rtlbrowse - Allows hierarchical browsing of Verilog HDL sourcecode and
library design files.
rtlbrowse <stemsfilename>
Allows hierarchical browsing of Verilog HDL sourcecode and library
design files. Navigation through the hierarchy may be done by clicking
open areas of the tree widget and clicking on the individual levels of
hierarchy. Inside the sourcecode, selecting the module instantiation
name by double clicking or selecting part of the name through drag-
clicking will descend deeper into the RTL hierarchy. Note that it
performs optional source code annotation when called as a helper
application by gtkwave(1) and when the primary marker is set. Source
code annotation is not available for all supported dumpfile types. It
is directly available for LXT2, VZT, FST, and AET2. For VCD, use the
-o,--optimize option of gtkwave(1) in order to optimize the VCD file
into LXT2. All other dumpfile types (LXT, GHW) are unsupported at this
To run this program the standard way type:
rtlbrowse stemsfile
The RTL is then brought up in a GTK tree viewer. Stems must
have been previously generated with vermin(1). Note that
gtkwave(1) will bring up this program as a client application
for sourcecode annotation. It does that by bringing up the
viewer with the shared memory ID of a segment of memory in the
viewer rather than using a stems filename.
Anthony Bybell <>
vermin(1) gtkwave(1)