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       cvs2html - render a CVS commit log in HTML


       cvs2html  [-a[-b][-k]]  [-n  numdif]  [-l/-L home] [-e] [-f] [-d MMM DD
       [YYYY]] [-D DD] [-i image]] [-h] [-v] [-w framewidth]  [-s  percentage]
       [-N  maxchrono]  [-rrev1:rev2]  [-c|-C  cfilename] -O | -o htmlname [-p
       cvspath] [-v verbosity]


       The cvs2html script fetches the commit log for a CVS module and renders
       it in HTML.

       -a     Generate  additional  fields  and  files  containing differences
              between versions in an xdiff-like side by side manner.

       -b     Use spaces as breakpoints to wrap the text, if -a is  specified.
              This  is  used  to stop the two columns from exceeding the total

       -c | -C filename
              Save a chronologically sorted list of all log  entries  in  html
              format in filename. Use -C to reverse-sort the file.

       -d MMM DD [YYYY]
              Omit  all  log messages prior to the given date. The first three
              letters of the month should be used (eg  Jun  5).  The  year  is

       -D DD  Omit all log messages older than DD days.

       -e     Print log messages in courier (non-proportional) font.

       -f     Generate individual log files for each file when using -o.

       -h     Show help

       -i image
              Make image the background image.

       -k     Ignore changes in lines caused by CVS-keyword substitutions when
              -a is specified.

       -l home
              Make links relative to home.

       -L home
              Make links relative to home, but substitute file extensions with

       -n numdiff
              Output  only  the latest numdiff diffs in the log. Older commits
              will only have the log data displayed.

       -N maxchrono
              Show only the latest maxchrono file changes in the chronological
              list of changes.

       -o output
              If  output  is  a  directory, all html files produced are stored
              there, using the name of the repository as  the  base  filename.
              Otherwise,  output is used as the base name. Generate frames for
              easier browsing.

       -O output
              If output is a directory, all html  files  produced  are  stored
              there,  using  the  name of the repository as the base filename.
              Otherwise, output is used as the base name.

       -P cvspath
              Set the cvs path to cvspath.

              Show only the log messages between rev1, and  rev2.  If  a  file
              isn’t  tagged,  then  the  whole  revision  story of the file is

       -s percentage
              Make the width of the left frame, percentage of the window.

       -v     Insert CVSROOT information in the index.

       -V verbosity
              Set the verbosity. The higher verbosity is, the more  output  is
              printed out.

       -w framewidth
              Make the width of the left frame, framewidth pixels.


       cvs2html     -l    -f    -p    \\    -o
       cvs2html/index.html -v -a -b -n 6 -C chrono.html

       Will create a directory called cvs2html directory. This directory  will
       contain  a  log data file, for every file in the repository. The last 6
       commits to every file will have a diff available.  All  links  will  be
       relative  to  It will also create a file
       with all the log data in it, in chronological order.


       The cvs2html script was written by  Peter  Toft  and  others  (see  the
       comments  in  /usr/bin/cvs2html  for  an exhaustive list).  This manual
       page was written by Antti-Juhani Kaijanaho for Debian GNU, and modified
       by Pascal Hakim.


       The file /usr/share/doc/cvs2html/help.txt.

       The source code to cvs2html, in /usr/bin/cvs2html.
