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       debarchiver - Tool to sort debian packages.


       debarchiver [options]


       The debian archiver is a tool that installs debian packages into a file
       structure suitable for apt-get, dselect and similar tools to use for
       updating the installed debian system. It is meant to be used by local
       administrators that needs special packages, or tweaked versions to ease

       The file structure is based on the potato file structure and does not
       support package pools. This may be implemented later, but is not high


       -a | --autoscan
           Does both --autoscanpackages and --autoscansources.

           Same as --scanall --autoscan.

           Automatically run dpkg-scanpackages after all new packages are

           Automatically run dpkg-scansources after all new packages are

       -b | --bzip
           Create bzip2 compressed Packages.bz2 and Sources.bz2 files.

       --cachedir dir
           The apt-ftparchive package cache directory, if --index is used.
           Default $cachedir.

       --cinstall dir
           Where the .changes file will be installed to, empty string to
           remove it instead, default $cinstall.

       --configfile file
           Specify an extra configuration file to read. Will be read after etc
           config and user config file.

           The install command to use, default $copycmd. Both packages and
           .changes files are installed using this command.

       -d | --dest | --destdir dir
           Destination directory. The base directory where all the
           distribution packages reside. Here the
           $distrib/$major/$arch/$section directory structure will be created.
           Default $destdir, relative to the input directory.

       --debug-level | --dl level
           What information that should be printed. 1=critical, 2=error,
           3=normal, 4=message, 5=debug, 6=verbose debug (modules).

           The criteria for which binary packages that should be installed
           even if it does not have a .changes file, default

           GnuPG key to use to sign the archive.

           File to provide password to GnuPG.

       -i | --input | --indir | --inputdir dir
           This is the directory where the all packages and corresponding
           *.changes files that should be installed to the --dest directory,
           default $instdir.

       --index | -x
           Automatically run apt-ftparchive after all new packages are
           installed.  config must be an absolute path to the configuration
           file to use for apt-ftparchive generate. See the apt-ftparchive
           manual page for more information. Use this *or* --autoscan, not


           Prints this information.

       --lockfile file
           The lockfile to use, default $lockfile.

           Default major section to use if undefined (default: main)

           Command to move files (currently not used at all).

           The time to allow .changes file to be incomplete in seconds.
           Defaults to 24 hours.

           The command to use to send emails. The default behavior is to use
           the sendmail command.

           Define which format has to be used to send emails with the user
           command specify by --mailfrom. Only sendmail and mail formats are
           supported. By default, if this  option is not given, debarchiver
           assumes the sendmail format. The argument can be one of the
             sendmail = use of the sendmail format
             mail     = use of the mail format

           Specify mail sender.

           Do not sort packages.

           Do not create directories and touch Package files.

       -o | --addoverride
           Automatically add new packages to the override file.

           The remove command to use, default $rmcmd. This can be used to move
           away the old packages to some other place.

           Scan all distributions, sections, etc.

       --scandetect | -s
           Scan using apt-ftparchive or dpkg-scan* depending on what is
           installed on the system. This is the recommended way. Only use
           --index or --autoscan if you know what you are doing.

           Same as --nosort --nostructurefix.

       --quit-level level
           On what level to quit the application, see debug level.

       -v | --version
           Prints the version string.

           Force install of changes files even if some files already exists
           with wrong size or md5 hash.


       You can also place config files with the following names (in following
       order) /etc/debarchiver.conf, ~/.debarchiver.conf and input.conf
       (relative to input directory) that will be read before, the arguments
       to this program will be parsed. Here you can change the following

       The configuration files are read as perl modules they should end with a
       true value. Therefore they should always end with 1;

           If set to 0 no bzip2 files will be generated. If set to 1 bzip2
           files will be generated.

           Time to allow .changes files to be incomplete in seconds. Useful
           for slow uploads.  Defaults to 24 hours.

           The cache directory for apt-ftparchive, used if --index is used.

           Where the .changes files are installed (see --cinstall above).

           The install command (see --copycmd).

           The destination directory (see --destdir above).

           The criteria for which packages that should be installed even if it
           does not have a .changes file, default $distinputcriteria.

           Directories (distribution => dir) to be searched for binary
           packages that do not need a .changes file to be installed but match
           $distinputcriteria.  The default is kernel packages generated by
           make-kpkg which does not generate a .changes file.  Additionally
           binary packages with a valid .changes file will have the default
           distribution overridden to be the current queue directory.  This
           causes uploads to a specific queue to place the package into that
           distribution directly.

           GnuPG key to use to sign the archive.  If this variable is set, the
           Release file for each changed section of the archive will be signed
           with GnuPG using $gpgkey as the key ID.  Unless you use a key that
           has no passphrase or use $gpgpassfile, you will need to run
           debarchiver interactively when using this option so that you can
           supply the passphrase.

           A file that contain the passphrase for the GnuPG key. See $gpgkey
           for more information.

           The input directory (no effect in $inputconfigfile).

           The lockfile to use, default $lockfile.

           An array of strings that should be mailed to. If the string
           contains an email address that one is used. If it contains an
           incomplete email address, i.e. @hostname, the username owning the
           file is used @ the hostname specified. If no @ character is found
           in the string, it is considered as a field in the .changes file.
           Such a field can for example be Maintainer or Uploaders.

           The format to use to send emails (see --mailformat above).

           Specify the sender of emails.  Default to none ("")

           Default major section (see --majordefault above).

           The move command (see --movecmd).

           Additional information to add to generated Release files.
           Supported keys are origin, label, and description.

           The remove command (see --rmcmd above).

           Choose to enable (1) or disable (0) signature verification for
           packages uploaded into $inputdir (not %distinputdirs).

           Force install of changes files even if some files already exists
           with wrong size or md5 hash. Default to 0.

           Choose to enable (1) or disable (2) signature verification for
           packages uploaded into %distinputdirs. This works independently
           from $verifysignatures.

           It allows the user to tell debarchiver to use a specific command to
           send emails.  You may also want to specify which mailformat your
           mail command handles by setting the value of the $mailformat
           variable. Using the --mailcmd option on the command line will
           superseed this variable.


       There are two ways to generate the indexes that apt-get relies on.

       Using --autoscanpackages, --autoscansources, or --autoscan will use
       dpkg-scanpackages and dpkg-scansources.  This will generate the
       Packages and Sources files, but will not generate Contents files and
       can be slow with a large repository.

       Alternatively, the --index config option will call apt-ftparchive to
       index the package tree.  apt-ftparchive can also generate Contents
       files (for use with apt-file), and can optionally use a cache of
       package information to speed up multiple runs.  The apt-ftparchive
       configuration file will be generated automatically. This is however not
       fully tested.

       You should use either --autoscanpackages and --autoscansources or
       --index, not both, as they both do basically the same thing.

       The default action (and the recommended) is --scandetect that probe for
       installed software and use the best choice depending on what software
       you have installed (choose between --index and --autoscan right now).


       Changes files are rejected in the following conditions:
        * If a file that is about to be installed, already exist in the
       archive and is not identical to the one that is about to be installed.
        * Changes file is incomplete and has been there for $incompletetime
        * A file that is part of the Changes file is not yet big enough and
       the changes file has been there for $incompletetime time.
        * A file that is part of the Changes file is bigger than specified.
        * If verify signatures is enabled and signature do not match.






       Ola Lundqvist <>