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       apertium-lextor - This application is part of ( apertium )

       This  tool  is  part  of the apertium machine translation architecture:


       apertium-lextor --trainwrd stopwords words n left right corpus model  [
       --weightexp w ] [ --debug ]

       apertium-lextor  --trainlch  stopwords  lexchoices  n left right corpus
       wordmodel dic bildic model [ --weightexp w ] [ --debug ]

       apertium-lextor --lextor model dic left right [ --debug ] [ --weightexp
       w ]


       apertium-lextor  is  the application responsible for training and usage
       of the lexical selector module.


       --trainwrd | -t
       Train word  co-occurrences  model.  It  needs  the  following  required

       stopwords file containing a list of stop words. Stop words are ignored.

       words  file  containing  a list of words. For each word a co-occurrence
       model is built.

       n  number  of words per co-occurrence model (for each model, the n most
       frequent words).

       left left-side context to take into account (number of words).

       right right-side context to take into account (number of words).

       corpus file containing the training corpus.

       model output file on which the co-occurrence models are saved.

       --trainlch | -r
       Train  lexical  choices  co-occurrence  models  using a target language
       co-occurrence model and a bilingual dictionary. It needs the  following
       required parameters:

       stopwords file containing a list of stop words. Stop words are ignored.

       lexchoices  file containing a list of lexical choices. For each lexical
       choice a co-occurrence model is built.

       n  number  of words per co-occurrence model (for each model, the n most
       frequent words).

       left left-side context to take into account (number of words).

       right right-side context to take into account (number of words).

       corpus file containing the training corpus.

       wordmodel  target-language word co-occurrence model (previously trained
       by means of the --trainwrd option).

       dic the lexical-selection dictionary (binary format).

       bildic the bilingual dictionary (binary format).

       model output file on which the co-occurrence models are saved.

       --lextor | -l
       Perform  the  lexical  selection  on  the  input  stream.  It needs the
       following required parameters:

       model file containing the model to be used for the lexical selection.

       dic lexical-selection dictionary (binary format).

       left left-side context to take into account (number of words).

       right right-side context to take into account (number of words).

       --weightexp w
       Specify a weight value to change the  influence  of  surrounding  words
       while  training  or  performing  the lexical selection. The parameter w
       must be a positive value.

       --debug | -d
       Show debug information while working.

       --help | -h
       Shows this help.

       --version | -v
       Shows license information.


       apertium-gen-lextorbil(1),        apertium-preprocess-corpus-lextor(1),
       apertium-gen-stopwords-lextor(1),         apertium-gen-wlist-lextor(1),
       apertium-gen-wlist-lextor-translation(1),      apertium-lextor-eval(1),


       Lots of...lurking in the dark and waiting for you!


       (c)  2005,2006  Universitat  d’Alacant  /  Universidad de Alicante. All
       rights reserved.

                                  2006-12-12                apertium-lextor(1)