soundconverter - convert sound files to other formats
soundconverter [options] [file...]
soundconverter is a simple tool for converting sound files to other
formats. It can work from the command line, but is really meant for
interactive use in the GNOME environment.
-h, --help
Print out a usage summary.
-b, --batch
Convert in batch mode, from command line, without a graphical
user interface. You can use this from, say, shell scripts.
-m, --mime-type arg
Set the output MIME type for batch mode. The default is
audio/x-vorbis. Note that you probably want to set the output
suffix as well.
-q, --quiet
Be quiet. Don’t write normal output, only errors.
-d, --debug
Print additional debug information.
-s, --suffix arg
Set the output filename suffix for batch mode. The default is
.ogg. Note that the suffix does not affect the output MIME
-t, --tags
Show tags for input files instead of converting them. This
indicates command line batch mode and disables the graphical
user interface.
-j, --jobs=
Force number of concurent conversions. Default is one per
present CPU.
Lars Wirzenius ( Gautier Portet ( Uwe
Bugla (