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NAME - Download and convert waypoints for use with gpsdrive

DESCRIPTION is a program to download and convert waypoints and other
       geospacial data for use with the new gpsdrive POI Database.  You need
       to have mySQL Support.

       This Programm is completely experimental, but some Data can already be
       retrieved with it.

       So: Have Fun, improve it and send me fixes :-))

           This programm replaces some/all waypoints of desire.
           So any changes made to the database may be overwritten!!!
           If you have any self collected/changed Data do a backup first!!


       Common usages: [-d] [-v] [-h] [--mapsource_points='Filename']


       --man Complete documentation
         Complete documentation

         Try creating the tables inside the geoinfo database.  This also fills
         the database with some predefined types.  and imports wour way*.txt
         Files.  This also creates and modified the old waypoints table.  This
         implies --fill-defaults

         Fill the Databases with usefull defaults. This option is needed
         before you can import any of the other importers.

       --openstreetmap --osm[=filename]
         Download and import openstreetmap Data.  If no parameter is given.
         planet.osm is downloaded and then imported.  If a filename is given
         this Filename is imported. The file needs to be a *.osm File. You can
         get a osm File by saving your edited Data whis josm.  Currently we
         only read Nodes from OSM. But the rules in icons.xml are a little bit
         outdated. So not every POI from osm is really imported. If you like
         more POIs imported from OSM, please update icons.xml.

         Triggers all of the above

         Collects default data and writes them into the default Files.  This
         option is normally used by the maintainer to create the Defaults for
         filling the DB.

         Read all gpsdrive Tracks and insert into  streets DB

         Read all gpsdrive way*.txt and insert into  poi DB

         Read all Kismet .gps Files in 'Directory', extract the Tracks and
         insert them into streets DB

         Read all jigle Files in directory, extract the Wavelan points and
         insert them into POI DB

         See for the jiggle client

         use for get traffic information from and write it in mysql

         This feature is not completels implemented yet.

         show traffic from mysql database

         This feature is not completels implemented yet.

       --street --ort [--plz] [--sql]
         use this for download street coordinates at the moment only germany
         is supported

         Example: ./ --street "Strae des Friedens" --ort
         Teutschenthal --plz 06179 --sql

         --street is needed for the streetname, if the name has more then one
         word you have to use ""

         --ort is for the name of the city

         --plz is not evertime necessary only in a big city or if the there
         are more citys with the same name or a similarly name whitout --sql
         the result will be write in ~/.gpsdrive/way.txt

       --lat_min --lat_max --lon_min --lon_max
         For example for debug reasons for some inserts limit to the given
         rectangle.  This feature is not implemented on all insert statements
         yet.  The values must be set to a none 0 value to be accepted.

         Does not delete the old entries in the DB prior to inserting the new

         Name of Database to use; default is geoinfo

         username to connect to mySQL database. Default is gast

         password for user to connect to mySQL database. Default is gast

         hostname for  connecting to your mySQL database. Default is localhost

         Do not try mirroring the files from the original Server. Only use
         files found on local Filesystem.

         use proxy for download

         language of the POI-Type descriptions that will be used in the
         database.  At the moment the default is 'de' for german. If no
         entries are available for the specified language, the english ones
         will be used.

       --area=germany Area Filter
         Only read area for processing Currently only for osm imports to see
         which areas are available, use --list-areas

         print all areas possible