exchange2mbox - Convert Exchange mailbox to mbox file
exchange2mbox [-?|--help] [--usage] [-f|--database PATH] [-p|--profile PROFILE]
[-P|--password PASSWORD] [-m|--mbox FILENAME] [-u|--update]
[-d|--debuglevel LEVEL] [--dump-data]
exchange2mbox provides a way to synchronize an Exchange mailbox with a
mbox file. The tool is developed so it only retrieves mails not already
stored in the message ID index database and reflects changes back to
the Exchange server if the local message copy are deleted.
-f Set the path to the profile database to use
-p Set the profile to use. If no profile is specified,
exchange2mbox try to retrieve the default profile in the
database. If no default profile has been set, exchange2mbox
returns MAPI_E_NOT_FOUND .
-P Set the password for the profile to use. This can be omitted if
the password is stored in the profile.
-m Set the mbox file full path
-u Synchronize the local mbox file with the remote Exchange server
Dump the hex data. This is only required for debugging or
educational purposes.
--debuglevel LEVEL
-d Set the debug level.
Create/Update the mbox file and indexes within the profile database:
Update the Exchange mailbox and indexes according to the changes made
to the mbox file.
exchange2mbox -u
If no mbox file is specified, one will be automatically created in
$(HOME)/.openchange/mbox . If you are using the default profile
database path and have set a default profile (using mapiprofile
--profile=profile_name -S ) you do not need to specify these parameters
on the command line.
Julien Kerihuel <j.kerihuel at openchange dot org>
Brad Hards <bradh at openchange dot org>