httrack - offline browser : copy websites to a local directory
httrack [ url ]... [ -filter ]... [ +filter ]... [ -O, --path ] [ -%O,
--chroot ] [ -w, --mirror ] [ -W, --mirror-wizard ] [ -g, --get-files ]
[ -i, --continue ] [ -Y, --mirrorlinks ] [ -P, --proxy ] [ -%f,
--httpproxy-ftp[=N] ] [ -%b, --bind ] [ -rN, --depth[=N] ] [ -%eN,
--ext-depth[=N] ] [ -mN, --max-files[=N] ] [ -MN, --max-size[=N] ] [
-EN, --max-time[=N] ] [ -AN, --max-rate[=N] ] [ -%cN,
--connection-per-second[=N] ] [ -GN, --max-pause[=N] ] [ -%mN,
--max-mms-time[=N] ] [ -cN, --sockets[=N] ] [ -TN, --timeout ] [ -RN,
--retries[=N] ] [ -JN, --min-rate[=N] ] [ -HN, --host-control[=N] ] [
-%P, --extended-parsing[=N] ] [ -n, --near ] [ -t, --test ] [ -%L,
--list ] [ -%S, --urllist ] [ -NN, --structure[=N] ] [ -%D,
--cached-delayed-type-check ] [ -%M, --mime-html ] [ -LN,
--long-names[=N] ] [ -KN, --keep-links[=N] ] [ -x, --replace-external ]
[ -%x, --disable-passwords ] [ -%q, --include-query-string ] [ -o,
--generate-errors ] [ -X, --purge-old[=N] ] [ -%p, --preserve ] [ -bN,
--cookies[=N] ] [ -u, --check-type[=N] ] [ -j, --parse-java[=N] ] [
-sN, --robots[=N] ] [ -%h, --http-10 ] [ -%k, --keep-alive ] [ -%B,
--tolerant ] [ -%s, --updatehack ] [ -%u, --urlhack ] [ -%A, --assume ]
[ -@iN, --protocol[=N] ] [ -%w, --disable-module ] [ -F, --user-agent ]
[ -%R, --referer ] [ -%E, --from ] [ -%F, --footer ] [ -%l, --language
] [ -C, --cache[=N] ] [ -k, --store-all-in-cache ] [ -%n,
--do-not-recatch ] [ -%v, --display ] [ -Q, --do-not-log ] [ -q,
--quiet ] [ -z, --extra-log ] [ -Z, --debug-log ] [ -v, --verbose ] [
-f, --file-log ] [ -f2, --single-log ] [ -I, --index ] [ -%i,
--build-top-index ] [ -%I, --search-index ] [ -pN, --priority[=N] ] [
-S, --stay-on-same-dir ] [ -D, --can-go-down ] [ -U, --can-go-up ] [
-B, --can-go-up-and-down ] [ -a, --stay-on-same-address ] [ -d,
--stay-on-same-domain ] [ -l, --stay-on-same-tld ] [ -e,
--go-everywhere ] [ -%H, --debug-headers ] [ -%!,
--disable-security-limits ] [ -V, --userdef-cmd ] [ -%U, --user ] [
-%W, --callback ] [ -K, --keep-links[=N] ] [
httrack allows you to download a World Wide Web site from the Internet
to a local directory, building recursively all directories, getting
HTML, images, and other files from the server to your computer. HTTrack
arranges the original site’s relative link-structure. Simply open a
page of the "mirrored" website in your browser, and you can browse the
site from link to link, as if you were viewing it online. HTTrack can
also update an existing mirrored site, and resume interrupted
mirror site and only this site
httrack +*.com/*.jpg
mirror the two sites together (with shared links) and accept
any .jpg files on .com sites
httrack +* -r6
means get all files starting from bobby.html, with 6 link-depth,
and possibility of going everywhere on the web
httrack --spider -P
runs the spider on using a proxy
httrack --update
updates a mirror in the current folder
will bring you to the interactive mode
httrack --continue
continues a mirror in the current folder
General options:
-O path for mirror/logfiles+cache (-O path mirror[,path cache and
logfiles]) (--path <param>)
-%O chroot path to, must be r00t (-%O root path) (--chroot <param>)
Action options:
-w *mirror web sites (--mirror)
-W mirror web sites, semi-automatic (asks questions)
-g just get files (saved in the current directory) (--get-files)
-i continue an interrupted mirror using the cache (--continue)
-Y mirror ALL links located in the first level pages (mirror links)
Proxy options:
-P proxy use (-P proxy:port or -P user:pass@proxy:port) (--proxy
-%f *use proxy for ftp (f0 don t use) (--httpproxy-ftp[=N])
-%b use this local hostname to make/send requests (-%b hostname)
(--bind <param>)
Limits options:
-rN set the mirror depth to N (* r9999) (--depth[=N])
-%eN set the external links depth to N (* %e0) (--ext-depth[=N])
-mN maximum file length for a non-html file (--max-files[=N])
-mN,N2 maximum file length for non html (N) and html (N2)
-MN maximum overall size that can be uploaded/scanned
-EN maximum mirror time in seconds (60=1 minute, 3600=1 hour)
-AN maximum transfer rate in bytes/seconds (1000=1KB/s max)
-%cN maximum number of connections/seconds (*%c10)
-GN pause transfer if N bytes reached, and wait until lock file is
deleted (--max-pause[=N])
-%mN maximum mms stream download time in seconds (60=1 minute, 3600=1
hour) (--max-mms-time[=N])
Flow control:
-cN number of multiple connections (*c8) (--sockets[=N])
-TN timeout, number of seconds after a non-responding link is
shutdown (--timeout)
-RN number of retries, in case of timeout or non-fatal errors (*R1)
-JN traffic jam control, minimum transfert rate (bytes/seconds)
tolerated for a link (--min-rate[=N])
-HN host is abandonned if: 0=never, 1=timeout, 2=slow, 3=timeout or
slow (--host-control[=N])
Links options:
-%P *extended parsing, attempt to parse all links, even in unknown
tags or Javascript (%P0 don t use) (--extended-parsing[=N])
-n get non-html files near an html file (ex: an image located
outside) (--near)
-t test all URLs (even forbidden ones) (--test)
-%L <file> add all URL located in this text file (one URL per line)
(--list <param>)
-%S <file> add all scan rules located in this text file (one scan
rule per line) (--urllist <param>)
Build options:
-NN structure type (0 *original structure, 1+: see below)
-or user defined structure (-N "%h%p/%n%q.%t")
-%N delayed type check, don t make any link test but wait for files
download to start instead (experimental) (%N0 don t use, %N1 use
for unknown extensions, * %N2 always use)
-%D cached delayed type check, don t wait for remote type during
updates, to speedup them (%D0 wait, * %D1 don t wait)
-%M generate a RFC MIME-encapsulated full-archive (.mht)
-LN long names (L1 *long names / L0 8-3 conversion / L2 ISO9660
compatible) (--long-names[=N])
-KN keep original links (e.g. http://www.adr/link) (K0 *relative
link, K absolute links, K4 original links, K3 absolute URI
links) (--keep-links[=N])
-x replace external html links by error pages (--replace-external)
-%x do not include any password for external password protected
websites (%x0 include) (--disable-passwords)
-%q *include query string for local files (useless, for information
purpose only) (%q0 don t include) (--include-query-string)
-o *generate output html file in case of error (404..) (o0 don t
generate) (--generate-errors)
-X *purge old files after update (X0 keep delete) (--purge-old[=N])
-%p preserve html files as is (identical to -K4 -%F "" )
Spider options:
-bN accept cookies in cookies.txt (0=do not accept,* 1=accept)
-u check document type if unknown (cgi,asp..) (u0 don t check, * u1
check but /, u2 check always) (--check-type[=N])
-j *parse Java Classes (j0 don t parse, bitmask: |1 parse default,
|2 don t parse .class |4 don t parse .js |8 don t be aggressive)
-sN follow robots.txt and meta robots tags (0=never,1=sometimes,*
2=always, 3=always (even strict rules)) (--robots[=N])
-%h force HTTP/1.0 requests (reduce update features, only for old
servers or proxies) (--http-10)
-%k use keep-alive if possible, greately reducing latency for small
files and test requests (%k0 don t use) (--keep-alive)
-%B tolerant requests (accept bogus responses on some servers, but
not standard!) (--tolerant)
-%s update hacks: various hacks to limit re-transfers when updating
(identical size, bogus response..) (--updatehack)
-%u url hacks: various hacks to limit duplicate URLs (strip //, (--urlhack)
-%A assume that a type (cgi,asp..) is always linked with a mime type
(-%A php3,cgi=text/html;dat,bin=application/x-zip) (--assume
-can also be used to force a specific file type: --assume
-@iN internet protocol (0=both ipv6+ipv4, 4=ipv4 only, 6=ipv6 only)
-%w disable a specific external mime module (-%w htsswf -%w htsjava)
(--disable-module <param>)
Browser ID:
-F user-agent field sent in HTTP headers (-F "user-agent name")
(--user-agent <param>)
-%R default referer field sent in HTTP headers (--referer <param>)
-%E from email address sent in HTTP headers (--from <param>)
-%F footer string in Html code (-%F "Mirrored [from host %s [file %s
[at %s]]]" (--footer <param>)
-%l preffered language (-%l "fr, en, jp, *" (--language <param>)
Log, index, cache
-C create/use a cache for updates and retries (C0 no cache,C1 cache
is prioritary,* C2 test update before) (--cache[=N])
-k store all files in cache (not useful if files on disk)
-%n do not re-download locally erased files (--do-not-recatch)
-%v display on screen filenames downloaded (in realtime) - * %v1
short version - %v2 full animation (--display)
-Q no log - quiet mode (--do-not-log)
-q no questions - quiet mode (--quiet)
-z log - extra infos (--extra-log)
-Z log - debug (--debug-log)
-v log on screen (--verbose)
-f *log in files (--file-log)
-f2 one single log file (--single-log)
-I *make an index (I0 don t make) (--index)
-%i make a top index for a project folder (* %i0 don t make)
-%I make an searchable index for this mirror (* %I0 don t make)
Expert options:
-pN priority mode: (* p3) (--priority[=N])
-p0 just scan, don t save anything (for checking links)
-p1 save only html files
-p2 save only non html files
-*p3 save all files
-p7 get html files before, then treat other files
-S stay on the same directory (--stay-on-same-dir)
-D *can only go down into subdirs (--can-go-down)
-U can only go to upper directories (--can-go-up)
-B can both go up&down into the directory structure
-a *stay on the same address (--stay-on-same-address)
-d stay on the same principal domain (--stay-on-same-domain)
-l stay on the same TLD (eg: .com) (--stay-on-same-tld)
-e go everywhere on the web (--go-everywhere)
-%H debug HTTP headers in logfile (--debug-headers)
Guru options: (do NOT use if possible)
-#X *use optimized engine (limited memory boundary checks)
-#0 filter test (-#0 *.gif )
(--debug-testfilters <param>)
-#1 simplify test (-#1 ./foo/bar/../foobar)
-#2 type test (-#2 /foo/bar.php)
-#C cache list (-#C *.com/spider*.gif (--debug-cache <param>)
-#R cache repair (damaged cache) (--repair-cache)
-#d debug parser (--debug-parsing)
-#E extract cache meta-data in
-#f always flush log files (--advanced-flushlogs)
-#FN maximum number of filters (--advanced-maxfilters[=N])
-#h version info (--version)
-#K scan stdin (debug) (--debug-scanstdin)
-#L maximum number of links (-#L1000000) (--advanced-maxlinks)
-#p display ugly progress information (--advanced-progressinfo)
-#P catch URL (--catch-url)
-#R old FTP routines (debug) (--repair-cache)
-#T generate transfer ops. log every minutes (--debug-xfrstats)
-#u wait time (--advanced-wait)
-#Z generate transfer rate statictics every minutes
-#! execute a shell command (-#! "echo hello") (--exec <param>)
Dangerous options: (do NOT use unless you exactly know what you are doing)
-%! bypass built-in security limits aimed to avoid bandwith abuses
(bandwidth, simultaneous connections)
Command-line specific options:
-V execute system command after each files ($0 is the filename: -V
"rm ") (--userdef-cmd <param>)
-%U run the engine with another id when called as root (-%U smith)
(--user <param>)
-%W use an external library function as a wrapper (-%W[,myparameters]) (--callback <param>)
Details: Option N
-N0 Site-structure (default)
-N1 HTML in web/, images/other files in web/images/
-N2 HTML in web/HTML, images/other in web/images
-N3 HTML in web/, images/other in web/
-N4 HTML in web/, images/other in web/xxx, where xxx is the file
extension (all gif will be placed onto web/gif, for example)
-N5 Images/other in web/xxx and HTML in web/HTML
-N99 All files in web/, with random names (gadget !)
-N100 Site-structure, without
-N101 Identical to N1 exept that "web" is replaced by the site s name
-N102 Identical to N2 exept that "web" is replaced by the site s name
-N103 Identical to N3 exept that "web" is replaced by the site s name
-N104 Identical to N4 exept that "web" is replaced by the site s name
-N105 Identical to N5 exept that "web" is replaced by the site s name
-N199 Identical to N99 exept that "web" is replaced by the site s name
-N1001 Identical to N1 exept that there is no "web" directory
-N1002 Identical to N2 exept that there is no "web" directory
-N1003 Identical to N3 exept that there is no "web" directory (option
set for g option)
-N1004 Identical to N4 exept that there is no "web" directory
-N1005 Identical to N5 exept that there is no "web" directory
-N1099 Identical to N99 exept that there is no "web" directory
Details: User-defined option N
%n Name of file without file type (ex: image)
%N Name of file, including file type (ex: image.gif)
%t File type (ex: gif)
%p Path [without ending /] (ex: /someimages)
%h Host name (ex:
%M URL MD5 (128 bits, 32 ascii bytes)
%Q query string MD5 (128 bits, 32 ascii bytes)
%r protocol name (ex: http)
%q small query string MD5 (16 bits, 4 ascii bytes)
%s? Short name version (ex: %sN)
%[param] param variable in query string
%[param:before:after:empty:notfound] advanced variable extraction
Details: User-defined option N and advanced variable extraction
-param : parameter name
: string to prepend if the parameter was found
-after : string to append if the parameter was found
: string replacement if the parameter could not be found
-empty : string replacement if the parameter was empty
-all fields, except the first one (the parameter name), can be empty
Details: Option K
-K0 foo.cgi?q=45 -> foo4B.html?q=45 (relative URI, default)
-K -> (absolute URL)
-K4 -> foo.cgi?q=45 (original URL)
-K3 -> /folder/foo.cgi?q=45 (absolute URI)
<URLs> *make a mirror of site(s) (default)
--get <URLs> get the files indicated, do not seek other URLs
--list <text file> add all URL located in this text file (-%L)
<URLs> mirror all links in 1st level pages (-Y)
<URLs> test links in pages (-r1p0C0I0t)
<URLs> spider site(s), to test links: reports Errors &
Warnings (-p0C0I0t)
<URLs> identical to --spider
<URLs> make a mirror, but gets only html files (-p1)
update a mirror, without confirmation (-iC2)
continue a mirror, without confirmation (-iC1)
create a temporary proxy to capture an URL or a form
post URL
erase cache & log files
force http/1.0 requests (-%h)
Details: Option %W: External callbacks prototypes
see htsdefines.h
The system wide configuration file.
HOME Is being used if you defined in /etc/httrack.conf the line path
Errors/Warnings are reported to hts-log.txt by default, or to stderr if
the -v option was specified.
These are the principals limits of HTTrack for that moment. Note that
we did not heard about any other utility that would have solved them.
- Several scripts generating complex filenames may not find them (ex:
- Some java classes may not find some files on them (class included)
- Cgi-bin links may not work properly in some cases (parameters
needed). To avoid them: use filters like -*cgi-bin*
Please reports bugs to <>. Include a complete, self-
contained example that will allow the bug to be reproduced, and say
which version of httrack you are using. Do not forget to detail options
used, OS version, and any other information you deem necessary.
Copyright (C) Xavier Roche and other contributors
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or any later
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
The most recent released version of httrack can be found at:
Xavier Roche <>
The HTML documentation (available online at ) contains more detailed information.
Please also refer to the httrack FAQ (available online at )
httrack website cHTTrack version 3.43-8 (compiled Jan 1 2010) httrack(1)