aubiocut — a command line tool to extract onsets and tempo from sound
aubiocut [options] -i soundfile
aubiocut attempts to detect onset times, the beginning of discreted
sound events, or beat locations, in audio signals.
When using the --cut option, aubiocut takes an input sound file and
produce small files sliced at onset locations (or silences). The slices
can then be sent for example to a player, a sequencer, or a sampler.
A plotting module is available via the Gnuplot Python package.
This program follows the usual GNU command line syntax, with long
options starting with two dashes (‘-’). A summary of options is
included below.
-i --input filein
input sound file
-m --mode onset_detection_mode
onset detection mode [default=dual]
-b --beat
detect beats and output beat locations
-B --bufsize=BUFSIZE
buffer size [default=512]
-H --hopsize=HOPSIZE
overlap size [default=256]
-t --threshold=THRESHOLD
onset peak picking threshold [default=0.3]
-C --dcthreshold=DCTHRESHOLD
onset peak picking DC component [default=1.]
-s --silence=SILENCE
silence threshold [default=-70]
-M --mintol=MINIOI
minimum inter onset interval [default=0.048s]
-D --delay=DELAY
number of seconds to take back [default=system] default
system delay is 3*hopsize/samplerate
-L --localmin
use local minima after peak detection
-c --cut
cut input sound file at detected labels (best used with
option -L)
-d --derivate
derivate onset detection function
-S --silencecut
outputs silence locations instead of onset locations
-z --zerocross=ZEROTHRES
zero-crossing threshold for slicing [default=0.00008]
-f --function
print detection function
-q --quiet
be quiet
-h --help
Show a summary of options.
-v --verbose
make lots of noise [default]
Plotting options
When the Python interface to Gnuplot is installed, the following
additional options are available.
-p --plot
draw plot
-n --no-onsets
do not plot detected onsets, only detection functions
-x --xsize=SIZE
define horizontal plot size [default=1.]
-y --ysize=SIZE
define vertical plot size [default=1.]
-O --outplot=OUTPLOT
save plot to output.{ps,eps,png,svg} instead of displaying it
For now the program has only been tested on audio signals sampled at
44.1 kHz.
aubioonset(1) aubiotrack(1) aubionotes(1) aubiopitch(1)
This manual page was written by Paul Brossier (
Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
under the terms of the GNU General Public License, Version 2 any later
version published by the Free Software Foundation.
On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General Public License
can be found in /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL.