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       sdfapi - API Extraction Utility


       sdfapi extracts Application Programming Interface information from
       (Perl) source code.


        usage  : sdfapi [-h[help]] [-o[out_ext]]
                [-l[log_ext]] [-O[out_dir]] [-f fmt_tag]
                [-p[pattern]] [-s sym_type,..] [-j]
                file ...
       purpose: extract the API from a (perl) library
       version: 2.000    (SDF 2.001)

       The options are:

        Option       Description
        -h           display help on options
        -o           output file extension
        -l           log file extension
        -O           output to input file's (or explicit) directory
        -f           output format tag
        -p           only symbols matching pattern
        -s           only symbols of these types
        -j           add SDF-style hypertext jumps from each symbol


       The -h option provides help. If it is specified without a parameter, a
       brief description of each option is displayed. To display the
       attributes for an option, specify the option letter as a parameter.

       By default, generated output goes to standard output. To direct output
       to a file per input file, use the -o option to specify an extension for
       output files. If the -o option is specified without a parameter, an
       extension of out is assumed.

       Likewise, error messages go to standard error by default. Use the -l
       option to create a log file per input file. If the -l option is
       specified without a parameter, an extension of log is assumed.

       By default, generated output and log files are created in the current
       directory. Use the -O option to specify an explicit output directory.
       If the -O option is specified without a parameter, the input file’s
       directory is used.

       The format of the output can be controlled using the -f option.
       Supported formats are std and concise. The default is std.  std format

        require "";

       $myvar = ...

       $result = &myfunc($myparams);

       concise format has fewer blank lines and uses 1 line per symbol.

       A comma-separated list of symbol types to output can be specified using
       the -s option. Supported symbol types are:

       ·   sub - subroutines

       ·   var - variables

       The default is to extract all symbols.

       The -p option is used to extract only a subset of the symbols. If not
       supplied, the pattern is symbols beginning with a letter. If supplied
       without an option, the pattern defaults to all symbols. If perl
       libraries use the coding convention that symbols beginning with
       underscore are private, then -p_ can be used to extract the private

       The -j option can be used to request SDF-style hypertext jumps be added
       for each symbol. The jump target is lib_sym where:

       ·   lib is the library name

       ·   sym is the symbol name.


       The only language currently supported is Perl.

       It would be useful to extract messages from the scripts too. This would
       require a new utility called sdfmsg say, which searched through the
       source (including libraries) for AppMsg and AppExit calls.

       Internally, it may be better to implement formats via routines. This
       would give better control over output. e.g. it would be up to the
       routine to decide if it wanted to output the ’require’ header.