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       makeztxt  -  Create  zTXT  databases from ASCII files to read them in a


       makeztxt --help
       makeztxt [-hlLnV]  [-A  annofile]  [-a  adjust]  [-b  line_length]  [-m
          [-o  outfile]  [-R  regexfile]  [-r regex] [-t title] [-z comp_type]


       Please note that "input" refers to one and only  one  file  -  makeztxt
       cannot operate on multiple files at once.

       -A, --annofile
              file containing zTXT annotations

       -a, --adjust
              method for linefeed stripping (0, 1, 2, defaults to 0)

              0      strip linefeeds for lines longer than length

              1      strip linefeed if line has any text

              2      no linefeed stripping

       -b, --length
              lines longer than this get linefeed stripped

       -h, --help
              this help

       -l, --list
              list regex generated bookmarks

       -L, --launchable
              set the launchable bit in the output DB

       -m, --markfile
              list of bookmarks to use in zTXT

       -n, --nobackup
              do not set the backup bit in the DB

       -o, --output
              output file to be created

       -R, --regexfile
              file containing list of regex to use

       -r, --regex
              do a regex search for bookmarks

       -t, --title
              title of database

       -V, --version
              makeztxt version

       -z, --compression
              method of compression (1 or 2)

              1      allow random access (default)

              2      one big data stream (10%-15% more compression)


       makeztxt  is a simple commandline program that takes a plain ASCII text
       file and compresses it into a  zTXT  database.   makeztxt  will  remove
       newline  characters  at  the end of lines that contain text so that the
       paragraphs flow better on the Palm screen.  makeztxt supports  the  use
       of  regular  expressions  to automatically generate a list of bookmarks
       for you.  Lastly, makeztxt can also break an existing  zTXT  file  into
       it’s  components  (text,  bookmarks,  annotations)  and store them into
       separate files for you.


       Creates zTXT databases

       Deconstructs zTXT databases into component pieces

       Use regular expression to automatically generate bookmarks

       Includes libztxt, a small  C  library,  so  you  can  easily  add  zTXT
       creation or disection to your program

       Create zTXTs that allow on-demand decompression, or get 10% - 15%  more
       compression with the original style zTXT.

       Read regular expressions from a config file (.makeztxtrc)


       For a full description (with examples) of  the  options  listed  above,
       refer to /usr/share/doc/makeztxt/README.gz


       John Gruenenfelder (
       This  man  page  was  created  for  the  Debian  package by Gunnar Wolf


                                 Jan 22, 2004