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       render - Raster3D molecular graphics package rendering program


       render < infile.r3d > outfile.png

       render -png < infile.r3d > outfile.png

       render -avs < infile.r3d > outfile.avs

       render [-quality NN] -jpeg < infile.r3d > outfile.jpeg

       render -tiff outfile.tiff < infile.r3d

       render -sgi [outfile.rgb] < infile.r3d

       render -out < infile.r3d

       Render reads an ascii file consisting of several header lines followed
       by individual object descriptors.  The objects are rendered using a
       fast Z-buffer algorithm to produce a high quality pixel image which
       contains one light source, additional non-shadowing light sources,
       specular highlighting, transparency, and Phong shaded surfaces.  Output
       is to stdout [or optional file] in the form of a pixel image with 24
       bits of color information per pixel.  As of version 2.7, the default
       output format is PNG.


       -aa   Force anti-aliasing (SCHEME 4)


            Force output of transparency information (SCHEME 0). This only
            works if the output image format supports an alpha channel (AVS,
            TIFF, but not JPEG). Note that this turns off anti-aliasing.

       -avs [outfile.avs]

            By default render will produce an PNG image on stdout.  The -avs
            flag will cause it to output an AVS image file instead, or stream
            the output to stdout if no file is specified.

       -bg white|black|#RRGGBB

            Set background color. #RRGGBB is a hexadecimal number representing
            the red, green and blue components.


            Turn off anti-aliasing (SCHEME 1) to increase rendering speed.


            Only meaningful in conjunction with the -labels option.  Modifies
            the interpretation of font sizes during label processing.
            Defaults to -fontscale 3.0, which will generate PostScript labels
            that are at the correct nominal fint size when printed at 300 dpi.

       -gamma GG

            Apply gamma correction to output image.


            Prints a short summary of command line options.


            Invert image top-to-bottom. This may be necessary if you are using
            some odd viewing program.

       -jpeg [outfile.jpeg]

            Only if compiled with -DJPEG_SUPPORT.  By default render will
            produce an PNG image on stdout.  The -jpeg flag will cause it to
            output a JPEG image file instead, or stream the output to stdout
            if no file is specified.

       -labels []

            Process labels (object types 10, 11, 12) and create a PostScript
            output file in addition to the rendered image file.
            Output filename defaults to  This option is used by
            the label3d script.


            Only if compiled with -DIMAGE_PIPE.  The -out flag causes render
            to pipe output to the ImageMagick command convert, with
            instructions to convert it to an image file whose type is
            determined by the filename extension xxx.

       -png [outfile.png]

            Only if compiled with -DPNG_SUPPORT.  This is now the default
            output format.  The -png flag will stream the output to stdout if
            no file is specified.


            Only meaningful in conjunction with -jpeg option; sets the quality
            (compression level) of the output image.  Allowable values 1 - 100
            (default 90).


            Turn shadowing on or off.

       -size HHHxVVV

            Override the image size parameters (NTX,NTY,NPX,NPY) in file
            header and produce an output image that is exactly HHH pixels in
            the horizontal and VVV pixels in the vertical.

       -sgi [filename.rgb]

            Only if compiled with -DLIBIMAGE_SUPPORT.  The -sgi flag will
            cause render to output an SGI libimage style *.rgb file instead of
            writing to stdout.  The filename defaults to render.rgb, but
            specifying a file on the command line will override this default.

       -tiff filename

            Only if compiled with -DTIFF_SUPPORT.  The -tiff flag will cause
            render to output a TIFF image to the specified file instead of
            writing to stdout.


            (same as -alpha).  Force output of transparency information
            (SCHEME 0). This only works if the output image format supports an
            alpha channel (AVS, TIFF, but not JPEG). Note that this turns off

       -zoom ZZ[%]

            Rescale image by factor ZZ (ZZ% if the % sign is present).


            Anything you like, up to 80 characters.

            Number of "tiles" in each direction.  (The output display is
            considered to be divided up into an array of identical rectangular
            tiles.)  Maximum = 192 (controlled by MAXNTX, MAXNTY in render.f)

            Number of computing pixels per tile in each direction.  Maximum =
            36 (controlled by MAXNPX, MAXNPY in render.f)

            Pixel averaging (anti-aliasing) scheme. Anti-aliasing reduces the
            jaggedness of edges at the cost of additional computation.
             0 no anti-aliasing, include alpha blend (matte) channel
             1 no anti-alaising, no matte channel
             2 anti-alias by averaging 2x2 block of computed pixels for
               each output pixel. Resulting image dimensions are 1/2 of
               the nominal requested size.
             3 anti-alias by averaging 3x3 block of computed pixels for
               each 2x2 block of output pixels. Resulting image
               dimensions are 2/3 of the nominal requested size.
               (obsolete - use scheme 4 instead)
             4 anti-alias as in scheme 3, but output image dimensions
               are exactly as requested.

            I.e. schemes 0, 1, and 4 produce a NTX*NPX by NTY*NPY pixel image;
            scheme 3 produces a (2/3)NTX*NPX by (2/3)NTY*NPY image.  Scheme 3
            requires NPX and NPY to be divisible by 3.  Schemes 2 and 4
            require NPX and NPY to be divisible by 2.

            Background colour (red, green, and blue components, each in the
            range 0 to 1).

            T to calculate shadowing within the scene, F to omit shadows

            Phong power (e.g., 25) for specular reflections.  A smaller value
            results in a larger spot.

            Straight-on (secondary) light source contribution (e.g., 0.15).
            The primary light source contribution (see also SOURCE below) is
            given by PRIMAR = 1 - STRAIT.

            Ambient reflection quantity (e.g., 0.05).

            Specular reflection quantity (e.g., 0.25).  The diffuse reflection
            quantity is given by DIFFUS = 1 - (AMBIEN+SPECLR).  Ambient and
            diffuse reflections are chromatic, taking on the specified colour
            of each object, whereas specular reflections are white.

            You can think of the image produced by Raster3D as corresponding
            to a photograph taken by a camera placed a certain distance away
            from the objects making up the scene. This distance is controlled
            by the EYEPOS parameter.  EYEPOS = 4 describes a perspective
            corresponding to a viewing distance 4 times the narrow dimension
            of the described scene.  EYEPOS = 0 disables perspective.

            Primary light source position (e.g., 1 1 1).  This is a white
            light point source at infinite distance in the direction of this
            vector (see note on co-ordinate convention below).  The secondary
            light source is always haed-on.  Only the primary light source
            casts shadows.

       TMAT Homogeneous global transformation for input objects, given as a
            4x4 matrix on 4 lines just as you would write it if you intended
            it to be a postfix (suffix) operator.  The upper left 3x3
            submatrix expresses a pure rotation, the lower left 1x3 submatrix
            gives a translation, the upper right 3x1 submatrix should be zero
            (otherwise extra perspective is introduced), and the lower right
            scalar produces global scaling.  Coordinate vectors [x y z] are
            extended with a 1 to make them homogeneous, and then
            postmultiplied by the entire matrix;
             i.e., if
                  [x’ y’ z’ h’] = [x y z 1][TMAT],
             then the ultimate co-ordinates are
                  [x" y" z"] = (1/h’)[x’ y’ z’].

            Object input mode (1, 2, or 3), where mode 1 means that all
            objects are triangles, mode 2 means that all objects are spheres,
            and mode 3 means that each object will be preceded by a record
            containing a single number indicating its type.  The Raster3D
            programs always use mode INMODE 3.
             type 1 = triangle
             type 2 = sphere
             type 3 = round-ended cylinder
             type 4   (not used)
             type 5 = flat-ended cylinder
             type 6 = plane (triangle with infinite extent)
             type 7 = normals at vertices of previous triangle
             type 8 = material properties for subsequent objects
             type 9 = terminate previous material properties
             type 10/11/12 = reserved for label processing
             type 13 = glow light source
             type 14 = quadric surface
             type 15 = do not apply TMAT to subsequent objects
             type 16 = global rendering properties
             type 17 = colors for vertices of preceding triangle or cylinder
             type 0 = end of input file

       INFMT or INFMTS
            Object input format specifier(s).  Normally * for free-format


         Title (This is a 1280x1024 pixel anti-aliased image)
         80 64     tiles in x,y
         24 24     pixels (x,y) per tile
         3         anti-aliasing level 3;  3x3->2x2
         0 0 0     black background
         F         no shadows cast
         25        Phong power
         0.25      secondary light contribution
         0.05      ambient light contribution
         0.25      specular reflection component
         4.0       eye position
         1 1 1     main light source (from over right shoulder)
         1 0 0 0   TMAT matrix describing
         0 1 0 0        input coordinate transformation
         0 0 1 0
         0 0 0 0.6 enlarge by 40% (smaller scalar -> bigger objects)
         3         mixed objects
         *         (free format triangle descriptors)
         *         (free format sphere descriptors)
         *         (free format cylinder descriptors)


       At any point in the input stream to render where an object descriptor
       would be legal, it is also legal to insert a line beginning with ‘@’.
       In this case the remainder of the line is interpreted as the name of a
       file from which further input is taken. This mechanism makes it
       possible to re-use standard objects in multiple rendered scenes, e.g.
       a set of bounding planes or standard definitions of material
       properties.  When input from this level of file indirection is
       terminated by encountering an object descriptor of type 0, control
       returns to the previous input stream. Multiple levels of file
       indirection are possible.

       Files are first searched for in the current directory. If this search
       fails, they are sought relative to the library directory specified by
       the environmental variable R3D_LIB.


       For Raster3D object types and object descriptor formats, see the man
       page for r3d_objects.


       Some error messages may be safely ignored.

            Possible shadowing error NSXMAX= xxx

       This is most usually caused by an object which projects far out of the
       field of view, for example a plane surface. In most cases the shadowing
       "error" refers to a shadow which lies outside of the image entirely.
       However, if your image does in fact contain missing or truncated
       shadows you can overcome this problem by re-compiling the render
       program with larger values of NSX and NSY as indicated by the error

       If you are creating images of very large proteins, or if you are
       rendering surfaces with many facets, then you may fill the storage
       arrays in render.  If so you will get an error message something like

            STOP 1234 **** too many objects - increase MAXOBJ and recompile

       See the HTML or PostScript documentation for instructions on increasing
       array sizes.


       anonymous ftp site:

       web URL:

            Ethan A Merritt
            University of Washington, Seattle WA 98195


       HTML and PostScript documentation
        r3d_objects(l), avs2ps(l), rastep(l), rods(l), ribbon(l), balls(l),
       label3d(l), stereo3d(l)


       Originally written by David J. Bacon.
        Extensions, revisions, and modifications by Ethan A Merritt.