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       wprint - A filter for Mozilla/Netscape to print non-latin1 pages using
       TrueType fonts.


       wprint [OPTION...]


       This program allows Netscape and Mozilla users to print web pages
       written in (at least) UNICODE, Big5 and all ISO-8859- charsets provided
       a suitable TTF font.


       -c conffile
           The filename to the config file. Used if -f is present. The default
           filename is /etc/wprint.conf.

       -i encoding
           The encoding of the original page, KOI8-R or ISO_8859-3 or UTF-8 or
           whatever encoding is supported by iconv (the list is rather
           impressive). The default is UTF-8. NONE means that no conversion
           should be done (passthrough) and UNICODELITTLE is the value to use
           with Mozilla. (Note that some versions of Netscape print BIG5 as

       -l entry
           The entry in the config file. The default entry is ’default’ if you
           use -c and not -l or if you use no parameters or just -p. This
           overrides the other settings: -f, -i and makes the output go to the
           filter or file at the end of the entry

       -f font_list
           You can either write the *filename* of a unicode font such a
           cyberbit or you can type a list in the form:
           font1[=encoding1[;xr;yr;pt]], font2[=encoding2[;xr;yr;pt]], ... If
           you don’t specify the font encoding the unicode map will be used.
           The values xr, yr and pt default to 72, 72 and 14.0.

       -p filename
           The name of the postscript file you want to process and print. If
           you don’t specify it standard input will be used instead.

       -v  Just adds some diagnostic output to stderr.

       -x  By default the font tables are constructed using a 64 character
           map. You can also use a 159 character map that lead to fewer
           subfonts. It is optional because I have not tested it enough.


       You can either use the program directly from the print dialog or use it
       to process a file saved by it.

       At the print dialog

       When you print from Mozilla/Netscape you have to type the print command
       in the print dialog box. That is usually something like ’lpr -P

       Mozilla/Netscape--->’lpr -P myprinter’--->myprinter

       From now on Mozilla/Netscape will send their output to wprint which in
       turn (after processing) is going to send its output to the printer or a
       file using a print command that is specified in the last part of each
       configuration entry.

       Mozilla/Netscape--->wprint -l entry--->’lpr -P myprinter’--->myprinter

       Note that there might be other filters involved between ’lpr’ and the
       printer but that does not concern wprint.

       In order to get wprint to work you just have to type ’wprint’ as your
       printing command for the default entry, for the other you will have to
       type ’wprint -l name_of_entry’. See the same wprint.conf entry
       ’default’ and change the printing command to suit your system. It might
       be a good idea to print like that first.

       Check the provided wprint.conf file, it is documented and will give you
       a good idea on how to set up the font conversions for the program to
       work. All my entries are there, using the font cyberbit.ttf, and I use
       them regularly to print unicode text.

       From the command line

       You can also run wprint from the command line, to process a file saved
       by choosing ’print to a file’ in the Mozilla/Netscape dialog.

       wprint -p -i encoding -f font_list -v -x -c conffile -l

       for example, the test program runs:

       wprint -i UTF-8 -p -f courier-8859_3=ISO_8859-3 >

       wprint -c wprint-test.conf -p

       Both lines achieve the same things, the first one with every option in
       the command line and the second one using a configuration file. If the
       configuration file had been /etc/wprint.conf then just ’wprint -p’ would have been enough.

       The output of the program when there is no configuration file is
       stdout, so you can pipe it to whatever you want.

       I recommend that instead of printing right away to a printer you do it
       to a file first and check the result with, for example, ghostscript to
       see if you have your fonts set up properly. You will help save a bit of
       the world’s forest by running your tests this way :).


       The order of fonts in this case is very important since the fonts
       Netscape uses are going to be replaced in the same order. If you
       specify fewer fonts then the last ones are going to be replaced by the
       last font you listed.

        Netscape fonts      Mozilla fonts
        Times-Roman         Times-Italic
        Times-Bold          Times-BoldItalic
        Times-Italic        Helvetica-Roman
        Times-BoldItalic    Helvetica-Bold
        Courier-Roman       Helvetica-Oblique
        Courier-Bold        Helvetica-BoldOblique
        Courier-Oblique     Courier-Roman
        Courier-BoldOblique Courier-Bold


       For BIG5 pages Netscape generates EUC-TW output, so you should use
       EUC-TW each time you are dealing with BIG5 in the config files.

       Netscape does all the positioning so that if your font does not scale
       well to the size Netscape wants it to use there is very little the
       filter can do at this moment. You can try to use the xy, yr and pt
       parameters to change the resolution and pointsize of the characters to
       be created.

       If you have any suggestions or corrections to the program don’t
       hesitate to write to me to


               Default configuration file.


       To obtain more information about wprint please visit


       This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
       under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
       Free Software Foundation; version 2 dated June, 1991.


       Eduardo Trapani <>