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       fte - Text editor


       fte  [[options] files ...]

       xfte [[options] files ...]

       vfte [[options] files ...]

       nfte [[options] files ...]

       sfte [[options] files ...]


       This manual page documents briefly the fte.

       Some detailed documentation is available html format, see below.

       fte  is  a  powerful  text  editor  which  closely  resembles  Borlands
       programming  editors  for  M$-DOS,  but  is  far  more   flexible   and


       fte  uses  a  command line syntax, which is a little bit different from
       most of Debian GNU/Linux apps.

       -h -? --help
              Help on command line options.

       -!     Ignore  any  external  configuration  file  and   use   internal

              Go to line (and column) in next file on command line.

              Same as -l. Do not use this option.

              Set  mode  for  next files to <mode>. If just plain -m, then use
              default mode.

              Use specified configuration file (compiled). Plain -C  does  the
              same as -!.

              Load/save  desktop  from  file  <.dsk>.  If no argument, disable
              desktop load/save.

              Load/save history from file  <.his>.  If  no  argument,  disable
              history load/save.

              Load ’tagfile’ at startup.

              Lookup tag ’tag’ and display file containing it.

       --     The rest of the arguments are not options, but filenames.

       -+     The  next argument is not an option even if starting with a ’-’.
              Useful when loading files that begin with a -.

              Do not use locales in  xfte  -  useful  if  you  have  incorrect

       -noxmb Do  not use XMB functions in xfte - useful if you have incorrect
              locales and you want to use just english fonts.

       -font  Select XWindow font to use with xfte. See VIOFONT also.


       This is list of variable which might change behavior of some  internals
       of fte.

       VIOFONT - select font used by xfte

       ISOCONSOLE - when set, vfte is usign ascii symbols to draw tables. This
       is useful when iso latin charset is used on console.


       fte -mBIN /usr/bin/vfte
              load /usr/bin/vfte in BIN mode

       fte -mBIN -+ -bla-
              load file -bla- in BIN mode

       fte -l100,30 win.c
              go to (100,30) in win.c

       fte window.cpp
              load file window.cpp

       fte -- -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6
              load files -1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6

       fte -D -H fte.dsk fte.his
              disable  desktop  and  history loading and saving and load files
              fte.dsk and fte.his



       Default  configuration  files.  Includes  all  keybindings  and   menus
       compiled  with  cfte(1) from config files in /usr/share/doc/fte/config-


       cfte(1), /usr/share/doc/fte/contents.html


       This manual  page  was  written  by  Riku  Voipio  and  Zdenek  Kabelac
       <> <> for the Debian GNU/Linux system.


       18 Nov 1999