gifcompose - The gifcompose program uses the GIFLIB utility tools to
support a minilanguage for describing GIF pasteup sequences.
gifcompose [-v] <specfile
Specification Syntax
The gifcompose tool takes a series of text lines and interprets them as
commands to do pasteup operations. The commands are:
gif <name>
Paste in <name>.gif
raw <name> <width> <height>
Paste in the given raw-format file (no suffix supplied). Raw
format is a stream of 8-bit indices into the EGA color map.
Accordingly, the width and height must be specified, and the
source must be exactly width times height bytes long.
rgb <name> <width> <height>
Paste in the given RGB-format file (no suffix supplied). Raw
format is a stream of 24-bit color values. Accordingly, the
width and height must be specified, and the source must be
exactly 3 times width times height bytes long.
rle <name>
Paste in the given RLE-format file (no suffix supplied). This
converts the Utah Raster Kit format to GIF.
text <text> [foreground <index>] [color <r> <g> <b>]
Copy 8x8 monospace font, with transparent background and index 1
as foreground. If the text string contains whitespaces, they
must be escaped or the string must be quoted (shell
The optional suffix ‘foreground <n>’ sets the foreground color
index. The optional suffix ‘color <r> <g> <b>’ sets the RGB
color to be used for the foreground index.
Each generator operation may be followed by any combination of
the following suffixes:
at <x> <y>
Place the image at the given (upper-left-hand-corner)
coordinates in the pasted-up result.
clip <name> <top-x> <top-y> <bottom-x> <bottom-y>
Clip image using the given rectange, paste it onto.
xflip Flip the image around the X axis before placing it.
yflip Flip the image around the Y axis before placing it.
left Rotate the image 90 degrees counterclockwise before placing it.
right Rotate the image 90 degrees clockwise before placing it.
Target Operations
screen size <x-size> <y-size>
Set the global screen size of the final image.
screen position <x> <y>
Set the global screen position of the final image.
Comments or comment lines may be preceded with ‘#’ and will be ignored.
Proportional to the size of the largest pasted image.
Emit a report on each composition action to stderr as it
The suffix sequence ‘left left’ sometimes mysteriously fails to work,
probably due to some restriction in <a href="gifflip.html">gifflip
No support for resizing or odd-angle rotations yet.
The ‘color’ suffix of text is a no-op, because the present version of
<a href="gifovly.html">gifovly
Error checking is rudimentary.
Eric S. Raymond <>
Man page created by T.Gridel <>, originally written by
Eric S. Raymond <>
giflib-tools gifcompose(1)