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       openerp-server - manual page for OpenERP Server 5.0.0

SYNOPSIS [options]


       OpenERP  is  an  Enterprise Resource Planning and Customer Relationship
       Management software package. It is developed to  meet  changing  needs.
       The  main  functional features are: CRM and SRM, analytic and financial
       accounting,  double-entry  stock  management,   sales   and   purchases
       management,  tasks  automation,  a  help desk, marketing campaigns, and
       vertical modules  for  very  specific  businesses.  Technical  features
       include a distributed server, flexible workflows, an object database, a
       dynamic GUI, customizable reports, and a NET-RPC and XML-RPC interface.


              show program's version number and exit

       -h, --help
              show this help message and exit

       -c CONFIG, --config=CONFIG
              specify alternate config file

       -s, --save
              save configuration to ~/.openerp_serverrc

              file where the server pid will be stored

       -n INTERFACE, --interface=INTERFACE
              specify the TCP IP address

       -p PORT, --port=PORT
              specify the TCP port

              specify the TCP IP address for netrpc

              specify the TCP port for netrpc

              disable netrpc

              disable xmlrpc

       -i INIT, --init=INIT
              init a module (use "all" for all modules)

              load demo data for a module (use "all" for all modules)

       -u UPDATE, --update=UPDATE
              update a module (use "all" for all modules)

              set the timeout for the cache system

              stop the server after it initializes

              enable debug mode

              specify  the  level  at  which  a failed assertion will stop the
              server.   Accepted   values:   ['info',   'debug_rpc',   'warn',
              'critical', 'error', 'debug', 'notset']


       -S, --secure
              launch server over https instead of http

              specify the certificate file for the SSL connection

              specify the private key file for the SSL connection


              file where the server log will be stored

              Send the log to the syslog server

              specify  the  level  of  the  logging. Accepted values: ['info',
              'debug_rpc', 'warn', 'critical', 'error', 'debug', 'notset']


              specify the SMTP email address for sending email

              specify the SMTP server for sending email

              specify the SMTP port

              specify the SMTP server support SSL or not

              specify the SMTP username for sending email

              specify the SMTP password for sending email

              specify the price accuracy


       -d DB_NAME, --database=DB_NAME
              specify the database name

       -r DB_USER, --db_user=DB_USER
              specify the database user name

       -w DB_PASSWORD, --db_password=DB_PASSWORD
              specify the database password

              specify the pg executable path

              specify the database host

              specify the database port

              specify the  the  maximum  number  of  physical  connections  to

       -P IMPORT_PARTIAL, --import-partial=IMPORT_PARTIAL
              Use  this  for  big  data importation, if it crashes you will be
              able to continue at the current state.  Provide  a  filename  to
              store intermediate importation states.


       Use  these  options  to  translate OpenERP to another language.See i18n
       section of the user manual. Option '-d'  is  mandatory.Option  '-l'  is
       mandatory in case of importation

       -l LANGUAGE, --language=LANGUAGE
              specify  the  language  of  the  translation  file.  Use it with
              --i18n-export or --i18n-import

              export all sentences to be translated to a CSV file, a  PO  file
              or a TGZ archive and exit

              import  a CSV or a PO file with translations and exit.  The '-l'
              option is required.

              specify modules to export. Use in combination with --i18n-export

              specify an alternative addons path.




       OpenERP is a product of (


       openerp_serverrc(5) openerp(1) : Open ERP official website : Open ERP documentation