softphone
sflphoned - SIP and IAX2 compatible voice over IP softphone core.
sflphone-client-gnome - SIP and IAX2 compatible voice over IP softphone
sfmtcvt - EPROM conversion utility
sfood-checker - check for superfluous import statements in Python
sfood-cluster - read snakefood dependencies from stdin and cluster
sfood-copy - read a snakefood dependencies file and flatten and output
sfood-flatten - read a snakefood dependencies file and flatten and
sfood-graph - read snakefood dependencies from stdin and output a
sfood - detect import statements using the AST parser
sfood-imports - parse Python files and output a unified list of
sfparse - string file parse
sfront - MPEG 4 Structured Audio decoder.
Vkeybd — program included in the DeMuDi distribution -
sftp - secure file transfer program
sfxload, asfxload - load a SoundFont file on the Emux WaveTable
sfxtest - test utility for the Linux AWE32 driver
sgbdemos - Examples of the use of The Stanford GraphBase
sgb - The Stanford GraphBase: combinatorial data and algorithms
sgclean - Removing redundant entries in blacklists
sge_ckpt.1 - the Sun Grid Engine checkpointing mechanism and
sge_hostnameutils.1 - SGE Host name utilities
sge_hostnameutils.1 - SGE Host name utilities
sge_hostnameutils.1 - SGE Host name utilities
sge_hostnameutils.1 - SGE Host name utilities
sge_hostnameutils.1 - SGE Host name utilities
sge_intro.1 - a facility for executing UNIX jobs on remote machines
sgen - Mono XML Serializer GENerator
sgepasswd - Modify the Sun Grid Engine password file of Sun Grid Engine
sge_submit.1 - Job submission commands for SGE
sge_types - Sun Grid Engine type descriptions
sg - execute command as different group ID
sgi2tiff - create a TIFF file from an SGI image file
sgitopnm - convert a SGI image file to a portable anymap
sgml2html - create HTML output from a LinuxDoc DTD SGML source file
sgml2info - create GNU info output from a LinuxDoc DTD SGML source file
sgml2latex - create LaTeX, DVI, PostScript or PDF output from a
sgml2lyx - create LyX output from a LinuxDoc DTD SGML source file
sgml2rtf - create RTF output from a LinuxDoc DTD SGML source file
sgml2txt - create plain text output from a LinuxDoc DTD SGML source
sgml2x — Easily formats SGML/XML documents using DSSSL style-sheets -
sgml2xml - convert SGML to XML
sgml2xml-isoent - Convert SGML to XML with support for ISO entities
sgmlcheck - check the syntax of an LinuxDoc DTD sgml source file
sgmldiff - Find differences in the markup of two SGML files
sgmlnorm - normalize SGML documents
sgmlpre - handle SGML conditionalization for SGML-tools
sgmlsasp - translate output of sgmls using ASP replacement files
sgml-spell-checker - SGML spell checker
sgmlspl - a simple post-processor for nsgmls
sgmltools - process sgml files.
sgmlwhich - outputs system SGML catalog path
sgrep - search a file for a structured pattern
md5deep - Compute and compare MD5 message digests
sha1pass - Create a SHA1 password hash
sha1sum - compute and check SHA1 message digest
sha224sum - compute and check SHA224 message digest
md5deep - Compute and compare MD5 message digests
hashalot - read a passphrase and print a hash
sha256sum - compute and check SHA256 message digest
hashalot - read a passphrase and print a hash
sha384sum - compute and check SHA384 message digest
hashalot - read a passphrase and print a hash
sha512sum - compute and check SHA512 message digest
Shake - testing engine for lua
Shanty - Makes a PostScript file from an image and some text.
shape_build - shapeTools RMS system building and installation
shape_depend - shapeTools RMS determine source-include dependencies
shape - identify and build program configurations from versions of
shapeindex - program to creates file system based index for ESRI
shape_patch - shapeTools RMS generate patch file
shape_releas - shapeTools RMS construction of releases and prereleases
shape_RMS - Introduction to the shapeTools Release Management System
shapes - generates various shapes for Gerris.
shape_tar - shapeTools RMS bundle up subsystem in a tar or shar archive
sharand - generate cryptographically secure pseudo random file
shares-admin - Shared Folders Administration Tool
shar - create shell archives
shasum - Print or Check SHA Checksums
s51, savr, sz80 - 8051, AVR and Z80 microcontrollers simulator for
shcomp - compile a ksh93 shell script
generic_count - count physical lines of code, given a comment marker
shed - (Simple Hex EDitor)
Shell.FM - Lightweight, console-based player for Last.FM radio streams.
shell - Print the message of the day and launch a shell
shelltool - run a shell (or other program) in an OpenWindows terminal
shermans_applet - dockapp/wmapplet and Gnome panel applet
shermans - aquarium screensaver
bash - GNU Bourne-Again SHell
shib-metagen - Generate metadata for a Shibboleth SP
shiboken - CPython bindings generator for C++ libraries
shift_lines - add or remove indentation to/from lines
shisa - Shishi database interface
shishid - Shishi KDC server
shishi - Shishi client tool
shlock - Create lock files for use in shell scripts
shmidcat - Copies stdin/file to a shared memory block for gtkwave(1)
shntool - a multi‐purpose WAVE data processing and reporting utility
shntool - a multi‐purpose WAVE data processing and reporting utility
shntool - a multi‐purpose WAVE data processing and reporting utility
shntool - a multi‐purpose WAVE data processing and reporting utility
shntool - a multi‐purpose WAVE data processing and reporting utility
shntool - a multi‐purpose WAVE data processing and reporting utility
shntool - a multi‐purpose WAVE data processing and reporting utility
shntool - a multi‐purpose WAVE data processing and reporting utility
shntool - a multi‐purpose WAVE data processing and reporting utility
shntool - a multi‐purpose WAVE data processing and reporting utility
shntool - a multi‐purpose WAVE data processing and reporting utility
shntool - a multi‐purpose WAVE data processing and reporting utility
shntool - a multi‐purpose WAVE data processing and reporting utility
shoes - interpreter for Ruby files that use the Shoes library
shorlfilter - text filter that turns long URLs into shorls (short URLs)
shorter - lisaac documentation generation
shortg - Remove isomorphs from a file of graphs.
shotwell - a digital photo organizer
mummer - package for sequence alignment of multiple genomes
showcfont - displays all characters in the current screen-font.
showchar - show character with information
mummer - package for sequence alignment of multiple genomes
sloccount - count source lines of code (SLOC)
showfond - display information about Macintosh font resources
showfont - font dumper for X font server
showfoto - digiKam Photo Viewer
showg - Write graphs in human-readable format.
showglyphs - create a pdf file that shows all glyphs in a font
show - show (display) messages
showkey - examine the scan codes and keycodes sent by the keyboard
showone - Overlay the keypoints on its image
showrgb - display an rgb color-name database
showriff - show structure of RIFF files (wav, avi, ...)
mummer - package for sequence alignment of multiple genomes
mummer - package for sequence alignment of multiple genomes
showttf - decompose a font file into its various tables and display it
showtwo - Show unfiltered matches between two images
showvte - show build-time configuration of evilvte
shp2pcx - extract images from a Shape (SHP) file into PCX files
shp2pgsql - shapefile to postgis loader
shpadd - append a shape to an ESRI shapefile
shpcreate - create an empty ESRI shapefile
shpdump - dump an ESRI shapefile as text
shprewind - fix polygon ring orientations in ESRI shapefiles
shptest - create some shapefiles for testing
shred - overwrite a file to hide its contents, and optionally delete it
shrinkfile - shrink a file on a line boundary
shtool-arx - GNU shtool ar(1) extensional command
shtool-echo - GNU shtool echo(1) extensional command
shtool-fixperm - GNU shtool file permission fixing command
shtool - The GNU Portable Shell Tool
shtool-install - GNU shtool install(1) command
shtoolize - Build individual GNU shtool scripts
shtool-mdate - GNU shtool pretty-print last modification time
shtool-mkdir - GNU shtool mkdir(1) style command
shtool-mkln - GNU shtool enhanced ln(1) replacement
shtool-mkshadow - GNU shtool create shadow tree using symlinks
shtool-move - GNU shtool enhanced mv(1) replacement
shtool-path - GNU shtool command dealing with shell path variables
shtool-platform - GNU shtool Unix platform identification
shtool-prop - GNU shtool propeller processing indication
shtool-rotate - GNU shtool log file rotation
shtool-scpp - GNU shtool C source file pre-processor
shtool-slo - GNU shtool separate linker options by library class
shtool-subst - GNU shtool sed(1) substitution operations
shtool-table - GNU shtool pretty-print a field-separated list
shtool-tarball - GNU shtool command for rolling standardized tarballs
shtool-version - GNU shtool maintain version information file
shuffle - randomize the sequences in a sequence file
shuf - generate random permutations
shush - Run a command and optionally report its output by mail
Shutter - Featureful Screenshot Tool
SIBsim4 - align RNA sequences with a DNA sequence, allowing for introns
sic - simple irc client
sid2wav - output wav files out of sid files
sidcon - a sidtune format converter
sid - Syntax Improving Device; parser generator.
SIDPLAY - Sidplay is SID-chip emulator for playing Commodore 64 music.
sidplay — Music player and C64 SID chip emulator - - Convert output from bombardment(1) to Comma Separated
siege.config - builds a .siegerc template in the user’s home directory.
siege - An HTTP/HTTPS stress tester
sievec - Sieve script compiler for the Dovecot secure IMAP server
sieve-connect - managesieve command-line client
sieved - Sieve script binary dump tool for the Dovecot secure IMAP
sieve - a mail filtering tool
sieve.scm - compile a Sieve program into Scheme code
sieveshell - remotely manipulate sieve scripts
sieve-test - Sieve script tester for the Dovecot secure IMAP server
sig2dot - creates a .dot file from a GPG signature listing
speech-tools - Programs for audio and speech manipulation
sigcensus - Form a census of splitting surface signatures
sigeps - convert c6/12 or c6/cn combinations to and from sigma/epsilon
sigeps - convert c6/12 or c6/cn combinations to and from sigma/epsilon
speech-tools - Programs for audio and speech manipulation
sigfind - Find a binary signature in a file
siggen - an Ncurses based signal generator program
sigitdb - A tool to manage the signature-database which sigit uses.
sigit - A program to create random signatures, quite like fortune or
sigma - Simple greedy multiple alignment of non-coding DNA sequences
sigmon - Vodafone 3G/GPRS datacard signal strength monitor
signalgen - a simple signal generator program
signcode - Digitally sign an PE executable using an X.509 certificate.
signify - Program to generate semi-random signatures
ladr4-apps - undocumented LADR4 applications
sigtool - signature and database management tool
silentjack - silence detector for the JACK audio system
sim2gff - Converts SIM file into GFF formatted records
sim2trad, trad2sim - clipboard data conversion for traditional Chinese
sim4 - align an expressed DNA sequence with a genomic sequence
simage-config - Display Simage Library Configuration
sim - find similarities in C, Java, Pascal, Modula-2, Lisp, Miranda or
simcontr - shows the effect of simultaneous contrast
simctrl - Sim-IM Instant Messenger controller
Simdock - A fast and customizable dockbar
simhash - file similarity hash tool
sim - Sim-IM Instant Messenger
sim - find similarities in C, Java, Pascal, Modula-2, Lisp, Miranda or
sim - find similarities in C, Java, Pascal, Modula-2, Lisp, Miranda or
sim - find similarities in C, Java, Pascal, Modula-2, Lisp, Miranda or
sim - find similarities in C, Java, Pascal, Modula-2, Lisp, Miranda or
sim - find similarities in C, Java, Pascal, Modula-2, Lisp, Miranda or
sim - find similarities in C, Java, Pascal, Modula-2, Lisp, Miranda or
simpdftex - create pdf files via latex-dvips-gs instead of pdflatex
simph323 - simple H.323 client given as an example
SimpleAgenda - calendar manager for GNUstep
simplebackup - do a simple backup of your data
simple-cdd - create custom debian-installer CDs
simple - just a simple program emulating send and receive
liq-contrib - contributed scripts for the liquidsoap audio streaming
simpleopal - simple SIP and H323 client
ctn_manpage - Generic CTN manual page
speech-tools - Programs for audio and speech manipulation
simpleproxy - Simple tcp socket proxy
simplercs - A simple VCS in the spirit of RCS
simple-scan - Scanning utility
ctn_manpage - Generic CTN manual page
why - A multi-language multi-prover verification tool
simplify - a script to simplify a MIME message
simplyhtml — A Java editor based on HTML and CSS. -
sim - find similarities in C, Java, Pascal, Modula-2, Lisp, Miranda or
simulavr-disp - Atmel AVR simulator display
simulavr - Atmel AVR simulator
simulavr-vcd - simulate an Atmel AVR and output VCD (value change dump)
simul-beacons - Robot dataset simulator
simul-gridmap - Robot dataset simulator from a gridmap and a predefined
simul-landmarks - Robot dataset simulator
simulpic - Microchip PIC 16F84 simulator
since - display content of a file since the last time
sindex - index a sequence database for sfetch
sines, squares - creates a spatial sine or square wave form
sinfo - view information about SLURM nodes and partitions.
megatron, unhex, unbin, unsingle, hqx2bin, single2bin, macbinary - -
Singular - A commutative algebra system for polynomial computations
sinntp - tiny non-interactive NNTP client
sipcalc - IP subnet calculator
sipcrack - A suite of tools to sniff and crack the digest
sip-date - Print or parse SIP date
sipdigest - compute digest for user's secret in specific sip realm
sip-dig - Resolve SIP URIs. This is an example program for sresolv
sipdump - Part of SIPcrack, A suite of tools to sniff and crack the
sip - generates C++/Python bindings
sipomatic - SIP auto-responder from the linphone project.
sip-options - Query SIP OPTIONS
sippasswd - update user's sip digest
sipp - Session Initiation Protol (SIP) performance testing tool
sipquery - register and report sip contact details
siprealm - show or set authentication realm of sipwitch services
sip_reg-3.3.0 - SIP Registration Agent
sipsak - a utility for various tests on sip servers and user agents
sipwitch-config - script to get information about sipwitch library
sipwitch - script control and manage GNU sipwitch server.
sirc - an IRC client in perl
sirtopnm - convert a Solitaire file into a portable anymap
sisinstall - simple command line program for installing packaged
sispmctl - Gembird Silver Shield PM ConTroL program
sisu - documents: markup, structuring, publishing in multiple standard
SiSU - Structured information, Serialized Units
sisu - package to install what sisu needs to generate pdf (latex to pdf
sisu - package to install what sisu needs to to populate a postgresql
sisu - package to install what sisu needs to to populate a postgresql
SiSU - Structured information, Serialized Units
sisu_vim - vim syntax and folds file for sisu: markup, structuring,
sisu - documents: structuring, publishing in multiple formats, and
siteconfig - online configuration of FTP server (wzdftpd)
sitecopy - maintain remote copies of web sites
sitemap - make a site map from meta tags in an HTML tree
siteuptime - show current uptime for FTP server (wzdftpd)
sitewho - show current process information for each FTP session
sivtest - interactive MANAGESIEVE test program
gsi - Gambit-C Scheme Interpreter and Compiler
SIXpack - a full-featured XAS analysis package
gsi - Gambit-C Scheme Interpreter and Compiler
objdump86, size86, nm86 - Examine object, archive or executable files
size - list section sizes and total size.
sjisconv - convert a TeX document in SJIS encoding into ‘preprocessed’
bg5latex - Use LaTeX directly on a Big5 encoded .tex file
bg5latex - Use LaTeX directly on a Big5 encoded .tex file
sk2ppm - Convert a SK file into a portable pixmap
sk2ps - Convert an SK file into a Postscript file
Skanlite - KDE 4 image scanning program based on KSane
skconvert - Convert a Skencil SK file into another format
skencil - An interactive drawing program
sketch - Produce 3D line drawings from scene description language
ski, xski, bskinc - An IA-64 Instruction Set Simulator
skill, snice - send a signal or report process status
skim, scim-panel-kde - smart common input method platform for KDE
skinedit - a skin editor for TiEmu and VTi (TI’s hand-helds emulators)
skipfish - active web application security reconnaissance tool
skk2cdb - convert SKK dictionary file to cdb
skkdic-count - count entries in skk dictionary files
skkdic-expr2 - manipulate skk dictionaries
skkdic-expr - manipulate skk dictionaries
skkdic-sort - sort skk dictionary
sks-ecc - Provides public key encryption/authentication
skshow - A slideshow for Skencil files
skt - Preprocessor for Sanskrit
skymon - "moncmd" interface to a SkyTel 2-way pager
skyrocket - fireworks show.
skysentials - Use SMS, register mobile, and transfer calls in Skype 1.4
skytools_upgrade - utility for upgrading Skytools code in databases.
sl2h - simple latex to HTML converter
slabtop - display kernel slab cache information in real time
slack-diff - compare file contents, modes, etc
slirp - C code generator for the S‐Lang scripting language
slay - kill all processes belonging to a user
slconsole - utility to connect to a sooperlooper engine
sldtoppm - convert an AutoCAD slide file into a portable pixmap
sleepctl - enable/disable sleepd
sleepenh - an enhanced sleep program.
sleep - delay for a specified amount of time
slgui - SooperLooper user interface
SLIB - Scheme Library
slice2cppe - translate Slice to IceE for C++ (embedded edition)
slice2cpp - translate Slice to Ice for C++
slice2cs - translate Slice to Ice for C#
slice2docbook - translate Slice to DocBook
slice2freeze - translate Slice to Ice persistence framework for C++
slice2freezej - translate Slice to Ice persistence framework for Java
slice2html - translate Slice to HTML
slice2javae - translate Slice to IceE for Java (embedded edition)
slice2java - translate Slice to Ice for Java
slice2py - translate Slice to Ice for Python
slice2rb - translate Slice to Ice for Ruby
Slice -- Extract pre-defined slices from an ASCII file -
sliceprint - slice documents with long lines.
slim - Simple LogIn Manager
slingshot - simple 2D shooting strategy game set in space, with gravity
slirp-fullbolt - fast slirp for non interactive sessions
slirp - TCP/IP emulator
slirpsh - S-Lang shell endowed with SLIRP annotation capabilities
slirpvde - Virtual Distributed Ethernet-Slirp interface
slist - Lists available NetWare Servers
slmbuild - generate language model from idngram file
slminfo - get information of a back-off language model
slmon - program for monitoring system’s performance in realtime.
slmprune - prune the back-off language model to a reasonable size
slmseg - maximum matching segment Chinese text.
slmthread - threads the language model
slocal - asynchronously filter and deliver new mail
sloccount - count source lines of code (SLOC)
slock - simple screen locker
ssh - OpenSSH SSH client (remote login program)
slon - Slony-I daemon
slonik_build_env - Slony-I administration script
slonik_create_set - Slony-I administration script
slonik_drop_node - Slony-I administration script
slonik_drop_sequence - Slony-I administration script
slonik_drop_set - Slony-I administration script
slonik_drop_table - Slony-I administration script
slonik_execute_script - Slony-I administration script
slonik_failover - Slony-I administration script
slonik - Slony-I command processor
slonik_init_cluster - Slony-I administration script
slonik_merge_sets - Slony-I administration script
slonik_move_set - Slony-I administration script
slonik_print_preamble - Slony-I administration script
slonik_restart_node - Slony-I administration script
slonik_store_node - Slony-I administration script
slonik_subscribe_set - Slony-I administration script
slonik_uninstall_nodes - Slony-I administration script
slonik_unsubscribe_set - Slony-I administration script
slonik_update_nodes - Slony-I administration script
slon_kill - Slony-I administration script
slon_start - Slony-I administration script
slon_watchdog2 - Slony-I administration script
slon_watchdog - Slony-I administration script
slony_show_configuration - Slony-I administration script
slptool - SLP command line tool
slregister - receive status updates from a SooperLooper engine
slrnface - show X-Faces in X11 terminal emulator
slrn - An easy to use NNTP / spool based newsreader.
slrnpull - Pull a small newsfeed for offline reading.
slsh - Interpreter for S-Lang scripts
slugimage - Manipulate NSLU2 firmware images
slurm - yet another network load monitor
slurm - SLURM system overview.
slxdecode - Decode a SLX stream into human readable form.
smap - graphically view information about SLURM jobs, partitions, and
smart-notifier - dbus service and graphical disk health notifier
smascii - smascii
smbcacls - Set or get ACLs on an NT file or directory names
smbc - Text mode SMB network commander.
smbclient - ftp-like client to access SMB/CIFS resources on servers
smbcontrol - send messages to smbd, nmbd or winbindd processes
smbcquotas - Set or get QUOTAs of NTFS 5 shares
smbcrc - configuration file for Smbc
smbget - wget-like utility for download files over SMB
smb-nat - NetBIOS Auditing Tool
smbnetfs - User-space filesystem for SMB/NMB (Windows) network servers
smbstatus - report on current Samba connections
smbtar - shell script for backing up SMB/CIFS shares directly to UNIX
smbtorture - Run a series of tests against a SMB server
smbtree - A text based smb network browser
smd-applet - graphical interface for smd-pull
smd-client - receives diffs and performs actions
smd-loop - iterates smd-pull and smd-push
smd-pull - syncs the local mail dir letting the remote one untouched
smd-push - syncs the remote mail dir letting the local one untouched
smd-server - sends diffs and mails to smd-client
smew - search related messages from Mew’s database file
smfplay - play a standard MIDI file
smfrec - record a standard MIDI file
smfsh - SMF shell
sm - Command-line interface to the INN storage manager
smicache - caching method for use with libsmi
smidiff - check differences between a pair of SMI or SPPI modules
smidump - dump SMI or SPPI modules in various formats
smil2raw - Convert a Kino smil project or compatible media files to Raw
smil2wav - Convert a Raw DV stream to a WAV.
smil2yuv - Convert a Raw DV stream to Raw YUV.
smilint - syntax and semantic checks of SMIv1/v2 and SPPI modules
SMIL Utils - A collection of utilities based on kino's SMIL project
smime_keys - Utility to add S/MIME certificate to the internal database
smiquery - query single information from SMI MIB modules
smistrip - extract MIB or PIB modules from text files, like RFCs or I-
smix - A Simple LINUX Mixer Program
smixlate - translate SMI/SPPI identifiers
sml - SML compiler
smogrify - Video editing command for LiVES
smokeping.cgi - SmokePing webfrontend
smokeping - Commandline tool for SmokePing
SmoothImage - part of ANTS registration suite
smpeg-config - script to get information about the installed version of
SMPlayer - The best GUI frontend for MPlayer
smproxy - Session Manager Proxy
sms_address - Lookup and expand an sms_client address.
smsaddr - Address book for sms command
sms_client - send messages to mobiles and pagers.
sms - Send SMs via Polish GSM operators
smtpdcheck - check SMTP servers
srvsearch, sync_srvsearch, smtpsearch, sync_smtpsearch, httpsearch, -
smtp-sink - multi-threaded SMTP/LMTP test server
smtp-source - multi-threaded SMTP/LMTP test generator
smtptest - interactive SMTP test program
smujajgau - Dictionary builder for use with jbofihe and cmafihe
smyrna - interactive graph viewer
snacc-config - script to get information about the installed version of
snacc - ASN.1 to C, C++ or type table Compiler
snappea - for creating and studying hyperbolic 3-manifolds
snappea - for creating and studying hyperbolic 3-manifolds
snarf - Simple Non-interactive All-purpose Resource Fetcher
sndfile-cmp - compares two audio files
sndfile-concat - concatenates two or more audio files
sndfile-convert - convert a sound files from one format to another
sndfile-interleave - convert multiple single channel files into a
sndfile-generate-chirp - generate a sound file containing a chirp
sndfile-info - display information about a sound file
sndfile-interleave - convert multiple single channel files into a
sndfile-jackplay - play a sound file via the JACK sound server
sndfile-metadata-get - retrieve metadata from a sound file
sndfile-metadata-get - retrieve metadata from a sound file
sndfile-mix-to-mono - mix a multi-channel sound file to mono
sndfile-play - play a sound file
sndfile-resample - convert an audio file from one sample rate to
sndfile-spectrogram - generate a spectrogram from an input sound file
snd - a sound editor
sndinfo - Displays information about a soundfile. .
snes9x - Super Nintendo Entertainment System emulator
sng - compiler/decompiler for Scriptable Network Graphics
sn - Digitally sign/verify/compare strongnames on CLR assemblies.
skill, snice - send a signal or report process status
snimpy - interactive SNMP tool with Python
snmpbulkget - communicates with a network entity using SNMP GETBULK
snmpbulkwalk - retrieve a subtree of management values using SNMP
snmpcmd - options and behaviour common to most of the Net-SNMP command-
snmpconf - creates and modifies SNMP configuration files
snmpdelta - Monitor delta differences in SNMP Counter values
snmpdf - display disk space usage on a network entity via SNMP
snmpget - communicates with a network entity using SNMP GET requests
snmpgetnext - communicates with a network entity using SNMP GETNEXT
snmptrap, snmpinform - sends an SNMP notification to a manager
snmpnetstat - display networking status and configuration information
snmpset - communicates with a network entity using SNMP SET requests
snmpstatus - retrieves a fixed set of management information from a
snmptable - retrieve an SNMP table and display it in tabular form
snmptest - communicates with a network entity using SNMP requests
snmptranslate - translate MIB OID names between numeric and textual
snmptrap, snmpinform - sends an SNMP notification to a manager
snmpusm - creates and maintains SNMPv3 users on a network entity
snmpvacm - creates and maintains SNMPv3 View-based Access Control
snmpwalk - retrieve a subtree of management values using SNMP GETNEXT
snooper - a utility for capturing data flowing between serial devices
snort2dlf - convert Snort logs to firewall DLF
sd-eng, sd-engf, sd-c - text watermarking and watermark recovery - Inserts SNP data into MIPE file - Adds pos_design to SNP - Adds pos_source to SNP
ctn_manpage - Generic CTN manual page
sntop - top-like console network status tool
soapcpp2 - the gSOAP Stub and Skeleton Compiler for C and C++
soapsuds - Mono's Remoting Proxy Generator
sobby - a dedicated server for collaborative editing
socat - Multipurpose relay (SOcket CAT)
sockdebug - Creates a UNIX domain socket prints all received data to
sockdown - shutdown(2) a socket
socket2socket - useful tiny application to connect two sockets
socket - create a TCP or a UNIX domain socket and connect to stdin/out
sockpol - Socket Policy Server for Moonlight 2+
socks4test - attempt to use SOCKS 4 to relay to a DSBL-complaint host
socks5test - attempt to use SOCKS 5 to relay to a DSBL-complaint host
rfinger - SOCKS client version of finger
socksify - dynamically SOCKSifies a program
sockstat - list open sockets
socnetv - Visualize and analyze social networks
soelim - interpret .so requests in groff input
sofa - SOFA GUI
softbeep - Software Bell for Linux
softhsm - support tool for libsofthsm
softhsm-keyconv - converting between BIND and PKCS#8 key file formats
software-center - manage software
software-properties-gtk - Software Sources List editor
software-properties-kde - Software Sources List editor
solarwinds - mesmerizing particle effects saver.
solfege - GPL’ed ear training software
solterm - An IPMI Serial over LAN program
somaplayer_configure - the somaplayer configure script
somaplayer_controller - the remote controller of somaplayer
somaplayer - the default player for soma
some_modes - generate common Modelines for Xorg and fbset
somnec - Compute Sommerfield-Norton Ground Grids
sonata - GTK+ client for the Music Player Daemon
Songwrite - A tablature editor
SooperLooper - looping sampler
soqt-config - Display SoQt Library Configuration
sortbyquote - sort C/C++ code by quoted regions
sort-dctrl - sort Debian control files
sorter - Sort files in an image into categories based on file type
sorterr — re-sort .err file by various criteria -
sort - sort lines of text files
sortmail - classify incoming mail
sortm - sort messages
sort-pictures - sort pictures according to exif date
sorune — a Neuros database manager -
soundconverter - convert sound files to other formats
soundinfo - Describes parts of the Linux Sound system support
sound-juicer - GNOME-desktop CD ripper and player using GStreamer
soundstretch - audio processing utility
Source-highlight - convert source code to syntax highlighted document
source-highlight-ide - A Qt4 IDE for GNU Source-Highlight.
Source-highlight-settings - utility that can be used to write a
SoX - Sound eXchange, the Swiss Army knife of audio manipulation
SoXI - Sound eXchange Information, display sound file metadata
soya_editor - small 3D editor for soya
spamassassin2dlf - convert SpamAssassins log into Lire spamfilter DLF
spamass-milter - sendmail milter for passing emails through SpamAssassin
spamc - client for spamd
spam - an SGML markup stream editor
spamoracle - a spam classification tool
spamprobe - A Bayesian spam filter
spamtrap - read mail from stdin and test
sparse - Semantic Parser for C
SPASS - automated theorem prover for full first-order logic with
spatch - apply a semantic patch file to a set of C files
spawg - a simple previewer
spawn-fcgi - Spawns FastCGI processes
spawn-fcgi - Spawns FastCGI processes
spawx11 - the Simplest Previewer with Anti-aliasing in the World for
pax - portable archive interchange
spc - colorize and print to standard output
spctoppm - convert an Atari compressed Spectrum file into a portable
spd-conf - A simple tool for basic configuration of Speech Dispatcher
speaker-test - command-line speaker test tone generator for ALSA
speakupconf - script to load/save all the vars in speakup
spec1.9.1 - execute RSpec specifications with Ruby 1.9.1
spec - execute RSpec specifications
specimen - MIDI controlled sampler
xspect, vgaspect - ZX Spectrum emulator
speech-tools - Programs for audio and speech manipulation
specto - an unobtrusive event notification system
spectool_curses — Utility for developing other tools using the Wi-Spy -
spectool_gtk — 2.4 GHz spectrum analysis using the Wi-Spy -
spectool_net — Network server for the spectool_gtk program -
spectool_raw — Utility for developing other tools using the Wi-Spy -
spectre - WebGUI’s workflow and scheduling.
speechd-up - A Speakup interface daemon.
speech-tools - Programs for audio and speech manipulation
SpeedCrunch - A speed calculator in QT.
speedometer - measure and display the rate of data across a network
speexdec - The reference implementation speex decoder.
speexenc - The reference implementation speex encoder.
spe — Platform independent pluggable Python IDE -
spell - GNU spell, a Unix spell emulator
spent - print SGML entity on the standard output
perl - Practical Extraction and Report Language
spew - measures I/O performance and/or generates I/O load
spflooder - Spread Performance Test Client
spfmilter - pure-Python SPF milter
spfqtool — command-line SPF query tool -
spfquery, spfquery.libspf2 - checks if an IP address is an SPF-
spfquery.pyspf - pure-Python spfquery script
sp-gxmlcpp-test - Run unit tests on libsp-gxmlcpp functionality.
sp-gxmlcpp-xsltproc - Example program to demonstrate libsp-gxmlcpp XSL
sphinx-autogen - generate ReStructuredText using autosummary directives
sphinx-build - Sphinx documentation generator tool
sphinx_cepview - View acoustic feature files
sphinx_cont_adseg - Read audio from the audio device and segment it
sphinx_cont_fileseg - Segment a waveform file into non-silence regions
sphinx_fe - Convert audio files to acoustic feature files
sphinx_jsgf2fsg - Convert JSGF grammar to Sphinx FSG file
sphinx_lm_eval - Evaluate perplexity of a transcription
sphinx_lm_sort - Order N-Grams in a language model for Sphinx
sphinx_pitch - Extract pitch from audio files
sphinx-quickstart - Sphinx documentation template generator
SPICCTRL - Sony Vaio SPIC control program
spidey - align mRNA sequences to a genome
spikeproxy - web application auditing tool
spim - A MIPS32 Simulator
SPINE - High-speed polling agent for cacti
spinner - Sends small packets over a idle link
spip_*_site - commands for creating/removing spip sites
spip_*_site - commands for creating/removing spip sites
spip_*_site - commands for creating/removing spip sites
spirographx - animated spirographs
diagnostics, splain - produce verbose warning diagnostics
splat An RF Signal Propagation, Loss, And Terrain analysis tool -
somaplayer - the default player for soma
splay - MPEG-1,2 Audio layer 1,2,3 file player
spline - interpolate datasets using splines under tension
splint - A tool for statically checking C programs
split2po - Creates a po file from two DocBook XML files
splitdiff - separate out incremental patches
splitdns323fw - extract data from DNS-323 (and other) firmware images
splitfont - extract characters from an ISO-type font.
split - split a file into pieces
splitindex - manual page for splitindex 0.2a
splitkeys - split an OpenPGP keyring
splitlog - split WWW server (httpd) access logfiles
splitout_tdeb - splits out a Debian TDeb from a .deb on-the-fly
splitshp - Split Shape into frames or combine frames into Shapes
splitvt - run two shells in a split window
splitwd - Collect several text-form dictionary files into a single file
spmonitor - Spread Monitoring and Adminstration client
sponge - soak up standard input and write to a file
spread - Multicast Group Communication Daemon
springgraph - renders a graph from a .dot file
sprio - view the factors that comprise a job’s scheduling priority
sprof - Read and display shared object profiling data
spumux - generates and multiplexes subtitles into an existing mpeg2
spuser - Spread Group Communication Client
sputnik - utility to create sputnik based cgi or wsapi files
sputoppm - convert an Atari uncompressed Spectrum file into a portable
spuunmux — demultiplexes subtitles from an existing mpeg2 program -
spwg - a simple previewer
spwx11 - the Simplest Previewer in the World for X11
spx11 - a Simple Previewer for X11
spyder - Spyder is an integrated development environment integrating
spydr - GUI for Image display and analysis with yorick
qcam, xqcam - get pictures from Byyyyyamp;W Connectix QuickCam(tm)
sqcwa - workarround for Squid to not cache some pages
sq - squeeze a sorted word list unsq
*_count - count physical lines of code, in each input file
sqlgrey - Postfix Greylisting Policy Server - SQLgrey log parser
sqlite3 - A command line interface for SQLite version 3
sqlitebrowser - light GUI editor for SQLite databases
sqlite - A command line interface for SQLite
sqliteman - GUI SQL admin tool
sqlline - JDBC command-line utility for issuing SQL
sqlmap - automatic SQL injection tool
sqlobject-admin - manage your database as defined with SQLObject
sqlr-config-gtk - SQL Relay configuration GUI
sqlrsh - interactive query tool for SQL Relay
sqlsharp - Mono SQL Query command-line tool
sqsh - Interactive database shell
squadt - interactive integration of software tools
sines, squares - creates a spatial sine or square wave form
squeak - Unix Squeak virtual machine launcher
Squeeze - modern and advanced archive manager for Xfce
squeue - view information about jobs located in the SLURM scheduling
squidclient -- a simple HTTP web client -
squidGuard - Filter and redirector plugin for Squid and Squid3
squidview - program to monitor your squid’s access.log
squiggle - browser for SVG files
rancid - Cisco configuration filter
src2tex - a converter from source program files to TeX format files
src2man - extract man pages from source files.
src2tex - a converter from source program files to TeX format files
srch_strings - Display printable strings in files
srconv - Converts the sample rate of an audio file. .
srda-landscape - Command line interface to srda-landscape in mlpy
srec2fw - convert from SREC format to linux kernel format
srec_cat - manipulate EPROM load files
srec_cmp - compare two EPROM load files for equality
srec_examples - examples of how to use SRecord
srec_info - information about EPROM load files
srec_input - input file specifications
sreformat - convert sequence file to different format
sreport - Generate reports from the slurm accounting data.
srf2fasta - Converts SRF files to fasta format
srf2fastq - Converts SRF files to Sanger fastq format
srf_index_hash - Adds a hash-table index to an SRF file.
srf_info - Lists information about the contents of an SRF file
srf_list - Lists and/or counts the contents of an SRF file
srg - A fast and flexible log analyser for the Squid proxy
surfraw - a fast unix command line interface to WWW services
srm - secure remove (secure_deletion toolkit)
srp_daemon - Discovers SRP targets in an InfiniBand Fabric
srp-gen - generate a password verifier for the SRP protocol.
srptool - Simple SRP password tool
srun_cr - run parallel jobs with checkpoint/restart support
srun - Run parallel jobs
srvsearch, sync_srvsearch, smtpsearch, sync_smtpsearch, httpsearch, -
ssake - assembling millions of very short DNA sequences
sscm - A Scheme Interpreter
ssconvert - a command line spreadsheet format converter
ssdeep - Computes context triggered piecewise hashes
ssed - super sed stream editor version 3.61
sselp - simple print selection
ssfe - split-screen front-end - library of shell script frontend functions
ssgrep - search spreadsheets for strings
ssh2rpd - ROOT utility to help in authentication
ssh-add - adds RSA or DSA identities to the authentication agent
ssh-agent - authentication agent
sshare - Tool for listing the shares of associations to a cluster.
ssh-argv0 - replaces the old ssh command-name as hostname handling
ssh-askpass-fullscreen - A simple replacement for ssh-askpass written
ssh-conv - script to convert OpenSSH/SSH2 keys to lsh format
ssh-copy-id - install your public key in a remote machine’s
sshfp - Generate SSHFP DNS records from knownhosts files or ssh-keyscan
SSHFS - filesystem client based on ssh
ssh - OpenSSH SSH client (remote login program)
ssh-import-id - retrieve one or more public keys from a public
ssh-import-id - retrieve one or more public keys from a public
ssh-keygen - authentication key generation, management and conversion
ssh-keyscan - gather ssh public keys
sshmenu - GNOME applet for connecting to hosts using SSH.
sshmenu - GNOME applet for connecting to hosts using SSH.
sshm - A little command-line tool to manage your ssh servers
sshpass - noninteractive ssh password provider
ssvnc - a GUI wrapper for SSL and SSH VNC connections.
ssh-vulnkey - check blacklist of compromised keys
ssid - simple setsid
ssindex - generate index data for spreadsheet files
ssldump - dump SSL traffic on a network
sslscan - Fast SSL scanner
sslsniff - SSL/TLS man-in-the-middle attack tool
ssmping - check if you can receive IPv4/IPv6 multicast data from an
ssmping - check if you can receive IPv4/IPv6 multicast data from an
coqtop - The Coq Proof Assistant toplevel system
ssss - Split and Combine Secrets using Shamir’s Secret Sharing Scheme.
ssss - Split and Combine Secrets using Shamir’s Secret Sharing Scheme.
ssss - Split and Combine Secrets using Shamir’s Secret Sharing Scheme.
sstat - Display various status information of a running job/step.
ssvnc - a GUI wrapper for SSL and SSH VNC connections.
ssvncviewer - an X viewer client for VNC
sswap - secure swap wiper (secure_deletion toolkit)
st4topgm - convert an SBIG ST4 format file into a portable graymap
StackSlices - part of ANTS registration suite
stalin - A global optimizing compiler for Scheme
stalonetray - stand-alone system tray (notification area)
stapgraph - systemtap grapher
stap - systemtap script translator/driver
starconvert - convert text data files to StarPlot format
stardict-editor - program to edit, compile and decompile stardict
StarDict - A Cross-Platform and international dictionary written in
star - unique standard tape archiver
starpkg - convert a StarPlot data set to StarPlot file format
starplot - view 3d perspective maps of stars
bristol - a synthesiser emulation package.
ctn_manpage - Generic CTN manual page
e-utils - enlightement utilities
start_embedded - OTP start script example for Unix
startfluxbox - start a fluxbox session
fontypython - Find, view and manage font files of all kinds.
Groovy - Agile dynamic language for the Java Virtual Machine
ctn_manpage - Generic CTN manual page
ctn_manpage - Generic CTN manual page
ctn_manpage - Generic CTN manual page
ctn_manpage - Generic CTN manual page
ctn_manpage - Generic CTN manual page
startkde - Starts up the KDE Desktop Environment
startlazarus - starts lazarus program. fpdoc.
startlxde -program for... -
startme-1.4 — Crystalspace tool -
ctn_manpage - Generic CTN manual page
ctn_manpage - Generic CTN manual page
ctn_manpage - Generic CTN manual page
starttls - TLS encryption helper program
STARTUPMANAGER - Grub, Usplash and Splash screen configuration
start_webtool - WebTool Start Script
startxfce4 - initialize an Xfce session
startx - initialize an X session
statcvs - CVS Repository statistic analysis tool, written in Java
statd - Trivial statistics daemon
states - awk alike text processing tool
statgrab - sysctl-style interface to system statistics
statgrab-make-mrtg-config - generates MRTG configuration
statgrab-make-mrtg-index - generates MRTG configuration
stat - display file or file system status
statnet,statnetd - views the statistics of Ethernet and PLIP/PPP/SLIP
statnet,statnetd - views the statistics of Ethernet and PLIP/PPP/SLIP
statnews - generate some useful statistics out of a newsgroup
statserial - display serial port modem status lines
statsvn - SVN repository statistic analysis tool
stda - Simple Tools for Data Analysis (STDA)
stdbuf - Run COMMAND, with modified buffering operations for its
stealth - Stealthy File Integrity Scanner
steghide - a steganography program
stellarium - A real-time realistic planetarium
stemwords - Snowball word stemming utility
stenvironment - create StepTalk environment process
stepic - Python image steganography
Stepulator - scientific calculator implementing RPN notation
stereo3d - render a Raster3D scene as a side-by-side stereo pair
stereo-calib-gui - GUI program to calibrate stereo pairs with a
stereograph - stereogram generator
stexec - execute StepTalk script (in GNUstep-base environment)
stg-branch - Branch operations: switch, list, create, rename, delete,
stg-clean - Delete the empty patches in the series
stg-clone - Make a local clone of a remote repository
stg-commit - Permanently store the applied patches into the stack base
stg-delete - Delete patches
stg-diff - Show the tree diff
stg-edit - edit a patch description or diff
stg-export - Export patches to a directory
stg-files - Show the files modified by a patch (or the current patch)
stg-float - Push patches to the top, even if applied
stg-fold - Integrate a GNU diff patch into the current patch
stg-goto - Push or pop patches to the given one
stg-hide - Hide a patch in the series
stg - Manage stacks of patches using the Git content tracker
stg-id - Print the git hash value of a StGit reference
stg-import - Import a GNU diff file as a new patch
stg-init - Initialise the current branch for use with StGIT
stg-log - Display the patch changelog
stg-mail - Send a patch or series of patches by e-mail
stg-new - Create a new, empty patch
stg-next - Print the name of the next patch
stg-patches - Show the applied patches modifying a file
stg-pick - Import a patch from a different branch or a commit object
stg-pop - Pop one or more patches from the stack
stg-prev - Print the name of the previous patch
stg-publish - Push the stack changes to a merge-friendly branch
stg-pull - Pull changes from a remote repository
stg-push - Push one or more patches onto the stack
stg-rebase - Move the stack base to another point in history
stg-redo - Undo the last undo operation
stg-refresh - Generate a new commit for the current patch
stg-rename - Rename a patch
stg-repair - Fix StGit metadata if branch was modified with git
stg-reset - Reset the patch stack to an earlier state
stg-series - Print the patch series
stg-show - Show the commit corresponding to a patch
stg-sink - Send patches deeper down the stack
stg-squash - Squash two or more patches into one
stg-status - Show the tree status
stg-sync - Synchronise patches with a branch or a series
stg-top - Print the name of the top patch
stg-uncommit - Turn regular git commits into StGit patches
stg-undo - Undo the last operation
stg-unhide - Unhide a hidden patch
stk-demo - Sound Synthesis Toolkit demo application
stl2gts - convert an STL file to GTS format.
stompserver - Stomp protocol messaging server
stone - a simple TCP/IP packet repeater
ctn_manpage - Generic CTN manual page
stopmotion - a program for creating stop-motion animations
ctn_manpage - Generic CTN manual page
ctn_manpage - Generic CTN manual page - checks if a file in the backup is missing - converts old backups created with - this program deletes backups created by storeBackup - evaluates the disk usage in one or more backup - fancy compressing managing checksumming hard-linking - Lists backup directories generated with - runs storeBackup backing up to an nfs mount - recovers files saved with - locates different versions of a file saved with - updates / finalizes backups created by - locates different versions of a file saved
storescp - DICOM storage (C-STORE) SCP
storescu - DICOM storage (C-STORE) SCU
strace - trace system calls and signals
strace - trace system calls and signals
stranslate - translate a nucleic acid sequence to protein ORFs
gerris2D, gerris2D3, gerris3D - the Gerris flow solver simulation
streamer - record audio and/or video
stream - a lightweight tool to stream one or more pixel components of
liq-contrib - contributed scripts for the liquidsoap audio streaming
streamripper - rip shoutcast radio streams to mp3 files
streamtuner - a GUI audio stream directory browser
stream_type - attempt to determine if an input stream is TS, PS, or ES
stressapptest - stress test application for simulating high load
stress - tool to impose load on and stress test systems
strfile - create a random access file for storing strings
strigger - Used set, get or clear Slurm trigger information.
strings - print the strings of printable characters in files.
strip - Discard symbols from object files.
stripserver - Strip a server from hardware related packages and files
strip_stx - a simple literate programming tool
strobe - Super optimised TCP port surveyor
stroq - StroQ A Polarium/Chokkan Hitofude clone
structure-synth - application for creating 3D structures
stshell - StepTalk shell
st_snapshot.hourly - wrapper for st_snapshot
st_snapshot - calculate checksum and stat ownership and permissions of
stterm - simple terminal implementation for X
stty - change and print terminal line settings
student-control-panel - program to manage LTSP connections
stumpish - the StumpWM Interactive SHell
stumpwm - a Common Lisp window manager
stunc - STUN test client. STUN test client
stun - test client for STUN
stx2any - converter from structured text to multiple formats
styx — A combined parser and scanner generator -
style - analyse surface characteristics of a document
styx — A combined parser and scanner generator -
styx — A combined parser and scanner generator -
sub2po - convert subtitle files to Gettext PO localization files
subcommander - Graphical subversion client.
subdownloader - the subtitle downloader
subfuse - merge Genbank submissions
submerge - Graphical merge tool for text files.
submittodebian - submit changes in Debian source tree to Debian
subp2pgm - convert VobSub DVD subtitles into pgm files and xml
subptools - manipulates xml subtitles files
subst - substitute definitions into file(s)
sub_system_coordinator - program that coordinate all the narval actors.
subtitlecomposer - A KDE subtitle editor.
subtitleeditor - Graphical subtitle editor with sound waves
subtitles - display subtitles within xawtv.
suck - Pull a small newsfeed from an NNTP server, avoiding the NEWNEWS
sucrack is a multithreaded Linux/UNIX tool for brute-force cracking of -
sudoku_generator - generate and solve Sudoku puzzles
su - change user ID or become superuser
perl - Practical Extraction and Report Language
sum - checksum and count the blocks in a file
sunclock - a fancy clock for the X Window system, providing local time
sundancer2 - rotating stack of quads.
sundials-config - returns required flags for linking to SUNDIALS
sunflow - rendering system for photo-realistic image synthesis
sup-mail - Sup, a thread-centric mailer with tagging and fast search
sup-mail - Sup, a thread-centric mailer with tagging and fast search
sup-mail - Sup, a thread-centric mailer with tagging and fast search
sup-mail - Sup, a thread-centric mailer with tagging and fast search
superformat - format floppies
super - execute commands setuid root.
supernode - n2n supernode daemon
sup - software upgrade protocol
sup-mail - Sup, a thread-centric mailer with tagging and fast search
sup-mail - Sup, a thread-centric mailer with tagging and fast search
sup-mail - Sup, a thread-centric mailer with tagging and fast search
sup-mail - Sup, a thread-centric mailer with tagging and fast search
sup-mail - Sup, a thread-centric mailer with tagging and fast search
supybot-adduser - Adds a user to a Supybot users.conf file
supybot-botchk - A script to start Supybot if it’s not already running.
supybot - A robust and user friendly Python IRC bot
supybot-plugin-create - A wizard for creating Supybot plugins
supybot-plugin-doc - Generates the documentation for a Supybot plugin
supybot-test - Runs the test suite for a Supybot plugin
supybot-wizard - A wizard for creating Supybot configuration files
SurfaceBasedSmoothing - part of ANTS registration suite
SurfaceCurvature - part of ANTS registration suite
surfraw - a fast unix command line interface to WWW services
surfraw-update-path - updates PATH in shell config files
survex - cave survey software
suspicious-source - search for files that are not the GPL's "preferred
su-to-root - A simple script to give an ‘interactive’ front-end to su.
sux - wrapper around su which will transfer your X credentials
sux - wrapper around su which will transfer your X credentials
svdir - Find daemontools service directory
svdrpsend - Sends commands to VDR
svg2xaml - SVG to XAML conversion utility
svgakeymap - generates keymaps for svgalib
svgpp - pretty-printer for SVG files
sview - graphical user interface to view and modify SLURM state.
svinfo - Get infos about a supervised process
svinitd-create - Create an init.d-script for a supervised process
svinitd - init.d wrapper for daemontools services
vlc, qvlc, svlc, nvlc, rvlc, cvlc - the VLC media player
svm-checkdata - a LIBSVM format checking tool
svm-easy - an automatic script for LIBSVM
svm-grid - a parameter selection tool for LIBSVM
svm-landscape - Command line interface to svm-landscape in mlpy
svm-predict - make predictions based on a trained SVM model file and
svm-scale - scale data to a restricted range as preprocessing for SVM
svm-subset - a subset selection tool for LIBSVM
svm-train - train one or more SVM instance(s) on a given data set to
svn2cl - Create a ChangeLog from a subversion log.
svn2revisioninc - The Lazarus utility to create file from
svnadmin - Subversion repository administration tool
svn-autoreleasedeb - Automatic Release of debian packages from
svn-backup-dumps - Create dumpfiles to backup a subversion repository.
svn-bisect - Bisect Subversion revisions to find a regression
svn-buildpackage - build Debian packages from SVN repository
svn-clean - Wipes out unversioned files from Subversion working copy
svn-do - export a source and run a command inside the source.
svndumpfilter - Filter a subversion repository ’dumpfile’.
svn-fast-backup - very fast backup for Subversion fsfs repositories.
xxdiff-scripts - Tools that allow automation of tasks with xxdiff
svn-hot-backup - perform a "hot" backup of a Berkeley DB repository.
svn - Subversion command line client tool
svn-inject - puts a Debian source package into Subversion repository
svn_load_dirs - Load directories into a Subversion repository
svnlook - Subversion repository examination tool
svn-mailer - A feature rich subversion commit notification tool
svnpath - output svn url with support for tags and branches
svn-pdebuild-cross - simple svn-buildpackage wrapper for crossbuild
svnsync - Subversion repository synchronization tool
cvstrac - Low-ceremony bug tracker for projects under CVS
svn-upgrade - upgrade source package from a new upstream revision
svnversion - Produce a compact version number for a working copy.
svnwrap - Umask wrapper for subversion client commands
svpw - enter/delete the supervisor password on a Toshiba laptop.
svsetup - Service setup tool for daemontools
svxedit — enter survey data -
swab: - Mirrors yyyyylt;word-sizeyyyyygt; bytes, in the case of 2, it swaps adjacent
swac-explore - audio collections of words (SWAC) explorer
swac-get - audio collections of words (SWAC) manager
swac-play - simple audio player for audio collections of words (SWAC)
swac-scan - metatags scanner for SWAC audio collections
swaks - Swiss Army Knife SMTP, the all-purpose smtp transaction tester
SWAML - Semantic Web Archive of Mailing Lists
swappo - swap msgid and msgstr fields in a PO file
SwapValuation - Example of using QuantLib
swarp - simple pointer warp
swath - General-purpose Thai word segmentation utility
sweepgen - an Ncurses based sweep generator program
Sweep - a sound wave editor
sweethome3d - Interior 2D design application with 3D preview
swfdec-player - Viewer for Flash files
swfdec-thumbnailer - Create a thumbnail for a Flash file
swfmill - XML-based SWF (Shockwave Flash) processing tool
swgen - a simple swept frequency signal generator
swig - Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator
swipl - SWI-Prolog 5.8.2
SWISH-CONFIG - Configuration File Directives
Swish-e - A Search Engine
SWISH-FAQ - The Swish-e FAQ. Answers to Common Questions
SWISH-LIBRARY - Interface to the Swish-e C library
SWISH-RUN - Running Swish-e and Command Line Switches
Swish-e - A Search Engine
swisswatch - the mother of all X Toolkit clocks
switch_adf_log - switch general log subsystem settings
switchbench - Xenomai latency test for task switches
switch_module - switch RSBAC module on/off or enable/disable global or
switchsh - wrapper bind-mount’ing bash as /bin/sh
switchtest - Xenomai context switch test
swordfish - high-level persistent key-value database
swscanner — Wireless networks manager for KDE -
sx, sb, sz - XMODEM, YMODEM, ZMODEM file send
sxid - check for changes in s[ug]id files and directories
sxpm - Show an XPM (X PixMap) file and/or convert XPM 1 or 2 files to
sxr-server - the Synopsis Cross-Reference http server. Allows users to
unoconv - convert any document from and to any OpenOffice supported
odt2txt - a simple converter from OpenDocument Text to plain text
syldbimport - command to import messages to database for sylph-searcher
syldbquery - command to query messages from database
claws-mail - a GTK+ based fast email and news client
sylpheed - Light weight e-mail client using GTK+
sylph-searcher - Full-text search program for Sylpheed
sylseg-sk - segments a Slovak words in to the sylables
sylseg-sk-training - train the statistic for the syllabic segmentation
symb2po - Convert Symbian localisation files to Gettext PO localization
symcryptrun - Call a simple symmetric encryption tool
symlinks - symbolic link maintenance utility
symphony - mixed-integer linear program (MILP) solver
synaesthesia - visual sound display
syncbbdb-bootstrap - synchronize BBDB with Palm device
synccompare - normalize or compare addressbook files
synce-clean-partnerships - Remove device partnerships
synce-configure-bindings - Configure binding configuration
synce-create-partnership - Create a partnership between device and
synce-delete-partnership - Delete device partnership
synce-in-computer-folder - Manages SynCE icon into the Computer folder
synce-install-cab - install .cab file
synce-kpm - KDE device manager for Windows Mobile Devices
synce-list-partnerships - List device partnerships
synce-list-programs - shows a list of all installed programs
synce-matchmaker - Configure/view a device’s partnership status
pcp - copy files
pkillall - kill all running applications on a PDA
pls - list directory contents
pmkdir - make directory
pmv - move (rename) files
prmdir - remove an empty directory
prm - remove file
prun - run program
psettime - synchronize the time on a PDA with the local computer
pshortcut - create a shortcut
pstatus - show device status
synce-registry - read or modify the registry on a PDA
synce-remove-program - removes a program from your device
synce-sync-engine - SyncEngine for SynCE
synce-trayicon - Gnome system tray app for SynCE
SyncEvolution - synchronize personal information management (PIM) using
sync - flush file system buffers
srvsearch, sync_srvsearch, smtpsearch, sync_smtpsearch, httpsearch, -
synclient - commandline utility to query and modify Synaptics driver
syncmail - Send email notifications of CVS activity
syncml-ds-tool - A SyncML Data Synchronization tool for Unix. The
syncpackage - helper to prepare .changes file to upload synced packages
srvsearch, sync_srvsearch, smtpsearch, sync_smtpsearch, httpsearch, -
srvsearch, sync_srvsearch, smtpsearch, sync_smtpsearch, httpsearch, -
synctex - command line client tool to support the Synchronize TeXnology
sync-ui - Graphical interface to syncevolution SyncML client
syndaemon - a program that monitors keyboard activity and disables the
synergyc — synergy client -
synergys — synergy server -
synfig-config - Get information about the installed version of synfig
synfig - 2D vector animation package
synfigstudio - Launch the Synfig animation studio
synopsis - simple frontend to the Synopsis framework, a multi-language
synos - guess operating system from TCP SYN fingerprint
syrep - A file repository synchronization tool
syrthes2ensight - Convert Syrthes geometry and result files to Ensight
syrthes_create_case - Create a new Syrthes case
sysbench - A modular, cross-platform and multi-threaded benchmark tool.
sysconftoolcheck - check a sysconftool configuration file
sysconftool - install configuration files
sysconftoolize - add sysconftool support to your package
sysdata - find basic hardware system data
sys - Reports the compile-time CPU/operating system type
syslinux2ansi - converts a syslinux-format screen to pc-ansi
syslinux - install the SYSLINUX bootloader on a FAT filesystem
syslog2dlf - convert syslog log files to DLF
syslog-summary - summarize the contents of a syslog log file
SYSPROF - System-wide Linux Profiler
system3 - simulate a s3 computer
system-config-printer-applet - print job manager
system-config-printer - configure a CUPS server
systemconfigurator - configures... all Linux distributions, all Linux
SystemPreferences - edit your personal settings for GNUstep
system.rootdaemonrc, .rootdaemonrc - access control directives for ROOT
system-tools-backends - message dispatcher for system-tools-backends
systool - view system device information by bus, class, and topology
s51, savr, sz80 - 8051, AVR and Z80 microcontrollers simulator for
sx, sb, sz - XMODEM, YMODEM, ZMODEM file send
t1ascii - convert PostScript Type 1 font from binary to ASCII
t1asm - assemble PostScript Type 1 font
t1binary - convert PostScript Type 1 font from ASCII to binary
pfb2t1c - convert from binary PostScript Type1 into compressible .t1c
t1disasm - disassemble PostScript Type 1 font
t1dotlessj - create a dotless-j PostScript Type 1 font
t1lint - check a PostScript Type 1 font for correctness
t1mac - translate a PFA or PFB PostScript Type 1 font into Macintosh
t1rawafm - produce raw AFM metrics from a PostScript Type 1 font
t1reencode - reencode a PostScript Type 1 font
t1testpage - create a PostScript proof for a Type 1 font
t1unmac - translate a Mac PostScript Type 1 font into PFA or PFB format
t2p - A text to phoneme converter
TeX4ht - a system for authoring hypertext with TeX and friends
tabbed - simple generic tabbed interface
tabfunc - convert table to functions for rcalc, etc.
tableau-parm - Tableau Write-blocking Bridge Query/Command Utility
table_dispatcher - PgQ consumer that is used to write source records
tablet-encode - video converter for Nokia Internet Tablets
tablix2_benchmark - Tablix benchmark utility
tablix2 - general timetable solver
tablix2 - general timetable solver
tablix2_output - Tablix data export utility
tablix2_plot - Tablix data plotter
tablix2_test - Tablix testing framework front-end
tabs - set tabs on a terminal
tac - concatenate and print files in reverse
Tachyon - parallel ray-tracer
tack - terminfo action checker
tagcloud - visualize notes as a tagcloud
tagcoll - Perform various operations on a tagged collection
tagged-bugs - search for tagged bugs in Launchpad
taggrepper - search and match tags of media file for regular
taglog - Time Management and Recording system
tagmp3 - manipulate ID3v1 tags
tagpending - tags bugs that are to be closed in the latest changelog as
tagsoup - convert nasty, ugly HTML to clean XHTML
tagtool - a tool to tag and rename MP3 and Ogg Vorbis files.
tailf - follow the growth of a log file
tail - output the last part of files
tailor - tool to keep in sync various kinds of repository - client for LCDd, the lcdproc server
sgbdemos - Examples of the use of The Stanford GraphBase
TakTuk - a tool for large scale remote execution deployment
TalkSoup - IRC client for GNUstep
talkwith - script to easily switch speakup speech synthesizer
Tangerine - DAAP Server
Tangerine-Properties - DAAP Server configuration tool
tangle - translate WEB to Pascal
tanglet- A single player word finding game based on Boggle -
tangoGPS - GTK+ mapping and GPS application
tao_idl - Compile IDL sources for use with the ACE ORB (TAO)
tao_idl - Compile IDL sources for use with the ACE ORB (TAO)
tap2deb - create Debian packages which wrap .tap files
tap2rpm - create RPM packages which wrap .tap files
tapconvert - convert Twisted configurations from one format to another
tap-creator - emulate tap creator
tapecalc - full-screen editing calculator
hercules — System/370, ESA/390 and z/Architecture Emulator -
tapeinfo - report SCSI tape device info
hercules — System/370, ESA/390 and z/Architecture Emulator -
hercules — System/370, ESA/390 and z/Architecture Emulator -
tapeout - Output tapefiles to real tape
hercules — System/370, ESA/390 and z/Architecture Emulator -
hercules — System/370, ESA/390 and z/Architecture Emulator -
tardy - a tar post-processor
tar - The GNU version of the tar archiving utility
tartest - test tar archive for POSIX.1-1990 compliance
LinuxTaRT - generates email signatures
task - A command line todo manager.
taskjuggler - translates project descriptions into HTML or XML reports
TaskjugglerUI - a KDE graphical front-end for taskjuggler
taskset - retrieve or set a process’s CPU affinity
ytasm - TASM Frontend For The Yasm Modular Assembler
Tasque - Simple TODO list for Gnome
tatd - Tool for UML Activity Diagrams
aterm - a VT102 emulator for the X window system
tau2elg - convert TAU tracefiles to Epilog tracefiles
tau2otf - convert TAU tracefiles to OTF tracefiles for Vampir/VNG
tau2profile - convert TAU tracefiles to TAU profile files
tau2slog2 - convert TAU tracefiles to SLOG2 tracefiles
tau2vtf - convert TAU tracefiles to vampir tracefiles - Instrumenting source files.
tau_convert - convert TAU tracefiles into various alternative trace
tauex - Allows you to choose a tau/papi configuration at runtime.
tau_merge - combine multiple node and or thread TAU tracefiles into a
tau_ompcheck - Completes uncompleted do/for/parallel omp directives
tau_poe - Instruments a MPI application while it is being executed with
tau_reduce - generates selective instrumentation rules based on profile
tau_timecorrect - Corrects and reorders the records of tau trace files. - combine multiple node and or thread TAU tracefiles
tau_validate - Validates a TAU installation by performing various tests
Taxbird - The first free Elster client (German Tax Declarations)
taxbird-print-helper - support taxbird printing XHTML documents
taxblast - taxonomy-enabled BLAST
tbacklight - turn the LCD backlight on/off on a Toshiba Pentium(tm)
dbench - Measure disk throughput for simulated netbench run
dbench - Measure disk throughput for simulated netbench run
tbf2lps - convert a muCRL LPE to an mCRL2 LPS
tbl2asn - prepare a GenBank submission using an ASCII feature table
tblcvt - troffcvt preprocessor to convert tbl-format tables
tbl-dctrl - generate tabular representations of data in dctrl format
tblgen - Target Description To C++ Code Generator
tblgen - Target Description To C++ Code Generator
tblgen - Target Description To C++ Code Generator
tbl - format tables for troff
tbp-importdsc - Import a Debian source package into tla-buildpackage
tbp-importorig - Import an upstream source into tla-buildpackage
tbp-initarchive - Initialize an archive and tree for tla-buildpackage
tbp-importdsc - Mark the Debian version of the working directory in
tc2html - convert troffcvt output to Hypertext Markup Language
tc2html-toc - table of contents processor for tc2html
tc2null - diagnostic tool for troffcvt output
tc2rtf - convert troffcvt output to Rich Text Format
tc2text - convert troffcvt output to ASCII text
tca_correct - Calculate transverse chromatic aberration
Tcal - runs the Gcal program with the date of tomorrow’s day.
tcamgr - the command line utility of the abstract database API
tcamttest - test cases of the abstract database API
tcatest - test cases of the abstract database API
toast — GSM 06.10 lossy sound compression -
tcbd - Tool for UML Collaboration Diagrams
tcbmgr - the command line utility of the B+ tree database API
tcbmttest - test cases of the B+ tree database API
tcbtest - test cases of the B+ tree database API
tccat - concatenate multimedia streams from medium and print on the
tcc - Tiny C Compiler
tcdecode - read multimedia streams from medium, decode to raw format
tcdemux - demultiplex a program stream
tcd - tiny cd player
dialog - display dialog boxes from shell scripts
tcexport - Simple frontend to transcode's encoding subsystem
tcextract - read multimedia file from medium, extract or demultiplex
tcfmgr - the command line utility of the fixed-length database API
tcfmttest - test cases of the fixed-length database API
tcftest - test cases of the fixed-length database API
tchk - TenDRA static checker
tchmgr - the command line utility of the hash database API
tchmttest - test cases of the hash database API
tchtest - test cases of the hash database API
generic_count - count physical lines of code, given a comment marker
tcldocstrip - Tcl-based Docstrip Processor
tclsh - Simple shell containing Tcl interpreter
tclsh - Simple shell containing Tcl interpreter
tclsh - Simple shell containing Tcl interpreter
tclsh - Simple shell containing Tcl interpreter
tcltk-depends - calculates Tcl/Tk dependencies
tcmd - Toolkit for Conceptual Modeling Daemon
tcmdv - Toolkit for Conceptual Modeling Daemon
tcm - Toolkit for Conceptual Modeling
tcmodchain - Query compatibily of transcode modules chains.
tcmodinfo - Get and Set information in transcode modules
tcmd - Toolkit for Conceptual Modeling Daemon
tcng - Traffic control compiler
t-coffee - multiple sequence alignment
tcpbridge - Bridge network traffic across two interfaces
tcpcat - prints data from a remote host.
tcpclient - creates an outgoing TCP connection.
tcpd - Tool for UML Component Diagrams
tcpdump2xplot - converts tcpdump output to xplot input for analysis
tcpflow - TCP flow recorder
tcp_masq_openhost - Open a host for masquerading and accounting.
tcpplus - C++ to TDF/ANDF producer
tcpprep - Create a tcpreplay cache cache file from a pcap file.
tcpprof - report profile of network traffic
tcpquotatop - -
tcpreen - TCP stream monitoring tool
tcp_relay - a tcp relay
tcpreplay - Replay network traffic stored in pcap files
tcpreplay - Replay network traffic stored in pcap files
tcprewrite - Rewrite the packets in a pcap file.
tcprobe - probe multimedia streams from medium and print information on
tcprulescheck - checks tcprules
tcprules - compiles rules for tcpserver(1).
tcpser - emulate a Hayes compatible modem
tcpserver - accepts incoming TCP connections.
tcpslice - extract pieces of and/or merge together tcpdump files
tcpspray - TCP/IP bandwidth measurement tool (Discard and Echo client)
tcpspray - print average throughput for a tcp connection
tcpspray - TCP/IP bandwidth measurement tool (Discard and Echo client)
tcpstat - report network interface statistics
tcptrace - a TCP connection analysis tool
tcptraceroute - A traceroute implementation using TCP packets
tcptrack - Monitor TCP connections on the network
tcpvmexportd - transcode PVM3 export interface
tcpwatch-httpproxy - program to record your HTTP request
tcpxtract - extract files from captured network packets
tcrd - Tool for Class-Relationship Diagrams
tcrmgr - the command line utility of the remote database API
tcrmttest - test cases of the remote database API
tcrtest - test cases of the remote database API
tcscan - scan multimedia streams from medium and print information on
tcsh - C shell with file name completion and command line editing
tcs - translate character sets
tctmgr - the command line utility of the table database API
tctmttest - test cases of the table database API
tctrace - similar to traceroute, yet uses TCP SYN packets
tcttest - test cases of the table database API
tcucodec - popular encoders and decoders
tcutest - test cases of the on-memory database API
tcutest - test cases of the utility API
tcxmlcheck - Check information in smil input file
td2planet - planet implementation of ruby.
todo - a reminder/task program aimed at developers
todo - a reminder/task program aimed at developers
todo - a reminder/task program aimed at developers
tdfc2 - C to TDF/ANDF producer
tdfd - Tool for Data Flow Diagrams
td - Program for drawing geometric figures with ASCII art
tdiary-convert2 — program to convert old tDiary data to new one. -
tdiary-setup — installer to set up tdiary files for a user -
tdl2html.byte - OCaml TODO list export to HTML.
tdl - To do list manager
tdl.byte - OCaml code editor.
tdl - To do list manager
tdl_export.byte - Filter and merge xml TODO list.
tdl - To do list manager
tdl - To do list manager
tdl - To do list manager
tdl_svn.byte - Extract TODO list from Subversion log.
tdocked - return the status of the SelectBay in a docking station.
tdpd - Tool for UML Deployment Diagrams
todo - a reminder/task program aimed at developers
teachjove - learn how to use the JOVE editor
tea - text editor with syntax highlighting yyyyyamp; UTF support
teamspeak-client - a VoIP chat for online gaming.
techbook - Call the TechBook markup language interpreter
tedia2sql - Convert Dia to SQL files
tee - read from standard input and write to standard output and files
teem - simple command-line tools which provide fast and easy access to
teem-miter - A simple but effective little volume renderer
teem-mrender - A demonstration of hoover, gage, and nrrd measures.
teem-nrrdSanity - Nearly Raw Raster Data Sanity Check
teem-overrgb - Composites an RGBA nrrd over a background color.
teem-tend - Diffusion Image Processing and Analysis
teem-unu - Utah Nrrd Utilities command-line interface
teem-vprobe - Shows off the functionality of the gage library.
tefd - Tool for Data and Event Flow Diagrams
tegaki-build - build model for tegaki
tegaki-convert - convert model for tegaki
tegaki-eval - run model for tegaki
tegaki-recognize - handwriting recognition application
tegaki-train - train tegaki with your own handwriting
tei2mod - tool to convert TEI P5 source into a SWORD module
tek2plot - translate Tektronix files to other graphics formats
telak - draw local or remote pictures on your root window
telegnome - display teletext pages over the internet
write - write to another user
telepathy-inspector - Telepathy "swiss army knife" for developers
teleport - move applications between displays
telggz - GGZ Telnet Wrapper
write - write to another user
telnet - user interface to the TELNET protocol
telnet - user interface to the TELNET protocol
telnet-probe - lightweight telnet-like port probe
telnet - user interface to the TELNET protocol
tempest_for_eliza - play songs with your computer monitor and AM radio
tempest_for_eliza - play songs with your computer monitor and AM radio
tempfile - create a temporary file in a safe manner
new - A simple template system
new_proj - create a new project
templates2ada - generate Ada sources from a templates file
templatespp - preprocessor based on templates parser
tcc - User interface to the TDF system
tenletxr - forward X-connections backwards.
tepache - write a sketch of python code from a glade file
teqser - aqsis texture optimizer
terd - Tool for Entity-Relationship Diagrams
teredo-mire - Stateless Teredo IPv6 responder
Terminal - GNUstep Terminal Emulator
Terminator - Multiple GNOME terminals in one window
terminatorX - Realtime Audio Synthesizer
termnetd - Terminal Server daemon
termnet - Simple Telnet replacement
termscu - DICOM termination SCU
tesd - Tool for Entity relationShip Diagrams
teseq - Format text with terminal escapes and control sequences for
tesseract - command line OCR tool
tessrun - convenience script for running TESS scripts en masse
testcall — IAX command-line test caller. -
test_chmLib - Extracts a file out of a chm file.
testdisk - Scan and repair disk partitions
testdrive - Test Drive the current Ubuntu Development Snapshot in a VM
testhost - test the status of an NNTP news server
test - check file types and compare values
testkeys - returns SDL keycode for key pressed.
testlibraw - run basic functionality tests on libraw1394
testmxlookup - Look up mail relays for a domain
testparm - check an smb.conf configuration file for internal
test_physfs - filesystem abstraction library for game programmers
testrb1.8 - Automatic runnter for Test::Unit of Ruby
testrb1.9 - Automatic runnter for Test::Unit of Ruby
testrb1.9 - Automatic runnter for Test::Unit of Ruby
tetgen — A Quality Tetrahedral Mesh Generator -
tetradraw -- ANSI drawing utility -
tetradraw -- ANSI drawing utility -
tex2lyx - translate well-behaved LaTeX into LyX
tex2mail - TeX to ascii math prettyprinter
tex2page - makes Web pages from LaTeX and plain-TeX documents
tex2xindy - a preprocessor of the xindy index processor
TeX4ht - a system for authoring hypertext with TeX and friends
texconfig-dialog - helper program for texconfig and texconfig-sys
texconfig - configures teTeX or TeX Live
texconfig - configures teTeX or TeX Live
texdiff - Compares two (La)TeX documents to create a merged version
texdirflatten - Collects all components of a (La)TeX file in a single
texdoc - find yyyyyamp; view documentation in TeX Live
texdoctk - GUI for easier access of TeX package and program
texexec - front end to the ConTeXt typesetting system
texexpand - expand input and include statements in a TeX file
texfind - graphical tool to search for text in TeX input files
texfix - fix (or escape) a bug of ROM in some printer.
texfont - font installation tool for ConTeXt
mktexlsr - create ls-R databases
tex, virtex, initex - text formatting and typesetting
texi2dvi4a2ps - Compile Texinfo and LaTeX files to DVI or PDF
texi2dvi - convert Texinfo documents to DVI
texi2html - a Texinfo to HTML converter
texi2pdf - create a PDF file from a Texinfo file
texify - format code for use with LaTeX
texify - format code for use with LaTeX
texify - format code for use with LaTeX
texify - format code for use with LaTeX
texify - format code for use with LaTeX
texify - format code for use with LaTeX
texify - format code for use with LaTeX
texify - format code for use with LaTeX
texify - format code for use with LaTeX
texify - format code for use with LaTeX
texify - format code for use with LaTeX
texify - format code for use with LaTeX
texify - format code for use with LaTeX
texify - format code for use with LaTeX
texify - format code for use with LaTeX
texify - format code for use with LaTeX
texify - format code for use with LaTeX
texify - format code for use with LaTeX
texify - format code for use with LaTeX
texify - format code for use with LaTeX
texify - format code for use with LaTeX
texify - format code for use with LaTeX
texify - format code for use with LaTeX
texify - format code for use with LaTeX
texify - format code for use with LaTeX
texindex - sort Texinfo index files
texindy - create sorted and tagged index from raw LaTeX index
texlinks - maintain symbolic links from format to engine
luatex, texlua, texluac - An extended version of pdfTeX using Lua as an
luatex, texlua, texluac - An extended version of pdfTeX using Lua as an
GNU TeXmacs - a WYSIWYG mathematical text editor
texmaker - A Cross-Platform LaTeX Editor
texmfstart - run ConTeXt scripts, make ConTeXt wrapper scripts, view
pdftex, pdfinitex, pdfvirtex - PDF output from TeX
text2gif - A program to generate GIF images out of regular text. Text
text2pcap - Generate a capture file from an ASCII hexdump of packets
text2ps - convert text files to PostScript
text2wave - convert text to .wav files
allegro-dev-tools - collection of useful tools for Allegro developers
td - Program for drawing geometric figures with ASCII art
textedit - XView window- and mouse-based text editor
TextEdit - basic editor for GNUstep
textfmt - convert text to POSTSCRIPT(R) for facsimile transmission
texthint - Interactive Helium Haskell interpreter
savetextmode, textmode - save or restore the complete SVGA status for
textpack - Pack and unpack Flex files containing text
textdacco - text frontend for dacco dictionary
texutil - ConTeXt utility program
texvc - math equation PNG renderer
texworks - a simple TeX front-end program
tf - TinyFugue, a MUD client
tf - TinyFugue, a MUD client
tfdocgen - Tilp Framework Doc Generator
tfet - Tool for Function Entity-type Tables
tfmtodit - create font files for use with groff -Tdvi
tfQManager.torrentflux — a torrent queue manager for use with -
tfrt - Tool for Function Refinement Trees
tf-tool - Utility to acquire and to verify fingerprints
tftopl - convert TeX font metric (tfm) files to property lists
tftp - trivial file transfer program
tg-admin - TurboGears command line tool
tgainfo - display information about a Targa image
tgatoppm - convert TrueVision Targa file into a portable pixmap
tgd - Tool for Generic Diagrams
tgif - Xlib based interactive 2-D drawing facility under X11. Supports
tgt - Tool for Generic Tables
tgtt - Tool for Generic Textual Trees
tgz - makes a gzip’d tar archive
thawab-gtk - Arabic/Islamic encyclopedia system
the - The Hessling Editor.
themonospot - scan avi files
theoraenc - A simple and minimalist Ogg Theora encoder.
theora_encoder - Video encoder as part of LiVES
theorur - A simple frontend for ogg/theora streaming
Therion -- program to draw cave surveys -
loch -- Therion model viewer -
theseus_align - quick-and-dirty way to superimpose proteins
theseus - Maximum likelihood, multiple simultaneous superpositions with
dsdp5 - semidefinite program solver
thin - fast and very simple Ruby web server
thin - fast and very simple Ruby web server
thinkfan - A simple fan control program
thinkjettopbm - convert HP ThinkJet printer commands file to PBM
thoggen - Easy-to-use DVD ripper encoding into ogg/theora
ThresholdImage - part of ANTS registration suite
thtpasswd - manipulate HTTP-server password files
thuban - interactive geographic data viewer
thumbnail - create a TIFF file with thumbnail images
thumbpdf - generate thumbnail images for a PDF file created with pdftex
Thunar - File Manager for the Xfce Desktop Environment
Thunar - File Manager for the Xfce Desktop Environment
thunar-volman - controls configuration of thunar’s removable media
thunderbird -- thunderbird - Mail User Agent (MUA) and newsgroup/RSS
ticgitweb — a web interface for ticgit -
tic - the terminfo entry-description compiler
ticker - scroll messages across the screen
tictactoe - tictactoe game written in ruby
tictactoe - Fun, Simple, Tic Tac Toe game for GNOME
tide - Harmonic tide clock and tide predictor (command line client)
tidy - validate, correct, and pretty-print HTML files
tidy-proxy - small http proxy which tidies html
tie - merge or apply WEB change files
tiemu - a TI’s hand-helds emulator (m68k-based)
tiff2bw - convert a color TIFF image to greyscale
tiff2pdf - convert a TIFF image to a PDF document
tiff2ps - convert a TIFF image to PostScripttm
tiff2rgba - convert a TIFF image to RGBA color space
tiffcmp - compare two TIFF files
tiffcp - copy (and possibly convert) a TIFF file
tiffcrop - select, copy, crop, convert, extract, and/or process one or
tiffdiff - Little cms TIFF compare utility.
tiffdither - convert a greyscale image to bilevel using dithering
tiffdump - print verbatim information about TIFF files
tiffgt - display an image stored in a TIFF file (Silicon Graphics
tifficc - little cms ICC profile applier for TIFF.
tiffinfo - print information about TIFF files
tiffmedian - apply the median cut algorithm to data in a TIFF file
tiffset - set a field in a TIFF header
tiffsplit - split a multi-image TIFF into single-image TIFF files
tiffsv - save an image from the framebuffer in a TIFF file (Silicon
tifftopnm - convert a TIFF file into a portable anymap
md5deep - Compute and compare MD5 message digests
tig - text-mode interface for git
vncconnect - connect a VNC server to a VNC viewer
vncpasswd - set passwords for VNC server
vncserver - a wrapper to launch an X server for VNC.
tigr-glimmer — The program lacks a description -
tigr-glimmer — Ceates and outputs an interpolated Markov model(IMM) -
tigr-glimmer — Fine start/stop positions of genes in genome sequence -
tigr-glimmer — Find/Score potential genes in genome-file using the -
tigr-glimmer - runs various programs of the TIGR Glimmer suite
long-orfs — Find/Score potential genes in genome-file using the -
tigr-glimmer — Apply the suite of programs within glimmer3 to a a -
ti — issue tracking system built on Git -
tiki2po - Convert TikiWiki's language.php files to GetText PO files.
tilda - first person shooter console likeness terminal
tiled - general purpose tile map editor
TiLP2 - a communication program for TI calculators (’Tilp Is a Linking
speech-tools - Programs for audio and speech manipulation
speech-tools - Programs for audio and speech manipulation
time-admin - Time Administration Tool
time - run programs and summarize system resource usage
timelimit - effectively limit the absolute execution time of a process
timemachine — JACK audio recorder for spontaneous and conservatory use -
TimeMon - CPU time usage monitor
timeout - run a command with a time limit
timer-applet - a countdown timer applet for the GNOME panel
TiMidity++ - MIDI-to-WAVE converter and player
tina - personal information manager
tin, rtin - A Usenet newsreader
tint2 - lightweight panel/taskbar
tintii - Turns colour photos into b/w and highlights regions in colour
tinyca - Very simple Certification Authority
tinydns2dlf - convert tinydns logs, as created by multilog, to dlf
tinydns-get - is like dnsq(1), but obtains its results from data.cdb in
tinyirc - A tiny IRC client
tinymux-install - installer for the tinymux flavor mush server
tinyscheme — a tiny Scheme implementation -
tinywm - tiny window manager
tiobench - Threaded I/O bench
tioga - toolbox for irb-like tioga scripts
tiotest - Threaded I/O bench
tipptrainer - a typing trainer
tircd - An ircd proxy to the twitter API
tixindex - build tclIndex file for the Tix widgets
tk2 - Tk GUI for the ICOM IC-R2 receiver
tk5 - Tk GUI for the ICOM IC-R5 receiver
tk707 - a drum machine
Tkabber — a GUI client for XMPP (Jabber) instant messaging protocol -
tkaeca - GUI interface for aeca, using TCL/TK
tkaegis - GUI interface for Aegis, using TCL/TK
tkaenc - GUI interface for aenc, using TCL/TK
tkaepa - GUI interface for aeca, using TCL/TK
tkaer - GUI tool for reviewing Aegis change sets, using TCL/TK
antennavis - Antenna Radiation Pattern Visualization Software
tk-Brief is a graphical user interface for writing single or multiple -
tkconch - connect to SSH servers graphically
tkcon - Tk console replacement
TkCVS - a Tk/Tcl Graphical Interface to CVS and Subversion
TkDesk - a Graphical File and Desktop Manager for the X Window System
tkdiff - view the differences between two files
tkdirdiff - graphical directory comparison tool
tkdvi - Tk-based DVI previewer
tkfont - X windows font displayer
tkgate - Tcl/Tk based digital circuit editor and simulator
tkill - Terminate LAM on one node.
tkinfo - program to view GNU Info files
tkiptun-ng - inject a few frames into a WPA TKIP network with QoS
tklanguage - Invoke set-language-env from GUI menu
TkMan, tkman - an advanced graphical information pages browser
TkMan, tkman - an advanced graphical information pages browser
tkmelting - Tk interface to MELTING
tkmib - an interactive graphical MIB browser for SNMP
tkmixer - Tk-based audio mixer
tkmolrender - graphical frontend to the molrender utility
tknewsbiff - pop up a window when news appears
tkrat - a graphical Mail User Agent
tkremind - graphical front-end to Remind calendar program
tkvnc - graphical selection of machines to start VNC to
tla-buildpackage - Build Debian packages from a tla/Arch archive
tla-gpg-check - GNU Arch revision signature checker
tla - arch command line client tool
tla_load_dirs - Import upstream archives into tla, hg, darcs, or git
tld - TDF linking and library manipulation utility
tleds - Blinks keyboard LEDs indicating incoming and outgoing network
tlf - Contest keyer/logging program for Ham Radio
tload - graphic representation of system load average
clogin - Cisco/Foundry login script
tmail - Mail Delivery Module
tmake - create and maintain makefiles for software projects
tm_drgeo - The Dr. Geo TeXmacs plug-in
tmesh2rad - convert a triangular mesh to a RADIANCE scene description
tmexpand - jed text-macro processor
tmispell - ispell wrapper which uses Voikko for spell-checking
tmpl_engine.byte - Generate OCaml code using templates
tmserver - a Translation Memory server,
tmux - terminal multiplexer
tmview, dvisvga, dvifb, dvilx - view DVI files on SVGA, framebuffer
tn5250 - an implementation of the 5250 telnet protocol
tnc - TDF notation compiler
tnef - decode Microsoft’s Transport Neutral Encapsulation Format
ftp - Internet file transfer program
clogin - Cisco/Foundry login script
tntnet-config - output compiler flags for tntnet usage
rancid - Cisco configuration filter
toast — GSM 06.10 lossy sound compression -
tobin - convert a series of files into a series of macbinary files
toc2cddb - translates a TOC file of cdrdao(1) into a cddb file and
toc2cue - converts a TOC files of cdrdao(1) into a .cue file
today - Show your today’s schedules.
todiscgui - GUI front end to todisc
todisc - Create a DVD with animated menus
todo - a reminder/task program aimed at developers
tofrodos - Converts text files between DOS and Unix formats.
todraw - Python drawing shell
toe - table of (terminfo) entries
togglesebool - flip the current value of a SELinux boolean
TOIlet - display large colourful characters
flip, toms, toix - do newline conversions between **IX and MS-DOS
toke - OpenBIOS tokenizer
tokens, tokens.krb - Displays the issuer’s tokens
tolua - lua language binding development helper program
tomac - Transmit files to the Mac
tomboy-blogposter - Allows Tomboy to post notes to a blog.
tomboy - A simple note-taking application for Gnome
flip, toms, toix - do newline conversions between **IX and MS-DOS
tonedebug - Test parameters for the libvpb programmable tone detector
tonegen - Test the Voicetronix programmable tone generator
tones - a sequential tone generator program
tonetool - create and manipulate telephony tones.
tonetrain - Analyse telephony signal tones for the libvpb programmable
why - A multi-language multi-prover verification tool
topal - GPG/GnuPG and Alpine/Pine integration
top - display Linux tasks
topmasq - Show who is masqueraded right now.
topnet - Keep scanning the outgoing traffic but filter out local
torkarkollon - an installation helper for TorK.
tork - an anonymity manager for KDE.
torrentflux — a PHP based, feature-rich Torrent download manager -
torsocks - Shell wrapper to simplify the use of the torsocks(8) library
toshsat1800-irdasetup - IrDA setup utility for Toshiba Satellite 1800
toshset - manipulate bios and hardware settings of Toshiba laptops
total - sum up columns
MolPhy - program package for MOLecular PHYlogenetics
Totem - GNOME desktop movie player based on GStreamer
totem-video-thumbnailer - video thumbnailer for the GNOME desktop
touchfreeze — disables your touchpad when typing -
touch - change file timestamps
touch_newsgroup - force leafnode to continue reading low-traffic
tovid-batch - batch conversion utility for tovid
tovidgui - GUI front end to tovid
tovid - Convert video to (S)VCD/DVD format
tovid-interactive - interactive CLI front end to tovid
tovid-stats - Display summarized statistics of tovid encodings
towitoko-tester — Towitoko driver CT-API interface tester tool -
tp512cvt - magtape conversion utility
tpasswd - enter/delete the user password on a Toshiba laptop.
tpbconv - makes a run input file for restarting a crashed run
tpbconv - makes a run input file for restarting a crashed run
tpb - program to use the IBM ThinkPad (tm) special keys
tpconfig - Configure touchpad devices
tpic2pdftex - convert tpic specials for use by pdftex
tping - Send echo messages to LAM nodes.
tp-keygen - create display migration authentication key
tp-magic-config -- Helps creating 'Magic' tool plugins for Tux Paint(1) -
tpm_sealdata - seal input data to the system’s TPM
tpmtoken_import - import an X.509 certficate and/or an RSA key pair
tpmtoken_init - initialize the user’s TPM PKCS#11 data store
tpmtoken_objects - display the objects in the user’s TPM PKCS#11 data
tpmtoken_protect - encrypt or decrypt data using a symmetric key stored
tpmtoken_setpasswd - change the password(s) associated with the user’s
tpm_version - report TPM version and manufacturer information
TPP - Text Presentation Program
t-prot - TOFU Protection
tpsd - Tool for Process Structure Diagrams
ladr4-apps - undocumented LADR4 applications
tput, reset - initialize a terminal or query terminfo database
tqs - Trim Quality Solexa-Illumina Sequences
trac-admin - Trac administration tool
tracd - Stand alone Trac HTTP server
traceanon - anonymise ip addresses of traces
trace-cmd-extract - extract out the data from the Ftrace Linux tracer.
trace-cmd - interacts with Ftrace Linux kernel internal tracer
trace-cmd-listen - listen for incoming connection to record tracing.
trace-cmd-list - list available plugins, events or options for Ftrace.
trace-cmd-record - record a trace from the Ftrace Linux internal tracer
trace-cmd-report - show in ASCII a trace created by trace-cmd record
trace-cmd-reset - turn off all Ftrace tracing to bring back full
trace-cmd-split - split a trace.dat file into smaller files
trace-cmd-start - start the Ftrace Linux kernel tracer without
trace-cmd-stop - stop the Ftrace Linux kernel tracer from writing to
traceconvert - convert a trace from one format to another
tracefilter - apply a bpf filter to a trace
tracemerge - Merge one (or more) traces together
tracedump - output packets in human readable format
tracepp - convert and pretty print traces
traceroute - print the route packets trace to network host
tracereport - produce various reports on a trace (or traceset)
traceroute - print the route packets trace to network host
traceroute - print the route packets trace to network host
traceroute - print the route packets trace to network host
tracertstats - perform simple filter based analysis on a trace
tracesplit_dir - split traces into two directions
tracesplit - split traces
tracestats - perform simple analysis on a trace
tracesummary - output basic summary stats about a trace
tracker-control - Manage Tracker processes and data
tracker-extract - Extract metadata from a file.
tracker-import - Imports Turtle file data into the database
tracker-info - Retrieve all information available for a certain file.
tracker-miner-fs - Used to crawl the file system to mine data.
tracker-preferences - Preferences editor for tracker-miner-fs
tracker-search-bar - Search applet for the GNOME panel
tracker-search - Search all content for keywords
tracker-search-tool - Gnome Tracker Search Tool
tracker-sparql - Use SparQL to query the Tracker databases.
tracker-stats - Provides statistics on the data available for querying
tracker-status - Report the state of all data miners
tracker-status-icon - Miner status and control notification area icon
tracker-store - database indexer and query daemon
tracker-tag - Add, remove and list tags.
sim2trad, trad2sim - clipboard data conversion for traditional Chinese
trad - graphical user interface to Radiance rad(1) program
trafshow - full screen show network traffic
rancid - Cisco configuration filter
trang - convert between different schema languages for XML
transcalc — analysis and synthesis tool for microwave and RF -
transcode - export modules collection
transcode - filter modules collection
transcode - LINUX video stream processing tool
transcode_import - transcode import modules collection
transcriber - tool to transcribe speech using text (transcriber)
transfermii_cli - transfer your miis from and to your wiimotes
transfermi_gui - transfer your miis from and to your wiimotes
transfig - creates a makefile for portable LaTeX figures
transformdb - FreezeScript database transformation tool
transform - apply geometric transformations to the input.
transformtags - apply MNI transform to a tag file
transition-check - check a package list for involvement in transitions
translate - translate a text or web page
translate-docformat - Translate documentation format.
translate_et - Translates numbered error codes into text messages
translate - looks up for words in a dictionary
transmageddon - multimedia transcoder for portable devices
transmissioncli - a bittorrent client
transmission-daemon - a bittorrent client
transmission - a bittorrent client
transmission-remote - a remote control utility for transmission-daemon(1)
transsetdf - change window transparencies on the fly
traptoemail - snmptrapd handler script to convert snmp traps into
trash - Command line trash utility.
traverso - a multitrack audio recorder and editor
trayer - a lightweight GTK2-based systray for UNIX desktop
trbdf - convert BDF-font from one encoding to other
trcs - convert text files from one codeset to other
trcyk - align sequences to a CM under the TrCYK model
tre-agrep - print lines approximately matching a pattern
treb - MS Office(tm) document reader.
tred - transitive reduction filter for directed graphs
tree - list contents of directories in a tree-like format.
treeline - an information storage program
tree-ppuzzle - Reconstruction of phylogenetic trees by maximum
tree-puzzle - Reconstruction of phylogenetic trees by maximum
Version - Tree reconstrucion
treil - Tile image generator
trend - a general-purpose, efficient trend graph
t-rex - create TFTP bootable ECOFF images for DECstations with REX
tr - translate or delete characters
triager-query - search for actions of a particular triager
trial - run unit tests
tricensus - Form a census of 3-manifold triangulations
tricensus-manager - Distribute a triangulation census amongst several
tricensus-mpi - Distribute a triangulation census amongst several
tricensus-mpi-status - Summarise the log file of an MPI census of
trickle - a lightweight userspace bandwidth shaper
trietool-0.2 - trie manipulation tool
trim-mo - generates .trm file from specified .mo file
trisetcmp - Compare triangulations between two Regina data files
tritium - a tabbed/tiling window manager for the X Window System
trjcat - concatenates trajectory files
trjcat - concatenates trajectory files
trjconv - converts and manipulates trajectory files
trjconv - converts and manipulates trajectory files
trjorder - orders molecules according to their distance to a group
trjorder - orders molecules according to their distance to a group
trml2pdf - convert RML (Report Markup Language) to PDF
trn - threaded read news program
newsetup - a program to set up a .newsrc file
newsgroups - a program to list unsubscribed newsgroups.
nntplist - obtain newsgroup list and other information from an NNTP
Pnews - a program for posting news articles
Rnmail - a program for replying via mail
trn-artchk - check a news article’s validity
trn - threaded read news program
nntplist - obtain newsgroup list and other information from an NNTP
Pnews - a program for posting news articles
trn - threaded read news program
Rnmail - a program for replying via mail
strn - scanning threaded read news program
trn-artchk - check a news article’s validity
trna2sap - convert tRNAscan-SE output to an ASN.1 Seq-annot object
trna2tbl - convert tRNAscan-SE output to a Sequin feature table
troff2html - convert troff documents to Hypertext Markup Language
troff2null - convert troff documents to troffcvt internal format
troff2rtf - convert troff documents to Rich Text Format
unroff - convert troff documents to plain text
troffcvt - troff-to-XXX converter
troff - the troff processor of the groff text formatting system
trpg - Tool for Recursive Process Graphs
trs - filter replacing strings
true - do nothing, successfully
trueprint - print program listings on postscript printer.
truncate - shrink or extend the size of a file to the specified size
truncyk_check - check alignment under the TrCYK model
ispell, buildhash, munchlist, findaffix, tryaffix, icombine, ijoin - -
tryto - tries to run a command limited by a timeout or number of tries,
tryton - Tryton Application Platform (Client)
trytond - Tryton Application Platform (Server)
tryton - Tryton Application Platform (Client)
neso - Tryton Application Platform (Standalone Client/Server)
trytond - Tryton Application Platform (Server)
ts2es - extract a single (elementary) stream from a TS (or PS)
ts2po - convert Qt Linguist (.ts) files to Gettext PO localization
tsa2d32, tsd2a32, tsd2a - gcin’s Tsin tools
ts_calibrate - A test program to calibrate a touch screen for embedded
tscd - Tool for UML Statechart Diagrams
tsclient - Terminal Server Client supporting XDMCP, VNC and RDP
tsa2d32, tsd2a32, tsd2a - gcin’s Tsin tools
tsa2d32, tsd2a32, tsd2a - gcin’s Tsin tools
tse3play - play/convert music files (MIDI or TSE3MDL) using the TSE3
tset, reset - terminal initialization
ts_filter - extract a single stream from a multiplexed TS
tshark - Dump and analyze network traffic
ts_harvest - Harvest hundreds of raw touchscreen coordinates.
ts - timestamp input
tsinfo - report on the streams in a Transport Stream
Singular - A commutative algebra system for polynomial computations
tslearn - learns user’s personal phrase data
tslmendian - change the byte-order of sunpinyin's threaded back-off
tslminfo - get information of a threaded back-off language model
tslmpack - convert the ARPA format of SunPinyin back-off language model
tSmoke - Commandline tool for sending SmokePing information
tsnd - Tool for System Network Diagrams
tsocks - Shell wrapper to simplify the use of the tsocks(8) library to
tsort - perform topological sort
ts_packet_insert - insert packets into a Transport Stream
tspec - An API specification tool
tsplay - play the given TS or PS file ’at’ the nominated host, or to an
ts_print - Just prints touchscreen events.
ts_print_raw - Print raw touchscreen data instead of outputting to the
TSPSOL - Traveling Salesperson Problem solver from GLPK
tsql - utility to test FreeTDS connections and queries
tsreport - report on a Transport Stream
tssd - Tool for UML Static-Structure Diagrams
tsserve - act as a server which plays the given transport or program
tstd - Tool for State Transition Diagrams
ts_test - A basic test routine for tslib.
tsview - Timestep Viewer
tsview-ng - Next generation timestep Viewer
ssvnc - a GUI wrapper for SSL and SSH VNC connections.
ttb - Browse Teletekst in gnome
TTCN3Parser - parse TTCN-3 files
ctn_manpage - Generic CTN manual page
ttdt - Tool for Transaction Decomposition Tables
ttf2afm - utility to generate AFM files for TrueType fonts
hbibtex, hmakeindex, komkindex(.pl), euc-bookmark(.pl), -
ttf2pk - convert a TrueType font into TeX's PK format
svgpp - font converter for SVG
ttf2tfm - build TeX metric files from a TrueType font
ttfdump - Dumping the contents of a TrueType Font file
ttfm — graphical file manager for ext3cow -
ttftotype42 - create PostScript Type 42 wrapper of TrueType font
tth, latex2gif, ps2gif, ps2png - TeX and LaTeX to HTML translator and
tthsum - generates or checks TTH message digests
ttink - program to control your EPSON printer
ctn_manpage - Generic CTN manual page
ctn_manpage - Generic CTN manual page
ttmkfdir - an utility for creating fonts.scale for TrueType fonts
ctn_manpage - Generic CTN manual page
ttserver - the server of Tokyo Tyrant
ttt: Tele Traffic Tapper - a standalone program for local, real-time,
tttprobe: Tele Traffic Tapper probe - A probe to collect local
tttview: Tele Traffic Tapper viewer- a viewer program for remote, -
ttulmgr - the command line utility of the update log API
ttultest - test cases of the update log API
ctn_manpage - Generic CTN manual page
ctn_manpage - Generic CTN manual page
ttut - Tool for Transaction-Use Tables
ttv - display TV/video on a tty
ttx2xgf - extracts instructions from a TTX file and creates an Xgridfit
ttx - tool for manipulating TrueType and OpenType fonts
ttyd - Remote Modem Utility for Unix
tty - print the file name of the terminal connected to standard input
ttyimage - RADIANCE driver for dumb ASCII terminal
ttyload - Console based color-coded graphs of CPU load average
ttyplay - player of the tty session recorded by ttyrec
ttyrec - a tty recorder
ttytime - print the time of the recorded session data by ttyrec(1)
tucan - download and upload manager for hosting sites
tucd - Tool for UML Use-case Diagrams
tucnak - VHF/UHF/SHF contest log
TuDu - A command-line tool to manage TODO lists hierarchically.
tulip -- program to visualize very large graphs -
tunapie - browse, record and launch Shoutcast and Icecast video and
tunes2pod - convert an iTunesDB into GNUtunesDB’s XML
tunnelx — Software for drawing Cave Surveys -
acpidump - dump a system’s ACPI tables to an ASCII file
turnincfg - manage assignments submitted with turnin
turnin - submit assignments to be graded
turqstat - Statistics tool for Fidonet and Usenet
tuxcmd - Tux Commander, a GTK2 based File Manager
tuxguitar -- program to do edit and playback guitar tablature -
tuxpaint-config -- A configuration tool for Tux Paint, a drawing -
tuxpaint -- "Tux Paint", a drawing program for young children. -
tuxpaint-import -- Import image files into Tux Paint(1) -
tuxtime-conf - GUI for manipulating the TuxTime power saving settings
tuxtype - TuxTyping typing tutor
tv - displays and prints phylogenetic trees
tvtime-command - control a running tvtime process
tvtime-configure - change settings in the tvtime configuration file
tvtime - a high quality television application
tvtime-scanner - an all-band scanner for tvtime to help users of
tvtk_doc - A GUI based TVTK documentation search browser.
twclock - Amateur radio clock
tweak - efficient hex editor
tweak - efficient hex editor
tweet - Text-based client for Twitter.
twidge - Microblogging client for Twitter, Identica
twiglet - observe or control an RVC-enabled machine’s console
twill-fork - a simple scripting language for Web browsing
twill-sh - a simple scripting language for Web browsing
Twinkle - Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) SIP Phone
twinwave - Wraps multiple GTKWave sessions in one window
twistd - run Twisted applications (TACs, TAPs)
twitter-to-xhtml - Fetches a users latest updates and stores in an
GNOME - A twitter client for GNOME
twlog - Amateur radio logging program
twm - Tab Window Manager for the X Window System
twoftpd-auth - TwoFTPD authentication front-end
twoftpd-switch - TwoFTPD back-end switcher.
twoftpd-xfer - TwoFTPD file transfer back-end.
twolame - an optimised MPEG Audio Layer 2 (MP2) encoder
dot - filter for drawing directed graphs
twyt - Command line twitter client
txiterm - X terminal emulator for Thai (TIS-620) environments
Txt2gcal - creates a verbatim Gcal resource file from a text file.
ihex2txt - converts Intelhex format to a simple text format
txt2lps - translates an mCRL2 specification of a linear process into an
txt2man - convert flat ASCII text to man page format
txt2pbes - parse a textual description of a PBES
txt2po - convert plain text (.txt) files to Gettext PO localization
txt2regex - a Regular Expression Wizard, written with bash2 builtins
txt2tags - text formatting and conversion tool
txtreader - text viewer, mainly used for reading text novels
type1afm - create a font metrics file from a Type 1 font file
typefortune - practice with text from fortune
type-handling - dpkg architecture generation script
typelib-dump - show ORBit2 type library modules
typer - The TypEr, a Type annotator of Erlang code
tzc - trivial zephyr client
tzselect - view timezones
tzwatch - Display the time in a number of time zones, specified by the
u1lint - Python lint tool wrapper and output formatter
u1sdtool - command line utility for controlling ubuntuone-syncdaemon
u1sync - locally mirror an Ubuntu One share or storage volume
u1trial - Python unit test runner for using DBus and Twisted together
u2ps - tool to convert UTF-8 text to PostScript
u3-tool - Tool for controlling the special features of an U3 USB Flash
uae - The Ubiquitous Amiga Emulator
uae_readdisk - Tool for reading *.adf (Amiga Disk Format) files
apport-bug, apport-collect - file a bug report using Apport, or update
ubuntu-build - command-line interface to Launchpad build operations
ubuntu-iso - tool to examine Ubuntu CD (ISO) installation media
ubuntuone-client-preferences - A dialog for configuring Ubuntu One
ubuntu-server-tip - Display one short tip about the Ubuntu Server
ubuntustudio-controls - a small app for editing settings on audio,
ubuntu-vm-builder - builds virtual machines from the command line
unp - a shell frontend for uncompressing/unpacking tools
ucblogo - a dialect of lisp using turtle graphics famous for teaching
ucc - UseCode Compiler for Exult
ucf - Update Configuration File: preserve user changes in
ucfq - query the ucf database
ucfr - Update Configuration File Registry: associate packages with
ucimf - unicode console input method framework
ucimf_keyboard - ucimf jfbterm keyboard shortcut mapping tool
ucimf_start - libucimf unicode console input method framework starter
uck-gui - Ubuntu Customization Kit graphical user interface
uck-remaster-chroot-rootfs - Ubuntu Customization Kit chroot helper
uck-remaster-clean-all - Ubuntu Customization Kit cleaning helper
uck-remaster-clean - Ubuntu Customization Kit cleaning helper script
uck-remaster-finalize-alternate - Ubuntu Customization Kit "alternate"
uck-remaster - Ubuntu Customization Kit main remastering backend script
uck-remaster-pack-initrd - Ubuntu Customization Kit initrd packing
uck-remaster-pack-iso - Ubuntu Customization Kit ISO image packing
uck-remaster-pack-rootfs - Ubuntu Customization Kit rootfs packing
uck-remaster-prepare-alternate - Ubuntu Customization "alternate"
uck-remaster-remove-win32-files - Ubuntu Customization Kit windows
uck-remaster-unpack-initrd - Ubuntu Customization Kit initrd unpacking
uck-remaster-unpack-iso - Ubuntu Customization Kit ISO image unpacking
uck-remaster-unpack-rootfs - Ubuntu Customization Kit rootfs unpacking
uclean - remove redundant files from upstream source packages
ucmatose - RDMA CM connection and simple ping-pong test.
ucommon-config - script to get information about ucommon library
uconv - convert data from one encoding to another
ucs2any - generate BDF fonts containing subsets of ISO 10646-1
s51, savr, sz80 - 8051, AVR and Z80 microcontrollers simulator for
ucspi-proxy - Copy data between a UCSPI client and server
ucspi-proxy-http-xlate - Translating HTTP proxy
ucxt - Ultima 7/8 usecode disassembler.
udaddy - RDMA CM datagram setup and simple ping-pong test.
udav - program for data visualization based on MathGL
udebug - Reports Ubik process status for a database server process
udisks - udisks command line tool
udm-config - defines library and header locations for mnoGoSearch
udo - convert files from UDO into different formats
udp-receiver - receive files broadcast by udp-sender
udp-sender - broadcast file on a LAN
udptunnel - Tunnel UDP packets over a TCP connection
udv - OneD-Viewer for biological sequences
uec-publish-image - publish a cloud image
uec-publish-tarball - publish a cloud archive
uec-query-builds - request information about available cloud images
uec-resize-image - resize a cloud image
uec-run-instances - wrapper for euca-run-instances that supports an
ufl2py - Convert .ufl file to a .py file.
ufl-analyse - Analyse a .ufl file to find errors.
ufl-convert - Convert a .ufl file to some other format.
ufond - convert UNIX font files into Macintosh format
UFRaw - Convert camera RAW images to standard image files.
UFRaw - Convert camera RAW images to standard image files.
UGENE - integrated bioinformatics suite
uget-gtk - a download manager that uses gtk+2, and libcurl
uic - Qt user interface compiler
uif2iso - converts uif files to iso or other formats.
ui - show information about local users
uil — The user interface language compiler -
uim-xim - XIM interface to UIM
uisp - Micro In-System Programmer for Atmel’s AVR MCUs
ul - do underlining
UL - Molecular Simulator
um_add_service - add a service module to umview
um_attach - attach an unaware process to umview/kmview.
umbrello - a UML modelling tool and code generator
um_del_service - remove a service module of umview
ume-announcer - simple alarm for gpe-clock
um_fsalias - define a file system type alias
umit - network tool and port scanner
umlet - simple, text driven UML drawing tool
uml_mconsole — attach to the management console of a user-mode Linux -
uml_mkcow — create a new COW file -
uml_moo — merge a COW file with its backing file -
uml_mount — allows to mount UMLFS file system using the fuse libraries -
um_lock_service - lock service modules loaded by umview
um_ls_service - list the service modules currently loaded by umview
uml_switch — switch daemon for user-mode Linux -
um_mov_service - change the position of a service module of umview
umount.ecryptfs_private - eCryptfs private unmount helper.
mountpy - program for quick automatic mounting and umounting of
umshutdown - shutdown a umview/kmview machine
umview - User Mode implementation of View-OS
unaccent - remove accents from input stream or a string
unace - extract, test and view ACE archives
unadf - extract files from an Amiga Disk File dump
unalz - decompresses alzip formatted files with names ending in ".alz"
uname - print system information
unber - ASN.1 BER Decoder
megatron, unhex, unbin, unsingle, hqx2bin, single2bin, macbinary - -
unblock_dem - Insert linefeeds into a Digital Elevation Model (DEM)
unblock_dlg - Insert linefeeds into an optional-format Digital Line
unbound-host - unbound DNS lookup utility
unbuffer - unbuffer output
uncat - continuously reads stdin, splits up the data either by timeout
unclutter - remove idle cursor image from screen
compface, uncompface - compress and expand 48x48x1 face image files
gzip, gunzip, zcat - compress or expand files
compress, uncompress.real - compress and expand data (version 4.2)
uncpk - manage c64 cpk archives
uncrustify - C, C++, C#, D, Java and Pawn source code beautifier
unecm - regenerate error correction codes from ECM files
unetbootin - program to install Linux/BSD distributions to a partition
unexpand - convert spaces to tabs
ladr4-apps - undocumented LADR4 applications
unflatten - adjust directed graphs to improve layout aspect ratio
megatron, unhex, unbin, unsingle, hqx2bin, single2bin, macbinary - -
unhtml - strip the HTML formatting from a document or the standard
uni2ascii - convert UTF-8 Unicode to various 7-bit ASCII
unibmp2hex - Bitmap graphics file to GNU Unifont .hex file converter
tesseract - command line OCR tool
unicode - command line unicode database query tool
unicode_start - put the console in Unicode mode.
unicode_stop - put the console out of unicode mode (ie. in 8-bit mode).
UniConvertor -- command line tool to convert vector graphic files -
uniconv - convert text to native formats through unicode
unicoverage - Print coverage of each Unicode BMP Script.
unidesc - Describe the contents of a Unicode text file
unidup - Scan through a sorted .hex file and report duplicate code
unifdef, unifdefall - remove preprocessor conditionals from code
unifdef, unifdefall - remove preprocessor conditionals from code
unifuzz - Emit strings designed to test Unicode handling
unify - manual page for unify 0.6.3
unihex2bmp - GNU Unifont .hex file to bitmap graphics file converter
unihist - Generate a histogram of the characters in a Unicode file
uniname - Name the characters in a Unicode text file
unipagecount - Count the assigned code points in a GNU Unifont .hex
uniprint - produce postscript output from unicode text for printing
uniq - report or omit repeated lines
unireverse - Reverse each line of UTF-8 input character-by-character
unireverse - Reverse each line of UTF-8 input character-by-character
unison-2.27.57 - a file-synchronization tool for Unix and Windows
unison-2.27.57 - a file-synchronization tool for Unix and Windows
unison-2.27.57 - a file-synchronization tool for Unix and Windows
unison-2.27.57 - a file-synchronization tool for Unix and Windows
unison-2.32.52 - a file-synchronization tool for Unix and Windows
unison-2.32.52 - a file-synchronization tool for Unix and Windows
unison-2.32.52 - a file-synchronization tool for Unix and Windows
unison-2.32.52 - a file-synchronization tool for Unix and Windows
unison-2.32.52 - a file-synchronization tool for Unix and Windows
unison-2.32.52 - a file-synchronization tool for Unix and Windows
unitdiff - Describe differences in the interface of a FPC unit.
units-filter - is a parser for physical and chemical quantities
units - unit conversion program
unittestgui - a graphical user interface to run python unit tests
uniunmask - XOR bits or substitute glyphs in a GNU Unifont file.
universalindentgui - GUI frontend for several code beautifiers
unix2dos - UNIX to DOS/MAC text file format converter
unix2dos - UNIX to DOS/MAC text file format converter
unixcat - prints data from a UNIX domain socket.
unixclient - UNIX domain socket client
unixcmd - Simple remote command for unix sockets
unixserver - UNIX domain socket server
unixterm - (simple) Remote terminal for unix sockets
unknown - identify possible genotypes for unknowns
unlink - call the unlink function to remove the specified file
unlog - Discards all of the issuer’s tokens
lzma, unlzma, lzcat - LZMA compression and decompression tool
unmass - extract game archive files
unmo3 - uncompress and extract samples from MO3 modules
unmunge - MUNGE credential decoder
unoconv - convert any document from and to any OpenOffice supported
unopkg - Extension Manager
unpaper - post-processing tool for scanned pages
unp - a shell frontend for uncompressing/unpacking tools
protoize, unprotoize - create/remove ANSI prototypes from C code
unrar-free — extract files from rar archives -
unrar - extract files from rar archives
unrm - disk data recovery
unroff - convert troff documents to plain text
unrooted - A phylogenetic tree drawing program for biologists
UnRTF - converts document in RTF format to other formats
unshare - run program with some namespaces unshared from parent
unshar - unpack a shar file
unshield - extract CAB files from an InstallShield installer archive
megatron, unhex, unbin, unsingle, hqx2bin, single2bin, macbinary - -
unsort - reorder lines in a file in semirandom ways
sq - squeeze a sorted word list unsq
mksquashfs - tool to uncompress squashfs filesystems
strfile - create a random access file for storing strings
untex - strip LaTeX comands from input
toast — GSM 06.10 lossy sound compression -
untrigraph - remove trigraphs from C source code
unworkable - download files via BitTorrent
unwrapdiff - demangle word-wrapped patches
xz, unxz, xzcat, lzma, unlzma, lzcat - Compress or decompress .xz and
unzip - list, test and extract compressed files in a ZIP archive
unzipsfx - self-extracting stub for prepending to ZIP archives
update-boinc-applinks - create/remove symbolic links for anonymous
updatedb - update a file name database
update-dpsyco-cdengine -
update-dpsyco-groups -
update-dpsyco -
update-dpsyco-patch -
update-dpsyco-skel -
update-dpsyco-users - tool to administrate the existance of users
update-dpsyco-users-patch -
update-dpsyco-users-samba -
update-dpsyco-users-shell - tool to give people shell access.
update-dpsyco-users-skel -
uppdate-dpsyco-users-sshaccess -
update-dpsyco-users-sudoers -
update-ebnetd.conf - reads /etc/ebnetd/book.d/* and generates
update-updmap, update-language, update-fmtutil, update-fontlang - -
update-updmap, update-language, update-fmtutil, update-fontlang - -
update-gap-workspace - manage a GAP workspace.
update-gosa - class cache updater and plugin manager for GOsa
update-ifupdown-scripts-zg2.d-symlinks - preliminary manpage
update-indymedia-cities - create from
update-updmap, update-language, update-fmtutil, update-fontlang - -
update-updmap, update-language, update-fmtutil, update-fontlang - -
update-updmap, update-language, update-fmtutil, update-fontlang - -
update-libfile-scan-perl - download new version of libfile-scan-perl’s
update-locale - update localization files
update-maintainer - change the Maintainer field in a Debian source
update-menus - generate Debian menu system
update-metainit - Generates init scripts
update-mime-database - a program to build the Shared MIME-Info database - Multiarch helper for dpkg-cross and related tools
update-nfonts - create nfonts from the systemfonts using symlinks
update-ogre-plugins - rebuild /etc/OGRE/plugins-yyyyylt;versionyyyyygt;.cfg
update-online-help - update the online help
update-pdf-help - Create pdf documentation from online documentation
updatepofiles - The Lazarus resource builder.
update-profile-cache - (re)generate profile assignment cache
update_routes - update the database of BBS and callsigns
PubTal — Generate a web site from content and templates, and upload it -
update-skkdic-yaskkserv - create yaskkserv dictionaries on Debian
update_sqlgrey_config - the simple white-list updater
update-squidguard - Update script for SquidGuard.
updatetm - write a tm file for Pootle
update-updmap, update-language, update-fmtutil, update-fontlang - -
update-yorickdoc - Build HTML documentation for Yorick
updmap - Update font map files for TeX output drivers.
updmap - Update font map files for TeX output drivers.
upet2mnc - convert a Concorde microPET format file to a MINC format
upldif - Barry Project’s LDIF contact uploader
PubTal — Generate a web site from content and templates, and upload it -
UPnP-Inspector- Is a UPnP device and service analyzer. -
upnp-router-control - manage UPnP IGD compliant routers
upower - UPower command line tool
ladr4-apps - undocumented LADR4 applications
uprecords - provides uptime records
upse123 - commandline player for PSF files
uptime - Tell how long the system has been running.
upx - compress or expand executable files
upx - compress or expand executable files
uqwk - Collect news yyyyyamp; mail messages for offline reading
uqwk - Collect news yyyyyamp; mail messages for offline reading
urg-config - compiler, linker flags for liburg
urlgrabber - a high-level cross-protocol url-grabber.
urlscan - browse the URLs in an email message from a terminal
urlview - URL extractor/launcher
urlwatch - Watch web pages and arbitrary URLs for changes
urxvtcd - start a urxvtc and/or urxvtd
urxvtc - control the urxvtd daemon
urxvtd - urxvt terminal daemon
rxvt-unicode (ouR XVT, unicode) - (a VT102 emulator for the X window
usb-devices - print USB device details
usb_modeswitch - switch mode of "multi-state" USB devices
usbmuxd - iPhone/iPod Touch USB multiplex server daemon
usb_printerid - prints the ID of the printer on a USB port
usbprog-gui - GUI Programmer for the USBprog hardware
usbprog - Programmer for the USBprog hardware
uscan - scan/watch upstream sources for new releases of software
use - Frontend to the Usepackage Environment Manager
usepackage - Usepackage Environment Manager
rsbac-admin - Rule Set Based Access Control
userinfo - A graphical equivilient to chfn.
user-ja-conf - Making basic settings for Japanese speaking users
usermount - A graphical tool to mount, unmount and format filesystems.
userpasswd - A graphical tool to allow users to change their passwords.
users-admin - Users Administration Tool
users - print the user names of users currently logged in to the
userv - request user services
usewithtor - Shell wrapper to simplify the use of the torsocks(8)
uShare ‐ a lightweight UPnP A/V and DLNA Media Server -
ussp-push - send file via bluetooth with the object push protocol
ustr-import - ustr string library import tool
utalk - a UDP-based full screen talk program
uterm - start script for a Unicode capable terminal window
utf7encode, utf7decode - Filter to encode UTF-7
utf7encode, utf7decode - Filter to encode UTF-7
utf8 - quickly change console font and console mode into UTF-8 encoding
utf8lookup - Look up Unicode characters from the command line
pdftex, pdfinitex, pdfvirtex - PDF output from TeX
utf8migrationtool - UTF-8 locale migration tool
utf8trans - Transliterate UTF-8 characters according to a table
utime - set file times
utm2ll - Convert UTM coordinates to latitude/longitude geographical
uuagc - Attribute Grammar compiler
uucp - Unix to Unix copy
uuencode, uudecode - encode a binary file, or decode its representation
UUDeview - a powerful decoder for binary files
uuencode, uudecode - encode a binary file, or decode its representation
uuenview - a powerful encoder for binary files
uuidgen - a universally unique identifier (UUID) generator for XPLC
uuid-config - OSSP uuid API build utility
uuidgen - command-line utility to create a new UUID value
uuid - Universally Unique Identifier Command-Line Tool
uulog - Display the UUCP log file.
uuname - List the names of the known remote UUCP sites.
uupdate - upgrade a source code package from an upstream revision
uupick - Get files stored in the public directory by uucp -t.
uupoll - Poll a system manually
uurate - Report Taylor UUCP statistics
uustat - UUCP status inquiry and control
uuto - Send files to a user on another system.
uuwish - A minimal wish extended by the UU commands
uux - Remote command execution over UUCP
uvccapture - USB UVC Video Class snapshot software
uvcdynctrl-0.2.0 - libwebcam command line tool
uvcdynctrl-0.2.0 - libwebcam command line tool
uwm - The ultimate window manager
uxlaunch - program to start the X desktop
uxterm - X terminal emulator for Unicode (UTF-8) environments
BMPtoRGB - converts BMP files to RGB to stdout
BMPtoRGB - converts BMP files to RGB to stdout
uzbl - A keyboard controlled browser based on Webkit
uzbl-cookie-daemon - Serving cookies to different groups of uzbl
uzbl - A keyboard controlled browser based on Webkit
uzbl-event-manager - Event manager for uzbl written in python
uzbl - A keyboard controlled browser based on Webkit
uzbl - A keyboard controlled browser based on Webkit
uz - gunzips and extracts a gzip’d tar’d archive
lipsia - Leipzig Image Processing and Statistical Inference Algorithms
v4l2ctrl - manage settings for Video for Linux Two devices.
v4l2ucp - An universal control panel for all Video for Linux Two
xawtv-remote, v4lctl -- control video4linux devices -
v4l-info - dump video4linux(2) device info to stdout
vacation - return “I am not here” indication
vacation - E-mail auto-responder
vacuumdb - garbage-collect and analyze a PostgreSQL database
lipsia - Leipzig Image Processing and Statistical Inference Algorithms
vadm - manipulate and administer version object base
vagalumectl - Remotely control Vagalume via its D-Bus interface
vagalume - GTK+-based client for the online radio service
vainfo - display information from VA API driver
valac - compiler that translates Vala source code into C source and
valac - compiler that translates Vala source code into C source and
Vala - creates gobject interfaces out of DBus XML specifications
vala-gen-introspect - generate a GI file for GObject and glib based
vala-gen-introspect - generate a GI file for GObject and glib based
vala-terminal - terminal emulator for mobile devices
valgrind - a suite of tools for debugging and profiling programs
valgrind - a suite of tools for debugging and profiling programs
validateDescriptor - simple component descriptor validator
validate - Offline Validator
Validate - simple validation tool for XML documents
valknut — Multi-platform direct connect client -
valkyrie - graphical front-end to the Valgrind suite of tools for
lipsia - Leipzig Image Processing and Statistical Inference Algorithms
vamp-rdf-template-generator — create a skeleton RDF description file -
vamps - Tool to recompress and modify the structure of a DVD
vamp-simple-host — a simple Vamp plugin host -
vanessa_logger_sample - demonstrate some of the functionality of
vanessa_socket_pipe - Trivial TCP/IP pipe based on libvanessa_socket
vaniso2d - -
vaniso3d - -
lipsia - Leipzig Image Processing and Statistical Inference Algorithms
vapigen - generate a Vala API
vapigen - generate a Vala API
lipsia - Leipzig Image Processing and Statistical Inference Algorithms
varkon - a CAD-system with parametric modelling
varnishadm - Control a running varnish instance
varnishd - HTTP accelerator daemon
varnishhist - Varnish request histogram
varnishlog - Display Varnish logs
varnishncsa - Display Varnish logs in Apache / NCSA combined log format
varnishreplay - HTTP traffic replay tool
varnishsizes - Varnish request histogram
varnishstat - HTTP accelerator statistics
varnishtest - Test program for Varnish
varnishtop - Varnish log entry ranking
lipsia - Leipzig Image Processing and Statistical Inference Algorithms
lipsia - Leipzig Image Processing and Statistical Inference Algorithms
vadm - manipulate and administer version object base
lipsia - Leipzig Image Processing and Statistical Inference Algorithms
vax - simulate a MicroVAX 3900 computer
vbaexpress - Front End for VisualBoyAdvance
VisualBoyAdvance - VisualBoyAdvance
lipsia - Leipzig Image Processing and Statistical Inference Algorithms
lipsia - Leipzig Image Processing and Statistical Inference Algorithms
vbetool - run real-mode video BIOS code to alter hardware state
vbinarize - -
vbind - bind name to version
vbindiff - hexadecimal file display and comparison
vbinmorph3d - -
lipsia - Leipzig Image Processing and Statistical Inference Algorithms
vbnc - Mono Visual Basic Compiler.
vboxbeep - isdn voice box (beeper)
vboxcnvt - isdn voice box (converter backend)
vboxctrl - control vbox functions
vboxgtk - Simple GTK frontend for VirtualBox
vbox - interact with recorded messages
vboxmode - detect format of isdn voice file
vboxplay - play vbox sound files
vboxtoau - isdn voice box (sound converter)
lipsia - Leipzig Image Processing and Statistical Inference Algorithms
lipsia - Leipzig Image Processing and Statistical Inference Algorithms
vbrfix - fix erroneous VBR MP3 files
vbuf - Virtual Ring Buffer shell interface
lipsia - Leipzig Image Processing and Statistical Inference Algorithms
vcanny2d - -
vcanny3d - -
vcard2pal - convert vcard contacts into a pal calendar file
lipsia - Leipzig Image Processing and Statistical Inference Algorithms
retrv - retrieve a revision of a file
vcd2fst - Converts VCD files to FST files
vcd2lxt2 - Converts VCD files to LXT2 files
vcd2lxt - Converts VCD files to interlaced or linear LXT files
vcd2vzt - Converts VCD files to VZT files
vcdimager - manual page for vcdimager 0.7.23
vcd-info - manual page for vcd-info 0.7.23
vcdxbuild - manual page for vcdxbuild 0.7.23
vcdxgen - manual page for vcdxgen 0.7.23
vcdxminfo - manual page for vcdxminfo 0.7.23
vcdxrip - manual page for vcdxrip 0.7.23
vcf2birthday - Convert VCARD files to birthday database
lipsia - Leipzig Image Processing and Statistical Inference Algorithms
lipsia - Leipzig Image Processing and Statistical Inference Algorithms
vcontrast - -
lipsia - Leipzig Image Processing and Statistical Inference Algorithms
vconvolve2d - -
vconvolve3d - -
vcstime - Show time in upper right hand corner of the console screen
vcs-tree - Version Control System Tree Walker
vcs-tree - Version Control System Tree Walker
vcurvature - -
vcut - cuts Ogg Vorbis files
vdaaerl - Measure the echo-return loss on Voicetronix FXO telephony
vde_autolink - automatically create and maintain vde connections
unixcmd - Simple remote command for unix sockets
vde_cryptcab - Virtual Distributed Ethernet encrypted cable manager
lipsia - Leipzig Image Processing and Statistical Inference Algorithms
vdeq - Virtual Distributed Ethernet wrapper for QEMU/KVM virtual
vde_l3 - Virtual Distributed Ethernet ’Layer 3’ Switch.
lipsia - Leipzig Image Processing and Statistical Inference Algorithms
vdelsmall - -
lipsia - Leipzig Image Processing and Statistical Inference Algorithms
vde_over_ns - Steganographic cable over NS protocol for Virtual
vde_pcapplug - Virtual Distributed Ethernet libpcap cable
vde_plug2tap - Virtual Distributed Ethernet plug-to-tap
vde_plug - Virtual Distributed Ethernet plug (two plugs creates a vde
vdeq - Virtual Distributed Ethernet wrapper for QEMU/KVM virtual
vdeq - Virtual Distributed Ethernet wrapper for QEMU/KVM virtual
vderiche3d - -
vde_switch - Virtual Distributed Ethernet switch
vdetaplib - Virtual Distributed Ethernet tap emulation library
vdetelweb - Virtual Distributed Ethernet Telnet and/or Web management
vdeterm - (simple) Remote terminal for vde management sockets
vdiff - display line-by-line differences between versions of files
lipsia - Leipzig Image Processing and Statistical Inference Algorithms
vdir - list directory contents
lipsia - Leipzig Image Processing and Statistical Inference Algorithms
vdkb2 - A C++ RAD Tool
vdk-config - The VDK (2) C++ Library config script
vdltodmx - dmx configuration file parser and printer
vdmfec - Block ECC for files
vdmfec - Block ECC for files
vdmfec - Block ECC for files
lipsia - Leipzig Image Processing and Statistical Inference Algorithms
lipsia - Leipzig Image Processing and Statistical Inference Algorithms
vdradmind - Web-based administration tool for VDR
vdr - the Video Disk Recorder
vdrdbg-buildpackage - builds a VDR plugin for debugging
vdr-dbg - Starts the debugging version of vdr
vdr-fbfe - Remote Framebuffer frontend for vdr-plugin-xineliboutput
vdr - the Video Disk Recorder
vdr - the Video Disk Recorder
vdrleaktest - Runs the VDR debugging binary with Valgrind.
vdr - the Video Disk Recorder
vdr-newplugin - create a new VDR plugin source tree
vdr - the Video Disk Recorder
vdr-sxfe - Remote X-Server frontend for vdr-plugin-xineliboutput
vecscreen - find nucleic acid segments of possible vector origin
efte - Text editor
vgrep, vegrep, vfgrep - print lines matching a pattern
velvetg - de Bruijn graph construction, error removal and repeat
velvetg - de Bruijn graph construction, error removal and repeat
velveth - simple hashing program (colorspace version)
velveth - simple hashing program
verify_blkparse - verifies an output file produced by blkparse
Verilator - Convert Verilog code to C++/SystemC
Verilator - Convert Verilog code to C++/SystemC
Verilator - Convert Verilog code to C++/SystemC
verilator_profcfunc - Read gprof report created with --profile-cfuncs
vermin - Parses and processes Verilog HDL files
verse-dialog - Displays a daily devotional verse from scripture
verse - Displays a daily devotional verse from scripture
verve-focus - Focus the xfce4-verve-plugin input area
lipsia - Leipzig Image Processing and Statistical Inference Algorithms
vfdecrypt - decrypt encrypted filevault disk images
lipsia - Leipzig Image Processing and Statistical Inference Algorithms
vff2mnc - convert set of vff file(s) to one 3D MINC2.0 format file.
vgrep, vegrep, vfgrep - print lines matching a pattern
vfind - find attributed software objects (ASOs)
vftovp - convert virtual font (vf) files to virtual property lists
vfu - VFU is console (text-mode) file manager for UNIX/Linux
lipsia - Leipzig Image Processing and Statistical Inference Algorithms
xspect, vgaspect - ZX Spectrum emulator
vgauss3d - -
lipsia - Leipzig Image Processing and Statistical Inference Algorithms
vgd - Viewglob communication daemon.
lipsia - Leipzig Image Processing and Statistical Inference Algorithms
lipsia - Leipzig Image Processing and Statistical Inference Algorithms
lipsia - Leipzig Image Processing and Statistical Inference Algorithms
lipsia - Leipzig Image Processing and Statistical Inference Algorithms
vg - Edit an entry found by the cg script
vgrabbj - grab images from a v4l-compatible webcam
vgrep, vegrep, vfgrep - print lines matching a pattern
vgreymorph3d - -
vgseer - Viewglob shell overseer.
sloccount - count source lines of code (SLOC)
vhemi - -
vibrate - run a program with the Vibrant library preloaded
VICE - Versatile Commodore Emulator and Virtual Commodore Environment
vidalia - Controller GUI for tor
vidcat - capture a frame from a video4linux device
videocut - application for creating compositions of screenshots from
videogen - generate Modelines for XFree86 servers
videoporama - make and export image slideshows
videotrans - A package to convert movies to DVD format and to build
videotrans-undocumented - Internal videotrans commands
vidir - edit directory
view3ds - simple realtime 3DS file viewer
eventcounter, eventgenerator, eventlogger, eventselect, eventsink, -
viewfax - display fax files in an X11 window
viewgar - GiNaC archive file viewer
viewglob - convenience wrapper script for the Viewglob package
viewmol - a graphical front end for computational chemistry programs
viewname - set set viewname
ViewPDF - view and navigate in PDF documents
viewperl - quickly view syntax highlighted Perl code
viewres - graphical class browser for Xt,,, -,,, -,,, -,,, -,,, -,,, -,,, -,,, -,,, -
viewvc-standalone - run a simple stand-alone HTTP server for ViewVC
vifm - a ncurses based file manager with vi like keybindings
pauseme - a helper script for vifm
vifn - edit by function name rather than file name, uses vi
vig_optimize - Optimise photometric parameters
vigor - nvi with the evil paperclip
vigra-config - Display Vigra Library Configuration
viking - program to manage GPS data
viking-remote - program to manage GPS data
vileget - Pass file edit requests to a Vile editor running Vileserv.
vile, xvile, uxvile - VI Like Emacs
vilistextum - html to ascii converter
vimage2graph - -
vimage2volumes - -
lipsia - Leipzig Image Processing and Statistical Inference Algorithms
lipsia - Leipzig Image Processing and Statistical Inference Algorithms
vimdiff - edit two, three or four versions of a file with Vim and show
vimdot - Combined text editor and dot viewer
vim - Vi IMproved, a programmers text editor
vimplate - the vim template system.
vim-rails-setup - Activate the vim-rails vim addon suite
vimtutor - the Vim tutor
vinagre - a remote desktop viewer for the GNOME Desktop
vinetto - Extract images from Microsoft thumb.db files
radiance-experttools — Specialty programs of the Radiance package, used -
vipe - edit pipe
Viper - the simple FEniCS run-time plotter
vipl - edit mpd playlist
vips - run vips function from UNIX command line
vips - vips utility program
jMetaPost - a patched version of MetaPost which supports Japanese
pTeX - a patched version of TeX which supports Japanese
virsh - management user interface
virtaal - Graphical translation editor
virt-clone - clone existing virtual machine images
virt-convert - convert virtual machines between formats
virt-image - create virtual machines from an image descriptor
virt-install - provision new virtual machines
virt_mail - OpenLink Virtuoso Opensource Mail Interface
virt_mail - OpenLink Virtuoso Opensource Mail Interface
virt-manager - display the virtual machine desktop management tool
virt-top - ’top’-like utility for virtualization stats
virtualenv - create virtual Python instances
virtuoso-t - OpenLink Virtuoso Opensource Server
virtuoso-t - OpenLink Virtuoso Opensource Server
virt-viewer - display the graphical console for a virtual machine
virt-what - detect if we are running in a virtual machine
viruskiller - Game about viruses invading your computer
visgrep - Visual grep, greps for images in another image
visitors - a fast web server log analyzer
visodata - -
lipsia - Leipzig Image Processing and Statistical Inference Algorithms
VisualBoyAdvance - VisualBoyAdvance
visualinfo — displays GL extension and visual info -
visual-regexp -- program to visualise and debug regular expressions -
vite - a visual trace explorer
speech-tools - Programs for audio and speech manipulation
vkernel2d - -
vkeybd — program included in the DeMuDi distribution -
vk_logmerge - a Valgrind XML log file merger
vlabel2d - -
vlabel3d - -
vlatai - Lojban word analyzer
vlc-fbx - invoke vlc with correct options for the freebox
vlc, qvlc, svlc, nvlc, rvlc, cvlc - the VLC media player
lipsia - Leipzig Image Processing and Statistical Inference Algorithms
vlc-wrapper - a wrapper to drop priviledges with VLC
vldiff - display diffs using VCS::Lite
lipsia - Leipzig Image Processing and Statistical Inference Algorithms
vl - list version information
vlmerge - merge changes with VCS::Lite
vlmgr - administration utility for QDBM Villa
vlna - pridani vlnek za neslabicne predlozky v TeXu
vlock - Virtual Console lock program
vlogger - flexible log rotation and usage tracking in perl
vl - list version information
vlpatch - apply a patch with VCS::Lite
lipsia - Leipzig Image Processing and Statistical Inference Algorithms
vltest - test cases for QDBM Villa
vltsv - mutual converter between TSV and Villa database
lipsia - Leipzig Image Processing and Statistical Inference Algorithms
lipsia - Leipzig Image Processing and Statistical Inference Algorithms
vmake - display vdata information about objects in an HDF file
lipsia - Leipzig Image Processing and Statistical Inference Algorithms
lipsia - Leipzig Image Processing and Statistical Inference Algorithms
lipsia - Leipzig Image Processing and Statistical Inference Algorithms
vmbuilder - builds virtual machines from the command line
vmedian3d - -
lipsia - Leipzig Image Processing and Statistical Inference Algorithms
vmgen - a tool for writing fast and efficient interpreters
vmgen - a tool for writing fast and efficient interpreters
vm - VoiceModem is the program for handling the voice modem
vmmouse_detect - VMware mouse device autodetection tool
lipsia - Leipzig Image Processing and Statistical Inference Algorithms
lipsia - Leipzig Image Processing and Statistical Inference Algorithms
vmpk - Virtual MIDI Piano Keyboard
lipsia - Leipzig Image Processing and Statistical Inference Algorithms
vmware2libvirt - vmware vmx to libvirt xml converter
vmware-checkvm - Check if running in a VM or not
vmware-hgfsclient - hgfs client access
vmware-toolbox-cmd - GUI toolbox (commandline version)
vmware-toolbox - GUI toolbox
vmware-user - GUI tool
vmware-view - VMware View Open Client
vmware-view-log-collector - locate latest log file from VMware View
vmware-view-tunnel - VMware View Open Client
vmware-xferlogs - dump vm-support output to vmx logfile
vnc2swf-edit - edit movies generated by vnc2swf
vnc2swf - cross-platform screen recording tool
vncconfig - configure and control a VNC server
vncpasswd - change a VNC password
vncserver - start or stop a VNC server
vncsnapshot - grab snapshots from VNC servers
lipsia - Leipzig Image Processing and Statistical Inference Algorithms
vnStatd - the alternative for cron based updating
vnStat - a console-based network traffic monitor
vnStati - png image output support for vnStat
lipsia - Leipzig Image Processing and Statistical Inference Algorithms
vobcopy - copy (rip) files from a dvd to the harddisk
pvf tools - utilities to convert various sound formats
voikkogc - test program for Voikko grammar checker
voikkohyphenate - test program for Voikko hyphenator
voikkospell - test program for Voikko spell checker
volname - return volume name
VolumeControl - audio mixer for GNUstep
vo_maketags - build TAGS for vim outliner
voms-proxy-destroy - destroys a VOMS proxy
voms-proxy-fake - create a proxy with VOMS extensions
voms-proxy-info - prints informations about a proxy with VOMS
voms-proxy-init - create a proxy with VOMS extensions
voms-proxy-list - Shows a list of all availabel attributes from a
lipsia - Leipzig Image Processing and Statistical Inference Algorithms
vop - perform arithmetic or logical pixel operation
vorbiscomment - List or edit comments in Ogg Vorbis files
vorbisgain - calculate the replay gain for Ogg Vorbis files
vorbistagedit - allows batch editing of vorbis comments with an editor
vos_addsite - Adds a read-only site definition to a volume’s VLDB entry
vos_apropos - Displays each help entry containing a keyword string
vos_backup - Creates a backup volume for a single read/write volume
vos_backupsys - Creates a backup volume for several read/write volumes
vos_changeaddr - Changes or removes a file server machine’s entry in
vos_changeloc - Change a volume’s entry in the VLDB
vos_clone - Creates a shared-space copy of a volume on a partition
vos_convertROtoRW - Converts a Read-Only volume into a Read/Write
vos_copy - Make a copy of a volume
vos_create - Creates a read/write volume and associated VLDB entry
vos_delentry - Removes a volume entry from the VLDB.
vos_dump - Converts a volume into ASCII format and writes it to a file
vos_examine - Shows volume header and VLDB entry information for a
vos_help - Displays help for vos commands
vos - Introduction to the vos command suite
vos_listaddrs - Displays all VLDB server entries
vos_listpart - Displays all AFS partitions on a file server machine
vos_listvldb - Displays a volume’s VLDB entry
vos_listvol - Displays information from a volume header
vos_lock - Locks a VLDB volume entry
vos_move - Moves a read/write volume to another site
vos_offline - Takes a volume offline
vos_online - Brings a volume online
vos_partinfo - Reports the available and total space on a partition
vos_release - Updates read-only volumes to match the read/write source
vos_remove - Removes a volume from a site
vos_remsite - Removes a read-only site definition from a VLDB entry
vos_rename - Renames a volume
vos_restore - Converts an ASCII dump file into an AFS volume
vos_setfields - Sets the quota or clear the access counter on a volume.
vos_shadow - Creates a shadow copy of a volume on a different
vos_size - Computes the size of a volume dump
vos_status - Reports a Volume Server’s status
vos_syncserv - Verifies VLDB entries that mention a specified site
vos_syncvldb - Verifies VLDB entries for volumes residing at specified
vos_unlock - Unlocks a single VLDB entry
vos_unlockvldb - Unlocks several locked VLDB entries
vos_zap - Removes a volume from its site without writing to the VLDB
voxeltoworld - convert voxel coordinates to world coordinates
lipsia - Leipzig Image Processing and Statistical Inference Algorithms
lipsia - Leipzig Image Processing and Statistical Inference Algorithms
vpbconf - Describe installed Voicetronix hardware
vpbecho - Perform an echo test on Voicetronix telephony hardware
vpbscan - Scan the PCI bus for Voicetronix hardware
vp - page a revision of a file
vpl2mod - tool to convert verse per line source to SWORD module
lipsia - Leipzig Image Processing and Statistical Inference Algorithms
lipsia - Leipzig Image Processing and Statistical Inference Algorithms
vptovf - convert virtual property lists to virtual font metrics
lipsia - Leipzig Image Processing and Statistical Inference Algorithms
lipsia - Leipzig Image Processing and Statistical Inference Algorithms
vrflash - install new software on an Agenda VR handheld computer
vrfy - Verify electronic mail addresses
vadm - manipulate and administer version object base
vrms - report of installed non-free software
lipsia - Leipzig Image Processing and Statistical Inference Algorithms
lipsia - Leipzig Image Processing and Statistical Inference Algorithms
lipsia - Leipzig Image Processing and Statistical Inference Algorithms
lipsia - Leipzig Image Processing and Statistical Inference Algorithms
vs2osisref - a tool to convert verse references from English to OSIS
save - save revision of a file
vscale2d - -
vscale3d - -
vsdump - VSD/VSS file format reverse engineering
lipsia - Leipzig Image Processing and Statistical Inference Algorithms
lipsia - Leipzig Image Processing and Statistical Inference Algorithms
vsh-1.4 — Crystalspace tool -
vsh — Crystalspace tool -
vshow - dumps HDF vsets info from hdf file
lipsia - Leipzig Image Processing and Statistical Inference Algorithms
VICE - Versatile Commodore Emulator and Virtual Commodore Environment
v_sim - a GTK program for 3D visualisation of atomic systems
vskel2d - -
vskel3d - -
lipsia - Leipzig Image Processing and Statistical Inference Algorithms
vsmooth3d - -
lipsia - Leipzig Image Processing and Statistical Inference Algorithms
lipsia - Leipzig Image Processing and Statistical Inference Algorithms
vsthost - Program for using VST plugins with JACK.
vstpg, vstpp - VisioBraille file transferring
vstream-client - stream media from a TIVO
lipsia - Leipzig Image Processing and Statistical Inference Algorithms
lipsia - Leipzig Image Processing and Statistical Inference Algorithms
lipsia - Leipzig Image Processing and Statistical Inference Algorithms
lipsia - Leipzig Image Processing and Statistical Inference Algorithms
vtdeviceinfo - Report on installed Voicetronix hardware
vtdriverinfo - Report on installed Voicetronix drivers
vtf2profile - Generate a TAU profile set from a vampir trace file
vthin3d - -
lipsia - Leipzig Image Processing and Statistical Inference Algorithms
vt-is-UTF8 - check whether current VT is in UTF8- or byte-mode.
vtk - Visualization Tool Kit
vtkParseOGLExt - -
vtkpython - Visualization Tool Kit
vtkSMExtractDocumentation - -
vtkVREncodeString - -
vtkWrapClientServer - vtkWrapClientServer
lipsia - Leipzig Image Processing and Statistical Inference Algorithms
lipsia - Leipzig Image Processing and Statistical Inference Algorithms
vtprint - print files from UNIX host to printer attached to local
vtprtoff,vtprton - turn off or on printer attached to local terminal
vtprtoff,vtprton - turn off or on printer attached to local terminal
lipsia - Leipzig Image Processing and Statistical Inference Algorithms
vttest - test VT100-type terminal
lipsia - Leipzig Image Processing and Statistical Inference Algorithms
vtysh - a integrated shell for Quagga routing software
vuname - print view information
vuxctl – vux ogg/mp3 player control interface -
vux – a rating-based, random ogg and mp3 player -
azureus - a BitTorrent client
vvp - Icarus Verilog vvp runtime engine
lipsia - Leipzig Image Processing and Statistical Inference Algorithms
lipsia - Leipzig Image Processing and Statistical Inference Algorithms
vw - Vowpal Wabbit -- fast online learning tool
lipsia - Leipzig Image Processing and Statistical Inference Algorithms
vwrays - compute rays for a given picture or view
vwright - normalize a RADIANCE view, shift it to the right
vym - View your mind
vzdump - backup utility for virtual machine
lipsia - Leipzig Image Processing and Statistical Inference Algorithms
lipsia - Leipzig Image Processing and Statistical Inference Algorithms
vzrestore - restore OpenVZ vzdump backups
vzt2vcd - Coverts VZT files to VCD
vztminer - Data mining of VZT files
w2do - a simple text-based todo manager
w2html - a HTML exporter for w2do
w2text - a plain text exporter for w2do
w3af_console - Web Application Attack and Audit Framework with console
w3af_gui - Web Application Attack and Audit Framework with graphical
w3af - Web Application Attack and Audit Framework
w3camd - A simple web camera daemon
w3c_extended2dlf - convert W3C Extended Log file as used by MS IIS to
w3m - a text based Web browser and pager
w3mman - an interface to the on-line reference manuals by w3m(1)
waei - Japanese-English dictionary
speech-tools - Programs for audio and speech manipulation
speech-tools - Programs for audio and speech manipulation
wajig - Simplified command line administrator for Debian
wakeonlan - Perl script to wake up computers
wa_keyring - WebAuth keyring manipulation tool
walktest-1.4 — Crystalspace tool -
walktest — Crystalspace tool -
wall - write a message to users
wallpaper - Find images which can be used as wallpapers
walmgr - tools for managing WAL-based replication for PostgreSQL.
GNU Prolog - Prolog compiler, includes CLP(FD).
wammu-configurator - program to configure Gammu engine (used by Wammu)
wammu - program for managing entries in your mobile phone
wanna-build-catdb - dump wanna-build database
wanna-build-catdb - dump wanna-build database
wanna-build-catdb - dump wanna-build database
wanna-build - package build database for sbuild
wanna-build-mail - wanna-build mail interface
wanna-build-merge-packages - merge current Packages and Sources files
wanna-build-merge-packages - merge current Packages and Sources files
wanna-build-statistics - print statistics for wanna-build databases
wapiti - a web application vulnerability scanner.
WarpImageMultiTransform - part of ANTS registration suite
WarpTensorImageMultiTransform - part of ANTS registration suite
WarpTimeSeriesImageMultiTransform - part of ANTS registration suite
WarpVTKPolyDataMultiTransform - part of ANTS registration suite
watchgnupg - Read and print logs from a socket
watch - execute a program periodically, showing output fullscreen
watch_maildirs - watch for and display Maildir/Maildir++ changes
watchupstream - Look for newer upstream releases
waterfall - view all characters of font in all sizes
wav2cdr - converts input in (or similar to) wav format to cdr format
wavbreaker - A tool to split wave files into multiple chunks
wavemon - a wireless network monitor application
wavinfo - Display format information for wave files
wavmerge - Merge multiple wave files into a single file
wavpack - encode wav files to wavpack
pvf tools - utilities to convert various sound formats
wayV - capture drawn shapes (gestures), recognize them and carry out
wbar - a light and fast launch bar
wbemcat - a multi-protocol CIM-XML client
wbemcli - independent command line CIM Client
wbinfo - Query information from winbind daemon
wbmp2xpm - Converts WBMP files to 1- bit XPM files
wbmptopbm - convert a wireless bitmap (wbmp) file to a portable bitmap
wbox - HTTP testing tool and configuration-less HTTP server
wcalc - a natural-expression command-line calculator
wcat - printout wtmp entries
wcd - Wherever Change Directory
wcd - Wherever Change Directory
wc - print newline, word, and byte counts for each file
wdel - A wget-like program for deleting files on ftp servers
wdiff - manual page for wdiff 0.6.3
wdiff - display word differences between text files
wdq2wav - convert a WinDAQ file channel to a wav file
weather - command-line tool to obtain weather conditions and forecasts
weather - command-line tool to obtain weather conditions and forecasts
weave - translate WEB to TeX
web2png - convert a web tree from using GIFs to using PNGs
web2py2po - convert web2py translation dictionaries (.py) to
webalizer - A web server log file analysis tool.
webalizer - A web server log file analysis tool.
webboard - copy and paste to a public pastebin server
webcamd - Take a image from your webcam
webcamd-setup - Install webcamd templates and configurations files
webcam - capture images and upload them to a webserver using ftp
webcam-server - a server to stream webcam video or snapshots
webcheck - website link checker
webcheckout - check out repositories referenced on a web page
webdiff - Find and Highlight Differences Between Webpages
webdruid - A web site log file analysis tool.
webdruid - A web site log file analysis tool.
webfsd - a lightweight http server
webgen - a fast, powerful and extensible static website generator
webhttrack - offline browser : copy websites to a local directory
webissues - issue tracking and team collaboration system
weblint - pick fluff off web pages (HTML)
webmagick - create gallery thumbnails for websites
webmlmd - WebMLM interface to couriermlm
weborf - Minimal webserver
libgd-tools - programs to convert between gd and other graphics formats
websec - Web Secretary
Usage: - webservice-office-zoho is a script to enable documents to be
webtidy - show errors in an (X)HTML document
webxml — Simple form-based generator/editor of Tomcat’s web.xml files -
weechat-curses - Wee Enhanced Environment for Chat (Curses version)
weex - fast WEb EXchanger non-interactive FTP client
weight - calculates sequence weights for an alignment
weka - Machine learning algorithms for data mining tasks
Welcome2L - Linux ANSI boot logo.
Welcome2L - Linux ANSI boot logo.
welf2dlf - convert firewall logs in WebTrends Enhanced Log Format to
welf_proxy2dlf - convert logs in WebTrends Enhanced Log Format to proxy
weplab - Wireless WEP encryption security analyzer
wesside-ng - crack a WEP key of an open network without user
westcos-tool - utility for manipulating data structure on westcos smart
wfo - Offline WiKi/Blog editing tool
speech-tools - Programs for audio and speech manipulation
speech-tools - Programs for audio and speech manipulation
wftopfa - Convert a Wadalab base font to Postscript .PFA (or .PFB)
wfut - WorldForge update tool
changeIobStatus - Automate WebGUI’s InOut Board User status switching.
diskUsage - Display amount of disk space used by a WebGUI asset
Wget - The non-interactive network downloader.
fileImport - Import files into WebGUI’s Asset Manager. - Import media into a Gallery asset from various
generateContent - Generate content for a specified Asset -- Run class install methods -
maintenanceMode - Set WebGUI site into maintenance mode.
wgoto - Search for and move to an address
purgeWGAccess - Clean up unneeded .wgaccess files from WebGUI
rebuildLineage - Rebuild WebGUI Lineage Tree.
search - Reindex and search a WebGUI site.
syncToCdn - WebGUI interface to a Content Delivery Network.
testCodebase - Test WebGUI’s code base.
testEnvironment - Test Perl environment for proper WebGUI support.
thumbnailer - Create thumbnails for WebGUI’s uploaded graphic files
upgrade - Upgrade WebGUI database to the latest revision.
userImport - Bulk load users into WebGUI database
whatis - display manual page descriptions
whatnow - prompting front-end for sending messages
what-patch - detects which patch system a Debian package uses
whatsnewfm - filter the daily newsletter from
wheel - plots helical wheels
wheel - plots helical wheels
When - a minimalistic personal calendar program
whereis - locate the binary, source, and manual page files for a
which - locate a command
whichman - show the location of a man page using a fault tolerant
which-pkg-broke - find which package might have broken another
whiptail - display dialog boxes from shell scripts
md5deep - Compute and compare MD5 message digests
whisper-create - create a whisper database
whisper-fetch - extract records from a whisper database
whisper-info - show information about a whisper database
whisper-resize - resize a whisper database
whisper-update - update a whisper database
whitedune - graphical vrml97 editor and animation tool
whoami - print effective userid
WhoBBS - who is online listing Utility
whodepends - check which maintainers' packages depend on a package
whohas - find packages in various distributions’ repositories
who - show who is logged on
who@ - prints the list of active users on a remote host.
whois - client for the whois directory service
whom - report to whom a message would go
who-uploads - identify the uploaders of Debian source packages
whowatch - console, interactive, process and users monitoring tool.
w - Show who is logged on and what they are doing.
why - A multi-language multi-prover verification tool
why - A multi-language multi-prover verification tool
why-cpulimit -- limits the CPU usage of a process -
why - A multi-language multi-prover verification tool
why - A multi-language multi-prover verification tool
why - A multi-language multi-prover verification tool
why - A multi-language multi-prover verification tool
wibble-test-genrunner - Code generator for wibble testsuites.
wicd-client - frontend to the WICD daemon
wicd-client - frontend to the WICD daemon
widgetserver - A tool for adding custom widgets to QtOctave
widl - Wine Interface Definition Language (IDL) compiler
wifi-phy-test - run WiFi PHY test
WiFi Radar - utility for managing WiFi profiles
wiggle - apply rejected patches and perform word-wise diffs
wiipdf - present using xpdf and your wiimote
wiki2beamer - convert wiki-formatted text to latex-beamer code
wikipedia2text — displays Wikipedia entries on the command line -
WildMidi - Open Source Midi Sequencer
windmc - generates Windows message resources.
windowfilter - design an FIR digital filter by the window method
winebuild - Wine dll builder
winedbg - Wine's debugger
winedump - A Wine DLL tool
winefish - LaTeX editor
winegcc - Wine C and C++ MinGW Compatible Compiler
winegcc - Wine C and C++ MinGW Compatible Compiler
wine - run Windows programs on Unix
winemaker - generate a build infrastructure for compiling Windows
wineprefixcreate - create or update the Wine configuration
wineserver - the Wine server
winff - video and audio batch converter using ffmpeg
wings3d - Polygon Mesh Modeler
win - Terminal emulator
winicontoppm - convert a Windows .ico file into 1 or more portable
wininfo - a window information utility for X
winpdb, rpdb2 — platform independent Python debugger -
winwrangler - Small desktop daemon to perform advanced window
wipe - securely erase files from magnetic media
wipe - dosyaların manyetik ortamdan güvenli bir Åekilde silinmesini
wip - interactive plotting package with command line interface
wirefilter - Wire packet filter for Virtual Distributed Ethernet
wireshark - Interactively dump and analyze network traffic
wish - Simple windowing shell
wish - Simple windowing shell
wish - Simple windowing shell
with-lock-ex - file locker
withsctp - Run TCP binaries over SCTP
wkhtmltopdf - html to pdf converter
wlmscpfs - DICOM Basic Worklist Management SCP (based on data files)
wlock - Tests or sets a file with POSIX-fcntl() write-locks
wm2 - Small, non-configurable Window Manager for X
wm2xmcd - workman-to-xmcd CD database file converter
wmacpi - Battery status monitor for systems supporting ACPI
wmagnify - magnify parts of the screen
wmail - watches your inbox
wmakerconf - configure the Window Maker X window manager
wmanager - choose a window manager and launch it
wmanager-loop - loop running window managers chosen with wmanager
wmanagerrc-update - update your wmanager settings automatically
WMAUDA - a dockable Audacious control applet.
WMb - Website META Language Bug Reporting Tool
WMBiff - A dockable Mailbox Monitor
wmbinclock - A binary clock applet for Window Maker
wmblob - a WindowMaker dockapp
wmbutton - dockable launcher application
WMCALCLOCK - Dockable Calendar Clock
WMCALCLOCK - Dockable Calendar Clock
wmcb - Dockable app displaying the cut buffer content
wmccc - WMCoinCoin Configurator
wrc - Wine Message Compiler
wmclockmon-cal - A calendar to use with wmclockmon
wmclockmon-config - A program to configure wmclockmon
wmclockmon - A dockapp to monitor hour, date and alarms
wmcoincoin - stupid dockapp to browse DaCode sites news and board
wmcpuload - A dockapp to display CPU usage
wmctrl - interact with a EWMH/NetWM compatible X Window Manager.
wmcube - spinning 3d object that shows the current CPU load
WMd - Website META Language Documentation Browser
wmdiskmon - A dockapp to monitor disks usage.
WML Missing Doc - Requested Program Not Installed
wmdrawer — a dockapp providing a drawer to launch applications -
wmf - convert and index mails in html format.
wmfire - Fiery dock app monitor
wmfishtime - dockable clock app for WMaker, BlackBox, E, SawFish etc.
wmforkplop - Monitors forking activity and displays top CPU consuming
wmfsm — shows the amount of disk space available -
wmget - Background download manager in a dockapp
wmGrabImage - Dockable WWW Image monitor.
wmGrabImage - Dockable WWW Image monitor.
wmgtemp - Temperature sensor dock app for Window Maker
wmgui - GTK gui to the wiimote
wmhdplop - hard drive monitor dockapp
wmibam - A dockapp power monitor using ibam
wm-icons-config - show and set configuration for wm-icons
wmifinfo - dockapp for showing basic network info for all available
wmifs - a dockable network traffic monitor
wmiibar - window manager improved 2 bar
wmiifs - window manager improved 2 filesystem
wmii - window manager improved 2
wmiikeys - window manager improved 2 keys
wmiiloop-VERSION - tool for easy wmii event handling
wmiimenu - window manager improved 2 menu
wmiir - window manager improved 2 remote
wmiiwm - window manager improved 2
wminput - an event driver for the wiimote
wmitime - Window Maker dock app displaying date, clock and internet
wmix - Dockapp mixer for OSS
WMk - Website META Language Make
wmlc - A basic WML compiler
wmld - A basic WML bytecode decompiler
WML - Website META Language
wmlhtml - WML to HTML converter
wmlongrun - A dockapp to monitor the LongRun(tm) status on Crusoe(tm)
wmlsc - WMLScript compiler
wmlsdasm - WMLScript disassembler
wmlv - Very simple text-based WML deck viewer - Window Maker - Window Maker
wmmaiload-config - Configuration window for wmmaiload dockapp
wmmaiload - A dockapp to monitor mailboxes
wmMand - Dockable Mandelbrot browser
wmMand - Dockable Mandelbrot browser
wmMatrix - Dockable Matrix Display
wmMatrix - Dockable Matrix Display
wmmemload - A dockapp to monitor memory/swap usages
wmmemmon - A dockapp to monitor memory/swap usages
wmmisc - Dock app that monitors your system
wmmixer - A mixer application designed for WindowMaker
wmmon - Window Maker dockapp for monitoring system information
WMMOONCLOCK - Dockable Moon Phase Clock
WMMOONCLOCK - Dockable Moon Phase Clock
wmname - prints/sets window manager name
WMND - WindowMaker network device monitor
wmnetmon - dockapp for monitoring up to 40 different services on remote
WMNETSELECT - A dock applet to send the X selection to Firefox (or
WMNUT - Dockable UPS Monitor
wmpanpan - hunt down and kill wmcoincoin
wmpinboard - a Window Maker dock app resembling a miniature pinboard
wmpomme - WindowMaker dockapp for use with pommed
wmppp - Graphically monitor the average PPP load
wmrack - CD Player and Mixer dock applet
wmscope - Graphical representation of sound waves in a dockapp
wmshutdown - A graphical dock application to shutdown computer
wmshutdown - suid program called by wmshutdown(1) to call
wmsmpmon - Window Maker System Monitor
WMSPACEWEATHER - Dockable Space Weather Monitor
WMSPACEWEATHER - Dockable Space Weather Monitor
WMSUN - Dockable WindowMaker SunRise/SunSet App
WMSUN - Dockable WindowMaker SunRise/SunSet App
wmsysmon - Windowmaker dock-app for monitoring your system.
wmtime - Window Maker dockapp that displays the time and date
wmtimer - A dockable alarm clock for WindowMaker
wmtop - WindowMaker dockapp
wmtv - dockable video4linux TV player for WindowMaker.
WMTZ - Window Make Time Zone dockapp
WMu - Website META Language Upgrade Utility
wmwave -
wmweather - dockable weather monitor
wmweather - dockable weather monitor
wmwork - keep track of time worked on projects
wmxmms2 - A dockable XMMS2 client.
wmxres - dockable application to change X modes
wnpp-alert - check for installed packages up for adoption or orphaned
wnpp-check - check if a package is being packaged or if this has been
wodim - write data to optical disk media
sgbdemos - Examples of the use of The Stanford GraphBase
wordgrinder - console-based word processor
tesseract - command line OCR tool
word-list-compress - word list compressor/decompressor for GNU Aspell
wordplay - anagram finder
wordview - displays text contained in MS-Word file in X window
worker - file manager for the X Window System
worklog - a program for keeping track of time spent on different
workman - play audio compact discs
workrave - RSI prevention tool
voxeltoworld - convert voxel coordinates to world coordinates
worldwind - 3D Virtual Globe
wotsap - Web of Trust statistics and pathfinder
wikipedia2text — displays Wikipedia entries on the command line -
WPP - The Web Preprocessor
wprint - A filter for Mozilla/Netscape to print non-latin1 pages using
wput - A wget-like ftp-uploader
wrapesd - start and stop the GPE sound service
WrapperFactory - Application wrappers configuration tool
wrapsrv - DNS SRV record command line wrapper
wrc - Wine Resource Compiler
wreplace - Replace an address with the contents of stdin.
wrestool - extract resources from Microsoft Windows(R) binaries
writebuffer - write output to devices which don’t like constant
wrjpgcom - insert text comments into a JPEG file
wrmsr - tool for writing CPU machine specific registers (MSR)
wsapi.cgi - cgi wrapper for wsapi based dynamic pages
w_scan - a universal ATSC and DVB blind scanner
wsdl - Mono's Web Service Proxy Generator
wsdl2aws - Generate stubs and skeletons for web services
wsdl2dispatch - generate Python code skeleton for SOAP server from WSDL
wsdl2hed - ARC skeleton generator
wsdl2h - the gSOAP WSDL parser for C and C++
wsdl - Mono's Web Service Proxy Generator
wsdl2py - generate client Python interface code from WSDL
wsdl - Mono's Web Service Proxy Generator
wsola - program to stretch and compress (speed up/slow down) audio
wterm - lightweight terminal emulator for X
cwterm - lightweight terminal emulator with Chinese character support
wtoc - Convert a Wnn text-form dictionary (or dictionaries) into Canna
wtpt - Show media white of profiles, identifying black body locus.
wulfweb - A script to create an html table of cluster node statistics
wulflogger - A logging utility/client for xmlsysd
wulfstat - A simple project template
wuzzah - keep an eye out for friends on a local system
wv2-config - script to get information about the installed version of
wvHtml - convert msword documents to Abiword’s format
wvCleanLatex - convert msword documents to LaTeX
wvdialconf - build a configuration file for wvdial(1)
wvdial - PPP dialer with built-in intelligence.
wvDVI - convert msword documents to DVI
wvgain - adds ReplayGain information to wavpack files
wvHtml - convert msword documents to HTML4.0
wvLatex - convert msword documents to LaTeX
wvMime - view MSWord documents
wvPDF - convert msword documents to PDF
wvPS - convert msword documents to PS
wvRTF - convert msword documents to RTF
wvSummary - view word document’s summary info
wvHtml - convert msword documents to text
wvunpack - decodes wavpack encoded files
wvVersion - view word document’s version #
wvWare - convert msword documents
wvHtml - convert msword documents to WML
wwl - Maidenhead locator utility
wwwoffle - A program to control the World Wide Web Offline Explorer.
wwwstat - summarize WWW server (httpd) access statistics
wxBanker - simple personal finance
wxBTreeDemo - B+ Tree demonstration program
wxcas - wx c aMule statistics
wx-config - wxWidgets configuration search and query tool
wxformbuilder - WYSIWYG GUI Designer and Code Generator for wxWidgets
wxglade - python program to build user interfaces based on the
wxmaxima — wxWidgets interface for maxima -
img2py - wxPython tools.
wxrc - command line compiler for wx xml resources.
wxrc - command line compiler for wx xml resources.
wy60 - curses based emulator for the Wyse 60™ terminal
wyg - generate config-file parsers and automate use of getopt_long
wyrd is a text-based front-end to remind(1), a sophisticated calendar -
wzd-config - retrieve information about the installed version of
wzip - lossy data compression and denoising
x0vncserver - VNC server which continuously polls an X display - client for LCDd, the lcdproc server
x11meta - output metafile graphics to X11
x11perfcomp - X11 server performance comparison program
x11perf - X11 server performance test program
x11vnc - allow VNC connections to real X11 displays
VICE - Versatile Commodore Emulator and Virtual Commodore Environment
x264 - fast h264 encoder
x2imf — converts bitmap images into the "portable image family" format -
x2top - generates a primitive topology from coordinates
x2top - generates a primitive topology from coordinates
x2vnc - a dual-screen hack
x2x - X to X connection
x3270if - command interface to x3270, c3270 and s3270
Scripting Facilities for x3270, s3270, ws3270 and c3270 -
x52output - command line frontend for the x52pro library
VICE - Versatile Commodore Emulator and Virtual Commodore Environment
VICE - Versatile Commodore Emulator and Virtual Commodore Environment
x86dis - disassemble a bytestream of Intel x86 instructions
x86info — display x86 CPU diagnostics -
aee - another (easy) editor
xa - 6502/R65C02/65816 cross-assembler
xalan - Process XML documents with XSLT stylesheets
xamlg - Mono Xaml Class Generator
xapian-check - Check the consistency of a flint database or table
xapian-compact - Compact a flint database, or merge and compact several
xapian-config - report information about the installed version of
xapian-inspect - Inspect the contents of a flint table for development
xapian-progsrv - Piped server for use with Xapian’s remote backend
xapian-tcpsrv - TCP daemon for use with Xapian’s remote backend
xapm - display Advanced Power Management (APM) BIOS information
xapt - convert Debian packages to cross versions on-the-fly
xara - GTK2 interface for the above
Xara Xtreme LX (xaralx) - a fast and flexible vector graphics program
xarchiver - GTK+ frontend for most used compression formats
xarclock - extended xclock(1)
xargs - build and execute command lines from standard input
xar - eXtensible ARchiver
Xastir is a graphical application that interfaces HAM radio and -
xatitv - GUI "TV in a Window" application from the GATOS package.
xatomwait -- poll for changes in X properties -
xattr - sets or lists extended attributes on a file or directory
xaumix - aumix wrapper for X
xauth - X authority file utility
xautolock - fire up programs in case of user inactivity under X
xawtv - a X11 program for watching TV
xawtv-remote, v4lctl -- control video4linux devices -
aylet, xaylet - play Spectrum ‘.ay’ music files
xbacklight - adjust backlight brightness using RandR extension
xbattbar - show battery status in X Window
xbiff - mailbox flag for X
xbindkeys-config - GTK+ configuration tool for xbindkeys
xbindkeys - a grabbing keys program for X
xbindkeys_show - a program to show the grabbing keys used in xbindkeys
xbmtopbm - convert an X11 or X10 bitmap into a portable bitmap
xbomb - a version of the popular minesweeper program with some novel
xbrlapi - X11 BrlAPI helper for Linux/Unix
xbsh - BeanShell: A Java scripting environment (windowed version).
xbs - ball and stick molecule modeling
xbuffy - yet another biff for the X Window System
xbuild - Mono's tool to build MSBuild project files
xcadabra - gtk front-end for cadabra
xca - A GUI for handling X509 certificates, RSA keys, PKCS#10 Requests
xcal_cal - interface to calendar(1) for xcal
xcalc - scientific calculator for X
xcalev - load xcal calendar files with regular dates
xcal - calendar with alarms and a notebook for X11
xcalib - Tiny monitor calibration loader for Xorg.
xcalpr - print xcal calendar entries
xcam - a graphical camera frontend for SANE
XcardII - Graphical Smartcard Administration Tool
x{s,d,c,z}c?blat{1,2,3} - testing programs for blas
x{s,d,c,z}c?blat{1,2,3} - testing programs for blas
x{s,d,c,z}c?blat{1,2,3} - testing programs for blas
VICE - Versatile Commodore Emulator and Virtual Commodore Environment
x{s,d,c,z}c?blat{1,2,3} - testing programs for blas
x{s,d,c,z}c?blat{1,2,3} - testing programs for blas
x{s,d,c,z}c?blat{1,2,3} - testing programs for blas
xcdroast - graphical frontend to create or copy CDs.
xcf2png - convert from GIMP xcf files to png format
xcf2pnm - convert from GIMP xcf files to ppm/pgm/pbm format
xcfa - GTK+ Implementation of the GNU shell command.
xcfinfo - display information about GIMP xcf files
xcfview - display GIMP xcf files
xchat-gnome - a new front-end to the popular xchat IRC client
xchat-gnome-remote - tells a running xchat-gnome to perform tasks via
xchat - IRC client for X similar to AmIRC
xchm - Compiled HTML Help (CHM) file viewer for X.
xcircuit - Draw circuit schematics or almost anything; make circuit
xclipboard - X clipboard client
xclip-copyfile, xclip-cutfile, xclip-pastefile - copy and move files
xclip-copyfile, xclip-cutfile, xclip-pastefile - copy and move files
xclip - command line interface to X selections (clipboard)
xclip-copyfile, xclip-cutfile, xclip-pastefile - copy and move files
xclock - analog / digital clock for X
xcmsdb - Device Color Characterization utility for X Color Management
xcolmix - an RGB colour mixer
xcolorsel - display contents of rgb.txt files together with color
xcolors - display all X11 color names and colors
xcompmgr - sample X compositing manager
xconsole - monitor system console messages with X
*_count - count physical lines of code, in each input file
xcursorgen - create an X cursor file from a collection of PNG images
xcutsel - interchange between cut buffer and selection
xcwcp - Xwindows-based Morse tutor program
xdaliclock - melting digital clock
xdbfiletool - Jabberd14 Jabber/XMPP server XDB file management tool
x{s,d,c,z}c?blat{1,2,3} - testing programs for blas
x{s,d,c,z}c?blat{1,2,3} - testing programs for blas
x{s,d,c,z}c?blat{1,2,3} - testing programs for blas
x{s,d,c,z}c?blat{1,2,3} - testing programs for blas
x{s,d,c,z}c?blat{1,2,3} - testing programs for blas
x{s,d,c,z}c?blat{1,2,3} - testing programs for blas
xdeb - build a set of Debian packages
xdelta3 - VCDIFF (RFC 3284) binary diff tool
xdelta-config - script to get information about the installed version
xdelta - Invoke Xdelta
xdesktopwaves - simulation of water waves on the X Windows desktop
xdeview - a powerful decoder for binary files
xdfcopy - Program to copy and format Xdf disks in Linux
xdfcopy - Program to copy and format Xdf disks in Linux
xdg-desktop-icon - command line tool for (un)installing icons to the
xdg-desktop-menu - command line tool for (un)installing desktop menu
xdg-email - command line tool for sending mail using the user's
xdg-icon-resource - command line tool for (un)installing icon resources
xdg-mime - command line tool for querying information about file type
xdg-open - opens a file or URL in the user's preferred application
xdg-screensaver - command line tool for controlling the screensaver
xdg-settings - get various settings from the desktop environment
display-dhammapada - display a verse from the Dhammapada
xd - eXtra fast Directory changer
xdiskusage - Graphical display of disk usage
xditview - display ditroff output
xdm - X Display Manager with support for XDMCP, host chooser
xdms - decompressing Amiga DMS files
xdmxconfig - a graphical configuration tool for Xdmx configuration
Xdmx - Distributed Multi-head X server
dosemu, xdosemu - run DOS and DOS programs under Linux
xdotool - command-line X11 automation tool
xdpr - dump an X window directly to a printer
xdpyinfo - display information utility for X
xdrawchem - open-source chemical structures editor similar to ChemDraw
xdriinfo - query configuration information of DRI drivers
xdt-autogen - Run autotools on a Xfce source tarball
xdvi - DVI Previewer for the X Window System
xdvi - DVI Previewer for the X Window System
xdvi - DVI Previewer for the X Window System
xdx - tcp/ip DX-cluster client for Amateur Radio
xedit - simple text editor for X
xeigtstc, xeigtstd, xeigtsts, xeigtstz, xlintstc, xlintstd, xlintsts, -
xeigtstc, xeigtstd, xeigtsts, xeigtstz, xlintstc, xlintstd, xlintsts, -
xeigtstc, xeigtstd, xeigtsts, xeigtstz, xlintstc, xlintstd, xlintsts, -
xeigtstc, xeigtstd, xeigtsts, xeigtstz, xlintstc, xlintstd, xlintsts, -
xeigtstc, xeigtstd, xeigtsts, xeigtstz, xlintstc, xlintstd, xlintsts, -
xeigtstc, xeigtstd, xeigtsts, xeigtstz, xlintstc, xlintstd, xlintsts, -
xeigtstc, xeigtstd, xeigtsts, xeigtstz, xlintstc, xlintstd, xlintsts, -
xeigtstc, xeigtstd, xeigtsts, xeigtstz, xlintstc, xlintstd, xlintsts, -
Xeji - Yet another follow the mouse X demo.
xemacs - Emacs: The Next Generation
xemacs - Emacs: The Next Generation
xemacs - Emacs: The Next Generation
xemacs - Emacs: The Next Generation
xemacs - Emacs: The Next Generation
xemacs - Emacs: The Next Generation
xemacs - Emacs: The Next Generation
xeno-config - Display Xenomai libraries configuration
xeno-info - Outputs information about the system
xeno-load - Executes applications that use Xenomai libraries and kernel
xeno-test - Tests and measures the performance of a Xenomai
xentop - displays real-time information about a Xen system and domains
xentrace_format - pretty-print Xen trace data
Xephyr - X server outputting to a window on a pre-existing X display
xerces-c - xerces-c sample program
estic — Administration program for ISTEC ISDN PABX. -
xev - print contents of X events
xeyes - a follow the mouse X demo
xfbrowser4 - wrapper script to run user defined browser
xfburn - Simple CD/DVD burning tool
xfce4-utils - various XFce 4 utilities
xfce4-accessibility-settings - Accessibility settings for Xfce
xfce4-appearance-settings - Appearance settings for Xfce
xfce4-appfinder - Xfce 4 Appfinder
xfce4-autostart-editor - XFce 4 Autostart Editor
xfce4-dict — a client program to query different dictionaries -
xfce4-display-settings - Display settings for Xfce
xfce4-keyboard-settings - Keyboard settings for Xfce
xfce4-mixer - a volume control application for Xfce
xfce4-mouse-settings - Mouse settings for Xfce
xfce4-notifyd-config - configuration GUI for xfce4-notifyd
xfce4-panel - XFce 4 Panel
xfce4-popup-menu - shows the Xfce Menu
xfce4-popup-windowlist - shows the Xfce window list applet popup
xfce4-power-manager - The Xfce 4 Power manager
xfce4-power-manager-settings - Settings dialog for the Xfce 4 Power
xfce4-screenshooter - application to take screenshots
Xfce4 - Sensors application for xfce4
xfce4-session - Starts up the Xfce Desktop Environment
xfce4-session-logout - Logs out from Xfce
xfce4-session-settings - Session settings for Xfce
xfce4-settings-editor - Settings editor for Xfce
xfce4-settings-helper - Settings daemon for Xfce
xfce4-settings-manager - Settings manager for Xfce
xfce4-taskmanager - a task (system process) manager for Xfce.
Terminal - A Terminal emulator for X
Terminal - A Terminal emulator for X
xfce4-tips - XFce 4 Tips
xfce4-utils - various XFce 4 utilities
xfce4-volstatus-icon - xfce systray icon for ejecting removable volumes
xfconf-query - Command line utility for xfconf system
xfdesktop - The Xfce 4 Desktop Environment’s desktop manager
xfdesktop-settings - Desktop settings for Xfce
xfd - display all the characters in an X font
xfe - A lightweight file manager for X Window
xferlog2dlf - convert FTP logs in xferlog format to DLF format
xfce4-utils - various XFce 4 utilities
xfig - Facility for Interactive Generation of figures under X11
xfig-pdf-viewer - view a PDF document using a PDF browser under X11
xfi - A simple image viewer for X Window
xfishtank - Fish swimming across your Root Window
xfce4-utils - various XFce 4 utilities
xfmconcat - concatenate MNI transform files
xfmflip - flip an MNI transform file
xfm - X file and applications manager
xfminvert - invert an MNI transform file
xfmmailcap - show mailcap information as parsed by xfm
xfce4-utils - various XFce 4 utilities
xfmpc - graphical GTK+ MPD client focusing on low footprint.
xfmtype - xfm file type tester
xfontsel - point and click selection of X11 font names
xform - transform a RADIANCE scene description
xfp - A simple package manager for X Window
xfprint4 - XFce 4 Printer client
xfprint4-manager - XFce 4 Printer queue manager
xfpt - make XML from plain text
xfractint - fractal generation program
xfreecd - GTK2 based CD player for X
xfreerdp - X11 front-end for FreeRDP
xfce4-utils - various XFce 4 utilities
xfsettingsd - XSettings daemon for Xfce
xfs - X font server
xfsinfo - X font server information utility
xfce4-utils - various XFce 4 utilities
xft-config - report Xft version, compiler, linker, and/or installation
xfterm4 - terminal emulator script enhanced by the xfce4-panel
xfv - A simple text viewer for X Window
xfwm4 - XFce 4 Window Manager
xfwm4 - Window manager settings for Xfce
xfwm4 - Advanced window manager settings for Xfce
xfwm4 - Workspace settings for Xfce
xfw - A simple text editor for X Window
xgamma - Alter a monitor's gamma correction through the X server
xgc - X graphics demo
xgdvi - a TeX DVI file viewer on X11
xgettext - extract gettext strings from source
xgfconfig - configuration program for Xgridfit
xgfmerge - merges two Xgridfit program files
xgfupdate - updates an Xgridfit program file to the latest version.
xglaresrc - dislpay glare sources under X11
xglyph - demonstration program for the t1lib font rasterizer library.
xgmod - play music modules
gps, xgps, xgpsspeed, cgps, lcdgps - test clients for gpsd
xgraph - Draw a graph on an X11 Display
xgrep - search content of an XML file
xgridfit - a program for gridfitting, or "hinting," TrueType fonts
xgsch2pcb - gEDA/gaf gschem -yyyyygt; PCB workflow GUI
xhfs - graphical interface for manipulating HFS volumes
xhost - server access control program for X
xhtml2pdf - PDF generator using HTML and CSS
html2ps - convert HTML to PostScript
ximage - RADIANCE picture display for X window system
imfapp — an image viewer for xconq’s "portable image family" images -
ximtoppm - convert an Xim file into a portable pixmap
xindy - create sorted and tagged index from raw index
xindy - a flexible indexing system
xine-config - script to get information about the installed version of
xine - a free video player
xine-list-1.1 - get supported filetype information from xine-lib
xine-remote - a small tool to connect xine remote control server.
xinit - X Window System initializer
xinput - utility to configure and test X input devices
gnomesword - Bible study tool
xjadeo - displays a video clip in sync with an external timing source
XJDIC - an electronic Japanese-English dictionary program (V2.4)
xjdicconfig - program to create index files for xjdic program.
XJDIC - an electronic Japanese-English dictionary program (V2.4)
XJDIC - an electronic Japanese-English dictionary program (V2.4)
XJDIC - an electronic Japanese-English dictionary program (V2.4)
XJDIC - an electronic Japanese-English dictionary program (V2.4)
Jed - programmers editor
xjinfo - Display A/V file info in XML format.
Xjove - run JOVE under X-windows with function-key and mouse support.
xjpegroot - Image to background installer
xjremote - CLI front-end to xjadeo
xkbbell - XKB extension user utility
xkbcomp - compile XKB keyboard description
xkbevd - XKB event daemon
xkbprint - print an XKB keyboard description
xkbsel-aw - select keyboard layout using a Xaw GUI
xkbseldb - maintain xkbsel databases
xkbsel - select keyboard layout
xkbset - user preference utility for XKB extensions for X
xkbvleds - XKB extension user utility
xkbwatch - XKB extension user utility
xkeycaps - graphically display and edit the X keyboard mapping
xkibitz - allow multiple people to interact in an xterm
xkill - kill a client by its X resource
xlhtml - A program for converting Microsoft Excel Files .xls
xliff2odf - convert OpenDocument (ODF) files to Gettext PO localization
xliff2oo - convert XLIFF localization files to an (SDF)
xliff2po - Convert XLIFF localization files to Gettext PO localization
xli - load images into an X11 window or onto the root window
links - lynx-like alternative character mode WWW browser
xeigtstc, xeigtstd, xeigtsts, xeigtstz, xlintstc, xlintstd, xlintsts, -
xeigtstc, xeigtstd, xeigtsts, xeigtstz, xlintstc, xlintstd, xlintsts, -
xeigtstc, xeigtstd, xeigtsts, xeigtstz, xlintstc, xlintstd, xlintsts, -
xeigtstc, xeigtstd, xeigtsts, xeigtstz, xlintstc, xlintstd, xlintsts, -
xeigtstc, xeigtstd, xeigtsts, xeigtstz, xlintstc, xlintstd, xlintsts, -
xeigtstc, xeigtstd, xeigtsts, xeigtstz, xlintstc, xlintstd, xlintsts, -
xeigtstc, xeigtstd, xeigtsts, xeigtstz, xlintstc, xlintstd, xlintsts, -
xeigtstc, xeigtstd, xeigtsts, xeigtstz, xlintstc, xlintstd, xlintsts, -
xlito - Append/Delete/Show a Trailing Option string in a file.
xload - system load average display for X
xlock - Locks the local X display until a password is entered.
xlog - GTK+ logging program for Amateur Radio Operators
xlogo - X Window System logo
xls2csv - reads MS-Excel file and puts its content as comma-separated
xlsatoms - list interned atoms defined on server
xlsclients - list client applications running on a display
xlsfonts - server font list displayer for X
xlsview - graphical front-end for xls2csv(1)
xmag - magnify parts of the screen
mailleds - blink keyboard LED lights when mail arrives - A script to make GIF animations from XMakemol output.
XMakemol - A program for visualizing atomic and molecular systems.
xman - Manual page display program for the X Window System
Xmark - summarize x11perf results
xmaxima - graphical frontend to maxima computer algebra system
xmbind — Configures virtual key bindings -
xmcd - CD digital audio player utility for X11/Motif
XMCreateDB - create database for XingMa input method
xmds - the eXtensible Multi-Dimensional Simulator
xmedcon-config - script to get info about the installed version of
xmedcon - MedCon with GUI for the X Window System
xmessage - display a message or query in a window (X-based /bin/echo)
grace - command line interface
xm - Xen management user interface
xminicom - friendly serial communication program
xmkmf - create a Makefile from an Imakefile
bibutils - bibliography conversion utilities
xml2ag - XML to AutoGen Definiton Converter
xml2asc - convert UTF-8 to yyyyyamp;#nnn; entities
bibutils - bibliography conversion utilities
xml2brl - manual page for xml2brl (liblouis) 1.7.0
xml-config - script to get information about the installed version of
xml2dcm - Convert XML document to DICOM file or data set
xml2dsr - Convert DICOM SR file and data set to XML
bibutils - bibliography conversion utilities
xml2gbs - OSIS/ThML General Book module creation tool
xml2 - convert xml documents in a flat format
xml2info - MAME XML to INFO converter
bibutils - bibliography conversion utilities
xml2po - program to create a PO-template file from a DocBook XML file
xml2pot - Creates a PO template file from a DocBook XML file.
xml2ps - the typesetting engine of Passepartout
h2xml - convert header files to XML intermediates
xml2rfc - format RFCs using XML markup
bibutils - bibliography conversion utilities
xml2vdr — Convert XML DVB-SI files to a VDR channel list -
bibutils - bibliography conversion utilities
xmlada-config - script to get information about the installed version
xmlcatalog - Command line tool to parse and manipulate XML or SGML
xmlcopyeditor - fast, free, validating XML editor
sloccount - count source lines of code (SLOC)
xmldiff - Tree 2 tree correction between xml documents
xmlif - conditional processing instructions for XML
xmlindent - XML stream reformatter
xmllint - command line XML tool
xmlmantohtml - xml to html converter
xmlmerge - Command line tool for merging XML snippets from multiple
xmlparse - error-check and validate XML documents
xmlrev - Tree 2 tree correction between xml documents
xmlroff - XSL formatter
xml-rpc-api2cpp - Make a C++ wrapper class for an XML-RPC API
xml-rpc-api2txt - Print out a description of an XML-RPC API as text
xmlsec1-config - detail installed version of xmlsec library
xmlsec1 - sign, verify, encrypt and decrypt XML documents
xmlstarlet - command line XML/XSLT toolkit
xmltest - Test script to send CIM-XML (via wbemcat) to CIMOM and
xmltex, pdfxmltex - xml non-validating parser in TeX
xmlto - apply an XSL stylesheet to an XML document
xmltoman - xml to man converter
xmlwf — Determines if an XML document is well-formed -
xmlwidget - Implement QtOctave interfaces in XML
xmms2d - XMMS2 daemon which handles the playback of music and storage
xmms2-et - transmits an anonymous informative packet to the XMMS2 team
xmms2-find-avahi - finding running XMMS2 instances via Avahi
xmms2 - offers a simple command-line interface to the XMMS2 daemon
xmms2-launcher - XMMS2 daemon launcher
xmms2-libvisual - visualization client for XMMS2
xmms2-mdns-avahi - announces XMMS2 via mDNS
xmms2-mlib-updater - monitors directories and updates the media library
xmms2-ripper - dumps the audio currently played to stdout
xmms2-scrobbler - Audioscrobbler/Last.FM client for XMMS2
xmms2tray - a tray icon for XMMS2
xmobar - A configurable and extensible status bar for X11 desktops
mode2, smode2, xmode2 - shows the pulse/space length of infrared
xmodmap - utility for modifying keymaps and pointer button mappings in
xmonad is a minimalist tiling window manager for X, written in Haskell. -
xmore - plain text display program for the X Window System
xmorph - image warping and dissolving (morphing) for X window system
xmountains - A fractal landscape generator.
xmount - Tool to crossmount between multiple input and output harddisk
xmousepos - Gets and prints the current mouse position
xmp - Extended Module Player
XMPI - X Window MPI user interface
xnav - Construct navigation top and sidebars for a collection of web
xnc - File manager for X Window
xnecview - A program for visualizing NEC2 input and output files
xnee - records, replays or distributes X11 data
Xnest - a nested X server
xnetcardconfig — wizard to reconfigure Network adapaters (IP) -
xnetcardconfig — wizard to reconfigure Network adapaters (IP) -
xnetload - Displays packet (or bytes) traffic and uptime for a network
XNeur - in-place conversion of text typed in with a wrong keyboard
xnlock - amusing lock screen program with message for passers-by
ocp - music player
Xorg - X11R7 X server
xorpsh — XORP Command Shell -
xorriso - creates, loads, manipulates and writes ISO 9660 filesystem
xorsa - Orbit Reconstruction, Simulation and Analysis
xoscope - Digital Oscilloscope
xosd-config - script to get information about the installed version of
xosview - X based system monitor
xotclsh - Tcl Shell containing object-oriented scripting language XOTcl
xournal - GTK+ Application for note taking
xowish - Graphical shell containing object-oriented scripting language
xpad - A sticky notes application for GTK+ 2.0
xpaint - Simple Paint program
xpce-client - Contact an XPCE server socket
xpce - Prolog with graphical user interface (GUI)
xpdf - Portable Document Format (PDF) file viewer for X (version 3.02)
xpenguins - cute little penguins that walk along the tops of your
xpenguins - cute little penguins that walk along the tops of your
VICE - Versatile Commodore Emulator and Virtual Commodore Environment
xphelloworld - sends a test page to an Xprint printer
xphone - GNU X phone icon
xpi-pack - pack a directory to a XPI file
xpi-repack - repack a xpi file into a tarball
xpi-unpack - unpack a XPI file to a directory
xpl2gpl - Convert tcptrace-style xplot input to gnuplot input.
xplanet - render an image of a planet into an X window or file
playmidi, xplaymidi, splaymidi - MIDI file player
xplor2gmx - Convert XPLOR distance restraints to Gromacs format
xplot - simple x-y column data plotter for X - fast tool to graph and visualize lots of data
xplsprinters - shows a list of Xprint printers and it’s attributes
VICE - Versatile Commodore Emulator and Virtual Commodore Environment
xpm2ps - convert XPM (XPixelMap) file to postscript
xpm2ps - convert XPM (XPixelMap) file to postscript
xpm2wico - a free program which converts .xpm files to Windows .ico
fvwm-root - Sets the root window of the current X display to image
xpmtoppm - convert an X11 pixmap into a portable pixmap
xpn - graphical newsreader written in Python with the GTK+ toolkit
xpostit - X window system Post-it® notes
xpp - X Printing Panel
xpra - viewer for remote, persistent X applications
xprehashprinterlist - Recomputes the list of available printers.
xpr - print an X window dump
xprintidle - utility printing user’s idle time in X
xprintmon - X11 program to monitor print jobs in LPRng’s queue.
xprobe2 - A Remote active operating system fingerprinting tool.
xprop - property displayer for X
Xprt - Print server for X Version 11
xpsimplehelloworld - "Hello World"-like Xprint sample utility based on
xpvm - graphical console and monitor for PVM
xpxthelloworld - "Hello World"-like Xprint sample utility based on the
qcam, xqcam - get pictures from Byyyyyamp;W Connectix QuickCam(tm)
xqilla - run XQuery and XPath 2 expressions
xql - minimal XBSQL command-line client
xqxdecode - Decode a XQX stream into human readable form.
xracer-blender2track - generate a XRacer track from a Blender exported
xracer-mkcraft - generate a XRacer vehicle from a Blender VRML file
xracer-mkmeshnotex — XRacer texture coordinates maker -
xracer-mktrack — XRacer track generator -
xracer-mktrackscenery — XRacer track scenery generator -
xracer-mktube — XRacer tubular outline generator -
xrama - shows animated Ramachandran plots
xrama - shows animated Ramachandran plots
rancid - Cisco configuration filter
xrandr - primitive command line interface to RandR extension
img2py - wxPython tools.
xrdb - X server resource database utility
xrdcp - XRootD utility to copy files to/from nodes
xrd - interactive XRootD ftp-like client
xrdpwdadmin - XRootD utility to manage passwords
xrefresh - refresh all or part of an X screen
xrefs - Find crossed assembly references
xrestop - monitor server resources used by X11 clients
xrlogin - start an xterm that uses ssh (or optionally rlogin or telnet)
xrootconsole - display a file (or stdin) to a transparent window
xrootd - The eXtended ROOT file server daemon
xrsh - start an X program on a remote machine
xsane - scanner frontend for SANE
x{s,d,c,z}c?blat{1,2,3} - testing programs for blas
x{s,d,c,z}c?blat{1,2,3} - testing programs for blas
x{s,d,c,z}c?blat{1,2,3} - testing programs for blas
xscanimage - scan an image
x{s,d,c,z}c?blat{1,2,3} - testing programs for blas
x{s,d,c,z}c?blat{1,2,3} - testing programs for blas
x{s,d,c,z}c?blat{1,2,3} - testing programs for blas
xscreensaver-command - control a running xscreensaver process
xscreensaver-demo - interactively control the background xscreensaver
xscreensaver-getimage-file - put a randomly-selected image on the root
xscreensaver-getimage - put some randomly-selected image on the root
xscreensaver-getimage-video - put a video frame on the root window
xscreensaver-gl-helper - figure out which X visual to use for GL
xscreensaver - extensible screen saver framework, plus locking
xscreensaver-text - prints some text to stdout, for use by screen
xsd - Mono's utility for generating schema or class files
xsd - Mono's utility for generating schema or class files
xsdcxx - W3C XML Schema to C++ Compiler
undocumented - No manpage for this program.
xsd - Mono's utility for generating schema or class files
xsendbut - converts LibGII mhub data to X button events.
xsensors - display hardware sensor information as a graphical read-out.
Xserver - X Window System display server
xset - user preference utility for X
xsetmode - set the mode for an X Input device
xsetpointer - set an X Input device as the main pointer
xsetroot - root window parameter setting utility for X
xsetwacom - commandline utility to query and modify __drivername__
xshowtrace - interactively show rays traced on RADIANCE image under X11
xsidplay - music player and SID chip emulator
xsil2graphics - generate scripts to load xsil output data files
xslt-config - script to get information about the installed version of
xsltproc - command line XSLT processor
xSMBrowser - A simple X11 tool to easily browse SMB shares
xsmc - An X Smith Chart Calulator for RF impedance matching
xsm - X Session Manager
XSP - Mono ASP.NET Web Server (xsp and xsp2)
XSP - Mono ASP.NET Web Server (xsp2 and xsp22)
xspect, vgaspect - ZX Spectrum emulator
XSP - Mono ASP.NET Web Server (xsp2 and xsp22)
xspim - A MIPS32 Simulator
xstarfish - tiled root window wallpaper generator
xstat_cm_test - Displays data collections from the Cache Manager
xstat_fs_test - Displays data collections from the File Server process
xstdcmap - X standard colormap utility
XStow - replacement for GNU Stow
xsubpp - compiler to convert Perl XS code into C code
tn5250 - an implementation of the 5250 telnet protocol
xtail - Watch the growth of files.
xtalk - X Window System BSD compatible talk client, written in Python.
xtartan - draw various tartans as window backgrounds
xte - Generates fake input using the XTest extension
xtell - sends a message to another computer running xtelld
xtemplate - (x)template expansion/serialization tool
xtermcontrol - dynamic control of XFree86 xterm properties.
xterm - terminal emulator for X
xtermset - change settings of an xterm
XTherion -- Graphical drawing editor for Therion -
xtide - Harmonic tide clock and tide predictor (interactive client)
Xvnc - an X server providing VNC connectivity
vncviewer - an X viewer client for VNC
xtitle - set window title and icon name for an X11 terminal window
xtokid - Print all tokens found in a source file
xtotroff - convert X font metrics into GNU troff font metrics
xtrace - trace communication between X11 client and server
Xtract, XtractLazy - structured ‘grep’-like programs for XML documents
Xtract, XtractLazy - structured ‘grep’-like programs for XML documents
xtrkcad - model railroad track CAD program
xtrs - TRS-80 Model I/III/4/4P emulator for the X Window System
xturqstat - Statistics tool for Fidonet and Usenet
xtv - Grabs the screen of a remote X display
xvattr - Query/Set X11 XVideo Setting(s)
Xvfb - virtual framebuffer X server for X Version 11
xvfb-run - run specified X client or command in a virtual X server
VICE - Versatile Commodore Emulator and Virtual Commodore Environment
XVidCap D-BUS Client - Remote Control Utility for XVidCap
XVidCap - Record X11 screen portions to video
xvidenc - the interactive shell script ripper
xvidtune - video mode tuner for Xorg
msgfmt - create a message object from a message file
xgettext - conditionally extract strings from C programs
xvinfo - Print out X-Video extension adaptor information
xvkbd - virtual keyboard for X window system
xvminitoppm - convert a XV "thumbnail" picture to PPM
xvmount - device mounter with OpenLook interface
Xvnc - the X VNC server
vncviewer - VNC viewer for X
xvt - VT100 emulator for the X window system
The Logfiles Watcher" -
xwax - Digital vinyl on Linux
xwd2raw - Use an X Window as a source for Raw DV images.
xwd - dump an image of an X window
xwdtopnm - convert a X11 or X10 window dump file into a portable anymap
xwininfo - window information utility for X
xwit - window interface tool: pop or iconify this xterm window or named
Xwnc - mix of Xvnc and XDarwin with improved protocol
xword - do crossword puzzles in the Across Lite format
xwpe, xwe, wpe, we - X-Window Programming Environment
xwrits - reminds you to take wrist breaks
xwud - image displayer for X
xxdiff-scripts - Tools that allow automation of tasks with xxdiff
xxdiff-scripts - Tools that allow automation of tasks with xxdiff
xxdiff-scripts - Tools that allow automation of tasks with xxdiff
xxd - make a hexdump or do the reverse.
xxdiff - a graphical file comparator and merge tool
xxdiff-scripts - Tools that allow automation of tasks with xxdiff
xxdiff-scripts - Tools that allow automation of tasks with xxdiff
xxdiff-scripts - Tools that allow automation of tasks with xxdiff
xxdiff-scripts - Tools that allow automation of tasks with xxdiff
xxdiff-scripts - Tools that allow automation of tasks with xxdiff
xxgdb - X window system interface to the gdb debugger.
xxkb - switches and indicates a current keyboard layout.
xxdiff-scripts - Tools that allow automation of tasks with xxdiff
xxdiff-scripts - Tools that allow automation of tasks with xxdiff
xxdiff-scripts - Tools that allow automation of tasks with xxdiff
xxdiff-scripts - Tools that allow automation of tasks with xxdiff
xxdiff-scripts - Tools that allow automation of tasks with xxdiff
xxdiff-scripts - Tools that allow automation of tasks with xxdiff
xyconv - a converter of files in formats supported by xylib
xynagios - adaptor for using Nagios checks with Xymon
xyokadi - commandline todo system
xyz2rsurface - converts the x, y and z coordinates on standard input to
radiance-experttools — Specialty programs of the Radiance package, used -
x{s,d,c,z}c?blat{1,2,3} - testing programs for blas
x{s,d,c,z}c?blat{1,2,3} - testing programs for blas
x{s,d,c,z}c?blat{1,2,3} - testing programs for blas
xz, unxz, xzcat, lzma, unlzma, lzcat - Compress or decompress .xz and
x{s,d,c,z}c?blat{1,2,3} - testing programs for blas
x{s,d,c,z}c?blat{1,2,3} - testing programs for blas
x{s,d,c,z}c?blat{1,2,3} - testing programs for blas
xzcmp, xzdiff, lzcmp, lzdiff - compare compressed files
xzdec, lzmadec - Small .xz and .lzma decompressors
xzcmp, xzdiff, lzcmp, lzdiff - compare compressed files
xzgrep - search compressed files for a regular expression
xzgrep - search compressed files for a regular expression
xzgrep - search compressed files for a regular expression
xzgv - picture viewer for X, with thumbnail-based file selector
xz, unxz, xzcat, lzma, unlzma, lzcat - Compress or decompress .xz and
xzless, lzless - view xz or lzma compressed (text) files
xzmore, lzmore - view xz or lzma compressed (text) files
y2racc - Yacc grammar to racc grammar
y4mcolorbars - Create a YUV4MPEG2 stream containing a colorbar test
y4mdenoise - Motion-compensating YUV4MPEG-frame denoiser
y4mtopnm - Convert a YUV4MPEG2 stream to PNM images
y4mtoppm - Convert YUV4MPEG2 stream to PPM images
y4munsharp - Unsharp filter for YUV4MPEG2 streams
yabasic - yet another Basic
yabause - Yet Another Buggy And Uncomplete Saturn Emulator
yabause - Yet Another Buggy And Uncomplete Saturn Emulator
yacas, yacas_client — small and flexible general-purpose computer -
yacas, yacas_client — small and flexible general-purpose computer -
yaclc - check the bug closings in a Debian changelog
YACPI - Yet Another Configuration and Power Interface
yada - Yet Another Debianisation Aid
yafc - Yet another FTP client
yafray - Yet Another Free RAYtracer
yagi - Yagi-Uda project antenna current calculator
yagtd - utility to help organize your to-do lists
yahoo2mbox - Retrieve and store Yahoo! Groups messages
yahtzeesharp - sort of poker with dice and less money
YaKuake - a Quake-style terminal emulator based on KDE Konsole
yamdi - yet another metadata injector (flv)
Yample - Yet Another Mail Processing Language.
yao - Adaptive Optics simulation tool in yorick
yapet - text based password manager
yap - prolog interpreter and compiler
yapps - create a Python module from a grammar file
yapra - pluggable RSS/Atom feed aggregator
YaRET - Yet another Ripper Encoder Tagger
yarssr - get RSS feeds in your GNOME notification area
yaskkserv_hairy - Yet Another SKK SERVer (feature-rich version)
yaskkserv_make_dictionary - dictionary converter for yaskkserv
yaskkserv_normal - Yet Another SKK SERVer (generic version)
yaskkserv_simple - Yet Another SKK SERVer (simple version)
yasm - The Yasm Modular Assembler
yasr (Yet Another Screen Reader) - is an attempt at a lightweight,
yatm - Yet Another Time Machine
yauap - a simple command line audio player based on the GStreamer
yaws - yet another webserver
yaz-asncomp - YAZ ASN.1 compiler
yaz-client - Z39.50/SRU client for implementors
yaz-iconv - YAZ Character set conversion utility
yaz-icu - YAZ ICU utility
yaz-illclient - ILL client
yaz-json-parse - YAZ JSON parser
yaz-marcdump - MARC record dump utility
ybmtopbm - convert a Bennet Yee "face" file into a portable bitmap
ydpdict - an interface for Collins and Langenscheidt dictionaries
yeahconsole - drop-down X terminal emulator wrapper
yelp — browse system documentation -
yes - output a string repeatedly until killed
yexpand - tool to expand environment variables in Nypatchy cradles
yforth - a small, free Forth implementation
ygraph - plot and animate 1D data
yhost - Y sound system host access modification
ykpersonalize - personalize Yubikey OTP tokens
ym2wav - a commandline YM to WAV audio converter.
ymixer - Y sound system mixer setting and viewing
ymplayer - a curses based player for the YM chiptune format.
yodl2... - miscellaneous Yodl converters
yodl2... - miscellaneous Yodl converters
yodl2... - miscellaneous Yodl converters
yodl2... - miscellaneous Yodl converters
yodl2... - miscellaneous Yodl converters
yodl2... - miscellaneous Yodl converters
yodl2... - miscellaneous Yodl converters
yodl - main Yodl converter
yodlpost - Yodl post-processor
yodlstriproff - strip ASCII control characters
yodlverbinsert - Generate verb-sections from parts of a file
yokadid - commandline todo system
yokadi - commandline todo system
yorick - interpreted language for numerical analysis and postprocessing
yoshimi - A software synthesizer based on ZynAddSubFX
youtranslate - graphical translator which makes use of online services
youtube-dl - download videos from
nypatchy - tool to work with specialized-format patches
ypcat - print values of all keys in a NIS database
yppasswd, ypchfn, ypchsh - change your password in the NIS database
hostname - show or set the system’s host name
yplay - Y sound system sound object playing
ypmatch - print the values of one or more keys from a NIS map
yppasswd, ypchfn, ypchsh - change your password in the NIS database
Ypsilon - The implementation of Scheme Programming Language for real-
ypwhich - return name of NIS server or map master
yrecinfo - Y recorder information utility
yset - modify Y sound server resources and settings
yshutdown - Y server shut down
ysm - (Y)ou (S)ick (M)e
ytalk - A multi-user chat program.
ytasm - TASM Frontend For The Yasm Modular Assembler
ytree - File Manager -
yudit - Unicode Editor for The X Window System
yui-compressor - JavaScript/CSS minifier
yuv2lav - encodes lavtool’s raw YUV frame streams into MJPEG files
BMPtoRGB - converts BMP files to RGB to stdout
BMPtoRGB - converts BMP files to RGB to stdout
BMPtoRGB - converts BMP files to RGB to stdout
BMPtoRGB - converts BMP files to RGB to stdout
BMPtoRGB - converts BMP files to RGB to stdout
BMPtoRGB - converts BMP files to RGB to stdout
BMPtoRGB - converts BMP files to RGB to stdout
BMPtoRGB - converts BMP files to RGB to stdout
BMPtoRGB - converts BMP files to RGB to stdout
BMPtoRGB - converts BMP files to RGB to stdout
BMPtoRGB - converts BMP files to RGB to stdout
yuvdenoise - Motion-Compensating-YUV4MPEG2-frame-denoiser
yuvfps - Converts to a different frame rate
yuvinactive - Set a part of the video to a defined state
yuvkineco - revert 2-3 pulldown movie
yuvmedianfilter - A filter for yuv images produced by the mjpeg tools
yuvplay - Display YUV4MPEG2 streams (using SDL)
yuvscaler - UPscales or DOWNscales a YUV4MPEG2 stream to a specified
yuvsplittoppm - convert a Y- and a U- and a V-file into a portable
yuvsum - YUV conversion program from the GATOS package.
yuvtoppm - convert Abekas YUV bytes into a portable pixmap
yuvycsnoise - Noise filter specialized for NTSC Y/C separation noise
yydecode - decode yEnc encoded files
yyextract - extract grammar rules from a yacc grammar
yyref - generate cross-reference for yacc input
yyt - A psuedo tty program which automatically converts among Chinese
z80asm - assembler for the Z80 microprocessor
z80dasm - Z80 assembly generating disassembler
appmake - The z88dk application generator
copt - peephole optimizer
z88dk - The z88 Development Kit.
zcc - The frontend of z88dk
z88dk-z80asm - Z80 assembler compiler.
zcc - The frontend of z88dk
zabbix_get - request information from a Zabbix agent
zabbix_sender - send performance data to a Zabbix server
zapping - a Gnome TV and Teletext viewer
zapping_remote - sends commands to a running instance of Zapping
zapping_setup_fb - prepares V4L/V4L2 driver for overlay
zathura - a PDF viewer
zaway - tell other people via Zephyr that you aren’t around
zbarcam - scan and decode bar codes from a video device
zbarimg - scan and decode bar codes from image file(s)
gzip, gunzip, zcat - compress or expand files
zcc - The frontend of z88dk
zcmp, zdiff - compare compressed files
zctl - zephyr control program
zcmp, zdiff - compare compressed files
zdump - time zone dumper
zebraidx - Zebra Administrative Tool
zgrep - search possibly compressed files for a regular expression
zeisstopnm - convert a Zeiss confocal file into a portable anymap
zeitgeist-daemon - D-Bus interface providing a log of activities
zeitgeist-datahub - passive loggers for Zeitgeist
zekr - A Quran study tool
zenity - display GTK+ dialogs
zenmap - Graphical Nmap frontend and results viewer
zephyr - Zephyr Notification Service
zeyaclient - command-line client for Zeya
zeya - a web music server
zgrep - search possibly compressed files for a regular expression
zforce - force a '.gz' extension on all gzip files
zftp - CERNLIB program to transfer ZEBRA formatted files over a network
zgrep - search possibly compressed files for a regular expression
zgv - picture viewer for VGA/SVGA displays
zgz - Frankenstein’s compressor
Zhcon - a fast CJK console environment for GNU/Linux and BSD
zhpy - the python language in chinese
Zile - Zile Is Lossy Emacs
zim - A Desktop Wiki Editor
zimpl - Zuse Institute Mathematical Programming Language
zip2st - a program for converting .zip archives to Atari .st disk
zipcloak - encrypt entries in a zipfile
zipcmp - compare contents of zip archives
zipgrep - search files in a ZIP archive for lines matching a pattern
zip - package and compress (archive) files
zipinfo - list detailed information about a ZIP archive
zipmerge - merge zip archives
zipnote - write the comments in zipfile to stdout, edit comments and
Zipper - inspect and extract compressed archives
ziproxy - a compressing HTTP proxy server
ziproxylogtool - is a low-level log analyser
zipsplit - split a zipfile into smaller zipfiles
ziptorrent - torrentzip zip archives
zjsdecode - Decode a ZjStream into human readable form.
zktreeutil - manual page for zktreeutil 0.0
zleave - notify you via Zephyr when you have to leave
zless - file perusal filter for crt viewing of compressed text
zlib-flate - raw zlib compression program
zlocate - find a user using Zephyr
zmakebas - convert text file into Spectrum Basic program
zmergelog - a fast tool to merge gzipped http log files by date
zmore - file perusal filter for crt viewing of compressed text
zmq_forwarder - forwarding device for publish-subscribe messaging
zmq_queue - forwarding device for request-reply messaging
zmq_streamer - streamer device for parallelized pipeline messaging
znc-buildmod - compile ZNC modules
znc-config - script to get information about the installed version of
znc - An advanced IRC bouncer
znew - recompress .Z files to .gz files
znol - notify via Zephyr upon login or logout of interesting people
zomghelper - Ogg Vorbis metadata reader
zomg - submission and radio client
zonecheck - DNS zone checking tool
zoo - manipulate archives of files in compressed form
zoomer — generate a video from a picture by zooming from one point to -
zoomsh - ZOOM shell
zopeedit - helper application that handles the interaction between the
zophExport - Export images from zoph to static albums
zophImport - Import images into zoph
zpaq - PAQ open standard maximum compressor
pcregrep - a grep with Perl-compatible regular expressions.
zplay - modem utility to record and play voice files
zpspell - Interactive spelling checking for Turkish
rancid - Cisco configuration filter
zrun - automatically uncompress arguments to command
ZSafe - Zaurus Password Manager
zsh - the Z shell
zsh - the Z shell
zshall - the Z shell meta-man page
zsh-betaall - the Z shell meta-man page
zsh-betabuiltins - zsh built-in commands
zsh-betacalsys - zsh calendar system
zsh-betacompctl - zsh programmable completion
zsh-betacompsys - zsh completion system
zsh-betacompwid - zsh completion widgets
zsh-betacontrib - user contributions to zsh
zsh-betaexpn - zsh expansion and substitution
zsh - the Z shell
zsh-betamisc - everything and then some
zsh-betamodules - zsh loadable modules
zsh-betaoptions - zsh options
zsh-betaparam - zsh parameters
zsh-betaroadmap - informal introduction to the zsh manual
zsh-betatcpsys - zsh tcp system
zsh-betazftpsys - zftp function front-end
zsh-betazle - zsh command line editor
zshbuiltins - zsh built-in commands
zshcalsys - zsh calendar system
zshcompctl - zsh programmable completion
zshcompsys - zsh completion system
zshcompwid - zsh completion widgets
zshcontrib - user contributions to zsh
zshdb - zsh debugger
zshexpn - zsh expansion and substitution
zsh - the Z shell
zsh-lovers - tips, tricks and examples for the Z shell
zshmisc - everything and then some
zshmodules - zsh loadable modules
zshoptions - zsh options
zshparam - zsh parameters
zshroadmap - informal introduction to the zsh manual
zshtcpsys - zsh tcp system
zshzftpsys - zftp function front-end
zshzle - zsh command line editor
ZSNES - Super Nintendo console emulator
zsoelim - satisfy .so requests in roff input
zssh - interactive file transfer wrapper for ssh
zsync - Partial/differential file download client over HTTP
zsyncmake - Build control file for zsync(1)
zssh - interactive file transfer wrapper for ssh
zum - free disk space by making holes in files
zvbi-atsc-cc - ATSC Closed Caption decoder
zvbi-chains - VBI proxy wrapper
zvbid - VBI proxy daemon
zvbi-ntsc-cc - closed caption decoder
zwgc - Zephyr Windowgram Client program
zwrite - write to another user via Zephyr
zynaddsubfx - Multitimbral software synthesizer for Windows and Linux
zynjacku - a host for LV2 synths
zynspect - tool, that can be used to list and inspect available lv2
zzcat, zzdir, zzxorcat, zzxordir zzxorcopy - small tools using zziplib
zzcat, zzdir, zzxorcat, zzxordir zzxorcopy - small tools using zziplib
zzcat, zzdir, zzxorcat, zzxordir zzxorcopy - small tools using zziplib
zzcat, zzdir, zzxorcat, zzxordir zzxorcopy - small tools using zziplib
zzcat, zzdir, zzxorcat, zzxordir zzxorcopy - small tools using zziplib
zzcat, zzdir, zzxorcat, zzxordir zzxorcopy - small tools using zziplib