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       dh_installkpatches   -   install   kernel   patch  into  package  build


       dh_installkpatches [ debhelper options ]


       dh_installkpatches    is    a    debhelper    script     that     reads
       debian/package.kpatches   or   debian/package.kpatches.something  files
       describing one or several revisions  of  a  single  kernel  patch,  and
       installs  them  into  the package build directory with customized apply
       and unpatch scripts.

       It also sets the kpatch:Depends substitution variable, that you  should
       use  in  your  control  file  to ensure that generated material in your
       package get all their dependencies.  The use of kpatch:Depends requires
       a  build-dependency  on  version  0.99.3  or  later  of the dh-kpatches
       package.  Using this variable is now required,  since  0.99.16  (mostly
       because too many people forgot to set it).


       This  program  does  not  take any particular option in addition to the
       standard debhelper(1) ones.


       debhelper(1), make-kpkg(1).

       /usr/share/doc/dh-kpatches/dh-kpatches.html    or    /usr/share/doc/dh-


       This   tool   and   manual   page   were   written   by   Yann   Dirson

       Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify  this  document
       under  the  terms  of  the  GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1
       published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant  Sections,
       no  Front-Cover  Texts  and no Back-Cover Texts.  A copy of the license
       can be found under /usr/share/common-licenses/FDL.

                                 10 June 2005