g15composer - Scriptable command interface to libg15render(3) drawing
G15composer is a scriptable command interface to the libg15render
drawing functions that outputs to a g15daemon screen. G15composer
exposes all graphics primitives and text rendering functions of
libg15render so that they may be used in a variety of situations,
including from the command line or in virtually any scripting language.
G15composer understands the following options:
-h Show usage information.
-b Start without a display to listen for new screen commands.
-u username
Change effective UID to that of username
-g gid
Change effective GID to gid
-r Reuse /var/run/g15composer if another g15composer instance is
listening there.
nohup ./g15composer /path/to/pipe &
1) echo ’TL "Hello" "World"’ > /path/to/pipe
2) cat instructions > /path/to/pipe
3) ./some_script > /path/to/pipe
where some_script is a bash, Perl, etc. script or application which
one or more of the commands listed below.
*** Text Commands:
Ts "line 1" "line 2" ...
where s is the size of the font (S, M and L are supported).
To insert a double-quote, prefix it with a backslash
TO X Y S F "line 1" "line 2" ...
Overlays text of the given size at (X,Y)
Text will be centered if F=1 and right justified if F=2
*** Font Command: (NB., g15composer must be configured with --enable-
ttf to use font commands)
FL F S "/path/to/font"
Loads a font into Face Slot F with size S.
FP F S X Y Co Ce "line 1" "line 2" ...
Prints text using the font is Slot F with size S at position (X,Y).
Text will be printed in color Co and will be centered if Ce=1.
*** Pixel Commands:
PO X Y W H "100101101..."
Overlays a pixel image of the given Width and Height at (X,Y)
The last argument must now be passed as a quoted string. This is a
change from previous behavior.
Sets the pixel at (X,Y) to color C (0 or 1)
PC 0|1
Clears the screen and fills it with 0|1
PF X1 Y1 X2 Y2 C
Fills the area from (X1,Y1) to (X2,Y2) with color C
PR X1 Y1 X2 Y2
Reverses the pixels from (X1,Y1) to (X2,Y2)
PB X1 Y1 X2 Y2 C T F
Draws a box from (X1,Y1) to (X2,Y2) using color C and thickness T,
filling if F=1
T, and F are optional, but if specified must be specified in order,
i.e., you must set T to set F
Defaults are T=1, and F=0
*** Drawing Commands:
DL X1 Y1 X2 Y2 C
Draws a line from (X1,Y1) to (X2,Y2) using color C
Draws a circle centered at (X,Y) with radius R using color C,
filling if F=1
F is optional and defaults to F=0
Note that the syntax has changed, the position of C and F has been
DR X1 Y1 X2 Y2 C F
Draws a rounded box from (X1,Y1) to (X2,Y2) using color C, filling
if F=1
F is optional and defaults to F=0
Note that the syntax has changed, the position of C and F has been
DB X1 Y1 X2 Y2 C N M T
Draws a percentage or progress bar from (X1,Y1) to (X2,Y2) using
color C
The bar will be filled with N units out of M
T sets the type of the bar, valid values are 1, 2, or 3
T is optional and defaults to T=1
DN X1 Y1 X2 Y2 C N
Draws a big number N in the area bounded by (X1,Y2) and (X2,Y2)
using color C
Draws a WBMP icon from buffer B at (X,Y)
Draws a WBMP sprite from buffer B at (X,Y) with size WxH
Sprite is drawn from buffer offset by (OX,OY)
*** WBMP Commands:
WS "/path/to/image"
Loads a WBMP image from /path/to/image and displays it on the screen
Image must be 160x43 as it is loaded directly into the LCD buffer
WL B "/path/to/image"
Loads a WBMP image from /path/to/image into buffer number B
*** Mode Commands:
MC 0|1
Turns caching off or on, i.e. the changes are not immediately sent
to the
LCD if caching is on (MC 1). Changes will be sent on the next MC 0.
MX 0|1
Sets succeeding pixel colors to normal, or XORed with existing
Good for drawing sprites with MC:
MC 1, draw, MC 0
MC 1, redraw in original position and draw elsewhere, MC 0
Old New Current Redraw
0 0 0^0 = 0 0^0 = 0
0 1 0^1 = 1 1^1 = 0
1 0 1^0 = 1 1^0 = 1
1 1 1^1 = 0 0^1 = 1
MR 0|1
Set succeeding pixel colors to normal, or reversed
MP 0|1|2
Set screen to foreground if 0 and background if 1
If 2, set screen to background if and only if user hasn’t set it to
*** Screen Commands:
SN "/path/to/pipe"
Create a new G15Comopser instance reading from /path/to/pipe
Close the current screen. Closing the initial screen will close all
other screens
The following commands are relayed to g15daemon:
*** LCD Commands:
LB 0|1|2
Sets the LCD brightness level
LC 0|1|2
Sets the LCD contrast level
*** Keyboard/LED Commands:
KL 0|1|2
Sets LED mode: 0=app-controlled 1=normal 2=sticky.
Not currently implemented.
KM x 0|1
Sets the Mx-light off or on. x=0,1,2,3 where 0 is all M-lights
(minus MR).
Only has an effect if KL is set to 0.
Anthony J. Mirabella <>
g15daemon(1), libg15(3), libg15render(3)