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       ledit - line editor, version 2.01-exp


       ledit [-h file] [-x] [-t] [-l length] [-a | -u] [command options]


       The  command  ledit  allows  to  edit  lines one by one when running an
       interactive command. When typing a line, some keys with control or meta
       are  interpreted:  it is possible to insert characters in the middle of
       the line, go to the beginning or the end of the line,  get  a  previous
       line, search for a line with a pattern, etc.


       The options are:

       -h file
              Save  the  lines typed (history) in file. The default is to have
              them only in memory (so,  they  are  lost  at  the  end  of  the

       -x     Extend  the  history  file  (given in option "-h") if it already
              exists. The default is to truncate the history file.

       -t     Display the sequences generated by the keys (for debugging).

       -v     Print ledit version and exit.

       -l length
              Tells that length is the maximum line length displayed.  If  the
              line  edited  is  longer  than  this  length,  the  line scrolls
              horizontally, while editing. The default value is 70.

       -a     Ascii encoding: characters whose code is greater  than  128  are
              displayed with a backslash followed by their code.

       -u     Unicode  encoding:  the  terminal  must have been set in unicode
              mode. See commands unicode_start and unicode_stop.

       command options
              Runs the command command and its possible options. This must  be
              the last option of ledit. The default value is "cat".


       When  ledit  starts,  some default key bindings are defined. The can be
       completed with a "leditrc" file. See the section LEDITRC.

       In the following lines, the caret sign  "^"  means  "control"  and  the
       sequence  "M-"  means  "meta"  (either  with  the  "meta" prefix, or by
       pressing the "escape" key before). Examples:

       ^a        press the "control" key, then press "a",  then  release  "a",
                 then release "control".

       M-a       press  the "meta" key, then press "a", then release "a", then
                 release "meta", or: press and release the "escape" key,  then
                 press  and  release "a" (the manipulation with "meta" may not
                 work in some systems: in this case, use the manipulation with

       The editing commands are:

             ^a   : beginning of line
             ^e   : end of line
             ^f   : forward char
             ^b   : backward char
             M-f  : forward word
             M-b  : backard word
             ^p   : previous line in history
             ^n   : next line in history
             M-<  : first line in history
             M->  : last line in history
             ^r   : reverse search in history (see below)
             ^d   : delete char (or EOF if the line is empty)
             ^h   : (or backspace) backward delete char
             ^t   : transpose chars
             M-c  : capitalize word
             M-u  : upcase word
             M-l  : downcase word
             M-d  : kill word
             M-^h : (or M-del or M-backspace) backward kill word
             ^q   : insert next char
             M-/  : expand abbreviation
             ^k   : cut until end of line
             ^y   : paste
             ^u   : line discard
             ^l   : redraw current line
             ^g   : abort prefix
             ^c   : interrupt
             ^z   : suspend
             ^\   : quit
             return : send line
             ^x     : send line and show next history line
             other  : insert char

       The arrow keys can be used, providing your keyword returns standard key

             up arrow    : previous line in history
             down arrow  : next line in history
             right arrow : forward char
             left arrow  : backward char

       Other keys:

             home        : beginning of line
             end         : end of line
             delete      : delete char
             page up     : previous line in history
             page down   : next line in history
             shift home  : beginning of history
             shift end   : end of history


       The reverse search in incremental, i.e. ledit backward searchs  in  the
       history  a  line  holding  the  characters  typed. If you type "a", its
       search the first line before  the  current  line  holding  an  "a"  and
       displays  it.  If  you then type a "b", its search a line holding "ab",
       and so on. If you type ^h (or backspace), it returns  to  the  previous
       line  found. To cancel the search, type ^g. To find another line before
       holding the same string, type ^r.  To stop the editing and display  the
       current  line  found,  type  "escape"  (other  commands  of  the normal
       editing, different from ^h, ^g, and ^r stop the editing too).

       Summary of reverse search commands:

             ^g  : abort search
             ^r  : search previous same pattern
             ^h  : (or backspace) search without the last char
             del : search without the last char
             any other command : stop search and show the line found


       If the environment variable LEDITRC is set, it contains the name of the
       leditrc  file. Otherwise it is the file named ".leditrc" in user’s home
       directory. When starting, ledit reads  this  file,  if  it  exists,  to
       modify  or complete the default bindings. If this file is changed while
       reading lines, it is read again to take the new file into account.

       Bindings lines are the ones which start with a string defining the  key
       sequence  and  follow with a colon and a binding. A binding is either a
       string or a command. The other lines are ignored For example,the line:

           "\C-a": beginning-of-line

       binds the sequence "control-a" to the command "beginning-of-line".

       The key sequence may contain the specific meta-sequences:

           \C-   followed by a key: "control" of this key
           \M-   followed by a key: "meta" of this key
           \e    the "escape" key
           \nnn  where nnn is one, two, or three octal digits, or:
           \xnn  where nn is one or two hexadecimal digits:
                   the binary representation of a byte
           \a    bell = \C-g
           \b    backspace = \C-h
           \d    delete = \277
           \f    form feed = \C-l
           \n    newline = \C-j
           \r    carriage return = \C-m
           \t    tabulation = \C-i
           \v    vertical tabulation = \C-k

       The commands are:

         abort: do nothing
         accept-line: send the current line
         backward-char: move the cursor to the previous character
         backward-delete-char: delete the previous character
         backward-kill-word: delete the previous word
         backward-word: move the cursor before the previous word
         beginning-of-history: display the first line of the history
         beginning-of-line: move the cursor at the beginning of the line
         capitalize-word: uppercase the first char and lowercase the rest
         delete-char: delete the character under the cursor
         delete-char-or-end-of-file: same but eof if no character in the line
         downcase-word: lowercase whole word
         end-of-history: display the last line of the history
         end-of-line: move the cursor to the end of the line
         expand-abbrev: try to complete the word by looking at the history
         forward-char: move the cursor after the next word
         forward-word: move the cursor to the next character
         interrupt: interrupt command (send control-C)
         kill-line: delete from the cursor to the end and save in buffer
         kill-word: delete the next word
         next-history: display the next line of the history
         operate-and-get-next: send line and display the next history line
         previous-history: display the previous line of the history
         quit: quit ledit
         quoted-insert: insert the next character as it is
         redraw-current-line: redisplay the current line
         reverse-search-history: backward search in the history
         suspend: suspend ledit (send control-Z)
         transpose-chars: exchange the last two characters
         unix-line-discard: kill current line
         upcase-word: uppercase whole word
         yank: insert kill buffer


       If ledit has been launched in a shell script, the suspend command kills
       it and its command... Use "exec ledit comm" instead of "ledit comm".
       The  suspend  command stops ledit but not the called program. Do not do
       this if the called program is not waiting on standard input.
       In some systems (e.g. alpha), pasting two many characters works bad and
       may block the terminal. Probably a kernel problem. No solution.


       unicode_start(1), unicode_stop(1).


       Daniel de Rauglaudre, at INRIA, france.