cwdreg - To register characters/words into the binary format
cwdreg [-D server ] -n envname
-d dicno < textdic
cwdreg [-D server ] -n envname
-L filename < textdic
This function allows user to register characters/words into the
specified binary dictionary, with either dictionary number dicno or
dictionary filename filename specified.
server is the machine name of the server. If this is not specified,
the default cserver indicated by the environment variable CSERVER will
be taken.
"-n envname " must be specified. envname is the environment name.
You may execute "cwnnstat -E" to see the current environment name.
Either "-d dicno " or "-L filename " must be specified.
dicno is the dictionary number. filename is the filename of the
dictionary. "-L" is used for when the dictionary is from the local
"<" means to pipe the textdic as an input to "cwdreg" command.
textdic is the text file which user enters the characters/words to be
registered. The format of this text file must be the same as that in
the system text format dictionary. That is,
| Pinyin Word Cixing Frequency |
| : : : : |
Refer to cWnn manual for details on dictionary.
By using "cwdreg", all the characters/words in textdic will be
registered into the specified binary dictionary permanently.
1. The parts in [ ] are options. They may be omitted.
13 May 1992