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       sudoku_generator - generate and solve Sudoku puzzles


       sudoku_generator [-n|--non-sym] [-d|--dump] [givens_count]
       sudoku_generator -s|--solve|-p|--print sudoku_dump


       sudoku_generator  generates, solves and prints Number Place puzzles, so
       called Sudokus.  A Sudoku puzzle consists of 9  x  9  cells  subdivided
       into 9 regions with 3 x 3 cells. The rules are simple. There have to be
       the numbers from 1 to 9 in every row, column and region.

              Number of givens (<= 81). Default is 36.  Generation  of  Sudoku
              puzzles with less than 26 givens takes very long.

              String with 81 * 1-9 or _ (+ ignored).


       -n, --non-sym
              Generate a non-symmetric Sudoku puzzle. Default is symmetric.

       -d, --dump
              Dump the generated Sudoku puzzle (don’t print).

       -s, --solve sudoku_dump
              Solve a Sudoku puzzle.

       -p, --print sudoku_dump
              Print a Sudoku puzzle.

       -v, --version
              Print version information and exit.

       -h, --help
              Print help message and exit.


       Copyright © 2005-2010, Thomas Günther <>
       This  GPL  program  comes  with  ABSOLUTELY  NO  WARRANTY; this is free
       software,  and  you  are  welcome  to  redistribute  it  under  certain
       conditions; see the source for details.