cp2foss - load one or more files or archives into the FOSSology
Usage: cp2foss [options] [archives]
Options: -AQThv [-f path] [-AA num] [-q {agent,agent.. | all}] [-X path]
[-n name] [-d descritpion]
cp2foss (copy to foss) will load one or more files or archives into
the folder path specified by -f. The folders in the folder-path do not
need to exist. cp2foss will create them as needed.
Archives can be a file, directory or URL to the archive. If the archive
is a URL, then it is retrieved and added. If the archive is a file,
then it is used as the source to add. If the archive is a directory,
then all files under it are recursively added.
A single hyphen means the archive list will come from standard in
NOTE: The order of the options is significant. Options are processed in
the order that they are used on the command line.
-A Turn on alpha-folders. Default is off. When many archives are
loaded, navigating through all the folders can be difficult. This
option groups packages under alpha folders based on the first
letter of the package name. For example, your folder path is
ProjX/pass1/. Using alpha-folders the archive "andyroid" would end
up under a folder path ProjX/pass/a-c/andyroid.
-AA num
Specify the number of letters per folder (default: 3); implies -A.
For example, using the default, the alpha folders would be a-c,
d-f, g-i and so on.
-d description
A short meaningful description the captures what the upload folder
will contain. Description must be quoted with either single or
double quotes.
-f path
folder path for storing uploaded files (e.g., -f ’Fedora/ISOs/Disk
1’). You do not need to specify the top or root folder /Software
Repository. All paths are under /Software Repository. If
/Software Repository is used in the folder path, cp2foss will
correctly create all of the other other folders in the path under
the top folder.
-? Help, see -h
-h Help, prints a verbose usage message.
-n name
An optional name that will be used to store the upload in the
database. The default name is the filename from the upload.
-Q List all available processing agents. Any or all of the agents
listed can be used with the -q option. See -q for more details.
-q agent-list | all
Indicate what processing agents to use in analyzing the upload. The
list is specified as a comma-separated list of agents, (use -Q to
display the list of agents), or the word all. If -q is not used,
the item will still be uploaded and unpacked. To schedule agent
jobs later see fossjobs or use the FOSSology web interface.
-T TEST. (for Debugging) No database or repository updates are
performed. Test mode enables verbose mode. This is a trial run of
the actions that cp2foss will do.
-v Verbose (for debugging). Details the actions being performed. -T
turns this on automatically.
-X Item to exclude when archive is a directory. You can specify more
than one -X. For example, to exclude all svn and cvs directories,
include the following before the archive’s directory path: -X .svn
-X .cvs
Depricated Options
-a archive
See Description above.
-p path
see -f
-R Ignored.
-w Ignored.
"cp2foss -f Folder1 -d 'the first file' /tmp/file1 \
-d 'the second file' /tmp/file2 \"
Would load the archives file1 and file2 in the folder Folder using the
supplied descriptions for each upload.
"cp2foss -q all -p Ubuntu -n 'Gutsy Gibon' -d 'Ubuntu Gutsy 7.10'
The above example, cp2foss will first get the archive using wget. It
will then load the downloaded archive into the database calling the
upload ’Gutsy Gibon’.
"cp2foss -A -f Fedora/Fedora8 -n Fedora8 -d 'Fedora 8 Sources' -X .svn
-X .cvs /bigdisk/fedora"
Loads every file under the /bigdisk/fedora directory, except files in
the Subversion and CVS directories. The files are placed in the UI
under the folder "Fedora/Fedora8" and are grouped by the first letter
of each file (a-c, d-f, g-h, etc.).
Neal Krawetz/Mark Donohoe for the Hewlett-Packard Company
wget, fossjobs, fosslic