rasm - Radare patch assembler
rasm [-elvV] [-f file] [-d bytes] [-s offset] [-a arch] [opcode]
Instruction assembler for multiple architectures for easily and fast
writing patch opcodes
You can get the list of the supported opcodes with the '-l' flag.
-v Enable debug output
-f file Compile assembly output from file
-d bytes Disasemble bytes
-e Use big endian
-s offset Setup an offset to change the base address for the relative
-a arch Set a different architecture (x86, ppc, arm, java)
-h Show usage help message.
call [addr]
call to address
jmp [addr] perform a relative or absolute jump
jz [addr] conditional jump (jump if result is zero)
jnz [addr] conditional jump (jump if result is not zero)
trap Trap instruction (breakpoint)
nop Nop instruction
push [arg] Push a number or register into the stack
pop [arg] Pop a value from stack and store it in register arg
int [num] Call the kernel using an interrupt or syscall
ret return from subroutine
ret0 return 0 from subroutine
hang perform an infinite loop (hang on)
mov [dst], [src]
moves an inmediate to a register
radiff(1), hasher(1), radare(1), radarerc(5), rabin(1), rfile(1), xc(1),
rsc(1), rasc(1), xrefs(1)
pancake <>