Man Linux: Main Page and Category List


        Balsa - the GNOME email client.


       You can use Balsa to fetch, read, write and send e-mails.

       It supports
         * local mailboxes in maildir, mbox and/or mh format,
         * nested mailboxes,
         * protocols POP3, IMAP and SMTP,
         * multithreaded mail retrieval,
         * GnuPG/GPG encryption, LDAP, Kerberos and SSL,
         * MIME (view images, save parts),
         * multiple character sets,
         * GPE address book,
         * printing and spell-checking.

       Balsa is an integral part of the GNOME desktop environment, but it can
         also be used standalone though it may print some error messages then.

       For help on using Balsa, see the documentation in its help menu using
         Yelp Gnome 2 help/documentation browser.

       This man page tells about the options of the ’balsa’ command,
         which is used to start Balsa.
       Most of these options let you tell Balsa that when it starts
         it should immediately open a mailbox, or the composer ,
         and things like that.
       There is also an option to debug POP connections.

       When you start Balsa from the command line of an (x)terminal,
         not only can you use the command line options described below,
         any error messages are printed to that terminal too
         (whether you execute that command in the background or not).


       balsa [       --help                               ]
             [       --version                            ]
             [  -c | --check-mail                         ]
             [( -m | --compose=)email-address             ]
             [( -a | --attach=)filename                   ]
             [( -o | --open-mailbox=)mailbox[:mailbox]... ]
             [  -u | --open-unread-mailbox                ]
             [  -d | --debug-pop                          ]
             [  -D | --debug-imap                         ]


       -? , --help
              Displays a message describing command line syntax of Balsa,
                giving many more options than are presented in this man page;
                Balsa exits immediately after that.
              Some of these options work (and thus should be in this man page)
                for example --display ,
                others may not -
                for  example --disable-crash-dialog which is provided by GNOME
              GUI Library.

                     Balsa prints its version and exits.

              -c , --check-mail
                     Balsa starts and checks for new mail immediately.

              -i , --open-inbox
                     Balsa starts and opens the Inbox.

              -m email-address , --compose=email-address
                     When invoked with this option,
                       Balsa will open its email-composer for a new message
                       with the specified address in the To: field.
                     The email-address parameter can be specified
                       as user@host, e.g. ,
                       or  in   URL   format,   e.g.   "Balsa   List   <balsa-
           >" .
                     You can use Balsa as mailto protocol handler
                       by,  in  the  URL handlers section of the GNOME control
                       setting the mailto protocol command to : balsa -m "%s"

              -a FILENAME , --attach=FILENAME
                     When invoked with this option,
                       Balsa will open its email-composer for a new message
                       with  the  specified  file  already  attached  to   the
                     Example : balsa -a ~/balsa-new.1.gz

              -o MAILBOX, --open-mailbox=MAILBOX...
                     This  makes  Balsa  start and open the specified mailbox.
                     The mailbox should be specified by its full URL.
                     Example  :  balsa  -o  imap://
                     balsa -o file:///var/mail/user

              -u , --open-unread-mailbox
                     Open all mailboxes that may contain unread messages.

              -d , --debug-pop
                     Makes Balsa print the POP3 communication to stderr,
                       including the full text of every message.
                     The  former can be useful for debugging POP3 connections.

              -D , --debug-imap
                     Makes Balsa print the IMAP communication to stderr.
                     This feature is useful for debugging IMAP problems.


       Balsa’s website is


       Any bugs found in Balsa can be reported through
         the Balsa Developer mailing list at ,
         or the online bug-tracking system at .
       See for more information on  reporting
       Balsa bugs.

       Before  reporting  bugs, please check to see if the bug is mentioned in
       the      FAQ’s      or       the       mailing       list       archive

       When reporting Balsa bugs, it is important to include
         * a reliable way to reproduce the bug,
         * version number of Balsa (as well as GTK and GNOME),
         * OS name and version,
         * any relevant hardware specs.

       If  a bug is causing a crash, it is very useful if a stack trace can be
       And of course, patches to rectify the bug are even better.


       See   the   AUTHORS   file   included   with   Balsa,    probably    at
       /usr/share/doc/balsa-2.4.1/AUTHORS .


        ~/.gnome2/balsa                   Balsa’s preferences file.
        ~/.gnome2_private/balsa           Balsa’s POP and IMAP passwords file.
        /etc/sound/events/balsa.soundlist system-wide configuration file


       Package names given in parenthesis are Debian package names.

       mailcap  (5) - metamail capabilities file (package: mime-support)
       metamail (1) - infrastructure for mailcap-based multimedia mail
                                                 (package: metamail)
       sendmail (8) - a Mail Transfer Agent      (package: exim4-daemon-light)
       yelp     (1) - browse Gnome documentation (package: yelp)
       GNOME    (1) - modern desktop environment (package: gnome-bin)


       (c)  1997-2003  Stuart  Parmenter and others, see AUTHORS for a list of

       This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is
       NO  warranty;  not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR