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       texexec - front end to the ConTeXt typesetting system


       texexec [ OPTION ...  ] FILE [ ...  ]


       texexec, a ruby(1) script, is the command-line front end to the ConTeXt
       typesetting system, an extensive macro  package  built  on  the  tex(1)
       family of typesetting programs.  texexec provides several facilties:

       ·      Process  a  ConTeXt  source  file,  performing  as  many runs as
              necessary  of  tex(1),  texutil(1),  and  MetaPost   (mpost(1)).
              Options  control  the output format, the pages to process, paper
              size, and so forth.

       ·      Create new ConTeXt formats, useful during installation.

       ·      Post-process existing  PDF  files,  including  merging  multiple
              files,  and  extracting  and  rearranging  pages  within a file,
              similar to the  facilities  provided  for  PostScript  files  by
              psnup(1) or for PDF files by pdftk(1).

       ·      Extract  or  strip documentation from ConTeXt source files using

       ·      Run  MetaPost  (mpost(1))  to  generate  figures  from  MetaPost

       ·      Produce proof sheets of figures used in a ConTeXt source file.


       All  switches  are specified in full here but can be abbreviated to the
       shortest unique prefix.   Thus, --env works the same as  --environment.
       With no options, texexec assumes that the file on the command line is a
       ConTeXt source file, i.e. a  TeX  file  in  the  ConTeXt  dialect,  and
       produces a PDF file using the source file.

   General Options
              Avoid  calling  other  programs  when  possible.   For  example,
              --alone will prevent texexec from using fmtutil(1)  to  generate
              formats  (this prevention can be handy when tracing installation

              Specify ConTeXt environment file(s), separated by commas, to use
              when  processing  the  source  file.  This option is useful when
              converting from non-ConTeXt file formats without environment  or
              layout settings.

       --help Produce  a  summary  of switches and arguments.  A more detailed
              help is produced by including --all.

              Specify the language ConTeXt should use to communicate with you.
              Options are

              en     US English

              nl     Dutch

              de     German

              uk     British English

              cz     Czech

              it     Italian

       --keep Preserve a few of the temporary files generated while processing
              by appending .keep to their name.  For example, after
                 texexec --keep document.tex
              you  will  find  (besides  document.pdf)  document.log.keep  and
      The file is where texexec wraps
              document.tex with the proper ConTeXt macro commands to  set  the
              output format, etc.

       --once Process a file exactly once.  (By default, texexec processes the
              file as many times as necessary  to  sort  out  all  references,
              typeset MetaPost code, and so forth.)

              Get  rid  of most temporary files generated while processing the
              source file.  For example,
                 texexec --purge somefile.tex
              will generate somefile.pdf, cleaning up after itself and leaving
              only  one  extra  file,  somefile.tuo.     See  also the --purge
              option of ctxtools(1)

              Get rid of all temporary files generated  while  processing  the
              source  file,  including  the  filename.tuo  file.  See also the
              --purge --all option combination of ctxtools(1)

              Set the random seed.

              Allows you to change the  basename  of  the  output  file.   See
              --mode for an example.

              Specify  the  number  of  runs  to perform on a file.  Overrides
              texexec’s calculations.

              Perform color separations.

              Suppress a few diagnostic and progress messages.

              Abort the run if a subprocess waits for more than  NNN  seconds;
              e.g.  while waiting for user input when tex reports an undefined
              control sequence.  Useful for automated testing scripts, to make
              sure the runs finish.

              Use  the  comma-separated  list  of  modules.   For  example, to
              typeset document.tex using the bib and units modules:
                 texexec --usemodules=bib,units document.tex

              Output extra diagnostic information.

              Print the version number.

   Processing ConTeXt Source Files
       Including specifying paper sizes, formats, and so forth.

              Perform page rearrangements, which are used to produce booklets.
              This  option  tells ConTeXt to the first n-1 runs without taking
              account of arrangements, then on the last run to  pay  attention
              to the arrangement commands in the source file.

              Process  the file in batchmode, which means to typeset the whole
              document even if  there  are  errors.   More  imformation  about
              batchmode can be found in Donald E. Knuth’s TeXbook.

              Process  the  file  in  nonstopmode,  which means to typeset the
              document and report errors, but not to stop at any error.  It is
              similar  to  batchmode but more verbose.  More imformation about
              nonstopmode can be found in Donald E. Knuth’s TeXbook.

              The name of a font to preload for use in setting the body of the
              text (OBSOLETE).

              Center the document on the page.

              Turn  on  color  mode.   Color  mode can also be set by commands
              embedded in the document.  These commands override  the  --color

              Convert  the  input  file  to  ConTeXt format from FORMAT before
              processing.  In most cases, this conversion will result in a TeX
              file.  Currently supported input FORMATs are xml and sgml.

       --dvipdfmx, --dvipdfm, --dpx, --dpm
              Use  the  TeX engine (e.g. pdftex or pdfetex) to make a DVI file
              and dvipdfmx(1) to turn it into PDF.

       --dvi, --ps, --dvips
              Use the TeX engine (e.g. pdftex or pdfetex) to make a  DVI  file
              and  dvips(1) to turn it into PostScript.  It’s counterintuitive
              that --dvi produces a PostScript file in  addition  to  the  DVI
              file.  But that’s because --dvi is shorthand for --dvips; adding
              the --nobackend option prevents texexec’s running dvips(1).  See
              also the --engine option.

       --fast Typeset  the  document(s)  as  fast  as possible without causing

              Perform a final run without skipping anything.  This  option  is
              typically used with --fast.

              Set  the  language  for  hyphenation.   Can be specified in your
              source file.  Options are the same as those for --interface.

       --mode=MODELIST, --modes=MODELIST
              Allows you to change the mode used while typesetting the  source
              file.   The  MODELIST is a comma separated list of modes.  Modes
              are a conditional-compilation facility like #ifdef in C.  So one
              source  file  can  be used to produce several typeset documents:
              one for A4 paper, one for screen display in full color, one  for
              letter paper, etc.  For example:

                 texexec --pdf --mode=A4     --result=manual-a manual-t.tex
                 texexec --pdf --mode=letter --result=manual-l manual-t.tex
                 texexec --pdf --mode=screen --result=manual-s manual-t.tex

              Here the --mode  tells ConTeXt which mode directives to use when
              typesetting the source file.  The --result option tells  ConTeXt
              where to put the output file.

              Load this file before most of the usual processing; usually used
              for mode-related material.

              Ignore arrangement commands in the source file.

              Do not run the backend, e.g. dvips(1) or dvipdfmx(1).   See  the
              --dvips  or --dvipdfmx options.  Why would you give one of those
              options to choose a backend, yet tell texexec  not  to  run  the
              backend?   Because  each backend has its own syntax for \special
              calls.  Specifying the backend allows the ConTeXt macros to  use
              the  correct  syntax  so  that when you later run the backend to
              produce PostScript or PDF,  the  specials  will  be  interpreted

              Specify  the  pages  or page range to appear in the output file.
              PAGENUMBERLIST may be the keyword odd or even; or  one  or  more
              pages or page ranges separated by commas.  For example,
                 texexec --pages=1,7,8-11,14 somefile.tex

              For  typesetting multiple pages on a single piece of paper.  KEY
              has the form a4a3 (for printing A4 pages on A3 paper), a5a4 (for
              printing  A5 pages on A4 paper), or in general aMaN.  The actual
              layout of the pages is specified with the --printformat  option.

       --pdf, --pdftex
              Use pdftex(1) to produce a pdf document (the default).

              Specify  the  layout  of  the  final  output.   KEY  can  be up,
              resulting in 2 pages per sheet, double sided; or down, resulting
              in   2   rotated   pages  per  sheet,  double  sided.   Use  the
              --paperformat option to specify  the  original  page  and  sheet

              Turn on UTF-8 encoding.

       --xetex, --xtx
              Use xetex(1) to produce a pdf document.

   Creating ConTeXt Format Files
       --make Generate  a  ConTeXt  format  file.   For example, to make cont-
              en.fmt and have it placed in a default format directory:
                 texexec --make de
              The most common  invocation,  which  is  used  by  scripts  that
              install  a  new version of ConTeXt (see ctxtools(1)), uses --all
              so that texexec makes the usual formats:
                 texexec --make --all

              When searching for TeX or MetaPost formats, look in the  current
              directory  rather  than in the location set by the kpse library.
              See kpathsea(1) for more information on path searching.

              Check and report information  about  the  ConTeXt  version,  the
              distribution,    the    TeX    engine,    and    the    language

   Expert options
       You should know what you’re doing if you use these options!

              Use the TEXMFALPHA environment variable to find and run an alpha
              release of ConTeXt.

       --beta Use  the  TEXMFBETA  environment variable to find and run a beta
              release of ConTeXt.

              Usually one of  standard,  web2c,  or  miktex.   texexec  should
              figure  it out automatically, and you shouldn’t need to use this

              Specify  the  program  to  do  the  hard  work  of  typesetting.
              Currently  either  pdftex  (the  default), xetex, or aleph.  The
              luatex value  is  experimental.   The  --engine  option  is  not
              usually  needed.   Instead,  let  texexec figure out the setting
              based on other command-line information.  See  for  example  the
              --xetex or --pdf switches.

   Postprocess PDF Files
              Specify  the number of pages to show on a single page.  Use with

              For rearranging pages in PDF files.
                 texexec --pdfarrange --paperformat=a5a4 --printformat=up foo.pdf
              This command creates an A5 booklet  from  a  PDF  file  foo.pdf.
              --pdfarrange  is used in conjunction with the following options.

              Copy and perhaps process pages from the pdf file.  The resulting
              file  is  texexec.pdf  by default, but you can change that using
              --result.  Use the --scale option to magnify  or  demagnify  the
              original  pages  and  the  --pages option to select the pages to
              copy.  Here is an example using all these options:
                 texexec --pages=4-7 --pdfcopy --scale=750 --result=one images.pdf
              It takes pages 4-7 from images.pdf,  scales  them  by  75%,  and
              copies them to one.pdf.

              If the integer is less than 10, then it is taken as an (integer)
              magnification factor.  Otherwise, it is taken as a magnification
              factor in TeX terms, i.e. with 1000 meaning full scale.

              Specify  the  space  between  the  edge  of  the  pages  and the
              beginning of the text block.

              Specify the inside (gutter) margins.

              Specify the top and bottom margin.

              Add crop marks.

              Add empty pages after the pages  specified  in  PAGES.   (Useful
              for,  among  other  things,  adding blank pages after a table of

              Set the width of the original text.  Specifying  this  parameter
              with  a  single-sided  original will allow ConTeXt to adjust the
              page  layout  for  double-sided  output,  producing  much   more
              attractive results.

              With  the  --pdfarrange flag, specifying more than one file will
              result in all of the files being combined in the  final  result,
              allowing  you to add title pages, decorated part separators, and
              so forth.

              You can also do  more  complex  manipulations,  such  as  adding
              additional  text  to  the  page  by setting up a small file with
              layout definitions and a simple figure insertion loop.

              Combine multiple pages.  Requires the --combination option.

              Extract  pages  from  a  file.   Use  in  combination  with  the
              --selection switch, as in
                 texexec --pdfselect --paperformat=S6
                 --selection=1,9,14 file-1
              which  extracts  pages  1, 9, and 14 from file-1.pdf, and places
              them in texexec.pdf (the default output filename  if  an  output
              file isn’t specified).

              See --pdfarrange for other options.

              Specify   pages   to   be   affected  by  another  option.   See
              --pdfarrange and --pdfselect for examples.

   XML handling
              Specify XML filters to use.

   Extract or Strip Out Documentation
              Produce a typeset version of the source code in FILE.   You  can
              specify the format of the output file.  For example, use
                 texexec --ps --listing
              to produce a PostScript file called

              See also --backspace, --topspace, and --result.

              Create  documentation  for  ConTeXt,  MetaPost  (see  mpost(1)),
              perl(1), and ruby(1) modules.   Converts  the  documentation  to
              ConTeXt  format  and then typesets a documentated version of the
              source file.

              Documentation lines in ConTeXt source  files  are  specified  by
              beginning lines with these strings:

              %C : Copyright information

              %D : Documentation lines

              %I : TeXEdit information lines (mostly in Dutch)

              %M : Macro code needed to processs the documentation

              %S : Suppressed lines

              The same forms can be used for Perl or ruby scripts, except that
              the % character (the TeX comment character)  is  replaced  by  #
              (the Perl comment character).

              See also the --documentation option to ctxtools(1).

   Process MetaPost Figures
              The  name of a MetaPost format file, e.g. metafun (the default).

              Strips out and typesets TeX code embedded in a MetaPost file.

       --nomp Do not run mpost(1), even if needed.

              Do not run mpost(1) on embedded MetaPost code.

   Producing Proof Sheets of Figures
       Generate information and proof sheets of one or more (non-EPS) graphics
       files.  For example,
          texexec --figures *.png *.jpg
       scans  the  current directory for PNG and JPG files and extracts useful
       information about their sizes and types.  By default, this  information
       is  stored  in  rlxtools.rli.   Then  the given figures are made into a
       proof sheet (by default texexec.pdf) according to the method  specified
       by  the  --method  option. Note that newer versions of pdftex(1) do not
       support TIFF inclusion.

              Specify one of three options to produce the document  containing
              the images used in the source file:

              a  : A proof sheet with additional information provided for each
              figure (the default)

              b : A proof sheet with the graphics only

              c : One figure per page, with the page clipped to  the  bounding
              box of the figure

              See also --paperoffset, which allows you to specify an offset to
              be added to the page, as in
                 texexec --figures --method=c --paperoffset=.5cm *.pdf *.png *.jpg


       Each ConTeXt  user  interface  (language)  has  its  own  format.   The
       following   command  generates  two  formats,  one  using  the  English
       interface for typesetting in English, and one for Dutch:
          texexec --make en nl

       By default,  the  language  used  for  typesetting  matches  the  user-
       interface  language  (set  with --interface.  It is possible to use one
       language for typesetting and  another  for  messages  by  changing  the
       relevant settings in cont-usr.tex.  These languages can also be changed
       on the command line with a command such as

              texexec --make --language=pl,cz,sk en

              That command generates a ConTeXt format  file  with  an  English
              user interface, and the main language set to Polish (pl).  Czech
              and Slovak hyphenation patterns are also loaded  so  that  Czech
              and  Slovak  text  included  in  a  source  file will be typeset
              properly (cz and sk).

       o      When the appropriate formats are present, a file can be  typeset
              by typing
                 texexec test

              texexec  tries  to  determine  what  interface  it should use to
              typeset test.tex by looking for a line such as

                 % interface=en tex=pdftex output=pdftex

              at the top of the file (i.e., on the  very  first  line).   This
              line is equivalent to TeX’s format line, ‘‘&FORMAT’’).

              By  default,  texexec  will  produce a PDF file using pdftex(1).
              The --dvips flag tells texexec  to  produce  a  PostScript  file

              After   an  error-free  run,  texexec  will  run  texutil(1)  to
              determine whether additional runs of tex(1)  (or  pdftex(1))  or
              any   utility   programs  (e.g.,  bibtex(1),  makeindex(1))  are
              necessary.  You can suppress these additional runs by specifying
              the --once or --runs flags:

                 texexec --once test
                 texexec --runs=2 test


       Produce PDF from ConTeXt source (the .tex extension is optional):
              texexec file.tex

       Same as the above but without rerunning for crossreferences, etc.:
              texexec --once file.tex

       Produce PostScript from ConTeXt source:
              texexec --ps file.tex

       Produce file-a4.pdf using conditional compilation (modes):
              texexec --mode=a4 --result=file-a4 file.tex

       Generate   format   (.fmt)   files   used   by   ConTeXt  (used  during
              texexec --make --all


              texexec  requires  ruby.   On  Unix  and  Unix-like  systems, no
              special steps have to be taken to get  texexec  to  work  beyond
              installing ruby and having the ruby(1) binary in your path.


              Some languages require specific character encodings to represent
              their alphabets (beyond the basic ASCII encoding).  Although you
              can  use  TeX  commands  to  represent these characters, such as
              ‘‘\.z’’, it’s easier to use a text editor that  includes  direct
              support  for  these characters and let ConTeXt translate them to
              the necessary TeX commands.  For some languages,  this  approach
              can   also   improve   the   performance  of  TeX’s  hyphenation

              ConTeXt supports several of the most  commonly  used  encodings.
              Check  the  files  beginning with enco-, lang-, and font- in the
              ConTeXt distribution for more information.

              web2c distributions (such as teTeX) support a mechanism  to  map
              document   encodings   to   ConTeXt’s  internal  encoding,  font
              encodings,  and  hyphenation  patterns.   texexec   provides   a
              document  option  and  a command-line flag to pass the necessary
              information to tex(1) or pdftex(1).  You can add lines such as
                 %& --translate-file=cp1250pl


                 % --translate=cp1250pl

              to the beginning of  your  document,  or  you  can  specify  the
              --translate flag on the command line, as
                 texexec --translate=il2pl somefile

              Using  language-specific  encodings  will  make  your  file less
              portable than using ASCII.  It may  then  not  be  possible  for
              other people to typeset your documents on their systems.


       ·      bibtex(1),   dvipdfmx(1),  dvips(1),  fmtutil(1),  makeindex(1),
              mpost(1),  pdftex(1),  pdftk(1),  xetex(1),  ruby(1),  psnup(1),
              tex(1), texshow(1), texutil(1).

       ·      The  texexec  manual  mtexexec.pdf,  available  from  PRAGMA ADE

       ·      Donald E. Knuth’s The TeXbook.

       ·      ConTeXt wiki 〈〉.


       This manpage was written by  Tobias  Burnus  <>  and  C.M.
       Connelly <> and updated by Sanjoy Mahajan <>.
       It  is  based  on  the  mtexexec.pdf  manual  written  by  Hans   Hagen