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       splitlog - split WWW server (httpd) access logfiles


       splitlog [-f configfile] [options...]  [--]
               [ logfile | + | - ]...


       splitlog reads a sequence of httpd common logfile format (CLF)
       access_log files and/or the standard input and splits the logfile
       entries into separate files according to the entry’s requested URL or
       virtual host prefix.

       splitlog is intended to be run periodically by the webmaster as a means
       for providing individual logfiles for each of the customers of a
       server, since it is less efficient for the server itself to generate
       multiple logfiles.  splitlog does not make any changes to the input
       file and can be configured to write the split files in any directory.
       By default, a cached DNS lookup is performed on any IP addresses which
       are unresolved in the input file.  The log entries can also be
       anonymized if there are concerns about the requesting clients’ privacy.

       splitlog is a perl script, which means you need to have a perl
       interpreter to run the program.  It has been tested with perl versions
       4.036 and 5.002.


   Configuration Options
       These options define how splitlog should establish defaults and
       interpret the command-line.

       -f filename
              Get the configuration defaults from the given file.  If used,
              this must be the first argument on the command-line, since it
              needs to be interpreted before the other command options.  The
              file splitlog.rc is included with the distribution as an example
              of this file; it contains perl source code which directly sets
              the control and display options provided by splitlog and
              contains a function for altering the split logfile name-
              selection algorithm.  If filename is not a pathname, the include
              path (see FILES) is searched for filename.  An empty string as
              filename will disable this feature.  [-f "splitlog.rc"]

       --     Last option (the remaining arguments are treated as input

   Diagnostic Options
       These options provide information about splitlog usage or about some
       unusual aspects of the logfile(s) being processed.

       -h     Help - display usage information to STDERR and then exit.

       -e     Display to STDERR all invalid log entries. Invalid log entries
              can occur if the server is miswriting or overwriting its own
              log, if the request is made by a broken client or proxy, or if a
              malicious attacker is trying to gain privileged access to your

   Process Options
       These options modify how and where logfile entries are written.

       -x     Discard any logfile entries without a filename key instead of
              placing them in a special OTHERS.log.

       -v     Use a prefix of the input file entries (ended by the first ":"
              or space) for selecting the output filename instead of, or in
              addition to, the URL path.  The most likely use for such a
              prefix is for the requested virtual host.

       -dir directory
              Place the output logfiles in the given directory instead of the
              current working directory.

       -anon imu
              Anonymize the logfile entries before writing them to split logs.
              The value is some combination of the letters "i" (ident field is
              removed), "m" (machine name is replaced with ANON or 0), and "u"
              (authentication userid field is removed).

       -nodns Do (-dns) or don’t (-nodns) use the system’s hostname lookup
              facilities to find the DNS hostname associated with any
              unresolved IP addresses. Looking up a DNS name may be very slow,
              particularly when the results are negative (no DNS name), which
              is why a caching capability is included as well.  [-dns]

       -cache filename
              Use the given DBM database as the read/write persistent DNS
              cache (the .dir and .pag extensions are appended automatically).
              Cached entries (including negative results) are removed after
              the time configured for $DNSexpires [two months].  No caching is
              performed if filename is the empty string, which may be needed
              if your system does not support DBM or NDBM functionality.
              Running -dns without a persistent cache is not recommended.
              [-cache "dnscache"]

   Search Options
       These options are used to include or exclude logfile entries from being
       output according to whether or not they match a given pattern.  The
       pattern is supplied in the form of a perl regular expression, except
       that the characters "+" and "." are escaped automatically unless the
       -noescape option is given.  Enclose the pattern in single-quotes to
       prevent the command shell from interpreting some special characters.
       Multiple occurrences of the same option results in an OR-ing of the
       regular expressions.

       -a regexp
       -A regexp
              Include (-a) or exclude (-A) all requests containing a
              hostname/IP address matching the given perl regular expression.

       -c regexp
       -C regexp
              Include (-c) or exclude (-C) all requests resulting in an HTTP
              status code matching the given perl regular expression.

       -d regexp
       -D regexp
              Include (-d) or exclude (-D) all requests occurring on a date
              (e.g., "Feb 02 1994") matching the given perl regular

       -t regexp
       -T regexp
              Include (-t) or exclude (-T) all requests occurring during the
              hour (e.g., "23" is 11pm - 12pm) matching the given perl regular

       -m regexp
       -M regexp
              Include (-m) or exclude (-M) all requests using an HTTP method
              (e.g., "HEAD") matching the given perl regular expression.

       -n regexp
       -N regexp
              Include (-n) or exclude (-N) all requests on a URL (archive
              name) matching the given perl regular expression.

              Do not escape the special characters ("+" and ".") in the
              remaining search options.


       After parsing the options, the remaining arguments on the command-line
       are treated as input arguments and are read in the order given.  If no
       input arguments are given, the configured default logfile is read [+].

       -      Read from standard input (STDIN).

       +      Read the default logfile. [as configured]

              Read the given logfile.  If the logfile’s extension indicates
              that is is compressed (gz|z|Z), then pipe it through the
              configured decompression program [gunzip -c] first.


       In most cases, splitlog is run on a periodic basis by a wrapper program
       as a crontab entry shortly after midnight, typically in conjunction
       with rotating the current logfile.  The -D today option can be used to
       split the main logfile on a daily basis without rotation.

       All of the command-line options, and a few options that are not
       available from the command-line, can be changed within the user
       configuration file (see splitlog.rc).  This file is actually a perl
       library module which is executed as part of the program’s
       initialization.  The example provided with the distribution includes
       complete documentation on what variables can be set and their range of
       values.  If the default algorithm for selecting the split logfile name
       isn’t desired, or if some set of names should be combined into a single
       file, then uncomment the user_path_map() function and define your own
       name-selection algorithm.

       The wwwstat program can be used to analyze the resulting logfiles. See
       wwwstat for a description of the common logfile format.

   Perl Regular Expressions
       The Search Options and many of the configuration file settings allow
       for full use of perl regular expressions (with the exception that the
       -a, -A, -n and -N options treat ’+’ and ’.’  characters as normal
       alphabetic characters unless they are preceded by the -noescape
       option).  Most people only need to know the following special

       ^       at start of pattern, means "starts with pattern".
       $       at end of pattern, means "ends with pattern".
       (...)   groups pattern elements as a single element.
       ?       matches preceding element zero or one times.
       *       matches preceding element zero or more times.
       +       matches preceding element one or more times.
       .       matches any single character.
       [...]   denotes a class of characters to match. [^...] negates the
               class.  Inside a class, ’-’ indicates a range of characters.
       (A|B|C) matches if A or B or C matches.

       Depending on your command shell, some special characters may need to be
       escaped on the command line or enclosed in single-quotes to avoid shell


       HOME        Location of user’s home directory, placed on INC path.

       LOGDIR      Used instead of HOME if latter is undefined.

       PERLLIB     A colon-separated list of directories in which to look for
                   the user configuration file.


       Unless a pathname is supplied, the configuration file is obtained from
       the current directory, the user’s home directory (HOME or LOGDIR), the
       standard library path (PERLLIB), and the directory indicated by the
       command pathname (in that order).

       splitlog.rc    User configuration file.

       dnscache.pag   DBM files for persistent DNS cache.


       crontab(1), httpd(1m), perl(1), wwwstat(1)

       More info and the latest version of splitlog can be obtained from


       If you have any suggestions, bug reports, fixes, or enhancements,
       please join the <> mailing list by sending e-
       mail with "subscribe" in the subject of the message to the request
       address <>.  The list is archived at
       the above address.

   More About Perl
       The Perl Language Home Page

       Johan Vromans’ Perl Reference Guide


       Roy Fielding (, University of California, Irvine.
       Please do not send questions or requests to the author, since the
       number of requests has long since overwhelmed his ability to reply, and
       all future support will be through the mailing list (see above).

       This work has been sponsored in part by the Defense Advanced Research
       Projects Agency under Grant Numbers MDA972-91-J-1010 and
       F30602-94-C-0218.  This software does not necessarily reflect the
       position or policy of the U.S. Government and no official endorsement
       should be inferred.

                               03 November 1996                    splitlog(1)