p10cfgd - remote configuration daemom for Gracilis PackeTen
p10cfgd [IP_PORT]
Copyright (c) 1993 by Colorado Digital Eclectics (CODE)
All rights reserved.
Rmtcfgd is a server program used to send configuration files to a
Gracilis PackeTen. It can be run in background or it can be run by
inetd. If p10cfgd is to be run by inetd, add the following line to
rmtcfg 1236/tcp # Remote Configuration of PackeTen
and add the following to /etc/inetd.conf
# Remote configuration service for PackeTen
rmtcfg stream tcp nowait root /usr/bin/p10cfgd p10cfgd
P10cfgd normally does not require the IP_PORT parameter. It listens for
connections on IP Port 1236 as a default.
The program will send on a line by line basis the file requested by the
client that connects on the IP Port. The only expected input from the
client is the file name. When the file has been sent, the connection
is closed. The requested file must be in the directory /etc/p10cfgd.
Rmtcfgd maintains a log of its activity in the file
/var/log/p10cfgd.log. Program startup and all connections are logged
in the file with GMT time stamps. The file is opened in append mode.
The protocol used by the PackeTen is very simple. The PackeTen opens a
tcp connection to port 1236 on a host system. Once the connection is
made, the PackeTen sends the name of the file it wants to the host.
The host then opens the file and sends it line by line to the PackeTen
until all lines have been sent. The files to be transfered must be
plain text files and each line must have at least one character in
addition to the newline at the end. P10cfgd replaces all blank lines
with lines that contain two spaces. If you wish to send a blank line,
to stop loading of part of a LocalInfo file for example, place an
underscore ’_’ at the begining of the line. The entire contents of the
line will be deleted and a blank line will be sent to the client. At
the end of the file, the server sends a time command ( time MMDDYYHHMM
) with the UTC time on the server. This will either set the time on
the PackeTen or add a time stamp to the LocalInfo file. The server
then closes the connection.
The remote configuration command used on the PackeTen is
rmtcfg <server_host> <filename> [options]
The valid options are
-t <timeout in seconds> default is 60 sec
-p <IP port #> default is 1236
-i the file is for LocalInfo
-h <secondary server> if the primary does not answer
The rmtcfg commands would be placed in to the EEPROM on the PackeTen
so that they would be executed during a reboot. The information stored
in the EEPROM should include enough information to set the PackeTen up
to allow communications with the primary and the secondary server.
This would include commands to set MYCALL and the IP_ADDRESS, to attach
an interface to the channel with the server, routing information and so
forth. A sample EEPROM configuration for a PackeTen, [], that gets its configuration from a
remote system [], over a 9600 baud ax25
path would be:
# first the general setup of the PackeTen
ee hostname gw.wd0fhg
ee sitename empire
ee ipaddr
ee mycall WD0FHG
# Then we attach a 9600 ax25 interface as ax1
ee attach sync302 1 hdx ax25 ax1 8192 256 9600 ext ext nrzi
# and set the default route to send every thing out ax1
ee route add default ax1
ee password sure-thing
# Now we will ask for the remainder of the setup
# from the server []
# Note that we have a secondary server available at
# [] that would be used if winfree is down.
# first the Local Information file
ee com 0 rmtcfg -i -h
# and then the remaining configuration command file
ee com 1 rmtcfg empire.cfg -h
ee save
# end-of-eeprom setup
Rmtcfgd started life as the simple server program in PERL by Larry Wall
and R.L. Schwartz published by ORA,Inc.
No environment variables are used.
/etc/p10cfgd/* - files that can be accessed remotely
/var/log/p10cfgd.log - p10cfgd log file
John Conner, WD0FHG,
hacked on by Bdale Garbee, N3EUA,
Gracilis, Inc. PackeTen Manual and NOS User’s Manual
Complains if it can’t open a file to remote client and to log file.