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       Yample - Yet Another Mail Processing Language.


       Yample is an MDA - a mail delivery agent. It accepts a message via
       standard input and stores this message in a maildir or in a mbox.

       Yample tries to incorporate the power of Perl and Mail::Internet,
       Mail::Spamassassin and the other Mail modules whilst maintaining an
       friendly syntax. Yample was written due to a personal conflict with
       Procmails syntax.

       Look at the following lines, taken from "man procmailex";

       :0 c * ^From.*peter * ^Subject:.*compilers !

         :0 A

       This can be implemented like this in Yample;

       sender(peter) and subject(compilers) unseen
       resend( sender(peter) and subject(compilers)



       --mailbase <maildir>
            This option is prepended to any destinations you have. Default is

            Yamples logfile. Default is ~/.yample/log.

       --loglevel <0-4>
            Loglevel. 4 - Debug, 3 - info, 2 - warnings, 1 - errors, 0 -

            Load Mail::Spamassassin and run the mail through it.

            Run the message through spamc. Yample will look for spamc in the
            $PATH unless you set --spamc-path.

       --spamc-path /path/to/spamc
            Where spamc resides.

       --dubdb <file>
            The message id database - used for duplicate suppression.

       --rules <file>
            The rule file.



       This file contains the rules which Yample uses to sort mail. Yample
       reads the mail from STDIN and then processes the rules, one by one.

       The rules consists of two parts; condition(s) and target. There is an
       implicit if .. then .. else between every rule. Please see the examples
       futher down.

       In the conditions which take a regular expression as a parameter you
       can use grouping to extract parts of the text and utilize this in the
       sorting. Like this: "subject((.*)) and rcpt( reject(Your
       message with subject $1 was rejected)". Cool, eh?

       NOTE: We replace "/" and "." with "_" in grouped strings to make sure
       there won’t be any funny business.

            This package contains subroutines which handle the individual
            rules. The rules are transformed into perl code which will call
            these methods to decide what to do with the message.

            Detects duplicates.

            The rcpt rule matches against the To- and Cc-headers.

            The sender rule matches against the From-header.

            Matches on the subject of the message.

            If Yample can load Mail::Listdetect then list() can be used to
            match against the name of the mailing list (unless the mailing
            list server is completely lame).

            You can use this rule like this:

            list((.*)):      maildir(.lists.$1)

            Match against a arbitrary header. Note the caret (^)

            head(^X-Spam-Flag: YES):               maildir(.junk.spam)
            head(^X-Infected:):                    maildir(.junk.virii)

            If Yample loads Spamassassin (and runs the message through it) you
            can use spam() to determine the status of the message.

            Run arbitrary perl code. Unless you are some sort of pervert you
            would not use this for anything but testing and debugging Yample.

            Action dispatcher class. All the targets are defined here.

            Stores the message in a UW-style maildir more or less as defined
            per RFCXXXX.

            Delivers mail to a standard Unix mailbox.

            Parameters: The mailbox where the message is to be delivered.

            Parameters: Where the message is to be forwarded.

            Reject the message. This normally forces your mail server to
            create a bounce and mail this to the original sender.

            Parameters: Error message. This message will probably be included
            in the bounce generated.

            Ignore the message silently.

            Parameters: none

            Reply to the message.

            Parameters: The body of the reply.

            Parameters: The command which is message is to be piped into.
            Executed through "/bin/sh -c".


       Yamples database of message IDs. Yample uses this to supress dupicate
       messages (see dup() rules).


       Your own personal logfile. You might want to use logrotate or similar
       programs to make sure it does not grow to big.


       Usually, your mail server looks for a file in your home directory
       called ".forward". This file contains information how your mail server
       should deliver your mail. If you want Yample as your MDA your .forward
       should look like this: │/full/path/to/yample


       # throw away virii head(^X-Infected:):                    ignore()

       # throw away spam with a score higher than 8 head(^X-Spam-Score:
       \d+\.\d+ \(\+{8,}\)

       # The rest of the spam, tagged by spamassassin head(^X-Spam-Flag: YES):

       dup():                                 maildir(.junk.duplicates)

       # auto-sort lists - requires Mail::Listdetect list((.*)):

       sender( and subject(Backup report): maildir(.backup_reports)

       # catch-all

       perl(1):                               maildir()


       Yample 0.30


       Per Andreas Buer <perbu (at)>


       Yamples needs the following perl modules. Please download from CPAN,
       Yamples home page or other sources.

       Mail::Internet Mail::Send Text::Balanced

       Yample also uses these modules - but they are in the Perl distribution
       so they should always be there.

       Pod::Usage POSIX Sys::Hostname IO::File IPC::Open2


       Yample with Spamassassin, Mail::ListDetector and the other bells and
       whistles is quite heavy.

       Please report bugs and functionality requests to the author.

       Yample lacks (as of now) LMTP and IMAP support. Both should be fairly
       easy to implement.


       Copyright (C) 2003 Per Andreas Buer

       This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is
       NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR


       Mail::Internet (3),  Mail::SpamAssassin (3), Mail::ListDetector (3).