gvpack - merge and pack disjoint graphs
gvpack [ -nguv? ] [ -mmargin ] [ -ooutfile ] [ -Gname=value ] [ files
gvpack reads in a stream of graphs, combines the graphs into a single
layout, and produces a single graph serving as the union of the input
graphs. The input graphs must be in dot format, and must have all
necessary layout information. Acceptable input is produced by applying
a Graphviz layout program, such as dot or neato, with no -T flag.
By default, the packing is done at the cluster level. Thus, parts of
one graph will not intrude into any top‐level clusters or overlap any
nodes or edges of another.
The output of gvpack can be used to produce concrete output by applying
neato -s -n2 with the desired -T flag.
The following options are supported:
-g Combines the graphs at the graph level. This uses more space,
but prevents parts of one graph from occurring between parts of
Specifies attributes to be added to the resulting union graph.
For example, this can be used to specify a graph label.
Packs the graphs allowing a margin of output points around the
-n Combines the graphs at the node level. Clusters are ignored in
the packing.
Prints output to the file output. If not given, gvpack uses
-u Don’t pack the graphs. Just combine them into a single graph.
-v Verbose mode.
-? Prints usage information and exit.
The following operand is supported:
files Names of files containing 1 or more graphs in dot format. If
no files operand is specified, the standard input will be used.
gvpack returns 0 if there were no problems, and non‐zero otherwise.
ccomps -x | dot | gvpack | neato -s -n2 -Tps This pipeline
decomposes the graph in into its connected components, lays out
each using dot, packs them all together again, and produces the final
drawing in PostScript. Of course, there is nothing to prevent one from
using different layouts for each component.
All the input graphs must be directed or undirected.
An input graph should not have a label, since this will be used in its
layout. Since gvpack ignores root graph labels, resulting layout may
contain some extra space.
gvpack unsets the bounding box attribute of all non‐cluster subgraphs.
Emden R. Gansner <>
gvpr(1), dot(1), neato(1), twopi(1), ccomps(1), libpack(3)
8 April 2003