dh_consoledata - declare console data files
dh_consoledata [debhelper options] [-n]
This program is meant to assist in building a package that provides
data files for the console. It is still in the early stages of
developement, and many features are still missing or partly
implemented. Please look at /usr/share/doc/console-common/TODO for
more details.
For now this program takes a debian/package.keymaps file, installs in
in the package build directory, and creates the debian/package.config
and debian/package.templates files.
It also makes the ${console:depends} variable available for the control
file. This variable should be referenced in the Depends field, as
should ${perl:depends} if you use dh_perl (which you should call
anyway, since your package will include a perl debconf script).
It should ultimately allow to declare fonts and SFM fallbacks.
-n, --noscripts
Do not modify postinst/postrm scripts.
-d Install the debconf templates and config script (and add the
postinst fragment, unless -n is also specified), even if there is
no debian/package.keymaps file. This is normally intended for
internal use, be careful that the name of the option and its
semantics will probably change in the near future, to accomodate
for new needs.
This program is an extention to debhelper.
Yann Dirson <>