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       g_sorient - analyzes solvent orientation around solutes

       VERSION 4.0.1


       g_sorient  -f  traj.xtc  -s  topol.tpr  -n  index.ndx  -o  sori.xvg -no
       snor.xvg -ro sord.xvg -co scum.xvg -rc scount.xvg -[no]h -nice  int  -b
       time  -e  time  -dt  time -[no]w -[no]xvgr -[no]com -[no]v23 -rmin real
       -rmax real -cbin real -rbin real -[no]pbc


       g_sorient analyzes solvent orientation around solutes.   It  calculates
       two  angles  between the vector from one or more reference positions to
       the first atom of each solvent molecule: theta1:  the  angle  with  the
       vector  from  the  first  atom  of the solvent molecule to the midpoint
       between atoms 2 and 3.

       theta2: the angle with the normal of the solvent plane, defined by  the
       same  three  atoms,  or when the option  -v23 is set the angle with the
       vector between atoms 2 and 3.

       The reference can be a set of atoms or the center of mass of a  set  of
       atoms. The group of solvent atoms should consist of 3 atoms per solvent
       molecule.   Only  solvent  molecules  between   -rmin  and   -rmax  are
       considered for  -o and  -no each frame.

        -o: distribtion of cos(theta1) for rmin=r=rmax.

        -no: distribution of cos(theta2) for rmin=r=rmax.

        -ro: cos(theta1) and 3cos2(theta2)-1 as a function of the distance.

         -co:  the  sum  over  all  solvent  molecules  within  distance  r of
       cos(theta1) and 3cos2(theta2)-1 as a function of r.

        -rc: the distribution of the solvent molecules as a function of r


       -f traj.xtc Input
        Trajectory: xtc trr trj gro g96 pdb cpt

       -s topol.tpr Input
        Structure+mass(db): tpr tpb tpa gro g96 pdb

       -n index.ndx Input, Opt.
        Index file

       -o sori.xvg Output
        xvgr/xmgr file

       -no snor.xvg Output
        xvgr/xmgr file

       -ro sord.xvg Output
        xvgr/xmgr file

       -co scum.xvg Output
        xvgr/xmgr file

       -rc scount.xvg Output
        xvgr/xmgr file


        Print help info and quit

       -nice int 19
        Set the nicelevel

       -b time 0
        First frame (ps) to read from trajectory

       -e time 0
        Last frame (ps) to read from trajectory

       -dt time 0
        Only use frame when t MOD dt = first time (ps)

        View output xvg, xpm, eps and pdb files

        Add specific codes (legends etc.) in the  output  xvg  files  for  the
       xmgrace program

        Use the center of mass as the reference postion

        Use the vector between atoms 2 and 3

       -rmin real 0
        Minimum distance (nm)

       -rmax real 0.5
        Maximum distance (nm)

       -cbin real 0.02
        Binwidth for the cosine

       -rbin real 0.02
        Binwidth for r (nm)

        Check PBC for the center of mass calculation. Only necessary when your
       reference group consists of several molecules.



       More     information     about     GROMACS     is     available      at

                                Thu 16 Oct 2008                   g_sorient(1)