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NAME - Command editor for fvwm command input interface


       FvwmConsole -e /usr/X11/lib/fvwm/


       Copyright 1996, Toshi Isogai. No guarantees or warranties are provided.
       Use this program at your own risk. Permission to use this  program  for
       any purpose is given, as long as the copyright is kept intact.

DESCRIPTION  offers  editing  capabilities   while   the   user  is
       entering  the line.  By default, the line editing commands are  similar
       to  those  of  emacs.  It  also  offers substitution , which replaces a
       pattern to a string before it sends the command.


       Functions are bound to a key or key  combination  to  be  invoked.  The
       followings are functions available and their default key bindings.

              bind   Meta-k, Ctrl-x Ctrl-b
                     List up key bindings and substitutions.

                     Move to the beginning of history.

              boh_ign_mode  Esc-<
                     Move  to  the  beginning  of  history. If it is in search
                     mode, continue.

              bol    Home, Ctrl-a
                     Move cursor to the beginning of the line.

              bs[(n)] BackSpace, Ctrl-h
                     Backspace n times. default of n is 1.

              cancel Ctrl-x Ctrl-k
                     Cancel the current input.

                     Delete the line from the beginning to the cursor.

              del_back_word Ctrl-w
                     Delete the word from the beginning to the cursor.

              del_char [(n)] Delete, Ctrl-d
                     Delete n characters from the cursor to the right. Default
                     of n is 1.

              del_forw_line Ctrl-k
                     Delete the line from the cursor to the end.

              del_forw_word Meta-d
                     Delete the word from the cursor to the end.

              del_line Ctrl-u
                     Delete the entire line.

              enter  Enter, Ctrl-j, Ctrl-m
                     Perform  substitution  if applicable and send the line to

              enter_wo_subst Meta-Enter
                     Send the line to fvwm without any substitution.

                     Move to the end of history.

              eoh_ign_mode Esc->
                     Move to the end of history. If  it  is  in  search  mode,

              eol    End, Ctrl-e
                     Move the cursor to the end of line.

              ins_char (str)
                     Insert string at the cursor.

              ins_last_word Esc-.
                     Insert  the  last argument of the previous command at the

              ins_nth_word Meta-[1..9]
                     Insert the n-th argument of the previous command  at  the

              list_func Meta-l
                     List up available editing functions.

              next_char Right, Ctrl-f
                     Move the cursor to the next character.

              next_line Down, Ctrl-n
                     Move to the next line in history.

              next_word Meta-f
                     Move the cursor to the next word.

                     Wait  for  the  next  character  typed  in  for multi-key

              prev_char Left, Ctrl-b
                     Move the cursor to the previous character.

              prev_line Up, Ctrl-p
                     Move to the previous line in history.

              prev_word Meta-b
                     Move the cursor to the previous word.

              quote  Ctrl-q
                     Insert the  next  character   typed   into   the   buffer

              search Ctrl-s
                     Search pattern in history.

              search_rev Ctrl-r
                     Search pattern in history in reverse order.

              subst  Meta-s
                     Substitute  all patterns to strings and reprint the line.
                     The substitutions are not nested  and  performed  in  the
                     order that they are defined.


       The   key   binding  can  be  overridden  or  defined  in  fvwm  module

              *FvwmConsole: Key \ck prev_line

       Non-space character sequence need not be quoted.  In order to undefine,
       omit the last argument.

              *FvwmConsole: Key \ck

       Note  that non-meta character is case sensitive.  \c means control key,
       \e means escape, and \m is alt key.
       It also accepts  Subst  configuration.  Users  often  input  long  fvwm
       command  repeatedly.  Subst  will  replace particular input sequence to
       user defined string. Example:

              *FvwmConsole: Subst ’^bigx’ ’Exec xterm -g 120x60+0+0 -fn  10x20
              -fg black -bg lemonchiffon’

       Typing ’bigx<return>’ in FvwmConsole will launch xterm. ’^’ denotes the
       beginning of line in regular expression.  ´pl´ in  the  middle  of  the
       command  will  not be replaced. Although the format looks different, it
       takes Perl regular expression.  It just uses single or double quote  as
       the  delimiter.   Single  or double quotes have no difference, although
       they have to match, and cannot include itself in the string.

              *FvwmConsole:  Subst  ’^g\s*(\d+)’   ’Desk   0   0\nGotoPage   0

       Entering ’g4’ or ’g  4’ will jump to desk 0 page 0 4 and focus.

INVOCATION should be invoked by FvwmConsole.


       FvwmConsole(1x), perlre(1)


       Toshi Isogai