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       markdown2pdf - converts markdown-formatted text to PDF, using pdflatex


       markdown2pdf [options] [input-file]...


       markdown2pdf  converts  input-file  (or  text from standard input) from
       markdown-formatted plain text to PDF, using pandoc and pdflatex.  If no
       output  filename  is  specified  (using the -o option), the name of the
       output file is derived from the input file; thus, for example,  if  the
       input  file  is  hello.txt,  the output file will be hello.pdf.  If the
       input is read from STDIN and  no  output  filename  is  specified,  the
       output  file  will  be  named  stdin.pdf.   If multiple input files are
       specified, they will be concatenated before conversion, and the name of
       the output file will be derived from the first input file.

       Input  is assumed to be in the UTF-8 character encoding.  If your local
       character encoding is not UTF-8, you should pipe input through iconv:

             iconv -t utf-8 input.txt | markdown2pdf

       markdown2pdf assumes that the unicode, array, fancyvrb,  graphicx,  and
       ulem  packages  are  in latex's search path.  If these packages are not
       included  in  your   latex   setup,   they   can   be   obtained   from


       -o FILE, --output=FILE
              Write output to FILE.

              Use strict markdown syntax, with no extensions or variants.

              Use xelatex instead of pdflatex to create the PDF.

       -N, --number-sections
              Number  section  headings  in  LaTeX output.  (Default is not to
              number them.)

              Use FILE as  a  custom  template  for  the  generated  document.
              Implies   -s.   See  the  section  TEMPLATES  in  pandoc(1)  for
              information about template syntax.  Use pandoc -D latex to print
              the default LaTeX template.

       -V KEY=VAL, --variable=KEY:VAL
              Set  the  template  variable KEY to the value VAL when rendering
              the document in standalone mode.  This is only useful  when  the
              --template  option  is  used to specify a custom template, since
              pandoc automatically sets the  variables  used  in  the  default

       -H FILE, --include-in-header=FILE
              Include  (LaTeX)  contents  of  FILE  at  the end of the header.
              Implies -s.

       -B FILE, --include-before-body=FILE
              Include (LaTeX)  contents  of  FILE  at  the  beginning  of  the
              document body.

       -A FILE, --include-after-body=FILE
              Include  (LaTeX)  contents  of  FILE  at the end of the document

       -C FILE, --custom-header=FILE
              Use contents of FILE as the document header.  Note: This  option
              is  deprecated.  Users  should  transition  to  using --template


       pandoc(1), pdflatex(1)


       John MacFarlane and Recai Oktas.