docbook2gjots - Convert a DOCBOOK file to gjots format (on stdout)
docbook2gjots [ DOCBOOK-file ]
docbook2gjots converts a DOCBOOK XML file into gjots format.
docbook2gjots uses gawk(1) to perform the conversion.
<preface>, <chapter>, <section>, <sect1>, <sect2>, <sect3> and <sect4>
tags are used to define NewEntry and NewFolder boundaries. They should
definitely have <title> tags.
This is a quick and dirty hack using gawk(1) and does no formal
checking of XML or SGML syntax nor does it validate against the DOCBOOK
DTD. Consequently, if the syntax of the file is broken the conversion
will probably fail.
It is intended that a round-trip can be made so that gjots(1) can be
used as a tool at all stages of DOCBOOK production - mainly as an
outline processor to help the author organise and order the work. A
document may well start its life in gjots(1) as the initial thoughts
are marshalled. As the document forms up, it can be converted to
DOCBOOK with the following command which automatically adds tags such
as <?xml...>, <para> etc:
gjots2docbook -b file.gjots >file.xml
docbook2pdf file.xml
Or, starting with an existing DOCBOOK file:
docbook2gjots file.xml >file.gjots
In the latter case, the document will already have a lot of DOCBOOK
tags so to convert back to docbook, add the -e and -p options:
gjots2docbook -b -p -e file.gjots >file.xml
docbook2pdf file.xml
Written by Bob Hepple <>
Copyright (c) 2002 Robert Hepple
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There
is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
gjots(1), gjots2html(1), gjots2docbook(1)