genblinds - generate a RADIANCE description of venetian blinds
genblinds mat name depth width height nslats angle [ -r|+r rcurv ]
Genblinds produces a RADIANCE scene description of a set of venetian
blinds. The depth of the blinds (X dimension) is given first, followed
by the width (Y dimension), followed by the height (Z dimension). The
number of slats to place evenly within this height is given as nslats.
The angle of the blind, where zero is perfectly horizontal and a
positive angle tilts the positive X edge upwards, is given in degrees.
The blinds are initially situated so that the corner of the bottom
blind is height/nslats/2 above the XY plane, and all coordinates are
positive. Each new slat is placed height/nslats above the previous
one, until the top slat is at height - height/nslats/2 . The blinds
may of course be moved from this starting point with the xform(1)
If curved blinds are desired, a radius of curvature may be given with
the +/-r option. If given as +r, The curvature is upward (which is the
usual configuration). If the option is given as -r, then the curvature
is downward. The radius indicates how far from each slat its effective
cylindrical center resides. Each slat will be broken into as many
polygons as is necessary to keep the delta changes in angle less than
10 degrees. (Note that this may result in a rather large number of
To produce a curved set of blinds with 25 slats at 15 degrees:
genblinds white blind 1 46 88 25 15 -r 1 > blinds.rad
Jean-Louis Scartezzini and Greg Ward
genrbox(1), genrev(1), gensurf(1), genworm(1), rpict(1), rvu(1),