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       clipf - Personal finance manager with command line interface


       clipf [<conf_dir>]


       Simple  personal  finance manager, allow to track Your incomes/expences
       by accounts and hierarchical categories. Store all data  in  flat  text


              Directory  with  configuration  file  and data files. Default to
              ~/.clipf/. If there  is  no  such  directory  found  at  program
              startup,   it   would   be  created  and  populated  by  default
              configuration and empty data files.


       account - describe independent money storage, for  which  You  want  to
       track remains and turnover.

       item  -  describe categories of Your incomes/expences. Can be nested as
       files/directories in file system.

       item code - it is  segmented  unique  identifier  of  item/item  group.
       Period  "."   in  item code define nesting levels. Period at the end of
       item code describe, that this item is group (have subling items).

       operation - define single money transaction (income or expense).

       tag  -  arbitrary  string,  used  for  additional   classification   of
       operations.   Have the same nesting rules as items.  Any number of tags
       can be added to each operation. It may be good idea to store  available
       tags in item list.


       Type  help to see available commands. Type help <command> to see online
       help about particular <command>.

       For most reporting commands, output can  be  piped  to  external  shell
       command the same way, as shell do.


       prod add [-d] <item_code> <item_name>
              Add  new item. Type <item_name> in quotes, if it contain spaces.

              -d     - define this item as income (default to expence).

       prod rm <item_code_prefix>
              Remove all items, which  code  starts  with  <item_code_prefix>.
              This don’t affect the operations list.

       prod ls [<item_code>]
              Show  one  level  of item list - direct sublings of <item_code>.
              Default to root level.

       prod mv <old_item_code_prefix> <new_item_code_prefix>
              Update all item codes, which starts with <old_item_code_prefix>,
              replacing  it to <new_item_code_prefix>. Item codes in operation
              list would be updated as well.


       op add [-d <date>]  [-a  <account>]  [-t  <tag>]  <item_code>  <amount>
              Add new operation

              -d <date>
                     - override default operation date to <date>.

              -a <account>
                     - override defaut operation account to <account>

              -t <tag>
                     - label operation with <tag>. Any number  of  -t  options
                     can be used to add several tags to operation.

       op ls [-t <tag_prefix>] [<item_code_prefix>]
              Show   list  of  operations  in  current  reporting  period.  If
              <item_code_prefix> specified,  list  would  be  limited  by  the
              operations,  which  item code starts with <item_code_prefix>. If
              ’-t  <tag_prefix>’   option   specified,   limit   output   with
              operations, labelled with tag, starts with <tag_prefix>


       Reporting  period  is  always  between <date_from> and <date_to> global
       options, which You set by set command.

       rep prod [-t <tag_prefix>] [-a <account>] [<item_code>]
              Show turnover report for items (item groups), which  are  direct
              subling  of  <item_code>  (default  to  root). Turnover for item
              group is summ of turnovers of all their nested items/groups.

              -t <tag_prefix>
                     take into account only  operations,  labelled  with  tag,
                     starts with <tag_prefix>

              -a <account>
                     take into account only operations by <account> account.

       rep acc
              Show remains and turnovers for all accounts.


       set <option> <value>
              Set  global  option <option> value to <value>. For date options,
              base format is Y-M-D. Leading 0 can be ommited. For the  current
              year,  year  part  can  be  ommited. For current month, year and
              month parts can be ommited.  Available options:

              date   - default date for new operations. Can be overriden by -d
                     option of "op add".


                     - reporting period for "op ls" and all "rep" subcommands.

              acc    - default account for new operations. Can be overriden by
                     -a option of "op add".

                     -  if number of lines in report output exceed this value,
                     then "less" would be used to show report output.

       show [<option>]
              Show current values of all global options or specified <option>.

       calc <expression>
              Embedded  calculator.  Evaluate numeric expression and print the


       Aliases is the  simple  way  to  make  shortcuts  for  frequently  used
       commands.   Alias   can   be   defined   by   the   pair   of  strings:
       <command_line_prefix> and <prefix_substitution_string>. If command line
       starts  with  any  of  the  defined aliases <command_line_prefix>, this
       prefix      would      be      substituted      with      corresponding
       <prefix_substitution_string>.   Examples   can   be   found  in  system
       configuration file (see FILES ).


       set date_from 2008-04-01
              - set reporting start period to 2008-04-01.

       r prod - show turnover report by top level items.

       op ls | grep foo | less
              pipe report output to shell command.

       op ls | cat - >somefile.txt
              save report output to file


       All configuration files have the same format - plain python code,  that
       would  be executed during clipf startup, in the context of main module.
       More specific configuration  file  can  overwrite  settings  from  more
       general one.

              system-wide configuration file

              user-specific configuration

              configuration-specific settings.

              Default     configuration    directory.    Contain    clipf.conf
              configuration file, and db/ subdirectory with data files.


       Denis Galtsev <>


       Program site at:
