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       pfstmo_pattanaik00 - Time-dependent Visual Adaptation Model


       pfstmo_pattanaik00    [--time-dependence]    [--fps    <val>]    [--mul
       <multiplier>]  [--local]  [--cone  <val>]  [--rod  <val>]   [--verbose]


       This command implements a tone mapping operator as described in:

       Time-Dependent  Visual  Adaptation  for  Realistic Image Display.  S.N.
       Pattanaik, J. Tumblin, H. Yee, and D.P. Greenberg.  In  Proceedings  of
       ACM SIGGRAPH 2000.

       This  operator  requires  properly calibrated image data (in cd/m2) and
       its results should be gamma corrected.

       The local version of this operator is based on the following paper:

       Adaptive Gain Control For  High  Dynamic  Range  Image  Display.   S.N.
       Pattanaik, H. Yee.  In proceedings of SCCG 2002.


       --time-dependence, -t

              Use  time dependent model of adaptation. This should be used for
              tone mapping of an animation. It has  no  influence  on  single-
              frame  input. Switched off by default.  Note: it is important to
              correctly set the speed of the input animation (--fps).

       --fps <val>, -f <val>

              Speed of input animation in frames per second. Used  when  time-
              dependence is switched on (-t). Default value: 16.0

       --mul <multiplier>, -m <multiplier>

              Multiply  input  values  by a multiplier value.  Useful if input
              data is not calibrated. Default value: 1.0

       --local, -l

              Use local version of the tone  mapping.  Time-dependent  effects
              are  cancelled while using local version, global version is used
              by default.

       --cone <val>, -c <val>

              Set the adaptation level for cones. If --rod  parameter  is  not
              used,  this  will  also  set  the  adaptation level for rods. By
              default, the adaptation level is  calculated  as  a  logarithmic
              average of luminance in the input image.

       --rod <val>, -r <val>

              Set  the  adaptation  level for rods. By default, the adaptation
              level is calculated as a logarithmic average of luminance in the
              input image.


              Print additional information during program execution.

       --help  Print list of command line options.


       pfsin  memorial.hdr  |  pfstmo_pattanaik00  -m  650 | pfsgamma -g 2.2 |
       pfsout memorial.png
              Tone  map  image,  apply  gamma  correction,  and save it in png


       pfsgamma(1) pfsin(1) pfsout(1) pfsview(1)


       Please report bugs and comments on implementation to Grzegorz  Krawczyk
