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       ccomps - connected components filter for graphs


       ccomps [ -sxvnzC?  ] [ -X[#]v ] [ -ooutfile ] [ files ]


       ccomps  decomposes graphs into their connected components, printing the
       components to standard output.


       The following options are supported:

       -s     No output graph is printed. The return  value  can  be  used  to
              check if the graph is connected or not.

       -x     Only the connected components are printed, as separate graphs.

       -v     Counts of nodes, edges and connected components are printed.

       -z     Sort  components  by  size, with the largest first. This is only
              effective if either -x or -X#v is  present.   Thus,  -zX#0  will
              cause the largest component to be printed.

       -C     Use  clusters in computing components in addition to normal edge
              connectivity. In essence, this gives the connected components of
              the derived graph in which nodes top-level clusters and nodes in
              the original graph. This maintains all subgraph structure within
              a component, even if a subgraph does not contain any nodes.

       -n     Do  not project subgraph structure. Normally, if ccomps produces
              components as graphs distinct from  the  input  graph,  it  will
              define subgraphs which are projections of subgraphs of the input
              graph onto the  component.  (If  the  projection  is  empty,  no
              subgraph  is  produced.)   If  this  flag  is set, the component
              contains only the relevant nodes and edges.

       -X node_name
              Prints only the component containing the node node_name, if any.

       -X# index
              Prints only component number index, if any, starting at 0.

       -o outfile
              If  specified,  each  graph  will be written to a different file
              with the names derived from outfile. In particular, if  both  -o
              and  -x flags are used, then each connected component is written
              to a different file. If outfile does  not  have  a  suffix,  the
              first file will have the name outfile; then next outfile_1, then
              next outfile_2, and so on.  If outfile has a suffix,  i.e.,  has
              the  form  base.sfx,  then  the  files  will  be named base.sfx,
              base_1.sfx, base_2.sfx, etc.

       By default, each input graph is printed, with each connected  component
       given  as  a  subgraph whose name is a concatenation of the name of the
       input graph, the string "_component_" and the number of the  component.


       The following operand is supported:

       files   Names  of  files containing 1 or more graphs in dot format.  If
               no files operand is specified, the standard input will be used.


       Unless  used  to extract a single connected component, ccomps returns 0
       if all the input graphs are connected; and non-zero if  any  graph  has
       multiple  components,  or  any  error  occurred.   If just extracting a
       single component, ccomps returns 0 on success and non-zero if an  error


       It  is  possible,  though  unlikely,  that the names used for connected
       components and their subgraphs  may  conflict  with  existing  subgraph


       Stephen C. North <>
       Emden R. Gansner <>


       gc(1),  dot(1),  gvpr(1),  gvcolor(1),  acyclic(1), sccmap(1), tred(1),

                                27 August 2008