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       mbconv - Character encoding scheme converter


         mbconv [options] <file> ...


       This is an application of a library to handle multiple octets character

       mainly written for debugging of the library.

       It reads octet by octet from files given on command line (or standard
       input if no file is specified), converts character encoding scheme
       (CES) as specified by command line options (described below), and
       output to standard output (or a file specified by -t option or -a


       -?, -h, --help
           display summary of options and exits.

       -a file, --append-to=file
           output is appended to file.

       -c converters, --convert-to=converters
           specifies character encoding conversion.  converters must be comma
           separated list of words described in "Conversion specifiers".

       -f flags, --flag=flags
           specifies flags to change behavior of conversion.  flags must be
           comma separated list of words describe in "Flag specifiers".

       -i, --input
           succeeding options apply to input stream.

       -m string, --mime-charset=string
           mime encoding conforming to RFC2047 is performed.  <string> is used
           as charset name.

       -n, --line-number
           line number (>= 1) is inserted to beginning of each line.

       -o, --output
           succeeding options apply to output stream.

       -t file, --to=file
           output to file (truncated).

       -w, --width
           output width of each line.

       -cs <string>, --charset=string
           specifies charset name.  Some language specifications are also
           accepted as well as MIME charset names, which are used to restrict
           candidates of encoding scheme of input stream.  Acceptable
           languages are listed in "Acceptable languages".

           specifies output format

           output charset name of each input stream to stderr, in the form

           file name":" charset name

           if two or more files are specifed on the command line, or

           charset name


       --regex=regular expression
           specifies regeular expression to filter output.  Character encoding
           of regular expression can be specified by putting string of the

           "*"charset name"*"

           at the beginning of the regular expression, otherwise UTF-8.
           Character encoding of the expression is converted to that of output
           stream before matching.

       Conversion specifiers

       Conversion is applied just before each character is output to stream.
       Conversion setup is automatically performed based on CES.  So in most
       cases, yo need not to specify converters explicitly.

           domestic ASCII converted to US-ASCII,

       ces converted appropriately according to the CES bound to input/output

           converted to Unicode,

       f2h, full-to-half
           Fullwidth compatibility characters are converted to corresponding
           halfwidth ones,

       h2f, half-to-full
           Halfwidth compatibility characters are converted to corresponding
           fullwidth ones,

           Codepoints in JIS C 6226 or in JIS X 0208 which are bound to no
           character are converted into JIS X 0213 plane 1,

           All codepoints in JIS C 6226 or in JIS X 0208 are converted into
           JIS X 0213 plane 1,

           Unicode characters of code point between 0x80 and 0x9F (both
           inclusive) are converted to other Unicode characters as if they are
           characters of those code point in Microsoft Windows Codepage 1252.

       ucs-to-jis0208-extra, jis0208-to-ucs-extra
           Converters between some JIS X 0208 and Unicode characters having
           similar glyphs (by the courtesy of Ambrose Li <>).

       Flag specifiers

       use-0x28-for-94x94inG0, 28
           use "1/11 2/4 2/8 F" instead of "1/11 2/4 F" to designate charsets
           with final octet 4/0, 4/1, or 4/2 to G0,

       ac, ascii-at-control
           escape sequence "1/11 2/8 4/2" is output before every control

       nossl, ignore-7bit-single-shift
           escape sequence for 7 bit single shift is ignored,

       dnc, discard-notprefered-char
           discard characters which CES bound to output stream can not decode.

       Acceptable languages

       The following words may be given instead of MIME charset name for input
       stream.  In that case, encoding scheme is automatically detected
       (hopefully) among succeeding ones.

       c, cn, china, chinese
           x-gb-18030-2000, cn-big5, utf-8, or x-euc-tw.

       j, ja, jp, japan, japanese
           euc-jp, shift_jis, or utf-8.

       k, ko, kr, korea, korean
           euc-kr, x-johab, utf-8, or x-unified-hangul.

       cjk iso-8859-1, x-gb-18030-2000, cn-big5, x-euc-tw, euc-jp, shift_jis,
           euc-kr, x-johab, x-unified-hangul, or utf-8.


       Kiyokazu SUTO <>


       This program is distributed with absolutely no warranty.

       Anyone can use, modify, and re-distibute this program without any