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       stellarium - A real-time realistic planetarium


       stellarium [options]


       Stellarium is a free GPL software which renders realistic skies in real
       time with OpenGL. It is available for Linux/Unix, Windows and MacOSX.
       With Stellarium, you really see what you can see with your eyes,
       binoculars or a small telescope.


       --version (or -v)
           Print program name and version and exit.

       --help (or -h)
           Print a brief synopsis of program options and exit.

       --config-file name (or -c name)
           Use an name for the config filename instead of "config.ini".

       --user-dir dir (or -u dir)
           Instead of using the default user data directory ($HOME/.stellarium
           on *nix operating systems), use dir.

       --full-screen yes|no (or -f yes|no)
           With argument yes or no over-rides the full screen setting in the
           config file.  From version 0.10.0 the specified setting will become
           the default for subsequent invocations of Stellarium.

       --screenshot-dir dir
           Set the directory into which screenshots will be saved to dir,
           instead of the default (which is $HOME on *nix operating systems).

       --home-planet planet-name
           Specify observer planet (planet-name is an English name, and should
           refer to an object defined in the ssystem.ini file).

       --altitude alt
           Specify the initial observer altitude, where alt is the altitude in

       --longitude lon
           Specify the initial observer longitude, where lon is the longitude.
           The format is illustrated by this example: +4d16’12" which refers
           to 4 degrees, 16 minutes and 12 arc seconds East.  Westerly
           longitudes should be prefixed with "-".

       --latitude lat
           Specify the initial observer latitude, where lat is the latitude.
           The format is illustrated by this example: +53d58’16.65" which
           refers to 53 degrees, 58 minutes and 16.65 arc seconds North.
           Southerly latitudes should be prefixed with "-".

           Print a list of value landscape IDs and exit.

       --landscape id
           Start using landscape whose ID (dir name), as seen in the output of

       --sky-date date
           Specify sky date in format yyyymmdd.

       --sky-time time
           Specify sky time in format hh:mm:ss.

       --fov fov
           Specify the field of view (fov degrees).

       --projection-type p
           Specify projection type, p.  Permitted values of p are: equalarea,
           stereographic, fisheye, cylinder, mercator, perspective, and


       0   Completed successfully.

           Some sort of error.


       Note: file locations on non-*nix operating systems (include OSX) may
       vary.  Please refer to the the Stellarium User Guide for more details,
       as well as information on how to customise the Stellarium data files.

           This is the User Data Directory, which may be over-ridden using
           command line options.  It contains the user’s settings, extra
           landscapes, scripts, and can also be used to over-ride data files
           which are provided with the default install.

       [install prefix]/share/stellarium/
           This is the Installation Data Directory. [install prefix] is
           defined at compile time and will typically be something like /usr
           or /usr/local.

       [user data directory]/config.ini
           The main configuration file.




       Sources of more information:

           Main website: <>

           Wiki: <>

           Forums: <>


           Support Requests:

           Bug Tracker:

       The Stellarium User Guide
           Visit the downloads page to get a PDF copy of the Stellarium User


       Please report bugs using the bug tracker link in the NOTES section of
       this page.


       Fabien ChA~Xreau, Rob Spearman, Johan Meuris, Matthew Gates, Johannes
       Gajdosik, Nigel Kerr, Andras Mohari.



       on: 2008-08-28, Initial version of this document.