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       cint - C/C++ interpreter


       cint <[options]> <[sourcefiles]|[suboption]> <[arguments]>


       cint  is  a  C/C++  interpreter.  About  95%  of  ANSI C and 90% of C++
       features are covered. (Data  abstraction,  class  inheritance,  virtual
       function,   function  and  operator  overloading,  default  parameters,
       templates, etc...)  Cint has a source  code  debugger  for  interpreted
       source  code  and  it  has  sufficient  capability  for debugging a C++


       Cint can be used just as it is, but it is recommended to use  makecint.
       Makecint  can encapsulate native C/C++ objects into Cint as precompiled
       libraries.  User defined precompiled objects can be accessed  from  the
       interpreter  and a user application can invoke the C/C++ interpreter as
       interactive interface.  It  provides  a  seamless  compiler/interpreter
       scripting   environment.   Precompiled  libraries  can  be  dynamically
       loaded/unloaded if they are configured as Dynamic Link  Library  (DLL).
       See also makecint(1).


       (*) : used only with makecint or -c option

       -A     ANSI C++ mode(default)
              Handles  given  file  as  C++,  regardless  of  file  extension.
              Otherwise, .c files are handled as C and .cxx, .C and .cpp files
              are handled as C++.

       -b BREAKPOINT
              Set break point
              Set  break point in source file. Break point can be specified by
              either line number or function name. Use -f option to specify  a
              source file that you want to set break point.
                 -b [line]
                 -b [funcname]
                 -b [classname]::[funcname]

       -c -1 (*)
              Make C++ precompiled interface method files
              Cint creates interface method source file. Cint reads C++ header
              file and analyzes interface that is exported to the interpreter.
              The information is then compiled into an interface method source
              file which can be compiled and lined with  user  code.   Default
              name for the interface method source/header file is G__cpplink.C
              and G__cpplink.h.  -c option must be given after -n, -N, -w  and
              -z option if used simultaneously.  Normally, -c-1 option is used
              within the ’makecint’ tool. In that case, a user does  not  need
              to know the detail.

       -c -2 (*)
              Make C precompiled interface method files
              Cint  creates  interface method source file. Cint reads C header
              file and analyzes interface that is exported to the interpreter.
              The information is then compiled into an interface method source
              file which can be compiled and lined with  user  code.   Default
              name  for  the interface method source/header file is G__clink.c
              and G__clink.h.  -c option must be given after -n, -N, -w and -z
              option  if  used  simultaneously.  Normally, -c-1 option is used
              within the ’makecint’ tool. In that case, a user does  not  need
              to know the detail.

       -C     Copy  source  to  $TMPDIR so that src can be changed during cint

       -d DUMPFILE
              Dump function call history

       -D MACRO
              Define macro MACRO with the value ’1’ as its definition.

       -D MACRO=DEFN
              Define macro MACRO as DEFN

       -e     Process extern declarations in source file

       -E     Dump core at error

       -f FILE
              Set break file
              This option is used with -b option when setting break point to a
              specified file.

              Evaluate   an   EXPRESSION  before  running  interpreted  main()
              This option is normally used  for  overriding  value  of  global
              variable after initialization.

       -G TRACEDMP
              Dump execution trace into a file TRACEDMP

       -i     Interactively return undefined symbol value

              Append directory INCLUDEPATH to the list of directories searched
              for include files.

       -K     C mode
              Handles  given  file  as  C,  regardless  of   file   extension.
              Otherwise, .c files are handled as C and .cxx, .C and .cpp files
              are handled as C++.

              Link dynamic link library (or shared library)

       -n LINKNAME (*)
              Specify interface method filename
              This option must be used with -c, and must be given  before  the
              -c  option.   Cint  creates  an  interface method source file as
              LINKNAME. If omitted, G__cpplink.C, G__cpplink.h are created for
              C++, and G__clink.c, G__clink.h are created for C.

       -N DLL_NAME (*)
              Specify DLL interface method name
              This  option  must be used with -c, and must be given before the
              -c option.  This option changes function name in  the  interface
              method  source  file,  in  order  to  avoid  name  conflict. All
              function names in the interface method source file are  suffixed
              by DLL_NAME.

       -O [0~5]
              Loop compiler on (1~5) off (0). Default is on (4)
              Controls  bytecode  compiler  optimization  level.  In  case  of
              problem, it is safer to  run  script  in  a  lower  optimization

       -p     Use preprocessor prior to interpretation

       -q SECURITY
              Set security level (default 0)

       -r     Revision and linked function/global info

       -R     Display input file at break point

       -s     Step(-into) execution mode

       -S     Step(-over) execution mode, First stop in main()

       -t     Trace execution mode

       -T     Trace execution mode (from pre-run)

       -u UNDEFOUT (*)
              Listup possible undefined typenames
              Lists  up  undefined  typenames and output that list into a file

       -U DIR (*)
              Directory to disable interface method generation
              Interface method generation is surpressed if header file belongs
              to specified directory DIR.

       -V (*) Generate interface method for non-public member

       -v     Bytecode compiler debug mode

       -w [0|1] (*)
              Switch  between  archive library and DLL when creating interface
              method source file. This option  is  needed  only  for  Windows-
              NT/9x/200x  when cint creates .DEF file for precompiled library.
              This option must be given before -c option.

              Execute readline dumpfile

       -xmain() {...}’
              Execute argument as source code

       -Y [0|1]
              ignore(1) not ignore(0) std namespace
              This  option  switches  ’std’  namespace  to   be   used(0)   or

       -z PROJECTNAME (*)
              Specify project name as PROJECTNAME when making interface method
              source file.  This option is needed only for  Windows-NT/9x/200x
              when cint creates .DEF file for precompiled library. This option
              must be given before -c option.

       -Z [0|1]
              Auto loading of standard header files with DLL
              This option controls automatic loading of standard header  files
              with  DLL.  If -Z1 is given, standard header files included when
              making interface method source  file  are  automatically  loaded
              when loading DLL.


       Cint  directly  accepts  C/C++ source file. If you give multiple source
       files, main() function must be included in the last one. If source file
       is  omitted  or main() function is not found in given source file, cint
       automatically starts interactive interface.  Cint reads source file  on
       the  fly  from  the file system.  Do not change the active source files
       during cint run.


       (*) : used only with makecint or -c option Suboptions are options which
       appears  in  between  source files.

       -A     ANSI C++ mode(default)

       +V     turn on class title comment mode for following source files

       -V     turn off class title comment mode for following source files

       +P     turn on preprocessor for following source files

       -P     turn off preprocessor for following source files

       +STUB (*)
              stub function header begin

       -STUB (*)
              stub function header end

              ARGUMENTS Arguments to main(int argc,char *argv[]) function.


       $ cint
       $ cint lib1.c lib2.c source.c
       $ cint -S -I../include -DDEBUG source.c
       $ cint -x ’main(int argc,char *argv[]){printf("%s0,argv[1]);}’
       $ cint -qlevel1 myprog.C


       Cint starts debug mode at following situations:
       - main() function is not included in the given source file.
       - Step execution mode (-S,-s option)
       - Program reaches to a break point
       - Keyboard interrupt (CTL-C or Break)
       - Explicit call of interactive interface function G__pause().
       - Bus error or segmentation violation occurred.

       You  can  perform step and trace execution, locate as many break points
       as you want,  look  into  function/variable/class  information  tables,
       etc...   Use  of  following debug mode commands enables you to do these
       things.  Cint’s debug mode can only debug interpreted source code.  You
       need to use a binary level debugger to debug precompiled library.  Cint
       can be used with any kind of binary level debugger such as gdb.

       cint (C/C++ interpreter) debugger usage:
       Dump:        n [file]  : create new readline dumpfile and start dump
                    y [file]  : append readline dump to [file]
                    z         : stop readline dump
                    < [file]  : execute readline dumpfile
                    > [file]  : output redirect to [file]
                    2> [file] : error redirect to [file]
                    .         : switch command input mode
       Help:        ?         : help
                    help      : help
                    /[keyword] : help information for keyword
       Completion:  [nam][Tab] : complete symbol name start with [nam]
                    [nam][Tab][Tab] : list up all symbol name start with [nam]]
       Shell:       ![shell]  : execute shell command
       Source:      v <[line]>: view source code <around [line]>
                    V [stack] : view source code in function call stack
                    t         : show function call stack
                    f [file]  : select file to debug
                    T         : turn on/off trace mode for all source
                    A [1|0]   : allowing automatic variable on/off
                    trace <classname> : turn on trace mode for class
                    deltrace <classname> : turn off trace mode for class
                    break [classname] : set break point at every [classname]
                    delbreak [classname] : turn off memberfunc break point
       Evaluation:  p [expr]  : evaluate expression
                                 (no declaration/loop/condition)
                    s [expr]  : step into expression
                                 (no declaration/loop/condition)
                    S [expr]  : step over expression
                                 (no declaration/loop/condition)
                    {[statements]} : evaluate statement (any kind)
                    x [file]  : load [file] and evaluate {statements} in the
                    X [file]  : load [file] and execute function [file]
                                 (wo extension)
                    E <[file]>: open editor and evaluate {statements} in the
       Load/Unload: L [file]  : load [file]
                    La [file] : reload all files loaded after [file]
                    U [file]  : unload [file]
                    C [1|0]   : copy source to $TMPDIR (on/off)
                    reset     : reset interpreter environment
                    undo      : undo previous declarations
       Monitor:     g <[var]> : list global variable
                    l <[var]> : list local variable
                    proto <[scope]::>[func] : show function prototype
                    class <[name]> : show class definition (one level)
                    Class <[name]> : show class definition (all level)
                    typedef <name> : show typedefs
                    function  : show interpreted functions
                    macro     : show macro functions
                    template  : show templates
                    include   : show include paths
                    file      : show loaded files
                    where     : show current file position
                    security  : show security level
                    refcount  : reference count control on/off
                    garbage   : show garbage collection buffer
                    Garbage   : Do garbage collection
                    cover [file] : save trace coverage
                    return [val] : return undefined symbol value
       Run:         S         : step over function/loop
                    s         : step into function/loop
                    i         : ignore and step over
                    c <[line]>: continue <to [line]>
                    e         : step out from function
                    f [file]  : select file to debug
                    b [line]  : set break point
                    db [line] : delete break point
                    a [assert]: break only if assertion is true
                    O [0~4]   : Set bytecode compiler mode
                    debug     : bytecode status display on/off
                    asmstep   : bytecode step mode on/off
                    status    : show bytecode exec flags
                    dasm      : disassembler
       Quit:        q         : quit cint
                    qqq       : really do quit cint


       The  programs   are   documented   fully   in   various   files   under


       Masaharu Goto <>
       Copyright © 1995-2000 Masaharu Goto
       This  manual  page  was  compiled  from  information in the Cint source
       package for the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by others).

                               February  3, 2001                       CINT(1)