dasdseq - Hercules DSORG=PS retrieval command
dasdseq [options...] image [sf=shadow] filespec
dasdseq [-debug] [-expert] [-ascii] image [sf=shadow] [attr] filespec
[debugopts] [ascii]
Hercules command to retrieve a DSORG=PS (sequential) dataset from
CKD/CCKD DASD. The dataset is presumed to be encoded in EBCDIC. The
second form of the command is for ’expert mode’ users, and allows more
advanced access to data on the DASD image.
The following options are used to specify dasdseq behavior. Surround
each option by blank(s). Options are divided into three categories:
required, optional, and expert mode operands.
Required operands
specifies the Hercules CKD/CCKD DASD filename (sometimes referred to as
the DASD image file)
dataset name of the file to retrieve. Case insensitive, converted to
upper case for searching VTOC on image DASD volume.
Optional operands
For CCKD images which also use shadow files, specifies the
[path/]filename of the shadow file. Note the sf=, which must be
present for this option.
convert the output file to ASCII (from EBCDIC). Additionally, trailing
blanks are trimmed. The ’ascii’ option (no leading dash) is
deprecated, and may be removed in a future release.
Expert mode operands
All expert mode operands are considered to be experimental.
dasdseq [-debug] [-expert] [-ascii] image [sf=shadow] [attr] filespec
Additional debug options are displayed. Specifying -debug will
(eventually) display dataset extent information.
dataset attributes (only useful with -abs)
[-recfm fb] [-lrecl aa]
-recfm designates RECFM, reserved for future support
fb - fixed, blocked (only RECFM currently supported)
-lrecl designates dataset LRECL
aa - decimal logical record length (default 80)
Blocksize need not be specified; dasdseq handles whatever block size
comes off the volume.
composed of the following sub-operands, in the following order: heads,
abs, filename.
-heads xx
defines # tracks per cylinder on device; xx = decimal number of heads
per cylinder on device
-abs cc hh tt [...] [-abs cc hh tt]
-abs indicates the beginning of each extent’s location in terms of
absolute dasd image location.
cc - decimal cylinder number (relative zero)
hh - decimal head number (relative zero)
tt - decimal number of tracks in extent
When -abs is specified, each -abs group specifies one dataset extent.
For multi-extent datasets, -abs groups may be repeated as needed, in
the order in which the dataset’s extents occur. A maximum of 123
extents are supported. With -abs, no VTOC structure is implied; a F1
DSCB will not be sought. Dasdseq will frequently report ’track not
found in extent table’ (along with a message from fbcopy about rc -1
from convert_tt) due to potentially missing EOF markers in the extent,
and the fact that the F1 DSCB DS1LSTAR field is not valid. Check your
output file before you panic. Fbcopy -abs ignores EOF, in case you are
attempting to recovery PDS member(s) from a damaged dasd volume,
preferring to wait until all tracks in the extent have been processed.
Tracks containing PDS members may have more than one EOF per track.
Expect a lot of associated manual effort with -abs.
When -abs is -not- specified, filename specifies the MVS DSORG=PS
dataset on the volume. The dasd image volume containing the dataset
must have a valid VTOC structure, and a F1 DSCB describing the dataset.
will be the filename of the output file in the current directory;
output filename in the same case as the command line filename.
Produces debugging output, refer to the source code.
verbose [x [y [z]]]
verbose debug output level (default = 0 when not specified). Higher
numbers produce more output.
x main program (default = 1 when verbose specified)
y copyfile + showf1
z dasdutil
dasdpdsu for DSORG=PO datasets
cckd(4) for CCKD DASD which describes
the Hercules CCKD DASD facility. the Hercules emulator homepage.
2003-03-10 originally written by James M. Morrison
2003-03-10 dasdseq(1)