kpasswd - Changes the issuer’s password in the Authentication Database
kpasswd [-x] [-principal <user name>]
[-password <users password>]
[-newpassword <users new password>] [-cell <cell name>]
[-servers <explicit list of servers>+] [-pipe] [-help]
kpasswd [-x] [-pr <user name>] [-pa <users password>]
[-n <users new password>] [-c <cell name>]
[-s <explicit list of servers>+] [-pi] [-h]
The kpasswd command changes the password recorded in an Authentication
Database entry. By default, the command interpreter changes the
password for the AFS user name that matches the issuer’s local identity
(UNIX UID). To specify an alternate user, include the -principal
argument. The user named by the -principal argument does not have to
appear in the local password file (the /etc/passwd file or equivalent).
By default, the command interpreter sends the password change request
to the Authentication Server running on one of the database server
machines listed for the local cell in the
/etc/openafs/server/CellServDB file on the local disk; it chooses the
machine at random. It consults the /etc/openafs/ThisCell file on the
local disk to learn the local cell name. To specify an alternate cell,
include the -cell argument.
Unlike the UNIX passwd command, the kpasswd command does not restrict
passwords to eight characters or less; it accepts passwords of
virtually any length. All AFS commands that require passwords
(including the klog, kpasswd, and AFS-modified login utilities, and the
commands in the kas suite) accept passwords longer than eight
characters, but some other applications and operating system utilities
do not. Selecting an AFS password of eight characters or less enables
the user to maintain matching AFS and UNIX passwords.
The command interpreter makes the following checks:
· If the program kpwvalid exists in the same directory as the kpasswd
command, the command interpreter pass the new password to it for
verification. For details, see kpwvalid(8).
· If the -reuse argument to the kas setfields command has been used
to prohibit reuse of previous passwords, the command interpreter
verifies that the password is not too similar too any of the user’s
previous 20 passwords. It generates the following error message at
the shell:
Password was not changed because it seems like a reused password
To prevent a user from subverting this restriction by changing the
password twenty times in quick succession (manually or by running a
script), use the -minhours argument on the kaserver initialization
command. The following error message appears if a user attempts to
change a password before the minimum time has passed:
Password was not changed because you changed it too
recently; see your systems administrator
-x Appears only for backwards compatibility.
-principal <user name>
Names the Authentication Database entry for which to change the
password. If this argument is omitted, the database entry with the
same name as the issuer’s local identity (UNIX UID) is changed.
-password <users password>
Specifies the current password. Omit this argument to have the
command interpreter prompt for the password, which does not echo
Old password: current_password
-newpassword <users new password>
Specifies the new password, which the kpasswd command interpreter
converts into an encryption key (string of octal numbers) before
sending it to the Authentication Server for storage in the user’s
Authentication Database entry.
Omit this argument to have the command interpreter prompt for the
password, which does not echo visibly:
New password (RETURN to abort): <new_password>
Retype new password: <new_password>
-cell <cell name>
Specifies the cell in which to change the password, by directing
the command to that cell’s Authentication Servers. The issuer can
abbreviate the cell name to the shortest form that distinguishes it
from the other cells listed in the local /etc/openafs/CellServDB
By default, the command is executed in the local cell, as defined
· First, by the value of the environment variable AFSCELL.
· Second, in the /etc/openafs/ThisCell file on the client machine
on which the command is issued.
-servers <explicit list of servers>
Establishes a connection with the Authentication Server running on
each specified machine, rather than with all of the database server
machines listed for the relevant cell in the local copy of the
/etc/openafs/CellServDB file. The kpasswd command interpreter then
sends the password-changing request to one machine chosen at random
from the set.
Suppresses all output to the standard output stream or standard
error stream. The kpasswd command interpreter expects to receive
all necessary arguments, each on a separate line, from the standard
input stream. Do not use this argument, which is provided for use
by application programs rather than human users.
Prints the online help for this command. All other valid options
are ignored.
The following example shows user pat changing her password in the ABC
Corporation cell.
% kpasswd
Changing password for 'pat' in cell ''.
Old password:
New password (RETURN to abort):
Verifying, please re-enter new_password:
kas_setfields(8), kas_setpassword(8), klog(1), kpwvalid(8)
IBM Corporation 2000. <> All Rights Reserved.
This documentation is covered by the IBM Public License Version 1.0.
It was converted from HTML to POD by software written by Chas Williams
and Russ Allbery, based on work by Alf Wachsmann and Elizabeth Cassell.