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       ffmpeg2theora  -  command-line  converter  to create Ogg Theora and Ogg
       Vorbis files.


       ffmpeg2theora [options] inputfile


       This manual page documents briefly the ffmpeg2theora command.

       ffmpeg2theora is a program that converts any media file that ffmpeg can
       decode to Ogg Theora for video and Ogg Vorbis for audio.


       To read from standard input, specify ‘-’ as the input filename.

       These  programs  follow  the  usual  GNU command line syntax, with long
       options starting with two  dashes  (‘-’).   A  summary  of  options  is
       included below.

   General output options:
       -o, --output
              Specify   the   output  filename.   If  no  output  filename  is
              specified, output will be written to inputfile.ogv.   To  output
              to standard output, specify /dev/stdout as the output file.

              Disables Ogg Skeleton metadata output.

       -s, --starttime
              Start encoding at this time (in seconds).

       -e, --endtime
              End encoding at this time (in seconds).

       -p, --v2v-preset
              Encode  file  with v2v preset.  Right now, there is preview, pro
              and videobin.  Run “ffmpeg2theora -p info” for more information.

   Video output options:
       -v, --videoquality
              [0 to 10] Set encoding quality for video (default: 5).
                        use higher values for better quality

       -V, --videobitrate
              [1 to 16778] Set encoding bitrate for video (in kb/s).

              Optimize  output  Theora  video,  using a full search for motion
              vectors instead of a hierarchical one.  This  can  reduce  video
              bitrate  about 5%, but it is slower and therefore is disabled by

              [0 2] encoding is faster with higher values the cost is  quality
              and bandwidth

       -x, --width
              Scale to given width (in pixels).

       -y, --height
              Scale to given height (in pixels).

              Define frame aspect ratio (e.g. 4:3, 16:9).

       -F, --framerate
              output framerate e.g 25:2 or 16

       --croptop, --cropbottom, --cropleft, --cropright
              Crop input by given pixels before resizing.

       -S, --sharpness
              [0  to  2] Sharpness of images (default: 2).  Note: lower values
              make the video sharper.

       -K, --keyint
              [8 to 65536] Set keyframe interval (default: 64).

   Video transfer options:
       --pp   Video Postprocessing, denoise, deblock,  deinterlacer  use  --pp
              help for a list of available filters.

       -C, --contrast
              [0.1  to  10.0]  contrast correction (default: 1.0). Note: lower
              values make the video darker.

       -B, --brightness
              [-1.0 to 1.0] brightness correction (default: 0.0). Note:  lower
              values make the video darker.

       -G, --gamma
              [0.1  to  10.0]  gamma  correction  (default:  1.0). Note: lower
              values make the video darker.

       -P, --saturation
              [0.1 to 10.0] saturation correction (default: 1.0). Note:  lower
              values make the video grey.

   Audio output options:
       -a, --audioquality
              [-2 to 10] Set encoding quality for audio (default: 1).
                         use higher values for better quality

       -A, --audiobitrate
              [32 to 500] Set encoding bitrate for audio (in kb/s).

       -c, --channels
              Set number of output channels.

       -H, --samplerate
              Set output samplerate (in Hz).

   Input options:
              Disable audio from input.

              Disable video from input.

              Force deinterlace.  Otherwise only material marked as interlaced
              will be deinterlaced.

              you can use ffmpeg’s vhook system, example:
               ffmpeg2theora --vhook ’/path/ -f wm.gif’ input.dv

       -f, --format
              Specify input format.

              Override input fps.

       --audiostream id
              By default the last audio stream is selected, use this to select
              another audio stream.

       --sync Use A/V sync from input container. Since this does not work with
              all input format you have to  manualy  enable  it  if  you  have
              issues with A/V sync.

   Subtitles options:
              Encode  subtitles  from  the  given  file  to a multiplexed Kate
              stream.  The input file  should  be  in  SubRip  (.srt)  format,
              encoded in UTF-8, unless the --subtitles-encoding option is also

       --subtitles-encoding encoding
              Assumes the corresponding subtitles file is encoded in the given
              encoding  (UTF-8 and iso-8859-1 (aka latin1) are supported). The
              default is UTF-8.

       --subtitles-language language
              Sets the language of the corresponding  subtitles  stream.  This
              will  be  set in the corresponding Kate stream so a video player
              may make this available to  the  user  for  language  selection.
              Language is an ISO 639-1 or RFC 3066 ASCII string and is limited
              to 15 characters.

       --subtitles-category category
              Sets the category of the corresponding  subtitles  stream.  This
              will  be  set in the corresponding Kate stream so a video player
              may make this available to the user for selection.  The  default
              category  is "subtitles". Suggested other categories may include
              "transcript", "commentary", "lyrics", etc. Category is an  ASCII
              string and is limited to 15 characters

              When  reading  an  UTF-8  subtitles text file, any invalid UTF-8
              sequence will be ignored. This may be useful if there are  stray
              sequences  in  an  otherwise  UTF-8 file. Note that, since those
              invalid sequences will be removed from the output,  this  option
              is not a substitute to converting a non UTF-8 file to UTF-8.

   Metadata options:
              Name of artist (director).


       --date Date.


              Name of organization (studio).



              Contact link.

   Other options:
       --nice n
              Set niceness to n.

       -h, --help
              Output a help message.


       Encode Videos:
         ffmpeg2theora videoclip.avi (will write output to videoclip.ogv)

         cat something.dv | ffmpeg2theora -f dv -o output.ogv -

       Encode a series of images:
         ffmpeg2theora frame%06d.png -o output.ogv

       Live streaming from V4L Device:
         ffmpeg2theora  /dev/video0 -f video4linux --inputfps 15 -x 160 -y 128
                        -o - | oggfwd iccast2server 8000 password /theora.ogv

       Live encoding from a DV camcorder (needs a fast machine):
         dvgrab - | ffmpeg2theora -f dv -x 352 -y 288 -o output.ogv -0

       Live encoding and streaming to icecast server:
         dvgrab --format raw - \
           | ffmpeg2theora -f dv -x 160 -y 128 -o /dev/stdout - \
           | oggfwd iccast2server 8000 password /theora.ogv


       ffmpeg2theora was written by jan gerber <>.

       This manual page was written by Hubert Chan <>, for the
       Debian project (but may be used by others).

                                August 31, 2008