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       grid-cert-info - Display information about a certificate


       grid-cert-info [-help] [-usage] [-version] [-versions]

       grid-cert-info [-file CERTIFICATE-FILE] [-rfc2253] [-all]
                      [-subject] | [-s]
                      [-issuer] | [-i]
                      [-issuerhash] | [-ih]
                      [-startdate] | [-sd]
                      [-endate] | [-ed]


       The grid-cert-info program displays information contained within a
       certificate file. By default it shows a text representation of the
       entire certificate. Specific facts about the certificate can be shown
       instead by using command-line options. If any of those options are
       used, then the default display is suppressed. This can be added to the
       output by using the -all command-line option.

       If multiple display options are included on the command-line, the facts
       related to those will be displayed on separate lines in the order that
       they occur. If an option is specified multiple time, that fact will be
       displayed multiple times.

       The full set of command-line options to grid-cert-info are:

       -help, -usage
           Display the command-line options to grid-cert-info and exit.

       -version, -versions
           Display the version number of the grid-cert-info command. The
           second form includes more details.

           Display information about the first certificate contained in the
           file named by CERTIFICATE-FILE instead of the default user

           Display X.509 distinguished names using the string representation
           defined in RFC 2253 instead of the default OpenSSL oneline format.

           Display the text representation of the entire certificate in
           addition to any other facts requested by command-line options. This
           is the default if no fact-specific command-line options are used.

       -subject, -s
           Display the subject name of the X.509 certificate.

       -issuer, -i
           Display the issuer name of the X.509 certificate.

       -issuerhash, -ih
           Display the default hash of the issuer name of the X.509
           certificate. This can be used to locate which CA certificate in the
           trusted certificate directory issued the certifcate being

       -startdate, -sd
           Display a string representation of the date and time when the
           certificate is valid from. This is displayed in the format used by
           the OpenSSL x509 command.

       -enddate, -dd
           Display a string representation of the date and time when the
           certificate is valid until. This is displayed in the format used by
           the OpenSSL x509 command.


       Display the validity times for the default certificate

           % grid-cert-info -sd -ed
           Aug 31 12:33:47 2009 GMT
           Aug 31 12:33:47 2010 GMT

       Display the same information about a different certificate specified on
       the command-line

           % grid-cert-info -sd -ed -f /etc/grid-security/hostcert.pem
           Jan 21 12:24:48 2003 GMT
           Jul 15 11:30:57 2020 GMT

       Display the subject of a certificate in both the default and the RFC
       2253 forms.

           % grid-cert-info -subject
           /DC=org/DC=example/DC=grid/CN=Joe User
           % grid-cert-info -subject -rfc2253
           CN=Joe User,DC=grid,DC=example,DC=org


       The following environment variables affect the execution of

           Path to the default certificate file to inspect.


       University of Chicago