dt - DITrack command line client tool
dt command [options] [args]
dt-createdb repository-url issue-db-dir local-wc
dt-upgrade-0.7-db issue-db-dir
DITrack is a free, open source, lightweight, distributed issue (bug,
defect, ticket) tracking system using a Subversion repository instead
of a backend database. It is written in Python and runs in UNIX
environment (*BSD, Linux, MacOS X).
The project is inspired by the idea of Subissue issue tracking system.
However, while Subissue aims in merely replacing the traditional
database storage with Subversion repository, DITrack is a major
rethought of the issue tracking system paradigm. The main difference is
that instead of sticking to the centralized model (one database, one
web interface, one mail integration machinery), DITrack treats
underlying Subversion storage as a versioned distributed file system
which enables benefits of truly distributed operation mode.
For more information about the DITrack project, visit
Documentation for DITrack and its tools, including detailed usage
explanations of the dt and dt-createdb programs, can be found at
Run ‘dt help’ to access the built-in tool documentation.
Automatic upgrade is possible for databases created by DITrack 0.7. If
you are upgrading from previous version of DITrack, use the upgrage
utility from DITrack 0.7 first.
To upgrade a database run the dt-upgrade-0.7-db script, passing the
database path as the argument, like:
dt-upgrade-0.7-db /home/user/ditrack-database
The upgrade procedure merely modifies the working copy (nothing gets
committed to the repository). So, when done, you should commit the
changes manually.
April 2007 DITRACK(1)