nam - VINT/LBL Network Animator
nam [ -g geometry ] [ -t graphInput ][ -i interval ] [ -P peerName ] [
-N appName ] [ -c cacheSize ] [ -f configfile ] [ -S ] tracefile
Nam is a Tcl/TK based animation tool for viewing network simulation
traces and real world packet trace data.
The first step to use nam is to produce the trace file. The trace file
should contain topology information, e.g., nodes, links, as well as
packet traces. The detailed format is described in the TRACE FILE
section. Usually, the trace file is generated by ns(1). During an ns
simulation, user can produce topology configurations, layout
information, and packet traces using tracing events in ns. Refer to
ns(1) for detailed information.
When the trace file is generated, it is ready to be animated by nam.
Upon startup, nam will read the trace file, create topology, pop up a
window, do layout if necessary, then pause at the time of the first
packet in the trace file. Through its user interface, nam provides
control over many aspects of animation. These functionalities will be
described in detail in the USER INTERFACE section.
This version of nam is highly experimental - there will be bugs!.
Please mail if you encounter any
bugs, or with suggestions for desired functionality.
-g Specify geometry of the window upon startup. The format is
described in X(1)
-t [Information incomplete] Instruct nam to use tkgraph, and
specify input file nam for tkgraph.
-i [Information for this option may not be accurate] Specify rate
(real) milliseconds as the screen update rate. The default rate
is 50ms (i.e., 20 frames per second). Note that the X server
may not be able to keep up with this rate, in which case the
animation will run as fast as the X server allows it to (at 100%
cpu utilization).
-N Specify the application name of this nam instance. This
application name may later be used in peer synchronization.
-P Specify the application name of the peer nam instance whose
execution will be synchronized with the execution of this nam
instance. Refer to the above option (-N) as how to specify
application names.
General usage is: (1) starting the first nam instance (slave)
nam -N <name #1> <trace file name #1>
Then start the second nam instance (which will be the master):
nam -N <name #2> <trace file name #2>
Then every animation control (play, stop, backward, but exclude
other inspection and interactive operations such as monitoring)
will be synchronized between the two instances.
Please note that because this mechanism uses Tcl’s send command,
it requires that your X server used xauth as authentication.
Specifically, you should add option ‘-auth <authorization file
name>’ when you starts your X server. Without this option, X
will use xhost as authentication, which is too weak and
considered insecure. Refer to man page of Xsecurity, xauth and
Xserver for details, and the available authentication protocols.
-c [Information incomplete] The maximum size of the cache used to
store ’active’ objects when doing backward animation.
-f Name of the initialization files to be loaded during startup. In
this file, user can define functions which will be called in the
trace file. An example for this is the ’link-up’ and ’link-down’
events of dynamic links in ns. (Refer to $ns rtmodel for detail,
and tcl/ex/simple-dyn.tcl in your ns directory for example).
Example initialization files can be found at ex/sample.nam.tcl
and ex/dynamic-nam.conf.
-S Enable synchronous X behavior so it is easier for graphics
debugging. For UNIX system running X only.
tracefile is the name of the file containing the trace data to be
animated (format described in TRACE FILE section below). If tracefile
cannot be read, nam will try to open tracefile.nam.
nam does animation using the following building blocks: node, link,
queue, packet, agent, monitor. They are defined below:
node Nodes are created from ’n’ trace event in trace file. It
represents a source/host/router, etc. nam will terminate if
there are duplicate definition for the same node. Node may have
many shapes, (circle, square, and hexagon), but once created it
cannot change its shape. Node may also have many colors, it can
change its color during animation. Refer to ns(1) for related
tracing events.
link Links are created between nodes to form a network topology. nam
links are internally simplex, but it is invisible to the users.
The trace event ’l’ creates two simplex links and other
necessary setups, hence it looks to users identical to a duplex
link. Link may have many colors, it can change its color during
animation. Refer to ns(1) for related tracing events.
queue Queue needs to be constructed in nam between two nodes. Unlike
link, nam queue is associated to a simplex link. The trace event
’q’ only creates a queue for a simplex link. In nam, queues are
visualized as stacked packets. Packets are stacked along a
line, the angle between the line and the horizontal line can be
specified in the trace event ’q’.
packet Packet is visualized as a block with an arrow. The direction of
the arrow shows the flow direction of the packet. Queued packets
are shown as little squares. A packet may be dropped from a
queue or a link. Dropped packets are shown as rotating squares,
and disappear at the end of the screen. Dropped packets are not
visible during backward animation.
agent Agents are used to separate protocol states from nodes. They are
always associated with nodes. An agent has a name, which is a
unique identifier of th agent. It is shown as a square with its
name inside, and a line link the square to its associated node.
In nam, a topology is specified by alternating node objects with edge
objects. But to display the topology in a comprehensible way, a layout
mechanism is needed. Currently nam provides two layout methods.
First, user may specify edges’ orientations. An edge orientation is the
angle between the edge and the horizontal line, in the interval [0,
2*pi). During layout, nam will honor the given edge orientations.
Generally, it will first choose a reference node, then place other
nodes using edge orientation and edge length, which is determined by
link delay. This works well for small and manually generated
Second, when we are dealing with randomly generated topologies, be it
small or large, we may want to do layout automatically. An automatic
graph layout algorithm ([1] [2]) is adapted and implemented. The basic
idea of the algorithm is to model the graph as balls (nodes) connected
by springs (edges). Balls will repulse each other, while springs pull
them together. This system will (hopefully) converge after some
iterations. In practice, after a small number of iterations (tens or
hundreds), most graphs will converge to a visually comprehensible
There are 3 parameters to tune the automatic layout process:
Ca Attractive force constant, which controls springs’s force
between balls. Default value is 0.15
Cr Repulsive force constant, which controls the repulsive force
between balls. Default value is 0.15
Number of iterations
Self explained. Default value is 10.
For small topologies with tens of nodes, using the default
parameters (perhaps with 20 to 30 more iterations) will suffice
to produce a nice layout. But for larger topology, careful
parameter tuning is necessary. Following is a empirical method
to layout a 100 node random transit stub topology generated by
Georgia Tech’s ITM internet topology modeler. First, set Ca_
and Cr_ to 0.2, do about 30 iterations, then set Cr_ to 1.0, Ca_
to about 0.01, then do about 10 iterations, then set Ca_ to 0.5,
Cr_ to 1.0, do about 6 iterations.
The top of the nam nam window is a menu bar. Two pulldown menus are on
the left of the menu bar. The ’File’ menu currently only contains a
’Quit’ button. It has a ’Open...’ button as well, but that is not
implemented yet. The ’View’ menu has 4 buttons:
- New view button: Creates a new view of the same animation. User
can scroll and zoom on the new view. All views will be animated
- Show monitors checkbox: If checked, will show a pane at the
lower half of window, where monitors will be displayed.
- Show autolayout checkbox: If checked, will show a pane at the
lower half of window, which contains input boxes and a button
for automatic layout adjusts. This box may not always be
enabled. When a trace file has its own layout specifications,
this box will be disabled. If and only if the trace file does
not have complete layout specification (i.e., each link has
orientation specified in the traces), will this box be enabled.
- Show annotation checkbox: If checked, will show a listbox at the
lower half of window, which will be used to list annotations in
the ascending order of time.
The ’Help’ menu is on the right side of the menu bar. It has two
buttons. Clicking the ’Help’ button will pop up a new window
showing information on nam usage. Clicking the ’About’ button
will pop up a new window showing history and status of nam.
Acceleration Keys
ALT+’f’ will pull down the ’File’ menu. ALT+’v’ will pull down
the ’Open...’ menu. ESC will abort a menu selection in
Below the menu bar, there is a control bar containing 6 buttons,
a label, and a small scrollbar (scale). They can be clicked in
any order. We will explain them from left to right.
Button 1 (<<)
Rewind. When clicked, animation time will go back at the rate of
25 times the current screen update rate.
Button 2 (<)
Backward play. When clicked, animation will be played backward
in time.
Button 3 (square)
Stop. When clicked, animation will pause.
Button 4 (>)
Forward play. When clicked, animation will be played in time
ascending order.
Button 5 (>>)
Fast Forward. When clicked, animation time will go forward at
the rate of 25 times the current screen update rate.
Button 6 (Chevron logo)
Time label
Show the current animation time (i.e., simulation time as in the
trace file).
Rate slider
Controls the screen update rate (animation granularity). The
current rate is displayed in the label above the slider.
Below the first control bar, there is Main Display, which contains a
tool bar and a main view pane with two panning scroll bars. All new
views created by menu button ’File/new view’ will have these three
The tool bar contains two zoom buttons. The button with an up arrow
zooms in, the button with a down arrrow zooms out. The two scroll bars
are used to pan the main animation view.
Clicking the left button on any of the objects in the main view pane
will pop up a information window at the clicking point. For packet and
agent objects, there is a ’monitor’ button in the popup window.
Clicking that button will bring out the monitor pane (if it is not
there), and add a monitor to the object. For link object, there will be
a ’Graph’ button. Clink that button will bring out another popup
window, where user can select drawing bandwidth utilization graph or
link loss graph of one of the two simplex links of the duplex link
clicked on. These functionalities are also available in the views
created by ’File/new view’. NOTE: These functionalities are HIGHLY
EXPERIMENTAL AND UNSTABLE in this release (v1.0a2).
Below the gadgets we have discussed so far, there may or may not be a
Monitor pane, depending on whether the checkbox ’View/show monitors’ is
set. (The default is unset). All monitors will be shown in this pane. A
monitor looks like a big button in the pane. Currently only packet and
agent may have monitor.
A packet monitor shows the size, id, and sent time. When the packet
reaches its destination, the monitor will still be there, but saying
the packet is invisible.
A agent monitor shows the name of the agent, and if there are any
variable traces associated with this agent, they will be shown there as
Below the monitor pane (or in its place if the monitor pane isn’t
there), there is a Time Slider. It looks like a scaled rule, with a
tag ’TIME’ which can be dragged along the rule. It is used to set the
current animation time. As you drag the ’TIME’ tag, current animation
time will be displayed in the time label in the control bar above. The
left edge of the slider represents the earliest event time in the trace
file and the right edge represents the last event time.
Clicking left button on the rule (not the tag) has the same effect as
Rewind or Fast Forward, depending on the clicking position.
The Automatic Layout Pane can be visible or hidden. If visible, it is
below the time slider. It has three input boxes and one relayout
button. The labeled input boxes let user adjust two automatic layout
constants, and the number of iterations during next layout. When user
press ENTER in any of the input boxes, or click the ’relayout’ button,
that number of iterations will be performed. Refer to the AUTOMATIC
LAYOUT section for details of usage.
The bottom component of the nam window is a Annotation Listbox, where
annotations are displayed. An annotation is a (time, string) pair,
which describes a event occuring at that time. Refer to ns(1) for
functions to generate annotations. Double-click on an annotation in the
listbox will bring nam to the time when that annotation is recorded.
When pointer is within the listbox, clicking right button will stop
animation and bring up a popup menu with 3 options: Add, Delete, Info.
‘Add’ will bring up a dialog box with a text input and add a new
annotation entry which has the current animation time. User can type
annotation string in the dialog box. ‘Delete’ will delete the
annotation entry pointed by the pointer. ‘Info’ will bring out a pane
which shows both the annotation time and the annotation string.
[Incompelete, but accurate] Most of the buttons have keyboard
equivalents. Note they only function when mouse cursor is inside the
nam window.
Typing a space or return will pause nam if it’s not already paused. If
nam is paused, space or return will step the animation one simulated
clock tick. (If your keyboard autorepeats, holding down space is a
good way to slow-step through some part of the animation.)
‘p’ or ‘P’
Pause but not step if paused.
‘c’ or ‘C’
Continue after a pause.
‘b’ or ‘B’
Descrease animation time for one screen update interval.
‘r’ or ‘R’
‘f’ or ‘F’
Fast Forward.
‘n’ or ‘N’
Move to next event.
‘x’ or ‘X’
Undo the last rate change
‘u’ or ‘U’
Undo the last time slider dragging.
‘>’ or ‘.’
Increase the granularity (speed up) by 5%.
‘<’ or ‘,’
Decrease the granularity (slow down) by 5%.
SPACE Toggle the pause state of nam.
‘q’, ‘Q’ or Control-c
To record nam animations, select the ‘‘Record Animation’’ option under
the file menu. A series of namXXX.xwd files will be produced (where
XXX is the frame number), one per time-step. These files can then be
assembled into animated GIFs or MPEGs with the appropriate post-
processing tools.
The trace file events can be divided into 6 types, depending on to
which object the event is associated. Below, we discuss them in detail.
Packet Basic packet events are a type character, followed by some tags:
<type> -t <time> -e <extent> -s <src_addr> -d <dst_addr>
-c <conv> -i <id>
<type> is one of:
‘h’ - Hop. The packet started to be transmitted on the link from
src_addr to dst_addr
‘r’ - Receive. The packet finished transmission and started to
be received at the destination.
‘d’ - Drop. The packet was dropped from queue or link from
src_addr to dst_addr.
‘+’ - Enter queue. The packet entered the queue from src_addr to
‘-’ - Leave queue. The packet left the queue from src_addr to
Drop here doesn’t distinguish between dropping from queue or
link. This is decided by the drop time.
The flags have the following meanings:
-t <time> is the time the event occurred.
-e <extent> is the size (in bytes) of the packet.
-s <src> is the originating node.
-d <dst> is the destination node.
-c <conv> is the conversation id.
-i <id> is the packet id in the conversation.
-a <attr> is the packet attribute, which is currently used as
color id.
Additional flags may be added for some protocols. This list may
be extended as required:
-P <pkt_type> gives an ASCII string specifying a comma separated
list of packet types. Some values are: TCP - a tcp data packet.
ACK - generic acknowledgement. NACK - generic negative
acknowledgement. SRM - SRM data packet.
-n <sequence number> gives the packet sequence number.
Link/Queue State
l -t <time> -s <src> -d <dst> -S <state> [-c <color>] [-r <bw>
-D <delay>]
q -t <time> -s <src> -d <dst> -a <attr>
<state> gives the link state transition. It has 3 possible
values: UP and DOWN marks link failure and recovery, COLOR marks
link color change. If COLOR is given, a following -c <color> is
expected which gives the new color value. In link event, [-r
<bw> -D<delay>] gives link bandwidth and delay, respectively. It
is only used when nam creates the link, i.e., loading the trace
<attr> specifies the queue position, i.e., the angle between the
link along which queued packets are displayed and the horizontal
Node State
n -t <time> -s <src> -S <state> [-c <color>] [-o <color>] [-A
Flags ‘-t’, ‘-S’ and ‘-c’ have the same meaning as those in
Link. Flag ‘-A’ is used to add a arbitrary string to the label
of the node. It can be used to display explainations of a node’s
state. Flag ‘-o’ is used in backtracing to restore old colors of
a node.
Node Mark
Node marks are colored circles around nodes. They are created
m -t <time> -n <mark name> -s <node> -c <color> -h <shape> [-o
and can be deleted by:
m -t <time> -n <mark name> -s <node> -X
Note that once created, a node mark cannot change its shape. The
possible choices for shapes are, circle, square, and hexagon.
They are defined as lower-case strings exactly as above.
Protocol State
Agents can be constructed by:
a -t <time> -n <agent name> -s <src> -d <dst>
They can be destructed by:
a -t <time> -n <agent name> -s <src> -d <dst> -X
To visualize protocol state variables associated with an agent,
we use the name ‘feature’. Currently we allow three types of
features: timers, lists and simple variables. But only the last
one is implemented in ns(1) tracing APIs.
Features may be added or modified at any time after agent
creation using:
f -t <time> -a <agent name> -T <type> -n <var name> -v <value>
-o <prev value>
<type> is ‘l’ for a list, ‘v’ for a simple variable, ‘s’ for a
stopped timer, ‘u’ for an up-counting timer, ‘d’ for a down-
counting timer.
-v <value> gives the new value of the variable. Variable values
are simple ASCII strings obeying the TCL string quoting
conventions. List values obey the TCL list conventions. Timer
values are ASCII numeric values.
-o <prev value> gives the previous value of the variable. This
is to allow backward play of animation.
Features may be deleted using:
f -t <time> -a <agent name> -n <var name> -o <prev value> -X
Misc v -t <time> TCL script string
is used for annotation, it may includes an arbitrary tcl script
to be executed at a given time, as long as the script is in one
line (no more than 256 characters). The order of flag and the
string is important.
c -t <time> -i <color id> -n <color name>
defines a color. The color name should be one of the names
listed in color database in X11 (/usr/X11/lib/rgb.txt). After
this definition, the color can be referenced using its id.
[1] Fruchterman, T.M.J. and Reingold, E.M., Graph Drawing by Force-
directed Placement, Software - Practice and Experience, vol.
21(11), 1129-1164, (November 1991).
[2] Amir, E., Carta: A Network Topology Presentation Tool, Project
Report, EECS Dept., UC Berkeley, 1993.
Mailing lists for nam users and announcements are the same as those for
ns users. Send email to or ns- to join. Questions should be
forwarded to, ns-announce will be low-
traffic announcements only.
This manual page is incomplete.
04 Nov 1997