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       Seyon - X11 Telecommunications Package.


       seyon [-option ...] [-toolkit_option ...] [-- -emulator_option ...]


       Seyon  is a complete full-featured telecommunications package for the X
       Window System. Some of its features are:

              *  Dialing  directory  that  supports  an  unlimited  number  of
              entries.  The  directory is fully mouse-driven and features call
              progress monitoring,  dial  timeout,  automatic  redial,  multi-
              number  dialing,  and  circular  redial  queue. Each item in the
              dialing directory can be configured with its own baud rate,  bit
              mask,  and script file.  The dialing directory uses a plain-text
              phone book that can be edited  from  withen  Seyon.  Seyon  also
              supports manual dialing.

              * Terminal emulation window supporting DEC VT02, Tektronix 4014,
              and ANSI. Seyon delegates its terminal emulation  to  xterm,  so
              all the familiar xterm functions such as the scroll-back buffer,
              cut-and-paste utility, and  visual  bell  are  availabe  through
              Seyon’s  terminal  emulation window. Using xterm also means that
              Seyon has a more complete emulation of VT102 than other any Unix
              or  DOS  telecommunications  program.  Other  terminal emulation
              programs can also be used with Seyon to suit  the  user’s  need;
              for  example,  color  xterm can be used to provide emulation for
              color ANSI (popular on many BBS systems), and xvt can be used if
              memory is a bit tight.

              * Script language to automate tedious tasks such as logging into
              remote hosts. Seyon’s script interpreter uses  plain-text  files
              and  has  a  syntax  similar  to  that  of  sh, with a few extra
              addtions.  It  supports  many  familiar   statements   such   as
              conditional  branching  by  if-else and looping by goto. Scripts
              may be assigned to items in the dialing directory for  automatic
              execution after a connection is made.

              *   Unlimited   number  of  slots  for  external  file  transfer
              protocols.  Protocols are activated from a mouse-driven transfer
              console that uses a plain-text file, editable from withen Seyon,
              for protocol configuration. Seyon prompts the user for filenames
              only  if  the  chosen  protocol  requires  filenames  or  if the
              transfer operation is an upload, for which  Seyon  also  accepts
              wildcards.  Multiple  download  directories can be specified for
              the different transfer slots.

              * Support  for  Zmodem  auto-download.  Seyon  detects  incoming
              Zmodem  signature  and  automatically activates a user-specified
              zmodem protocol to receive incoming files. Zmodem transfers  can
              thus be completely automatic and require no user intervention.

              *  Translation  modes.  Seyon can perfrom useful trasnlations on
              the user’s input. From example, Seyon can translate backspace to
              delete  (useful on may Unix systems), newline to carriage return
              (useful  on  many  BBS  hosts),  and  my  favorite,   meta   key
              tranlation:  to  send  keys  pressed while the meta (ALT) key is
              held down as an escape (ESC) followed  by  the  key  press.  The
              latter  mode simulates the meta key on hosts that do not support
              8-bit-clean connections and makes possible the use of  the  meta
              key in programs like Emacs on such hosts.

              * Other features: interactive setting of program parameters, on-
              line help, software  (XONN/XOFF)  and  hardware  (RTS/CTS)  flow
              control,  session  capture to a file, and temporary running of a
              local shell in the terminal emulation window.

       Seyon is intended to  be  both  simple  and  extensively  configurable.
       Almost  every  aspect  of  Seyon can be configured via the resources to
       suit the user’s taste.


       Besides the toolkit options, Seyon recognizes  the  following  command-
       line switches:

       -modems <device-list>
              Overrides  the resource modems. Refer to the description of that
              resource below.  Unlike the resource, however, the list here has
              to be quoted if it consists of more than one entry.

       -emulator <terminal-emulation-program>
              Instructs  Seyon  to  use  the specified program as the terminal
              emulator.  If Seyon fails to execute that program, it will  fall
              back  to  xterm.  If this option is not given, Seyon will try to
              use seyon-emu, which should be a link to your favorite  terminal
              emulation program. Seyon will fall back to xterm in this case as
              well if it fails to execute seyon-emu.

       --     This switch instructs Seyon to pass the rest of the command-line
              to  the  terminal  emulation program. All options following this
              switch will be passed  blindly  to  the  emulator.  This  switch
              cannot be combined with -noemulator.

              Seyon  usually  invokes the terminal emulation program with some
              options to set the application name and window and  icon  titles
              (those   are   -name  Seyon  -T  "Seyon  Terminal  Emulator"  -n
              Terminal). If this switch is given, Seyon will  not  pass  those
              options  to  the  emulator.   This  is  to  accommodate terminal
              emulation programs that use a different command-line syntax than
              xterm  --  like  xvt, cmdtool, shelltool, ..etc. You can use the
              ’--’ switch to pass your own options to the emulator.

              This option is valid only if Seyon  is  invoked  from  withen  a
              terminal  emulation  program in the foreground of an interactive
              shell session.  If given, Seyon will not launch a  new  terminal
              emulator,  but will use the existing one instead. You cannot use
              the ’--’ switch if this option is given.

       -script <script-file>
              Causes Seyon to  automatically  executes  the  specified  script
              after  the startup script is run. The specified script file will
              be  looked  for  according  to  the  rule  mentioned  under  the
              description of the resource scriptDirectory below.

       -entries <entries-list>
              Overrides   the   resource  defaultPhoneEntries.  Refer  to  the
              description  of  that  resource  below.  Unlike  the   resource,
              however,  the  list here has to be quoted if it consists of more
              than one entry.

       -dial, -nodial
              Overrides the resource dialAutoStart and sets it to ’on’ and  If
              both  -dial  and  -nodial are specified on the command-line, the
              override value will be set according to the last of the  two  on
              the command-line.


       Besides  the  toolkit resources, Seyon defines the following proprietry

       autoZmodem (boolean)
              Specifies whether Seyon is  to  look  for  Zmodem  auto-download
              signature.   If  enabled,  Seyon  will  detect  incoming  Zmodem
              signature  and  execute  the  action  given  by   the   resource
              autoZmodemAction  (typically  to  start  a local rz). Otherwise,
              Zmodem signature will be ignored.  Default value: on

       autoZmodemAction (string)
              Specifies a simple or compound action that will be executed when
              Zmodem  auto-download signature is detected. This action will be
              executed only if the resource autoZmodem is enabled (see above).
              Refer  to  the section entitled SeQuickKeys for a description of
              available actions.  Default value: ShellCommand($rz);

       backspaceTranslation (boolean)
              Whether to translate user’s backspace to delete. When the remote
              host is a Unix system, it’s better to set this to on, since many
              Unix systems are not happy with backspace.  Default value: off

       captureFile (string)
              The name of capture file. Seyon will write session  captures  to
              this  file  when capture is enabled. This file will be placed in
              Seyon’s  default  directory.  The  capture  file  will  not   be
              overwritten  by  successive  capture sessions. Seyon will merely
              apped new capture to its end.  Default value: capture

       connectString (string)
              The modem connect string. This the  string  response  the  modem
              gives  when  a connection is made after dialing.  Default value:

       defaultBits (int)
              The default number of bits (character size). Seyon will set  the
              number  of  bits  to  this  value on startup and will use it for
              items in the dialing directory for which no  such  parameter  is
              given. Valid values are 5, 6, 7, and 8.  Default value: 8

       defaultBPS (string)
              The  default  baud  rate.  Seyon  will set the baud rate to this
              value on startup and will  use  it  for  items  in  the  dialing
              directory for which no baud rate is given.  Default value: 9600

       defaultDirectory (string)
              Seyon’s  default  directory.  When  looking for its files, Seyon
              will  first  try  this  default  directory,  then  the   current
              directory.  Seyon  will  also  put  the  capture  file  in  this
              directory.  Default value: ~/.seyon

       defaultParity (int)
              The default parity. Seyon will set the parity to this  value  on
              startup  and  will use it for items in the dialing directory for
              which no such  parameter  is  given.  Valid  values  are  0  (no
              parity), 1 (odd parity), and 2 (even parity).  Default value: 0

       defaultPhoneEntries (int array)
              This  resource  specifies a list of numbers corresponding to the
              order the entries in the dialing directory appear at. Seyon will
              highlight  (select)  those  entries  on startup and whenever you
              click ‘‘Default’’ from the dialing directory. This is useful  if
              there  is  a  set of entries that you most frequesntly dial that
              want to be highlghted automatically instead of doing that  every
              time  by  hand.  You  can override this resource by the -entries
              command-line switch.  Unlike the command-line  switch,  however,
              the  list here should not be quoted. Phonebook entries numbering
              starts at one.  No default value.

       defaultStopBits (int)
              The default number of stop bits. Seyon will set  the  number  of
              stop  bits to this value on startup and will use it for items in
              the dialing directory for which  no  such  parameter  is  given.
              Valid values are 1 and 2.  Default value: 1

       dialAutoStart (boolean)
              This  resource  specifies  that  Seyon  should start dialing the
              entries specified by the resource  defaultPhoneEntries  (or  its
              override  command-line  switch)  on startup. Seyon will commence
              dialing those entries after executing the startup script and any
              script  specified  at the command line. A more convenient way of
              automatic dialing on startup is to use the override command-line
              switch  -dial, which overrides this resource and enables. If the
              resource is enabled, it can be disabled at the command  line  by
              the  override  switch -nodial. Refer to the description of these
              switches above.  Default value: off

       dialCancelString (string)
              The string Seyon sends to the modem to cancel dialing  while  in
              progress.  Default value: ^M

       dialDelay (int)
              How  long  in  seconds  Seyon should wait after no connection is
              made withen dialTimeOut before ciculating to  the  next  number.
              Default value: 10

       dialDirFormat (string)
              This is a format string that specifies the layout of the dialing
              direcotry. The default is ’%-15s %-15s %6s %1c%1c%1c %1c%1c  %s’
              (no  quotes).   Briefly:  the  fields  represent  the host name,
              number, the baud rate, bits, parity, stop bits, whether there is
              a custom prefix, suffix, and the script name. You can understand
              more what  each  field  refers  to  by  comparing  with  dialing
              directory,  fields that use the current setting (via the keyword
              CURRENT) are designated by a  question  mark.  Notice  that  you
              cannot  change  the  order  the  items  in the dialing directory
              appear at, only the format. For example, if the numbers you call
              are  all 7-digits, your host names are short, you never use baud
              rates above 9600, and you like dashes  between  the  baud  rate,
              bits,  parity,  and stop bits fields, then you may prefer to use
              the format string ’%-10s %-8s %5s-%1c-%1c-%1c %1c%1c %s’,  which
              would be narrower than the default format.  Default value: %-15s
              %-15s %6s %1c%1c%1c %1c%1c %s

       dialPrefix (string)
              The string Seyon sends to the modem before the phone number.  To
              use  pulse  dialing,  set  this  resource to .IR ATDP .  Default
              value: ATDT

       dialRepeat (int)
              How many times Seyon should try dialing  a  number.  Seyon  will
              give  up on dialing a number if no connection is made after this
              many tries.  Default value: 5

       dialSuffix (string)
              The string Seyon sends to the modem after the phone number. This
              string has to contain a carraige return or the number will never
              get sent to the mode.  Default value: ^M

       dialTimeOut (int)
              How long in seconds Seyon should wait for a connection  to  made
              after  dialing  is complete. Seyon will cancel the dialing if no
              connection is made withen this period.  Default value: 45

       exitConfirm (boolean)
              Whether Seyon should prompt for hanguping up before exiting.  If
              off-line  and the resource ignoreModemDCD is set to ’off’, Seyon
              will not prompt  for  hanging  up  upon  exiting  even  if  this
              resource is set to Default value: on

       funMessages (string array)
              The  fun  messages  to  be  displayed  when  Seyon  has no other
              important information to show. This should be a list of  double-
              quoted  [funny]  sentences.   Default  value:  varies,  version-

       funMessagesInterval (int)
              The  temporal  interval  in  seconds  between   successive   fun
              messages.  Default value: 15

       idleGuard (boolean)
              If  set  to  on,  Seyon  will  send  a string to the remote host
              whenever the terminal session is idle (no keyboard input) for  a
              given  amount  of  time.  The  resources  idleGuardInterval  and
              idleGuardString specify the above time interval and  the  string
              to  be sent to the remote host when idle. It is useful to enable
              this features to keep the session alive when one  is  away  from
              the  computer  for  a  while  (e.g.   to  prevent  auto-logout).
              Default value: off

       idleGuardInterval (int)
              The amount of time in seconds Seyon is to consider  the  session
              idle when there is no keyboard activity at the terminal for that
              long.  Seyon will send a string to the remote  host  every  such
              interval as long as the session is idle.  Default value: 300

       idleGuardString (string)
              The  string  to  be  sent to the remote host when the session is
              idle.  This string will be sent at a regular interval as long as
              the  sesiion  remains  idle.  Note that the current translations
              will  be  used  in  sending  this  string;   for   example,   if
              backspaceTranslation   is   enabled,  then  the  default  string
              <Space><BS> will be sent as <Space><DEL>.  Default  value:  \s^H
              (space then backspace)

       ignoreModemDCD (boolean)
              If  this  resource  is  set to ’on’, the modem DCD (Data Carrier
              Detect) status will be ignored.  Some  of  the  consequences  of
              setting this to ´on´ is that Seyon will always prompt for hangup
              (if the resource exitConfirm is set to ’on’) even if  the  modem
              DCD  status  indicates  that it is off-line, and dialing will be
              attempted even if the modem DCD status indicates that it is  on-
              line.  It  is highly recommended that you keep this set to ’off’
              unless your modem does not honor  the  DCD  line.  Consult  your
              modem’s manual for more details.  Default value: off

       hangupBeforeDial (boolean)
              When set to on, Seyon will hangup the line (if connected) before
              dialing the phone number. Otherwise, the number will  be  dialed
              without  hanging  up,  and  it  is  the user’s responsibility to
              ensure that the line is  clear  (no  connection)  when  dialing.
              Default value: on

       hangupConfirm (boolean)
              Whether  Seyon should ask for confirmation before hanging up the
              phone Default value: on

       hangupViaDTR (boolean)
              When enabled, Seyon will hangup up the modem  by  dropping  DTR.
              This  is  much  quicker  than hanging up by sending a Hayes-like
              hangup string to the modem and waiting to allow for escape guard
              time.  However, some modems and serial drivers choke on dropping
              DTR and others just don’t hangup when  DTR  is  dropped,  so  in
              these  cases  it  should  be  disabled.  If disabled, Seyon will
              hangup the modem by sending the string specified by the resource
              modemAttentionString, followed by that specified by the resource
              modemHangupString.  Default value: off

       metaKeyTranslation (boolean)
              Whether to transmit keys pressed while the  meta  (ALT)  key  is
              held  down  as  an  escape (ESC) followed by the key press. Most
              hosts do not support 8-bit sessions, and hence do not  recognize
              the  meta  key.   Therefore,  this  translation  mode  has to be
              enabled when connected to such hosts to take  advantage  of  the
              meta  key  in  programs that make use of it like Emacs.  Default
              value: on

       modemAttentionString (string)
              The string to send to the modem to get its attention (switch  to
              command  mode). This string will be sent to the modem before the
              hangup string when hangupViaDTR is disabled.  Default value: +++

       modemHangupString (string)
              The  hangup  string  to  send  to the modem when hangupViaDTR is
              disabled.  Default value: ATH^M

       modems (string)
              A list of modem devies to use. Seyon will  try  modems  in  this
              list  one  after  the other until it finds an available modem or
              the list is exhausted.  No default value.

       modemStatusInterval (int)
              This resource controls the amount of time (in  seconds)  between
              updates  to  the modem status toggles (including the clock). The
              default is five seconds, but you can set it to  one  second  (or
              any  other  number)  if  you want the toggles to be updated more
              frequently. Even if you set this to a  large  number,  Seyon  is
              intellegent  enough  to update the toggles after each connect or
              hangup.  Default value: 5

       modemVMin (int)
              This resource specifies the minimum number  of  characters  that
              should be in the buffer before the read process is satified. The
              read process will wait until that number of incoming  characters
              is  in  the  buffer  or  0.1  second  has  elapsed  between  the
              receiption of two characters before displaying the data  in  the
              buffer.  This  results in the data being displayed in chunks and
              speeds up the  terminal  display.  The  speedup  would  be  most
              noticeable on slow machnes with fast modems.

              Leave  this resource at its default (1) or set it at a low value
              (6) if you have a slow modem (e.g. 2400bps). Otherwise you might
              set  it  to  the  maximum value, which is platform-dependent but
              generally 255. If you set it to  any  number  greater  than  the
              maximum  value,  it  will  be  truncated  to  the maximum value.
              Default value: 1

       newlineTranslation (string)
              When the  Enter  key  is  pressed,  newline  character  (\n)  is
              generated.   This  resource  determines  what  to translate this
              character  to.  Three  modes  are   possible:   no   translation
              (newline),  carriage  return  (\r),  and  carriage return / line
              feed. Unix systems usually expect newline or carrage return, DOS
              systems  expect  carraige return or carriage return / line feed.
              The three keywords corresponding to the above modes are nl,  cr,
              and cr/lf.  Default value: cr

       noConnectStringX [X = 1-4] (string)
              The  response  strings given by the modem when connection fails.
              Default  values:  NO   CARRIER,   NO   DIALTONE,   BUSY,   VOICE

       phonelistFile (string)
              The  name  of  the  phone list (dialing directory) file. See the
              included example to learn how this  file  should  be  formatted.
              Default value: phonelist

       postConnectAction (string)
              Specifies  a  simple  or  compound  action that will be executed
              after a connection to a remote host is made. This action will be
              executed  before running any script attached to that host in the
              dialing directory. All actions  here  have  to  be  synchronous.
              Refer   to   the   section  entitled  SeQuickKeys  below  for  a
              description of available actions.  Default value: Beep();

       protocolsFile (string)
              The name of the protocols file. This file tells Seyon what  file
              transfer  protocols are available. The user will be promted with
              a list based on this file when file transfer is to be initiated.
              Default value: protocols

              Refer to the section entitled SeQuickKeys below.

       rtsctsFlowControl (boolean)
              Whether Seyon should turn on RTS/CTS hardware flow control. Make
              sure the modem is set to use this as well.  Default value: off

       scriptDirectory (string)
              Seyon’s script directory. When looking for scripts,  Seyon  will
              first  try  this  script  directory, then the current directory.
              Default value: defaultDirectory

       showFunMessages (boolean)
              Whether to display  funny  messages  when  Seyon  has  no  other
              important information to show. Seyon will display those messages
              at an interval specified  by  the  funMessagesInterval  resource
              when  there  is  no other important information to convey to the
              user. To disable the display of fun messages, this resource  has
              be set to off.  Default value: on

       startupAction (string)
              Specifies  a  simple or compound action that will be executed on
              startup. This action is executed prior to running any script (in
              case  the  -script  switch is given) or dialing any entry of the
              dialing directory (in case the -dial  switch  is  given  or  the
              resource  dialAutoStart is enabled). You can make Seyon open the
              dialing directory automatically on startup by using  the  simple
              action  ‘‘OpenWidnow(Dial);’’  as  a constituent of this complex
              action stack.  Note that running the startup script  is  just  a
              special  case  of  this  resource. Refer to the section entitled
              SeQuickKeys for a description  of  available  actions.   Default
              value: RunScript(startup);

       startupFile (string)
              Seyon’s  startup  file.  Seyon will execute all commands in this
              file upon startup. This file can have any commands acceptable as
              script  commands. The most useful command to put here is the set
              command, to set the various communications parameters.   Default
              value: startup

       stripHighBit (boolean)
              Whether to strip the high (eights) bit from incoming characters.
              If set to on, the high bit of all incoming  characters  will  be
              stripped,  which  will  make an 8-N-1 setting behave like 7-N-1,
              even though eight bits are used  for  each  character.   Default
              value: off

       xonxoffFlowControl (boolean)
              Whether  Seyon  should  turn  on XON/XOFF software flow control.
              Default value: off


       Seyon allows the user to have custom  buttons,  called  SeQuickKeys  (z
       quickies),  to  which  actions  can  be attached. SeQuickKeys provide a
       convenient way via which the user can invoke frequently-used operations
       by a singe mouse click. SeQuickKeys are specified through the resources
       quickKeyX, where X is an integer corresponding to the  order  at  which
       that  SeQuickKey is to appear on the command center.  Relevant subparts
       of that resource are visible, action, and label. Here is an example:

              Seyon*quickKey3.visible: on
              Seyon*quickKey3.action: FileTransfer(1,file); Beep();
              Seyon*quickKey3.label: Upload

       The first line specifies that SeQuickKey3 should be visible. The second
       line  specifies  the  action  bound  to the SeQuickKey (in this case, a
       compound action), and the third  line  specifies  the  label  for  that
       SeQuickKey’s  button. Other subparts can also be specified in a similar
       fashion (e.g.  background, foreground, ..etc.)

       Actions can be either simple or compound. A compound action consists of
       a  stack  of  simple  actions  and  can  be used as simple mini-script.

       · Set(idleGuard,on); DialEntries(Default);
       · Echo("Uploading files..."); Transmit(rz); \
             FieTransfer(1,"*.ico $HOME/acct.wks"); Echo(Done);
       · OpenWindow(Dial); DialEntries("2 5 6");
       · Echo("Goodbye.."); Hangup(); Quit();
       · Set(baud,9600); ManualDial("555-5555");
       · Echo("Will upload..."); ShellCommand("$sz *.wks");
       · Set(parity,0); RunScript(login.scr); Echo(Finished);

       The following is a list of actions Seyon currently supports.  Asterisks
       designate asynchronoous actions. Brackets designate optional arguments.

       Beep ();
              Rings the bell making a short beep.

       CloseWindow(window [,...]);
              Closes (dismisses) the given windows. Currenly  the  only  valid
              argument  to  this  action  is  Dial,  which  corresponds to the
              dialing idrectory window. Example: CloseWindow(Dial);

              Dials entries in the dialing directory corresponding by order to
              the  given  list.  Entries  will  be  dialed  as if the user had
              selected them on the dialing directory. Entries will  be  dialed
              without  opening  the  dialing directory. You can use the action
              ‘‘OpenWindow(Dial);’’ and stack the two actions  in  a  compound
              action if you want the dialing directory to be opened.

              The  list  must be quoted if it consists of more than one entry,
              and entries should be separated by white space, not commas.   If
              the list consists of just the word ‘‘Default’’, then the entries
              given by the resource defaultPhoneEntries will be dialed,  refer
              to the description of that resource for more details.

              The  most common use of this action is attach frequesntly-dialed
              hosts to SeQuickKeys, making dialing  those  hosts  a  one-click
              operation.  If  this action is not the last in a compound action
              stack, actions specified by the resource  postConnectAction  may
              not  work  properly.  Examples: DialEntries(2); DialEntries("2 4
              5"); DialEntries(Default);

              Sends the given file to the remote host as a text upload. If the
              optional argument ‘‘file’’ is not specified, Seyon will pop up a
              dialog box asking for the file name. In  the  latter  case  this
              action  is  similar  to  clicking  Divert  from the Misc window.
              Examples: DivertFile("/tmp/acct.wks"); DivertFile();

              Echos the given string to the terminal. Does not send it to  the
              modem  (use  Transmit  for that). If the string consists of more
              than one word, it must be quoted. Note  that  unlike  the  shell
              command  of  the  same  name,  this command does not accepts the
              switch -n but always appends  newline  to  the  string.  If  the
              argument  is  omitted,  an  empty line will be echoed. Examples:
              Echo(Hello); Echo("Hello there"); Echo();

       FileTransfer(entry, [file-list]);*
              Executes the transfer protocol corresponding  by  order  in  the
              trasfer  console (protocols file) to ‘‘entry’’. If that protocol
              requires a file name and file-list is omitted, Seyon will pop up
              a  dialog  box  asking for the file. Otherwise file-list will be
              passed to that protocol. The list must be quotes if it  consists
              of  more  than  one  word and items in it should be separated by
              white space. It can contain  wild  cards  and  shell  variables.
              Examples:       FileTransfer(1);       FileTransfer(2,acct.wks);
              FileTransfer(2,"*.wks $HOME/acct.wks");

              Disconnects the line. Does not pop up a confirmation box.

       IconifyWindow(window [,...]);
              Iconifies the given windows. Valid arguments to this action  are
              Main,  Dial, and Term, corresponding respectively to the command
              center, dialing directory, and terminal emulator  windows.  When
              the argument is Term, this action will work only if the terminal
              emulator sets the  envirenment  variable  WINDOWID,  like  xterm
              does.          Examples:          IconifyWindow(Main,Dial,Term);

              Dials a number as if the Manual button had been clicked from the
              dialing directory. If ‘‘number’’ is specified, it will be dialed
              directly and no dialog box will be  popped  up  asking  for  the
              number.  Examples: ManualDial(555-5555); ManualDial();

              Echos  the  given  string  to the message box of Seyon’s command
              center (main window). If the string consists of  more  than  one
              word,  it  must  be quoted. If the argument is omitted, an empty
              line will be echoed.  Examples:  Message(Hello);  Message("Hello
              there"); Message();

       OpenWindow(window [,...]);
              Opens  each  of the given windows by popping it if closed or de-
              iconifying it if in an iconic state.  Valid  arguments  to  this
              action  are  Main, Dial, and Term, corresponding respectively to
              the command center, dialing  directory,  and  terminal  emulator
              windows.  When  the argument is Term, this action will work only
              if the terminal emulator sets the envirenment variable WINDOWID,
              like    xterm   does.    Examples:   OpenWindow(Main,Dial,Term);

              Exits Seyon completely and returns to the shell. Does not pop up
              a confirmation box.

              Executes  the  script  given by the file script-name. The script
              will be executed as if the user had selected it via  the  Script
              button.  If  script-name is omitted, a dialog box will be popped
              up asking for the script name. This is a very versatile  action,
              as  many  remote and local commands or series of commands can be
              performed  by  attaching  appropriate  scripts  to  SeQuickKeys.
              Examples: RunScript(login.scr); RunScript();

       Set(parameter, value);
              Sets  the specified parameter to the given value. Can be used to
              set the various communications parameters. Available  parameters
              are   listed   under  the  script  command  ‘‘set’’.   Examples:
              Set(baud,9600); Set(parity,0); Set(idleGuard,off).

              Executes the given shell command via the user’s shell pointed to
              by   the   SHELL   environment  variable,  or  /bin/sh  if  that
              environment variable is not set. Note that the command  must  be
              quoted  if  it consists of more than one word. If the first non-
              space letter  of  the  command  is  the  character  ‘‘$’’,  then
              standard  input and standard output will be redirected to to the
              modem. This action can be used to execute any  external  program
              from  withen Seyon. Example: ShellCommand(ls); ShellCommand("$cd
              $HOME; sz -vv *.wks");

              Transmits the given string to the remote host. The  string  must
              be  quoted  if  it consists of more than one word. The string is
              transmitted as  is  (no  case  conversions  are  performed).  No
              newline  character or carriage return is appended to the string,
              use the prefix characters  for  that  (e.g.  ^M,  ^J).  See  the
              discripttion   of  the  script  command  ‘‘transmit’’  for  more
              details. Example: Transmit(ls^M); Transmit("ls -CF^M");


       Script files can automate some tedious tasks such  as  logging  into  a
       system.   A  script  file  is  an ascii text file and may be entered or
       edited using any standard text editor.

       The script file is read line by line.  Empty lines (consisting of white
       space  only)  are  ignored.   Comments  are lines whose first non-space
       character is a pound sign (#).

       The script processor reads each script  line,  ignoring  leading  white
       space, into words. A word is defined as either:

              · a sequence of characters delimited by white space, or
              ·  a sequence of characters enclosed in single or double quotes.

       The first word of a script file is considered the command word.  If the
       last  character  of  the  command  word  is  a  colon  (:), the line is
       considered to be a label (the object of a goto statement).   Otherwise,
       it  is  assumed  to  be  a  script  command and is interpreted as such.
       Command words are case insensative.

       Some commands take one or more arguments. Each argument is parsed as  a
       single  word  as defined above.  If blanks are required in an argument,
       the argument must be quoted using single or double quotes.

   Script Command List
       Below is the description of all commands that may be used in the  Seyon
       script language:

       capture on|off (currently may not work)
              The  command  capture  on  will  enable  capture. All characters
              received during waitfor  processing  will  be  appended  to  the
              capture  file.  The  command  capture off will close the capture
              file.  This setting does not currently extend to terminal  mode.
              This may be offered in a later release.

       debug on|off
              If  the  argument  is on, all subsequent command lines processed
              will be displayed on the local screen. The exception to this  is
              lines containing a transmit command. These lines will just print
              TRANSMIT..., so that passwords, etc. can be  protected.  If  the
              argument  is  off,  scripts  will  execute  quietly (this is the
              default setting).

       dial <number>
              Dial the  specified  number.   Seyon  supports  generic  "Hayes"
              compatible  modems for dialing.  Note that this command requires
              an actual phone number. The  phonebook  is  not  used  for  this

       echo <string>
              Echos  the given string to the terminal. Does not send it to the
              modem (use transmit for that). If the string contains spaces, it
              must  be  quoted. Note that unlike the shell command of the same
              name, this command does not accepts the  switch  -n  but  always
              appends newline to the string.

       exit   Terminates  the script file prior to the end of file. Returns to
              terminal mode.

       flush  Flushes the modem, i.e. discards data written to the  modem  but
              not transmitted and data received but not read.

       goto <label>
              Goes  to  the  specified  label in the script file and continues
              execution from that point.  The  label  may  either  precede  or
              follow  the  actual  goto statement. A label is any command word
              whose last character is a colon (:).

       hanup  Hangups up the line and disconnects from the remote host.

       if, else, endif
              if <condition>

              Conditionally executes statements based on specified  condition.
              Seyon supports the following conditions:

              waitfor: true if the last waitfor command was successful.
              linked:  true  if  this  script  was  executed  from the dialing

              Conditions may be negated using the prefix not or the  character

              !waitfor: true If the last waitfor command timed out.
              not waitfor: same as !waitfor above

              The  else  and endif keywords must appear on their own lines. If
              statements may not be nested.

       pause <time>
              Suspends execution of the script for  the  specified  number  of
              seconds.   This  is  usually used for timing considerations; for
              example, waiting a couple of seconds after receiving the connect
              message and typing ^C to CompuServe.

       purge  Reads  and  discards  all  data  coming  from  the modem for the
              duration of one second.

       quit   Terminates the script and exits the whole  program  (returns  to
              the shell).

       redial Redials the last number dialed using the dial command.

              Sends a BREAK signal to te remote host.

       set <parameter> <value>
              Sets  the specified parameter to the given value. Can be used to
              set the various communications parameters  for  each  host.  The
              follwoing  is  a list of the set keywords that Seyon recognizes.
              Keywords marked with an asterisk set the current parameter only,
              not  the  default  one.  Refer  to  the corresponig resource (in
              parentheses below) for details of the function of each  keyword.

              baud* (defaultBPS)
              bits* (defaultBits)
              parity* (defaultParity)
              stopBits* (defaultStopBits)
              stripHighBit (stripHighBit)
              newlineTranslation (newlineTranslation)
              del (backspaceTranslation)
              meta_tr (metaKeyTranslation)
              xoff (xonxoffFlowControl)
              rtscts (rtsctsFlowControl)
              autozm (zmodemAutoDownload)
              idleGuard (idleGuard)

              Boolean  keywords  accept  on  or  off  as their argument, other
              keywords  accept  the  same  arguments  as   the   corresponding

       shell <shell-command>
              Executes the given shell command via the user’s shell pointed to
              by the SHELL environment variable, or /bin/sh if the environment
              variable  SHELL is not set. Note that the command must be quoted
              if it consists of more than one word.  If  the  first  non-space
              letter  of the command is the character ’$’, then standard input
              and standard output will be redirected to  to  the  modem.  This
              command  can be used to execute any external program from withen
              Seyon. Example: shell "cd /usr/dl; rz -vv".

       transmit <text>
              Transmits the specified  text  to  the  remote  host.  The  text
              argument  should  be  quoted  (using single or double quotes) if
              there are spaces to be transmitted. The text is  transmitted  as
              is (no case conversions are performed).

              Prefix characters:

              ^  is  the  Control character prefix: the next character is made
              into a control character. For example,  ^M  is  carriage  return
              (0x0D) and ^J is newline (0x0A).
              \  is  quote prefix: the next character is transmitted verbatim.
              For example, \^ would transmit a literal ^.

       tty on|off
              This command specifies whether or not characters  received  from
              the  modem  will  be displayed on the local terminal.  Since the
              only time that the script processor looks at the  receive  queue
              is  during  waitfor  processing,  the  displays  may  look a bit
              erratic.  Use the tty off command to disable  local  display  of
              received characters during script processing.

       waitfor <text> [timeout]
              Waits  for the specified text to appear from the modem. The text
              argument should be quoted (using single  or  double  quotes)  if
              there are spaces to be transmitted.

              Special characters are interpreted the same as for transmit.  If
              the timeout argument is specified, Seyon will wait  that  number
              of  seconds  for  the string to appear.  If no timeout is given,
              Seyon defaults to 30 seconds.

              During  waitfor  processing,  characters  received  (up  to  and
              including  the  last  character  found  in  the  text  or in the
              timeout) can be captured to  a  disk  file  (if  capture  on  is
              specified),  and/or  displayed  to  the  screen  (if  tty  on is

       when [<string-to-expect> <string-to-send>]
              Sends string-to-send  whenever  it  encounters  string-to-expect
              while waiting in a waitfor command, whatever the number if times
              string-to-expect is encountered.

              This is is useful if the order of prompts expected is not  known
              before  hand.  For  example,  some BBS systems (notably PCBoard)
              change the prompts depeding on the time of call, and a  complete
              script for such boards cannot be written using waitfor only.

              As  many  number of when commands as desired can be specified. A
              when command with  no  arguments  clears  all  outstanding  when
              commands.   waitfor  commands take precedence over when commands
              if they expect the same string.

              A typical use of this command would be:

                      when "Continue?"       "y^M"
                      when "More?"           "n^M"
                      waitfor "BBS Command?"

              The above script keeps sending "y^M" to every Continue?"  prompt
              and  "n^M"  to  every  "More?"  prompt until the the string "BBS
              Command?" is encountered. The lasy when clears  all  outstanding
              when commands.


       The  default  Seyon files are startup, phonelist, and protocols.  These
       have  to  be  in  the  current  directory,  Seyon’s  default  directory
       (~/.seyon),  or the user’s home directory. The default script directory
       is Seyon’s default directory. All of these files and directories can be
       overridden by setting the appropriate resources. See the description of
       those resources as well as the description of the files above.


       xterm(1), resize(1)


       Seyon is Copyright (c) 1992-1993 of Muhammad M. Saggaf.  Seyon  is  not
       public domain. Permission is granted to use and distribute Seyon freely
       for any use and to sell it  at  any  price  without  reference  to  the
       copyright owner provided that in all above cases Seyon is intact and is
       not made part of any program either in whole or in part and  that  this
       copyright  notice is included with Seyon. Permission is also granted to
       modify the source as long as the modified  source  is  not  distributed
       without prior consent of the author.


       The  script command ’set port’ is not supported in this release. If the
       action DialEntries is not the last in a compound action stack,  actions
       specified by the resource postConnectAction may not work properly.

       If  Seyon  is  hung, it can be made to exit cleanly by killing its main
       process by signal 15 (SIGTERM) from another shell. Seyon’s main process
       is the one that has the lowest PID (Process ID) number. For example, if
       ps shows:

                1100 p0 S     0:04 seyon -noemulator
                1101 p0 S     0:00 seyon -noemulator
                1102 p0 S     0:38 seyon -noemulator

       Then ‘‘kill -15 1100’’ or ‘‘kill 1100’’ would cause Seyon clean up  and
       exit gracefully.


       Muhammad  M. Saggaf, Snail Mail: Muhammad Saggaf, Box
       9863, Dhahran 31311, SAUDI ARABIA. I apologize that I may not  be  able
       to respond to all correspondence I receive.

       xcomm 2.2 was written by Eric Coe and Larry Gensch.


       David  Boyce  for helpuful suggestions, the Imake file, and patches for
       clean build under gcc -Wall; Joaquim Jorge  for  the  lex/yacc  parsing
       routines  contributed  by  him; and the many people who sent me patches
       for various platforms: Fred  Appleman  (SVR4),
       (Ultrix), Alain Hebert (SVR3.2), Peter Davies (Sun Sparc), Eric Schmidt
       (Apollo), David Sanderson (AIX), Jonathan  Bayer  (Sun),  Jeff  Johnson
       (SVR4), Glenn Geers (SVR4-Esix), Tony Vincent-Sun-Vienna (Solaris), Bob
       Smith (SunOS 3.x and sgtty  interface).  (pardon  me  if  I  forgot  to
       mention  you).  I’m  also  thankful  to all the nice people who sent me
       suggestions or bug reports.

       The MultiList widget used in the dialing directory is  written  by  the
       Free  Widget  Foundation.  You  can get it and other FWF widgets by ftp