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       fluxbox - A lightweight window manager for the X Windowing System


       fluxbox [-rc rcfile] [-log logfile] [-display display] [-screen
       all|scr,scr...] [-verbose] [-sync]

       fluxbox [-v | -version] | [-h | -help] | [-i | -info] |


       fluxbox(1) is a window manager. As such it provides configurable window
       decorations, a root menu to launch applications and a toolbar that
       shows the current workspace name, a set of application names and the
       current time. There is also a workspace menu to add or remove

       Fluxbox can iconify (or minimize) windows to the toolbar One click and
       they reappear. A double-click on the titlebar of the window will shade
       it; i.e. the window will disappear, and only the titlebar will remain

       There are also two areas commonly used by small applets: the 'slit' can
       be used to dock small applications; e.g. most of the "bbtools" and
       "Window Maker dockapps" can use the slit, and the 'systray' which lives
       in the toolbar supports standard system tray icons provided by some

       Fluxbox uses its own graphics class to render its images on the fly. By
       using style files, you can determine in great detail how your desktop
       looks. fluxbox styles are compatible with those of Blackbox 0.65 or
       earlier versions, so users migrating can still use their current
       favourite themes.

       Most of the default keyboard and mouse button actions mentioned in this
       manual can be changed and configured in the 'keys' file. This powerful
       configuration file can also be used to automate almost any action you
       may want to perform, from launching applications to moving windows
       around the screen. See fluxbox-keys(5) for details.

       Fluxbox can also remember certain attributes of individual application
       windows and restore these settings the next time the window opens. See
       the fluxbox-apps(5) for details.

       Fluxbox supports the majority of the Extended Window Manager Hints
       (EWMH) specification, as well as numerous other Window Hinting
       standards. This allows all compliant window managers to provide a
       common interface to standard features used by applications and desktop


       -display display
           Start fluxbox on the specified display. Programs started by fluxbox
           will share the DISPLAY environment variable also.

       -h, -help
           Display command line options.

       -i, -info
           Display useful information concerning the defaults and compiled-in

       -log logfile
           Starting fluxbox with this option will designate a file in which
           you want to log events to.

       -rc rcfile
           Use a different config file other than the default

       -v, -version
           The version of fluxbox installed.

       -screen all|scr,scr...
           Run on specified screens only or all (by default).

           Print more information in process.

           Synchronize with the X server for debugging.

           Lists all available internal commands.


       fluxbox(1) comes with a program called startfluxbox(1) usually located
       wherever you installed fluxbox. This script provides you with many
       options and variables that can be set when starting fluxbox. To
       actually call fluxbox and begin using it, you should place "exec
       startfluxbox" in your ~/.xinitrc as the last executed command. This is
       assuming that the location of fluxbox(1) and startfluxbox(1) are in
       your shell's $PATH. Also note that you may need to create the
       ~/.xinitrc file or your setup may use \~/.xsession instead, depending
       on your X setup. Some X login managers like gdm(1) or kdm(1) may simply
       provide a "Fluxbox" session for you without having to alter any

       By using fluxbox -i you'll see the defaults used by fluxbox(1). These
       are what fluxbox looks for upon startup. In the list of "Defaults:"
       you'll see a menu file location, this is where you can provide a
       system-wide menu file for your users.

       On exit or restart, fluxbox will save user defaults in the file
       \~/.fluxbox/init. Resources in this file can also be edited by hand,
       see the RESOURCES section for more details. fluxbox(1) also has many
       tools to edit these; look through the main menu once fluxbox has
       started to find different ways of managing your session.


       When using fluxbox for the first time, users who are more accustomed to
       full desktop environments such as KDE or Gnome may be a little
       surprised by the minimal screen content. fluxbox is designed to be fast
       and powerful, so it may take a bit of getting used to -- however, the
       rewards are worthwhile.

       In this section, we'll give a quick summary of the common things.
       However, we recommend that you consult the referenced sections of this
       manual to further develop your understanding of what you can do with

   Root Window (Main)
       Looking at the fluxbox desktop immediately after startup you'll
       generally see only one thing: the toolbar. If you right-click (mouse
       button 3) somewhere on the desktop, you can access the Root Menu. A
       middle-click (mouse button 2) on the desktop shows you the Workspace

   Root Menu and Workspace Menu
       From the RootMenu you can launch applications and configure fluxbox.
       The WorkspaceMenu shows all windows and on which workspaces they are.
       See section MENUS on how to customize these menus.

       The toolbar contains any combination of the following tools, by default
       in this order:

       o    Workspace Name: Name of the current visible workspace

       o    Workspace Arrows: Previous/Next Workspace

       o    Iconbar: List of windows managed by fluxbox

       o    Window Arrows: Previous/Next Application Window

       o    System Tray: Area for applets

       o    Clock: Date and Time

       The contents and behavior of the toolbar can be configured, see the
       TOOLBAR section for details.

       Initially you won't be able to see the slit. It is there, but it isn't
       being used yet, which confuses some people initially. Think of it as a
       dock where you can place smaller programs. If you've looked at any
       screenshots on the official fluxbox web site, you will have noticed
       some small programs on the edge of some of the screens. These were more
       than likely docked programs in the slit. To learn more about the slit,
       we have an entire SLIT section below that goes into detail about the
       options you have.

       fluxbox manages the following layers (from highest to lowest):

       o   Above Dock

       o   Dock

       o   Top

       o   Normal

       o   Bottom

       o   Desktop

       Windows on a higher layer will always appear above those on a lower
       one. These layers can be used on application windows, the slit or the
       toolbar. You can assign applications to a certain layer by specifying
       it in the 'apps' file or through the WindowMenu. We discuss the 'apps'
       file in fluxbox-apps(5). We discuss the WindowMenu in the MENUS
       section. We discuss layers in more detail in the LAYERS section.

   Focus Model
       The window that has the focus is the one that receives key and mouse
       events. The focus model is selectable via the Configuration menu
       located in the root menu. We'll discuss the different types of focus
       below in the FOCUS MODEL section.

       A left-click (mouse button 1) on any part of the window's border will
       raise it. Dragging then moves the window to another part of the
       desktop. A right click and drag on the border resizes the window.
       Dragging the resize grips at the left and right bottom corners also
       will resize the window. Middle clicking on a border or titlebar will
       immediately lower the window. Right clicking on the titlebar opens the
       Window menu. The commands unique to this menu are discussed in detail
       in the Window Menu section.

       fluxbox allows windows to be 'grouped' by middle clicking and holding
       on a window's tab and dragging it onto another window. This 'tabbing'
       allows you to put multiple applications in one location on the desktop
       and do several operations (for example, moving or resizing) to all
       windows in the group. By default, tabs are located just above the
       window, but they may be embedded in the titlebar or moved to other
       locations on the outside of the window. Configuration is discussed in
       TAB OPTIONS section.

       You can also set up automatic grouping using the 'apps' file. See GROUP
       SECTIONS in fluxbox-apps(5) for details.

   Key Bindings
       There are a number of key bindings set up by default, which can be
       configured and extended to just about anything you can imagine with the
       keyboard. See fluxbox-keys(5) for details on how to do this.

       The default bindings set up by fluxbox are as follows:

       Mouse clicks on the empty desktop:

       o    Left-click (Button 1): hides all fluxbox menus

       o    Middle-click (Button 2): shows the Workspace Menu

       o    Right-click (Button 3): shows the Root Menu

       o    Scroll wheel (Buttons 4 and 5): jump to the previous/next

       Mouse gestures on a window:

       o    ALT+Drag Left-click anywhere on a window moves the window.

       o    ALT+Drag Right-click anywhere on a window resizes the window.

       o    ALT+Middle-click anywhere on a window lowers the current window.

       Mouse gestures on a window's titlebar:

       o    CTRL+Drag Left-click on a window's titlebar lets you drag to
           attach the window to another's tab group

       o    Double Left-click on a window's titlebar shades the window

       o    Middle-click on a window's titlebar lowers the window

       o    Right-click on a window's titlebar pops up the Window Menu

       Mouse gestures on the toolbar:

       o    Scroll wheel on the toolbar cycles through windows

       Keyboard bindings:

       o    ALT+Tab / ALT+Shift+Tab: Cycle through windows

       o    WIN+Tab / WIN+Shift+Tab: Cycle through tabs

       o    Win+1 -> Win+9: Select the 1st -> 9th tab in the current window

       o    ALT+F1: Run xterm(1) to open a new terminal

       o    ALT+F2: Run fbrun(1) for a small "run program" dialog

       o    ALT+F4: Close the current window

       o    ALT+F5: Kill the current window (like xkill(1))

       o    ALT+F9: Minimize (iconify) the current window

       o    ALT+F10: Maximize the current window

       o    ALT+F11: Full-screen the current window

       o    ALT+Space: Open the Window Menu

       o    CTRL+ALT+Del: Exit fluxbox (log out)

       o    CTRL+ALT+Left / CTRL+ALT+Right: Go to the previous/next workspace

       o    WIN+Left / WIN+Right: Send the current window to the previous/next
           workspace, but remain on this workspace

       o    CTRL+WIN+Left / CTRL+WIN+Right: Take the current window to the
           previous/next workspace, and switch to that workspace

       o    CTRL+F1 -> CTRL+F12: Switch to the 1st -> 12th workspace

       o    WIN+F1 -> WIN+F12: Send the current window to a specific workspace

       o    CTRL+WIN+F1 -> CTRL+WIN+F12: Take the current window to a specific


       fluxbox provides a popup menu facility that is used by a few different
       types of native menus.

       When a menu is open, you can click on items with the mouse to activate
       them. Some special menu items react slightly differently depending on
       the mouse button you use, but normally you will want to use a
       left-click (button 1).

       You can also use the the keyboard arrow key to navigate, or even type
       the first few letters of the item's label to select it, and "enter" to
       activate the item.

       Normally activating a menu item should close the menu. You can also
       right-click the title are of a menu or press "esc" to close it without
       activating an item.

   Root Menu
       The root menu is where you can launch commonly-used applications and
       change different aspects of fluxbox by simply clicking on a menu item.
       By default it is opened by a right-click on the empty area of the

       The contents of this menu can be configured, see fluxbox-menu(5) for

       The default menu, which is created by the "fluxbox-generate_menu"
       command, contains menus for installed applications, as well as a
       special "Fluxbox menu" item with the items detailed below:

           The next level under this menu is where you can set certain
           resources and really begin to customize the look and feel of your
           desktop. See the Configure Menu section below for more details.

       System Styles
           This is where the standard styles are listed. You can select one of
           these by clicking on it, and it will be applied immediately. System
           styles are located in /usr/share/fluxbox/styles/ upon a default
           install. Remember that you can confirm this with fluxbox -i.

           User Styles
               This is where your custom styles are listed. It will list any
               styles from \~/.fluxbox/styles/, which may be styles you grab
               from the Internet, or your own custom styles, provided you
               follow the standards described in fluxbox-style(5).

           Workspace List
               This is the same as the Workspace Menu detailed below.

               Listed here are different tools that you can use. You can
               rename your workspace, run programs from a command line or
               regenerate your menu.

           Window Managers
               Allows you to switch your window manager. (Only listed if you
               have other window managers/desktop environments installed.)

           Lock Screen
               Locks the screen, if a suitable locking program has been

           Fluxbox Command
               A little Commandline will popup where you can enter a fluxbox
               command. These commands are the same as those detailed in

           Reload config
               Use this to reload the fluxbox configuration files. You must do
               this after editing the 'keys' file, 'init' file, or the current

               Restart the whole darn thing. This starts a completely new
               fluxbox process, rereads files and redraws all graphical
               elements. Running applications will remain open, however, and
               restored to the same workspaces they were previously in once
               fluxbox returns.

               Exits fluxbox, which in turn either shuts down the X Window
               server or returns you to the graphical login screen.

   Configuration Menu
       This menu offers the opportunity to set up fluxbox. It contains many
       options which can be altered manually in the 'init' file, but this is
       an easier and faster way to change the most common settings.

       All changes take effect immediately.

       Focus Model
           Lets you configure the window focus model. For details, see FOCUS
           MODEL, below.

       Maximize Options
           Lets you configure what happens when you maximize a window. The
           four options are:

           Full Maximization:
               Normally, a maximized window will not overlap the toolbar,
               slit, or any docked windows (like panels). Enabling this option
               allows maximized windows to be as large as the actual screen

           Ignore Resize Increment:
               Normally, terminal windows specify a "resize increment" which
               mean fluxbox will only resize the window to an even multiple of
               the character size. Enabling this option will ignore this
               specification when maximizing.

           Disable Moving / Disable Resizing:
               Normally, maximized windows can still be moved and resized.
               Enabling these options prevents these behaviour.

       Tab Options
           Lets you configure the properties of tabs. Detailed in TAB OPTIONS,

           This menu can also be found by right-clicking the slit (if
           visible). Find more information about this menu's options in the
           Slit Menu section, below.

           This menu can also be found by right-clicking any non-icon part of
           the toolbar. Find more information about this menu's options in the
           Toolbar Menu section, below.

           This sets the default transparency for a focused windows, unfocused
           window and the menu. Use the left mouse button to decrease and the
           right mouse button to increase the value. 0 is invisible, 255 is
           not transparent at all.

           The transparency of individual application windows can be
           overridden in the 'apps' file (fluxbox-apps(5)).

           The Force Pseudo Transparency option will force fluxbox to ignore
           the xcomposite extension and use pseudo-transparency instead of
           true transparency. Note: When pseudo-transparency is on, the
           transparency values here only affect titlebars, not window

       Opaque Window Moving
           If enabled, you will see the window content while dragging it.
           Otherwise only an outline of the window will be shown.

       Workspace Warping
           If enabled, you can drag windows from one workspace to another. The
           previous workspace is to the left, the next workspace is to the

   Window Menu
       The Window menu is displayed when you right click on the titlebar of a

       To customize this menu, see the WINDOW MENU section of fluxbox-menu(5).

       By default, this menu contains:

           Shade the window (display the titlebar only).

           (Un)Stick window. A 'stuck' window will always be displayed on all

       Send To...
           Send window to another workspace. When you select the workspace
           with a middle click, fluxbox will send you along with the
           application to the selected workspace.

           (Un)Maximize window. Depending on your toolbar and slit
           configuration, maximize may cover them. You can use the different
           mouse buttons for different aspects of maximize function.

           o   Button 1 (Un)Maximize as normal.

           o   Button 2 (Un)Maximize window vertically.

           o   Button 3 (Un)Maximize window horizontally.

           Iconify (or minimize) a window. The 'icon' can be found in the
           Icons submenu of the workspace menu as well as in the toolbar (if a
           Toolbar mode showing Icons is selected).

           Raise the window above all others in the same layer.

           Lower the window below all others in the same layer.

           Change the layer of this window. See LAYERS for more details.

           Change this window's transparency, overriding the defaults from the
           Configuration Menu.

           Specify which window settings should be stored in the 'apps' file
           and resumed the next time this window is opened.

           Specifically the setting you may store are:

               Open this in the same workspace as where the window currently

           Jump to workspace:
               When Workspace is selected, fluxbox will jump to the
               appropriate workspace when this window is opened there. If not
               selected, the window will open in the background.

               For xinerama users only, start this window on the current head
               (or screen).

               Record the current window height and width.

               Record the current X and Y coordinates of the window.

               Record whether the window is on all desktops, or not.

               Record the current set of decorations (title bar, grips, tabs,
               etc) on the window.

               Record whether the window is shaded (or rolled-up) or not.

               Record whether the window is iconified (or minimized) or not.

               Record whether the window is maximized or not.

               Record whether the window is in fullscreen mode or not.

               Record the current Transparency settings.

               Record the current layer.

           Save on close:
               If selected, any of the above items which are also selected
               will be updated with the window's current values as it is

           These are is covered in more detail in fluxbox-apps(5).

           Close the application softly.

           Kill the window's parent process, like xkill(1).

   Workspace Menu
       The workspace menu can be found, by default, by middle-clicking on the
       background. This menu contains entries to explore the currently defined
       workspaces, windows, and add/remove/rename workspaces.

           This menu shows any iconified (or, minimized) windows. Clicking on
           a window in this menu will raise it on the current workspace.

           The next section provides one submenu per workspace.
           Middle-clicking on a workspace name will take you to that
           workspace. The submenu contains a list of all open windows on that
           workspace. Clicking on a window name will take you to that window
           and raise it, changing the active workspace if necessary.

       New Workspace
           This entry adds a new workspace to the end of the list of current

       Edit current workspace name
           Pops up a dialog to enter a new name for the current workspace.

       Remove Last
           Remove the last workspace in the list. Any windows curretly open
           there will be sent to the next-to-last workspace.


       The toolbar is a small area to display information like a clock,
       workspace name, a system tray or a taskbar (iconbar) that can contain
       the running programs. The color, look, font etc. is defined in the

       The tools in the toolbar can be enabled/disabled in the 'init' file
       with the resource. See the RESOURCES
       section for details on how to alter this value.

       The possible tools are:

           This will show an area to display a clock and the date according to
           the format specification listed in "man strtftime"

           This is the area that contains all windows (all running
           applications, all minimized windows or maybe no window, all
           depending on the Toolbar Settings).

           The Systemtray can hold applications that are made to use it.

           This displays the name of the current workspace.

           This displays an arrow that allows to switch to the workspace left
           of the current one.

           This displays an arrow that allows to switch to the workspace right
           of the current one.

           This displays an arrow that switches focus to the previous visible
           window on the current workspace.

           This displays an arrow that switches focus to the next visible
           window on the current workspace.

       Other aspects of the toolbar can be configured in two ways: through the
       toolbar menu, which is accessible in the Configuration part of the
       RootMenu or with a right click on the edge the toolbar, or by editing
       the init file (see the RESOURCES section for more information about

   Toolbar Menu
       This menu can be opened by right-clicking on the toolbar (though not on
       a window's name in the iconbar), or from the Configuration Menu.

       All changes take effect immediately. Here are the settings:

           Sets the toolbar either to visible or invisible.

       Auto hide
           If this is enabled the toolbar will disappear after a defined time
           when the mouse pointer leaves the toolbar. It will slide in when
           the cursor hits the remaining edge of the toolbar. See the
           session.autoRaiseDelay resource for the delay time.

       Toolbar width percentage
           Sets the width of the toolbar in a percentage of your total screen
           size. Use the left mouse button to decrease and the right
           mouse-button to increase the value. The value can be from 1-100.

       Maximize Over
           Enabling this option will allow windows to maximize over the
           toolbar. With this switched on they will only expand to the edge of
           the bar. This option may be overridden by the "Full Maximization"
           from the Configuration Menu. If that option is enabled, this option
           will have no effect..

           This sets the layer on which the toolbar is set. With this you can
           set the toolbar to "Always on top".

           Sets the toolbar to any edge of the screen, either centered or
           aligned with a corner.

           This sets the alpha value for the toolbar. Use the left mouse
           button to decrease and the right mouse button to increase the
           value. 0 is invisible, 255 is not transparent at all.

       Iconbar Mode
           Specifies various modes of the iconbar's operation.

           The first section outlines what types of windows will be shown in
           the iconbar:

               Will not show any windows

               Shows windows from all workspaces that are iconified (or,

               Shows windows from all workspaces that are not iconified

               Shows windows from the current workspace that are iconified

               Shows windows from the current workspace that are not iconified

               Shows all windows (iconified or not) from the current workspace

           All Windows:
               Shows all windows (iconified or not) from all workspaces

           The next section specifies the alignment of the window names shown
           in the iconbar. The with is specified via the
           session.screen0.iconbar.iconWidth resource:

               All icons will be left-aligned with the width set in the 'init'

               All icons will be sized evenly to fill the iconbar completely

               All icons will be right-aligned with the width set in the
               'init' file

           The last option in this submenu is:

           Show Pictures:
               If enabled the iconbar will show the application's icon (if
               provided by the application)

           Lets you switch between the 00:00am - 11:59pm and 00:00 - 23:59

       Edit Clock Format
           clicking this entry will pop up a dialog window in which the clock
           format can be set according to man strftime (or man date).


       The Focus Model defines how windows gain focus (i.e. become the active
       window, which receives keyboard and mouse events). The focus model can
       be changed in the configuration menu (usually located under fluxbox
       menu in the Root Menu.

       There are two main aspects of the focus model: how windows gain focus
       and how tabs gain focus. Each of these has two options: focus follows
       mouse and click to focus. Focus follows mouse means that windows will
       gain focus when the mouse hovers over them. Click to focus means that
       windows will gain focus when the mouse clicks on them.

       Thus, there are four main options when choosing a focus model. You
       should choose one of the first two and one of the last two. They are:

       Click To Focus
           Click to focus windows.

       Mouse Focus
           Window focus follows mouse.

           Click to focus tabs.

           Tab focus follows mouse.

       There are three more settings in the "Focus Model" menu:

       Focus New Windows
           If enabled, a new window will grab X focus as soon as it is opened.

           Auto Raise
               If enabled, focusing on a new window will automatically raise
               that window above all others within its layer. When disabled,
               you must explicitly raise a focused window using the window
               menu, keybinding, or Click Raises.

           Click Raises
               If enabled, clicking anywhere on a window will raise it above
               all others within its layer.


       This section of fluxbox configuration menu lets you configure many
       features of tabs. Inside of it there are three main options:

           You can choose where the external tabs will be positioned relative
           to the window. For these options to work, Tabs in Titlebar must be

       Tabs in Titlebar
           When this option is on, tabs are fixed in window titlebar and the
           width varies according to the amount of windows grouped.

       Maximize Over
           When this option is on, maximizing a window will disregard the size
           and location of external tabs, which means they may be pushed out
           of the screen entirely.

       External Tab Width
           This specifies in pixels the width of external tabs.


       fluxbox enables you to use specialized files that contain X(1)
       resources to specify colors, textures, pixmaps and fonts, and thus the
       overall look of your window borders, menus and the toolbar.

       The default installation of fluxbox provides some of these style files.
       See fluxbox-style(5) to accommodate the growing number of style

   Style Overlay
       In addition to the style file, the overlay file, whose location is
       specified by session.screen0.styleOverlay (default:
       \~/.fluxbox/overlay) can be used to set style resources that override
       all styles. For more information about which parts of fluxbox can be
       controlled by the overlay file, see fluxbox-style(5).


       The slit is a special fluxbox window frame that can contain dockable
       applications, such as "bbtools" or "window maker dockapps".

       When applications are run in the slit they have no window borders of
       their own; instead they are framed in the slit, and they are always
       visible in the current workspace.

       Most dockable applications use the -w option to run in the slit. For
       example, you could put in your \~/.fluxbox/startup:

           bbmail -w &
           bbpager -w &
           wmdrawer &
           exec fluxbox

       To use the slit you must have it compiled into fluxbox. This is the
       default setting.

   Slit Menu
       This menu can be opened by right-clicking on the slit (though not on an
       application running within the slit), or from the Configuration Menu.

       All changes take effect immediately. Here are the settings:

           This lets you set the position of the slit.

           See LAYERS for details on the layer order.

       Auto hide
           If this is enabled the slit will disappear after a defined time
           when the mouse pointer leaves the slit. It will slide in when the
           cursor hits the remaining edge of the slit. See the
           session.autoRaiseDelay resource for the delay time.

       Maximize Over
           Enabling this option will allow windows to maximizing over the
           slit. With this switched off they will only expand to the edge of
           the slit. This option may be overridden by the "Full Maximization"
           from the Configuration Menu. If that option is enabled, this option
           will have no effect..

           This sets the alpha value for the slit. Use the left mouse button
           to decrease and the right mouse button to increase the value. 0 is
           invisible, 255 is not transparent at all.

           This submenu lets you reorder the the applications running in the
           slit. You are able to hide apps from the slit by unselecting them
           in the list showing. This will not kill the app. You can make them
           re-appear by selecting them in the list. The "Save SlitList" option
           saves the new order to you slitlist located in
           \~/.fluxbox/slitlist. See the next section for details.

   Slitlist File
       fluxbox's slitlist file is available for those that use dockapps in the
       slit. This file helps fluxbox keep track of the order of the dockapps
       when in the slit. The file is generally located at

       A simple procedure for getting the slit sequences the way you like it
       is: 1. Run fluxbox with no pre-loaded dockapps 2. Run dockapps
       individually in the order you want them 3. Add dockapps to your
       startfluxbox(1) script

       This sequence will be saved by default to \~/.fluxbox/slitlist and will
       be remembered for future instances of fluxbox.

       Users are free to manually edit the slitlist file. It is a simple list
       of window names, as given by xprop(1), one per dockapp. Similar to the
       init file it should not be edited while fluxbox is running. Otherwise
       changes may get overwritten.

       The user also has the option of choosing a different path for the
       slitlist file, by setting the session.session0.slitlistFile resource.


       Layers affect the way that windows will overlap each other on the
       screen. Windows on a higher layer will always appear above those on a
       lower one, whether they are focused or not. By default, fluxbox uses 13
       layers, starting from 1 (highest). The total number of layers can be
       changed by using the session.numLayers resource.

       There are two ways to assign a window to a different layer. When the
       window is open, you may select the layer in the 'Layer ...' submenu of
       the window menu. The menu gives six choices for the layer, which
       fluxbox manages by name. The names are (from highest to lowest layer):

       o   2 - Above Dock

       o   4 - Dock

       o   6 - Top

       o   8 - Normal

       o   10 - Bottom

       o   12 - Desktop

       The other way to set the layer for a window is through the 'apps' file.
       This method is described in fluxbox-apps(5).


       Usually the \~/.fluxbox/init resource file is created and maintained by
       fluxbox itself. You can use the Configure Menu, mentioned above, to set
       most of these options. However, we'll cover all of the resource options
       that are available to the user. If you edit this file while fluxbox is
       running, you must "reconfigure" to reload the resource options.

       When running fluxbox in a multiple-screen environment the screen0 key
       can also be screen1, screen2, to customize the behavior of fluxbox on
       each desktop accordingly. Here are the resources that are currently

       session.screen0.window.{focus|unfocus}.alpha: integer
           These resources are available to the user to set different levels
           of transparency for different components of fluxbox. Each one
           accepts a value between 0-255, 255 being opaque and 0 being
           completely transparent.

           Default: 255

       session.screen0.{slit|toolbar}.autoHide: boolean
           The autoHide resources allow the user to set the behavior of the
           toolbar and slit. This behavior can be that they disappear when
           they are not being used actively by the user, or they remain
           visible at all times.

           Default: False

       session.screen0.{slit|toolbar}.layer: layer
           With these two resources, you can set the layer you want the
           toolbar and the slit to appear on. Please read the LAYER section
           for more information.

           Default: Dock

       session.screen0.{slit|toolbar}.placement: placement
           These allow users to place the slit and toolbar where they like.

           Possible options are:

               BottomLeft BottomCenter BottomRight LeftBottom LeftCenter
               LeftTop RightBottom RightCenter RightTop TopLeft TopCenter

           Slit default: TopRight

           Toolbar default: BottomCenter

       session.screen0.{slit|toolbar|tabs}.maxOver: boolean
           Setting these to True will allow application windows to maximize
           over the complete screen. Setting to False allows the slit,
           toolbar, and external tabs to hold their territory and will always
           be visible when an application is maximized.

           Default: False

       session.screen0.toolbar.height: integer
           Set the height of the toolbar. If the value is set to 0, the style
           file will gain control over the toolbar height. It is possible to
           set a fixed height by changing this value to something greater than

           Default: 0

       session.screen0.toolbar.visible: boolean
           The user can set whether they want to have a toolbar on screen at
           all. Setting to False removes the toolbar from the screen.

           Default: True

       session.screen0.toolbar.widthPercent: integer
           This resource sets the width percentage of the toolbar on the

           Default: 100 tools
           This resource specifies the tools plugged into the toolbar. Read
           the TOOLBAR section in this manual for a description of each of
           these. They may be specified in any order, delimited by the ,
           character. They will appear in the order given.

           Possible tools:

               clock iconbar nextwindow prevwindow nextworkspace prevworkspace
               systemtray workspacename


               workspacename, prevworkspace, nextworkspace, iconbar,
               prevwindow, nextwindow, systemtray, clock

       session.screen0.{slit|toolbar}.onhead: integer
           For those that use xinerama, users can set this value to the number
           of the head where they would like to see the slit and toolbar,
           starting from 1. Setting this to 0 will ignore xinerama

           Default: 0 for slit, 1 for toolbar

       session.screen0.iconbar.mode: pattern
           This determines which windows will be displayed in the iconbar. Any
           window pattern is acceptable. See the section CLIENT PATTERNS in
           either fluxbox-keys(5) or fluxbox-apps(5) for details.

           Default: {static groups} (workspace)

       session.screen0.iconbar.usePixmap: boolean
           This is also set in the Iconbar Mode menu. When set to True, this
           will show the native icon of applications.

           Default: True

       session.screen0.iconbar.iconTextPadding: integer
           This specifies the space between the window title and the edge of
           the button.

           Default: 10

       session.screen0.iconbar.alignment: position
           This value should be changed in the Iconbar Mode menu.

           Available options:

               o    Left: Fixed width, aligned left

               o    Relative: Width varies to fill the iconbar

               o    Right: Fixed width, aligned right

           Default: Relative

       session.screen0.iconbar.iconWidth: integer
           Used to specify the iconbar button width for Left/Right alignment.

           Default: 128

       session.screen0.strftimeFormat: date
           This adjusts the way the current time is displayed in the toolbar.
           The strftime(3) format is used.

           Default: %I:%M %p

       session.screen0.tabs.intitlebar: boolean
           This specifies whether tabs should be embedded in the titlebar or
           placed outside the window.

           Default: True placement
           This specifies where external tabs will appear on the window. It
           has the same possible values as

           Default: TopLeft integer
           This specifies the width of external tabs in pixels.

           Default: 64

       session.screen0.focusModel: ClickToFocus|MouseFocus|StrictMouseFocus
           This controls how windows gain focus via the mouse. With
           'ClickToFocus', the user must click on the window. With
           'MouseFocus', windows gain focus whenever the mouse moves over
           them, but only when the mouse is moving. With 'StrictMouseFocus',
           windows gain focus whenever the mouse enters any exposed area, even
           if this is due to layer changes, window movement, changing
           desktops, closing windows, etc.

           Default: ClickToFocus

       session.screen0.autoRaise: boolean
           When True, this setting automatically raises any window that gains

           Default: True

       session.autoRaiseDelay: integer
           Adjusts the delay (in milli-sec) before focused windows will raise
           when using the Autoraise option.

           Default: 250

       session.screen0.clickRaises: boolean
           This setting allows a user to click anywhere on a window to bring
           it on top of other windows. Otherwise, only the titlebar will work.

           Default: True

       session.screen0.workspacewarping: boolean
           This setting enables a user to change workspaces by dragging a
           window across the edge of the screen.

           Default: True

       session.screen0.showwindowposition: boolean
           Setting this resource to True shows the user, in a little window,
           the exact position of the application window while the user is
           dragging it. Allows a precise placement of windows on a screen.

           Default: True

       session.screen0.defaultDeco: string
           This specifies the default window decorations, according to the
           same options available to the [Deco] option in the 'apps' file,
           described in fluxbox-apps(5).

           Default: NORMAL

       session.screen0.menuDelay: integer
           This sets the delay in milliseconds for submenus to open when you
           hover over them or to close when you hover over another item.

           Default: 200

       session.screen0.focusNewWindows: boolean
           This sets whether or not new windows will become focused

           Default: True

       session.screen0.workspaceNames: names
           Here is where the user can name their workspaces, in a
           comma-delimited list. However it is recommended to use the tool
           available in the Workspace Menu to set these.

           Default: one, two, three, four

       session.screen0.edgeSnapThreshold: integer
           When moving a window across your screen, fluxbox is able to have it
           'snap' to the edges of the screen and other windows for easy
           placement. This variable tells fluxbox the distance (in pixels) at
           which the window will jump to the edge.

           Default: 10

       session.screen0.windowPlacement: strategy
           This resource specifies where to place new windows when not
           otherwise specified (by the program or the 'apps' file, for

           Available strategies:

               o   RowSmartPlacement: tries to place windows in rows without

               o   ColSmartPlacement: tries to place windows in columns
                   without overlapping

               o   CascadePlacement: places windows below the titlebar of the
                   previous one

               o   UnderMousePlacement: places new windows underneath the

           Default: RowSmartPlacement

       session.screen0.rowPlacementDirection: LeftToRight|RightToLeft
           These settings control the direction in which windows are tiled
           using the RowSmartPlacement and ColSmartPlacement strategies
           described above.

           Default: LeftToRight

       session.screen0.colPlacementDirection: TopToBottom|BottomToTop
           These settings control the direction in which windows are tiled
           using the RowSmartPlacement and ColSmartPlacement strategies
           described above.

           Default: TopToBottom

       session.screen0.fullMaximization: boolean
           If this setting is enabled, windows will maximize over the toolbar,
           slit, and any other window that creates a strut, no matter what
           their individual settings are.

           Default: False

       session.screen0.opaqueMove: boolean
           When moving a window, setting this to True will draw the window
           contents as it moves (this is nasty on slow systems). If False, it
           will only draw an outline of the window border.

           Default: True

       session.screen0.workspaces: integer
           Set this to the number of workspaces the users wants.

           Default: 4

       session.cacheLife: minutes
           This tells fluxbox how long unused pixmaps may stay in the X
           server's memory.

           Default: 5

       session.cacheMax: KbSize
           This tells fluxbox how much memory it may use to store cached
           pixmaps on the X server. If your machine runs short of memory, you
           may lower this value.

           Default: 200

       session.colorsPerChannel: integer
           This tells fluxbox how many colors to take from the X server on
           pseudo-color displays. A channel would be red, green, or blue.
           fluxbox will allocate this variable ^ 3 and make them always
           available. Value must be between 2-6. When you run fluxbox on an
           8bpp display, you must set this resource to 4.

           Default: 4

       session.doubleClickInterval: integer
           Adjust the delay in milliseconds between mouse clicks for fluxbox
           to consider a double click.

           Default: 250

       session.forcePseudoTransparency: boolean
           If you have Xorg's composite extension enabled, this setting will
           force the menu, windows, toolbar, and slit to use
           pseudo-transparency instead of true transparency.

           Default: False

       session.ignoreBorder: boolean
           This configures the ability to move windows by dragging the border.

           Default: False

       session.tabPadding: integer
           This specifies the spacing between tabs.

           Default: 0

       session.tabsAttachArea: Window|Titlebar
           With this set to 'Window', windows may be grouped by dragging one
           tab with the middle mouse button and dropping it anywhere on
           another window. With 'Titlebar', the user must drop the tab on the
           target window's titlebar.

           Default: Window

       session.titlebar.{left|right}: buttons
           The buttons or icons to place in the titlebar of decorated windows.
           You may specify any number, space-delimited.

           The available options are:

               Close Maximize MenuIcon Minimize Shade Stick

           Default left: Stick MenuIcon

           Default right: Shade Minimize Maximize Close

       All of the location resources following require a pathname to their
       specific files. This is where you can specify different files. Most of
       the defaults will be located in the user's \~/.fluxbox directory.

       session.appsFile: location
           Location of persistent application settings, or the 'apps' file.
           See the Remember...  item in the Window Menu section above or
           fluxbox-apps(5) for details.

       session.groupFile: location
           Deprecated, auto-grouping is now done in the 'apps' file, see
           fluxbox-apps(5) for details.

       session.keyFile: location
           Location of the keyboard mapping settings, or the 'keys' file. See
           fluxbox-keys(5) for details.

       session.menuFile: location
           Location of the Root Menu file. See fluxbox-menu(5) for details.

       session.slitlistFile: location
           Location of the file used to remember slit client ordering. See
           SLIT above for details.

       session.styleFile: location
           Location of the currently selected style. See fluxbox-style(5) for

       session.styleOverlay: location
           Location of the style overlay file. See fluxbox-style(5) for

           session.screen0.windowMenu: location
               This optionally specifies the location of a user-defined window
               menu. If left blank, it will use \~/.fluxbox/windowmenu.

               Default: blank


           fluxbox uses $HOME to find the .fluxbox/init file and to resolve
           style file and -directory names.

           When no other display was given on the command line, fluxbox will
           start on the display specified by this variable.

       fluxbox can also take advantage of other environment variables if they
       are set before fluxbox is started. For example, if $TERM is set, then
       it will be available whenever fluxbox uses the shell, such as the
       'keys' file ExecCommand or the root menu's [exec] tag. See
       fluxbox-keys(5) and fluxbox-menu(5) for details.

       The 'keys' file also provides two commands that can alter the current
       environment of fluxbox: SetEnv and Export. Any changes made by these
       commands will also affect the environment as seen by fluxbox and all
       child processes started after that point. See fluxbox-keys(5) for

       For more information about environment variables in general, see your
       shell's manual.


       fluxbox responds to the following signals:

       o   SIGHUP fluxbox loads the configuration.

       o   SIGUSR1 Forces reloading of configuration.

       o   SIGUSR2 Forces reloading of menu file.


       fluxbox is written and maintained by Henrik Kinnunen <fluxgen at
       fluxbox org>, Simon Bowden <rathnor at fluxbox org>, Mathias Gumz
       <akira at fluxbox org>, and Mark Tiefenbruck <mark at fluxbox org>,
       with contributions and patches merged from many individuals around the

       Blackbox was written and maintained by Brad Hughes <blackbox at alug
       org> and Jeff Raven <jraven at psu edu>.

       This manpage is the combined work of:

       o   Jim Ramsay < at jimramsay com> (>fluxbox-1.0.0)

       o   Curt Micol <asenchi at asenchi com> (>fluxbox-0.9.11)

       o   Tobias Klausmann <klausman at users sourceforge net>

       o   Grubert <grubert at users sourceforge net> (fluxbox)

       o   Matthew Hawkins <matt at mh dropbear id au> (blackbox)

       o   Wilbert Berendsen <wbsoft at xs4all nl> (blackbox)

       o   Numerous other languages could be available if someone jumps in.


       The Official fluxbox website:

       The Official fluxbox wiki:

       Many compatible themes:


       If you find any bugs, please visit the #fluxbox irc channel on or submit them to the bug tracker at . Or you may subscribe to one of the
       mailinglists. More information can be found on the official website.


       fluxbox-apps(5) fluxbox-keys(5) fluxbox-style(5) fluxbox-menu(5)
       fluxbox-remote(1) fbsetroot(1) fbsetbg(1) fbrun(1) startfluxbox(1)